Locker Room Romance

By R. Jason Collett

Published on Jun 4, 2000


Note to Readers: This installment is written in 1st person by Shawn. I am hoping that everyone likes this small change to put in something different and make it more interesting. I may alternate between the two depending on if readers like it. Let me know!

Warning: The following story has homosexual content. If you are offended or made uncomfortable by material concerning sexual relations between consenting adult men, then don't read. If it is in any way illegal for you to be reading this, then be very careful not to get caught. Otherwise please continue reading and send ANY comments to Also I have AOL Instant Messenger and can be reached by that method. My screenname is KVBOY1982 Enjoy!

Locker Room Romance


Chapter 13

When I woke up the next morning I saw Jason looking at me.

"Whatcha thinking about?" I asked, causing him to jump when I spoke.

"Nothing." He said, but I could tell there was more too it than that.

"What's wrong?" I asked and again he said nothing. I took my hand raised his face directly to mine. "What is going on in that head of yours?" After a few seconds he answered my question.

"I'm thinking about my Dad and the surgery." He answered.

"Are you scared?" I asked. Stupid question.

"Yes." He said. He looked away and that back at me before I saw the tears roll down his face. I took my hand and gently brushed them away. I took him in my arms and comforted him.

"I don't want to go through with it." He said, muffled by my shoulder.

"Why?" I asked.

"The surgery scares. I won't be the same without my kidney and I don't want you and Mom having to go through the big ordeal." He answered.

"Sweetie, I don't mind going through it with you. Your helping someone live longer." I told him.

"But it's my Dad?" He said. I was confused at this response.

"What does that have to do with it?" I asked him.

"He was never there for me so why should I do this for him?" Jason said.

"It's still someone's life that you are saving. Could you live with the guilt of knowing that someone died and you could have saved them by donating your kidney, when you have one to spare?" I asked him. I could see in his eyes that he was thinking about what I said and he realized what I was saying.

"I guess not." He said.

"I didn't think so." I said.

"But I don't want to be inconvenience to you and Mom." He said.

"You won't be inconvenience to me. You might be bedridden for a week or so and I know your mom would help you and I could come over after school and help her." I told him. It was touching to me that he wouldn't want to make us deal with him being unable to take care of himself but I was willing to help him.

"You'd do that for me?" Jason asked.

"Yes." I answered. His eyes welled up again and he started crying softly. His tears subsided soon after that and we decided that it was time to clean up and start packing. Jason said he would shower first before packing and he got up out of bed. He went into the bathroom as I got up and put on my boxers. I threw on a T-shirt and started packing some clothes in my suitcase. I was almost done when Jason walked out, cleanly shaven and wrapped in a towel. I whistled as he walked out and he smiled.

He walked to the drawers where we had unpacked our clothes and grabbed a pair of boxers and an undershirt. Before going back into the bathroom, he came up and pulled me to him. I could smell the soap he had used and his toothpaste. I kissed me on the lips before saying anything.

"Thank you." He said.

"For what?" I asked.

"For helping me see why it is important to help my Dad, and for being you." He said. I smiled at him and gave him a kiss this time.

"I love you." I said.

"I love you too." Jason said as he let me go with another kiss and walked back towards the bathroom. He was in there for a minute or two before he told me the bathroom was all mine. I said thank you and walked in and started my shower.

It didn't take us long for us to be ready and out the door. We had all our stuff packed and ready to go. We walked out of the hotel with two hours before we had to be on the road. We found the beach pass way and started walking along the beach.

We were walking hand in hand when I decided to speak.

"I have to do something tomorrow after school and I want you to come with me. It is very important." I told him. "I want to introduce to someone."

"Who?" He asked. I looked at him and tried to answer, but nothing came out.

"Tomorrow is the two year anniversary of my parents' death." I finally said, trying to choke back the tears. I was unsuccessful as some started to fall down my cheek.

"I am so sorry." He said as he took me into his arms. I rested my head on his shoulder and let the tears fall. It was the first time I had ever let myself go like that in a long time. I was thankful Jason was there for me when I needed him.

He broke the embrace and looked at me.

"You want to introduce me to your parents?" He asked. I nodded my head. "I would be honored." He said as he brushed the tears away from my face. He lightly kissed my cheek and eventually we started walking again.

We walked near the water and after a few minutes we decided to sit down and enjoy each others company and the last little while that we had at the beach. Jason sat behind me and leaned his head on my left shoulder, his arms wrapped around my chest.

I watched the ocean come and go against the sand as he whispered he loved me and kissed my neck. He watched the ocean with me as we became mesmerized by the water.

