Locker Room Romance

By R. Jason Collett

Published on May 14, 2000


A note before you start reading this installment. I decided to be a little different to put a twist on the story. I've noticed that my story doesn't show the actual side of Shawn and Jason so I have decided to write the next two installments in 1st person. The first one will be told by Jason and the second Shawn. You can learn a lot when it is written in this format and it can be more interesting. I hope everyone will enjoy this small twist. I'll continue alternating between the two if readers like the change. Thanks.

Warning: The following story has homosexual content. If you are offended or made uncomfortable by material concerning sexual relations between consenting adult men, then don't read. If it is in any way illegal for you to be reading this, then be very careful not to get caught. Otherwise please continue reading and send ANY comments to Also I have AOL Instant Messenger and can be reached by that method. KVBOY1982 Enjoy!

Locker Room Romance


Chapter 12

"BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP." The alarm clock buzzed. I looked over at it and turned it off as I looked at the time. It was too early to get up, but Shawn and I wanted to go sight seeing. I looked over at him still sound asleep. He looked so sweet and peaceful. He was facing me and had a small smile on his face.

"Shawn, time to get up." I said as I slowly stroked his face. His smile grew as his eyes finally opened.

"What time is it?" He asked as he yawned. I looked again at the clock.

"7:45." I replied. He groaned and started to stretch. I followed suit.

"I'll get in the shower first." Shawn said. I agreed and he got out of bed. He hadn't slept in any clothes so I got to admire his body when he got up. It was so breathe-taking. There was nothing out of place on him. His butt was just the right size, his chest and stomach were perfect, and no body would or could complain about what was below. It was perfect in my book.

I smiled to myself as I heard the shower turn on. I snuggled under the covers more to keep warm. I could hear him get in the shower and close the curtain. That was the last thing I remember before I dozed off.

I was very rudely interrupted from my nap when he tore the sheets off of me. Suddenly it was cold and I opened my eyes to see Shawn standing by the bed with only a towel wrapped around him.

"The shower's yours." He said. I smiled and nodded. He lightly kissed me on the lips before he went to his suitcase and got a change of clothes.

"What are we doing today?" I asked as I climbed out of bed.

"I thought maybe we could get some breakfast, walk down the beach for awhile and so to the boardwalk." He replied. I walked up behind and placed my arms around his stomach.

"That's sounds like fun." I said.

"I was hoping you would think that way." Shawn said as he turned around to face me and kissed me. I kissed back with every bit of passion I had.

He was the first to break the kiss. I smiled into his eyes and walked to the bathroom. I turned on the water, checked the temperature before turning on the shower mode. I removed my boxers and tossed them to the side. Unlike Shawn, I never feel comfortable sleeping nude.

I stepped into the shower and moaned as the hot water hit my chest. It felt so relaxing. After standing there for a little while I reached for the soap and started to lather myself.

After I was done washing myself I washed my hair and turned off the water. I grabbed the towel and stepped out. I looked at the mirror but couldn't see anything. The hot water from the shower had fogged up the mirror. I took the towel from my waist and wiped at it. I smiled at myself and I put the towel back around my waist and dug out my shaving kit.

"Jason, I'm going down to get some coffee? You want anything?" Shawn asked.

"Yeah, get me an orange juice if they have it." I said through the closed door.

"Okay." I heard Shawn say and the door close. I focused back on my shaving and was washing my face when I heard the door open again.

I opened the bathroom door and saw Shawn putting the drinks on the table. He was dressed very nice. He was wearing a blue collar shirt and khaki shorts.

"Thank you sweetie." I said as I took the orange juice.

"Anytime." He replied. I walked over to my suitcase and picked out a clean of socks, boxers and an undershirt to wear.

"What should I wear?" I said.

"Wear something sexy." Shawn said.

"What are you saying, that I don't dress sexy enough?" I asked.

"I mean really sexy." He said. I simply laughed as I picked my favorite outfit. I knew Shawn would like it. A black muscle shirt with khaki shorts as well.

Shawn saw me pick it and whistled as I took them to the bathroom. I took a sip of my orange juice and set it on the counter.

I quickly changed clothes, styled my hair and brushed my teeth. When I stepped out the bathroom, Shawn was sitting on the bed flipping through the channels on TV. Spying my juice on the table I took I sip.

