Living Years

By Jo Jo

Published on Jan 4, 2007


Disclaimer: The following story contains activity that would be considered of homosexual nature between consenting college students. While none of it crosses into a gratuitous nature, if such material is offensive to you or you are not of the legal age to read such material in your area, please do not. Other than that, please enjoy the story!

The Living Years

Chapter 11 "How to Save a Life"

Trey opened his eyes slowly. He wasn't sure why everything in his body felt numb. It took him a second, but the remembered.


That was all that he needed to remember.

Most of it was a blur but he knew enough to realize whose fault it was that everything was numb. It was like everything hurt but it just stopped at a numb feeling. He didn't know what was up with the numb feeling but he sure as hell knew that it was numb he was feeling.

His thoughts had stopped him from realizing just what kind of situation he was currently in. Which was Noah sleeping on the floor right next to his bed. He wasn't so numb that he'd forgotten that his roommate was Shawn, not Noah, and that he hadn't remembered asking him to spend the night, let alone talking with him again after lunch.

But there he was, asleep next to him on the floor, Shawn missing.

He was almost afraid to get up. Not because he was afraid of Noah. But because be was afraid of what he was doing here and what it would mean if they had to talk. Plus he was wondering where Shawn was as well.

Trey forced himself to sit up, realizing that the things that hurt the most were the left side of his face and his stomach. And it almost felt like he couldn't breathe. Like he was trapped under something and couldn't get out.

And had he seen his dead grandfather last night? Because he could almost swear he had. He wasn't sure how but he was almost sure.

He normally was so sure about everything he wanted to do and take care of whenever he woke up, but today he just felt lost. And afraid. Afraid to step outside the walls in his room. Afraid to do anything.

And he wasn't entirely sure why.

"Hey," came the groggy greeting of a just awaken Noah.

Trey looked down at him, unsure what to say.

"Don't worry, we didn't sleep together," Noah grinned.

Trey knew it was funny and thought it was funny, but for some reason he didn't laugh. He wasn't sure what was wrong with him.

"Um," Noah started sitting up. "Shawn and Jesse are getting us breakfast."

Trey thought about that statement.

Shawn and Jesse?


And why all three of them? Together?

"What^Åhappened, last night?" Trey asked.

Noah swallowed and rustled a bit before straightening himself up.

"Well, we all found you unconscious in the common fountain last night," Noah replied. "By the time we took you to the on campus hospital you woke up. They treated you for lack of oxygen in your blood and gave you some pain pills for the pain you said you had in your stomach and mouth."

Noah just saying that caused Trey to gently caress the side of his face.

"But um, I was gonna ask," Noah started. "What do you remember about how you got that way?"

Trey thought about it for a moment.

He remembered going back to get Grace's cell phone and running into Dro^Å.and then^Å

"I don't wanna talk about it," Trey replied, shuddering. "If that's alright."

"No, yeah, sure^Åyeah, I'm not gonna push or anything I just thought it might help," Noah replied, sounding a bit like he thought he'd said the absolute worst thing.

Noah looked down while Trey thought some more.

Neither one of them would have thought things would get so awkward between them but it was and now neither one of them knew what to do or say until the door flew upon and a seemingly overly cheery Shawn and a disgruntled Jesse came walking in holding bags of McDonald's food and cups.

"Delivery service is running smooth," Shawn spoke as he walked over to the computer desk and set the cups down.

"He'd like me to be his new errand boy," Jesse spoke with distaste. "I'm absolutely thrilled about that."

Trey eyed both boys as they started arranging food around, even handing Trey a McGriddle.

"Hey, how're you feeling today?" Shawn asked.

Trey eyed him curiously before looking down at his sandwich.

"I'm not really hungry," he replied.

"Really?" Shawn asked, sounding a bit disappointed.

"That fat git we passed in the hallway would probably loathe hearing you say that right this second," Jesse spoke, sitting himself down in the chair on Trey's side of the room.

Trey still wasn't quite sure to make of the entire situation. Just yesterday, all three of the people in the room with him right now hated each others guts. Or at least, it seemed that way to him. None of them could stand being in the same room with just one of each other, let alone all three of them. And now here they were. And it was seemingly because of him. It was just strange to him.

He wasn't really sure what to do or say first.

He watched as Noah stood up and walked over to the bags of food and looked through them.

"Where's my egg and cheese?" he asked.

Shawn who was chewing a mouthful of his own food, reached over to grab his cup of orange juice and took a large, long gulp before responding.

"You get what you get, quit crying."

Noah just reached into the bag and pulled out a McGriddle before walking over to sit on the edge of Trey's bed and started eating.

"You know, I never would've thought I'd be sitting in a room with the three of you eating a fast food breakfast sandwich," Jesse replied. "This is going to be a rather distasteful memory, I can already tell."

"You have a few problems, don't you?" Shawn asked before taking a sip of his orange juice.

"I always liked you best," Jesse replied. "Why must you change my opinion of you?"

Trey watched the banter between the three of them acting as though them just being here right now was normal. Like things one day previously had led him or any of them to believe that they would all be led to where they were at the moment. And it frustrated the hell out of him.

"I have a question," he cut through the talking.

Everyone abruptly stopped talking to pay attention to Trey.

"What's going on? I mean this whole thing with you guys all being friends is a little weird," he said.

Shawn just stared at Trey while Jesse peeled open the remains of his breakfast sandwich and Noah also stared at him with the utmost intensity.

"What do you want us to say?" Shawn asked. "We all found you last night and did whatever it took to get you safe."

"Yeah," Noah agreed. "I mean, yeah this probably is a little weird from the outside looking in but it's just been a little crazy, you know?"

Trey wasn't aware that he'd been in anyone's `outside' and now suddenly he was. Things had changed in the course of half a night and he had nothing but numbness to show for it.

"You're not, upset, are you?" Noah asked, actually sounding like he'd be upset if he was.

Trey stared into his eyes trying to see what he should say before finally deciding an answer.

"I'm just a little confused and numb and lost and this all sucks," he replied, before starting to try and get out of the bed. "And I have class today anyway."

"You're not serious are you?" Noah asked.

"Yes, skipping classes is loads of fun," Jesse replied. "You all should try it more often."

"You know what else is fun? Having a place to live," Noah shot back.

"Oh yes, remind me of my misfortune and while you're at it remind me of why I disliked you to begin with," Jesse said, tossing the rest of his mostly uneaten breakfast sandwich into one of the bags.

Shawn threw away his mess and stood up.

"Trey, it's Friday," Shawn replied. "And you're still trying to get over what happened last night. Why don't you just skip with me?"

