Locker Room Romance

By R. Jason Collett

Published on Apr 29, 2004


Warning: The following story has homosexual content. If you are offended or made uncomfortable by material concerning sexual relations between consenting adult men, then don't read. If it is in any way illegal for you to be reading this, then be very careful not to get caught. Otherwise please continue reading and send ANY comments to Also I have AOL Instant Messenger and can be reached by that method. My screenname is KVBOY1982 Enjoy!

Locker Room Romance


Chapter 24

"Hey Jason, you got a letter from your dad." Shawn said. Jason was in the shower.

"Open it and read it for me please." Jason said.

"Are you sure?" Shawn said, uneasy about opening it.


"Okay, hold on." Shawn said as he opened the letter to read it. After reading the first line to himself he said, "Hon, you might want to read this yourself instead of having me read it." Jason's heart dropped when he heard Shawn's words. He quickly finished his shower, dried off and wrapped the towel around his waist as Shawn handed him the letter.

"Hey son,

I am writing you this letter because I lost your number but managed to find your new address. I hope you are doing well with settling in with Shawn. I wanted you to know that my kidney function has started to decrease, which is a sign that this kidney is failing. I may have to go back on dialysis. I wanted to thank you for giving me your kidney but I guess it isn't going to work as I wished it had. I really hope things are going well for you and I will keep you informed of things as they progress. Here is my number if you need it, I love you and take care of you and Shawn, he is a good man and I hope you realize that. 336-463-6254

All my love,


Jason read the letter twice before he explained to Shawn what was going on.

"Oh God, so what does that mean?" Shawn asked

"That he might have to go back on hemodialysis to clean his blood like he did before he received my kidney." Jason said.

"Oh. That doesn't sound good. Is that all he said?"

"No, he said that he hopes I was settling well with you and that he loves me, and that he thinks highly of you." Jason said.

Shawn didn't know what to say as Jason put the letter down on the counter and began running water in the sink. Pulling up on the metal bar to stop the drain he picked up the can of shaving cream and shook it a couple of times. Running his hands in the water, he splashed some on his face and then put some cream on his hands and then his face.

"Are you okay?" Shawn asked.

"Yeah, just a little worried." Jason said as he picked the razor up and started shaving the left side of his face.

"I'm sorry that this happened." Shawn said as he jumped up on the counter.

"Thanks." Jason said as he continued shaving. After he finished shaving and left the bathroom to get dressed, Shawn jumped in the shower to get ready.

By the time Shawn was out of the shower Jason had already gotten dressed and was downstairs talking to Jeremy. Christina was on her way.

He told him about his dad's letter and explained to him what it meant. After fifteen minutes of talking about that and which movies they were going to rent, Shawn walked into the room at the same time there was a knock on the door. Jason told Jeremy to answer the door as him and Shawn followed hand in hand.

"Hey." Jeremy said as he led Christina in. "I want you to meet Jason, my best friend of about three years and his fiancé, Shawn."

"Nice to meet you." She said.

"Likewise." Shawn said as he shook her hand.

"Pleasure to meet you." Jason said as he followed Shawn's lead.

"We were just getting ready to go rent some movies, ready to go?" Jeremy asked. She nodded her head. He looked at Jason and Shawn and they nodded their heads as well and they headed for Jeremy's blue Jeep Wrangler, handing Jason the keys so he could drive. "You can drive a straight drive right?" He asked.

"Yeah, about the only 'straight' thing I can do." They laughed as they climbed in the Jeep. Jason put the clutch in, started the engine and put the car in reverse and headed to the video store.

"ME AND YOUR clutch are not going to get along well." Jason said as he struggled with take offs. "There is no play in it at all."

"What do you expect for a brand new car?" Jeremy asked from the back where he and Christina had taken leaving the front for Jason and Shawn.

"I wouldn't expect it to be so picky." He replied.

"Just shut up and drive." Jeremy said. Jason shot him the bird and turned the radio up. They were on their way back to the apartment after browsing around Blockbuster for 30 minutes. They decided on three movies, "The Cable Guy" (Jeremy's pick) "Fried Green Tomatoes" (Shawn's pick) and "Moulin Rouge" (Jason's pick). Christina didn't mind what they rented, but she agreed with Jason when he picked "Moulin Rouge".

Jason stopped at the grocery store for a minute where he and Shawn went in to pick up a few things leaving the new love birds to themselves for a minute.

Inside the store Jason put in the cart some popcorn, several two-liter drinks, some chips, some chicken strips to cook for dinner and some other stuff that he needed. He paid for the stuff using his check card and out the door they went.

After loading the grocery's in the very small cargo area in the back, Jason got in the driver's side and pulled out of the parking spot, getting a little better with the clutch.

Once they got home, they took the stuff in and Jason told them to go ahead and get comfy on the couches and he would be in there in a few minutes. Jeremy and Christina took the loveseat and Shawn took the couch after he put in his movie. He let the advertisements play as he waited for Jason to come in and sit with him.

In a few minutes Jason entered the living room with a tray containing two bowels of popcorn and four glasses of ice. He sat the tray down on the coffee table and went back to the kitchen to get the drinks that he had bought and after pouring him and Shawn a cup (he didn't have to ask Shawn what he wanted since he knew by now) he laid on the couch with Shawn.

The movie came on after the last ad and they watched it in silence, eating the popcorn and sipping on their drinks.

"I LOVE THAT movie." Shawn said as he wiped the tears from his eyes. "I always cry when I watch it." He said.

"It was good." Christina said. She had made herself very comfortable as she laid with Jeremy on the loveseat. Jason got up from his spot on the couch and switched the tapes in the VCR and put in "Moulin Rouge" and returned to his seat. He fast forwarded past the ad's and smiled when the movie started.

