Little Doe

By christina holloway

Published on Aug 3, 2023


~ 4 ~

Faith entered her suite and found herself in a spacious and pleasantly furnished lounge. The porter carried her luggage through to the bedroom and when he had reappeared and given her a brief explanation of the hotels facilities and layout she tipped him and he departed, shutting the door behind him. Leaning back against the cool woodwork Faith closed her eyes. "At last ... Alone at last!" she breathed with a deep sigh. For a moment she remained motionless, savouring the silence in the room, then seeing a small courtesy bar she pushed away from the door and draping her jacket over a chair and kicking off her shoes as she went, she crossed over and gratefully removed a can of diet cola from the small fridge. Snapping the can open she gulped down several mouthfuls then, taking the can with her, walked over to the big French windows.

The sky was dull and heavy with the rain that had now begun to fall and her view was soon obscured by the large droplets that began to drum noisily on the glass panes. Through the blur she could just make out bare flower beds and a lawn that gently sloped down to the banks of a slow meandering River Thames. On the other side tall leafless trees swayed erratically as they fought against the driving wind and rain. She stared out on the scene but without really focusing as her mind was busy, busy analysing the encounter with Anne Wilde. Surprised at the intensity and even more the suddenness of her sexual attraction to her, she again mentally cautioned herself to take care. It would be disastrous to allow even a suspicion of my attraction to be perceived by anyone let alone Anne she thought, but as she pictured her in her mind she knew her attraction was far more than just a passing fancy and was one that would not easily be ignored. A rather dramatic encounter she mused with a contented sigh. "But" she murmured quietly "what ever the outcome my little one, I definitely look forward to seeing you again ..." and turning from the windows she drained the can, tossed it into a waste bin and walked through to the bedroom.

After unpacking her cases she quickly undressed and went through to the bathroom where after turning on the shower. She paused briefly to let the temperature adjust then stepped into the tub. For some time she stood appreciatively soaking under the hot spray and as she did so, thoughts of Anne quickly returned ... Those smiling blue eyes and that friendly smile she mused. The casual gentle guiding touch of your hand on my waist ... and your scent ... the way you tossed you hair back when you were embarrassed. She then recalled the electrifying moment when, as Anne nearly tripped, her breast had brushed her arm and a shiver of pleasure slid through her ... God but she really is a cute little thing.

She began soaping herself, and as her hands glided over her smooth firm figure, ruefully she admitted that by intent or accident, Anne had aroused her sexually far more than she earlier realised. Perhaps, she thought as nonchalantly her hand drifted over her pubic mound, lathering the small triangle of her blonde pubic hair, perhaps it's just that I haven't had any sex for a while, it's been a very long time ... She began to work up a smooth lather within the soft blond hair and then gently, she slipped her fingers down, down between her thighs and she began to stroke the full softness between them. She sat on the top end of the tub and leaning back against the cool tiled wall she sighed and lifted her leg, placing on the side of the bath. Delicately, but knowingly, she caressed deeper. She closed her eyes as the pleasurable sensations began to well up deep inside and her fingers moved with long penetrating caressing strokes. Circling and probing, she stroked faster, then her momentum increased more until her hand became a blur and then quite abruptly, with a small cry she climaxed. A long low groan of satisfaction escaped her clenched teeth as her body shuddered. Her leg dropped and her thighs firmly locked together, imprisoning the buried fingers. Gradually, her breathing slowed and finally she moved away from the tiled wall to stand back under the spray.

Reaching up she turned the shower regulator to cold and for a minute she let the icy water stream over her body. When she finally stepped out of the bath her skin was goosed with the coldness and she grabbed a towel and as she walked back to the bedroom she began briskly drying herself. Sitting down on the bed she towel dried her hair, then dropping the towel, she set her alarm to give herself two hours rest and pulling back the sheets slipped between them. The long wearisome hours of travel had drained her and though refreshed from the shower and subsequent sexual relief it was only moments after closing her eyes, that she had drifted into a deep and peaceful sleep.

Two hours later, almost to the minute, she awoke and reaching for the alarm before it had a chance to ring she switched it off. Sweeping the bedclothes back, she swung her feet to the floor and stood up. She stretched, did a couple of loosening up exercises, then walked over to the wardrobe. As she went to open the doors she caught sight her naked reflection in the full length mirrors and she paused. Posing provocatively in front them she reached up and cupping her breasts in her palms she weighed them gently. Not bad for a thirty six year old she reflected, a little on the full side perhaps but, well ... not too big ... They're in proportion to my height and build and they're still firm ...

Her hands dropped to run smoothly down across her tummy and down over the blond haze of hair then on to slide over her hips and thighs. Turning, she eyed her buttocks in the mirror and grinned as she recalled how Melissa her tailor had recently told her that "everything was just an inch too much all the way down", adding that her figure was reaching the "cuddly" stage. She had immediately retaliated, reminding Melissa that weight-wise 195 lb. was quite acceptable considering her height and build and she swore that there wasn't an ounce of unwanted fat on her body. "I work out regularly" she had protested, adding that few women, or men for that matter, could compete with her in a Gym. She knew her body tone was generally excellent and that she was in fact, very fit. Her grin widened as she recalled how playfully she had then grabbed Melissa, wrestled her to the floor. After tickling her until she squealed her agreement, they had made love on the floor of the fitting room.

Ceasing her critical appraisal she opened the doors and taking out a short gold coloured 'Kimono style' wrap slipped it on and on went through to the lounge. Retrieving another can of coke from the refrigerator she picked up the brown parcel Anne had given her earlier and she walked over to "Sam". Pulling up a chair and sitting down she switched the processor on and removing the neatly typed sheets from their package began to carefully read each page. There were six speeches, one was in English and the five others were in French, German, Italian, Spanish and Russian respectively. Another coke and an hour later she had finished. After conscientiously scrutinising each sheet she had fed them into the scan section of the processor and after minor corrections to the translations, printed them. As the last sheet slid out of the printer she pushed her chair back and stood up. Stretching she glanced at the clock on the wall. 'Hmmm Six-thirty' she mused aloud, 'time I got dressed.'

Pouring a generous measure of vodka into a tumbler she added ice and coke and returned to the bedroom. She opened the wardrobe again and stood mulling over her options as to what to wear. 'Informal' Anne had said. She smiled thoughtfully. Ahhh yes, my little Miss Anne Wilde ... now you young lady might just become a problem at this conference ... I'm going to have to be very careful with you ... you're just far far too cute for your own good, and mine! She selected a pair of tailored black wool trousers and a beige V-neck cashmere pullover from the cupboard and as she recalled her friend Sylvie's favourite expression when she saw someone she fancied she grinned ... I would love to do real obscene things with her, really physical and obscene things ... she sighed softly to herself. 'Well, my dear dearest Sylvie' she murmured quietly. 'I know just exactly what you mean'.

After quickly dressing she went through to the lounge, picked up her drink, and with a feeling of contentment comfortably settled down on the couch and put her feet up. Casually as she sipped the drink she surveyed the room and inevitably her eyes came to rest on the closed communicating door to Anne Wilde's room. I think perhaps I might just try to enjoy myself tonight she thought to her self. ... the time has come to put the trauma of the last few months to rest and start living again ... and you my cuddly little friend, you I think are just the one who can help me ...