"Yeah and I could skip too," Noah replied. "I'm not gonna miss much from just one day."

"Well I'd love to play me three," Jesse started, standing up. "But I believe there are several more interesting people I can be spending my time with."

"And are any of them gonna let you crash in their room again?" Noah asked.

Jesse stopped with his hand on the doorknob and turned around.

"You know, up until last night, I'd never slept on a floor in my entire life let alone one that just barely passes above the floor of a loo," he replied.

"Huh, well now you have," Noah said mockingly.

Trey still wasn't sure what was going on but he knew that he couldn't really find anything to dislike about it either. Before it always seemed like Shawn and Noah were at each others throats but now it seemed like they were on the same page about everything. They'd even gotten the entirely dislikeable Jesse on good terms with them.

It almost seemed like it took him getting assaulted for them to come together.

Of course, that still left the fact that he had in fact been assaulted last night. That memory wasn't going to just disappear. He wasn't going to just get over that. He was always going to have to live with that having happened to him. He was always going to have numbness and he was always going to just be afraid.

As far as he was concerned he was never going to leave his room again.

Noah, Jesse and Shawn were all going back and forward again like the best buds they'd become literally overnight as Trey walked over to his bed and crawled back into it. He felt safe in his bed. His bed was safety. A safety net.

Nothing or no one else that he could see was going to do that for him.

Of course, Noah and Shawn must have noticed this because they each stopped talking and exchanged worried glances before looking over at him.

"What?" he asked.

"Are you hurting or something? I mean are you still-"

"I'm fine," Trey lied.

He felt fine physically. For the most part. They must have been strong painkillers, the ones he took. But he still felt numb. He wasn't sure if that was physical or emotional. But he knew that it was still there.

"So then if you're gonna skip at least do it right," Jesse muttered.

"Somebody beat the shit out of him yesterday for Christ's sake!" Noah shouted.

"We don't know that," Jesse countered.

"Oh right so he just decided to go for a late night swim floating face down then?" Noah argued.

Shawn walked over to Trey who was lying on his side facing the wall.

Trey was trying to pretend like it was last year and he was safe at home still living life invisible where there was nothing for him to worry about and no one for him to stress over. Life seemed a whole lot easier that way for him. Now all he had instead were a bunch of problems he wasn't quite sure he was ready to deal with yet. Everything in that regard was certainly new to him.

"I don't know what to say here," Shawn started. "I mean whatever happened to you had to be rough. I don't even know what I'd feel like afterwards."

Although Shawn did know that if the people that did this to Trey were anything like Ben they probably didn't care too much right about now.

Fortunately for Trey, he did have people who cared.

"I just don't know what to expect anymore," Trey replied.

That went for a lot of things. Things Shawn couldn't even begin to understand.

"Well you know I'm here for you right?" Shawn asked. "Take all the time you need."

Trey was happy that Shawn seemed to be understanding of his situation. And even though Noah was currently bickering with the last person he ever expected to see in his room, he knew that he cared too.

"Well I think this had gone on entirely long enough," Trey could hear Jesse spouting. "I think it's time I take to the streets, my new place of residence."

"So you're telling me you don't have any place to go?" Noah replied. "No rich friends you could crash with? No deranged fans'll take you in?"

Jesse snorted at the comment.

"It seems that sort all live back up in London," he replied. "I'm afraid I'm on my own here."

"And you're just gonna leave?" Noah asked.

Jesse regarded him curiously after looking over at Trey and Shawn.

"Maybe I had what you'd call a lapse in judgment last night," he replied. "We're not friends."

"Nobody says we have to be," Noah replied. "I just thought you would've cared a little more after helping out last night and all."

Jesse crossed his arms in a huff.

"I'm not the terrible monster you so completely and obviously think I am," he replied. "I do from time to time take concern for the little people."

"Oh give me a break," Noah sighed, rolling his eyes and sighing as he plopped down on Shawn's bed on the other side of the room.

Jesse stood in the middle of the room near the sink looking between everyone.

"What is it that you want from me?" Jesse asked. "I take it companionship is out of the question."

"I thought we were all just hanging out today?" Shawn piped in. "Staying with Trey."

Trey was still a little lost with how much he suddenly felt like he was an outsider within his own group of friends. And even though that was his most prevalent feeling, one of awkward oddness, he couldn't deny that he was starting to a feel a bit jealous.

He'd been working to build friendships with Shawn and Noah despite them both obviously having feelings for him and being at odds with each other. And now, over the course of one night, the two of them seemed closer to each other and Jesse than he felt he had been with them.

He felt a little like he didn't even need to bother trying to reestablish his relationship with either of them. Like it would just be a lost cause.

"I don't need babysitters," Trey replied. "And stop making me feel like you think I do."

It suddenly seemed a lot quieter in the room to Trey as everyone turned to face him.

"No, Trey, that wasn't what-"

"So something happened last night. I was in a fight or what the hell ever. I'll get over it. Doesn't mean I need all this," Trey replied.

He was feeling bitter, there was no doubt about that. He just wasn't sure why he was taking it all out on the three people who were kind enough to help him last night when, as had been pointed out, he could have died.

Maybe it was the obvious painkillers that he was on. Or maybe it was something else. And despite the fact that he knew it was entirely wrong to be feeling and behaving the way that he was, it didn't stop the fact that he did and was.

Trey realized that his behavior must have really seemed odd to everyone as no one of them seemed to be replying to him.

Frankly, he wasn't quite sure what to do himself. He felt like he wanted to turn out the lights, curl up in his covers and just sleep until his life was over. But he of course knew he couldn't do that which just left him still feeling numb. And lost. And confused.

He did still know, however, that he didn't want to leave his room for fear of what was out there.

"You know, I think now is a good time for me to go see what my other options are," Jesse cut into the nearly five minute long silence.

Noah and Shawn watched as Jesse walked over to the door and opened it, surprised to see Grace and Zoey standing before it.

"I always seem to miss all the guy on guy action," Zoey said upon seeing Jesse and inspected the room as she walked forward forcing Jesse back into the room, Grace behind her.

"I can assure you that's hardly the case," Jesse replied. "Now if you'd please direct me to the planner of all the girl-girl group-fests you frequent-"

"Why is Tool Breeder here?" Zoey asked sitting on the edge of Shawn's bed.

"Fucked up night last night was, let me tell you," Jesse started.

"Yeah, let me hear about this fucked up night you guys had you were all so busy Trey couldn't return my damn cell phone," Grace spoke, sounding mildly pissed.

"Oh," Jesse spoke, putting his index finger to the corner of his mouth. "I believe that item is lost to you now."

