Locker Room Romance

By R. Jason Collett

Published on Feb 17, 2001


Warning: The following story has homosexual content. If you are offended or made uncomfortable by material concerning sexual relations between consenting adult men, then don't read. If it is in any way illegal for you to be reading this, then be very careful not to get caught. Otherwise please continue reading and send ANY comments to Also I have AOL Instant Messenger and can be reached by that method. My screenname is KVBOY1982 Enjoy!

Locker Room Romance


Chapter 16 Dear Journal,

It's been a week since the surgery took place and today is my first day home. Everything went well even though I thought it for the worse. Shawn has been by my side the entire time. My Dad has to stay in the hospital a little longer to make sure that his body doesn't reject the kidney. If it does than he has no hope left and the thought of that is depressing. It's getting very close to graduation and I am getting nervous. I haven't really made any college plans yet but Shawn has applied to colleges already. I know there is one that he wants to go to because it is the one is father attended but it almost 300 miles away and I don't want to lose him right now. Anyway, got to run, Shawn is taking me and my mom out to dinner.

"SWEETIE, WHY ARE you doing this again?" Jason asked as he and his mom got in Shawn's car.

"It is your first night out of the house and I wanted to make it something special for you." Shawn answered as he started the engine and pulled out of the parking space.

"Okay." Jason replied. "So, where are you taking us to dinner?"

"It's a surprise." Shawn replied, a smile on his face.

"I hate surprises." Jason said, smiling.

"You will love this one." Shawn replied. He took a left turn at the stoplight they were stopped at and were soon in front of Jason's favorite restaurant. Jason smiled as Shawn parked the car. The went inside and were immediately sat down since Shawn had made reservations earlier. They were handed menus and asked what they wanted to drink. They ordered their drinks and studied the menu for awhile. After five minutes they had decided on what they wanted to eat.

After placing their orders, Shawn excused himself from the table. Jason knew that he was up to something but had no idea. After retrieving something from the trunk of his car, he located their waiter and asked him a question.

"When we are done with dinner can you deliver this to our table?" The waiter nodded his head with a smile and continued on with his work. Shawn returned to the table in time to receive the food. Their dinner was delicious. After their dinner dished were removed the waiter brought what Shawn had asked him to.

It was sheet cake with the message "Glad You Made A Speedy Recovery; I Love You. --S" iced in. Jason smiled and thanked Shawn. The cake was pretty, designed with a race car with a checkered flag with the hospital sign in the background. Shawn later said that it was his design, not one he saw in book.

They ate the cake in no time and when it was all done and over with, there wasn't much left to take home. The took the cake and got into Shawn's car and went home. They dropped of Jason's mom and then headed back to Shawn's apartment where the night was yet to be over.

WHEN THEY GOT back to Shawn's apartment, Jason was surprised to see that he had gotten balloons and decorated it for Jason's return.

"Sweetie, you really didn't have to go through all this trouble for me." Jason said as he sat down on the couch.

"Yes I did, I wanted to make your first evening out of the hospital a memorial one." Shawn said sitting beside him on the couch.

"That you did sweetie. Taking me and my mother out to dinner and decorating like this has been great." Jason said. Shawn smiled as he reached for the remote and turned on the TV. They watched TV for the rest of the night and enjoyed each other's company.

Chapter 17

Graduation was here before the two knew it. They were standing in the line waiting for it to start. Jason was in front and Shawn was behind him by a few people. When they walked across the stage they would be walking together.

Shawn couldn't believe that the big day was here. Thirteen years of work and it was all over. And to make things even better he had been accepted to the college he had wanted. Jason wasn't too thrilled about it though.

Jason flashed back to the day Shawn got the letter. They both had just gotten home from school, and they were at Shawn's apartment. Walking in he had checked his mail and noticed the letter immediately.

Ripping it open he read aloud what it said.

"'We are sending you this letter in acceptance of your application to our school. Congratulations and thank you for picking us as the college to further your education.' I can't believe it, they accepted me!" He had exclaimed. Jason had said he was happy for him but knew that now Shawn would be 300 miles away.

The ceremonies were started and the line started moving into the area where music started playing and people started clapping. Jason and Shawn were excited that this day had finally arrive and both had worked very hard, especially when Jason was out of school for his operation. The relationship between Jason and his Dad had gotten stronger since he was released from the hospital. The spent at least two or three days together doing things they hadn't been able to do when Jason was younger. On some occasions Shawn tagged along with them, but he always felt out of place.

After all the graduates were seated the principal started talking and after about an hour and a half, he announced the Senior class graduates and told them that they could move their tassels to the right side of their hats.

