Little Doe

By christina holloway

Published on Sep 21, 2023


The final chapter ...

When Faith awoke dawn was just breaking. A faint light showed against the drapes and she guessed the time to be nearly seven which she confirmed with a quick glance at the alarm clock. Anne lay on her back next to her and brushing the hair away from her forehead she kissed her brow.

"Coffee Tea or me?" she whispered.

"You of course!" Anne murmured and she stirred languorously and sleepily opening her eyes she stretched and turning to Faith put her arms round her. "But if you are going to be horrid and leave me all alone, coffee I guess." her voice almost lost in the comforting warmth of Faiths breasts. Turning on to her back again she again stretched and drowsily looking up at Faith, who was now propped up on one elbow and looking down at her, asked. "Is it really time to get up?"

"Mmmm nearly! Thought it might be nice to have coffee and be with each other in peace for a few minutes before we face the world. We have about a half an hour before we have to get up I guess ... if we dress quickly!"

"Ohh Goodie" Anne giggled. "That gives us plenty of time, time to make love!" and lifting her head slightly her lips closed on the nipple just inches away from her but Faith pulled back.

"Oh no we can't." Faith said laughing and quickly she got out of bed and crossed to a cabinet where there was a tray set up with coffee and tea making facilities.

Anne watched her pick up the kettle and disappear into the bathroom and sighed. As she floated out of sight she'd appreciatively observed the athletic curves and seductive unhindered movement of her full breasts. Oh my God, she murmured silently ... she is so gorgeous, and that butt ... I said it before and I say it again, bottoms should not be able to move as sensually as that ... her buttocks defy the laws of nature ... wistfully she gazed at the doorway waiting for Faiths return and sighed again. I love her so much she thought happily, and she's so lovely ... and when Faith returned she said aloud "You are beautiful so beautiful Faith, I could eat you!"

Faith smiled and plugged the kettle in. "Thank you, but as I recall you very ably did just that last night darling, remember? and anyway, right now I think I had better put my gown on and cover myself up!"

"You do and I'll never speak to you again." Anne retorted. "Please come back to me!"

Faith walked to the bed and sat next to her. "I thought you would have seen enough of me naked for now." she murmured bending to kiss her. As their lips met her breasts swayed forward, gently brushing against Anne's and reaching up Anne held them and when their lips parted from their kiss again she moved to suckle on a nipple but yet again Faith moved away.

"Nooo!" she scolded gently and hastily got up off the bed. As she waited for the kettle to boil she glanced up into the mirror in front of her and saw Anne's reflection. She was sitting up in bed watching her and giving her hips a gentle wiggle Faith grinned at her "Just to keep you interested." she joked.

"Interested? I'm fascinated and mesmerised by your body, I will always be interested!" Anne giggled.

The kettle clicked and quickly Faith made the coffee and returning to the bed placed their cups on the bedside table got back in. Seeing Anne's eyes blatantly feasting on her breasts she pushed her onto her back. "You," she whispered. "You are a wanton little hussy!" She moved over and laid herself on top of her, pressing down and smothering her with her weight. Rubbing her face into Anne's neck she nibbled her ear and they lay in each others arms lightly but intentionally and provocatively moving their naked bodies against each other. For several minutes they enjoyed their body contact, petting and kissing each other and their hands roamed and caressed intimately but finally Faith pulled away.

"Come darling, drink your coffee then we must get up." and sitting back up and propping herself up with her back against the head board she handed Anne her cup.

"How beautifully domestic!" Anne sighed and looking meaningfully again at Faiths breasts she went on. "Am I really expected to drink my coffee with those so close to my lips, so near ... and both our fluffies leaking like sieves?"

"You were the one who said I must be naked. I won't look at yours if you don't look at mine." Faith smiled taking a sip of her coffee and was about to continue talking when suddenly they both heard the phone ring in Faiths bedroom.

"Shit! Back in a minute" Faith exclaimed quickly putting her cup and saucer on the bedside table and swinging her feet to the floor she sprinted out of the room.

Anne having again watched in awe the naked figure race away smiled. "Truly magnificent." she murmured aloud. "Truly a magnificent female female ..."

Minutes later Faith returned. "Well," she announced. "We have three quarters of an hour little one and we are then breakfasting with Mark!" and quickly crossing the room she sat down on the bed. Anne turned to put her coffee cup down and as she did so Faith reached out and quickly cupped, caressed and gently squeezed one of Anne's small breasts in her hand. Swiftly she leaned down and kissed her on the shoulder then, before Anne had time to respond she pulled away and stood up.

"So move that gorgeous little butt out of bed young lady and go make yourself presentable! Any thoughts you may entertain on the passion front will now have to wait I am afraid and little one, and though I would love to shower with you, I am not going to. Showering with you takes far too long and we just don't have time ..."

Anne, quickly standing up on the bed in front of Faith, shakily stood stiffly at attention and with a small grin on her face saluted her. "Permission to speak, Major Hollings ma'am?"

Faith grinned back, her eyes sweeping lustfully over the petite naked beauty of Anne's body. The pert little breasts stood proud with their aroused hard and pointed little nipples. The pink lips and dividing crease of her sex showed through the fine damp dark hair and Faith inhaled her scent and sighed. "God but you are so desirable." she murmured and brushing the backs of her fingers over the soft hair with one hand she caressed her bottom with the other. She then looked at Anne, and going along with the facade, authoritatively said. "Permission granted soldier. Speak!"

"Permission to give the Major a quick hug and kiss before she leaves?" Anne giggled and without waiting for a reply she put her arms round Faiths neck and lifting herself up, wrapped her legs round Faiths hips.

"Permission granted." Faith chuckled, her hands cupping the cheeks of Anne's bottom to hold her up. They kissed passionately then gently Faith turned and reluctantly lowered her to the floor .

"Come on you," she whispered "this will not do at all, your turning me on again and we must get dressed!" then she added quietly. "But tonight, it will be different, and tonight it's my place okay?"

