Locker Room Panties

By kathy tonesh

Published on Jan 2, 2006


I was stunned at Julie's proposal. After an evening of the most wonderful love-making we had ever had, with me dressed as Kathy, and after telling Julie the complete truth about my history of dressing and my recent sexual encounter with Emily, she actually wanted Emily, my new cross-dressing lover, to join us for dinner on Friday. I had a little trouble focusing and even more difficulty actually saying the words, "Sure honey, that would be nice". But somehow I managed to get them out. Julie smiled and added, "And of course I think both of you should be nicely dressed as Kathy and Emily for dinner, don't you"? I gave her a hug and said, "Yes, darling. I think that would be wonderful". She kissed me softly and we drifted off to sleep in one other's arms. The next morning, I dressed for work as usual. Julie had laid out a pair of my favorite and most feminine panties to wear that day. This was something she had never done before and this simple act carried a powerful message of love and acceptance. When I came down for breakfast Julie looked stunning as usual and she greeted me with a warm kiss and a deep look into my eyes. She held me close and said, "I love you more than ever darling. I love you as Jim and I love you as Kathy". As a powerful range of emotions washed over me, all I could do was to hold her tight to me. We chatted and enjoyed breakfast together at a leisurely pace, something that didn't often happen. It seemed that somehow, without either of us recognizing it, a tension must have built up over the years and now that tension was now gone. I felt completely happy and relaxed. I did not know what would happen Friday night, but I felt no stress at all about it. It was Thursday, typically a busy day at work with a number important regularly scheduled meetings for which I had to be prepared. Things went well. In fact, I received several positive comments from my colleagues, one of whom said, "You really seem to be on top of your game today Jim". He was right; I was. During a break in the afternoon I called Mark. I planned in advance that I would use his male name when I spoke with him. I had decided that "Emily" and "Kathy" should really only apply when we were dressed. I knew that what I would propose to him would come as a shock, so I wanted to meet with him in person to discuss it. Mark answered the phone in a businesslike manner and I said, "Hi Mark, this is Jim". Immediately his toned softened and he replied, "Hi Jim, it's good to speak with you". We chatted casually for a few minutes and I said, "Mark, can you meet me after work for a few minutes? There's something I want to talk about with you". Immediately Mark's antenna went up. "What is it Jim"?, he asked with a worried tone. "Is there something wrong"? "No Mark. In fact it's just the opposite", I replied, trying to soften his concern. I said, "I don't want to talk about it over the phone, so just meet me at the club at 5:30 for a cup of their lousy coffee, OK?" Mark was puzzled, but very curious and agreed to meet me at 5:30. I arrived at the club fist and when Mark arrived I smiled and we shook hands just like a couple of regular guys. However, without planning this, both of us shook hands with a light, feminine touch. It's possible that we held one another's hands a moment longer than was necessary. No one would have noticed, however. We chatted quietly for a minute or two and finally Mark leaned close to me and quietly said, "Ever since you called I have been racking my brain to try to figure out what this could be about". I smiled and said, "It's likely to knock you for a loop honey, so hang on". Carefully and completely I told Mark the entire story of what occurred between Julie and me after I returned from my evening with Emily. Mark's attention was complete. He hung on every word. I sensed his tension as the story unfolded and the fact that I cross-dressed was obviously known to my wife. Then I saw his relief as the rest of the story came out and I described in detail the thoughtful things Julie had done and how understanding she was. As I described the passionate evening of lovemaking between Julie and Kathy I could tell that Mark was relieved and happy for me. Then, as I began to describe the strange turn the conversation between me and Julie took after we had made love, I sensed Mark beginning to become tense and worried. When I got to the part where I told him that I had been completely open with Julie about what had happened between Emily and Kathy I saw a look of shock wash over his face. I moved on quickly and told Mark how understanding and loving Julie had been with that knowledge. Mark relaxed, but not completely. Sensing this, I said, "Julie asked me to invite Emily to have dinner with her and Kathy on Friday. Can you make it"? Mark's face could have been read by anyone in the room. It was complete shock. Before he could answer I said, "She would like you to come dressed nicely as Emily and me as Kathy". The shock slowly melted away and a smile came over his face as she said, "I think that would be great Jim, don't you?" "Yes, I think it would be exciting and wonderful", I replied, smiling. I made it clear to Mark that I had no more idea what to expect than he did but that I trusted Julie implicitly and was certain that she would be both gracious and kind. Mark