Little Sheldon's Big Brother

By Chubbyboy

Published on Dec 2, 2020


Little Sheldon's Big Brother part 2

Usual disclaimers apply. I don't own these characters. This is pure fiction. I welcome your comments.

George couldn't sleep all night. He kept replaying the days events in his head over and over again. George had been shocked when his son had stripped naked in their living room. Dumbfounded as he watched Georgie slowly beat himself off for his father to see in the shower. But when Georgie had slipped his father's cock out of his underwear and sucked it to completion, George was literally speechless.

Georgie had swallowed with a smile before going off to bed. George had lay in the bed for a while, unable to move. His cock (still out of his underwear) had gone soft. George felt the chill as Georgie's saliva dried on the skin of his dick. He couldn't believe what he had done. What they had done. After a long time of sitting in silence, George had stood, righted his undies, and was going to go talk to Georgie. This was a mistake. This couldn't happen again. They certainly could never tell anyone what had happened. But just as he was about to knock on the door to his son's bedroom, he remembered that he had to wash Georgie's clothes for football camp tomorrow.

This wasn't more important than the life changing conversation he needed to have with his son, but George was eager to have any excuse to putting off talking about what had just happened and all the ways it was wrong. So he went down to the laundry room and started the wash. George wandered around the kitchen, washing a few dirty dishes, cleaning things his wife normally cleaned, before finally just leaning against the counter in his underwear while the washing machine finished its cycle. In the back of his mind, he didn't want to go back to his bedroom, where his son had swallowed his cum just an hour before. He knew he should knock on Georgie's door and talk to him. But he couldn't. Couldn't look at him right now. Maybe he would just sleep on it and talk to him in the morning. Set him "straight" as it were. George sat at the kitchen table and drank four beers while the dryer ran. Finally, George neatly folded Georgie's work out shirt and shorts and balled the socks. George paused to look at the white jock strap with the red stripe. He raised it to his face and smelled only Tide. George folded it neatly and finally went back down the hall. He sat the neatly folded pile at the foot of Georgie's door (being careful not to make a sound) and went into his own room and shut the door behind him.

Georgie lay in his bed, staring at the ceiling until morning He must have dozed off shortly before sunrise because he woke to a banging on his door. It was Georgie's big booming voice with its deep Texan draw, "Come on, Dad! You overslept. We're gonna be late!"

George jumped out of bed and quickly dressed. A glance at the clock confirmed no time for a shower. He forgot only for a moment the events of the previous day, but then suddenly remembered and dreaded opening the door to see his son. But as he hesitated, he heard Georgie bellow again, "Come on Dad!"

Finally George opened the door to see Georgie standing in the hall, just in front of his open bedroom door, dressed only in his jock, white socks, and sneakers. Georgie stood in a power pose, with his hands on his hips, like a superman cartoon. Georgie was such a perfect physical specimen. His muscular arms, chest, and legs. His smooth chest. His long hair flowing nearly to his shoulders. Georgie smirked at his father and stood still for a moment, long enough for his dad to get a good look before bending over to put his short on over his shoes and slide them up into place. George couldn't register it in that moment, but it was a deliberate move on Georgie's part. No one puts their shoes on before their shorts. Unless its all part of a game. To make George take even longer to watch his son dress. George couldn't look away as Georgie slowly pulled on his cut off top, leaving his midriff exposed. After another moment of pause to let George stare, Georgie said playfully, "so we going or what?" George snapped out of it and purposely avoided eye contact as he walked past Georgie and grabbed his keys.

George didn't have much to say on the car ride to practice. Georgie yammered on about the other players and what plays they should run. It was almost as if the events of the day before had never happened. George even started to wonder if maybe it had all been some dream or something. But Georgie had definitely been being sexual in the hallway. George was so confused, but in the light of day, he couldn't bring himself to discuss it. They arrived at school and football camp proceeded as planned. George tired to concentrate but he found himself staring at Georgie all day. Every once in a while, George thought that Georgie was giving him a funny look. At least once, Georgie came up from a huddle or a play and grabbed his jock suggestively while making eye contact with his father. George thought he may have been imagining this, but he wasn't sure.

As the day wore on, George also realized that in addition to the confusion and fear and near panic he was feeling, he also felt something else. Horny. He couldn't stop thinking about his son. His smooth skin. His firm, toned muscles. His thick, hairy cock. And the part he kept replaying was when Georgie had not only sucked his cock, but swallowed his cum with a smile. His own wife hadn't sucked his cock since before they had kids. And she never swallowed. When he had asked her about it on their third day, she had seemed aghast at the suggestion.

The day's work ended and George was simultaneously dreading and eager for the ride home. They piled in the truck and Georgie asked, "Can we get pizza tonight, Dad?" George, relieved to be asked a question that wouldn't have a confusing or uncomfortable answer, smiled nervously and said sure.