Becoming consciously aware of her "musings" she was genuinely surprised by them. Being the chaser rather than the chased is not my scene at all she thought. I know with my height, physique and strength I'm expected to be dominant but for those very reasons I'm inclined to be the opposite ... and in the field of courtship? ... well I almost go to the other extreme of being shyly submissive ... and I guess that's why I get walked over and taken advantage of so often she thought ruefully recalling Sally's philandering and final 'desertion'. She took another sip of her drink and thought more of her attraction to Anne. Perhaps, perhaps now I should do what I want to do, not what I think I should do or what others expect me to do. Surprised again at her line of thought she grinned and shook her head to bring back reason. God what on earth am I thinking of. I'm here on business and there is no way I can risk a liaison with a stranger here in the hotel, let alone the conference co-ordinator! And, much more importantly, there's no way anyone in this hotel is to discover that I'm a lesbian ... No way Hozay! She rested her head back in to the cushions then smiled again. No, but I can start to enjoy myself again. I'll flirt a little bit with her, just to see, to search out and maybe lay the foundations for another time and another place. I'll be sensible though ... sensible but friendly, very friendly ... She sighed then looked up at the clock on the wall. Seven ten. Anne said she would call me at seven thirty ... now, should I wait or should I call her ... I don't want to seem to keen and frighten her off ... but after a slight hesitation, she picked up the phone.

"Hello, Anne Wilde." Anne's instant answer caught Faith by surprise and her heart beat quickened at the sound of her voice.

"Anne, Anne it's Faith. Faith Hollings. There's no rush but I thought I'd give you a call to let you know I'm up and about and I'm ready to go down when ever you are. I've finished the translations." She spoke nonchalantly but was very aware that the sound of Anne's voice had stirred her emotions and that she was very much looking forward to seeing her again.

"That's great, I'll be with you in a minute then Faith. Unless of course you'd like to come through to my room." Anne replied then went on. "The communicating door is open on my side and I am nearly ready."

"Well thanks, I will Anne. I'll come through now." and putting the phone down she quickly slipped on a pair of smart black loafers and after a final check in the mirror, walked over to the communicating door.

As Anne had said it would be, the door on the other side was open and on entering Anne's suite Faith found herself in an almost identical lounge to her own. Except of course for that delicate sensual fragrance she thought, and without thinking she inhaled to savour the scent and at that moment Anne appeared at the doorway to her bedroom.

"Hi!" she called smiling at Faith. "I won't be a minute." and pointing at the drinks cabinet said "Please, if you would like a drink do pour yourself one, I already have one ....they are on the house as well!" she added with a giggle. She was barefoot and giving her a quick appraising glance Faith mentally confirmed her original estimate. Just a tad over five foot at the most ... and she is truly adorable ... Scanning the closely fitting cocktail dress her eyes were drawn to the gentle swell of Anne's small breasts. The tiny 'button' imprint of her nipples was clearly outlined against the smooth silk and recalling the contact with her arm earlier that afternoon a lustful little shiver slid through her. "I have a drink but I left it in my room thanks." she said hastily. "I'll go and get it. Excuse me for just a moment I'll be back" and with a laugh she added "I forgot the papers as well!"

"Oh, before you go Faith this is the receipt for your envelope and passport." Anne said, quickly reaching down and picking up a slip of paper from the table.

As Faith took the receipt from her their eyes met and held and for a moment Faiths heart beat quickened. "Thank you." she said quietly. "I'm grateful." and quickly turning away she hurried back to her suite.

"God but your a sexy little thing," she breathed as she entered her lounge "this is not going to be as easy as I thought, you're absolutely adorable!" With small smile she retrieved her drink and picking up her papers took a deep breath and as she turned and headed back to Anne's suite muttered quietly. "Okay then little wabbit. Let's just see what this evening has in store for the two of us!"

When she re-entered Anne's suite Anne was returning from her bedroom and with a smile she motioned Faith to a chair. "Nearly there Faith," she chuckled. "make yourself comfy!" She was having a problem fixing the clasp of a thin gold chain necklace and as she spoke she purposely tilted her head down and to the side to sneak a discreet brief but searching observation of Faith. As she did so Faith stooped down to place her papers on the low table between them and Anne caught her breath. In the V neck opening of Faiths pullover the alluring swell of Faiths breasts and sensual dividing cleavage beckoned. A trace of cream silk lace edging caught her eye and she groaned silently as the base of her tummy tingled and churned ... Oh God she murmured softly, I'm sorry Helen ... you're so very very wrong on this one being Butch ... they don't make women more fem than this one ...

"May I help you?" Faith asked as she straightened up and in a moment she was behind her. Anne felt Faiths fingers part her hair and take the clasp and as Faith manipulated the clip she felt the feathery touch of her fingers brush the bare skin on her neck, and at the same time she was suddenly aware of the firm pressure of Faiths thighs briefly pressing against the cheeks of her bottom. She shuddered as adrenaline pumped through her veins and her heart quickened. Relishing the contacts she swallowed thickly but all too soon it was over. "There" Faith muttered snapping the clasp shut and stepping back "all done!"

"Th-Thanks" she stammered and again, as Faith bent to retrieve her drink, she gazed unashamedly at the repeat view of the voluptuous swell of her breasts. They were stood close to each other, very close and looking up she met Faiths steady gaze. Those eyes she thought, they are exactly as they appeared in the photo ... grey green and ... and bewitching. Her nipples had suddenly hardened unbearably and she felt the familiar a warm tingling sensation between her thighs. Oh God, she's done it again she thought, I'm wetting and she has only been here two minutes! As she pulled her eyes away and picked up her drink she felt weak but at the same time, very excited and elated.

"Cheers!" Faith said quietly raising her glass in mock salute. "Here's to an enjoyable evening and more to the point, a successful conference!"

"Cheers to you too Faith, please sit." Anne smiled indicating a chair. Faith sat down and amusedly watched as Anne backing away to sit down her self caught her foot on the table leg and nearly tripped. She quickly recovered her balance but her face flushed with embarrassment as she meekly seated herself on the settee. 'Oh my God here I go again' she murmured silently 'little Miss Two Left Feet on parade. Can't I do anything right with this woman around?'

"Tell me." Faith said with a disarming smile, "I don't want you to think I'm being rude, but you have a slight accent Anne, its foreign isn't it. May I ask ... you know ... oh dear, I am being rude aren't I. I really do apologise ..."

"Of course you're not being rude Faith," Anne giggled. "please, lots of people have had a problem trying to trace my origin and I find it quite fun. Sometimes I make a game of it," She smiled at her as she settled back in her seat, curling her legs up beneath her. "You want to play? I'll give you three guesses!"

