Locker Room Romance

By R. Jason Collett

Published on Mar 5, 2002


Chapter 20

After three hours of driving Jason was home and unpacking when his mom knocked on the door.

"Shawn is on the phone." She said as she opened the door and gave him the phone. He waited until she was out before speaking.

"Hey, I was going to call you in a few minutes." He said. "How are you?"

"I am fine, how was your trip home?" Shawn asked.

"It was good, less traffic than Friday."

"Good. I just wanted to call and see if you made it home. I got some studying to do but I wanted to tell you that I miss you." Shawn said.

"I miss you too." Jason said. They talked for a few seconds before hanging up. Jason finished unpacking and checked his e-mail before going to bed.

TOMORROW CAME FAST for Shawn. Returning to classes seemed strange from over the weekend with Jason. During lunch he saw Dave and motioned for him to come over and sit with him.

"Hey, how was your weekend?" He asked.

"Pretty good, how was yours with the boyfriend?" He said with a smile.

"It was good, I enjoyed Jason's company a lot." Shawn said. Dave smiled while they finished their lunch. Shawn had two more classes after lunch and then would be free for the rest of the day. Him and Dave made plans to go catch a movie later and went their separate ways.

JASON DIDN'T ADJUST easily to not being around Shawn either but he managed. School was busy too, most of his teachers assigned major homework and project assignments due towards the end of the week. He knew he was going to be busy enough not to think of Shawn so much. Now that school would be ending in 5 weeks the teachers wanted to make sure they stayed ahead of schedule.

After classes were over Jason headed straight home, changed clothes and then headed straight to work. He hated they days were he didn't have time to do homework until the late hours but things had to be done.

Work of course was hard and stressful but it kept him busy and they were actually busy for once. Normally they don't have much business on Mondays but it was starting to get colder weather and most people don't like to cook everyday.

When he went on break he called Shawn's cell phone around 5pm, and got his voicemail. Thinking that was weird he left him a message and hung up. Thinking that maybe he had some homework to do or that he might be in a dead zone he didn't think much about it anymore. He went back to work after his break and finished his shift. It was around 11pm when he got home. He did some homework and then went to bed, still wondering why he didn't get a call from Shawn.

A few minutes later, his cell phone rang and he reached over and grabbed it off the charger.

"Hello?" He said.

"Hey." Shawn said.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Nothing much, just getting out of the movies. I saw that you had called and I wanted to return your call. How was work?" Shawn asked.

"It was okay, we were kinda busy. How was your day?" Jason asked

"It was pretty good. Went to classes and got bogged down with homework but other than that it was good." Shawn replied. "Then Dave and I went to the movies and I called you."

They talked for a few minutes before hanging up. Jason fell back asleep with a smile on his face.

DAVE AND SHAWN returned back to the dorms and went to their own room. Shawn brushed his teeth, brushed his hair, and changed into his pajamas and crawled into bed. Soon he was asleep and dreaming nicely

ON THE LAST day of classes for Shawn was sad for him. He knew that he would be leaving the dorm and the friends that he had made for three months until he would return for the spring semester next year. He was packing his suitcases and loaded up his car when Dave walked up to him

"Hey." He said.

"Hey." Shawn said. "Whatcha up too?" Shawn said.

"Nothing, getting ready to pack up my stuff to leave. I see you got a head start." He said

"Yeah, I want to get home to Jason."

"Where are you going to be living when you get back home?" Dave asked. He knew that Shawn had given up his apartment when he left for school.

"I am staying with Jason and his mom." Shawn said.

"Won't that be hard?"

"No, his mom likes me a lot so things will be cool." Shawn said.

"That's good." Dave said, they talked for a few more minutes before he headed on his way to pack up his stuff.

After 15 more minutes of packing and loading the car he was ready to hit the road. He walked through the dorm room one more time to make sure that he hadn't left anything behind before hitting the road.

AFTER THREE HOURS of driving Shawn finally pulled up in the Andrew's driveway. Jason was on the porch awaiting his arrival. Jason knew that Shawn would have a lot of stuff to bring back so he had set up his room and cleared away some space for him to put some of his stuff.

When he got out of the car they hugged for a few minutes. They hadn't seen each other in a month since they both were busy with school and their jobs. Jason had gotten his "undercover work" done and out of the way and things went well.

"I missed you." Shawn said.

"I missed you too." Jason said. They released they hug and they took most of Shawn's belonging into the house.

