
By Stu Hadley

Published on Mar 23, 2021


Lockdown! Chapter 14

These are difficult times and good erotica can help us get through the next few weeks and months of isolation and social distancing. This fantasy is how I wish I was spending lockdown...

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Now, serious gains...

The prolapse was a pretty big deal for both men. For Kris it represented a watershed moment in the development of his cunt. For Lee? A statement of what a determined top can achieve if they really put their mind to it.

However, that still left a massive elephant in the room: the ink Lee wanted to brand on Kris's back. The top was a master tattoo artist - his long-standing appointments the reason he'd ended up in London and holed up with the bottom. However, despite the many bodies he'd branded around the world he sensed that Kris could be his ultimate work. For all the top's craft and artistic flair it was Lee's passion to transform that really got him going.

Every time a conversation with a new client started he quickly got to the heart of the matter: why did they want to be inked? He ignored boring banalities about liking a design or a specific look. No, the answers that inspired him were the people who talked about confidence and wanting to project a different version of themselves to the world. Of finding a way to make what was hidden inside visible on the outside.

After 6 weeks or so of intense ass-play Lee now wanted that truth for Kris too: to reveal the cunt lurking underneath his plain (okay... handsome and rugged) exterior. For him to be true to his desires and hunger. Lee knew that only then would Kris find true happiness and satisfaction in life.

However, no matter how hard Lee tried, the bottom didn't grab the bait. The top even mentioned that lockdown couldn't last forever and what would Kris do for fist then? That he'd made so many gains in the last few months that surely it would be a good to celebrate and hold onto them? To advertise his abilities to the world and channel that thirst for good?

But no.

The problem was that Lee's design for Kris's back was pretty extreme. Outrageous even. Life changing for sure. The bottom would be permanently marked with a clenched fist emoji, the words `JUICY CUNT' and a giant tramp stamp arrow pointing directly towards his pussy.

It was a brand that could never be misunderstood, it's intention clear. Not that everyone would get it... sure, prudes would be offended by its blatant obscenity, however, those who really knew fisting would recognise it as the sign of a true pro. Someone who existed on another level of fetish, dedicated to their craft. A quality slut: someone to chase, hunt and make use of.

That idea fascinated Kris (in the darkest, deepest corners of his mind the ink felt dangerous and exciting) but he wasn't seriously considering the idea. Yes, he'd never have to worry about finding fist tops again but did he really want ass-play to rule his life? With this ink he'd never be able to walk around uncovered in public again. No swimming pools or beaches. And any fetish bar would be a disaster - he'd have to cover up all the time - even simple things like his leather bar vests would be out as they'd still reveal his tramp stamp to the world. This ink would mean he'd never be able to escape the attention of handball tops wherever he went. And sessions would no longer be easy or relaxed, just cunt-smashingly hard. What kind of a life would that be?

For that reason, he kept on saying no. However, everyday they got slightly closer... Kris was becoming more and more addicted to the stretch and that amazing feeling of completion that only fist can bring. Of course - after a decade of play - he was intimately familiar with the feeling, but this was different. Daily play with a horny, hung top was rewiring his brain. He was beginning to need fist, a life-changing habit. And yet, even in his horniest and most desperate moments, he couldn't help but feel the tattoo was over the top and nothing more than fantasy.

Lee couldn't cope with that duality any longer. Either own it or lose it, he thought. It was time to make it happen.

The bottom was strapped into the bondage table again - surely a sign of how willing he was, thought Lee. However, as the top tightened the last leather restraint everything changed. He explained that this evening's session was going to be very different. No dice but way more jeopardy: ink or no ink. He was going to set Kris a challenge, if the bottom met it then Lee would drop the idea of marking him forever. But if he failed...

Kris couldn't help his dick rising. Why the fuck was he getting turned on by this?! The danger? The thrill? And yet Lee surely couldn't be serious?

The top explained it all. It would be an hour long ride with a truly gigantic toy at Kong's highest stroke rate. The bottom looked down at the dildo Lee was attaching to the machine and was immediately scared. How the fuck could he take that fat, fat toy? And yet part of him was slightly reassured. Surely he'd taken worse in the last weeks of the dice game? He could do this, right? And having his hole blown out had to be better than being fucked up for life?