Faith thoughtfully eyed Anne over the rim of her glass. She was sat straight backed on the settee immediately opposite her, her hands clasped together in her lap holding her drink. Faiths eyes were drawn again, as if by a magnet, to the outlines of Anne's petite figure. Pensively she studied the small pert breasts with their sharply defined nipples still accentuated against the material of the dress, the slim waist, the slash of smooth thigh that now blatantly showed through the widened vent in her dress and without thinking she licked her lips. "And what" she asked quietly "is the prize if I get it right?

"Ah well now." Anne chuckled, smiling cheekily at her. "I think that is very unlikely to happen but let us say the winner can choose their prize! I think the choice will be mine anyway!" As she gazed back at Faith she thought wryly "God but you can have me body and soul as the prize or any time you gorgeous woman, win or lose"

"You forget that languages and their accompanying dialects and accents are my speciality Anne." Faith replied jesting lightly. "But let us see. You have a beautiful petite figure and you're very graceful but, but by European standards you are short." She paused for a moment in her audible thinking to take a sip of her drink then went on. "You don't have any obvious Oriental or Asian physical characteristics but I suspect ... that thick dark hair and the slight tan, it looks natural but, but blue eyes ... that just doesn't match up and your facial features are Western or European ... but nooo, I'll say a mixture of American or Australian perhaps and Asian or, no I'll say further East, Far East in fact."

Anne warmed at the complements and smiled at her. "I thank you for your complements Faith. You are very kind and since we are on the complimentary vein, I think you are very attractive and graceful too." and silently she added, and I also think you're drop dead gorgeous and I've never wanted anyone so much in all my life. She sighed and grinned at her. "That was your first guess and well yes, you're not totally wrong, you're half right. Though I have never been to the Far East there is an Eastern connection as you put it, my mother was Chinese but you are wrong on the other part."

Having been given the affirming Oriental clue Faith immediately identified the slight inflexion of preciseness in Anne's voice and was surprised she had not picked it up before. She sipped her drink and stared at her thoughtfully ... she truly is delightful and that giggle is totally enchanting ... and those big blue eyes. Suddenly she became aware that their eyes had locked. Overcoming the impulse to quickly look away she consciously forced herself to hold the gaze that was already long long passed the "polite look" limit and it was Anne who ultimately looked away. Beat you Faith chuckled silently and was amused to see a faint flush of colour rising up Anne's neck to her cheeks. She realised that she was finding herself more and more attracted to her and sighed contentedly. "Okay" she said gently. "So your mother is Chinese. In which case I suspect from your accent, that your father is probably South African. There's definitely a twang somewhere there. I'll go for American. You are half American and half Chinese!"

"Wrong!" Anne sang, and she again giggled quietly. Her eyes were smiling as she chuckled to herself and she went on. "Now you have just one last try and that's it!"

Faith felt her pulse quickening. She is teasing me the little Minx ... damn it she's she is almost flirting with me ... "Okay Miss Wilde." She announced. "I reckon then ... I reckon your father South African then, I also reckon you grew up in the States. How's that!"

"My father is Dutch so you are very close and though I did go to school very briefly in America I grew up here in England." Anne answered with a grin. "I have my mother's physique but have many of my fathers features."

"That accounts for the blue eyes I guess," Faith replied. "and if I may say so, the end result is very appealing!" For a moment she thought she'd gone too far but instantly reflected that she didn't mind if she had. It wasn't a remark that could cause offence she told herself and after all she's being extremely friendly towards me so why shouldn't I be the same!

"How kind. I thank you and I assure you Faith, flattery will get you absolutely anything!" Anne laughed. She was finding Faiths steady gaze pleasant but very unnerving and in a strange way, almost hypnotic. I wonder, does she really find me appealing? or was she just being polite ... why can't I end all this by just coming out and saying what I feel. Just say Faith, I think you are the most gorgeous woman I have ever met and I want to go to bed and make love to you!... She smiled and with a sigh, uncurled her legs, she stood up. "May I get you another drink?" she asked walking over to the bar cabinet and placing her empty glass on it and turned back to face Faith.

Faith had watched appreciatively as Anne walked to the bar, enjoying the smooth subtle flow of her movements and the repeat glimpse of bare thigh as she passed had been an added bonus. "Thank you but no. I would like another but the night is yet young and I don't want to end up smashed on my first night here!" she chuckled and she to then stood up.

Anne watched as Faith began to walk towards her. She truly is magnificent she thought, the last word in grace and ... Suddenly she froze and held her breath. Faith had reached her and was leaning down ... My God she's going to kiss me ... Oh my God! Without thinking she tilted her head back, offering her lips and half closed her eyes. Then, she realised that Faith had in fact casually reached behind her, placed her glass on the cabinet and then turned away. Oh Jesus, she groaned gulping for air, for one blinding moment ... Totally overcome she stood transfixed, holding on to the cabinet for support. Oh Faith, that was so unfair, whether that was intentional or not that really was unfair...

"Well." Faith said scooping up her papers from the table. "It's a shame but I guess we had better get these photocopied and you young lady, you can think on what you would like as your prize for winning our little competition!" She chuckled aloud and walked quickly across the room to stand in front of the wall mirror where she fiddled with her hair to cover her emotions. For one moment, she thought, for one crazy crazy moment you nearly put your arms round her and kissed her for Gods sake! In the reflection of the mirror she saw Anne looking at her curiously and this time she was the one who looked away. "Deuce" she murmured and clearing her throat she turned back to face her. "Would you show me round the hotel Anne? I've never been here before and I'm sure I'll get lost without you."

"But of course Faith." Anne replied. "Let me put on some shoes and we'll go." and taking a deep breath she stepped away from the cabinet and walked quickly though a little unsteadily to her bedroom.

Her heart pounded as she stood by her bed and she breathed in deeply, struggling to get her composure back. You sure lost it there for a minute gal ... you were doing fine then crash bang wallop! When she walked up to you and put that glass down you nearly wet yourself, and feeling the suspicion of moist warmth in her groin she grinned. Oh dear me, there's no nearly about it honey, you did wet yourself ... you've had lovely little pre-cummie wet ... and with a deep sigh and smile she turned and retrieved her shoes. Determined to take control again, she reminded herself that it was Faith who was the one behaving normally and it was she who was getting all up tight, and excited. Back to plan A she muttered. TLC, TLC, loads of TLC is what she needs so let's go for it baby, give it your all!

Returning to the lounge she crossed over to where Faith still stood and casually slipping her arm round her waist she said with a giggle "Come Miss Hollings, the Williamson awaits us!" and gently she motioned her towards the door.

"Okay," Faith acknowledged and placing her arm around Anne's slight shoulder she gave her a friendly hug. "You're the boss, you lead the way!" The both laughed and only when they had reached the lift and the doors began to open did Anne release her hold.

~ 5 ~

The lift was crowded with hotel guests who obligingly moved back to make room for the two women to enter but, as the doors began to shut behind them, another guest suddenly appeared.

"Room for one more?" he queried cheerily and without waiting for approval pushed his way in.