trusted my instincts and accepted that assessment at face value. We chatted a bit longer about Friday and what we would wear, just "girl talk". I could sense both of us getting excited at the prospect of being together again as well as the added marvelous twist of Julie's knowledge and approval. After a few minutes, we both decided that we needed to get going so we stood and walked to the parking lot. The parking lot was dark and deserted and as I was about to get into my car Mark took my hand and pulled me close to him. He whispered, "I know we have to be careful darling, but at least tell me what kind of panties you are wearing right now". I looked around to make certain that no one was near, I unzipped my trousers and moved his hand to my satin and lace panties and said, "I think that you feeling them would be better than me describing them sweetheart". As Mark gently caressed my now bulging panties my eyes closed briefly, we both moaned softly and then I regained my composure and said, "We'll look forward to seeing you Friday at 7:00 Emily dear". As I drove home, my head was still swimming. I had no real idea what would happen on Friday, but I know that it would be a night to remember. When I arrived home that night, Julie greeted and after a warm kiss asked, "Have you had a chance yet to speak with Emily about Friday night"? I told her about the conversation that I had just had with Mark and she seemed delighted that Emily had accepted. Julie then said, "You know they're forecasting the possibility of snow tomorrow night, so maybe you should call Emily tomorrow and suggest that she bring some things to wear in case she needs to spend the night". My heart leapt at the implication of what Julie had said. Or was I reading too much into it? Well, we'd see. In any case, I was certain that Emily would react as I had when I called her the next day to tell her about this latest turn of events. The work day on Friday was a blur. I could barely function most of the day and finally left at 5:00 PM, relieved that the day was over without any major catastrophes occurring as a result of my personal distraction When I arrived home Julie was already busy getting dinner ready with the stereo playing soft rock music as she hummed along. When I came into the kitchen she stopped working and gave me a big hug and warm kiss. Then she asked, "Excited about tonight dear"? I smiled and said, "Yes, I am honey. Are you"? She nodded, smiled a devilish smile and said, "Don't you think you ought to start making yourself pretty for tonight darling"? Without a word, I smiled, kissed her again and headed for our bedroom. I stripped down and took a long, fragrant bubble bath, relaxing in the warmth of the bubbles and the fragrance of the bath crystals. I then showered, shaved all over carefully and toweled myself off. I smoothed on some silky lotion and began to feel more and more femme. With a fresh towel wrapped around me from the chest down, I padded into the closet to choose what I was going to wear this evening. It was such a joy to have all of my girly things nicely hung in the closet or folded and in my dresser drawers. Julie had done a lovely job with all of my clothes and I needed to remember to thank her again. It was 6:15 now, so I had plenty of time until Emily would arrive so I carefully selected my lingerie, black and lacey, and my dress, a long sleeved knit that was nicely clingy and was about four inches above the knees. I laid everything out on our bed and began to get dressed. The bra and panties were one of the sets that Julie had surprised me with, as was the black satin camisole. I had decided to wear stockings with a garter belt this evening, which I seldom did. But felt this was likely to be a special evening. I slipped on the black satin garter belt and attached the nude stockings. The panties were next and I tried to control my normal level of excitement as I slid them on. I hooked my bra behind me and smiled at the thought that when Julie had seen me do it for the first time, she was quite impressed that I could do it so easily. I carefully applied my makeup, fragrance and wig and finished dressing. The clingy black dress I had chosen looked perfect. I had to zip it up myself and managed to get it nearly zipped all the way, but eventually I walked out to see Julie and asked her to finish zipping it. She smiled broadly when she turned and saw me, I could tell she was happy with my appearance. After she finished zipping the dress, she caressed me from behind, nuzzled my neck and whispered, "You look lovely Kathy. I think Emily will be very happy". I turned to her, looked into her deep blue eyes and asked, "But are you happy Julie"? She smiled and kissed me on the cheek and said simply, "Very". I went back into the bedroom, flushed with excitement and anticipation and put on some lovely new accessories of Julie's that she said I could share, including a delicate gold ankle bracelet and a strand of pearls. Lastly, I slipped on my favorite black pumps, glancing at the ankle bracelet, wondering briefly why this tiny item seemed so sexy to me and hoping that Emily would find it sexy as well. Finished, I checked myself one more time in the mirror and went into the kitchen to see if Julie needed my help. As usual, Julie had the dinner nicely under control, but she gave me a few things to do so that I could feel useful. She took a