"Hello Shawn, how was your trip?" Mrs. Andrews asked.

"It was okay." Shawn said.

"Okay boys, go unpack so I can finish dinner." She said. They agreed and started heading up the stairs to Jason's room. When they got into his room, they hugged and kissed each other.

"I'm so glad you are home." Jason said.

"It feels good to just be near you." Shawn said. They let go and began unpacking until Mrs. Andrews called from the kitchen that dinner was ready.

They walked down the stairs and into the kitchen where Mrs. Andrews had cooked Jason's favorite dish, Chicken Casserole. They all sat down at the table and began eating.

"So, Shawn, what do you plan on doing while you are home?" She asked.

"I guess I will go back to work. I called Bojangles' and they said I could have my position back for the summer." Shawn said.

"Sounds like a plan." She said. They continued eating with small conversation though out the entire dinner.

Afterwards, Jason and Shawn headed back up to finish unpacking and discussing their plans for the summer. But instead of making plans, Shawn had other things on his mind. He took Jason and started kissing him and laid him on the bed. He started removing his clothes slowly as Jason started to do the same.

Jason removed Shawn's pants and started massaging him while he moaned in pleasure. Removing his underwear he took him into his mouth. Shawn started trembling at the sensation while Jason did his "work."

They removed all their clothes and switched positions and Shawn went to work on Jason He moaned lightly and wiggled under Shawn until he came. They lay on the bed afterwards and stayed there for relaxing. After a few moments of silence they started to discuss their summer plans. They really didn't have anything in particular to plan except for maybe go to an amusement park before the weather turned hotter than it was now.

Since the night was still young, they about maybe going to rent a movie when Shawn's cell phone rang. It was his friend Stephen, who he hadn't talked to in awhile.

"Hey." Shawn said into the phone.

"Hey how's it going?"

"Pretty good, what's up?"

"I was just calling to see how you were doing. I haven't talked to you in awhile and was wondering when you were coming home from college." Stephen said.

"I am home now." Shawn said.

"Cool, do you want to get together and hang out?" Stephen asked.

"Sure, I am over at Jason's, is it okay if he comes along too?"

"Sure, he is always welcome, see y'all in a little bit?" Stephen asked.

"Sure, we'll be there." Shawn said. He hung up the phone and looked at Jason's inquiring face.

"Where are we going?" Jason asked.

"Stephen wanted to know if we wanted to come over to his house and hang out, is that okay with you?" Shawn asked.

"Yeah." Jason said.

"Okay, let's get ready." Shawn said. Jason nodded as they got dressed and headed down the stairs to tell Mrs. Andrews that they were going out. She told the boys to have fun and they were on their way.

TWENTY MINUTES LATER the two had arrived at Stephen's house. He lived with his dad and he never minded when Stephen had company. His dad told Shawn and Jason that he was in his room and they walked up to it.

Inside Stephen was setting up the VCR with a movie and already prepared popcorn for them to munch on. Shawn and Jason took their places on the floor and after a few minutes the movie started playing.

After awhile, Shawn and Jason had fallen asleep. Stephen was still awake but when he noticed the two asleep he turned off the VCR and TV and fell asleep himself.

THE NEXT MORNING the three woke up and made breakfast before Jason and Shawn had to leave. Shawn had to be at work to fill out some re-hire paperwork. At 11 o'clock Jason and Shawn left and headed back to the house so Shawn could shower and get dressed.

His appointment was at 12:30 so he had to rush to the store after leaving the house. Since Mrs. Andrews was gone at work Jason had the house to himself. He climbed back in to bed and pulled the covers back over his head and fell back asleep.

An hour later he was awoken by someone crawling in bed beside him. When he rolled over he saw Shawn lying beside him.

"Hey, how did it go?" Jason asked as he raised up on an elbow.

"It went pretty well. I got hired back on for the same pay rate I was getting before I left and the same hours too." Shawn said.

"Cool deal." Jason said. "So when do you start?" Jason asked.

"Tomorrow." Shawn replied

"That means that you and I will be working together." Jason said.

"Cool." Shawn said as he smiled and Jason smiled back. "So what do you want to do today?"

"Lay here with you all day." Jason said.

"No, we can't lay here all day, we need to do something." Shawn said.

"Okay, okay, if you say so." Jason said as he climbed out of bed. He walked to the bathroom where he started the shower and got in. After a few minutes or so he turned the water off and dried off. Shawn had already picked him out some clothes to wear for the day. Jason smiled as he saw them sitting on the bed as he emerged from the bathroom.