"Let's hear it then," Grace said. "Trey?"

Trey didn't even bother to turn around to face Grace as at the moment he just didn't care enough. In fact, he held Grace mildly responsible for what happened to him last night. If Dro hadn't been HER boyfriend, then he wouldn't have been accosted in the first place.

"Uh, maybe now isn't a good time," Noah started.

"Naw, Trey still got my damn cell phone," Grace spoke in a mildly upset but still playful tone. "I know Dro's probably been trying to call my ass all night."

"Don't you two have class?" Shawn asked.

"Don't the three of you?" Zoey asked. "And wow this room smells completely like guy."

"I'm trying to figure how you'd have a good sense of what one would smell like, my dear," Jesse spoke.

"Seriously, what is he doing here?" Zoey asked.

Shawn and Noah exchanged looks while Jesse looked between the two of them, waiting for one of them to explain. And when neither did, he of course took it upon himself to do them the favor.

"Well for me last night was a bit traumatizing having never been to a hospital," he stared. "With all the dying people and such. I loathe death."

"And unfortunately death can say the same for you as neither heaven nor hell want you," Noah mumbled.

"Oh yes that was brilliant and I'm sure it only took you no more than ten minutes to think of it," Jesse spat out.

"What is he talking about? What hospital?" Grace asked.

"Somebody attacked Trey last night," Shawn replied.

"What?" Grace gasped. "Oh my god!"

"Trey, are you okay?" Zoey asked.

"He's^Å" Noah started.

Neither Noah or Shawn could really speak of how Trey was feeling as only Trey himself knew the answer to that. It was obvious to them that not everything was entirely okay though.

"Who would wanna hurt Trey?" Zoey asked.

"We don't know," Noah replied. "He won't tell us^Åif he even remembers."

Jesse spoke up when he thought it seemed everyone had turned their attention to him.

"Well don't look at me, I was just as shocked as they were to find him like that," he replied. "Besides I have no enemies, I thought we covered this already."

The finer points on why it was possible for everyone in the world to dislike Jesse Yorkshire were put to the side as they each felt concern for Trey's situation. None of them had really known each other that long but there was no denying that they all felt close to each other for one reason or another. Even if they had had a few problems so far.

"Well he's okay right? I mean^Åthere's nothing wrong with him is there?" Zoey asked.

"Well^Å" Shawn strayed.

He couldn't really speak on that either. Trey was Trey, not him.

"God, I feel like this is all my fault," Grace spoke, near tears. "If I hadn't sent him back to get my cell phone^Å"

"No, it's the random fuckers that did it to him that are responsible," Noah spoke, sounding like he'd literally kill whoever was responsible. "Don't blame yourself."

"Maybe she should," Trey found himself saying as he sat up.

He wasn't sure what had come over him or why he'd said it but listening to everyone already start to talk about him like he wasn't even in the room was frustrating him more than he already was.

"What?" Grace asked.

"Things happen for a reason, you know," Trey replied. "Up until last night I'd never fought anyone let alone been in a fight."

Grace as well as everyone else just stared at Trey nervously.

"Random is bullshit," Trey continued.

He wanted to go off on a tirade about how everything was Grace's fault but he knew that it wasn't. Deep inside, he knew that. Which was what was holding him back.

After more moments of awkward silence Jesse was once again to break the silence.

"What a wonderful way to start the day, this is."

No one was really paying Jesse any attention though, as the room was full of the tension that Trey seemed to be creating.

"Trey, what are you saying?" Grace asked. "Are you saying that you think Dro did this?"

"Dro wouldn't happen to be the boyfriend you thought maybe kinda sorta could've cheated on you, would it?" Zoey asked, more for questions sake than to get an answer.

Trey just stared Grace a bit bitterly before crossing his arms and looking down.

"You figure it out," he sighed. "I'm done with all this shit."

The tension in the room just seemed to be growing by the minute as not one person seemed to know what the right thing to say was. None of them certainly knew what the right thing to do was either.

"What's on this time in the mornings here, anyone know?" Jesse asked aloud reaching for the remote once he realized he might be there awhile.

Grace stood up, feeling a little confused and disoriented with her time spent in the room.

"I think maybe I should go," she started.

Zoey stood up.

"Yeah, Trey seems well enough to me," she said, a little spitefully. "Maybe a little too well."

The guys watched as Zoey and Grace exited the room before looking over at Trey.

"Her boyfriend did this to you?" Noah asked.

"I don't wanna talk about it," Trey replied, turning on his side to face the wall again.

"You didn't have to rip into her like that, Trey," Shawn said.

"She's gone now," Trey mumbled. "Who cares?"

Trey knew that he cared. He knew that he'd been harsh. But he also knew all too well what being Grace's friend had done for him so far. It was seeming like she was more trouble than she was worth to him at this point.

Shawn looked over at Noah and sighed.

"Well we don't have to do anything then," he said. "We can just stay right here with you until you're ready to go out again."

"Yeah," Noah added. "Whatever you want Trey."

Shawn and Noah each then turned their attention to Jesse who stared at them confused for a moment but quickly caught on.

"Well fuck that!" he exclaimed, jumping up. "I don't like any of you."

"Right, that's why you helped us take Trey to the hospital, stayed and helped watch him last night and went with Shawn to get breakfast this morning," Noah spoke.

"In case you've forgotten I've been shucked out of my place of residence," Jesse replied. "I see that all as free room and food."

"So go then, freeloader," Noah spoke, teasingly. "I dare you."

"Oh I will," Jesse replied, making sure to put on as big a show as possible as he stormed over to the door. "Don't think I won't."

"You won't," Noah said.

"No I will^Å.I really really will," Jesse objected.

"And go where?" Noah asked.

Jesse was completely aware that having money, he could go wherever the hell he wanted. He could afford to have a team of workers build him his own house on campus. That is, if he wouldn't get thrown out for attempting to do such a thing.

He realized all of that, and yet, something else seemed to be holding him back. He ordinarily would never have put himself in a position to allow Noah to think that he cared about him or his friend being hurt. And he certainly wouldn't have allowed himself to seem so vulnerable that he would actually stay the night with them.

Yet, he had done all that and actually found himself not regretting it. He still didn't really enjoy Noah's company, but he'd always liked Shawn and Trey he'd always been indifferent towards. As far as he could tell, there just wasn't any real reason why he had to go right this minute. Sure the lot of them might have been man loving queers, but as long as they didn't try to hit on him he'd be okay with that. He was almost sure he'd had gay friends before. Or at least, gay acquaintances.

Jesse turned slowly to face everyone and tried to poise himself to look distinguished at that very moment.

