Locker Room Romance

By R. Jason Collett

Published on Apr 1, 2000


Just a note of thanks for all the people who have e-mailed me saying how good my story is and it means a lot to me that you guys do that. I really appreciate it.

Warning: The following story has homosexual content. If you are offended or made uncomfortable by material concerning sexual relations between consenting adult men, then don't read. If it is in any way illegal for you to be reading this, then be very careful not to get caught. Otherwise please continue reading and send ANY comments to Also I have AOL Instant Messenger and can be reached by that method. KVBOY1982 Enjoy!

Locker Room Romance


Chapter 10

When Jason woke up, he decided to let Shawn sleep in after his nightmare. Jason kept thinking about it as he fixed himself a bowl of cereal.

"What could the dream mean?" He said aloud. He slowly ate his cereal as he thought about it.

"Morning." Shawn said as he entered the kitchen.

"Morning sweetie. How are you feeling?" Jason asked.

"Confused." Shawn answered as he fixed himself some cereal as well.

"I wish I knew to help you." Jason said as Shawn sat down.

"I know. Why would I have dreamed about me betraying you? What could I ever do to you to do that?" Shawn asked.

"You could always cheat on me with someone. I would feel betrayed then but not enough to want to kill you. When we first started dating and that guy came in here and kissed you, I felt betrayed then. But you helped me understand what was going on. That wasn't your fault." Jason said.

"I remember that day. It feels so long ago." Shawn said.

"I know." Jason said as he finished his cereal and placed the bowl in the sink. "So, what is on the agenda for today?"

"I have to work at 5 tonight, what about you?" Shawn asked back.

"Nothing that I know of-" Jason started to say but the phone interrupted him. Shawn picked up the cordless.

"Hello?" He said. "Yeah, he's right here." Jason looked at him as he took the phone.

"Hello?" He said.

"Hey Jason, it's Mom." She said.

"Hey, what's up?" Jason asked. He knew it was something important if she was calling him at Shawn's house.

"I need you to come home now. Someone is here to see you. Bring Shawn with you." Jason's mom said.

"Who is it?" Jason asked.

"You'll find out. Just be here as soon as you can." She hung up the phone. Jason was confused.

"What's up?" Shawn asked.

"I don't know. She just told me that she needs to see me and she wants you there with me." Jason said.

"Then let's go." Shawn said.

AN HOUR AND A half later, Shawn and Jason were pulling up in Jason's driveway. There was a four door sedan in the driveway with Virginia tags.

Jason and Shawn walked into the house, where his mom and a strange man was sitting at the kitchen table. The man seemed to be in his forties with brown hair that was graying at the temples. As Shawn studied him, he noticed that he looked a lot like Jason.

"Hi." Jason said.

"Hi." His mom answered.

"What's going on?" Jason asked. He had a seat at the kitchen table as Shawn stepped into the kitchen.

"You have a visitor." Mrs. Andrews said.

"My how you have grown." The man said.

"Who are you?" Jason asked.

"You don't recognize me. I didn't think you would. Jason, I am you father." The man said.

SHAWN LOOKED AT the man closer and he announced who he was. 'What the hell is he doing here?" Shawn asked to himself. By judging Jason's reaction this was not going to be pretty.

"EXCUSE ME?" JASON asked. He reached out for Shawn for support.

"I am your father." The man repeated. Jason leaned on Shawn even more.

"Oh my God. What are you doing here?" Jason asked. He was still in shock that his father was sitting beside him. He had walked out on them when Jason was a little baby. No one had ever heard from him until now.

"I came to see you." His father answered.


"Because I am dying." The man said. There was a quite shock from everyone at the table.

"Why are you telling us?" Jason asked. Shawn could tell he was not pleased that his father had decided to show up now.

"Because I need your help. I need a new kidney. I don't have any family but you. I really need your help."

"When did this come about Logan?" Jason's mom asked.

"About three months ago." Logan said.

Jason stood up on his own. Anger was overcoming shock. "Wait a minute here. You are asking me to donate my kidney to you? Who the hell do you think you are? You walked out of our lives before I could even talk and you want me to give you a kidney? Who the hell are you? Come on Shawn, we're leaving." Jason said as he stormed out the door. Shawn looked at Jason's mom and shrugged as he walked out the door as well.

He was already in Shawn's car when Shawn got to it. Shawn opened the door as Jason's parents came walking out.

"Go Shawn." Jason said as he started the engine. Shawn put it in Reverse and pulled away from the driveway. Jason was silent the whole trip home.

JASON WAS STILL angry when he opened the door to Shawn's apartment.

