Little Alexander

By moc.liamhsuh@rohtuayag

Published on Sep 19, 2004


Cleitus "The Round" was up before dawn. He walked out into the surf to wake up and get clean, then strolled along the shore to the gymnasium.

The boys were already there, shivering in the cold. A burly hoplite was oiling Leo's legs.

"Hi Cleitus! Is Xeon with you?"

"No, he's sleeping. Is your friend Lysimachus here?"

"Machers? Yes. Over there. Why do you want to see him?"

Leo gasped, the hoplite was wanking him and he hadn't remembered his grandmother. He shut up and stared into space. The faint swelling abated and with them the hopes of the hoplite were dashed.

"Hello, Lysimachus, my name is Cleitus. I am in the Phalanx."

Machers' eyes widened as he looked at the massive man in front of him,

almost as broad as he was tall.

"I am known for my javelin. I will be in the main games and I will probably win. I understand you are in the boys' javelin."

"Er, yes, yes sir."

"Well, if you want to win I am prepared to train you. But I will not train you here. I will train you on the battlefield of Issus where javelins were thrown in anger and many men died. If you wish to take up this offer I will be in the camp of the Phalanx this afternoon. Ask for Cleitus 'The Round'. Goodbye to you."

He turned on his heel, leaving Machers and the small boys around him open mouthed.

Chapter 14

"Excuse me sir... Do you know where I can find Cleitus the Round?"

Machers picked his way through the camp of the Vanguard being careful not to knock into their spears or piles of armour.

"Are you Lysimachus? I am Polymedes, friend to Cleitus. This way boy."

Polymedes wiped his nose and scowled at Machers.

"Here you go, Cleitus, your lamb to the slaughter...."

Cleitus smiled a broad grin. "Welcome son! Glad you came."

"Hello Xeon."

"Hi, Lysimachus! You made a good choice. None better in the army to teach javelin."

Surrounded by men, Machers looked like a fragile boy. He shuffled his feet awkwardly.

"No time to waste. Can you carry these javelins for me boy? That's it. Across your arms like that. Good. Now these are real javelins boy - killed many men with these, not like those training javelins you are used to."

Machers looked at the sharp points of the weapons in his arms and gulped.

"Where's the oil... Ah there it is. Alright, off we go."

The massive figure of Cleitus moved through the camp, followed by the boy clutching the bundle in his arms and trying not to trip. They went out onto the plain and walked north almost to the gully Machers remembered from his time on the hill.

"This will do. This was where we were lined up against the Persians.

To do any damage you had to be able to throw beyond that far river bank,

do you see it?"

"Yes sir."

"OK boy, strip."

Machers put the weapons carefully on the ground, turned his back to Cleitus,

undid his belt and slipped the chiton off over his head. He didn't really want to turn round.

"Let's have a look at you."

Machers turned his hands hiding his cock and balls.

"Stand properly boy."

Machers let his hands fall to the side, looking sideways at the sea.

Cleitus walked up to him and put his huge rough hand on the boy's soft shoulder.

"From elbow, through here to your chest, this is where the power has to come from. You are well built, boy, you look strong."

"Thank you sir."

Cleitus pulled his own chiton off.

Machers had nowhere else to look.

Cleitus had an enormous barrel chest, covered in thick black chest hair.

His neck was short and fat. His stomach was as round as his chest and tapered dramatically at the hips. His legs were short and powerful, with massive thighs. His cock hung between his legs like a horse's hose.

It came almost half way down his thigh.

"Let's get oiled. You can do me first. Start with my back."

Machers stood in the middle of the battlefield of Issus naked, and took the oil bottle.

His hands were still trembling as he began to oil the man's massive, hairy shoulder blades.

Whether it was just the softness of the boy's young hands, or the lightness of his touch, Cleitus was astonished by his reaction to the boy. The boy's hand slid lower, around his waist, smoothing the oil over his tired body. He shifted his stance apart and the boy's fingers slid over his buttocks and even into his crack as he had been shown back at training camp. The boy was kneeling now, circling his thighs, oiling every inch.