"Well then, I suppose I can let the three of you enjoy my company a little bit longer," he spoke matter-of-factly. "You just need to make sure none of you plans on getting assaulted again. I don't think I can do anymore heavy lifting."

"If you're gonna act like that you can go then," Noah started.

"Oh come off it, you know you want me here," Jesse spoke, taking a seat in the chair facing the television again.

"Guys, wanna keep it down?" Shawn asked.

"And another thing, I've never really been one much for silence," Jesse started.

As Trey sat in bed listening to everyone argue, one thought crossed his mind. If all of them planned on staying with him all day, he'd more than likely be listening to their nonsense all day. The last thing he wanted was to be stuck in a room with the three of them arguing about stupid shit that had nothing really to do with anything.

He knew at least one way that he could spare himself the misery, however.

"Okay I'll do it!" he exclaimed, interrupting the chattering and sitting up.

The talking stopped as Noah, Shawn and Jesse all looked over at him.

"I'll, go out and do shit, whatever," he replied. "Just give me some time to get ready."

"That's the best idea I've heard all morning," Jesse spoke.

Noah and Shawn each seemed to be studying Trey, he noticed. Like they were trying to determine whether or not he was really ready to go out. As if it were even up to them.

Trey forced himself out of bed and over to his side of the closet, where he grabbed a towel and a clean pair of boxers and headed en route of the bathroom.

After a few moments of silence, Jesse had to be the one to break it.

"Isn't he going to lock up?" he asked before suddenly answering his own question. "Right, this is the crazy dorm hall with the conjoined loos!"

Shawn and Noah just rolled their eyes at him before each realizing that now that Trey was out of the room, they were alone. Granted, Jesse was there with them but neither of them liked Jesse anymore than they did each other. And yet, they were the three alone in the room together.

Noah looked over at Shawn who seemed like he was staring back at him just to say something but he instead opted not to.

"So Shawn," Jesse started during a commercial. "What's new with you? Are you and that guy^Å.whatshisname^ÅBrad I think it was^Å.are you two still mates?"

Shawn broke his staring contest with Noah and looked over at Jesse.

"I think you mean Ben," he replied.

"It's what I said wasn't it?" Jesse spoke, leaning back in the chair, nearly touching the sink behind him.

"Yeah well, we don't really talk anymore," Shawn replied in a way that would suggest that it was a sore subject.

"Such a shame, losing touch with old high school mates," Jesse replied. "I never made any permanent attachments myself. I was too busy frequenting all the celebrity meet and greets. I could tell you stories about people they'd make your head spin."

"Right, yeah, sure you could," Shawn replied.

Having run out of anything of interest to talk about, the three of them just sat around, two of them wishing Trey would hurry up while the other wished he'd taken Kate Bosworth up on her offer to shag her before he'd left London.

Their thoughts continued on in this manner for a good thirty minutes before a fully showered, fully clothed Trey appeared from his bathroom retreat.

"What?" Trey asked, after realizing that Noah, Shawn and Jesse were all staring at him.

"Christ what were you in there doing? Deciding on a name for your bloody wank?" Jesse asked before crossing his arms and sitting forward.

"Nice," Noah commented. "That's just^Å"

"I was advised that long showers strip the body of essential oils and proteins," Jesse replied. "I'm a little high maintenance in case you hadn't noticed."

"Oh I noticed," Noah reassured, standing up. "I just decided I didn't care."

Jesse was about to respond as he stood up but was beat to the punch by Shawn.

"You sure you wanna do this?" he asked Trey. "I mean, we don't have to."

"I know," Trey replied.

Any other time on any other day he probably would have added `but I want to' to that statement, but he'd already decided on why he was doing this. Adults did lots of things they didn't want to all the time. He was just getting his turn, was the way he figured it.

"Let's go," he said.

Shawn looked over at Noah concerned.

They each could tell that there was still something not entirely right with Trey but they each didn't want to be the one to push the matter and look worse than the other in Trey's eyes.

Trey was the first one out of the room. Jesse walked over to the television and turned it off as Shawn dug his room key out of a pile of clothes on his side of the room and got the light behind him.

As he started to lock the door Jesse realized that his cell phone was ringing.

He took it out and looked at the called I.D.

"Who the bloody hell^Åhello?" he replied, answering it.

All three guys stood watching Jesse on the phone.

"No, I paid you fucking people up front^Åhow did you find out this quick?"

"I wouldn't want to be on the other end of that conversation," Shawn spoke with a slight grin.

"I wouldn't want to be on the other end of any conversation with him," Noah added.

A few more moments passed in where a few students heading to class passed Jesse arguing with someone on the phone before there was complete silence and a final outburst from Jesse who obviously hung up on someone.

"These people just want money to keep their fucking school afloat^Ånon Ivy League, mind you," Jesse spoke, obviously flustered.

"I'd ask what the problem is but there's that me not caring thing, remember?" Noah spoke nonchalantly before leaning against the wall.

"What's the problem Jesse?" Shawn asked.

"Apparently I'm in danger of being removed from the school because I haven't a place to stay," Jesse replied. "I'm gonna have to pass on this Entourage esque outing of the minds^ÅI have to go take care of this."

"Aw, but who will tell us all about the Gangs of London and the-"

"Shut it," Jesse mumbled before placing his phone back in his pocket and mumbling some more as he started down the hallway.

Shawn and Noah watched him leave, each amused with the gigantic show that was Jesse, before turning their attention back to Trey.

"Can we go now?" he asked.

"Yeah, yeah sure," Shawn replied.

"Yeah this is gonna be fun," Noah replied.

"Yeah, fun," Shawn replied.

Trey looked between Noah and Shawn before coming to the conclusion that nothing about his college experience thus far had been `fun'.

"What time is it?" Trey asked.

Noah looked down at his watch.

"Oh it's^Åit's just after five," he replied.

Trey had heard of the saying `time flies when you're having fun' but fun was something he was not having, as he could honestly attest to knowing when each and every long and agonizing minute passed for every hour he'd been out.

It wasn't like Noah and Shawn were bad company or anything. Quite the opposite really as each one of them were willing to do whatever they thought might be willing to cheer him up. Whatever including but not limited to breakfast at IHOP, a noon movie at the cheap dollar theater, then a new movie at the matinee price at a different theater followed by an hour of mall strolling another hour of coffee at Starbucks and another outside Starbucks doing nothing.

Trey wasn't a big fan of doing things he saw no point in. He was all for doing whatever he was told or offered as long as he saw some importance to it or point. If it didn't make sense to him or didn't seem important at all, he'd debate it, argue it or outright not do it. As it was, this had only happened very few times in his life as he made a point not to do things he saw no point in doing, today being the only exception.