I had no idea how much time had passed but Jason checked his watch and said that we needed to be going. I agreed after checking my watch and stood up. I took Jason's arm and helped him up and we walked back towards the hotel, his hand in mine.

After walking for what seemed like forever, we found our hotel and grabbed out baggage from the room. I unlocked my car's trunk and we placed the suitcases in the trunk. Jason shut the trunk lid as I climbed into the driver's seat. He climbed into the passenger seat as I started the engine.

I pulled out of the parking lot and set down on the highway. After an hour of driving Jason announced that he was hungry. I wasn't surprised. I spotted an exit and moved to the exit lane and took it.

We saw a couple of fast food restaurants and Jason decided to eat at McDonald's. I pulled my car into the parking spot and turned off the car. We noticed that there were a lot of motorcycles parked around but we didn't pay it any attention.

We walked in the door and all we could see was a bunch of bikers. We looked totally out of place as all of them starred at us.

We made our way to the front counter and stood in line where Jason leaned over and whispered to me.

"I think we should get our order to go." He said. I nodded my head. We had planned to eat there. When we got to the front register we placed our order and waited for our food. When we got our food and our drinks we turned towards the door only to see that it was being blocked by some bikers.

"Going somewhere?" One of the asked us.

"Yeah, what's it to ya?" I asked him. Apparently he didn't like being talked back to.

"This is our McDonald's and we didn't say you could leave." He said. I glanced over at Jason and could tell he was scared. So was I.

"Well, may we leave? We didn't come here to bother you." I said.

"No." He answered.

"What did we do to you?" Jason asked.

"Nothing, you walked in this door and now you have to pay the consequences." The main leader said.

"What might those be?" I asked. I was getting tired of this.

"Do you really want to find out?" He asked me.

"If it is the only way I can get out of here." I replied. He smiled before charging at me. I was thrown of guard but was quick enough to jump out of his way before he hit me. He stopped and turned around. By the time he had missed me all of the bikers came and started attacking us. There were ten of them and no match for us. But we tried to fight them off.

Jason and I both lost our food as we started fighting. The last time I saw Jason he had delivered a knockout punch to one of them. I was thankful then that I had taken self-defense courses when I was young and apparently Jason had done the same.

I then noticed that some of the employees had jumped in as well to our defense. There was at least five people against their ten and even though it was uneven, we were still kicking.

I saw one guy running towards Jason with a tray while Jason was fighting off another biker. I yelled Jason's name and he looked in time to kick the tray away from his attacker's hands. His attacker was surprised and Jason took advantage of it as he punched him in the stomach and then kicked him to the floor.

I saw a flash of something metal from the corner of my eye and looked to see one of them coming at me with a switchblade. I didn't have time to react but didn't need it as an employee hit the attacker in the head from behind. The guy dropped the knife as he fell to the floor. The employee kicked the knife away for the man's grip as he went to help someone else.

By this time now, we could hear sirens in the distance. I was so happy to hear them because I couldn't keep up with this much longer.

I looked over at Jason and saw him in a choke hold and ran to the back of him. I raised my hands up to hit the man but I was hit first. I saw stars before I fell to the floor.

I laid there for a minute before gaining enough strength to stand back up. A little dizzy, I shook my head and looked around me. The guy was still choking Jason when his face went blank and he sank to the floor. I wanted to run and help him but I saw another person running towards me with his fists clenched. Hoping that I could time it right, I waited until he was almost at me before stepping back a step and hold out my foot, planning on tripping the guy.

My plan was successful and he plummeted to the ground. I looked back at Jason and saw him open his eyes and quickly trap his attacker with his legs. I knew then that he hadn't blacked out, but feigned it to trick the person choking him.

"FREEZE!!" A loud voice said. Everyone is the store froze when it was said. When I saw who it was I was very relieved. The cops had finally gotten there. I remember looking over at Jason giving him a thumbs up before everything went black.

I WOKE UP an hour later in the back of an ambulance. I had no idea where I was at first but Jason was sitting beside me.

"What happened?" I asked.

"We got into that big fight with a bunch of bikers and you passed out after it was over." Jason answered.

"Are you okay?" I asked. I noticed he had a few cuts and scraps on his face as with some bruising around his neck.

"I'm fine." He said. "It's you I am worried about."

"What do you mean?" I asked. I suddenly got worried that something really bad happened.

"You suffered a concussion somehow or another during the fight. You also have a bad cut on your right hand." He told me. That explained why my right hand felt numb. "They want to keep you at the hospital overnight for observation." He said, a note of concern and sadness in them.