"So what do you want to do?" Shaw asked again.

"I dunno, what is there to do?" Jason asked.

"Well, we could drive to the mall and browse around. Or we could go catch a movie, whatever you want to do." Shawn said. Jason smiled as he thought about their options and continued to get dressed.

"I wouldn't mind going to the movies." Jason said. Shawn agreed as he got on the phone to the Movie Theater to find out what movies they had. He read of the movies to Jason as he finished getting dressed. They decided on a movie and walked out of the door to Jason's car and were off the movies.

AFTER A MONTH and a half, their summer vacation was coming to an end. Shawn and Jason had been working and spending time together and then one day Shawn came up with a great way to end their summer vacation.

"Why don't we go camping?" He suggested one night when they were eating. Mrs. Andrews had to work late that night so it was just them.

"That sounds like a wonderful idea." Jason said as he took a bite of his hamburger.

"I know of a place were we could camp out and I have some camping equipment in storage that we could use. I think it would be fun. And there are some caves there that we could explore." Shawn said.

"Sounds good. When are we going to do this? We have a week before school starts." Jason said.

Well, how about this weekend. We can switch with some people so we can be off and then return to school on Monday. How does that sound?" Shawn asked. Jason thought for a minute before nodding in agreement.

"Do you want to invite some people or just the two of us?" Jason asked.

"What do you want to do?" Shawn said as he stood up and took his dish to the sink.

"Well, it sounds very romantic if it was just the two of us but then it is also unsafe for the two of us to go by ourselves. What should we do?" Jason said.

"I think we would be fine on our own. I don't want someone there that could ruin the moment if you know what I mean." Shawn said with a smile. Jason laughed and put his dish in the sink as well.

"I'll do the dishes since you cooked." He said. Shawn started to protest but let it go.

"I guess I'll go and get things planned out on paper. We'll need to but some supplies. And we can take our cell phones in case something does happen, although I don't know how well the will pick up in the woods." Shawn said as he went upstairs to Jason's room to log onto the computer and make their reservations. Jason stayed downstairs and cleaned the kitchen. A few minutes later his mom walked in the door.

"Hey mom." Jason said as he walked up to her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "How was your day?" He asked.

"It was long." She said as she walked into the living room to sit her stuff down. She returned to the kitchen to pour herself a Coke. "I am really getting tired of having to work long days like this." She said.

"So why are you?" Jason asked.

"Because everyone keeps calling in sick and then I have no choice because things will not get done if I leave." She answered as she sat at the dining room table. "Where's Shawn?"

"He's upstairs making our reservations for this weekend." Jason said, sitting beside her.

"Where are you guys going?" She asked.

"Shawn wanted to go camping and cave exploring before we returned to school. Kind of our last adventure together before he goes back." Jason said.

"Well, that sounds nice, just be careful when you go. I see you guys have already eaten." She said looking at the clean dishes sitting in the drainer.

"Yeah, Shawn cooked hamburgers and fries and I told him I would do the dishes. We got one left if you want it. Shawn cooked and extra for you."

"Sure." She said as she stood up to get herself.

"You sit, I will get it for you." Jason said as she sat down and he retrieved the plate out of the fridge and warmed it up in the microwave. He pulled out another plate with a few slices of tomatoes and some lettuce for the toppings and put them on the table. In a few seconds the hamburger and fries were warmed and Mrs. Andrews was eating. Jason said he was going upstairs to see how Shawn was doing and left his mother eating at the table.

"Hey sexy." He said as he walked in the door. Shawn was still sitting at the computer trying to make the reservations. He looked aggravated because there was s technical problem with the website that he couldn't fix.

"Hey." He said as Jason sat beside him. "The website won't let me in." He said, answering Jason's unasked question.

"Is it the computer or the website? Sometimes rebooting my computer will help solve the problem. My computer is five years old you know." Jason said. Shawn nodded and rebooted the system. In a few moments, the computer was up and running again and Shawn was back at the website.

After five minutes Shawn had successfully made the reservations for Friday through Sunday. He turned to Jason, put his arms around him and said.

"Babe, you and I are going camping this weekend." Jason smiled and returned the hug.

There you have it, it is been a very long time coming for another installment but I was burnt out in writing plus I have been adjusting to a new job and going back to school so my time has been very limited. But I have ideas for the next installments so stick around for there is more to come. Any comments etc., send to

Next: Chapter 21

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