He didn't refuse or complain because he knew that Shawn and Noah were only trying to help him, which he appreciated. Which was why he just kept his mouth shut and went along with whatever they each suggested they all do. He just wasn't sure how any of it was going to help him get past what had happened to him.

"Okay so we could go see another movie," Noah suggested, turning so that he was walking backwards as Trey and Shawn each walked facing him. "Or we could head downtown, act like we own the place."

"I'm not a big fan of downtown," Shawn replied. "Too many unsavory things."

"Lucky for you, I don't care what you're a fan of," Noah said, an edge of disdain in his voice. "And who asked you for your opinion anyway? This is Trey's day."

"It's not my birthday, you know," Trey spoke up. "There's nothing special about today."

"What are you talking about, of course today is special," Noah countered, slowing his walking down.

"Right I'm just the guy who's too pathetic to keep from getting his ass beat," Trey replied.

Trey knew that he was saying things that would make people feel uncomfortable. He just didn't care because he himself felt uncomfortable. With every little thing. And he wasn't quite sure why.

Trey stopped when Noah stopped in front of him, which in turn forced a disgruntled Shawn to have to stop as well.

"Look, Trey, maybe-"

Noah was cut off from his thoughts when he realized that his cell phone was ringing and was surprised to see the number displayed on the caller I.D. upon pulling it out.

"Bryce?" he answered.

Trey and Shawn stood around awkwardly as Noah continued with his phone call.

"Well can't you get somebody else? Why? I'm busy right now Bryce^Å.oh don't pull that shit I-"

"Hey if we leave now, he won't be able to follow us," Shawn whispered to Trey who actually had contemplated leaving the both of them on one of his many trips to the restroom during the boring parts of the movies they'd seen.

"Okay...I said okay, fuck! Alright, okay! Yes, I'm coming right now, just calm down, shit!"

"I'm shocked, shocked that you have other friends," Shawn spoke as Noah hung up.

It was obvious to Trey that something serious was going on, and it was the first time all day that he could honestly attest to feeling some kind of feeling at all, his concern for Noah.

"It was my brother," Noah replied. "Look I-"

"Have to go, yeah, we overheard," Shawn cut in. "Too bad too, we were going for face painting and sushi."

"Are you gonna be okay?" Noah asked, looking Trey in the eyes.

Trey, for some reason unbeknownst to him, tried to search them. Tried to find something in them that would help him understand his feelings. For some reason he thought he'd find out everything he needed to know about his love life dilemma by looking into them.

But then the overwhelming numb feeling he'd become used to took over and he suddenly found himself not caring anymore.

"I'm not gonna rush him to Mexico to sell him to mountain bandits," Shawn spoke, crossing his arms. "We'll be okay."

"You sure?" Noah asked, still looking Noah in the eyes.

Trey could tell that Noah only cared for his opinion. But once again, it was the fact that he himself didn't care that was getting in the way.

"Do whatever," Trey replied. "I'll be fine."

Trey could see from Noah's expression that it really looked like he hated having to leave but family came first. He didn't even bother to watch Noah as he left. Instead he and Shawn hung around in an awkward silence, not really sure what to do next. Until Shawn suddenly spoke up.

"Hey, I have an idea," Shawn spoke up. "Come on."

"You have a computer there, use it!"

"Sir, I'm sorry but-"

"I don't want to have to go over this again with you, you bloody moron!" Jesse shouted, making a scene out of himself.

He couldn't help it however, as he was having quite the miserable day. He'd spent hours trying to convince the resident offices that he was in fact a student at the school. For some reason, if you were a freshman and you didn't have a residence on file, you weren't a student, regardless of the fact that Jesse had paid his entire years worth of tuition up front.

It amazed him how quickly Amber had moved in informing the school of how he had no place to stay when there was no reason he shouldn't have. And of course the greedy school was taking up action in the matter.

Jesse, however was excellent at thinking on his feet and had managed to strike a deal with the residence office. If he was able to find a dorm by the beginning of next week, then he'd be able to stay, no questions asked. Of course if he couldn't, then he'd be facing more problems, something he didn't want to even have to think about.

He'd spent the past three hours going from dorm hall to dorm hall, making the mistake of starting with the upperclassmen halls first. He knew from experience that they were off limits to him and had hoped his charm and quick wit would be able to win someone over. Unfortunately, not a single person in charge of the halls he'd visited happened to be female, which made the job of charming a little more difficult as he hadn't the slightest idea on how to charm a guy. As it was Jesse really only had mostly female friends.

Females that apparently loved screwing him over if he didn't agree to screw them.

"I'm not going to have to pull the power card am I?" Jesse asked, leaning over the Ark Hall front desk. "Because believe me, I could have you out on the street like that!"

"There you are Jesse!"

Jesse was so busy staring down the 6'4 senior lacrosse player who could easily take him in a fight for stature and strength alone, despite Jesse's karate background, he barely noticed that someone was calling him.

In fact he didn't fully notice until he felt himself being pulled away from behind. That didn't stop him from shooting a threatening finger-point at the guy behind the check in counter, however.

He let himself get pulled until he turned around and smiled at recognizing a vaguely familiar face.

"Gwen, was it? How nice to see you!" he said.

"It's Grace," she clarified. "And just so you know, I'm pretty sure no one but you cares who your rich daddy is."

Jesse pretended to take offense to the comment as he shifted his feet and crossed his arms.

"I'm doing everything I can to keep from throwing myself a pity party," he admitted. "I'm this close to phoning home."

"Well not that it's any of my business or anything, I mean I was after all only saving you from getting yo little ass beat," Grace spoke.

"Yes, I'm sure the gods thank you," Jesse replied, trying to head past Grace.

"Wait that's it?" Grace said. "No, `thanks Grace for saving my ass?'"

Jesse stopped and turned around.

"I can assure you that you did no such thing," he said. "And my ass is the last thing I want to discuss. Now, we can however, discuss yours."

Jesse stopped when he noticed Amber filling into the dorm hall front doors with a couple of girls he didn't recognize.

"Excuse me," he said, as he started towards her.

Amber was laughing at something one of her friends had said only to stop and clear her throat once she caught sight of an angry looking Jesse standing before her.

"In case no one told you, a college dorm hall is for people who stay in them," Amber started.

"An argument which could apply in any walk in's, such as yourself, case," Jesse threw back.

Amber smirked at Jesse.

"You know people see right through you," she said. "They all can tell how crazy you are."

"Says the girl who forced me out of her place by selling all of my possessions," Jesse countered.