"So, do you accept the challenge?" Sensing hesitation, Lee reinforced his message. "I know you're still worried about my design, but you know I wouldn't be suggesting it if I didn't think it would be good for you.

So that's where we are tonight - to resolve the issue forever. Take this toy - no complaints - for an hour and I'll never mention the tattoo again. Water under the bridge. But fail and that back is mine..."

Lee smiled, both to reassure and give false confidence.

What could Kris do? What choice did he have? Did he even have one? He had to believe he had this covered though. Surely he could take the toy attached to Kong, no matter how big it was... he nodded and said yes.

Lee grinned. "Oh, but you'll have to do it wearing this," holding up an impressively hardcore leather head harness. At its centre was a short silicone gag in the shape of a stunningly thick penis helmet. So big it could have been modelled on the top himself.

More was to come though.

"...and swallow all this cum."

Lee signalled to a tube Kris hadn't noticed. It went from the gag to a giant container the top was now holding aloft. It was vast, easily 2 litres in size, full to the brim of creamy fluid.

Kris panicked. How the fuck could he drink all of that? It was a huge amount of liquid to ingest in an hour: the most insane full-on 4 pint bender in a pub you could imagine. And all whilst a toy reamed out his cunt?

But then he remembered how much he loved the taste of Lee's spunk and how he'd walk a country mile for a single, precious load of the top's cum. He'd been swallowing it for weeks and it was the fount of Lee's masculinity. He slightly smirked. Despite the surprise, if this was the challenge he had it sorted.

As the muscular top started to attach the head harness he couldn't help but notice Kris's expression.

"What's so funny?" he asked.

"I can take whatever you give me" replied the bottom "and drink your cum for eternity." They were the last words he'd be able to say for the next hour, the penis gag now firmly locked in place.

"Wait, what makes you think this is my cum?" asked Lee.

What the fuck! thought Kris, his eyes going super wide.

"Christ, I know I have a high-yield but there's no way I could produce this much spunk. What do you think I am, a milch-cow?! No, this stuff is fresh from the dark web... I know, it's amazing what you can buy these days! I say fresh but I'm not sure that quality control is the supplier's metier. Could be anything - animals, hobos, medical experiments, condoms emptied from the back of motel parking lots... but cum is cum, even when you're buying in bulk, right?"

Kris was now totally off-balance. The final head buckle was tightened, the machine started up and the unbelievably thick toy started ravaging his cunt... and all with a one hour timer counting down in front of him. And with no porn to help him out.

Being strapped to Lee's contraption had always been a big event. Sure, some times had been tough, but this felt in another league. For the first time, the dildo invading his chute felt like punishment and that he wouldn't be able to take it. And that was before he tasted the first trickle of fluid entering his mouth through gravity alone. The liquid - not warm from the source but cold and inhuman - shocked him.

He suddenly felt overwhelmed. He loved Lee's cum but swallowing the loads of anonymous strangers was something else entirely. And two fucking litres? It felt abhorrent and unnatural.

The top seemed totally unconcerned though.

"You've got this, boy. If you really want to stay unmarked then I know you can do this. I believe in you... after all, you keep saying how cum-hungry you are, right?"

Something in Kris suddenly made him resolved to win. Yes, it was gross, but his hole was taking the mammoth toy okay, surely he could take this cum too? Having said that, he had no idea how his body would be able to process this much liquid in an hour. Christ, he'd be pissing like a race horse!

It was then the final indignity was dealt.

Lee was touching Kris's dick, which was highly unusual as the top normally completely ignored it during their sessions. He felt strong hands on his shaft and then cold thick lube on the tip. Then a sharp, sharp pain as something seemed to be entering his cock! What the fuck was that?! He virtually squealed through his gag.

"Calm down boy... it's only a catheter. I learnt how to do it from PornHub and ordered some online. I'm just threading a rubber tube down your cock and connecting it to this bag... I wouldn't want you pissing all over your own floor, right?

But I've also found out something else catheters can do... completely take control of your bladder. All I have to do is turn this little tap" he said, swivelling a valve at the end of the tube, "and you won't be able to piss at all!"

Kris felt a wave of terror come over his body. He's trusted Lee, he'd accepted the challenge. But now he had to drink the cum of a thousand strangers in an hour. And not piss once in all that time?! He was suddenly acutely aware of his bladder feeling full and they hadn't even got started yet...