"Is that a promise?" Anne asked softly cuddling into her. One hand drifting round to caress the slope of Faiths back and down to her buttocks, the other cradled and guided a breast to her mouth. As Anne's lips closed on her nipple Faith sighed then quietly she spoke firmly. "Anne stop!" For a moment she held her close, even pressing her breast into her then gently she eased back. "And yes my darling, that is a promise ..."

"Faith!" Anne murmured looking up at her. "Faith, what ever happens today, with Mark I mean, you ... we'll still be ..."

"Anne, whatever Mark may have up his sleeve it will not change what we have and it won't stop us being together either. Well, certainly not for long anyway." and bending down she kissed her on the lips. "and that ma petite biche, is a very sincere promise!"

When they arrived in the main foyer Mark was waiting for them. He greeted them cheerfully, kissing Faith on the cheek and after a brief hesitation, taking Anne's hand he politely kissed the back of her fingers. "How ever can a man eat in the presence of such beauty?" he asked with a grin. Quickly they walked together to the restaurant where Douglas met and escorted them to a table set for three in a secluded section of the room and after helping themselves from the self-serve buffet to cereals and juice, they returned to the table and seated themselves.

Mark smiled. "And how are you two this morning?" he asked looking first at Anne then at Faith and before they could answer, as he sugared his cereal, he went on quietly. "You both look very pleased with yourselves. I trust you are ready for the day ahead. I might add that last night whilst you two were locked in your Sapphic bliss I was up most of the night attending a very long and boring meeting!"

Anne, immediately embarrassed, blushed profusely and looked to Faith for help. Seeing her discomfort Faith smiled. "It is all right Anne. In private with friends he loves to tease, and he doesn't pull his punches I'm afraid. His familiarity however is a sign of approval so don't be embarrassed. It took me a little time to get used to it!"

"Don't know what your talking about I'm sure." Mark grinned and looking at Anne he reassured her. "She is right though Anne, I like to tease but I assure you I would never knowingly embarrass you." and with a wink at her added "Other than in private of course and then only in jest."

After a brief glance at Faith who with another small grin gave a nod of assent Anne looked back to Mark. She gave him a nervous smile then still somewhat disconcerted, looked down and silently contemplated her menu.

"Anyway Faith." Mark said turning to her. "Much as I enjoy this joviality, if Anne will excuse me I do need to talk a bit of business. Quite simply, I need someone to go to Germany. Munich to be precise. There's a NATO meeting there the day after tomorrow, well Monday actually, but I would like you to fly out there the day after tomorrow really. It will probably last two or three days, maybe a bit more but it will be finished by next weekend."

Anne shivered as her heart lurched and she felt the colour drain from her face. Her worst fears were materialising into actuality. Oh God no she gasped silently, she's going to leave ... I just knew this was coming ...

"Assuming that I am going and knowing you you have already assumed that I am, can you tell me anything about it?" Faith asked and seeing Mark glance briefly in Anne's direction she added. "She knows about me and, and some of my other duties Mark and needless to say I trust her implicitly."

Mark cleared his throat and smiled. "Yes I know that ... Actually it's not anything cloak and dagger this time Faith. But what I have to say is how shall I say, sensitive and not for general knowledge? There are as you probably know rumblings of discontent in the Yugoslavia area of Europe, the Balkan States generally in fact and well, well NATO is possibly going to have to take more than a casual interest soon in what is happening out there.

"In my view I think it is all going very pear shaped and very quickly. I told the Foreign Office this would happen months ago, saying that I was sure there was big trouble brewing and now at last they are beginning to think I was right. That's basically what the meeting is about but I need someone out there to not only give me the details of the discussions on an official basis but more important, I need genuine information. I want someone there who can feel and test the air, give me the politics of it all and you Faith are a genius at that. The conference is being held behind closed doors and to date the media have not, as far as I know, been informed of its taking place. As our interpreter you ... well, you already are familiar with a lot of the diplomats from the European Embassies and you know most of the NATO staff in Munich. You quite simply can get feed back that an ordinary official representative could not. You may, you will be able to how shall I say, obtain snippets of information that others couldn't ..."

Conversation ceased for a moment as Douglas arrived and asked for their orders and when he had departed Anne poured them coffee. Her heart still pounded and she was close to tears but somehow she remained outwardly unruffled. Putting the coffee pot down she sat back in her chair, resting her hands (that had now begun to tremble slightly) in her lap and silently watched and intently listened the two of them talking.

"I have been a little presumptuous Faith I know but though I expect it to be a very low risk operation I haven't asked anyone else to do it yet. I would very much like you to go for me."

"I see." Faith smiled. She looked at Anne and nodded knowingly at her said "You see, I told you he was after something didn't I." Anne managed a small smile and Faith went on. "I get the impression that it's important isn't it Mark. I can tell by the tone of your voice."

"Yes, it is very important. There is a lot going on out there Faith and the powers that be have only just quite suddenly become aware of it's importance. The yanks are worried too and I am liaising with them. The will be represented at the meeting and obviously we will work closely with them. I think personally that there is a long and very nasty violent conflict brewing and I also think that it is about to break out very soon. I also think that it will be a long term conflict. It would appear that we are at the back of the class on information at the moment and we want to change that. We need to know who is friendly with who and more to the point, who isn't friendly with who. I think, in fact I know, you are the best person to dig around. You are popular with a lot of the hierarchy from all the parties concerned out there and you can mix socially so much more easily than an ordinary official. We'll have to get you a really good PA of course, the Foreign Office are working on that right now. I have specified that you will have someone who is computer literate and a good typist and stenographer and I am hopeful they will find someone who fits the bill in time and that it will be someone who you ..."

"... and someone who I can work with!" Faith interrupted with a chuckle.

"Yes, and someone who you can work with. I know you are a loner and like to do your own thing but I don't want you tied down with admin stuff. You need some one there to give the feed back too. I consider that is imperative!" He smiled looking down at his coffee and at that moment their breakfasts arrived.

Mark had not ordered a main course but he motioned Anne and Faith to go ahead with theirs. "Trouble is." he went on. "I have to be honest, with the weekend coming up it is giving them very short notice to find someone so I fear you might be on you own to start with."