Amber tilted her head slightly, studying Jesse.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Right, of course you don't. Just like you wouldn't happen to know anything about the school threatening to kick me out if I can't find some place to stay."

"Really? That's awful," Amber replied. "Too bad I don't care."

Amber started past Jesse with her two friends but stopped when Jesse called out to her.

"You know, I thought maybe it was me that was in the wrong for once. Maybe I made some kind of mistake," he started as Amber stared at him. "But now I see my instincts were right about you. You really are pathetic."

Amber smirked at this.

"Have a nice life Jesse," she said, before turning to leave with her friends.

And as Jesse watched Amber head for the famous weekly-breaking Ark Hall elevators, for some reason, he got the feeling that it wasn't going to be the last time he saw her.

"So she's a bitch," Grace spoke, joining Jesse at his side as the watched Amber get into an elevator.

"Ah, nice to see you see things my way," Jesse spoke, turning to face Grace. "So, Grace is it? What's a lovely young thing such as yourself doing here all alone?"

"Not all of us `lovely young things' need a man, you know," Grace replied.

"Oh so you're saying you don't have one then? A boyfriend?"

"No I got a man," Grace clarified. "I just don't know if I got the right one."

Jesse allowed himself to follow Grace as the two of them took a seat on one of the couches in the lounge area of the dorm hall.

"Boyfriend problems, I can relate," Jesse replied. "Of course, I wouldn't exactly refer to Amber as a girlfriend so much as I would-"

"A bitch," Grace finished for him.

"Yes, and that would be putting it lightly," Jesse sighed as he fell backwards on the couch to stretch out, Grace sitting on the couch across from him.

"You know, part of me believes Trey when he says that Dro cheated on me," Grace started. "But then there's the part of me that won't let go. And now Trey's hurt and blames me."

"Well, I don't really know Trey so I'm not sure what to say to that," Jesse said.

He and Grace just sat there, Jesse looking up at the ceiling thinking about what he would do about his living arrangement and Grace thinking about her situations with Trey and Dro.

"I'm not going anywhere," Jesse suddenly spoke up. "Not that I could anyway."

"Yeah, well, neither am I," Grace replied, going back into her thoughtful state, Jesse joining her.

Trey could honestly say that the last place he expected or wanted to go was some loud crowded teen hangout. Or wherever the hell Shawn had taken him to.

"What is this place?" Trey found himself having to shout as he and Shawn walked towards a back counter.

Shawn seemed more excited about where they were it seemed as a grin spread across his face in his turning to face Trey as they walked.

"You've never been to Race Zone before?" he asked, sounding like a giddy nine year old.

"No," Trey replied unevenly, just managing to dodge out of the way of a couple of 15 year olds running past him.

"Aw man you don't know what you've been missing," Shawn started as they reached the counter. "This place has everything. Four different go kart tracks, including one on water. A mini golf course. Baseball nets, soccer nets, football arenas, indoor laser tag and of course three levels or arcade games."

Trey could pretty much see all that, as the place was more crowded than the dorm hall cafeteria on gravy night.

He just wasn't really sure how a place so hectic and chaotic was supposed to help cheer him up, as if he weren't feeling cheery already.

Trey stood by as Shawn took out his wallet and asked for two Race Zone cards, trying his best to make sure Trey didn't hear the 100 dollar amount he was stacking on to each card.

"This is gonna be fun? Right?" Shawn smiled as he handed the clerk his credit card.

Trey just shrugged as he crossed his arms and turned to face out into the crowd of people talking, laughing or playing some kind of game. He found himself growing bored already with the place and found interest in looking down at the ground as he waited for Shawn to finish paying.

"Thought that thing was only supposed to be for emergencies," came the bark of someone Trey had completely missed approaching them before when he was looking out into the crowd.

Shawn's smile faded as he turned to face him.

"What the fuck is this Ben? Are you following me around now?" he asked.

"Oh go fuck yourself okay," Ben retorted. "You're not that special."

Shawn frowned as he turned around to sign the receipt, leaving Ben to glare at Trey who found himself looking back down at his shoes.

Shawn turned back around and stared at Ben for a few moments before deciding not to get into anything with him.

"Come on," he said. "Let's just go to one of the other floors."

Trey started following Shawn as he tried to pass Ben but stopped when Shawn stopped after he heard something Ben muttered.

"Don't start this shit tonight Ben," Shawn growled. "Not here."

"Just commenting on how you wouldn't even spend that much on a girl you wanted to fuck let alone some guy-"


"Maybe we should go," Trey started.

"Thought you and me were cool man," Ben said, directing the comment at Trey. "I mean, I came to you asking for help and instead you go behind my back and steal my best friend."

"I'm NOT your friend, Ben," Shawn spoke up.

"Only because he wouldn't help me out," Ben replied, still staring at Trey.

Ordinarily Trey would be a little afraid being glared at by someone like Ben. But he already knew there was nothing ordinary about this day. He already knew that he didn't care about things like this anymore.

"Just like you to blame him for this," Shawn started. "You're always trying to blame somebody for something."

"I seem to remember a time where you didn't even like the guy and suddenly you're best friends!"

"This isn't even about him, it's about you being an asshole-"

"So now we're back to that?"

Trey was already bored just being there but having to stand around while Shawn argued with his friend was too much for him to have to handle as he instead decided that he'd had enough.

Shawn didn't even notice him leaving.

"What the fuck is it this time Bryce!?" Noah shouted as he marched towards his older brother. "Huh? How bad did you screw up this time?"

"What about hey how's your life going big bro? Nice to see you?" Bryce countered.

"Don't," Noah countered. "I'm not in the mood."

"Yeah and you think I am?" Bryce asked. "I'm the one that's about to get my legs broken here."

Noah knew his brother was already off to a bad start with him. They weren't exactly on the best of terms. Hadn't been for nearly two years. And making him drive all the way home just to bail him out of yet another problem that he, as the older brother, should have been getting himself out of, was something that he was growing painstakingly used to.

Bryce paced around the front steps of their house, hands on his hips while Noah leaned against the wall next to him. Things continued in this manner for a few moments, something they were used to, until Noah spoke.

"So what?"

Bryce sniffled and looked over at his younger brother.

Noah got a chance to look his brother over fully at this point. His hair was a mess, and not just the messy fresh-out-of-bed look he himself liked to use on his own hair, but a mess like he'd been in some sort of tussle. His eyes were bloodshot and to top it off his was sniffing like he was back to using again.

"Dad's going awol. Won't let me in," Bryce replied.

"So?" Noah asked.

Bryce stared at his younger brother.

"So? I fucking live here! I need in!"