moment to remind me that I should be careful not to damage my nails or soil my dress. It was a pleasant experience, the both of us quietly moving around the kitchen, humming or chatting, the sounds of our high heels clicking on the tile floor, our bodies periodically touching as we passed one another doing our chores. When all was ready, Julie said, "Why don't you go into the living room dear and I'll bring us out some wine". As I sat in the living room, waiting for Julie, I pondered what might lie ahead for the evening. I expected that Emily would arrive in the next fifteen minutes or so and anticipated that the first few moments after her arrival would be tense and nerve-racking for all; well, perhaps not for Julie. Julie arrived with a bottle of chilled chardonnay and three glasses. She poured two glasses and handed me one. We sipped and chatted quietly until eventually the doorbell rang. I looked at Julie and she suggested, "I think you should answer the door Kathy so that you can greet Emily and then introduce her to me". I agreed and started toward the door, hoping that I would look attractive to Emily. When I opened the door I saw Emily, even more lovely than the first time we were together. She was wearing a dark blue suit with an ivory blouse under the jacket, black strappy heels and sand stockings. The skirt was about four inches above the knees and her makeup and dark hair were stunning. She wore a short, stylish winter coat and carried a small overnight bag. I took both from her and set them aside Without thinking, I greeted her with a long hug and a soft kiss on her lips. Then it struck me that this might offend Julie. Quickly, I turned and said, "Emily, this is my lovely wife Julie. Julie...Emily". Smiling, Julie stood and came over to greet Emily. She took Emily's extended hand in both of hers and said, "It's a pleasure Emily; and you're even more lovely than Kathy said you were". She then pulled Emily gently to her and kissed her cheek. With the introductions safely out of the way, we settled in the living room and Julie offered Emily a seat in one of the easy chairs and poured her a glass of wine. Then Julie sat next to me on the sofa. The conversation flowed easily as we all relaxed. As time went by, it really did seem like three girl friends getting together for a pleasant evening. Eventually, Julie excused herself to get dinner on the table and Emily and I were alone. We chatted about nothing important and it was clear that Emily was unsure, as I was, about how the evening would unfold. Within a few minutes Julie came back into the living room and said brightly, "Well girls, dinner is served"! Emily and I stood and Julie ushered us into the dining room. Everything was perfect. The meal, steamed salmon with wild rice and a spinach salad looked wonderful and was presented exquisitely. We sat and enjoyed this light dinner and more chardonnay. I found myself exchanging deep glances with both Emily and Julie. My ability to read the situation and to predict the outcome was not improving with the wine I had consumed, but somehow I thought it would all work out very well. After the meal was finished, Emily and I helped Julie clear the table and we each took a cup of the freshly brewed coffee into the living room. This time Julie said, "I would really like to take a picture of the two of you. You both look so terrific". With that, she retrieved a camera from the shelf under the coffee table and directed us both to sit on the sofa. Emily and I both were a bit unsure as to how to act, but we sat demurely on the sofa and smiled for the camera. Julie moved closer and said, "Slide closer together girls, I think will make a nice picture". Emily and I slid closer together, our hips and knees touching as we posed for the camera. I could sense her warmth and I breathed in her fragrance. I was afraid that at any moment I would not be able to control myself. Finally, Julie snapped the picture, reviewed in on the digital camera and said, "Great! Now the two of you just relax while I get the dishwasher started and I'll be back in a few minutes". Neither Emily nor I had moved since Julie had instructed us to move closer together for the picture. After Julie left, I turned, looked into Emily's eyes and without a word, our lips moved together in a soft kiss. My fingers went to her cheek and her hand went to my waist. The kiss seemed to last forever and became more intense. As the kiss became more and more intense we embraced one another and pulled closer. My hands roamed gently down her back and caressed her ass. Both of our dresses had ridden up slightly and our stocking covered legs became entwined. I felt her fingers sliding under the garter straps and I moaned softly. Just at that moment, we could hear Julie's heels clacking on the hardwood floor at the entrance to the living room and we quickly pulled apart, wondering what she had seen. Julie looked at us with a serene smile, almost an approving look spread across her face. Emily and I quickly attempted to compose ourselves, straightening up, pulling down the hems of our dresses and fixing our hair. Julie was still smiling when she said, "Kathy honey, why don't you show Emily the house. And while you're at it sweetie, please put her overnight bag and coat in our bedroom. I'll finish cleaning up the kitchen and perhaps I'll join you on the tour". Somewhat flustered, I