Anne had picked up her knife and fork but her appetite had disappeared completely and she had only toyed with her food as Mark talked. When he finished speaking she gently laid her knife and fork neatly together on her plate and taking a deep breath she looked up at them both and cleared her throat.

"I know it is not my business but," she said quickly looking first at Faith then at Mark. "But I am computer literate. I teach computer skills at evening classes at the local Tech and, well my typing and shorthand speeds are well above average. 75/135 at the last count which is though I say it myself, pretty fast. I can also audio type ... I just thought that if you two were really stuck. Well I thought perhaps you might consider me to act as Faiths PA. If you wanted me, I finish here tomorrow so if you wanted me I would be free ..." her voice drifted to silence and she looked at them both with an expression of expectancy and embarrassment.

Mark and Faith had both turned and looked at her as she had begun talking and when her voice faded, they were both silent.

"I'm afraid I don't speak any foreign languages." she added hurriedly. "A bit of French and a bit of Dutch but not anything worth mentioning really but I do have official Security Clearance in as far as I have signed the Official Secrets Act and I have an up to date police clearance certificate. Seeing the look of surprise on Faiths face she added "You see I worked quite a bit with the local TA. There is a depot near home and when they are on manoeuvres I have helped in their Signal Centre. I am pretty clued up also on the latest advances in cipher" She paused and looked hopefully at the two of them. "Well, that is about it. Sorry if I interrupted you but, but if you wanted me to I would be happy to help if you and well you know, if you can't find anyone else in time ..."

She sat looking back at them practically holding her breath in anticipation of their response. Gutted at the thought of Faith going away and of not seeing her she now hung to the remote chance that they might not be parted. The very thought of being with her on official business was all too awesome to dare imagining ... Silently she waited hopefully for their positive response.

Faith stared at her, her mind racing. Why not she thought. She has all the qualifications that would be required for the job ... she is very capable and to say we get on would be an understatement ... she'd be ideal for the job in every way and obviously Mark has done his home work on her or he would have immediately raised an objection. He hasn't done so ... so, so he's leaving it to me to decide ... but what if there was trouble, what if ... Their eyes had held as she assessed the situation and without looking away she asked." What is the danger ratio Mark? I know you always are with me but please be honest."

Mark was thoughtful for a moment then said "Of course, and in answer to your question, no more than here really. This is the latter half of the 20th century ... You'll be mixing with some of the European hierarchy, some of whom are not very popular in certain circles but that applies to here right now, in fact anywhere for that matter. No, no more danger than the two of you've been in over the last forty eight hours and security should be massive there," and he then added casually. "it may be very long hours Anne, very tiring possibly ... but danger, the possibility is there but minimal really."

Faith grinned inwardly. The crafty bugger she thought. He has already done his home work on her and has decided. He's made up his mind already ... probably did ages ago ... before we even came to breakfast ...

"In this business long hours are par for the course Mark so I have no problem with that." Anne answered. "and danger? Well I've had my moments of danger. I think I would cope." Being with Faith would be security enough if there was trouble she thought as she gazed into the grey-green eyes that now held her so penetratingly. They were warm and affectionate but deep probing and she could see Faith was seriously calculating. Had they not formed the relationship that they now had she knew she would have wilted with embarrassment and have had to look away. Instead she held the gaze. Her eyes pleaded silently for her approval and despite the seriousness of the decision that was about to be made, she smiled at her, raising an eyebrow and slightly tilting her head in a soundless query. Faiths steady gaze seemed to search deeper, as though she was scanning her mind as one would a CV then slowly the corners of her mouth widened and she smiled back.

"All right then Mark." she said quietly, turning to him. "You want me to go, I go ... and Anne comes with me."

Anne swallowed and the wave of elated release that engulfed her made her shiver and she for a moment felt dizzy with elation. She looked up at Faith and, as their eyes met again for a brief moment, she silently tried to transmit her gratitude and even more, her overwhelming love.

Mark looked up from his coffee which he had been stirring thoughtfully. "Well, there's one problem solved." he beamed. "I'm glad that's sorted then. Welcome aboard Anne, and Anne, I know Mike West has covered security very thoroughly for this conference. I er ... I've seen your personal file, I do have incidentally the authority to do so so Mike had no choice when I requested it. He has been very thorough in his `security' and I am always impressed by his diligence. He personally vouched for you. So really the only thing I will need from you now is your passport. I have to arrange special passes and so forth through the FO. I will need it as soon as possible. Is that a problem? Do you have it here at the hotel?"

"Yes. Helen has it in the hotel safe. I'll go and get it now if you would like me to." she replied. Her heart was thumping and her hands still trembled as she tried to acknowledge the enormity of what had just taken place and she was thankful that she had found her voice and that it sounded confident.

"Thank you but it can wait until you've finished breakfast." Mike chuckled. "Perhaps you would arrange for Helen to let me have it before I leave though. I'll let you have it back this evening; and Faith, I'll let you have a complete breakdown of the itinerary. Your air tickets and your documentation is already done."

He paused to take a sip of his coffee and Faith with a grin cut in. "I see, and just how can that be since you didn't know I was going to agree to go and tell me, was it pure chance that you happened to glance through Anne's security file?"

Mark coloured slightly and grinned. "Ah. Well. Let's say I just took a chance. Thought you would like a change" and putting his cup down, for a moment looking a bit sheepish he turned to Anne and went on "and Anne? Well I did not wholly anticipate your offer, in fact last night I honestly did not know about this ... this trip being so imminent I mean, but I had a hunch we would er ... we would not lose touch. I have to make it my business to know as much as I can about the friends of my friends and colleagues and knowing you and Faith had become ... well become close I, well yes I did do a bit of home work on you. I learnt about your involvement with the TA and by the way your knowledge of cipher certainly surprised me. However, that is all academic now isn't it!" and before either of them could reply he glanced at his watch and stood up. "Oh and one other thing, several of the delegates have said they wish to leave after this afternoons session. The want to get back home to their governments so you two will be free to leave as well. Faith, I must dash. I'll contact you in the usual way either tonight or at the latest, tomorrow am. Don't forget the passport Anne. I'll collect it in about twenty minutes or so." He kissed Faith on the cheek and catching Anne totally by surprise, kissed her on the cheek as well.