"YUCK!" I said. I forgot that orange juice taste nasty after you brush your teeth. Shawn looked at me and laughed. "Shut up." I said and smiled. It was actually funny.

"Are you ready to go?" He asked through his laughs.

"Yeah." I replied as I put my wallet and Chapstick in my pocket.

"OK, let's go." Shawn said as he opened the door and waited for me to pass. I walked passed him and he pinched my butt, causing me to jump. He really loved to do that. We walked down the hall way and was surprised to see no one walking around. It was nearing 9:30 and I thought a lot of people would be awake by now.

The lobby was empty except for the receptionist sitting behind his desk reading a magazine. He looked up as we passed and then looked back down. Shawn and I walked out the front doors and found Shawn's car. He reached in his pocket and took out his keys. He hit the unlock button and they doors unlocked. He really loved the keyless entry thing. Especially when the horn and park lamps flashed. I smiled and climbed into the passenger seat.

He started the engine, turned on the radio, put the car in Reverse and backed out of the parking spot. When he merged out to the main road he put his hand on my thigh. It was the way he drove sometimes. Sometimes he would rest his hand on the gear shifter and I would rest mine on his.

When he put his hand on my thigh, I could feel a lot of passion from him. I looked at him from the corner of my eye and thought about the stuff we had been through in the past together. Our car accident, his rape, which was the biggest thing we both had to overcome, and my dad reappearing after 15 years wanting my kidney and we both over came them. I realized how lucky I was to have found a man so special in my life.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked me as he pulled his car into a parking lot.

"You." I said.

"What about me?" He asked as he found a parking spot and pulled in.

"All of the things we have been through together. How lucky I am that I found someone like you." I said. Shawn looked at me and knew exactly what I meant and ran his hand down my cheek. I smiled and he put his car in park and shut off the engine.

"What a gorgeous day." Shawn said, changing the subject. I agreed as he got out of the car. I followed suite. "We might just take out the t-tops later." He said as we walked in to the restaurant.

"Cool." I said. He knew how I loved to ride around with the tops out. My Camaro didn't have t-tops in it.

"What are you going to get to eat?" He asked me.

"I don't know." I said as we got in line and studied the menu board. It was still breakfast time so I decided on getting a sausage biscuit combo and Shawn decided on a chicken biscuit combo as well.

We finally got to the register and placed our order and Shawn paid for it, beating me to it. As we waited for our food I noticed that the cashier was wearing a small rainbow pin on his uniform. I looked over to Shawn and he was looking at it too.

We took our food and found a small table and sat down. We started eating and we talked about some of the things we wanted to do and how were going to spend our vacation. We came up with very fun things to do. I couldn't wait till that night.

"ARE YOU READY?" Shawn asked as we pulled into the parking lot. There were so many lights and a lot of activity going on. I was getting excited. It was dark now since the sun had set thirty minutes ago. The weather was excellent and we had the tops out and the windows rolled down.

"Ready." I said. This is what I had been waiting for. We were at the fair grounds where there was a Ferris wheel and many other rides stuff to do. Shawn parked the car and we got out. We had spent a wonderful today together, doing what we had planned and whatever came to mind.

After breakfast, we went back to the motel to workout again and swim in the indoor pool. After we finished swimming we decided to catch some rays on the beach. We stayed out there longer than we had wanted to but we didn't get burned.

We went back inside to shower and get dressed again. By the time we were done doing that, the sun was starting to set and we decided to watch it from our back patio. It was a great view. We had stood, me leaning against the rail and Shawn behind me with his arms around my waist.

After the sunset we went to a nice restaurant and had a very good dinner and then we decided to go to where we were now. It looked like so much fun. We walked towards the main gate and paid the ticket price. There were so many people, and many of them were wearing the small rainbow pin that we had noticed earlier. I looked at Shawn again and he just shrugged his shoulders. We decided that it was just coincidence that there were a bunch of gay people at the beach.

We saw the first ride we wanted to ride. It was a small roller coaster. Shawn didn't like them very well but I drug him into the short line. Again we saw people walking around with the buttons on their jackets and shirts.

