Locker Room Romance

By R. Jason Collett

Published on Apr 25, 2000


Just a note of thanks for all the people who have e-mailed me saying how good my story is and it means a lot to me that you guys do that. I really appreciate it.

Warning: The following story has homosexual content. If you are offended or made uncomfortable by material concerning sexual relations between consenting adult men, then don't read. If it is in any way illegal for you to be reading this, then be very careful not to get caught. Otherwise please continue reading and send ANY comments to Also I have AOL Instant Messenger and can be reached by that method. KVBOY1982 Enjoy!

Locker Room Romance


Chapter 11

"Are we ready to go?" Jason said as they loaded another suitcase into the trunk of Shawn's Camaro.

"I think so." Shawn said. It had been two weeks since Jason's dad appeared. He had agreed to give the kidney and the appointment was for next week. But for now, Jason and Shawn were going to have fun together.

"Let's go then." Jason said as he shut the trunk lid. It was Friday afternoon and they wouldn't be returning until Sunday night. And to Jason's surprise, his mother was letting him go. But surprise or no surprise, he was still happy he was able to go.

"Let's." Shawn said as he got in the driver's seat. "Let's see, we have a full tank of gas, plenty of money, drinks, snacks--"

"You're not going to have everything if you don't hurry up and leave." Jason said as he playfully hit Shawn in the arm.

"Yes master." Shawn laughed and started the car. "Off we go." He said and placed the car in Drive.

THE BEACH WAS a three hour drive away, but apparently a lot of other people had the same idea as Shawn and Jason. The highway was full of traffic. They were at a dead standstill and a half hour away from the beach.

"I'm hungry." Jason said.

"Hungry, you just ate half of our snacks." Shawn said.

"I know, they didn't fill me up. I want real food."

"Like what?"

"McDonald's or Burger King. Something better than Pringles."

"I'll see what I can do." Shawn replied. He wasn't aggravated at Jason, but at traffic. He hated traffic jams. After a minute the traffic started to ease up a little and Shawn moved with the traffic. He saw the next exit and moved over to the exit lane and got off the highway. A few more turns and more driving and he was approaching a small town. Shawn could see a few fast food restaurants up ahead.

"Stop at that Taco Bell please." Jason said. Shawn nodded and stopped at the store. Jason got and stretched his legs. Shawn did the same. Jason walked around to the back and met Shawn half way around. They walked into the restaurant were they got in line and ordered their food. When they went to sit down, Shawn apologized.

"I am sorry I was grouchy earlier. Traffic aggravates me to no end and I had no right to take out my anger on you." He said.

"It's okay." Jason said as he took a bite of his taco. "I understand how you feel." Jason said.

"I'm glad someone does." Shawn said as he took a bite of his gordita.

"How far away are we?" Jason asked.

"About 30 minutes away." Shawn responded.

"Good, I am so ready to have fun!" Jason exclaimed.

"I know, me too. I wonder if there are any gay bars around here?" Shawn asked. Jason shrugged his shoulders as he moved on to his tostada.

After about ten more minutes they were done eating and were walking towards the car.

"I'm too tired to drive, you drive." Shawn said as he tossed Jason the keys. Jason was very surprised but didn't complain. He pressed the unlock button on the remote and opened the doors. Shawn climbed in and reclined the seat all the way. "Just get back onto the freeway and keep going straight until you reach Highway 17, then wake me up." Shawn instructed.

"Okay sweetie. Good night." Jason said as he pulled the car onto the freeway.

JASON SAW THE sign that read Highway 17. He had been driving for about 25 minutes when he noticed it. The traffic still was there but it wasn't stopped. It was actually going faster than Jason was driving.

"Shawn, wake up, wake up sleepy head." Jason said as he tapped Shawn's hand.

"Where are we?"

"Highway 17 I think." Jason replied. Shawn sat up in the seat and looked around.

"Okay, at the next stoplight take a left and be on the lookout for Beachway Inn." Shawn replied. Jason approached the light and got into the left turning lane. He turned on the left signal and waited for the light to turn green.

It turned green and he pressed the accelerator. They were both taken back at all the lights and little shops that were seen as they turned.

"Wow." Jason said.

"Wow for me too." Shawn said as they took in all the sights. "This looks to be fun."

"It sure does. And the weather is so pretty." Jason said. He looked outside the windows and the setting sun.

"Look at the moon." Shawn said as he pointed through the t-tops of the Camaro. Part of the sky was dark blue except for where the sun was setting; it was a bright orange and yellow. The moon was bright and the light from it contrasted with the remaining sunlight.

"There's Beachway Inn." Jason said. Shawn looked as Jason turned into the parking lot. "What room are we in?"

"133." Shawn said as he looked at his reservation plans.

"Cool." Jason said as he parked the car near the front desk.