"Glad you are with us." he said quietly and suddenly he was gone.

Anne looked at Faith. "Don't ask me to stand up for a minute, I couldn't ... and if I pick up my coffee I'll spill it ... I don't know what to say Faith, except thank you ... and that I love you and you have made me the happiest woman in the world. I promise I won't let you down Faith, I promise."

Faith smiled. "I know you won't. Mind you, you don't know what you have let yourself in for. You might not be so enthusiastic trudging through the icy cold of a central European winter. Munich is not that far from the Austrian border and the Alps and the weather is a bit nippy round there right now to say the least! There is thick snow there at the moment!"

"As long as I am with you I don't mind what happens." Anne replied quietly.

"Oh don't you worry about that, you are going to be with me all right. Day and night you are going to be with me! We'll have to think of a title for you though. Introducing you as `My Lover' may raise a few eyebrows!" She grinned and glancing at her watch said "Have you finished your breakfast?"

Anne nodded. "I couldn't eat a thing at the moment, I really can't believe all this ..."

"Come then little one, there are things to do!" Faith whispered. They stood up and casually she took Anne's hand in hers and squeezed it. "Let's go and get your passport sorted for Mark shall we ... and what's all this about your knowledge of ciphers and working with the TA, you didn't tell me about that ..."

The morning session passed peacefully. Anne had almost immediately been summoned to sort out assorted minor problems in the hotel and it wasn't until the conference was just starting that she was able to find her way back to the Broadcasting room. As she entered the red "on air" light came on and Faith, acknowledging her arrival with a brief but affectionate glance, started translating.

Anne made coffee then sat down and for the first time since breakfast was able to concentrate on trying to collect her thoughts and analyse all that had happened. Her mind whirled as she struggled to comprehend and accept the changes that had taken place and on what the foreseeable future might hold. Business wise I know I can cope easily she thought. As a PA I know I will be capable, good in fact and ... but going to Europe and meeting and mixing with the hierarchy and foreign dignitaries! and clothes, I have no clothes to wear! I'll have to go home and repack ... and what do I pack anyway? Do I need to draw money out? There's not much in the bank but I could use my Credit cards I suppose ... I wonder how much I will be paid, I didn't dare to ask. Never thought about it in fact. Still, I know Faith will look after me ... I'd do it for nothing if only to be with her ... just to be close to her ... and tonight, are we going to be apart ... ? The thought of being separated even for one night was now unbearable, but as she watched Faith sitting at her desk quietly translating she felt a glow of warm contentment deep down inside.

Faith was sat upright, her shoulders squared back and Anne appreciatively took in the firm swell of her breasts, that with the tell tale imprints of her nipples showing clearly, strained slightly against the white cotton of her blouse. One hand rested on her lap and the other was on the desk where she was again gently sliding the thin gold pencil back and forth between her fingers. Her eyes were again drawn to those long slender fingers and her mind drifted back and she recalled the joy of their caress. The way they had stroked and fondled me ... entered me so intimately and brought such exquisite pleasure ... She scanned down the outlines of Faiths figure. Her eyes travelling on down to her legs and then her feet. Long and slender, just like her hands and fingers she thought and yet, yet they too have a sensuality about them ...

Slowly she looked back up, following the line of her calves to her thighs and the smooth curve of her buttocks. Her eyes lingered there a moment then moved on up her back, to the broad shoulders and her neck. She found herself staring at Faiths ear which suddenly had an alluring appeal about it. She recalled kissing it and nibbling the lobe which now was adorned with a small single diamond earring. Finally she lowered her eyes, sliding her gaze down her arms back to the hands and the long tapering fingers and again mesmerised by their gently rhythm, she continued to stare. Will I ever stop wanting her she mused silently and without thinking, she licked her lips. Shaking herself and grinning ashamedly she quickly got up and made fresh coffee. As she placed Faiths cup next to her their eyes met and she smiled at her. Faith continued talking but putting her pencil down the long fingers briefly touched and rested on her wrist and Anne's insides skipped a beat.

This magnificent, beautiful woman she thought, as she returned to her chair and sat down again. So elegant, so refined and confident. How could she have fallen for a little shrimp like me, a little nobody in this rat race of survival ... and settling herself, she sat back she continued to meditate and watch. And now she thought, through this gorgeous and beautiful woman, I am being catapulted into the world of politics and intrigue. I'll see and probably meet and speak to people I have only seen on Television and read about in the papers ...

"Coffee and Biscuits Miss Wilde?" Anne jumped, startled back to reality. Faith had slipped the transmit switch off and turned to face her. Her eyes held her with a long affectionate gaze. "Penny for them." she said quietly.

"I love you Faith Hollings." Anne replied. Quickly she got up from her chair and crossing over to her side she put her arms round her and hugged her tightly. "I love you so much." She buried her face into Faiths neck and kissed her. "I love you so much it hurts, truly I have never felt such a love ..."

Faith returned the embrace, stroking her hair and shoulders. "I love you too." she whispered and with a smile added. "But we have a world to face out there, come!" Standing up she straightened her skirt and blouse but as Anne reached to unlock the door Faith touched her on the shoulder. Anne turned and looked up. Quickly Faith bent down and kissed her lightly on the lips. "I am glad you are coming with me to Germany." she whispered. "Very glad. I would have missed you ..."

Anne smiled and she slid the bolt back "I still don't believe it, what has happened" she replied "But I'm so happy." and opening the door she lead the way to the reception room where under the guidance of Douglas they were shepherded to a table behind which, stood the imposing figure of Leanne.

Anne looked at Faith who smiled, raising a questioning eyebrow. "Don't you even think about it!" she whispered and they both laughed and reaching the table accepted the offered refreshments and were soon surrounded by delegates and further personal contact, visual or otherwise, had to cease.

"How you doing?" Mike West gave Anne an affectionate hug and nodded to Faith. "You will never cease to amaze me Anne Wilde. How the hell did you pull this latest little coup off?"

"Coup?" Anne asked innocently.