But the alternative was far worse: marked as a cunt for life.

He desperately started suckling the cum nozzle in his mouth, doing his best to concentrate on the toy pummelling his ass rather than the rank taste in his mouth. It was tough though: the dildo pulverising his hole was fucking gigantic and, as he couldn't see the hopper, he had no idea how much progress he was making. And now his bladder was full to bursting without any sign of release.

And yet... his dick was hard at his submission and loss of control, at the sheer danger of it all. He was sure he could do this, lost in the sound of his squelching cunt and the aggressive noise of Kong's motor. However, he was dramatically bought back to his senses by the abrupt sound of a klaxon - his time was up. It had all gone by so fast!

Lee immediately re-appeared in his sightline - the top had been watching everything from a safe distance. Caring but uncaring, his dick so fucking hard. In fact, he'd been wanking virtually the entire time and had shot his load twice at the extreme porn playing out in front of him (all captured on his Go-Pro of course - he had plans for that later...).

The top lifted up the cum container whilst Kong kept on punching away. Jesus, it wasn't even two thirds empty!

Lee shook his head and smiled. Kris was fucked.

"See, I knew you wanted your pussy-stamp all along! All that bullshit about not wanting to be permanently marked as a juicy cunt, total fake news!

You look pretty shocked though, as if you weren't expecting it? But you did agree to the challenge, yes? I was clear all along about what was at stake but I can see still doubt in your eyes. I tell you what boy, I'll give you one last chance..."

Kris's heart soared, even though the insanely thick cunt-stuffer was still ramming in and out of his hole. One last chance though, what did that mean? That he had to drink more of the tramp skank fluid (as he now thought of it)? Or take the dildo for even longer?!

He was fantastically relieved to see the top unhooking the hopper - at least he wouldn't have to drink anymore of that, not least as his mouth was fucking sore from being filled by the thick penis gag for so long.

"Boy, I'll make a deal. Keep drinking for the next half hour and we'll call it quits."

Before Kris had a chance to work out what the fuck that meant, Lee had taken the catheter hose from the bottom's dick and attached it the penis gag. The tap was twisted, immediately releasing a torrent of the bottom's own piss into his mouth.

Jesus! Never a lover of watersports, all he could now taste was the harsh and acrid taste of his own urine. He tried not to swallow - some of the piss escaping the tight and over-sized gag - but there was nothing he could do to hold it back. His bladder was so full - so painful - that he couldn't stop it. He had to swallow.

"See? You seem to like this more" said Lee, ignoring the bottom's obvious disgust and revulsion at recycling his own fluids.

It was then that Kris felt something being put into his hand. The top explained that it was the kill switch for Kong, saying that all the bottom had to do was last the next half-hour and he'd remain un-inked. But that if at any time he wanted to stop - if the flow of urine became too much - then all he had to do was flick the switch. It was his choice.


He held out for as long as he could but how could anyone last? By now he'd drunk well over a litre of cum, his bladder was fit to bursting and a giant toy was reaming out his cunt. And now he was cycling his own fluids through his body? He lasted 10 minutes before hitting the switch.

Lee approached and gently caressed the bottom's forehead. Despite the agony of the moment the touch was like a warm balm.

"See" said Lee sensuously, "I knew you wanted it all along. Right?"

As Kris was unhooked it was almost too much, as if all the emotions in the world had built up to this moment. The top was ready though. He hugged, he caressed, he held. Then he helped the bottom piss and shower, bringing him back to consciousness and back to the room.

Kris was thankful, so thankful in fact that he actually forgot all about the tattoo, as if this had been some giant prank by the universe. Supremely tired, he made for bed.

"Wait" commanded the top. "Where the fuck are you going? We've got unfinished business!"

Kris was simply too tired to resist. Too spent, too exhausted, too high.

And so that was how the bottom ended up bound face down to his sling. His back was splayed and presented an amazing canvas for the horny tattoo artist to get to work...

Next: you know exactly what...

In the meantime, comments and suggestions are welcome at stuhadley77@gmail.com and my previously published stories are:

https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/authoritarian/the-first-hand-school/ https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/authoritarian/the-reintegration-centre/ https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/authoritarian/the-curse-of-troy-fletcher/ https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/sf-fantasy/the-wish

Next: Chapter 15

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