Living at Dads House

By john smith

Published on Feb 11, 2002


THE FOLLOWING STORY IS FICTITIOUS. If you are under age 18, or are offended by stories of homosexual S and M, go away and don't read this. THE STORY IS NOT INTENDED TO CONDONE OR ENCOURAGE THE ABUSE OF MINORS.


Living At Dad's House: Part V

The next morning was Monday. I awoke at 6:30 with my alarm and moaned. Another week of school I jumped out of bed, took a leak, and hopped into the shower. When I got out, I looked in the mirror at my ass. It was not pretty. The paddlings had left it marked all over with broken blood vessels and small bruises that were beginning to run together. Over all of that were the strap marks: raised, purple, with straight edges that could only come from one thing. "Great" I thought, "Well at least Jason will look the same".

Dad had breakfast for me and then sent me off to school. It was the usual Monday mornings: girls and boys saying "Hi"; several girls competing for my attention; my friends talking about their weekend.

The day passed quickly until it was over and time for Basketball practice. The coach really ran us hard as was his habit on Mondays. He had us sprinting the lines, running the bleachers, and generally working out `til we dropped. Finally the whistle blew and he made his usual remark "hit the showers ladies".

We all went in to the locker room and started undressing. Jason and I exchanged glances, each knowing that what happened was not going to be a secret. We each undressed and walked through the showers. I was surprised: most of the guys looked, then exchanged glances as if to say "been there, I'm not going to say anything". But of course, there had to be an exception: in fact two of them named George and Patrick.

George and Patrick were 2 inseparable 16 year olds. They drove around in George's BMW which he got for his birthday. Both of them lived with parents that were extremely indulgent and as a result they did whatever they wanted. Because they both had lots of money, they tended to treat the rest of us poorly.

George began it "Well, well, well, were Jason and Scott bad boys? It seems they got spanked. In fact it looks like the strap".

Patrick chimed in "Did you cry Scott? How do you think your stud reputation would fare if word got out? Maybe we should tell Susie."

Then back to George "that's it, lets go tell Susie. In fact, we can post it on the school message board `hey everyone, Scott and Jason got their asses belted by their daddies".

Finally I couldn't take it any more and I went after George. Though he is larger and stronger, I was really pissed. My head hit him in the midsection like a battering ram and he slammed against the tile wall. This resulted in his hitting his head and sliding down the tile into a sitting position. He would have quite a goose egg on his head.

Jason took after Patrick. He punched him square in the nose, resulting in a spray of blood. Then, he swept Patrick's legs out from under him, dumping him down like a sack of potatoes.

Just then the coach came in and broke it up. "All of you get dressed and leave, except for you four. You get dressed and stay."

Coach gave us a lecture about fighting and told us that he would call each of our parents and let them discipline us. George and Patrick looked really pleased, knowing what our punishment was going to be.

When I got home, I told dad about what had happened. He said "fighting is not allowed; it breaks the school rules. I'm going to wait and hear from the coach before I decide what to do".

The evening went on with no particular difficulty: I did my homework; ate; then got on line. I messaged Jason to say my dad was thinking about it. He messaged back to say that his dad had seemed pretty calm too.

The next morning, and for four mornings thereafter, I went to school and it was as if nothing happened. Then on Saturday at 9am dad woke me up. "Get up and hit the shower son, we have a big day planned".

I was unaware of any big day, but dad often did cool things with me so I got ready and came downstairs. While we were eating breakfast, the doorbell rang and it was Jason and his dad. Our dad's exchanged knowing glances and we all had breakfast.

Then our dad's sat the two of us down. The lecture went as follows:

"You boys really got yourselves in some trouble with that fight. George's dad is a lawyer and I thought he was going to sue me. Patrick got hurt pretty bad and his dad is pissed too. It is now time for you to be punished. Since the two of you got in trouble together, you will be punished together. Now, strip and each of you go stand in a different corner".

Jason and I exchanged looks, shrugged, and got our clothes off.

As I was standing in the corner, I was vaguely aware that dad was making some phone calls. However, I had to stand in the corner of the living room opposite Jason contemplating our fate.

About twenty minutes later the doorbell rings. I jumped! The front door opens right into our living room so anyone who came in the door would see me and Jason. However, I knew better than to move.

The 2 dad's answered the door and invited their "guests" in. It was George, Patrick, and their 2 dads. I then heard them enter the room and sit down, and heard some snickering.

"Jason and Scott, turn around".

Red faced and humiliated beyond any possible description, I turned around.

"Since the two of you hurt George and Patrick, we decided to have them witness your punishments. Each of you will bend over a chair, spread your legs and hang on. You will be paddled together, then strapped."

Jason and I had no choice. FUCK, this was going to be all over the school. I could never face anyone again. I bent over the chair, resigned to my fate.

Dad took out the jokari paddle, and handed the stinger to Jason's dad. Then they took turns slamming our asses at about 5 second intervals. "SMACK" went the paddle on my ass. Then "SMACK" on Jason's.

After about 2 minutes we were both pleading for it to stop and apologizing for the fight. George and Patrick found this uproariously funny and laughed at us saying "wow, listen to them cry, they don't seem so tough now". We were in too much pain to pay attention: our pleading went on for another 5 minutes, then they ordered us both to stand up.