Forty minutes later, pizza in hand, they arrived home and settled in the living room to eat. George turned the TV and quickly found a ball game to have on in the background. George was starting to feel normal, like maybe it had all been in his imagination. Georgie sat the pizza on the coffee table as his dad settled into his easy chair, "Should I get you a beer?" Georgie asked. George didn't look up from the game as he said, "yeah." As George grabbed a slice and started to eat, he didn't notice when Georgie walked back into the room. When Georgie held out a beer for George to take, he looked up to see Georgie had once again stripped down to only his jock strap. He help a beer in each hand. George's mouth was open, a slice of pizza not far from it. Georgie smiled as he said, "I thought maybe I could have a beer too?"

George, not knowing what else to say as he took in his handsome son's image. He merely nodded in the affirmative before almost whispering, "sure.....just.....uh...don't tell your mother." Georgie laughed softly and replied, "Come on, Dad. I'd never tell on you. When it's just us guys, it's all top secret." The hidden meaning wasn't lost on George.

As George took a beer from Georgie's outstretched hand, Georgie took the other for himself and cracked it as he turned away from his dad and bent over to get a slice of pizza. George noticed his son's ass for the first time, smooth, firm, dimpled. As Georgie bent over, George could see his balls hanging in the jock. He could also see Georgie's tight, only slightly furry hole. George felt his cock begin to strain against his khaki shorts.

Georgie stayed bent over longer than he needed to before finally getting a slice of pizza and flopping down on the couch, sitting as close as he could to his Dad's chair. Georgie seemed to legitimately focus on the game and his pizza. He sipped his beer while George guzzled his. He once again found himself conflicted and confused. He kept looking over at Georgie who, for a while, seemed oblivious. When George commented that he was going to grab another beer, Georgie (who never offered to do anything for anyone else), eagerly hopped up and said he would get it. George watched Georgie's ass as he walked to the kitchen and admired his handsome frame as he walked back. This time, Georgie had brought the remaining four beers in the sixer he had started before. George seemed not to notice, but rather cracked another one and guzzled as Georgie kept eating.

George's head was swimming in thought. He was so conflicted. And now so horny. He knew better, but he kept wondering if he should do something. Say something. Before he knew it, he had finished the sixer and Georgie had brought him another. George had realized too later that Georgie was getting him drunk. George, now drunk, was powerless to his desire when Georgie, apparently satisfied that his father was sufficiently intoxicated, stood up and walked to stand in front of his dad. George smelled his son's unwashed body, sweaty and musky, and if he hadn't already been drunk, the smell would have made him so.

"You feeling ok, Dad?" Georgie said with a smile. George looked up at his son but was too drunk and confused to answer. "It's ok Dad. I'll make you feel good. I'll make you feel real good." Georgie put his hands on his Dad's chest and ran them down his body as he knelt in front of his father. He put his hands under his Dad's shirt and rubbed them along his Dad's beer belly. His Dad was hairy, unlike Georgie's smooth frame. George slurred his words but Georgie shushed him as he found his Dad's belt and unfastened it. With a little maneuvering, Georgie finally managed to pull his Dad's shorts down, revealing his thick six inch boner. Immediately, Georgie put it in his mouth, just as he had the night before.

George's head filled with endorphins as the sensation washed over him. Any thoughts of propriety or decency or right and wrong was erased by the wet hot mouth of hot young son. Just as George could begin to feel the pressure build, Georgie stopped, just as quickly as he had started. He stood. George was confused. "I'm gonna make you feel so good, Dad. You just sit there and let me do all the work. I know what I'm doing." Georgie smiled as he turned around and faced away from his Dad. Georgie spat in his hand and reached around to rub the spit on his own asshole. He bent at the knee and stepped closer to position himself above his father's cock. In an expert move, obviously practiced many time, Georgie squatted and put his hole directly on the head of his Dad's cock, then quickly moved himself down, forcing the tip of his Dad's dick into his own ass. George, too drunk to put up any real resistance, simply grunted a garbled, "No...I..." but Georgie just shushed him again as he pushed himself all the way down and was now sitting on his father's lap, the full six inches firmly inside him. Georgie didn't really make any noise. It was listening to his father's grunts and moans. He began to slowly slide up and down on his father's pole. Georgie leaned forward to get maximum penetration (again, his father's ample belly wasn't going to get in his way). George had never felt anything like it. He had certainly never fucked his wife in the ass. He couldn't speak. He couldn't think. He was completely powerless. And by the time he realized what was about to happen, his balls were already emptying into his son's hole.

Georgie broke his silence with a loud grunt, and as he did, George felt his son's hold tighten around his cock. Georgie stayed in place for a few extra moments after George had finished cumming inside him, before gently sliding off. As soon as Georgie slid off his Dad's cock, his Dad's cum came rushing out of his hole, spilling down his leg and also onto his Dad's still hard cock. Georgie laughed as he turned around to face his Dad. Georgie pulled down the front of his dirty jock to reveal that he had cum himself while his Dad was fucking him. The front of the jock was soaked through with the boy's jizz, and thick jizz also stuck to the head of Georgie's massive dick. Georgie laughed as he carefully stripped out of the jock only to fling it, slingshot style into his father's lap. When he did, cum splattered on George's shirt and he caught another good whiff of his son's body odor. Georgie laughed as he walked out of the room shouting behind him, "Guess you are doing laundry again!"

Next: Chapter 3

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