Live for Today

By Devil Dog

Published on Jun 11, 2000



Catagory: Urination / Military Content: Water sports, scat, etc...

I'm sure many of you out there reading these stories have, at some point, experienced some form of sexual frustration. Whether you just can't get enough or you just can't get any, there's no doubt that sex can sometimes be a bit frustrating. Being a Marine in the United States Marine Corps can be very difficult at times. Whether you're being yelled at for something you did, or how your uniform is or going through some tough training, the world of the Marines (at times) is like Hell.

Also, if you're a cock sucker, it can be hard too. For some, being in is easy. For other's, the experience is one where you can find yourself doing EVERYTHING to conceal the fact that you're a fag. For me, that part is easy. I don't look or act gay. But, it's also hell to be surrounded by flesh that you want to rip apart. My mind is saturated with sex. I look at it everyday. I go home to my roomates. I eat, sleep, and breathe sex. Plus, for me, looking in the mirror can be the same. God how I would fuck myself! Sex with myself is a pleasure, that's why I am always jerking off. I lust after my own body, and countless fellow Marines. To know that there are men in this world who will never experience me, to me, that's a damn shame.

I want the kind of guys who grew up on the farm. I want the kind of guy who isn't afraid to fart out loud in public. I want the kind of man who makes your cock rise by just looking at him. I'm around it everyday, yet I grow to want it even more. I can't stop. I'm like a machine. Once I recieve, I can't stop. When I see a huge, beefy Marine with a dip in his mouth and he's hangin' out with his buddies, drinkin' and havin' a good ole' time, that makes my dick want to cum on his face. Imagine that hot fuckin' stud rapin' the queer out of ya. Imagine him humiliating you by spittin' on you. Fartin' on you, Even pissin' on you. Does that make your dick hard as steele? If it doesn't, there's something terribly wrong.

When I go into the bathrooms and hear the grunts of a hot Marine stud takin' a crap, it makes me want to crawl under that stall and eat his turd. I want him to drop his man turd onto my chest. I want him to fart in my face, I want to lick his ass, I want to eat his cum. I want to feel his warm piss hitting my body. I want him to rape me. I want him to fuck me so hard. I want sex to the fullest and sickest degree. It's like my mind has become so ate up with it. I don't feel it's at it's worst yet. I don't know what the worst could be. I don't know what I wouldn't do with a fellow Marine. I would probably do anything. Cum, piss, spit, shit, blood. To me, to become one with someone, you must experience them in every way. You need their seed, their life juice, and byproduct of their body.

Some men are too hot. Some men cut flesh when looked at. I don't know what it is about a hard turd that turns me on, or the sound of a loud fart rippin' through some guy's ass. The smell of farts alone sends me into a fury of sexual lust and energy. It's like a short in my brain. When a studly man farts, whether it's on accident or by effort, it's the hottest thing in the world. I'm sure for many of you, it is too. Think about it. The look on his face, the grunt, his pride in farting in public. His attitude. He doesn't care. He farts, and his buddies laugh, approving of the vulgar act. He laughs at his work. The smell offends those nearby, but he doesn't give a damn. He's a man, he's proud and he's a stud. That's gotta be the best thing in the world.

OR, just think of stud piss. A stud has to take a piss, so he whips his big dick out and starts pissin'. It's vulgar, but he is a man who has to piss, he doesn't care where he's at. So, he pisses on the wall. You jump down and drink his piss. He humiliates you by pissing on your face, and laughing at you. But you like it. That's the whole thing. You like it. It's so cool! You're covered with Marine piss. Different than being covered by Marine cum, because Marine piss covers more area. It's smellier, and it's a little more "on the edge" sexually. It's a rush. Something people frown on when they know they want it. Ewww, gross, they say. But you say, right on!

Now I think all men know what it's like to swallow a load of cum. The flavor, the thickness (or lack there of). The warmth. The way it shoots out of his cock. The fact that it's a product of sex and lust. The fact that he worked up the effort to expell it from his body. The fact that he chose you to cum all over, what more could you ask for, right? FACT: We all love CUM!!

Now, to the sick part. THE TURD. I don't know about you, but I know that to be under a man when he's shittin' his hard turd onto my body, is the most amazing thing in the world. He's committing the most inhumane act short of bodily harm. He's crappin' on ya! But again, secretly you like it. You're a closeted shit pig. Hmmm, well let's see why you like it so much. Could it be hearin' him grunt, seeing the look on his face. Does that give you a hard on? Let's see, could it be the sound of it slithering out of his guts onto you? I don't know about the smell, that's probably the one thing that I find the hardest to get used to. Yep, that kinda stinks, but once you're used to it, it doesn't matter. Also, the thought that he's unloading onto you what he carried around in his studly body all day is enough to make me wanna be a toilet forever. I mean, c'mon. His manly, strong, hard-muscled body made that hard as steele turd that is now lying on your chest. You can't say no that that. Once the turd is outta him, lying on you, he stands up and looks down at you, and at his work. He's a proud man who crapped on you.

He finds this something to laugh at. And, you with high lust energy racing around in your head, you get even more turned on by the fact that he's a sick fuck for laughing at you like that. His laugh even turns you on. His whole manner, the way he is about this. He pulls his pants back up and walks right outta the stall, leaving you there like a pig with his excrement all over you. He's gone, but a part of him is still there, fresh and waiting to be played with. You even try to shove the turd up your own ass. Think about that rush. WOW, you slick your hole up, stretch it out, and cram his hard turd up your asshole! AHHHHH, feel it slide into you! Oh, fuck! Uunnhhhh, fuck. Now you feel it inside you, and you have that "gotta take a dump" feelin'. But it's not your shit, it's his. You shit it back out, and suck on it. You want to eat it, BUT BUT BUT, you're not THAT into scat, and you realize what the fuck you're doing, and you jerk off, cum and get the fuck up off the floor before someone see's your faggot ass in there like that.

Well well, I think we've covered almost everything. What's it like to be pissed on, well you should know now. Or, being farted on? Well, you know that too. You also know that getting shit on is the best thing (and what some would proclaim) the sickest thing in the world. You think you've experienced it all, but there's always something waiting out there for you. With sex, there's so many doors to be opened, and you've only opened a few. I urge all of you to get out there and open your sexual doors, see what's out there, try it for yourself. Don't be afraid, you only live once. I'm only 22, how old are some of you? 40, 50, 30? LIVE FOR TODAY.

Ya'll e-mail me now.

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