"That bad?" I asked. Jason nodded. "You have to go home and go back to school and work." I said.

"I'm not leaving you in this town by yourself." He said.

"I want you to go home, if they have to keep me for observation for one night, it's not fair for you to miss school too." I said. I had a really bad headache and I knew I was making sense. And I knew that Jason wouldn't leave unless I was with him.

"No." He said. I knew there was no sense in arguing.

"Where are you going to stay? There's no money left from vacation to get a hotel room." I said.

"I'll worry about that. There going to take you to the hospital now and I am going to follow you in your car." He told me. I could see a paramedic hooking something up to the ambulance but didn't know what is was.

"Sir, you have to leave now, we need to get him to the hospital." The paramedic said. I heard Jason say yes as he took my hand and leaned over to my ear.

"I'll be right behind you guys. Don't worry about anything, let me do that. I love you." He said and raised up and let go of my hand. He climbed out of the ambulance and I could hear my car's horn blow once as Jason unlocked the door. The ambulance started and the doors shut. That was the last thing I remembered until the next day.

I WOKE UP the next in the hospital with a terrible headache and I was surprised to see Jason sitting in one of the chairs across from me.

"Jason." I said. He was dozing off to sleep. He opened his eyes and looked towards me. He smiled when he saw I was awake.

"How are you feeling?" He asked me as he stood up and moved towards the bed.

"I have a terrible headache and my muscles are very sore." I answered him. "Did you call your mom and let her know what was going on?"

"Yes, I told her what happened and she said that she is worried and that she would call the school and explain to the what happened. She was very understanding." Jason said.

"Where did you stay last night?" I asked him. He looked at me for a moment before he answered.

"I slept in the car." He said.


"Out here in the parking lot." He answered me. I couldn't imagine someone sleeping in a car all night in a parking lot but Jason did it.

"When do I get out of here?" I asked.

"They couldn't tell me." Jason said. He looked at his watch and I asked him what time it was. He told me it was 9:30am.

He took my hand in his and brought it up to his lips and kissed it. I was surprised by the gesture and then he started talking.

"I did a lot of thinking last night and I realized how much danger we actually stand in now. But I realized also how much I loved you and how much I cared for you. When you passed out yesterday my heart jumped from my chest. Shawn, I loved you with all my heart and I don't know what I would do without you now." Jason said, his eyes tearing up a little. It took all the strength I had to reach up and brush away his tears. When I touched him though, the tears just came pouring down.

I let my hand sink back down as he leaned over and put his head on my chest. I ran my hand through his hair while I thought.

Since we had met, we had been through so much together. The car accident, the attack at the club, fighting the rejection at school, and the reappearance of his dad needing Jason's kidney. We got closer and closer to each other through each tribulation and now we were closer than ever now.

I felt my heart swell and all my love come out for this man leaning over my hospital bed with his head on my chest.

After a few minutes there was an announcement that all visitors had to leave. Jason stood up and looked at me. We both were crying now. He bent down one more time and gave me a kiss on the lips that was so tender and so romantic.

We were both startled by a "Ahem." at the door. We turned and saw the doctor that had administered me standing in the door frame.

"Sorry." Jason said as he stood up and backed away from the bed.

"Don't worry about it." The doctor said as he walked in. "So, how do we feel today?" He asked me.

"I have a terrible headache and my arms and legs hurt a little when I move them." I told him. He nodded and looked at a chart in his hand.

"The headache is from the concussion you suffered and your muscles hurt due to the exertion you put on your muscles. I can prescribe a pain killer for that." He said. He checked a few more charts and then put his stethoscope on my chest, where a few minutes ago Jason's head was resting. He nodded his head and removed the circular device from my chest. He took some blue wrap thing and started pumping a little bulb to check my blood pressure.

Obviously he was pleased with the results from it as he released the pressure. After sticking a thermometer in my mouth and checking my temperature he told me I was free to leave.

"Everything is okay with you but you must take it easy for the next week or so. No school, no work." He stopped and smiled, winked at both me and Jason before adding. "No funny business." That brought a smile to both mine and Jason's face.

"Thank you doctor." I said, relieved that I would be able to go home.

"Thank you very much." Jason said, standing from the chair and extending his hand.

"You're welcome." He said as he took Jason's in his and shook it. Looking over at me he asked. "Do you want me to get a nurse to help you get dressed or do you want him to do it?"

"Him." I answered.

"Okay, I'll bring you a wheelchair in a few minutes." He said as he turned to walk out the door. We watched him walk out before saying anything.

"He seems nice." Jason said.