It was our turn to get aboard the ride. I was excited as I took my seat. Shawn sat beside me and when we started to move, took my hand under the seat and out of view. We started to descend up the hill and Shawn started squeezing my hand more and more until we reached the top. His grip on my hand tightened so much I thought it was going to break. He let go some as we rounded corners.

By the time the ride was over, Shawn had let go of my hand and I looked at it. Where his fingers had been my hand was white as a ghost. Shawn was the first person off the ride and out of the area. I was laughing when I caught up with him.

"What's so funny?" He asked me, smiling himself.

"You." I said. "And how tight you were holding my hand." He blushed a little and laughed too.

"Okay, so I don't like roller coasters, sue me."

"You don't have anything worth the trouble of suing for." I said.

"Oh, thanks a lot." Shawn said.

"Why sue when I have what I need from you." I said. Shawn smiled. His attention was suddenly take away from me to something behind me. "What?" I asked as I turned around. I quickly saw what he saw. Across from the roller coaster ride was a shop. Above the glass doors was a sign, a rainbow sign with an inverted triangle. I looked back at Shawn.

"You know, we have been seeing a lot of rainbows around here, I am beginning to wonder if this beach is gay-friendly." Shawn said. I thought for a second.

"Only one way to find out." I said as I grabbed his hand and walked towards the store. It took us a minute to walk there but two minutes deciding to go in. We did and were surprised at what we found. Everything we saw was aimed at the gay community. I was started to agree with Shawn. We even found a set of the rainbow pins everyone was wearing. But, we had to make sure so we walked up to the counter where a teenage guy was sitting.

"Excuse me?" Shawn said. The guy looked up from the magazine and said yes. The way he said it we knew he was gay. "We have to ask a really stupid question." He said.

"What kind of question?" The guy said.

"Is this a gay beach?" Shawn asked, preparing himself for laughing and ridiculing.

"Yes. You didn't know when you made reservations?" The teenager asked. He didn't laugh or even flinch.

"No." Shawn admitted.

"Well, this is a gay beach and you can be who you are, not who you're not." He said. He wasn't rude or anything, but actually nice and very welcoming. We stood for a few minutes just talked to him. We bought a set of rainbow pins and put them on. As we were leaving he told us where the local gay club was and said that he hoped to see us there.

We nodded in agreement and walked out, feeling proud and free to do what we want. I reached out and took Shawn's hand. We started walking around trying to decide on what we wanted to next. Shawn spotted a fun house up ahead and decided that we should go in and have fun. I moaned in disagreement but he dragged me in anyway.

The entrance was moving steps and hard to step on but we made it through. After the steps was the moving walkway, where we felt drunk. We had many obstacles in the way such as long rubber things blocking our way.

When we made it to the exit, it looked like a big mouse wheel that kept turning. We tried to walk through but I lost my balance and fell. I couldn't get up and wound up rolling on the things. Shawn had made it through and was laughing hysterically at my mishap.

I finally was able to get out and when I did, I was mad. Shawn saw my face and started to laugh harder. Seeing him laugh made me laugh as well.

We walked around some more look for something to do. I saw a booth were you had to throw darts at balloons and pop them to when prizes. I wanted to and Shawn did too.

I paid the money for my darts and Shawn paid for his. We were each handed three darts each. I was the first to throw and I missed.

Shawn threw his and made his target.

I threw the second darts and missed again. Shawn threw his and hit it again. I was getting a little frustrated at myself and threw the third dart. Still couldn't hit the balloon. Shawn threw again as well and hit the balloon.

I shrugged my shoulders and started to walk away but Shawn got my attention.

"Jason," He said. "Pick any three you want." I smiled at him and made my decisions. I picked out a framed picture of Ricky Martin, a stuffed animal I liked and a stuffed teddy bear that was holding a small red heart that said "I Love You."

As we started to walk away I handed the small bear to Shawn.

"I do what the bear says." I said as he took it. He smiled and kissed me on the cheek. We felt comfortable for the first time ever in public to show any kind of affection.

We walked around some for a couple of hours playing games and riding certain rides. I saw the ride I wanted to ride and since it was getting late we decided that it would be the last ride for the night.

I looked at the huge Ferris wheel as it turned and dragged Shawn in line with me. He smiled at me and we stood in line.

After five minutes or so it was our turn. Due to an odd number in the group, we got the car to ourselves. I didn't mind.