"Let's go register." Shawn said as he was getting out of the car. Jason followed suit and walked in with him.

"Welcome to Beachway Inn how may I help you?" The front deskman said.

"I have reservations under Smith."

"Yes, Mr. Smith, you room number is 133 and I'll show you the way." He said as he stepped from behind the counter and led them to the first floor and showed them the room. "This is your key, and here is yours." He said as he handed one to Shawn and then Jason. "It's electronic so just slide it like a credit card and wait for the green light to come one and open the door." The man said.

"Thank you." Shawn said.

"Thank you for staying at the Beachway Inn." The man said and walked away.

"Do they think we are stupid?" Jason said as they walked in and shut the door.

"Who cares if they think we are stupid, this place in nice." Shawn said as he walked in and sat on the bed. "Much better than the brochure pictured it."

"And probably more expensive. Are you sure we can afford this?" Jason asked as he sat back down on the bed.

"Yep, I tapped into my savings a little plus what you paid we are pretty well set." Shawn said. "Now, come here." Jason immediately obeyed. Shawn took him into his arms and the stayed like that for awhile.

"What are we going to tonight?" Jason asked.

"Well, after we brought our luggage in I thought we could go for a walk on the beach." Shawn replied.

"Wow, I haven't done that in a long time. Oh, wait, I have to call Mom to let her know we made it." Jason said as he picked up the phone. He dialed his calling card number and then his home number.

"I still can't believe she let you go to the beach." Shawn said.

"She trusts you. She knows that you wouldn't let anything happen to me." Jason said he waited for someone to answer.

"I'm glad she does." Shawn said. "I'll be back." Jason nodded as someone answered.

"Hey mom..." Shawn heard as he walked out the door. He was going to go ahead and bring up some luggage, but he realized he forgot his car keys as he walked walked out of the hotel. He laughed at himself as he walked back to the room. He used his card key to get back in the room. He hadn't forgotten that. When he opened the door he was surprised to see Jason lying on the bed. It appeared to Shawn that he had fallen asleep.

'He looks so innocent.' Shawn thought as he grabbed his car keys from one of the two tables. He quietly shut the door and walked back out to the car to get their luggage.

WHEN JASON WOKE up, he was surprised to find out he had gone to sleep. What was more puzzling was all of their suitcases on the floor. But what threw him off track completely was the sleeping figure beside him. Shawn had lain down with him and had fallen asleep as well.

"Shawn, wake up." He tried to sound angry, hoping that it would wake Shawn.

"What, what, what did I do?" He asked defensively as realized where he was. "Oh, sorry."

"It's okay, how did all our suitcases get in here?" Jason asked.

"I brought them in here."

"Why didn't you wake me to help you?" Jason asked.

"Because you looked so peaceful and I could not wake you." Shawn said.

"You brought all these in by yourself?" Jason asked.

"You make it sound like there are twenty suitcases when there is only four. And no, the bellboy helped me." Shawn said.

"Did you tip him?" Jason asked.

"Of course." Shawn responded.

"Okay then, what now?" Jason asked.

"We could go for our walk now." Shawn answered. Jason nodded as they both climbed out of bed, straigtened their clothes and left.

IT WAS THE perfect night for a walk on the beach. The moon was bright overhead and the tide was low. Since it was still early there were still a lot of people on the beach. Jason and Shawn had taken off their shoes and were walking in the water. The cold water felt good to them as it rushed in and out.

"This is so perfect. Me, being here with you, walking on the beach. It's like a dream come true." Jason said.

"I know." Shawn said. They kept walking, enjoying the peaceful walk together and the sound of the ocean coming ashore. They came to a spot where the decided to sit down. Not many people were around this area and they were able to slip each other's hand into one another's.

"I love being here." Jason said.

"I love being here with you." Shawn replied.

"I'm glad we came out here, even if you had to fight traffic." Jason said. Shawn smiled and squeezed Jason's hand tighter. They relaxed more and stayed there for the next half hour.

"BEAT YA!" Jason shouted as Shawn got up to him. They had raced from their place to the end of the pier were the steps were.

"Only because you got the head start." Shawn said as he doubled over.

"I always get the 'head' start. What's the matter, out of shape?" Jason asked, laughing at his joke. He was panting, but not as bad as Shawn.

"No baby, you keep me in shape." Shawn said as he pulled Jason closer to him.

"Maybe so, but someone needs a workout." Jason said.

"Really?" Shawn answered.

"I think so." Jason said.

"Maybe you should help me tonight." Shawn said.

"I might just do that. I wonder if they have a REAL gym we could work out in?" Jason wondered.

"Why don't we go find out?" Shawn asked. Jason nodded and they started walking towards their hotel. They used their card key to open the main doors and walked down the hall. They checked each door and finally found a door that said "Workout Room."

"I think this is the one." Jason said as he inserted his key. The door opened and they walked in. What they saw was the most state of the art workout equipment.