In silence everyone edged together and in the confined space, to her delight, Anne found herself facing Faith and quite firmly pressed against her. Her boobs are level with my nose she chuckled silently staring for a moment at the beautiful swell just inches away from her face. The lift started to descend and quickly placing her hand on Faiths waist to steady herself she became aware of the soft, yet at the same time sensual, firmness and warmth of Faiths body. The sentience was overwhelming and she could not resist responding by minutely moving against her. She recalled with amusement a crude expression a friend had once used at a party. '... I pressed against her and looking in to her eyes my pussy turned to vanilla ...' So much for the swimming and the showers she thought and looking up at Faith she gave her an apologetic smile but at the same time silently thanked 'the late arrival' for joining them in the lift.

Faith, feeling Anne pressed against her and the gentle touch of her hand, glanced down at her. Anne was smiling up at her and quietly she sighed to herself. Those so invitingly slightly parted lips, so very close and so very tempting ... Anne Wilde, you definitely far too close, far far too close ... and as she gazed down into the deep blue eyes she smiled back at her. You're safe this time my little one she mused, there is safety in numbers ... but another time, another place, and alone with you? Well you might not be so secure.

The lift stopped and doors opened and as every one emptied out into the Foyer Anne reluctantly pulled away from Faiths side. "Sorry about the crush." she whispered and giving her a coy smile added. "Come, your public awaits you!"

Faith was thoughtful as they walked through the foyer. Anne's behaviour she decided, both before and during their short trip in the lift, had been friendly to say the least. I enjoyed the neighbourly touch of her arm round my waist on the way to the lift ... but in the lift ... that gentle almost imperceptible movement of her body against mine ... it was delightful and I enjoyed every moment, and it seemed quite acceptable really I suppose considering the congestion but, but on reflection was it not just a little strange that she was the only one who actually made physical contact with me ... and did I imagine that I felt her hand give my waist a little caress ... and that bold smile and the steady eye contact ... was that all part of just being genuinely friendly or was she flirting with me... Well if and when I'm convinced there was an offer there I'll be delighted to reciprocate, but perhaps, perhaps it's just wishful thinking on my part ... all the same though, she is being extremely friendly.

When they reached the Reception Desk Anne, raising a flap in the counter, beckoned her to follow and they passed through and entered a small office. A woman was seated at a computer and on hearing them enter turned to them and immediately stood up and smiled a greeting as Anne hurriedly made the introductions.

"Helen, Faith Hollings our interpreter for the conference. Faith, this is Helen Welling, Helen is our Head of Reception. She is very efficient and very helpful and" she chuckled "she is very sweet but her sense of humour sometimes is reckoned to be a rather warped!".

"How do you do Miss Hollings." Helen said reaching out to shake hands. "I hope Anne is looking after you. If I can help you at all you must let me know and she by the way is the mad one. Very sweet, but totally irrational and very unpredictable!" she smiled then said "but, on a serious note, do you mind if we talk business for just a moment?"

Faith returned the smile. "Not at all." she said shaking the offered hand. "Go ahead and please Helen, call me Faith." Helens openly friendly smile was reflected in her dark brown eyes and her hand shake welcoming and Faith felt happy in the knowledge that she had made another friend.

"Thank you Faith. What I would like to know is exactly what languages you speak. I understand it is several but it would be a great help if we knew which ones. I realise that you don't start work officially until tomorrow but if ..."

"No problem Helen I understand. My speciality language is Russian though I do not have total fluency in some of the dialects as there are rather a lot of them. So many and so varied in fact that it can on occasions be akin to a Cornishman in the south trying to converse with a Geordie in the north! Apart from that, I am reasonably fluent in most European languages. I guess I have a pretty good comprehension of all the main ones anyway. I also have an understanding of a couple of Asian and Eastern dialects. but ..." She looked at Anne and grinned. "But I would say my ability to converse in them was barely adequate and certainly I would not say I was fluent in them."

"Wow!" Helen laughed. "We could do with you here permanently!" and with a chuckle asked. "Can you be rude in any of them?"

Faith grinned. "Well, actually yes I can! I can in fact be down right obscene in most of them if the mood takes me. I think the first lesson in learning a language, particularly if you are going to visit the country, is learn to respond to insulting behaviour! Mind you, I don't often get insulted! A lot of bad language Helen is pretty universal wherever you are. Let's face it if you tell someone to "F off" no matter what country you are In you will probably be understood!" She smiled then added hastily. "But of course, being a lady I would never stoop to such behaviour!"

She looked down again at Anne who was stood silently gazing at her in open awe. Their eyes held again and Anne felt her heart sink and turn and looking away she swallowed and spoke to Helen. "Could you have these photocopied for Faith please Helen? They're for the conference delegates so she'll need them for tomorrow morning." and turning back to Faith asked. "How many copies will you need Faith?"

"Seven will be fine thanks. There are only five Russian delegates that I know of. Six copies plus the originals will be fine. One set if you could arrange it Helen, is for Mark Howard. He will be arriving first thing tomorrow morning I believe. Of course, they are confidential so please look after them ..."

"Okay, I'll put them in the hotel safe when they are done and you can collect them whenever." She took the folder and as they turned to leave the office she added. "I'll see you later I hope at the reception?"

"Certainly Helen, I look forward to it!" Faith replied and as she and Anne left and walked across the foyer she said. "She seems very pleasant."

"She is" Anne replied. "I haven't known her long, just since I have been here in fact but she and I have got on very well. When you're brought in for special events you can meet resistance from the locals as they resent strangers sometimes. Helen however has been very helpful and friendly."

"So you don't work here permanently then?" Faith queried.

"Oh no, I'm strictly free-lance. I was brought in just for this conference. Mike, Mike West who you will meet in a minute, he is in charge of security and he's been brought in just for this do as well. We're the part-timers!"

"And I am too don't forget!" Faith reminded her with a grin.

"Well yes of course, and you too!" Anne acknowledged as she guided Faith into a long wide corridor. "We will go through now to the conference hall if it is okay with you. I think everything has been set up properly but you can check it out and I'll introduce you to Mike. As I said he's Head of Security and he is also I'm glad to say, a very close friend of mine." and in a confiding whisper she added. "He er ... he is a bit of a ladies man and has a thing going at the moment with the housekeeper here!"

She led the way and Faith following slightly behind shamelessly observed her as she walked in front of her. Her figure she mused, as appreciatively she eyed the smooth undulating swing of Anne's trim little hips and the gentle curve of her buttocks that showed delightfully under that snug fitting silk dress, is delightful. That is truly one gorgeous little butt and she recalled her feelings when the Customs Officer had viewed her own backside earlier at the airport and wondered if Anne too might be conscious of being scrutinised. In fact, Anne was and had made a point of walking as seductively as possible!

They rounded a corner and halting in front of a set of large double doors framed either side by heavy velvet curtains, Anne placed her hand on a glass panel set in the wall and quietly spoke her name. After a brief pause the door opened and the tall heavily built man stood on the other side smiled a greeting at them. "Anne me darlin' lovely to see you!" he exclaimed and looking at Faith added politely "and this must be the famous Faith Hollings!" He wrapped an arm affectionately round Anne and kissed her on the forehead whilst openly surveying Faith.