replied, "Sure Julie. That sounds good". With that said, I stood, took Emily's hand and we started to leave and Julie said, "Don't forget the bag honey". "Oh yes", I mumbled, somewhat embarrassed, grabbed Emily's stylish overnight bag and coat and we headed out of the living room. I gave Emily a perfunctory tour and we barely spoke, although I never let go of her hand. Finally, we arrived at the master bedroom. The door was closed, which was a bit unusual. When I opened it I saw that the room was darkened, with several scented candles burning, creating a soft, romantic glow. The cover on the bed was turned back and there was romantic music playing on the Bose CD player next to the bed. Things were absolutely clear to me now. Julie had set this beautiful scene for me and for Emily. Emily was slightly slower to absorb this and understand it than I. However, when she heard the click of the bedroom door closing, she turned to me and her eyes said that she understood. We embraced immediately and passionately, our bodies pressed tightly together as we kissed one another hungrily. The kiss and embrace lasted for several minutes. When we broke our embrace we wordlessly began to remove our dresses. I watched as Emily's dress slid to the floor and she stood in front of me in her beautiful lingerie. My breathing began to quicken as I tried to remove my dress. I had to ask Emily for help unzipping it and when she did this, her soft hands helped me slide the dress off my shoulders and on to the floor. From behind, she put her hands on my hips and slowly moved them, caressing first my hips and then my panty covered ass. I reached behind myself to pull her hands to my bra and felt her move her body against mine as she caressed my breasts. I moaned softly as she kissed my neck and shoulders. Finally I turned to her and said, "Sweetheart, come to bed with me". We walked the few steps to the king size bed and Emily watched as I slid my heels off and laid down in the bed, looking up at her. She removed her heels as well and moved into bed, kneeling on the bed beside me. She leaned down and her lips found mine and we kissed again...a long, unhurried kiss. Then Emily moved her mouth down my body, gently kissing and caressing me everywhere. I closed my eyes and felt her lips and hands on my breasts and then my panties. Then she moved down my stocking covered legs and stroked them lovingly, eventually arriving at my feet where she kissed and sucked my toes through the stockings. I felt her fingers gently play with my ankle bracelet. Gently, Emily parted my legs and kneeled between them. I opened my eyes to see her smiling at me as she lowered her lips to my now very damp and bulging panties. As her mouth found my panties and my eyes closed again I heard the bedroom door close again. I knew it had to be Julie but I was in such ecstasy that I never opened my eyes to look. I simply continued to caress Emily's hair as she kissed and licked my panties. I moaned as her lips moved up my body once more and we again locked in a passionate embrace, kissing deeply, our bodies pressed together, our long legs intertwined. The bed moved slightly and Emily and I broke our kiss and saw Julie kneeling on the bed in her panties, bra and stockings, looking down on us. Emily was more shocked than I since she apparently hadn't heard the door softly close earlier. Smiling, Julie said, "May another girl join you two"? We nodded and both of us reached for her to take her in our arms. The three of us embraced. We kissed, touched, stroked and caressed one another in a tangle of silky fabrics, smooth bodies and individual feminine fragrances. Sensory overload of the nicest kind was becoming a possibility. As we lay there together in a slow, sensuous tangle, I would touch Julie somewhere and often felt Emily's hand already at that place and our hands would join in caressing Julie. The same thing would happen when I touched Emily. I might find Julie's hand at the same place on her body as mine. The combinations seemed infinite and each one brought a new and more exciting and delicious pleasure. Our three pairs of lips would meet simultaneously and the kiss would be heavenly. I once stopped to watch Julie and Emily kiss passionately, viewing this without jealousy, but rather with a sense of eroticism I had never before experienced. Finally, Julie sat up and looked at us both and said, "I would like both of my girl friends to eat my pussy. Would you like that, darlings"? Without a word Emily and I moved toward Julie as she laid on her back. I kissed her lips and removed her bra as Emily slid her panties off. Julie moaned softly as I kissed her breasts and gently sucked her nipples. At the same time, Emily had her head between Julie's legs and began to kiss the insides of her thighs. Julie spread her legs widely, inviting both of us to eat her. I worked my kisses down her flat stomach and arrived at he trimmed bush as Emily was kissing and licking her pussy lips.

Julie's moans became more intense and her movements became more sensual as Emily and I took turns burying our tongues in her warm, wet pussy. My kisses and licks from the top and Emily's from the body provide my lovely wife with an ever changing and unpredictable set of sensations. Her clitoris was engorged as we kissed, licked and sucked it. Julie's moans approached screams as she built toward an orgasm.