Noah pursed his lips and nodded his head slowly as he watched his brother pace back and forward. He knew from experience that it was best to let his brother do most of the talking and to just be patient with him as he was more than likely high out of his mind.

"And I hear em talkin. About how they wanna sell and move and not tell me about it. Like the fuckers think I won't have anywhere else to go if they do."

Noah wasn't a huge fan of his parents either. After all, they'd pretty much spent his entire life partying and getting wasted rather than being an actual parent to him. It used to work to his advantage. He took his hatred of them and used it as fuel to excel in school and sports. But after his brother started acting just like them, even worse, he realized that he didn't care enough about anything to get past it all. And that was pretty much when he started hanging out with burnouts like Sabrina and Kaz.

"Fuck fuck fuck!!! Lemme the FUCK IN!!!" Bryce shouted as he banged on the front door.

"Bryce, Bryce stop!" Noah shouted, pulling Bryce away who jumped over the steps and started pacing over the front lawn.

Noah just watched him and waited like he always did, waiting for the situation to solve itself.

He watched his brother run his hands through his hair feverishly and mutter a few curse words over and over before starting back towards the house. That was when he jumped in front of him, forcing him to stop.

"What did you call me for?" he asked.

Bryce stared at him.

"You gotta get em to let me in," he replied.

"Why? So they can throw you out again if they want?" Noah asked.

While Noah hated his parents, he knew that they did enough to support him while he was growing up. He wasn't some poor white trash even though his parents pretty much acted like they were. The last thing he wanted to see was anything terrible happen to either sides involved in this conflict.

"Come on Noah? Please? You're my^Å.you're my baby bro man, come on we're family."

Noah still hadn't forgotten what he had to skip out on the come bail his brother out of a jam with their own parents. Even though his family pretty much forgot about him most of the time, he didn't want to return the favor by forgetting about them. At least, if he could help it.

Noah stared into his desperate brothers eyes long and hard before letting out a sigh and starting towards the front door.

"I love you for this, you know that right?" Bryce said.

Noah glanced back at him briefly before ringing the doorbell.

"Mom^Ådad^Åit's Noah!" he called out. "Can we talk?"

Noah waited for what seemed like an eternity before the front door opened and his father, who appeared to actually be sober, stood before him.

"He call you?" were the first words out of his mouth as he nodded back towards his older brother.

"Yeah, it's great to see you too dad," Noah mumbled.

"Twenty years old your brother is and this is how he acts. Stoned out of his mind or high on some other crap-"

"As opposed to you and mom always passing out before ten right?" Noah cut in. "What great role models he has to look to."

"You watch your mouth boy, you hear me?" his father barked. "Besides the boy should be living out on his own not letting his whores of the week eat all our food and use all our toilet paper. You know his last girlfriend ran our phone bill up an extra two hundred dollars last month?"

"And I told you to let me see that shit too!" Bryce shouted.

"Bryce^Å" Noah wavered. "Look, dad just let him get what he needs tonight. I mean^Ålook at him, what's he really gonna do?"

Noah's dad looked past him and over to his brother.

"How's school? You found some more losers to hang around with or are you over all that now?"

"I'm leaving," Noah replied, turning around.

"No, wait^Å.listen, Noah, I'm sorry," his father started. "Why don't you come on in? We can talk, you can help your brother. Maybe share a beer."

It was then that Noah realized something. He let himself become a loser because he was surrounded by them whenever he was at home. But he had a fresh start at college now. The only thing he needed his parents for now was to pay his college tuition, which he could do himself if they for some reason ever decided to stop doing so. And as long as his brother was the way he was, he really didn't need him at all.

He could easily find just as much happiness with his new friends and Trey, if he'd let him in. His family was keeping him from him as it was. Trying to keep him from being happy, like always.

"You know I don't think so dad," was all he said before he started down the steps and passed his brother.


"You two can have this life," he said. "Just don't call me again to come sort out your shit."

"You know, everyone talks about how Jennifer Aniston was cheated on when I happen to know for a fact that she once gave a friend of mine a blowjob on a dare at a party," Jesse spoke as he lay stretched out on the sofa reading a magazine.

"Oh so she must have been drunk then," Grace said, as she looked over Jesse's cell phone. "Cuz Brad Pitt is someone yo ass just don't cheat on."

"He's the most popular answer to the question of what one guy a female would want to have with them if they were deserted on an island," Jesse replied. "Of course, looks won't get you very far in that scenario. Me? I'd have Rosie O' Donnell or a supermodel. That way if we start to run out of food, there's enough meat to last me or in the models case, enough food to last longer considering they don't eat."

"You thought all about this huh, boy?" Grace asked, amused as Jesse sat up to respond.

"I have to be prepared for all likely and unlikely possible outcomes, love," he replied. "I do have to think of myself you know."

"Oh yeah, of course," Grace replied, sarcastically.

"What yo ass that big a ho you go from one dude to the next?" came the barking growl of Dro as he and a few of his friends approached Grace and Jesse.

Grace turned around, a bit shocked to see Dro, a little afraid of the way he was speaking.

"Dro, who you think you talking to like that?" she asked.

"Bitch, don't play games wit me. First it was that little ass nigga you be hanging out with now and now this cracker-"

"I take offense to that," Jesse pointed out.

"Shut up cracker!" one of Dro's friends shouted. "No one asked you."

Jesse stood up and walked over to Grace. He didn't think her friend was so stupid as to actually try to hit a woman, let alone in such a public spot but he wanted to be nearby just in case anything like that did look like it was going to happen.

"Dro, I think you need to slow your roll here and think about what yo ass is saying-"

"Did you not just hear me? What's with all these nigga's I'm seeing you wit?"

Grace crossed her arms.

"You know it's funny," she started. "Trey tried to tell me the same thing about you and I didn't listen to him."

"That faggot ass nigga don't know SHIT! That's why I set his ass straight last night-"

"Wait a minute^Å.you did that to Trey?" Grace asked.

"Had to tell a nigga not to be trying to steal my woman!" Dro barked.

It didn't seem like Dro was drunk to Grace. More like he was trying to put on a show for his friends and the people who gathered around in the lounge to see what all the commotion was about.

"Yo woman huh?" she asked, trying to hold back the blunt of her anger. "Let me tell you something NEGRO, I'm NOT ya woman, okay? Not no more."

Dro crossed his arms as he listened to his former girlfriend speak.

"And about Trey, he's more of a man than yo black ass will EVER be. Period." Grace finished.

"So what you saying we through? We over? What like yo ass is breaking up wit ME?"

"Yeah I think that's exactly what she's saying," Jesse spoke up, gently moving Grace behind him in a more protective way. "I think it's time for you gentlemen to leave."