When it was all over everyone headed home, Jason and Shawn went over to Jason's mom were a graduation party was thrown for them. They had a good time, both of his parents were there along with some friends. They had a pretty good time there but soon Jason and Shawn were tired after their big day and just wanted to go home.

"WHAT A DAY." Jason said as he walked in the door to Shawn's apartment.

"I know what you mean." Shawn said as they both sat down on the couch.

"I can't believe that we have graduated high school. Now we move on to college and the rest of our lives. What a big change this is." Jason said. Shawn nodded as he stood up and walked into the kitchen. He quickly returned with a small gift box in his hand. Jason looked at him with a strange look on his face when Shawn handed it to him.

"I wanted to get you something for graduation, but I didn't know what to get you so with some help from your parents, this is what I got you. Open it." Shawn said. Jason smiled and opened the package. It was a ring box and when he opened it was a graduation ring.

"Oh, this is so nice of you, thank you sweetie." Jason said. "When did you order it?"

"The week you were out of school there was a representative there taking orders. I ordered mine and yours, knowing that you wouldn't be able to. Your mom actually suggested the idea of me ordering it and giving it to you as your graduation gift." Shawn said.

"That was so thoughtful of you." Jason said. "But if you ordered one, than where is yours?" Jason asked.

"I hid it so you would see it and think that you needed to go out and order one too." Shawn said as he stood up again and walked to his room. He returned again with the same ring box and took out his ring. It was almost the same but it had different names and stones. Jason's was a blue sapphire and Shawn's was a red ruby, their birth stones. Shawn took the ring from Jason's hands and placed it on his right hand. Jason, in turn, did the same to Shawn. After they put on their rings they decided that being that it was late and they had had a big day it was time for bed. The went into Shawn's bedroom and got ready for bed.

THE NEXT MORNING they woke up to the phone ringing. It took Jason a few minutes to realize it was his new cell phone. When he answered it, it was his Mom.

"Jason, the letter from the college you applied to is here." She said.

"Okay, we'll be right over." Jason said as he pressed the end button. "Wake up Shawn, my acceptance letter arrived. We have to get home." Jason said, Shawn barely heard what Jason said but he knew he was literally being dragged out of bed and after changing clothes was dragged out to Jason's car.

FIFTEEN MINUTES LATER the two were at Jason's mom's and reading the letter. Both Jason and Mrs. Andrews were both poised beside Jason eager to hear the news.

"'Dear Mr. Andrews,

We are writing to you to tell you that your application for our school has been denied--'" Jason stopped what he was reading and finished reading it to himself. He was shocked and disappointed as he dropped the letter and ran upstairs to his room.

Mrs. Andrews picked up the letter and finished reading it aloud to Shawn and herself.

"'Due to your low GPA we cannot allow you into our college. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused you.' Oh no, he wanted to get into this college so much. He must be heartbroken." She said.

"I'll talk to him." Shawn said as he stood up and started walking up the stairs. He knocked on the door to Jason's room. There was no answer so he opened the door. Jason was sitting on the bed with his head in his arms. He didn't move when Shawn sat down on the bed beside him.

"Sweetie, I am so sorry that you didn't make it into the college of your dreams, but it isn't the end of the world. There are many colleges around here that you could go to."

"Yes, but none that had the qualifications or that 'Oooh you went to that college' sound that it does. I tried so hard to keep my grades up so I could attend that college." Jason said.

"I know you did, and I think you did well, especially in the last year that I have known you for what you had to go through. You still made B's and C's when your dad shows up out of nowhere, our vacation from hell, and your surgery. Look at what all you had to go through." Shawn said.

"I know. I guess I was just so hung up on this one college that I didn't think about what would happen if I didn't make it." Jason said.

"Have you applied at any other colleges?" Shawn asked, who was surprised when Jason shook his head no.

"I thought I was going to be accepted into this one I didn't think it was necessary to." He defended. Shawn smiled and kissed him on the cheek.

"That's okay, together we are going to find you a college even better than this one." He said.

"Okay, now, let's head home, shower and enjoy our first day and a graduate from high school." Shawn said. Jason smiled and jumped up from his bed. They left, Jason giving his mom a kiss on the cheek to let her know he was all right.

Here is Chapter 16 and 17. I put two chapters in one to make the installment number match the chapter number. I realize that it should have been done long time ago. Anyway, I hope everyone enjoys. Also I wanted to let everyone that I have successfully moved into my own apartment but I don't have a phone line yet to check my e-mail. To send this installment I had to go to a friend's house and use her computer. Chapter 18 is ready and should be sent soon. Have a good day and Happy Valentine's Day!--JRC

Next: Chapter 18

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