Living at Dads House

By john smith

Published on Aug 31, 2023



The following is a homoerotic story involving spanking, SM, father-son sexuality, and domination. IF you are under age or this offends you, then go away and don't read it.

The author is open to constructive suggestions regarding the story. I also am open to hearing from San Diego men over the age of 18 who might wish to enact some of this in the real world. My e mail is

We came out of the bedroom in time for dinner, and after we ate watched a little tv with dad. By 8, we were back in our room together, sitting and talking. Jason seemed to want to talk about something, but he was nervous and kept being silly.

Finally, as we sat with my arm around his shoulder and his head nestled in against my neck, he mumbled a question.

"can we do more of that?" he whispered.

"More of what?" I asked, somewhat perplexed as to what he was referencing.

"That stuff where you don't let me cum and I have to beg for it" he said, with the hesitant tone that gave away his discomfort with the request.

"Sure" I said, "It was fun, watching you squirm and being all horned up but unable to do anything about it"

"You mean it...I thought maybe you would think it was dumb...boring for you..".

"Anything that makes you happy is not boring for me". I stated emphatically.

"Anything..." he said, obviously leading up to something.

I was a little concerned as to what `anything' might mean, so I backpedaled some: "well almost anything...what do you have in mind?"

Jason didn't reply for several minutes, he lay with his head agains my chest and neck and I played with his hair. Then, in that same soft, reticent, boyish voice he said

"sometimes I think about things...things that aren't normal" he revealed in hushed tones.

"What do you mean?" I asked, wondering where this was leading.

"Promise you won't laugh" he said.

"I promise" I assured him.

Then it all came out quite quickly: "Scott, I think about being tied up and tortured; having to be your slave and do whatever you say; having you not let me cum until I beg for it; being spanked by you with whips and things... God, I can't believe I said it" said Jason.

"I can't either" I replied, buying time, but then I saw a tear and his crestfallen face. He thought I was turned off by his revelation. Quite to the contrary, my dick was about to pop right through my jeans. I made a decision.

"Stand up Jason" I said in what I hoped would be an authoritative voice.

Jason stood up, and a tear dripped down his cheek. He thought he had said the wrong thing and would be sent away.

I disavowed him of this notion with the next command. "Strip boy".

Jason beamed from ear to ear and said "yes Sir" as he fumbled with the button on his jeans and with trembling hands removed them. His shirt and boxers followed quickly, though he had to stuff his hard dick back through the fly to drop his boxers. He had undressed many times in front of me, but never with such a look of nervous expectation.

"Get on your knees boy" I said, feeling simultaneously silly and turned on.

Jason did so quickly, and from that vantage point was gazing at my crotch.

I lewdly grasped my basked and held it as he stared: "You want this boy?" I asked.

"Yes, oh Yes, please Scott can I have it?" he replied earnestly.

"Not until you learn to call me Sir or Master, boy" I replied.

"Ugh...Sorry Sc..Sir... can I please have your cock?"

"Get over here and get my jeans down boy" I commanded.

He had my jeans around my ankles in a minute, and I stepped out of them.

"Now my boxers boy...NO NOT THAT WAY...use your teeth boy".

Jason struggled to get my boxers off that way. I have a thin waist and nice hips, so it wasn't all that easy. He had to tug first on one side, then on the other. It must have taken hime 3 minutes to get them off.

"Now lick my thighs and balls Jason" I said.

Jason hurried to comply. It was kind of weird. Jason would have done it anyway, but something about telling him to do it made it a turn on for me. I looked down and saw him dripping precum like a faucet and knew it was also exciting for him.

"Now my cock, boy" I said, getting into the role.

Jason nearly swallowed the whole thing. Of course, I'm not hung anywhere near as big as he is, but even so, it was impressive to see him take it in one gulp. He was furiously sucking my dick, cheeks drawn in as if he were slurping a milkshake through a straw; occasionally pausing to flick his tongue under the head.

I was soon getting close to cumming, so I roughly pushed him away and he rolled back on the carpet on his back.

"Get over there and bend over the bed boy" I commanded.

Jason quickly got up, leaving a string of precum from his dick to the floor, which then broke loose as he went to the end of the bed and bent over it.

I reached into the drawar by the bed, took out a condom and lube, quickly put it on and placed a little lube on my dickhead, then in one strong thrust rammed my cock to the hilt.

"OOOOOH" Jason said, in mixed surprise, pain, and pleasure.

I began to thrust in and out hard.

"Oh Yeaahhh...fuck me Scott...harder...come on..." Came the muffled words up from his mouth which was pressed into the mattress.

I rammed harder, causing him to slip forward on the bed. I held his hands above his head, and rammed as hard and as fast as I could. It was what I imagined a rape scene to be like. Jason was totally into it. He was gasping and thrusting his ass backward and making low animal noises.

In a few minutes I shot what felt like a gallon. When I withdrew and told Jason to turn around, I saw that he too had cum. Even with his hands over his head; no chance co stimulate his cock; just my forceful fucking had caused him to erupt.

I kissed him, then held him in my arms.

"Thanks Scott" said Jason after a time.

"No problem Jason, that was a total turn on for me" I replied. We snuggled and held one another and kissed for a while, then drifted off to sleep.

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