Locked Out

By G Cutter (Gary Cutter, GCutter66)

Published on Sep 8, 2003




GCutter@aol.com for Comments/Criticism, etc.

Similar (maybe better) locked out stories: The Kid next Door (Gymnopedies) The Boy next Door (Comicality)



G. Cutter

'Hey, hey, boring day,' I hummed a little ditty as I cruised the local minimart collecting enough food to keep me going over the weekend. It was a Bank Holiday, May Day Monday, in fact, and I had absolutely nothing to do and nobody to do it with. In a nutshell I was feeling pretty pissed off with myself.

My parents had died when I was quite young and left me a fair or I should say a generous amount of money in a Trust fund which I couldn't get to until I was eighteen, until then I was farmed out to a distant Aunt and Uncle. I felt a bit like the famous Harry Potter, the difference being that they didn't have a fat son and I didn't have to live under the stairs but the rest of it was about right.

Anyway, all things come to an end and my situation changed for ever when I reached the magic age of eighteen. I was called into the family solicitor and the guardians were left sitting outside. The solicitor was a nice guy and knew the conditions I lived under and did all he could to help me get out and under from the tyrants. The end result was that after the paperwork was sorted I chucked a few fucks into the guardians, enjoyed their shocked faces, futile protests and did a runner.

I already had a job lined up and although I could have taken a year's break I got into it and got myself a self contained flat, a small car and I was off and running. I didn't realise that after a year I'd be so pissed off and so lonely.

I got my shopping together and left the store, I'd toyed with the idea of adding a cucumber to the bag but the thought of having imaginary sex with the Hulk didn't really appeal. In case you didn't get the message I'm gay as well.

I wasn't bad looking but most young men who have just turned nineteen will tell you that. I was around five feet eleven, fair haired and pretty smooth. I was pretty well muscled as my job of choice was gardening and groundswork which involved patio laying and other quite heavy tasks. Over a long hot summer you could earn well, collect a nice tan and build a decent body as long as you didn't run to booze. In the winter I marked out football and rugby pitches with another guy, that paid the rent and food. I wasn't too fussed, I had enough in the bank and after a long summer a winter stand down was OK. I even toyed with the idea of a winter cruise but getting mixed up with the Saga mob didn't really turn me on.

My biggest problem was that I was shy and had problems making contact, I also had this massive fear of rejection which didn't help so I stayed firmly in the closet and suffered. None of my customers would like a gay coming into contact with their brats or even in their gardens where the kids tend to swarm around anyone doing any work. The fact was kids as such didn't do a lot for me, I liked the scruffy oiks, the fifteens and sixteens, even somone my own age or a litle older ..... just someone to snuggle upto and chill

I got in the car and headed for home where at least I could have a couple of cold beers and maybe play around with the computer, maybe even have a snooze. The next two and a half days were my own and I even toyed with the idea of taking the remainder of the week off as work had hit a bit of a bad patch. Oh for some company, I did a mental whinge. Mind you I could walk down the local pub later there might be some eye candy playing pool and you never know, I might get lucky.

I rented the top half of a large detatched house and had my own entrance at the top of a old iron staircase that went up the side. It must have been an old house and well built as I never heard a squeak from the neighbours, in fact I rarely saw them. They had a dark haired boy who I reckoned must have been around sixteen and was pretty attractive but I hadn't seen him for some time, maybe he was at a Prep School or something but I hadn't seen him for a month or so. Pity, because this kid was rather tasty, probably as straight as a ruler as well.

I got out of the car and locked it up leaving one window slightly open. Once up the stairs and indoors I flung open the windows and the balcony door and had a look out. Peering down the row of back gardens I could see that they were all empty apart from one which seemed to be occupied by a Barbeque mob they must be alsolutely bonkers in this heat. They were just lazing around and drinking, very little noise, no probs. I suppose most people were down the coast breathing petrol fumes and geting ripped off.

That was it. Chill out by numbers. Fan on. Clothing off. Fluffy towel around waist. Couple of cold cans from the fridge. Open can. Drink from can and collapse in chair by the balcony. I just love organising myself.

Halfway through the first can the doorbell rang.

'Jesus fucking wept,' that was the mildest that came out as I leapt to my feet and stormed across to the outside door like an enraged bull with a severe dose of the hump. The Mormon or Jehova's Witness was due for a hard time.