"Faith - Mike West, Mike - Miss Faith Hollings," Anne managed as she disengaged herself from his embrace. "Our Interprite Speciale Mike and she's my personal responsibility so for Gods sake be nice to her or we part-timers might be out of a job!" and reaching out she affectionately touched Faiths hand and giggled. "How's my French pronunciation Faith?"

"Not bad, not bad at all." Faith laughed. "and I told you Anne, I'm a part-timer too remember?" Deliberately she had taken hold of Anne's hand and she gently squeezed the fingers. The pressure was light but it was firm and unmistakable and lasted a moment longer than Anne expected. Faith saw her flicker of surprise and then saw that, though only very slightly, she was blushing again. Amused at how easily she blushed, she gave the fingers another gentle squeeze then releasing her she took the hand being offered by Mike West.

"Hello Mike." she said. " Delighted to meet you."

"As I said earlier Faith, Mike is Head of Security. Needless to say security is a pretty big headache here right now. I've known Mike for a couple of years now and he's quite a nice man but is a bit of a one with the ladies so watch him! He is by the way temporally spoken for as his current better half is Amanda the hotel housekeeper, not that that will stop him flirting with you but really you're quite safe!" The brief touching of Faiths hand had been intentional as part of her TLC strategy but when she had felt Faith retain her grip and then the light pressure of her fingers her pulse had flipped. A mixture of mild embarrassment and pleasure swinged through her body as she realised that for the first time she had actually received a positive physical response from Faith. Oh my she sighed silently, she deliberately squeezed my hand ... and it was beautiful!

Returning Mikes hand shake Faith had watched with amusement as his eyes slid over her. It was not an obscene or leering scrutiny but it had been very thorough and as their eyes finally met she decided that she liked Mike West.

"I bid you a very sincere welcome Faith. It is a real pleasure to meet you and don't you believe a word Anne says. I admit I love women, you all fascinate me but in fact Faith, I'm really a virgin if the truth be known!" He laughed boisterously, intentionally ignoring the feigned look of shocked disbelief on Anne's face and following him at his request, they entered the conference hall proper where after climbing a small set of steps they found themselves on a wide stage. Barely visible in the dimmed lighting were rows of seats and Faith could see that it was quite a large auditorium.

"Sorry to be a pain Faith but may I ask you to go through a quick security formality for me?" Mike asked. "I'm sure you have been through it all before and I know that it is quite unnecessary in your case but I do have to verify the ID of all personnel. Furthermore, unaccompanied access to this hall out of hours is only gained if the computer likes you. Your details have already been fed in but they now have to be confirmed by your own personal ID. Would you mind?" His voice, with a broad Welsh accent, was gentle yet authoritative and Faith formed the immediate impression that he was a man who could be a very good friend but also, should the occasion arise, an extremely unfortunate enemy.

"Of course not Mike, lead the way." she replied and together they followed him into a small office at the side of the stage entrance.

"Right then Faith." he said cheerfully turning to her. "If your hand and voice print doesn't match up here now all hell will be let loose and it's The Bloody Tower for you, for life!" Pointing at a large black box with a smoked glass panel set in its centre on a table against the wall he went on "If you would be kind enough to place your right hand on the glass panel Faith and when you press that red button speak your name in your normal speaking voice ..."

Faith did as she was bid. There was a short buzz and a dim barely noticeable blue flicker beneath the panel. A Security Officer on the other side of the room who was watching a monitor turned to Mike and nodded.

"Great! All done then! From now on Faith all you have to do to gain entry to the theatre is press your hand on the glass panel by one of the doors outside, speak your name and Security can let you in. They will still observe you via the CCTV cameras to ensure you have no nasty little green men or the like with you but if the computer is satisfied, he can open the door. Until the conference starts proper, Security in fact can't open the door without the matching of your voice and hand print. Unless an override code is used of course from the inside and for that I or my deputy have to be summoned. Also, you would not have noticed it when you entered but when you came in you passed through a detector frame. Had you been carrying a firearm or weapon of some sort our alarms would have registered the fact, silently to avoid panic of course, but they would have alerted us. And whilst I'm on the subject I have to ask Faith, are you likely to carry a firearm or any form of weapon at all whilst you are here?"

Faith looked at him curiously and then with a smile said. "A strange question Mike, why would you think I would carry a weapon?"

"I have read your Foreign Office file Faith. I noted you have the clearance to do so ... it's my job I'm afraid ... Major Faith Hollings!" Mike smiled.

"Ahhh, I see ..." Faith smiled then nodded. "Well, I can assure you I am certainly not carrying and do not intend to carry a weapon here. I'm here strictly as an interpreter and as a Miss, not a Major and anyway, if I run into trouble I usually try to talk my way out if I can. I've done a bit of self-defence training as well since I got into this profession as I figured that with journeying to foreign parts I should be able to put up at least a token physical resistance should the need arise, but I don't anticipate a problem here!"

Anne, silently surveying Faith with a mixture of admiration and awe for the umpteenth time studied her figure and immediately thought differently. You're telling Porky's Faith Hollings, that body is a lethal weapon in its own right. Physically and sexually!

"Ah yes," Mike chuckled. "We did er, we noted you credentials Faith. I would say you are capable of far more than just a token physical resistance but we won't go into that!" Pointing at the Identifier box he continued. "Before I forget Faith, if you wish to you may witness the deleting of your ID details at the end of this conference!"

"That won't be necessary Mike, I trust you to do the necessary!" Faith answered.

"You can bank on it Faith, you have my word. And now, now that the formalities are over, what can I be doing for you two lovely ladies?"

"I'd like to show Faith the facilities we have set up for her during the meetings." Anne said turning to Mike. A vision of Faith in action in a Gym had reminded her of the firmness and hidden strength she had sensed coiled beneath Faiths shirt when she had put her arm around her waist before and again during their trip in the lift and another lingering look from Faith sent her mind whirling and heart racing again and finding concentration difficult she was grateful that Mike continued to dominate the conversation.

"Follow me and all will be revealed!" he boomed striding off up the aisle between the rows of seats. Obediently they followed and when they reached the back of the hall he opened a door that had been concealed by a heavy curtain. A small room was revealed that contained a low coffee table with coffee and tea making facilities, two easy chairs and a desk against the wall with an office type swivel chair. On the wall was a telephone and looking out of the window over the desk Faith clearly saw the auditorium and realised that the mirror she had seen on the wall outside was in fact a one way observation panel.

"All the auditorium headphones, they are connected to here ..." Anne confided but again she was unable to continue as Mike interrupted her.

"... and this is where the gentle dulcet tones of the lovely Faith Hollings will come from to distract all the men" and glancing meaningfully at Anne he gave her a sly grin and went on "and a couple of the women too if the truth be known. Translating God knows what into God knows what in that low sexy voice of hers and ..."

"You big smoothie!" Faith laughed giving him a playful dig in the ribs and seeing Faith turn again to look through the window Anne glared at him. Very aware that he had been teasing her with his reference to "distracting the women" she stuck her tongue out at him and deliberately stubbed his toe with her heel then, as Faith turned back she innocently smiled up at her.

"If you press this button here, the curtain slides over to conceal the door from the outside. Oh and you can also of course lock it from the inside." Anne smiled.