"No one asked you cracker-"

"The finger better remove itself from the jacket before I remove it from the hand," Jesse barked looking down at the friend of Dro's hand that had started poking him.

It almost looked like Dro and his friends were actually going to be stupid enough to not only start a fight but start one with someone who'd easily be able to wipe the floor with all five of them. Only no one got the chance to do anything before one of the front desk attendants came over.

"Is there a problem here?" he asked.

"No, these^Åpeople, were just leaving," Jesse spoke, sternly. "Right gentlemen?"

Dro took a moment to glance over at Grace before deciding it just wasn't worth it.

"Let's go man!" he said, leading his group of friends towards the back doors.

Jesse watched defensively until they were gone before being caught off guard with a hug from Grace.

"Thank you," she said upon releasing him. "I don't think I would've been able to do that without you here."

"Me? Really?" Jesse asked.

"Well, I like you Jesse," Grace replied. "You're cool. Not what I thought you'd turn out to be."

"Yeah well, I do have a habit of surprising people," Jesse smiled.

Trey had done a lot of thinking on his own. He realized that was probably what he needed the most. Solid time to think about everything that had been going on in his life so far and what it all meant. And while not a lot of it helped, it did manage to take his mind off a lot of other things for the time being.

By the time he got back to the dorms it was a little late. He made sure that Shawn knew he was okay by calling him later on. He just made sure not to tell him where he was. It looked like he had enough of his own problems.

He almost dreaded being back at the dorms. It was almost like away from them, he had no problems, back at them, and school, and life continued for him.

"Hey," came the familiar voice of Zoey as Trey, hands in pockets, started towards the back of the dorm hall.

"Hey," he replied, a bit caught off guard. "You smoke?"

Zoey took the cigarette she was puffing off her lips and looked at it before tossing it down and stepping on it.

"Occasionally^Åold habit, you know?" she replied.

"Yeah," Trey replied, walking over to her and having a seat next to her on one of the benches on the fight side of the walkway leading to the back doors, the closest one to them.

"Wait, you don't stay here right?" Trey asked. "I mean, I thought your dorm was-"

"It is," Zoey replied. "Can't a girl have friends in high places?"

"High places? Really?" Trey asked.

"You got yourself an eight story dorm hall on your hands don't you?" Zoey asked.

Trey smiled before looking down at his feet, feeling a little unsure of himself or what to say.

"So, guys day out^Åstarted with four but only one came back," Zoey started. "Oh god, the other three aren't dead are they?"

Trey looked over at her.

"Okay I confess, I've stashed them all in the confines of my closet at home, to be found twenty years after I die by some CSI groupie wannabe," he replied.

"You're a smart ass," Zoey replied. "I like you."

"Oh well thank you, everyone wants to be liked by you Zoey."

"This I know well."

Zoey and Trey sat in silence for a few moments, Trey listening to the leaves in the trees behind him rustle while thinking some more.

"So you made up your mind about which guy you wanna be with yet?"

Trey sat to full attention at this statement.

"How did you-"

"These things I also know well," Zoey replied. "Plus that and I kinda know would be groom number one personally so^Å"

Trey nodded and looked down, leaning back on the bench. He wasn't quite sure what to say to that only because he wasn't quite sure which guy he did in fact want. Maybe he wanted one over the other. Maybe he wanted both of them. Or maybe, he didn't want either of them. He was too confused to know.

"You don't have to decide right away you know," Zoey said. "I mean, a decision like this with people like that^Åyou can't just pick a name out of a hat."

"I was feeling like that was something I needed to try until^Å.what happened^Åand now^ÅI don't know what's what anymore."

"Maybe," Zoey replied. "I mean, I knew something was wrong when you took everything out on Grace."

"Yeah^Å.about that-"

"No she totally get's it. Just like I get it," Zoey replied. "But something else I know, you may not see it yet, but those three guys are probably more important to you than you know."

The whole time Trey had been feeling numb because he was trying to forget, but the minute he started thinking about what he had in Shawn, Noah and Jesse, three guys who were willing to do whatever it took to help him recover told him all he needed to know about how he was to get over his problem.

"A guy like you, needs friends," Zoey spoke.

Trey nodded at this. It wasn't exactly an entirely coherent conversation the two of them were having. He didn't exactly get it all but for some reason it made sense to him anyway. He had his time of feeling sorry for himself. But he also knew he had friends who were willing to help him get over it.

And he at least wanted to let them have the chance.

"I should probably apologize to Grace," Trey started, standing up. "I don't want her feeling like what happened to me was her fault."

Zoey stood up as well.

"Yeah and I should probably tag along to play mediator just in case she decides to hit you anyway."

"Hit me? Why would she do that?"

"As a female, we have these things called periods^Åmaybe you've heard of them?"

Trey laughed as they entered the elevator.

"I don't know, sometimes we just do that."

"Just like sometimes you get caught smoking?"

"Yeah about that, I'm gonna need you to keep that between the two of us," Zoey said. "Got some friends that would cut me here to there if they knew I was smoking again. My boyfriend especially."

"Right the boyfriend no one's seen right?" Trey asked as the two of them stepped off the elevator and started down the hall.

"I just wanna let Shawn know I'm alright before I go talk to Grace," Trey said, fishing the keys to his dorm room out of his pocket. "He worries, you know?"

"So do I whenever my roommate comes back with Kid Rock look-alikes," Zoey replied. "I mean, I tell her that if she's gonna scrape the bottom of the barrel at least go for Tommy Lee."

Zoey and Trey laughed at a few things until they got to his room, both surprised with what they saw once inside.

"He returns at last!" Jesse called out.

"Um^Åwhat's going on?" Trey asked, looking around.

Inside his room were Shawn, Noah, Grace and Jesse and scattered around them were a couple boxes of pizza and open sodas.

"I always miss all the indie group hangs," Zoey fake-complained as she started towards the pizza.

"Um, did you pay for that sweetheart?" Jesse asked.

"I'm sorry, you're the guy that doesn't have the place to stay right?" Zoey shot back.

"Temporarily. I keep telling people that, why don't they believe me?" Jesse replied.

Trey shut the door and sat on his bed next to Noah.

"Everything okay?" he asked.

Trey looked over at Shawn who looked a little apprehensive to see him and flashed him a reassuring smile.

"Yeah," he replied. "Everything's okay now."

My Yahoo Group is currently under construction. I will be leaving the links to the finished advanced chapters of The Living Years up until I need to move them later (but only into a new folder). Feel free to stop by and check out the progress:

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Copyright 2006

Next: Chapter 12

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