'Yeah,' I snarled flinging the door open so hard it crashed aginst it's stopper.

'Mick?' The boy or rather the teenager on the stairs stepped back in shock, he must have thought I was a raving lunatic.

'Yeah,' I repeated calming down. It was the kid from downstairs, from the bottom flat. He looked good enough to eat, he'd had a skinhead done since I'd seen him last which made his ears stick out a bit but I'd forgive him that in view of his dress sense. He had a sporty cotton shirt on which was undone nigh to his navel, a pair of faded cutoff jeans which showed off his finely muscled and tanned legs, he looked to be as smooth as a baby. 'Kevin, innit?'

'Yeah.' He smiled like an angel (well he would wouldn't he). 'You remember me?'

'Of course I do,' I answered back with a daft grin wondering what the hell he wanted not that I was too fussed.

'I got problems.'

'Haven't we all.' So much for my small talk. What I wanted to say was come inside and we'll flip for the first fuck.

'Did my people leave a spare key for dowstairs?'

'No, should they?' I'd lost the plot. I'd just had a glimpse of toffee coloured nipple and aureole as he moved and I'd been smitten. Cupid's arrow had just hit me right between the eyes.

'Aw, shit,' he slumped back against the railing at the top of the stairs. 'I really got problems.' He looked a bit like he was doing an Orphan Annie impression ... mind you he was better looking.

'Come in, come in,' I got it together at last. It was like a bloody furnace outside and this poor kid looked ready to drop. Poor kid, what was I on about, I had him down for sixteen or seventeen, he wasn't a kid, he was a teenager, he was meat.

'Alright,' he followed me in and flopped into a chair which I'd waved at.

'Cold Newcastle? Cold Coke? Tango?'

'Nuke, if I may,' he looked at me and grinned looking down at the towel. 'Sorry to disturb you.'

'I wasn't doing anything,' I quickly replied. Whay the hell did he think I was doing. I rushed off to the kitchen keenly aware of his eyes on me although he didn't seem too concerned at being in the flat of a half naked man. I got him his can from the fridge and pressed it against my towel, my thoughts had turned to dirty and the meat was in motion. The chill of the can of beer calmed it down a bit.

'Here you go,' I handed him the can and sat back down in my chair facing him. I noticed his eyes drop to the towel again and I hoped nothing was on show, or then again, maybe not. He did seem rather keen on my towel and I wondered about him, wishful thinking perhaps.

'So, what's the problem, Kevin or is it Kev?'

'Whatever,' he shrugged and popped the can. 'Jeez,' he took a long swallow and sighed. He looked at me and ran the tip of his tongue across his upper lip. God, that was so sexy. I wondered if he knew the effect he was having on me.


'My people are away until Tuesday evening and I'm locked out.'

'So, break in.' My mind was whirring like a cockwork mouse on crack. This was good news.

'I can't break in,' he replied angrily. 'They've got the place wired up like the Bank of England.'

'No friends nearby, no neighbours with keys?' I tried to eliminate all his options. 'No family live close?'

'Nah, my people don't mix,' he gloomed. 'They've buggered off to the Channel Islands to stay with rich chums for the holiday right through to Tuesday evening.

This all seemed too good to be true. I could leap on this kid, tie him up and pleasure myself for three whole days. I could feel myself getting harder, major embarassment on the way, this was all I needed.

'About the only option you've got left is to contact the Police and they'll put you into contact with a bonded locksmith.'

'Can't do that,' Kevin was firm.

I didn't ask why not, perhaps his people were crooks or something, stranger things happen in the Burbs. Last bright idea coming up.

'You could come up here and camp out for a couple of days.' I had a spare bedroom but I wasn't going to tell him that.

'I've never done any camping,' he grinned licking that upper lip of his again. The pink tip of his tongue ran slowly and seductively across his upper lip. That was it, I'd never experienced the famous Gaydar before but it was ringing bells now. This kid was advertising, no doubt about it.

'I can look after you for a couple of days,' I grinned inanely. 'I've got nothing on.'

'I can see that,' he laughed and looked at me. 'Whatcha doing over the weekend.'

'Just chilling out. What about you?' I already knew the answer.

'Nothing really, just chilling out.'