"Munich! How on earth did you manage it?" he said quietly.

"How on earth did you know!" Anne exclaimed with genuine surprise. "I thought Faith and I, and Mark of course were the only ones to know about it."

"Mark came and saw me earlier. He wanted to borrow your security file again. He was impressed with your credentials and he told me about you joining up with Faith for the Munich trip. He's a very pleasant but I assure you, a very shrewd and thorough man."

"Isn't he just!" Anne affirmed quietly. "Anyway, I didn't pull it off as you call it. I just happened to be in the right place at the right time. I sort of ... well I volunteered my services ..."

"Oh, and what services were those I wonder!" Mike chuckled.

Anne looked at him shyly and stubbed her toe on his foot. "Not the ones your thinking of!" she smiled. "At least not as far as Mark was aware, although he knows about our relationship." At that moment a bell rang and every one started to move back to the hall.

"Blimey that was quick. See you later!" Mike said and abruptly he shot off towards the exit.

"You okay?" Faith asked as they walked together back to the conference hall.

"I have never felt better and I have never felt happier." Anne beamed. "Though I have a million question to ask regarding what is going to happen when we finish here. It has all happened so quickly!"

"If you're talking about the job don't worry about a thing. I know you will be ideal for it." Faith said grinning at her. "I have no doubts about that!"

"Oh I have no qualms about that either." Anne replied. "It's the bits and pieces I'm thinking about. You know, clothes, travelling arrangements and so on. I don't worry ever but I do have a lot of questions to ask, but they can wait."

"Of course and I understand completely." Faith replied. They entered the broadcasting room and as she crossed to sit at the desk Anne locked the door. "You mustn't worry about a thing," Faith continued picking up her earpiece. "If you want to go home to get clothes and things it is no problem and if you need to buy anything just keep all receipts and tickets. You are on Government Business now and providing your sensible and don't hire a private helicopter or something daft like that they will pay all your expenses. As far as all the travel details and so on are concerned Mark will sort all that." She glanced over to her and said. "If you decide not to go home Anne you know of course you are more than welcome to stay at my place." She paused then with a grin she said. "I did say earlier that it was my place tonight ... but, you'll have to sleep with me and you will have to be prepared for a bit of friendly third degree from Sylvie and Annette. Sylvie will probably try to Mother you, very affectionately, and they will both almost certainly flirt outrageously with you." She chuckled and added "they are very, very affectionate ... and highly over sexed and permanently horny!"

The red light flashed and reaching forward she flicked the switch on and immediately began translating. Anne settled back in her chair and mused happily on Faiths final offer. Truly I have to be dreaming she told herself and pinching her arm to assure herself that she wasn't she smiled happily as she briskly rubbed the pain away.

"So what is it to be little one?" Faith asked reaching over to throw the transmit switch to "off" and she swivelled her chair to face Anne. "Have you made any decisions or plans regarding the next couple of days?" She smiled at her and held her arms out "Come, come here quick ..."

Anne swiftly got up and crossed over to her side. She put her arms round her and they hugged affectionately. "Only to stay as close to you as possible." she murmured. They held each other for a moment, then straightening up, Faith looked into Anne's eyes. "Well my little love, I have a suggestion ..." she said quietly.

Anne nodded and gently kissed her on the lips. "Anything, anything you say." she whispered and stepping back said with a grin. "You are the boss now, so what are your orders Ma'am. I am yours to command, awaiting instructions and orders."

"I'll give you some orders young lady, but not until tonight," Faith chuckled, winking and suggestively patting her on the bottom. "But for now my little one how does this sound. How about you come home with me this afternoon, stay the night and then tomorrow ... I will have to go to the Foreign office anyway to ... to get instructions and things. Tomorrow, you can go home and do what ever you have to do and then, well if you would like to you can come back and stay the night again with me? ... the weekend in fact! We could go shopping ... I .. I would like to spoil you and, and how about we maybe go to the night club I mentioned and have some fun on Saturday night?"

"I like the thought of you spoiling me Faith" Anne breathed into her ear, kissing and nibbling the lobe "and I think your suggestions are wonderful." and after another quick kiss on the lips she pulled away and continued. "I must go to reception and check with Helen on whether I am needed anymore. I don't think I will be now."

"I'll come with you." Faith said standing up and as she straightened her blouse and skirt Anne openly gazed at the full swell of her breast and sighed contentedly.

"Let's see how quick we can get out of here and get home shall we?" Faith murmured and then with a low chuckle she went on "There is a King size bed waiting for us in my bedroom and then you can have as much of me as you like there." She cupped Anne's face in her hands and kissed her lips. "Come my love, let's go ..."

At the reception desk Helen greeted the two women with a smile. "Hi you two, guess you know the conference is nearly over huh? So what you doing?" and looking at Faith she went on "if you two want to stay tonight you are welcome, your rooms have been paid for in advance, but I thought I would check on your plans. If you don't want the rooms I will have them serviced and with a bit of luck we will let them tonight ... but seriously, stay if you wish."

"We were just talking about it Helen. Thanks, but we will both be leaving this afternoon ... I'm going up now to arrange transport and I have told Anne I will drop her off so we plan to leave here about four o'clock? ... that will give Anne time to clear her office and for us to pack."

"Oh right, okay, sorry to lose you though" she smiled and then added "we are holding an informal farewell gathering, in the Meadow Room where we had the cocktail party last night? Champagne and a light buffet ... you are of course not obligated to come ... but ..."

"Can we see how it goes Helen, I would like to get away as soon as possible but let me check on my transport first. I'll go make some calls now."

"I'll come with you Faith" Anne smiled and together they headed for stairs.

The conference progressed to the early close without incident and after they had packed their bags they entered the reception area and awaited Faiths transport. The chauffeur driven car arrived at four thirty and the two women, after saying their goodbyes and having had the luggage placed in the trunk, settled back for the journey to Central London.

"Zone 5 please Mike." Faith had said to the chauffeur who, with a glance in the rear view mirror gave a polite nod of acknowledgement and quickly the car moved off to join the early evening rush hour traffic.

"Zone five?" Anne asked with surprised quizzical look.