We got in and sat down as the attendant shut the door. He made sure the door was locked in place before we started moving again.

"I am glad we came here." I said as I scooted over closer to him. He put his arm around my shoulders.

"Me too." He said. He pulled my tighter into him as we rode slowly around. It was so peaceful and the sight was breathtaking at the top. Shawn didn't like the top and when we suddenly stopped at the top, he started to panic. "What's wrong? Why did we stop?" He asked.

"To let people on and off." I told him.

"Oh." He said but he still didn't relax. I never realized how much he didn't like heights then. He had told me that a couple of weeks ago when I said something about flying.

We started moving again and he relaxed.

"What time are we leaving tomorrow?" I asked.

"I was thinking around 2pm maybe." Shawn answered.

"Sounds good." I said as the car came to the bottom and stopped. A different attendant opened our door and let us out. We quickly found the exit and Shawn's car.

We had won a couple prizes earlier but they were manageable to carry with us. Shawn opened his trunk and put all the small toys in there.

Since the night was still young, I suggested that Shawn and I go to the gay bar that they guy at the store had told us about.

Shawn thought for a moment and nodded his head. We got in the car and he started the engine. The store clerk had told us directions and I remembered them. I directed Shawn to get on the highway and he did.

Shawn rested his hand on the gear shifter and I placed mine on his. He smiled when I did and kept driving.

I told him where to turn and the like and in no time we were there. We found a parking place and before Shawn turned off the car he reached over and opened the glove department. He pushed a yellow button and I heard the mechanical click of the trunk opening. When he started rolling up the windows, I figured out what he was doing. He was going to put the t-tops on. I got out of the car and opened the trunk lid. I grabbed the passenger side's top and walked back to my seat and put the top back on. Shawn did the same for the driver's side as well.

He locked the t-tops and the doors. I had already shut the trunk but Shawn wanted to check it anyway. He checked it and then took my hand and walked towards the door where we were permitted in with no problem.

The club was rockin' with music and flashing lights. Shawn and I smiled as we realized they were playing our favorite dance song. We got out on the dance floor and started dancing our hearts away.

When the song was over, a slow song came on and Shawn pulled me in close to him. I wrapped my arms around his mid-section under his arms. He placed his arms around my middle and I leaned my head on his shoulder. We slowly swayed back in forth as the song played.

I was enjoying being so close to him. I could still smell his cologne from earlier that day. We were still dancing when the song ended and the DJ came over the loud speaker.

"Ladies and gentlemen, if I may have your attention I'd like to announce that it is time for Karaoke night. Anyone who is interested please sign the sign up sheet posted on the board. Thank you." He said. Shawn looked at me and asked me if I wanted to sing.

"Sure," I said. "It's not like we will ever see these people again and I have always wanted to participate in one."

"So have I." He said. "Let's go." He said and led me to the board where everyone was crowding around. Finally we were able to look at it and find what song we were going to sing. I noticed they had the one I wanted to sing. I also noticed that only about ten people had signed up. Shawn signed his name and I signed mine.

I assumed that we told them the song to play when our names were called to sing.

"Ladies and gentlemen, in about 15 minutes we will start karaoke night. Until then, enjoy the music." The DJ said. The lights that come on when the DJ first started talking went dim again. Shawn and I decided to get a drink before we started dancing again.

We walked over to the bar and asked for two cokes. Shawn paid for ours before I could object. He handed me mine and took a sip of his. I sipped mine as we recognized the song that started playing. It was one of our favorite songs together.

We sat on the barstool and listened to the songs. I was kind of nervous about singing my song to everyone but I would get over it. I am an actor and I always get stage fright before I perform. The only thing I could think about was how much I hope Shawn enjoyed it, since I would be singing for him.

FIFTEEN MINUTES CAME pretty quickly. The DJ started calling names and people went up and sang their songs. Some people danced and some sat at tables and listened. Shawn and I danced to a few but mostly we listened.

"Okay, our next performer is Jason Andrews." The DJ said. I smiled as I stood up and walked toward the stage.

"Hi everyone." I said after I had gotten up there and told the DJ what song I was singing. "My name is Jason and I would like to perform a very special song tonight. I'd like to dedicate it to my boyfriend who is here tonight. Shawn, I love you." I said as the music began. I had selected 98 Degrees's song "I Do (Cherish you.)" I knew Shawn would like it.