'Soulmates.' I could feel my penis getting thicker and harder as the blood pumped in.

'Soulmates,' Kevin agreed and placed his can on the floor. 'Take your arm away Micky.'

'What?' I was befuddled, I couldn't believe I'd heard right.

'Come on, Micky,' he shuffled in his seat and it was then that I noticed that he had a very visible lump showing through the material of his jeans. 'Come on,' he whispered.

I rested my arms of the arms of the chair and my towel rose slowly my erection tenting the front out until the pressure of the heavy towelling restrained it, if I stood the thing would pop out, no doubt about it. 'I was just going to have a shower, care to join me?' I looked at him expectantly, he couldn't have come this far to do a runner.

'Love to,' he rose and unbuttoned his shirt and shrugged it off and kicked away his sandals.

Gawd. I sat dumbstruck and gazed up as he looked down at me with a small smile on his face. He was a fantastic figure of young manhood. His smooth brown chest was beautifully defined, he had the start of a six pack and his nut brown nipples in their lighter brown surrounds were a dream. His crotch bulged with a promise of hidden delights.

'Kevin,' I looked up as he moved in a little closer. 'You are so nice, I think I'm dreaming.'

'No dream,' he reached out, took my hand and pulled me to my feet. 'Is this a dream,' he pulled us closer until our bellies met and our straining bulges met separated only by the two layers of cloth.

'Jeez,' I put me arms around him and placed my hands on his cute bubble butt, firm yet springy. Truly like jelly on springs. 'Christ,' I moaned as I felt his flesh tighten in my grasp.

'Ditto,' Kevin giggled as he did the same squeezing the globes of my ass.

'Shower,' I croaked.

'Towel,' he laughed and tugged at the top of my towel.

'Jeans, I croaked again, by now I had nearly lost my voice, I couldn't believe it was happening. In the space of an hour things had moved from complete and stulifying boredom to erotic fantasy island. I unzipped him and took his cutoffs and boxers down to his knees in one flurry of movement, his cock leapt into the air like a huge springy sausage and it was big as in very big, I stared downwards, his erection jutted like a great spear. I had a respectable six and a bit, his was bigger ... a Junior Donkey Kong. 'Fuckin' hell,'

'You like,' he pushed the massive thing against my belly, it must have been a good eight inches and it was oozing a beading of precum. I reached down and smeared the juice over his dark red glans.

'Oooh,' he groaned and grasped mine bringing them together and working them to and fro.

'Let's get to the shower before I pop,' I tugged him by his straining member to the bathroom.

I got the shower running at a tepid flow, enough to cool but not too cold.

'I've fancied you for yonks,' he spoke conversationally with a wide grin on his face. 'And now I've got you,' he gave my erection a squeeze.

'I didn't know,' I soaped his buns slipping my fingers into his crack.

'You do now,' he slipped his throbbing cock between my legs whereupon I clamped like a vice bringing a spasm of pleasure to his handsome face. 'We gonna fuck?'

'In bed,' I confirmed.

'Mind you, in three days we could do everything .... we could make babies.'

'Or die trying.'

'I feel nice and clean.'

'We've only been in here a minute.'

'Long enough for me, lover,' he hugged me fiercely and kissed me on the lips, a moment later lips parted and out tongues met for the first time.

'Let's go,' the croak was back. He wanted it and I wanted, the bell had gone, time was up.

We scuttled into the bedroom like a couple of children upto something naughty, I threw a couple of towels onto the bed and we jumped on still wet and still madly kissing and groping each other, it was a wet dream come true.

'Have you got something?'

'Like what,' I kissed him on his cute little nose. I knew exactly what he meant.

'KY or something.'

'Somewhere,' I laughed and pushed him onto his belly and spread his legs kneeling between them. he had some dark hair lower on his legs but as I spread his cheeks and looked at his beautiful reddy brown hole there was no trace of bum hair at all, it was beautiful, my head dropped.

'Jesus,' he squeaked as my tongue and lips assaulted his puckered ring. 'You dirty ......'

'Shut up,' I slobbered into his crack with my tongue lapping at his soapy smelling ring, the entrance to my own private Tunnel of Love.

'Do it from the front,' he whispered. 'I want to see your face when you cum.'

'You shall,' I promised and jabbed with my tongue, I could have sworn his ring gave way but maybe not.