Sensing this, I left her pussy to Emily and Julie quickly pulled Emily's face tight to her pussy hoarsely saying, "Oh Emily, eat me! Make me cum! Now baby! Don't stop!" As Emily brought Julie closer and closer to a climax, I kissed Julie's lips and mouth deeply and her arms pulled me close. I could feel her body become taught with pleasure as we kissed and finally she climaxed, broke our kiss and emitted a cry of pleasure which lasted for a long, long time as the pleasure of her orgasm washed over her. I kissed her lips gently and stroked her hair as she slowly calmed down. Emily moved up her body to do the same. Then I kissed Emily's lips and tasted my wife's juices on her lips. The warmth of Julie's cum on Emily's lips was heavenly to me. Our kiss was deep and passionate while we continued to gently stroke Julie's hair, the three of us in an awkward, yet erotic embrace.

After several minutes, Julie said, "The two of you are marvelous lovers. I think it's time for me to reward both of you". Without another word Julie took Emily in her arms and kissed her lips in a long, embrace. I watched as Julie moved down Emily's body with her kisses and she began to kiss her panties and lick the pre-cum that was pouring through them. The Julie turned to me and said, "Kathy, help me slide Emily's panties off darling". I nodded and both of us slowly slid Emily's panties down over her long, stocking covered legs. Julie looked at me and said, "Let's both bring our new lover pleasure sweetheart". We began by stroking her long legs and them kissing the legs above the tops of the stockings. Each of us slide out fingers around Emily's hard, dripping clitty and we gently stroked it, bring moans from our lover and she experienced two different sets of touches simultaneously. I looked at Julie and we smiled as out lips went to either side of Emily's erect and pulsating clitty. We both kissed and licked every part of it as our hands caressed her balls and gently fingered her warm pussy. Our lips would meet periodically and we would leave Emily's clitty briefly to kiss passionately, always returning to Emily's hard and warm cock. Emily writhed in pleasure as Julie and I alternated sucking her clitty, moaning softly with every kiss or lick. Finally, with our lips on either side of her clitty, Julie and I began in unison to move our mouths up and down each side of it. As Emily approached an orgasm she said, "Suck me Kathy! Make me cum now! Please Kathy"!

Julie moved her lips to our lover's balls and gently sucked then kissed them as I took Emily deeply into my warm mouth and sucked her furiously. Emily's hips moved in unison with my head bobbing up and down and she soon came explosively in my mouth. Her cry of pleasure was intoxicating, Eventually her body relaxed and she caressed my hair as I sucked out all of her cum. At that point Julie moved her lips to mine and we kissed, Emily's warm cum moved between us as our tongues danced together and our mouths became one. After a few minutes of the three of us lying there silently holding and caressing each other Julie again took the initiative. She looked at Emily and said, "I think it's time for us to bring pleasure to our girl friend, don't you Emily"? Emily turned and kissed my lips saying, "I agree Julie. We must make our sweetheart experience every pleasure". With that, Emily rolled me on my back and slowly slid my panties off as she stoked and kissed the length of my long, stoking covered legs. Then both of them assumed the same position that Julie and I had been in just a few moments earlier on Emily. They kissed and sucked me together, as well as each other, in the same way Julie and I had done with Emily. As my excitement grew, Julie raised her head and said to Emily, "Darling, I think that Kathy would like you deep inside her so that she can feel like a real woman". She asked looked warmly into my eyes and asked, " "Isn't that right Kathy"? I nodded numbly and Emily moved off the bed and moved me gently toward the edge and then raised my legs high. She pressed her hard, slippery clitty against my pussy and I trembled in anticipation as I felt it. At the same time, Julie moved her warm mouth to the head of my clitty and kissed it softly. Slowly, Emily pressed her clitty against my pussy and when it popped in, I moaned in pleasure. At the same time, Julie, kneeling beside me, took my clitty deeply inside her mouth. The combination of pleasures was exquisite. As they both slowly sucked and fucked me I closed my eyes and absorbed every pleasure imaginable. I moaned and begged Julie, "Fuck me darling! Oh yes! Fuck me!"! After a few minutes Emily and I came nearly simultaneously. As I felt my cum explode into Julie's mouth and Emily's warm cum explode inside my pussy, I screamed in pleasure as did Emily. Julie moved up my body to kiss me deeply with her cum soaked lips and Emily collapsed between my legs and then I felt her lips and tongue along with Julie's against mine. The three of us laid there in a warm embrace. We held and caressed one another for a long time, exhausted with pleasure, loving the sensations that we all still felt, breathing in the mixture of fragrances, feeling the textures of soft smooth skin and silky fabrics, tasting the juices of all three of us mingled together. At that point we all three knew that this would not be the last time we would be together.

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