Faith looked down at her and smiled. "It is a secure location where I have my car. It is a sort of staging post. You'll see what I mean when we get there. It's ... it is just in case we are being followed."

Anne gazed at her for a moment and was about to reach for her hand but remembering the driver, settled back into her seat. Purposely she had ensured there was a discrete distance separating them but slipping her shoe off she eased her foot over and rested it against Faiths and looking up she saw a small mirror on the dividing glass panel between them and the driver. Her heart skipped. Faith's reflection smiled back at her and their eyes held meaningfully for a moment then with a gentle responding movement of her foot, Faith turned and looked out of the window.

Happily Anne too looked away and as she watched the passing scenery she was thoughtful. Very much aware of the massive change that had so suddenly taken place in her life, she reflected on the new situation she now found herself in. The intrigue that it seemed she was about to become involved in was awesome but turning back to the mirror she studied Faiths calm comforting features and her brief concern was replace with desire.

"Excuse me Miss Hollings, just so you know, at present we are clear ... I will let you know if we have a problem." The polite voice of the chauffeur interrupted her thoughts and she turned and looked at Faith quizzically.

"Thanks Mike." Faith replied and turning to Anne went on "What Mike means is we are not being tailed. I am afraid it is a precaution we have to take some times in this business, especially when I leave certain situations like conferences and things. There are I am afraid some really strange people in the world!" she laughed and then on a more serious note added "He can pick up a tail and lose one faster than anyone I know! I don't know how you do it Mike!"

"Oh just a knack I guess Miss Hollings, I have my methods!" he grinned and added "we should be at five in about half an hour ..."

True to his word, about half an hour later, he turned the car into a small side street and driving down a short ramp entered a brightly lit parking complex where after flashing a card at him a guard politely waved them on through a barrier.

"I am parked in G3 Mike" Faith said and nodding he made several turns, descended a couple of levels and finally pulled up.

"Well we are here." Faith announced opening her door and getting out of the car. "We take my car from now on and leave Mike to his own devices!" Producing a set of keys she opened the doors of the silver/grey Mercedes sports car parked next to them into which Mike quickly transferred their luggage and, with a polite "adieu", he left.

They settled into Faith car and moments later they drove out again into the London traffic.

"The slightly smoked glass windows are the final touch for me to be anonymous should any one be looking for me." Faith grinned and with a chuckle she added "we have left from another building so the chances are very remote ... and now my little love, we are back in the real world!" She patted Anne's leg comfortingly and went on "sorry about the intrigue but regretfully, following an incident several years ago, it is a precaution we take now, we should be home in about fifteen minutes ..."

"Smoked window huh" Anne murmured with a grin "so no one can see us? I can touch you and ..." and half turning in her seat she placed her hand high on Faiths thigh. "Is that alright ..." she asked, moving her hand and slightly flexing her fingers in a soft caress.

"Yes, beautiful." Faith laughed. "but keep it at just that my love, don't start arousing me too much or I might hit something!" and dropping her hand from the wheel for a moment to cover Anne's she squeezed it gently, then putting it back she went on "Mind you, your very presence alone does that anyway!"

Anne gazed adoringly at Faiths profile, lit by the glow of the street lights and passing traffic. As she deftly manoeuvred the car through the busy city her face was calm and relaxed and again Anne detected the haunting "Mona Lisa" hint of a smile that she had grown to love ... I never will figure out if it is her eyes or her mouth she thought.

"You are so beautiful."she whispered.

"Flattery will get you anything you want little one, just you wait till I get you home." Faith chuckled and quickly glanced at her. For a moment their eyes held in the dimness and she smiled then turned back to the road and a couple of minutes later swinging into a small cul-de-sac she pulled up in front of a wide garage door.

"Right my little love, we are here ..." she said and pressing a button on the dashboard the door lifted and she drove into a small garage. Parking in one of the three empty spaces she switched off the engine and turning to Anne and leaning forward she kissed her gently on the lips. Her hand had automatically cupped Anne's breast as they kissed and in a moment they were locked in an ardent embrace, breathing nosily through their noses. They wrestled hungrily against each other but finally Faith pulled away. "Come," she panted. "I want you upstairs, I can't hold back much longer ... and I see Sylvie and Annette's car is not here so they are not home yet."

Quickly getting out of the car they unloaded their cases and entered a small lift. Faith typed a code on the button panel and as the doors closed Anne reached up and stroked Faiths cheek. "I hope they like me" she said quietly "I ..."

"Darling how could they not love you as I do ..." Faith interrupted bending down to kiss her, cutting off further talk. Anne hugged her, blending herself into her but the clinch was short lived as the lift stopped and the doors slid open. Disentangling themselves they picked their cases up and entered a spacious hallway and Anne followed Faith who opening a door entered a large bedroom.

"This is my bedroom ... and for now yours too ... there is an adjoining room but unfortunately we use it as a junk room ..." Faith said with a smile and sitting down on the largest double bed Anne had ever seen, she held her arms out. "Come darling. Come to me ..." and quickly she slid on to her lap and melted into them.

"As long as I am here I would not want it any other way" she murmured between passionate kisses. They fell back on to the bed and Anne lay on her back with Faith half lying on top of her. "Faith, I want you so much ... I'm soaking ..."

Faiths moved her hand up Anne's leg, up beneath her skirt then down between the warm thighs that parted instantly. Her fingers moved up to their join and she touched the wetness of Anne's cotton panties. Swiftly she slid her fingers beneath the leg band and Anne groaned her approval as she felt Faiths long fingers cup the cheeks of her bottom and her thumb slide smoothly into her.

"Oh God I need you ..." she whispered and she reached up and undid the buttons of Faiths shirt. She slipped the catch on the silk bra and as it fell away she latched hungrily on the exposed breast that swayed inches from her mouth. Frenziedly, whilst still suckling her passionately, she continued undressing her and as she did so Faiths thumb was moving sensually deep inside her but as Anne continued `stripping' her, she withdrew it and lightly moving it up the smooth wet furrow she found the delicate little bud of Anne's clitoris and softly grazed her finger tip over it.