It was years since Cleitus had been touched with such sensitivity. The brutal years seemed to be melting away.

He turned to face the kneeling boy, his monstrous erection at the boys eye level.

After a moment's pause the boy's oily fingers slid along the shaft. He pulled the boy to his feet.

"Boy.... I...."

Cleitus looked into the boy's blushing face. In his eyes he saw something - fear perhaps, yes fear but also longing. Cleitus had once had a son,

but he had died of fluid in his lungs at the age of nine. The look in this boy's eyes was like the look of a son for his father.

The boy's shaking hands were on his chest, oiling him still, small fingers running through his chest hair. Across his nipples. The boy was looking right into his eyes, blushing furiously as his hands worked down the man's round stomach, around his ribs, then lower.


The teenager's slippery fingers were once more on his monstrous cock,

not oiling but pulling back on his foreskin, curling round his swollen knob.

He reached down and with shock bumped his fingers into the teenager's stiff erection. His thick fingers brushed through the tiny bush of pubic hairs above the boy's cock. He cupped the boy's silk soft balls in his fingers.

For an age man and boy stood toe to toe in the gentlest caressing masturbation.

When he could stand it no more he pushed the boy away, took the bottle and oiled the boy from head to toe, lingering over every detail of the adolescent body. The neck, the tiny fresh brown nipples, the soft stomach and softest thighs.

Macher's squirmed under the man's huge rough hands. None of the little boys he had ever wanked or been wanked by had given him this feeling of complete, powerless, nakedness. The man could have ripped him apart with his bare hands; instead he was caressing him, oiling him, stimulating his throbbing cock.

At last Cleitus pulled the boy down onto the sandy ground, kneeling with him, fondling the boys' twitching cock.

"Go on your hands and knees, my son."

The boy obeyed and Cleitus moved round behind him. He oiled a massive index finger and parted the boy's butt cheeks. He pushed. The boy had clearly never been fucked. He pushed harder.

Machers gasped. The finger slid in, opening him wide. His hands, knees and feet were in the rough sand, his fingers splayed, trying to keep a firm grip.

Cleitus knew the entry would hurt the boy. He oiled the thick meat well with both hands, then grabbed the boy by the hips. He uttered a prayer under his breath to Eros, and kissed the boy's neck.

Machers fainted as the spear entered him. His young body fell loose,

his face hitting the sand. Cleitus drove in deeper until he was buried inside the unconscious boy. Then he waited, smoothing the boy's back with his hands, whispering encouragement.

Machers came round, the man deep inside him, his sphincter stretched painfully wide. As he lifted his face from the sand and lifted up on his hands his own cock was swollen to bursting point.

Cleitus began to fuck him. Every withdrawal released the pressure on his prostate, every thrust sent him closer to orgasm. No little boy could ever give him this.

The skin was coming off his hands and knees but he was oblivious to the pain, except for the pain and pleasure of the monster inside him.

It was not over quickly. Cleitus knew how to prolong the pleasure. When he had to stop, he would wank the helpless boy to keep him at the edge, then resume the long deep thrusts.

Suddenly Cleitus wrapped his arms under the boy's chest and hauled him to his feet. Leaning backwards the boy was impaled upon him, feet off the ground. Standing upright like this Cleitus the round sprayed cum inside the young boy, who in turn shot cum that looped and fell into the dust of Issus.

They collapsed on the sand, panting, sweating, covered in oil and dust.

There was nothing but the sound of their gasping for breath.

"Are we going back to the camp now sir?" panted Machers.

"Don't be ridiculous boy, training hasn't even begun."

Chapter 15 Camp Duty

The training for the games was intense, and in addition the boys had all sorts of chores around the camp.