They watched the movie, Jason trying to sing and dance on the couch until Shawn kicked him off.

"I can't help that I love this movie and that I know all the words." Jason said as he climbed back on the couch beside Shawn and continued to watch the movie, getting laughter from Jeremy and Christina.

When the movie was over it was Jeremy's turn to get up and put his movie in and took his seat beside Christina on the loveseat. Jason threw him the remote so he could fast forward through the ad's and adjust the volume how he liked it.

They watched for about in hour until Jason decided that he would go and start the grill so he could start cooking. He walked out to the patio and did what was needed to get the grill started. He returned to the couch with Shawn after he made sure that the fire would stay burning.

About thirty minutes later Jason went to the patio and checked on the grill. When he saw that it was ready he went into the kitchen to prepare the chicken to be grilled. After he was done he put them on the grill and returned to the kitchen to prepare the rest of the dinner.

About the time that the movie was over dinner was ready and sitting at the table.

"Dinner is ready, come and get it." Jason said as the group of friends came and ate with him. They whistled as they saw the food that Jason had put on the table. They didn't expect that much food.

"Wow Jason, I didn't know you were cooking all this food." Jeremy said as he took his seat at the table.

"You should know that when I cook, baby I cook." Jason said as he poured everyone something to drink.

"He has always been a good cook, ever since I met him." Shawn said. He waited until Jason sat down at the table before he started to eat.

"What are you waiting for, start eating!" Jason said. And that is exactly what they started doing. Jason could tell that they were enjoying the dinner because there was no talking at all, they concentrated on eating the food. Shawn especially like the mashed potatoes that Jason had fixed. He had put a little bit of garlic and other seasoning into the mix and had bought country gravy to put on top. Shawn had already eaten three servings.

"Jason, this is very good." Christina said.

"Thank you." He replied. They continued to eat their dinner until they were all full. Jason had even prepared a desert, key lime pie, and after they had all eaten a piece they were full. They moved from the kitchen to the living room for awhile to talk and discuss things before Jeremy and Christina announced that they were going to the guest room to be alone.

When they left Jason and Shawn headed to they kitchen to start cleaning up.

"What do you think about Jeremy and Christina?" Jason asked as he gathered all the dishes to the sink.

"I think that she is nice and that things between them could definitely blossom here soon. Who says you can't find true love at the clubs?" Shawn said.

"I know, and nobody ever said you couldn't find true love in a high school locker room either." Jason said, pausing from the dishes to kiss Shawn.

"I love you." Shawn said as he returned the kiss. They resumed to their task of washing the dishes, Jason washing and Shawn rinsing and drying them off. Within twenty minutes or so they were completed and decided since it was late that they would head off to bed as well.

After making sure things were shut down and turned off in the kitchen and the living room, they headed to their bedroom. They were talking about school stuff when they could hear muffled moans coming from the guess bedroom and the bed creaking some as obviously Jeremy and Christina were having sex.

"We're gonna have to change the sheets in the morning." Shawn said with a smile.

"Let's make that two sheet changes for in the morning." Jason said as he and Shawn started their own lovemaking.

AROUND TEN THE next morning Shawn and Jeremy were both awake and sitting in the kitchen drinking some coffee and talking about things. This was Jeremy's day to return home. In two hours he was to have lunch with Christina and then soon on his way down the road.

Jason came walking into the kitchen about thirty minutes later, went to the fridge and grabbed him something to drink and joined the Jeremy and Shawn.

"What's going on?" Jason said as he sipped his Mt. Dew.

"Nothing much, just talking about the plans for today." Jeremy said.

"And they are?"

"Well, I am going to have lunch with Christina before I leave town." Jeremy said.

"And I thought that maybe we could go catch a movie while they were eating." Shawn said.

"Sounds good." Jason said as Christina walked into the kitchen. She smiled as he sat down on Jeremy's lap as all the chairs were taken

"Morning." She said, taking a sip of Jeremy's coffee.

"Good morning, sleep well?" Jason asked.

"Yep, you?"

"Very well." Jason said. They talked for a few more minutes before Jeremy and Christina headed up to take a shower and head out for lunch. When they were out and in the guest bedroom, Jason and Shawn did the same.

They quartet left the apartment at the same time and headed in separate directions. Jeremy and Christina in his Jeep and Jason and Shawn headed out in Shawn's car.

IN THREE HOURS they met back at the apartment. Jeremy started to pack some belongings from the guest room with Christina helping him. Jason knew this was a sad day for Jeremy because he had to leave her and return to work. Jason could tell that he had really enjoyed himself and he was glad that he had.

He and Shawn were sitting in the living room watching TV while Jeremy was packing. Jason was sad to see him leave but knew that it was inevitable. Soon after, Jeremy was ready and had loaded up the Jeep before saying his good byes.

"Thank you for everything." He was saying to Jason as they stood outside.

"No, problem." Jason said as they hugged. "I am so glad that you were able to come and visit."

"Me too." Jeremy said. Looking at Shawn he said, "Thanks for the hospitality and everything else you offered to me and Christina." Shawn nodded and took him in for a hug. After the embrace Jeremy turned to Christina and told her that he would miss her and made sure she had his number so she could call him and they could talk.

He climbed into his Jeep and inserted the key. "Bye everybody." He said, started the engine and backed out of the parking space and was on his way home. Christina got into her car and left behind him. Jason and Shawn stayed outside and watched them until there was nothing left to watch.

Returning into the apartment, they resumed their previous position on the couch. Jason and Shawn had to return to work, both were off from school. It was a little sad that it was time for their vacation to end since they had enjoyed it so much.

When it was time for bed, they both climbed into bed and went to sleep. The next day was going to hard for them to return to work

Next: Chapter 25

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