Anne groaned again and pressing her hips up she arched into her, seeking yet holding back from Faiths hand. Her own struggling fingers finally managed to release the button on Faiths skirt and she slid the zip down then slipping her hand beneath the waist band of her panties and the garter belt, she eased them down and assisted by Faith, manoeuvred the skirt, panties and stockings off in one go and her fingers had returned and burrowed into the join of her thighs.

Passionately, sensually, their now virtually naked bodies pressed simultaneously together. With their tongues entwining and searching as they kissed, for several minutes they writhed in an eager breathless clinch until finally, as Faith's finger tips moved faster and more determinedly, with a small cry Anne tensed. For a moment of rapt bliss her small body trembled, then with a low groan of satisfaction, she sank back on the bed and went limp. Panting breathlessly, perspiration glistening on face, her eyes slowly opened and she gazed up at Faith who was still leaning over her.

"Oh God Faith" she whispered "I needed that. That was unbelievable, so beautiful, and, and I'm sorry, but I think ... I think after I had my cummie I peed a little on you. I couldn't stop myself I am so sorry. I ... I often do when I have a cummie ..."

"Just a little and it was lovely." Faith whispered as she gazed down at her. "I have no problem with that so don't even think about apologising ... and I haven't finished with you yet either" With a small smile she lifted her weight off her and said quietly. "Turn, turn round darling. I want more. I want to taste you again" and with a quiet chuckle added "all of you, your pee as well."

"Oh Faith ..." Anne gasped, her voice barely audible, and she quickly obeyed.

Faith knelt over her and, feeling the soft warm cushioning swell of Faiths breasts pressing down on her tummy and her legs being spread, Anne reached up. She gazed at exposed sex that hovered immediately above her and licked her lips. For a moment she studied the genitalia glistening just inches away and she inhaled her scent. Then, caressing the firm thighs and bottom cheeks, she lifted her head and her lips drew in the delicate rose coloured petals and her tongue slipped searchingly between them. Clinging to each other in their `soixante neuf' embrace, Faith turned taking Anne with her so that they lay on to their sides. Quickly adjusted their positions, their bodies entwined and locked in the ultimate of embraces, they suckled each other hungrily.

As Anne cupped and fondled Faiths buttocks she feasted on her and, stroking a finger intimately along the now soaking wet divide she for a moment boldly toyed with the crinkled depression of Faiths anus, then she pressed the tip in. It slid in smoothly and this time, it was Faith who let out a small ecstatic moan. As they fondled and strained against each other they were lost in passionate bliss until finally, it was Faith who began to tense first. Anne, sensing the pending release pulled herself more firmly against her. She pressed her finger more deeply, increasing the fervour of her caresses then gratefully, as Faith shuddered and let out a long low moan of pleasure, she eagerly accepted the silky warm release. With the added pleasures of Faiths similar ministrations to her, Anne too soon began to feel the tingling sensations of another orgasm building up and it was only moments later that with a soft groan she sensed the warm comforting surge welling up deep down in the base of her tummy, and then it broke. Her body tingled as the waves of gratification washed over her and spontaneously she gripped Faith between her thighs as she shuddered and she groaned out loud.

Turning over to lie on top of Faith Anne pulled herself up to her and they kissed. Sharing the taste of their joint loving they hugged each other in a tight embrace of contentment. "That was beautiful Faith ... so beautiful ..." she whispered.

"Oh yeah! That really was truly truly beautiful! Welcome home you two! I guess we'll see you later huh ..." and in the time it took for the two startled women to break and turn to see who was speaking, the room was empty and the door had clicked shut.

"Oh my God Faith" Anne gasped in horror. "Who was that? She must have seen everything Faith! How ever long had she been there?"

Faith was smiling. "Don't worry darling, that was Sylvie, and probably Annette too and knowing them, long enough to see every thing. Truth be known, we're lucky she or they didn't sit on the bed with us and want to chat as we made love!" Faith chuckled and sat up.

"But Faith ... you ... I ... I was ... we were ... she ... she must have seen everything Faith ... this is dreadful!" Anne's face was a picture of shock and mortification but Faith smiled at her.

"Shhhhh ... I know you must think so, but darling it is not dreadful at all. I told you we were very open and broadminded here so don't you give it another thought, and it was my fault. Silly me, I was in such a hurry to have you I didn't lock the door. In this house only a "locked" door is private" She kissed Anne's damp forehead and added "which I have to admit is a rarity! and as far as seeing us making love? I assure you darling we have almost certainly made her day or their day if they were both there. As I speak she (or they) has probably been so turned on by what she saw and they are in their bedroom `ravaging' each other as we speak! Come, let's shower unpack, and then we'll go and I will introduce you. I know they desperately want to meet you."

"But Faith, I will be so embarrassed. I won't know where to look when I meet them I ...." Anne's voice faded and she looking at Faith, devastated. "What I was doing to you ... They saw ..."

"Darling please don't worry! You were not doing anything they don't do when making love. They may pull your leg a bit but really they are a lovely couple and to them what we were doing was quite quite normal and natural. I promise you, you will almost certainly walk in on them doing the same thing if you stay long enough." Faith cuddled and kissed her then she looked at her seriously for a moment and added "and I do very much hope you do decide you will stay awhile."

"Of course Faith." Anne smiled " You know I want to stay Faith As long as you want me to stay. I am just a bit nonplussed at being caught in the act of ... well you know, of making love to you!"

"With me darling, not to me" Faith corrected with a grin "so good, that's settled then." and gently she kissed her affectionately on the forehead.

Anne sighed and hugged her. Then, with a coy little smile she said "You said earlier that Sylvie and Annette may, may flirt with me. If they do flirt, will you be jealous?" She giggled and then she continued "and you said, you had `joined in with them', in other words what you meant was you have had sex with them ... like ..." she sighed and was momentarily lost for words but then said "Will they want me to join with them' as well?"

"Well now, there are two very big questions!" Faith chuckled. "First, let me assure you of two things. As long as you are in my apartment I will not allow anything to happen to you that you do not want to happen and nothing, but nothing will harm you here or anywhere for that matter if I am with you, nothing. Okay? I really do mean that darling."