The twins were assigned to the armourers who had set up their workshops close to the trees by the river. Steaming mounds of earth where wood was smoldering into charcoal gave the area a hellish appearance. With a steady supply of charcoal for the furnaces, soon the sound of the anvils rang out across the valley. Alpha and Omega had the job of returning weapons to their owners after sharpening. The first few weeks were hard as they lost their way wandering from tent to tent, much to the amusement of the soldiers who payed them with slaps to their behinds and catcalls as they passed.

Kalix had asked the officers to assign Draxus to water duty in order to strengthen his arms. Water duty was considered to the one of the worst possible assignments, but Drax bore it without complaint. From time to time Kalix himself would be seen helping Drax with the heavy buckets, or sitting with him in conversation.

Because of his extra javelin training, it was a while before Machers was given an assignment.

"What have they got you doing, Machers?"

"Supervising the goat-herds."

Leo was astonished.

"You lucky prick!"

"Yup. I'd say it was hard labour."

"Like throwing a log on a raging fire I'd say. Those boys can only be six or seven years old."

Machers grabbed his crotch. "Yup, and they need looking after."

Leo's assignment was as messenger to the commander of the archers. He had hoped there would have been a lot of messages that would take him through the camp of the Vanguard so he could say hello to Xeon as he passed, but there were precious few. Most of the time he sat and waited with a group of other boys. They would leap up every time an officer left the tent, hoping for something to do.

The group of friends were rarely together, except at night, when all the new recruits returned to their camp to cook and sleep.

Sitting around the fire it was Alpha that asked the question that was on the mind of all the new recruits.

"Where do you think we will be sent after the games?"

Machers said: "Well I bet Leo gets to be either a scout or a runner.

Where do you two want to be posted?"

Omega answered for them: "Hoplites."

"What about you Drax?"

"I already know where I 'm going."


The boys sat up, excited. "Are they giving out assignments already?"

"Kalix has asked me to join the Sacred Band." he said quietly.

Leo laughed. "You are kidding, right?"

"No, it's serious."

"So you and Kalix...?"


"Unbelievable! So you and him right... I mean you do it?"

"No we don't."

The fire crackled and spat out an ember that fizzed and died on the sand.

There was a long silence.

"Me too." said Machers.

"What!?" Now it was Omega's turn to be shocked.

"Sacred Band."

Omega protested: "Who the hell with?" but as he asked the question he suddenly knew the answer. "No way! But you... you... like boys.... I mean just this morning that little boy in your bed?" Omega was blinking back tears and had to look down.

"I know I do, but this is different Omega. This is about who we fight with. He offered to teach me. If I am in the sacred band with him he'll protect me and he is one tough fucker you got to admit."

"Same with Kalix." offered Drax.

"What about us though?" said Alpha, distraught. "If we all joined the hoplites we could protect each other. My brother loves you Machers."

Omega shot Alpha an accusing look through his watery eyes.

Now it was Machers turn to look into the fire, a lump in his throat.

Again a long silence fell between the boys.

Leo walked over and sat beside Omega, putting his arm around the shoulder of the sobbing boy. "I've got an idea."

Omega looked up. "You two, come over here." Machers and Drax joined them in a tight circle.

"We should all stay together, we all want to, which means we should all join the Sacred Band. Machers and Drax are already in, which means all we have to do is to find men for you two and me."

"Well we all know who you want, but what about Alpha and me?"

"Well, Xeon has other friends."

"It won't work," said Alpha, "That thin one is a scout and the other one's a creep. Anyway, that Xeon comes to watch us train, but he never asks to oil you or anything. Perhaps he doesn't like boys."

"He's about the only guy who hasn't oiled you." snorted Omega.

"Well, have you got a better idea?"


"Well then, I will try to get Xeon and we will all try to find the twins men to take them."

"I have an idea about that." said Machers, smiling.

Please, please write to me to let me know what you think. If this was made into a movie, (yeah right), who should play the roles?

Next: Chapter 6: Little Alexander 16 18

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