"I'll say." I said. Jason moved back over to me and took my hand again. I knew what was on his mind. How was I going to deal with being out of school and work for a week or even two? If my muscles stayed this sore I wouldn't be able to do anything around the house and I couldn't ask Jason to stay out of school or work. I wouldn't let him.

"What are we going to do?" He asked.

"First, we are going to get me out of here, and then we will decide what we are going to do later." I said. He nodded his head as the doctor came back into the room bringing a wheelchair and a plastic bag.

"Here is the wheelchair and some belongings that belong to Shawn." He said to Jason. He nodded and took the bag from his hand.

"Thank you." Jason said. The doctor nodded and walked out again, telling us to check out at the nurse's office before leaving. We said we would and he was gone.

Jason was standing there looking at the bag. I couldn't read what was going on in his mind but I knew something wasn't right in there.

"Let's do this." He said as he helped me out of the bed. It hurt very badly but Jason was slow and patient with me. After propping me on the bed he ran and shut the door and came back. He reached around behind me and unzipped my hospital gown. He slowly slid it of me and revealed what was underneath. Jason gasped at what was there.

My stomach, my chest and parts of my back were bruised severely. Jason was shocked but not as bad as I was. I didn't even know I was bruised anywhere on my body. Jason got over the shock and finally opened the bag the doctor had brought. In it were my clothes from the day before, my wallet, my watch, my necklace and my bracelet.

Jason took my boxers out and slowly pushed my weak legs though the holes and pulled them up my knees and finally in place. I felt really horrible that someone had to dress me. I didn't want a complete stranger to do it, that was why I was happy when the doctor asked me if I wanted Jason to do it. I knew he wouldn't mind.

He took out my white undershirt and gently pulled it over my head. We looked at each other for a second before he gently sat me down on the bed and pulled up my jeans.

He buttoned them and stood me up again. Making sure I could stand on my own, he went to get the wheelchair that was sitting over by the door. He wheeled back to where I was standing. He put on the brakes and came back around to me.

He slipped his arm around my shoulder and moved me to the wheelchair. He set me down in it and sat down on the bed. We were looking directly in front of each other, thinking.

Jason got down on his hands and knees and gently rubbed his hand on my face, tracing the shape of my eyes, nose and then my lips. He let his hands drop and put his head in my lap as he started to cry. I had no idea why he was crying and tried to put my hand on his shoulder, but my muscles were too weak.

After a few minutes he raised his face and I could see the tears running down his cheeks. Seeing him like this was tearing me apart. He looked me in the eyes before gently kissing my lips again. When he did this, I could feel tears of my own threaten to fall.

"I love you." He whispered to me.

"I love you more." I said, causing Jason to smile.

"Are you ready to go home?" He asked, knowing the answer.

"Yes!" I answered. He smiled and stood up. He turned off the brakes and wheeled me to the front desk where we checked out and were handed the prescription for my muscles. We thanked the doctors as Jason wheeled me outside. The sun was bright as I squinted my eyes against it.

I spotted my car parked in the visitor's parking spot.

"I'm going to leave you here and go get the car." Jason said. I nodded, barely, and he walked away. He looked back at me and gave me the thumbs up as he reached in his pocket and got out my keys.

I noticed something about him then. His clothes were very wrinkly and his hair was disheveled, giving him a boyish look. I realized that he must have spent the night in my car. I felt so bad for him then. His boyfriend gets beat up and put in the hospital for a night and he sleeps in a car just to be close. I could feel my love for him grow even more.

I was lost in thought when he pulled around in front of me. He rolled down the passengers window and I watched it roll down smoothly.

"Howdy stranger. Need a lift?" He asked. He was smiling as I was when he said it.

"Sure, if you don't mind." I said.

"Where ya headed?" He asked.

"To a place I call home." I said.

"Home it is then," He said as he got out of the car. He walked around to me and helped me get in the car. I thought it would take forever but he managed to get me in there comfortably.

He closed the door and walked around to the driver's side and climbed in. He put his seatbelt on and rolled up my window. I was thankful they were power as it went up all the way.

He put the car in gear and drove off. I was thankful to be leaving this place. I have always hated hospitals and I have seen too many of them lately.

I reclined my seat as Jason said he was going to stop and get gas. He asked me if I wanted anything and I remember say a drink. He knew what kind to get.

We were back on the road and headed home when I drifted off the a restless sleep.

Well, guys there was Chapter 14. Only a few people have responded to the different point of view change but I might keep it going. I hope y'all enjoyed this one and don't forget to e-mail me with ANY comments at

Next: Chapter 15

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