Anne nodded and smiled. "Okay." she whispered and snuggled into to her.

"Okay. Now. Now for your questions. Darling we love each other and we trust each other. I know you would not do anything to upset me and I would not want to do the same to you. I also know that Sylvie and Annette, who are very dear friends of mine, love each other very very much. They are truly in love just as we are but in saying that, Sylvie Annette and I, well we do all enjoy sex and we consider sexual pleasure' as just that. We don't believe one has to be in love' with some one to share and enjoy it and we also don't consider making love and having sex to be the same thing. In our view you can make love and have sex with your lover, but you can only have sex' with someone who you don't love. So, I say no I would not be jealous." She kissed her affectionately on the mouth, her hands smoothing down her back and caressing her bottom and she went on quietly "We have in this family, this home, two very simple rules. We do not believe in or condone any form of non-consensual sex, and any sex' one may have with a person other than their lover has to be 100% consensual, by everyone. So, if you had as you put it `had sex' with them, it would be with all our mutual consent and theirs. Mine especially!"

Anne nodded again and she went on "Right, so now for your second question. Although I have every intention of sating all your physical needs the answer is `Yes' darling. You are far too gorgeous and sexy for them not to be sexually attracted to you and I am sure when they have got to know you they will almost certainly flirt outrageously with you and yes, they will almost certainly fancy having sex with you at some time too. But," she added looking at Anne seriously "they would never ever try to encroach on our love".

Anne nodded her understanding again and she grinned. "So I must be prepared for a slightly improved sex life in the Holland household then, and also be prepared for all eventualities!"

"Very very definitely" Faith laughed quietly and hugging her close she kissed her again gently on the lips. They then began necking' and their passion soon became heatedly amorous. Blatantly they rubbed their bodies against each other and as their tribbing' actions increased Faith pulled away and quickly adjusted her position so that their legs were `scissored' together, the both lay back and meshed their sexes together in a warm wet embrace and began to writhe and press against each other. They interlocked their fingers and pulled themselves harder together. They ground and rubbed their sexes together using them and the resulting friction to mutually masturbate together.

The passion continued and both women were soon panting with their exertions and their groans of pleasure mounted. Their eventual climaxes were nearly simultaneous and when they finally relaxed, their bodies were coated in perspiration and their thighs, buttocks and sexes soaked with the smooth wetness of sexual fulfilment. Reversing and pulling back together into an embrace, they kissed. Gently both women dipped their fingers down to fondle the softness of each others sexes and almost in unison, brought their fingers up to each others lips. They gazed lovingly into each others eyes as the licked the `cummie honey' as Anne called it from each others fingers.

Finally Faith pulled back and quickly rolling off the bed she stood up. "So, come you wanton little hussy, before I change my mind and not let them meet you!" and quickly she turned away and picking up their cases, dumped them on the bed. "The cupboard and dressing table over there is empty ... it is now yours ... and the bedside table on the right is too ... what side of the bed you like to sleep?"

"On the right normally, but now I don't care as long as it is next to you and as close as possible to you!" Anne giggled.

Faith smiled. "Take the right side then, I sleep on my left as a rule so we can cuddle and kiss ourselves to sleep." And picking up their suitcases she placer them on a low couch. "You can unload anything you want and put them in that cupboard or chest of drawers ... and we by the way can go casual now ... I am just going to wear a skirt and T-shirt ..."

Anne reluctantly got up "If I am going home tomorrow to collect more clothes and stuff, may I unpack everything from my cases ... then I will have room to pack the other stuff ..." she asked. "I don't want you to think I am moving in ..."

"Darling of course, and I want you to feel you can move in ... this as far as I am concerned, this is your home too now. Come, lets go shower and make ourselves decent ... you want to go first."

"No, I want us to go together." Anne said putting her arms around Faiths waist and lifting her head to be kissed.

Faith smiled down at her. "The shower here is a little cramped for two compared to the hotel but if you want to join me I guess we can manage, but darling behave ... if you start and get me turned on again we will never get to go and meet Sylvie and Annette, and out of desperation they will almost certainly gate crash our privacy ... they are dying to meet you." She bent down and they kissed, and inevitably Faiths hands slid, as if drawn by a magnet, to caress the tight little cheeks of Anne's bottom. Ann, in response nuzzled into the comforting smoothness of Faiths breasts. She closed her mouth on a nipple and began suckling noisily, caressing it with her tongue but almost immediately Faith pulled away.

"No! Come we must stop this!" she said laughing and before Anne could stop her she turned and was heading for the bathroom.

Quickly Anne followed and despite Faiths orders they both began soaping and washing each other and their hands were soon caressing and exploring each other intimately, the sensuality increased by the smooth soap suds. Anne, once more enamoured by the majestic beauty of Fait, latched on to her breasts so perfectly positioned before her. She fed hungrily as she stroked and fondled their fullness with one hand, and the other sliding down between Faiths thighs. With slow but deliberate strokes she cupped and stroked the soft pouting lips in her palm. She caressed gently but then swiftly she began to massage the prominent nub of Faiths clitoris and slipped her finger inside her. In moments she had Faith holding and gripping her shoulders and only moments later, she shuddered and groaned aloud.

It was some half hour later when finally, flushed and radiant, they immerged from their room. Anne linked her arm into Faiths as they crossed the hallway and pausing at the door way Faith bent down and kissed her forehead.

"You will love them she whispered, but not as much as they will love you." and with a smile, she opened the lounge door and together they entered the room ...

THE END ... ??

We hope you have all enjoyed our novel ... and thanks to every one who has written us ... the ones who complimented and the ones who criticised ... thank you all.

We had originally decided this should be the last chapter of our "Romantic Novel", but if you have read this far and enjoyed it please e-mail us and let us know ... and perhaps tell us if you think we should continue the story? We feel the initial Romance' as such is over now, they are now lovers ... so we have not 100% decided if we should leave Faith and Anne happily in love' and together ... or may be continue the saga as a story of `two lovers', perhaps with a more erotic theme to the story? We will "think" on it ...


Anne and Christina of CASS

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