"Wow." Shawn said as he ran his hand down the side of the treadmill. "This is nice."

"Yes it is." Jason replied. "I think we need to go change clothes and come workout for real."

"I agree." Shawn said as they walked out to the hallway. They shut the door and found the elevator that lead to their floor. They boarded it and when it arrived at their floor they proceeded to their room.

TEN MINUTES LATER the two were back at the gym figuring out which machine they wanted to use. Shawn was wearing a gray tank top with black biker shorts and Jason was wearing a "wife-beater" and gray sweat shorts.

"I'll take the exercise bike." Jason said.

"I'll take the treadmill." Shawn said. They smiled and got on the selected machines. After five minutes, they were both sweating and enjoying it.

After twenty minutes of it they wanted to try something else. Shawn decided to try the machine in the left-hand corner. He sat down and looked for a second before he put his arms around the two bars that were behind him. He brought his arms in front of him.

Jason had decided to watch and was enjoying watching Shawn's arm muscles flex as he worked out. Watching him started to cause another muscle to flex and Shawn could tell through the flimsy material on Jason's waist.

Jason now decided to get a little kinky and kneeled in front of Shawn's legs. He lightly ran his left hand up Shawn's right leg, causing Shawn to shiver and moan lightly. Jason didn't stop till he got to the bottom of Shawn's shorts. Jason could now see a small bulge growing in the tight biker shorts in front of him.

He smiled as he stood up in front of Shawn. He stepped over his legs and sat on his lap, facing Shawn. Now they could feel both bulges as Jason kissed Shawn on the lips.

Suddenly they could hear a key being inserted in the door. Jason quickly jumped up and got on the nearest machine, the treadmill. He hit the start button in time when the door opened and an attractive young man walked in.

"Hi." He said.

"Hi." Shawn and Jason said in unison. The young man placed his gym bag and towel down on the floor and took his position on the exercise bike to start his warm ups.

The three of them continued this for another five minutes before Shawn and Jason decided it was time for dinner. It was getting late and they had yet to eat. Their exercise was increasing their appetite.

They got up and gathered their towels. They waved bye at the young man who was still on the bike, just now starting to sweat. He waved back and the two walked out.

They walked to the elevator and Jason pushed the up button. The elevator doors opened 10 seconds later and Jason and Shawn entered.

"I can't believe we almost got caught." Jason said as the car started it's descend.

"I know." Shawn answered. "We were lucky this time."

"Next time we might not be so lucky." Jason said. Shawn nodded his agreement as the elevator stopped. The doors opened and the two lovers walked out into the hall. They took a left turn and started walking down to their room.

Jason pulled out his key card and slid it in the slot. The door opened they entered.

"What shall we do for dinner?" Shawn asked as he took his and Jason's towel and put them in the bathroom.

"Well, since it is nearing 9:30, I thought we would call down for room service. I bet they have some nice food." Jason suggested.

"Yeah, but not at nice prices." Shawn said. "Have you seen where the menu is?"

"It's on the TV." Jason answered as he collapsed on the bed. Shawn brought the menu to the bed and sat on the bed.

"What are you in the mood for?" Shawn asked.

"Anything that is good." Jason answered.

"Then you don't need any food, all you need it me." Shawn said as he laid down with Jason.

"Well, well, sounds like someone is a little big headed tonight."

"I know, you made it that way tonight." Shawn said. Jason punched Shawn in the shoulder as Shawn directed the focus back to the question at hand. "What are we going to eat?"

"Let me see the menu." Jason said. Shawn passed him the menu and Jason looked. After a few minutes he decided that he would get the chicken strips dinner. Shawn looked at the menu again and decided he would have the same thing. Shawn picked up the phone and dialed the room service number and ordered their food. He was told it would be ready and delivered in twenty minutes.

Jason picked up the TV remote and started flipping through the channels. He found one of their favorite TV shows and they watched it until there was a knock on the door. Shawn got up and answered the door. It was a bellboy bringing up their dinner. Shawn took the food and paid him a tip. The bellboy thanked him and was on his way.

"Food's here!" He said as he walked from the door. Jason sat up on the bed and the two started eating their dinner and watched TV.

After they ate, it was getting close to 10:30 and they were tired from the drive and the workout in the gym. They decided to take a quick shower before heading to bed. They showered together washing each other quickly and getting out. They dried themselves off and got into bed.

"I am so glad we decided to come down here for vacation." Jason said as he caressed Shawn's face.

"Me too." Shawn replied.

"I love you." Jason said.

"I love you more." Shawn replied. With a final goodnight kiss, they quickly drifted off to sleep.

There y'all go, sorry it took so long to finally get posted but I have been busy working and dealing with school. I hope y'all enjoyed it. Send any comments-good or bad-to Thanks.--JRC

Next: Chapter 13

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