Jason and I wiped our eyes and noses with the back of our hands and stood there with red asses and hard cocks. George and Patrick did not miss this and burst into peals of laughter "Jesus, they're hard; they must like this" said Patrick.

Dad then said to me "Scott, go over there and apologize and ask George and Patrick to forgive you".

With all dignity now and forever gone, I did this "George, Patrick, I'm really sorry for hitting you. Please forgive me".

They grinned magnanimously and said "Forget about it".

Then Jason was forced to do the same thing, and we were both sent to the corner.

The 4 dads then began a conversation with George and Patrick. My dad said "now George, are you satisfied with the punishment or do you think he deserves the strap". Jason's dad echoed this question as did their own fathers. George and Patrick looked at each other and grinned maliciously.

"Well, if they hadn't really hurt us I would say forget it. But under the circumstances, we think they both deserve the strap" they said.

"FUCKING GODDAMN ASSHOLE" I thought, but did not dare say.

"Jason and Scott: get back in position" said my dad.

We did so and the heavy razor strap came out. Jason's dad announced that we would each get 5 blows hard with the strap.

I was first: "SLAMM" went the strap and I shrieked, just like the last time I got it. I was vaguely aware of giggles in the background. "SLAMMM" came the second blow. Soon, but not soon enough it was over. I was sent back to the corner, rubbing my sore ass on the way.

Then it was Jason's turn: he's a pretty tough kid and bigger than me, but he too let out a girlish scream when the first one slammed into his already tender bubble butt. By the fifth, he was crying hard. Jason too was sent to the corner.

Then the conversation between George, Patrick, and their dads took on a different tone. "It seems to me that Jason and Scott have dad's that know how to handle them. With discipline like this, they can't help but grow up to be fine young men who work hard and are law abiding. I think that perhaps we have been failing in our duty".

Could I believe my ears?

It went on with Patrick's dad's voice " I know I've been failing in mine, my son is out of control and a smart ass".

"DAD!!" resounded both boys.

"SHUT UP" came the response.

Next came the sweetest four words I ever heard "George and Patrick, Strip".

"NO FUCKING WAY" said George. "DAMN RIGHT" said Patrick.

With that the fathers descended upon them and stripped them. The two boys were standing naked together, facing their first ever spanking, and in front of us!

"Jason and Scott, would you like to assist us" said their dads.

I looked at my father who nodded and replied "Yes Sir, how can I help".

George and Patrick were then positioned over the sofa, while both of them tried to negotiate...

"hey dad, this really isn't wouldn't're not really going to do this...please can't".

It was all to no avail. They were unceremoniously bent over the chairs just like me and Jason. We were then directed to hold their shoulders down so they could not get up during the beating. Boy! I was only too happy to help. These kids were finally going to find out what it was like!

The 2 Paddles used on us were handed out to the respective dads, and the spanking began. George's dad started:


Then Patrick got it:


The fathers were just getting warmed up. They slammed the paddle down on each struggling boy for a good 10 minutes, all the while lecturing them.

"You spoiled brat; you think that because I am successful that you can treat other kids poorly; you're just a snot nosed little shit...there's going to be a lot more whippings until you straighten up".

Meanwhile George and Patrick were struggling and crying. They were sweating so bad that we had trouble holding them still. Finally, the paddling was over. We released the boys, and whimpering still, they went to the corners. We couldn't help but notice that their cocks were hard, only we had the decency to not mention it.

I looked at Jason knowingly as we each gave a silent but knowing appraisal of their asses: they were going to be bruised good come Monday in the showers.

Then, we were directed to sit on the sofa and the fathers asked us "Do you think they have been punished enough? What do you think Scott? Did they look as tough to you bent over and crying?".

Wary of our new status, we both gave short respectful answers without gloating. Then the big question came :

"Boys, do you think they deserve the strap" was asked.

Jason and I exchanged glances, then shook our heads. Much to the surprise of still sniveling George and Patrick, we both said "no, I think they've had enough...I wouldn't wish that strap on anyone".

The dads looked surprised and impressed. It was George's dad who broke the silence.

"After the way these 2 shits treated you, that's mighty magnanimous. They couldn't wait to see you get it".

Then Patrick's dad chimed in too: "unbelievably nice of you, but we've already decided. They are each getting 15 with the strap, just like what you got Scott before they made fun of you in the shower".

George and Patrick started to protest, but stopped immediately when their fathers glared. "GET BACK IN POSITION BOYS" was the order.

Jason and I moved back to hold them down, getting a particularly good grip. My dad then observed "Son, I don't think that will hold them. You need to sit on their backs...there, that's right".

Then it began with George and Patrick's dads passing the strap back and forth: first George would get one, then Patrick, then George. IT took about 20 minutes, and the pair screamed so much that they were hoarse by the end.

Then it was over. Jason and I were sent to my room to get cleaned up and were told that we would be going out to dinner with our dads.

George and Patrick were told to get dressed, and that they would be spending the day in their rooms.

To Be Continued.

Next: Chapter 6

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