"The headphone socket in here, I assume it is a universal fit and also that the input is direct from the stage microphone as well?" Faith queried though she knew the answer would be affirmative.

"Yes to both" Anne replied. "I presumed you had your own equipment but if you wish us to supply headphones and a microphone we certainly can."

"No thanks, I do have my own set. An ear-piece with a built in microphone but I'm sure it will be okay here. This couldn't be better." And glancing round the room she said. "I would like to do a test but that can wait till tomorrow."

"No problem,." Anne replied. "I've already done one actually but we can do another in the morning."

"Well then I thank you both for your time." Faith said beaming at the two of them. "I am grateful."

"No trouble at all me dear." Mike said. "For what it is worth consider this your own private little retreat. It is soundproof and in here you are cut off from everything and everyone. Under the desk top there is a panic button should there be a problem but I think you will be okay in here. You can collect a key from Helen in reception who I assume you have met ...?"

"I have one here already!" Anne exclaimed interrupting him and producing a key held it out to Faith.

"Well thank you Anne." Faith said. As she took the key from her their eyes again met and 'accidentally' Faith let her fingers trail fleetingly across Anne's palm. "that's very kind of you ... and yes Mike I have met Helen."

"If you need me you can bleep me." Mike told her. "Just pick up a phone and dial 955 then your extension and I'll get right back to you ... and so there we are you two, you can now consider yourselves both safe and soundly under my personal protection. Your wish is my command though with your track record Faith, I don't think you need my protection and on second thoughts Anne, sleeping next to Faith should eliminate your fears too ...!"

Faith grinned and looking at Anne was surprised to see that she was again blushing, and this time quite profusely! When she saw Faith looking at her she lowered her eyes and coyly nibbled on her lower lip. How lovely she is when she's embarrassed Faith thought and she felt a sudden overwhelming urge to put her arm round her and cuddle her but suppressing it she turned instead to Mike and asked. "Are you expecting trouble Mike?"

"Oh no me'dear, not really. But as you know only too well you can never be too careful these days. Our security guys are here 24 hours a day and as you see, no one gets in or out without proper authority. It is by some standards a small conference but the hotel has very recently been scanned, inspected and literally redecorated. The spring-clean lasted two weeks. We, and the police, went through the building with apparatus the capabilities of which you couldn't imagine. Actually you probably could Faith but if anything nasty was here I assure you we would have found it. Since then we've been here all the time and I assure you, anything that shouldn't come in won't and hasn't. Even you Faith, you and your luggage went through a scan when you checked in earlier and needless to say the prints you just gave were instantly checked and confirmed as yours. I'm pretty confident we are on top of everything at the moment ..."

"OOP's!" Anne exclaimed quietly. "Excuse me but my vibrators gone off!" Mike and Faith looked at each other then stared at Anne who seeing their expressions, and immediately comprehending their thoughts, began to giggle uncontrollably. "This!" she said producing a slim pager from a pocket. "It vibrates when I am wanted!" and glancing at the two of them added, still giggling and blushing. "You really are dirty minded buggers aren't you!"

Faith grinned at Mike then looking at Anne said good-humouredly. "I guess your vibrator must be going all the time then Anne."

Anne gave her a demure smile and said quietly. "Come, I'll take you to the reception!"

"Well that's broken the ice somewhat." Mike joked as together they left the control room and began walking back down the aisle. "I didn't expect vibrators to be a topic of conversation this early in the evening! Nice to know you have a sense of humour Faith, you need it here!"

"Oh I guess I have a reasonably open mind on most things now days!" Faith chuckled and again she looked at Anne. Casually she put her arm round her shoulders and gave her a friendly hug. "Sorry we teased you," she said quietly "but we couldn't let a comment like that pass could we?"

They all laughed and Anne waggled a finger at her. "I forgive you but I'll get my own back, just you see!"

Reaching the exit Faith turned to Mike and they shook hands. "It's been a pleasure meeting you Mike and I thank you for your hospitality. I guess I'll see you later at the reception?"

"Wouldn't miss it Faith and that's a promise and Faith, try to keep that little one out of trouble, she really is a walking disaster at times ..."

"Beast!" Anne protested. "I'll definitely talk to you later! Come Faith, before I get violent with him!"

~ 6 ~

Despite the light hearted banter, walking back down the corridor Faith felt a twinge of uneasiness. She was acutely aware of her physical attraction to Anne and now she was very conscious of her nearness. Those affectionate exchanges in public she thought, if that was what they had been, were fine but now we're alone, there are no people around.

"Is it okay if I sit in with you tomorrow Faith." Anne asked cheerfully. "When the speeches are on and you are translating I mean. I promise to be quiet and not disturb you."

"But of course, if you wish. That would be nice!" I have serious doubts as to the "not disturbing me" bit being conceivable she thought with amusement, particularly as we will be alone in a rather small room ... but pleased Anne wanted to be with her she said. "I would like that Anne, very much but I should point out that it will probably be very boring for you. I'll be talking English when the Russians are talking and Russian when the others are talking. We won't be able to talk much, if at all in fact!"

"I won't be bored, honest!" Anne replied. Not if I'm with you she added silently and again she boldly circled Faiths waist. TLC, TLC lots of TLC she muttered to herself and glancing quickly at her watch she said. "Eight-thirty Faith, we have timed it just right, here we are at the reception. I'll take you in but then you'll have to excuse me for a short while. There are some things I must do and I know I'm wanted at Reception."

Oh yes my little friend, and not just at Reception Faith reflected and giving her a mock serious look she said. "Fine with me but don't you leave me alone too long ..." and putting on a soft Southern American drawl she added. "Y'all come back to me you hear!"

"Now would I leave you all alone," Anne exclaimed with a grin "after all Miss Hollings you're my responsibility now!" They both laughed and moments later turning a corner they arrived at a small reception room. At the entrance, accompanied by a very attractive hostess holding a tray of glasses filled with champagne, stood two very large Security men.

"Good Evening Ladies, would you like champagne or may we get you something different?" the hostess asked and much to Anne's annoyance, gave Faith a more than sociable visual body check and very friendly smile.

"I'd prefer a vodka and diet coke if it is not too much trouble, ice with no lemon?" Faith said politely, returning the smile.

"Why yes Ma'am! I'll organise that for you immediately." The hostess gave Faith another obviously appreciative glance then turned to Anne who declining a drink motioned Faith to follow her. They descended the steps into the room and she said. "I must go in a minute Faith but I saw that Helen is over at the bar so I'll take you over to her and you can meet my temporary boss man, Brian Hilden. He is the General Manager of the hotel and I see he's with her now!"

When they arrived at the bar Helen beamed at them both. "Faith, nice to see you again, is every thing okay? Let me get you two a drink ..."

"There is one on the way for me thank you." Faith replied and before she could continue Anne quickly interrupted.

"Excuse me folks but I have to go for a few minutes. Helen, would you do the introductions and look after Faith? till I get back?"

"Of course!" Helen answered and Anne turned to Faith.

"I must go Faith, I'm being paged again!" She grinned and held up her pager.