'Do it,' he wriggled about and rolled onto his back and brought his knees upto his chest. 'Do it now.' He grabbed my hardness which was providing natural lubricant and guided it down to his most private of places. 'Easy,' he whispered his eyes locked on mine.

'I can't,' I pulled back and smiled down at him.

'Why not,' his face was a study in frustration.

'You haven't promised to return the favour yet, Kevin.'

'Get on with it before I take first shot,' he laughed and grabbed me again. This time I let him position my hardness at his boy cunt. 'Do it,' he gasped urgently, there was a puddle of pre puddling in his belly button as his jerking cock emitted the stuff in a steady stream, God knows where it was all coming from.

I slipped my weping glans across his pucked nudging a little and then as he squirmed as if in need I slowly pushed in. He groaned as my engorged glans forced it's way into his body coated with a sheath of slippery precum and I also groaned in tune as I felt his tightness and incredible internal heat envelope my manhood. I was in and still sinking deeper, I started to move slowly in and out gaining a little each time.

'All the way, Micky,' he grabbed my hips and pulled me in. My sweaty and slippery cock homed deep into his belly and my balls nestled tighty to his body. 'Jeez,' his frown of concentration was replaced by a slow smile and one arm encircled my waist pulling us even tighter together, I could feel his muscles clamp and relax and clamp again as I started to move.

I removed his arm and held his wrists on the pillows as I started to take him. I kissed and fucked and he pressed his calves onto my back as my movements got faster.

'Yeah,' he gasped, sweat beaded his brow and we were getting quite slippery. 'Harder, Micky, harder.'

I obliged. I fucked my beautiful boy like a madman, the bed was squeaking, sweat was flying everywhere and he just kept asking me to go harder and deeper.

It was all over too soon. I came an absolute torrent of hot creamy cum which must have scalded his insides. I have never cum so much, as I continued to fuck I could feel the juices running out of him and down into my pubics and I was still fucking long after I'd stopped ejaculating.

'That was something else,' he panted as I flopped on top and his legs slid to the bed, we shared a long tongue slippery kiss and I finally slid free along with a puddle of cum.

'Christ, we're a mess,' he giggled kidlike as we lay sweating and smeared with my cum, the bed was a disaster and the bedroom smelt like a brothel.

'That was excellent,' I gasped trying to slow my racing heart and regain my breath, another one like that and I could pass out.

'Yeah,' he looked at the ceiling. 'I never thought it'd be like that, it was wicked.'

'You never thought ......' It suddenly dawned on me, he had been a bloody virgin and I'd taken his virginity and I hadn't got a clue regarding his age.

'I wanted you for over a year now,' he looked at me earnestly. 'I saved myself, I did a bit of playing around but I've never done the biz, the hundred percent beastie with two backs.'

'How old are you then,' I asked casually.

'Seventeen, just' he laughed. 'You should see the look on your face, you thought I was a schooly.'

'Yeah,' I admitted.

'I flunked out a few months back,' he idly stirred the sweaty mess on his belly. 'My people are pretty well heeled so I might as well take it easy until they start to give me some hassle. Then I can move in with you.' He tacked this on as an afterthought.

'We'll need someone to look after the kids,' I laughed and reached for his cock which was still hard although it had softened just a little bit. I moved the loose skin up and down the huge lump feeling the inner core stiffen up.

'I'm gonna have a cold drink. Want one?'

'I thought we were going to ......'

'I'm going to have a cold drink before you stick that bloody great thing in my gut. Would you like one?'

'You had me going there,' he grinned as I stood by the bed and looked down at him slowly playing with his now rigid boyhood.

'Two minutes,' I declared and headed to the kitchen.

On some sort of impulse I went into the lounge first, I don't know why, to check the front door was shut or something else and I slung his shirt in the chair and lifted his cutoffs with my toes and kicked them in the same direction.

The shorts landed alongside the shirt, a wallet and a clinking metal bunch of keys finished up on the floor.

'Woops.' The voice came from behind me.

'Woops,' I agreed with a grin. The locked out boy was no longer locked out but I didn't think he was leaving, we had unfinished business ....... and then we had another three days.


GCutter66@aol.com for criticism/comments or chat. If you liked this shorty try THE RENT BOY and THE EASTER HOLIDAY

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