Living at Dads House

By john smith

Published on Feb 8, 2002


THE FOLLOWING STORY IS FICTITIOUS. If you are under age 18, or are offended by stories of homosexual S and M, go away and don't read this. THE STORY IS NOT INTENDED TO CONDONE OR ENCOURAGE THE ABUSE OF MINORS.


Living At Dad's House: Part III

I gingerly pulled up my pants and went back on line. There was a message from Jason: "what about it, want to get together?" Of course I did, misery loves company, so I asked my dad if I could go to Jason's house for the day. Dad agreed and told me to be back by 7 PM. I instant messaged Jason, he agreed, and I rode my bike over to his house.

Riding my bike the 3 miles was a real problem. My ass was so sore that I sort of stood on the pedals in order to not press on it. I made the ride, perhaps looking a bit ridiculous and rang the bell.

Jason answered the door clad only in his boxers and said "Come on in dude, we've got the whole place to ourselves. I'm grounded, and my parents have left me here for the day".

I took in the sight in front of me: Jason is 5-6, 145 lbs, smooth body, dark hair, and a flat boyish stomach with well developed pecs. I glanced down and could see the outline of his cock, remembering from the locker room what that uncut monster looked like. I pulled my eyes away, afraid I would be caught.

"Great, why don't we get something to eat and play some video games" I said.

"Sure" said Jason, and we grabbed cokes and chips and headed for the computer. Jason and I sat right next to each other as we played. My eyes kept being drawn to him, then I would look away, striving to keep my thoughts on the game and my cock soft. At one point, I thought he glanced at the bulge in my pants, but then thought "no way, were guys, he isn't looking".

As time went on, Jason said "Wow, aren't you hot. Why don't you just get comfortable in your boxers".

"No, I'm OK" I said.

"Well, for a guy who is OK, you are sweating a lot. Don't be shy, I've seen it all before in the showers" then he winked.

I took off my shirt, pants, shoes and socks. My cock was half hard and tenting the boxers. He laughed and pointed down to his, which was now fully erect.

Then to my surprise, Jason said "Looks like we've got the same problem. I will never know why, but I get totally horny when I get my ass beat".

"You too!" I exclaimed, grateful for this shred of hope that my own arousal when punished was just a normal guy thing.

"Sure do, and God it's embarrassing when I'm standing there waiting for the punishment with my woody in the air".

I replied "God, I thought I was the only one".

"Nah" said Jason, I think it happens to lots of guys. Also, I know that most of the guys on the team get spanked from time to time, except for Tom and George. Those kids can get away with anything.

"Hey" said Jason. "Want to see what my dad did to me?"

Before I could reply, his shorts were off and he turned to show me.

"JESUS CHRIST" I said, "you're all bruised. Those marks, is that what a strap does?"

"Yeah" he replied. "Bastard really gave it to me with the strap after he paddled me raw. You know, I told you about it in the e mail".

"God, now I'm worried. I'm supposed to get the strap tomorrow" I said.

"What did you do?" asked Jason.

"I lied about my smoking then got caught" I replied.

"Your ass is going to fry. My dad would kill me. Hey, lets see what you look like".

I stepped out of my shorts, also sporting wood. Jason laughed, then looked at my ass.

"You got quite a beating here too. We are both going to get teased in the locker room on Monday". Then, Jason surprised me by touching the marks, very gently with his finger. HE began to trace them as he made consoling statements. "Don't worry about it...lots of kids get must be pretty tough to take this".

Soon we were sitting on the bed together, comparing asses and talking. It was Jason who took the next move.

"Hey, would you think I was a fag or something if I wanted to beat off?" he asked.

"Hell no Jason, I'm so horny I could bust a nut. Maybe we could do it together".

With that, we began to jerk off. I was staring at his uncut monster: "must be 8 inches I thought, and he isn't even full grown yet". Jason seemed similarly interested in my meat.

I saw him staring and said "I'm kind a small...".

Jason then replied "bullshit, you're normal, I'm just kind of big for my age".

With that, Jason reached over and began to play with my balls. I moaned, then reached out for his. Soon we were beating each others meat. Within minutes, he came: spewed 5 or 6 spurts of white sticky cum all over his chest and my hand. I did the same a minute later, and we lay there next to each other.

"Guess we ought to get cleaned up" said Jason, then he led me to the shower which was a larger than average tile shower. We got in together and took turns washing each other off. By the end of the shower, we were kissing and groping each other and were both hard again.

Then Jason really surprised me. After we dried off, he took me back to his bedroom and held a finger to his lips "don't say a thing, but I've been wanting to do this for a year".

Then, he leaned down and took my cock in his mouth. I had never had a blowjob before from a guy or a girl, so I can't compare. But this was way better than jerking off. He kept swirling his tongue around my cock head, bringing me to the point where I was going to cum, then stopping and kissing his way down to my balls which he would take one by one in his mouth. This was the most incredible feeling I had ever experienced. Finally, after about a half hour of this, I shot my load into his mouth. I started to apologize, when to my surprise he swallowed it and said "its good, thanks".

Then I reciprocated, pushing him back down on the bed and taking his cock in my mouth. Just before going down on him, I looked again at his smooth, nicely defined, boyish muscles as well as the tight diamond shaped patch of pubic hair with otherwise smooth surrounding stomach, thighs, and sack.

He moaned as I took his cock in my mouth. Not really knowing what to do, I just tried to repeat the things he did for me. I suspect I was not real adept, but it didn't seem to matter as he shot into my mouth in about 10 minutes. I tasted the sweet-salty boy cum and swallowed it down. He was right, it is kind of good.

Then we lay together on the bed and cuddled for an hour or two, got up, and did it again. By the end of the day, we had both shot 4 or 5 times, as young guys can.

Then it was time for me to go home. We kissed goodbye and I got on my bike to ride home, knowing that it was never going to be the same for me or for Jason. On the way, my thoughts switched back and forth from overwhelming love for Jason, and the intrusive thoughts of what was going to happen to me tomorrow am.

Next: Chapter 4

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