"I understand. Completely!" Faith replied with a meaningful smile and as Anne turned away and headed for the exit. Faith felt a pang of regret as briefly she watched her retreat but then she quickly turned back to Helen who promptly introduced her to Brian Hilden.

"Faith this is our General Manager Brian Hilden. Brian - Faith Hollings." Faith reached out and they shook hands.

"I trust all is well Faith, do you have everything you need?" he asked with a friendly smile.

"Yes thank you Brian and I've been made very welcome by everyone especially Helen and Anne!" At that moment a waiter emerged with her drink which she took and raising it up to them both she said. "So, Cheers! Here's to a successful and hopefully uneventful conference!"

"I'll drink to that!" Helen and Brian chorused in unison and they all raised and clicked their glasses together.

Faith looked casually around as they talked and saw that the room was filling rapidly. Already there were considerably more than the "couple of dozen" or so people Anne had led her to believe were to be expected but she saw no familiar faces and soon, in the hopeful expectation of seeing Anne return, she found herself glancing in the direction of the entrance.

"Faith, you said you were 'working' now, may I introduce you to two of the conference delegates?" Helen suddenly asked gently touching her on the arm. "They are both Russian and to be honest they don't seem to speak much, if any English. I'd like to just let them know that if they need anything we're here to help."

"Surely, just lead the way." Faith replied. She nodded to Brian and Helen manoeuvred them through the throng to a corner of the room where by a large buffet table a couple were stood slightly apart from the rest of the delegates. The couple were silently surveying the mingling crowd and Faith thought as she and Helen approached them that they looked rather out of place, and very solemn.

"This is Miss Hollings. She speaks Russian!" said Helen in a raised voice and the couple turned and stared at Helen then at Faith. Why oh why I wonder do people always raise their voice when they speak to foreigners Faith asked herself for the millionth time as politely she shook hands first with the man and then the woman.

"I am Eran Koros and this is my associate Evania, Evania Malatinove. So, you speak Russian?" To Helen he was talking complete gibberish but Faith understood perfectly. Muscovites she thought, immediately conscious of the give away accent. She smiled at the couple and fluently confirmed that she did in fact speak their language which sparked an instant reaction from them both. Their faces lit up into broad smiles and both began talking rapidly with much back patting and hand shaking. Smoothly Faith answered their deluge of questions and Helen, with a grateful smile, politely retreated and left them.

As they talked Faith observed the couple with continued amusement. Now she, she thought admiringly looking at Evania, really is something else. She is an Amazon ... taller than me ... taller by at least one, maybe two inches and ... and she really is quite stunning ... She noted the piercing "ice blue" eyes and the long blonde hair that was pulled back severely into a pony tail that reached her waist. That black dress looks as if it has been sprayed on she reflected, it is very well cut though, expensive and it shows off every detail of what I have to admit must be a truly magnificent body. A body that I suspect is probably as solid as a brick wall ... she is a lady who I suspect would be a more than an worthy opponent in the gym ...

Eran on the other hand was short and a bit on the plump side and had a pronounced beer belly. Though almost totally bald he had a very large and impressive moustache that he continually stroked. He stood beaming at her as they talked, or rather Evania talked as he had given up trying to get a word in, and Faith noticed with amusement how his eyes kept dropping to stare at her breasts. She smiled to herself as she realised that despite his efforts she was far too tall and that his efforts to ogle her cleavage were totally in vain. Evania however, most certainly was tall enough and made no secret of the fact that she liked what she saw. Her eyes initially had washed swiftly over her, quite obviously undressing her and, after circling her arm around Faiths waist and pulling herself to her side, she with more than casual friendliness rested her hand firmly and intimately on Faiths hip.

Oh dear Faith thought with a sigh, we have a problem Houston ... Politely she tried to edge away but Evania, and the hand, stayed and in fact moved down and round to rest at the base of her spine almost on her buttock. It was with genuine relief therefore that moments later across the room as if on cue she saw Anne accompanied by a couple. Through the crowd their eyes met and she warmed inwardly at the visual contact and seeing Evania for a moment looking away to speak to Eran, she mouthed a "Help" and grinned. Anne smiled and moments later she was at her side.

"Miss Hollings - Mr and Mrs Kanovich. Miss Hollings is our linguist!" Anne said smiling at the couple. "Mr and Mrs Kanovich are from Russia" she added. Faith shook hands and then in Russian introduced them to Evania and Eran. As soon as she had done so Anne, taking Faith by the hand announced loudly with mock seriousness. "The Italian delegates organiser wishes to see you immediately Miss Hollings. Please, you will excuse us?" and before Evania knew what had happened Faith, smiling courteously, had moved from her side and they quickly left.

"We meet again soon yes? Very soon yes?" Evania called after them in broken English.

"Ahh! So, she does speak a bit of English then! We meet again soon, yes! Very soon yes!" Anne chuckled mimicking Evania as they walked away then looking up at Faith with a mischievous grin she added wryly. "My but we certainly made a hit there didn't we Miss Hollings! Is caressing a woman's bum a Russian way of greeting people?".

"Very funny ha! and you're very observant aren't you" Faith chuckled and grinned at her. "But thanks anyway for rescuing me!" Faith smiled at her then went on. "You mentioned the Italian delegates Anne. As I recall that they all speak perfect English, I ...!"

"Of course they don't want you. Well a couple probably do in the biblical senses knowing Italians as I do ..." Anne cut in and stopping abruptly she turned to her and looking serious she said. "But if you want to go back to Evania ..."

For a moment Faith thought she was serious. "Anne! You don't think I ..." then, seeing the twinkle of amusement in her eyes and the faint smile she laughed. "You little minx, don't you dare tease me like that again and you know perfectly well I don't want to go back to her. I'm not the least bit interested! Not in the way she was in me anyway. I think you saved me from a fate far worse than death there Anne, I owe you one !"

"That's okay," Anne giggled. "but that's two you owe me now and Faith, I always claim my winnings!" and giving her a quizzical look she raised her eyebrows questioningly and said. "I am not sure about you and Evania though. To the best of my knowledge she hasn't stroked anyone else's butt this evening. Are you sure you didn't encourage her?"

"Anne Wilde ..." Faith said sternly with mock indignation but before she could continue Anne, grinning mischievously, interrupted again.

"You said a fate worse than death, so did the fact that she was obviously a lesbian and obviously wanted you disturb you then?"

"Good heavens no!" Faith exclaimed showing surprise at the question. "Her sexual inclinations are her business!"

"So lesbians don't frighten or disturb you then." Anne asked quickly and almost holding her breath, she awaited Faiths answer.

"Nooo ..." Faith said slowly. "Certainly not. Do lesbians disturb of frighten you then Anne?" Their eyes held for a moment and Anne was immediately sorry she had phrased the question in the way she had. Damn it she muttered under her breath. Her answer had been honest and to the point but it tells me nothing. Nothing of her views on lesbian relationships or anything ... and she has turned the tables on me ... if I push the subject it might seem odd to her so now I'll have to leave it till another time ...