"All I am, all I'll be Everything in this world All that I'll ever need Is in your eyes Shining at me When you smile I can feel All my passion unfolding Your hand brushes mine And a thousand sensations Seduce me 'cause I

Chorus: I do cherish you For the rest of my life You don't have to think twice I will love you still From the depths of my soul It's beyond my control I've waited so long to say this to you If you're asking do I love you this much I do

In my world before you I lived outside my emotions Didn't know where I was going 'Til that day I found you How you opened my life To a new paradise In a world torn by change Still with all my heart 'Til my dying day."

When I was done singing, I got a standing ovation. I was shocked. I looked down at Shawn and saw him smiling really big. He liked it.

I walked down of the stage after the commotion died down and walked over to Shawn. He smiled at me as I asked him how he liked it.

"I loved it." He said as he kissed me on the lips. It totally surprised me but I responded to him anyway.

We broke the kiss as another person was called to the stage.

"Hi guys." A cute guy said into the microphone. "I don't know if I can compete with that, but here goes." He said as the music started playing. I recognized it immediately as the new song from Ricky Martin, "Private Emotion." Ricky Martin is one of my favorite singers and I wanted to hear this guy's voice.

When he sang the first word, I got Goosebumps all over my arms. His voice was powerful and you could tell from everyone in the room. Everyone that was dancing stopped dancing and watched.

Shawn was even in amazement. I could not believe the voice this guy had. When the song was over, everyone in the room started clapping and gave him a standing ovation as well. He had a great voice.

"Thank you." He said as he got of the stage.

"Last but not least, we have Shawn." I looked at Shawn and he looked at me. He stood up and made his way to the stage. He took the mic from the DJ after telling him what song to play. The DJ nodded his head and left Shawn on the stage.

"Hello, how are y'all tonight?" He asked. Most of the people replied good and ok. "The song I would like to sing I would like to dedicate to my boyfriend, who earlier tonight dedicated a song to me. Jason, this is for you, I love you with all my heart." Shawn said as he looked over to me. I just smiled and waited for the music to start.

I took a sip of my coke as the music started. It took a few seconds for me to recognize it but I did, and it was one of my favorite songs. It was NSYNC's "God Must Have Spent A Little More Time You."

"Can this be true?

Tell me, can this be real?

How can I put into words what I feel?

My life was complete

I thought I was whole

Why do I feel like I'm losing control?

Never knew that love could feel like this

and you changed my world with just one kiss.

How can it be that right here with me

there's an angel?

It's a miracle

Your love is like a river

peaceful and deep

your soul is like a secret

That I could never keep

When I look into your eyes

I know that it's true

God must of spent

A little more time

On you

In all of creation

All things great and small

You are the one that surpasses them all

More precious than

Any diamond or pearl

They broke the mold

When you came into this world

And I'm trying hard to figure out

Just how I ever did without

The warmth of your smile

The heart of a child

That's deep inside

Leaves me purified."

His voice was awesome. I had never really heard him sing before until tonight. He sang in the car every once in awhile but that was with the radio. I could hear the sincerity that lied within his voice. It was very strong.

When he finished singing, everyone applauded and even gave Shawn a standing ovation. Of course, I was the first one to stand up. He said thank you into the microphone and walked back towards me. I was still standing and when he came and hugged me.

"Thank you." I said.

"Your welcome." He replied and hugged me tighter.

"I love you so much." I said as he broke the hug.

"I love you too." He replied. We sat for a few minutes finished our drink before deciding it was time to leave. It was pushing 12:30 and we were starting to get tired. We left and Shawn drove us back to the hotel.

IT DIDN'T TAKE long for us to be back at our hotel. When we got back, I realized that I wasn't tire and neither was Shawn. We decided together to go for a walk on the beach. It was late and no one would be out there.

We walked behind the hotel to the boardwalk and before stepping off of it, we removed our shoes and hid them under the steps.

We stepped onto the sand and started walking. We put our arms around each other walked like that for a little while.

"Race ya!" Shawn said as he started running, leaving me behind. I smiled and started running after him.