"Who the hell does he think he is?" Jason said as he plopped down on the couch.

"He's your father." Shawn said as he placed his car keys on the rack by the door.

"I know that." Jason said, a little more harshly than he had wanted. "Sorry, I don't mean to snap at you."

"It's okay. Are you going to do it?" Shawn said.

"Do what? Oh, I don't know." Jason said.

Shawn opened his mouth to speak but the phone rang instead. "Hello?" He asked as he picked up the phone.

"Shawn, this is Matt, is Jason there?" Matt asked.

"Yeah, why?"

"I wanted to ask if he could come into work this morning." Matt answered.

"I don't think he is in the mood for it. Sorry." Shawn said as he hung up. "That was Matt wanting to know if you could come in this morning. I didn't think you would want to."

"I don't. Thanks. God, what am I going to do?" Jason asked. "The man hasn't been in my life for over 15 years and now he is going to show up only because he needs my kidney. What a nerve."

"I agree." Shawn said as the phone rang again. He answered it and handed it to Jason.

"Hello?" Jason said. It was his mom. "I don't want to talk to him. He has the audacity-don't put me on the phone with him-Mom! Hello? Hi. Why does it have to be from me?...Why haven't you been in my life?...I needed you...Like hell you were...I need to think about it first...Bye." Jason said as he hung up.


"I cannot believe him. He ran away because he was too afraid to raise a child. He said he wasn't ready. Well, just because he is ready now doesn't mean that I am ready. He has another thing coming-" Jason was cut off as Shawn placed his hand over his mouth.

"Just be quite. Slow down and think about it. Just because he hasn't been there doesn't mean he doesn't care for you." Shawn said.

"Yes it does. If he cared for me he would have stayed with us. He wouldn't have left like he did." Jason said.

"That's true but he needs you now." Shawn said. He knew exactly what Jason was going through. He could only wish that his parents would reappear needing him the way Jason's dad was.

"I just need time to think." Jason said. He was getting tired again and started to drift off to sleep. So much had dropped on his shoulders that he couldn't handle it.

Shawn was watching Jason when he decided it was time to plan that trip to the beach they had talked about. Jason needed it now. Shawn was smiling when he went into his room and turned on his computer.

A LITTLE WHILE later Jason came into the bedroom where Shawn was still on the Internet.

"Whatcha doing?" He asked.

"Remember that beach trip we talked about? I thought it was time to go on it." Shawn replied.

"So do I." Jason replied.

"I found the one we can go to that his gay-friendly. And it's not far away. Should I go ahead and make the reservations?" Shawn asked.

"Yeah." Jason said. He laid back down on the bed while Shawn filled out the reservation. "I think the beach will be a lot of fun."

"Me too." Shawn said as he clicked on the Disconnect button. His computer disconnected from the web. "Okay, it's set. Two weekends from now."

"Perfect." Jason said. "Come here." Shawn got up from the chair and went towards Jason. He laid beside Jason as he took him in his arms. "What should I do?" He asked quietly.

"I think you should do it." Shawn replied as he was stroking Jason's hair.

"But it isn't fair-"Jason tried to talk.

"No it isn't, but you have the chance to have a relationship with your father. That's one thing I would never pass up if I had the chance." Shawn said. Jason thought for a few moments.

"Than I'll do it." Jason said.

"That's my baby." Shawn said as he kissed Shawn. The kiss was full of passion as they kept going. Shawn started to take off Jason's shirt but Jason stopped him.

"Are you ready for this?" He asked.

"More than ready." Shawn answered, his voice coming in short breaths. Shawn took off Jason's shirt and threw it to the floor. He kissed Jason's chest and he went lower, unbuttoning Jason's pants. With one quick movement he removed his pants and stared at what was before him. He licked his lips as he took the treasure in his mouth. Jason moaned as Shawn worked his tongue around. After a little more of this the tables were turned and Jason was removing Shawn's clothes.

When they were both necked Jason started working on Shawn and he was at a total loss for words. Shawn showed no signs of resistance and Jason kept going. Hew felt Shawn tighten as he was bombarded with Shawn's love juices.

"Wow." Shawn said when he was able to regain his breath.

"Wow." Jason said after him. "You got over your fear."

"With your help." Shawn said. Jason smiled as they cuddled up on the bed.

"What did I do?" Jason asked, but before Shawn could answer, the phone rang.

"Hello? Hold on." He said and passed the phone to Jason.


"Have you come to a decision?" His father asked.

"You don't waste time do you?" Jason asked.

"I don't have it to waste."

"Okay, I'll do it." Jason answered.

Next: Chapter 12

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