"Of course not!" she retorted. "I was just joking. I have no axe to grind on any ones sexual preferences, c'est la vie is I think is the French expression isn't it?"

"Very good Anne, I'll make a linguist of you yet!" Faith smiled but further discussion on the matter came to an immediate halt as they were joined by two of the delegates who by coincidence, turned out to be Italian. As they talked Anne was not surprised to find that Faith soon became the centre of attention. Rapidly they were joined by more delegates, mainly men and after several minutes of conversation she was paged again. She turned to Faith and with a small smile she held up her pager.

"Have to go again Faith but I'll be back soon!" and quickly rising up on her toes she leaned against her and Faith felt the soft pressure of Anne's breast again on her arm as she whispered. "But just you behave yourself now, no flirting okay! I can't always be here to rescue you!"

Faith grinned back at her but before she could reply Anne, quietly chuckling to herself, turned away and was gone. Her heart beating, Faith caressed the spot on her arm then turned back to the delegates.

For some time she chatted with the group but when they were finally joined by more of the wives and secretaries she was able to cordially disengage herself and leave the throng. The evening progressed uneventfully and though enjoying herself, after having spent what she figured as ages but was in reality only about three- quarters of an hour chatting and acting as translator for various dignitaries, she began to feel bored and became conscious that she was more than a little weary. What I really would like to do is just switch off and put my feet up she thought, but there is no where here to sit and the only people I know are not around ... and where is Anne anyway ... She looked round the room in the hope of seeing her and for the umpteenth time Evania caught her eye and gave her an exaggerated and provocative wink. A very obvious invitation to join her and she decided it was definitely time to leave. Smiling she shook her head and turned away.

I did want to see Anne again she thought, but perhaps an early night might not be so bad an idea ... if all this affection and friendliness continues I can't guarantee my ability to resist over reciprocating ... I might just weaken and then where would we be ... Nevertheless, the thought of not seeing Anne before leaving prompted her to stay on a few more minutes but when finally she had finished her drink and Anne had still not appeared began to ease her way through the crowd. As she neared the door however a deep quiet voice, which she immediately identified as that of Mike West, spoke quietly in her ear and she felt a firm pair of hands close on her waist.

"And where is the lovely Tasha Yar off to then?" he asked with a chuckle.

She turned and sure enough it was Mike West and her heart lifted as to her delight she saw Anne by his side. He had a broad grin on his face and as he casually draped an arm around Anne's small shoulders he affectionately wrapped the other round Faiths waist. "Come, the night is yet young! Not leaving us without saying good night were you then?" he joked hugging her gently and looking down at Anne and then back to Faith he added mischievously. "Found this one wandering around the corridors and thought I'd better bring her along see. Thought perhaps you could handle her better than I, especially if she decided to start playing with her vibrator again. So if you are going then I think you better take her with you see!" Mikes Welsh accent added to the humour but Anne was aghast. She glanced round appalled and visibly blushed.

"Mike for heavens sake shush ...!" she gasped and seeing they were unobserved again stubbed her foot firmly on his shoe. "You are a Great Big Bully!" she said quietly and Mike laughed and with exaggeration, feigned pain.

"She wouldn't do that sort of sort of thing in public would she Mike surely?" Faith teased. "The vibro bit I mean!"

"For heavens sake you two someone might hear you!" Anne protested again quickly glancing around in alarm to see if they were being observed and Faith and Mike grinned at each other triumphantly.

"Okay, no more teasing," Faith chuckled. "but what's this Tasha Yar bit Mike?"

"Oh that! That was my suggestion and Mike agrees." Anne declared and seeing her look of confusion she added. "You know, the woman officer who used to be in Star Trek. You know Star Trek? the TV Science fiction programme? We reckon you're her double." then almost as an afterthought she added. "She has left the series now but she was gorgeous!" then realising what she had said added hastily. "Like very attractive I mean."

"Ahh ... I see!" Faith replied nodding her head thoughtfully.

"Security Officer on the Star Ship Enterprise to be precise" Mike beamed. "and if you want to be on my Security Team Faith, you're on! I would stress by the way that the Tasha Yar bit was Anne's suggestion though I do agree with her, you really could be her twin. Though of course you are definitely the better looking one!"

"Smoothie again!" Anne giggled.

"I see." Faith replied. "I'm with you now and yes, it has been mentioned there is a slight similarity in our looks. An actress by the name of Denise Crosby is I believe the lady to whom you refer but I think you will find that she is no where near as tall and hefty as I am. Considerably more gentile I suspect! However I'll assume that you made the comparison in a complimentary vein and I thank you ..." and looking at Anne she thought, so you think she's gorgeous do you ... well I find that very interesting, very interesting indeed ... She bent forward and lowering her voice whispered. "And as for you young lady, I haven't forgotten or forgiven you for your insinuations about my behaving badly and encouraging that, that Russian woman!"

She waved an admonishing finger at Anne as she spoke and Anne immediately taking the opportunity, grabbed and held the finger with her free hand.

"Ohhh I love it when your dominating!" she giggled squeezing the finger gently but she caught her breath and her chest tightened as the finger moved lightly within her grasp. Suddenly, the finger felt very warm and very very sensual and she stared at her hand in disbelief as a shiver of ecstatic pleasure shot through her. For a moment she was speechless. She looked up at Faith and slowly, and reluctantly, released her grip. Swallowing, she licked her lips and taking a deep breath she said. "I was just teasing honest. Though I think I had better keep an eye on you. I certainly can't allow Evania to take over my role!" and then with another coy smile and a small tilt of her head she added. "May I get you another drink Miss Hollings?"

"Thank you Miss Wilde, and for your information, I would not allow that to happen, of that I can assure you." Faith grinned and quickly dipping down to her ear again she whispered "but just you stop your teasing, I always get my own back and don't you forget, we're neighbours, remember?"

Feeling the soft brush of Faiths breath against her hair and neck Anne groaned inwardly and bit her lower lip to keep silent as another shiver of desire swept through her. God but you'll be the death of me she thought.

"You're a big bully too!" she said looking up at her. "Just 'cos you're bigger than me!" She paused and stared steadily back at her for a moment then licking her lips nervously she said very quietly "and I haven't forgotten we're neighbours. Who do you think put you in the room next to me in the first place?" She raised an eyebrow as she inclined her head inquiringly then with a smile said "I'll go get us some drinks." and quickly she turned and disappeared into the crowd.

'Oh Jesus!' Anne muttered to her self as she hurried away. 'Where in hell did I get the courage to say that ...' and as she edged her way through to the bar she chuckled to herself. The allocation of Faiths room to be next to hers had been her doing but she had done it long before she had even heard of Faith Hollings, let alone met her. Still, she thought, Faith doesn't know that ... and having reached the bar she ordered their drinks.

Faith meanwhile was pensive. Cheeky little Mite she thought cheerfully as she watched Anne retreating through the crowd. Comments like that could well be misconstrued Miss Wilde, just you be very careful I don't start making some risky assumptions ... and she sighed contentedly, suddenly pleasantly aware that for the first time, for a very long time, she was happy.

Next: Chapter 3: Little Doe 7 9

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