I finally caught up with him and was dead on his heels when he stopped suddenly and turned towards me, causing me to run into him and knock him and myself to the ground.

He landed on his back and I landed on top of him. I started to ask him if he was okay but when I looked in his eyes, I froze. All I could see was passion and love in them. I braced myself with my left arm and slowly stroke his face with my right hand.

I leaned down and started kissing him. I could feel the passion coming from him as we kissed. He rolled us over onto my side and started running his hand up down my back. I knew where this was going to lead us to but at the moment I didn't care.

He reached down to my waist and started to untuck my shirt. I could feel something start to stir in me while he moved his hands up and down on my chest.

I started untucking his shirt and undoing his belt. By this point, I could feel what was stirring in him now. I slipped my hand under his shirt and lightly moved my hand back and forth. He moaned a little while he was kissing me but didn't stop.

He sat up and sat me up with him. He broke this kiss long enough to remove my shirt above my head. Following his example, I took his off too.

After we removed our shirts Shawn laid back down, this time with him on top of me. I could feel his erection as he pressed hard into me. Now that I was on the bottom I started playing with his butt and then moved to his button.

I got his pants unbuttoned and unzipped them. Shawn got off me and knelt on his knees while I got on my knees in front of him. I pulled down his pants leaving his boxers on attempting to hide what was underneath. I slowly massaged it with my hand through the fabric before finally removing his boxers, revealing my prize.

Shawn moaned when I took it in my hand and gently squeezed. I took a quick look into his eyes before taking it in my mouth. Shawn gasped loudly at the sensation.

He tasted so good. I eagerly sucked it and licked the tip. I continued for a few moments before slowly moving up his chest, licking his nipples, and then kissing him.

While we kissed his hands found my belt and undid it too. He took off my belt and ran his hand across the front of my pants. I kissed him harder as unbuttoned my shorts and took them off with my boxers.

Now, we were both totally nude and very horny. He stood up and inserted his member into my mouth. This position always made me horny and I eagerly sucked again.

After a few moments, he stood me up so I was level with him. Without saying a word he turned me around and pushed me to my knees. He knelt behind me and I could feel his member touch my anus. I moaned as I knew what was going to happen and braced myself.

Slowly he inserted himself in me, giving my sphincter time to get used to him. Finally he was all the way in me and then he started to fuck me, slowly in the beginning but then faster towards the end.

We both started moaning and screaming as he sped up. After a few minutes passed I could feel Shawn slow down a second before he exploded inside me. He and I both screamed when he released his load.

Shawn finally stopped pumping and remained in the same position for a few minutes before sliding out and laying down with me beside him. We talked about some really stupid stuff before I suggested that we take a swim before going back to the room. Shawn agreed and stood up. He extended his hand to help me up as well.

We walked down towards the water and I stuck my food in and jumped back. The water was cold.

After Shawn called me chicken, I grabbed his arm and threw him in the water. He didn't go down alone though. He grabbed my arm as he went down taking me with him.

We stood up to our waists in the water laughing at each other and waded out into deeper water. We played around a little but I stayed really close to Shawn, never letting go of him. I always had had a fear of water but I was okay when I was around someone else with me.

After a little while we decided it was time to go back and get some sleep.

We got out of the water and gathered our clothes. We only put on what was necessary and headed back towards the room. We stopped at the steps to grab our shoes and made our way to the room.

Shawn opened the door to the room and we threw our clothes on the floor. We opted to take a rinse-off shower before bed. I went to the bathroom to get it started while Shawn straightened the room a little.

When the water was ready, we removed all our clothing and got in. We stood under the spray for a few minutes before I turned it off and grabbed the towel.

"Where's my towel?" Shawn asked me. I had forgotten to get his towel.

"Opps." I said as I dried off and handed him mine. While he was drying off I walked out of the bathroom to get my night clothes. I had just climbed into bed when Shawn came walking in, nude as usual. He climbed into bed with me and we snuggled together a little while before we dozed off around 4 o'clock in the morning.

Well, there ya go. I hope you guys enjoy the little different technique I used. I figured I should do something to get more interesting with the characters. Stay tuned for the next one, we may get to learn about Shawn's deep past. Let me know hoe you guys liked it. Send comments to Thanks for reading.

Next: Chapter 14

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