Locker Room Romance

By R. Jason Collett

Published on Jul 30, 2004


Warning: The following story has homosexual content. If you are offended or made uncomfortable by material concerning sexual relations between consenting adult men, then don't read. If it is in any way illegal for you to be reading this, then be very careful not to get caught. Otherwise please continue reading and send ANY comments to Also I have AOL Instant Messenger and can be reached by that method. My screenname is KVBOY1982 Enjoy!

Locker Room Romance


Chapter 25

Several months passed since Jeremy had visited. Life had been good to Jason and Shawn. Jason was doing much better in school, Shawn was helping him with any classes that he was having trouble in. Work was going well for the two, both still had the same jobs. Shawn would be graduating soon so their holy union was the topic of discussion lately.

They started looking through magazines to decision what kind of ceremony they wanted. They sat down one night and listed who they wanted to do what in there ceremony.

"I want Jeremy to be my best man." Jason said, he was sitting on the couch beside Shawn.

"That would be cool, I am sure that Jeremy would be honored to do so." Shawn said.

"I agree. Who do you want to be your best man?" Jason asked.

"My friend Dave from school. What date are we going to look at?"

"Well, you graduate next year, I am a year after you so we could look at some time in June. I think I could handle having one year left and being married." Jason said, smiling at Shawn.

"Sounds cool to me." Shawn said. After discussing who was going to do what they decided that they would finalize things later, when their date got closer. Jason announced that he had some homework to do and went into the bedroom to work on the computer and finish some homework. Shawn decided to do a little house cleaning while Jason was working on homework.

While they were in separate rooms doing their own things, thunder and lightening was seen and heard outside. It was the summer and time for storms to arrive unannounced.

Within minutes the storm was on top of their apartment building. Jason, fearing that the power might go out, saved his work on the computer and shut it down. As soon as the computer had powered down, the lights flickered and then died.

"Shawn!?" Jason yelled throughout the apartment. He was scared of thunderstorms and hated being in the dark. When Shawn answered, there was a loud clap of thunder and Jason thought Shawn didn't respond. Panicking, he got up to find Shawn and ran smack into the door frame of the bedroom. The force of the impact knocked him down on the floor. Stunned, he yelled Shawn's name again and this time he answered.

"I'm coming!" He said. Within a minute or two Shawn entered the room and stumbled over Jason. "What the hell are you doing in the floor?" He asked as he sat up and helped Jason up.

"I got up and ran into the door frame." He said. Shawn asked him if he was OK and said and that he might have a bump where he hit. Shawn took him in his arms and guided him up to a standing position.

"Let's make it to the kitchen and light some candles. There is no telling how long the power might be out." Shawn said as he and Jason felt their way to the kitchen were the emergency supplies were kept.

They made it in one piece and Shawn reached down and picked up the tool box that kept the flashlights and candles. After getting them lit, he and Jason made their way to the couch along with the portable radio to see what the deal with the weather was.

Jason picked up the phone on the kitchen wall to call his mother but the line was dead. "The phone is out." He said.

"Where is your cell phone?"


"You need it?"

"Nah, I will wait till we get power." Jason said as he joined Shawn on the couch.

"With strong winds reported to up to 35 mile per hour and heavy rain, we advise that you stay indoors and out of the rain. Any new information that comes in we will let you know. Thanks to listening too--." Shawn cut the radio off.

"I hope it doesn't last very long." Jason said as he snuggled closer to Shawn.

"Me too." They sat there for a little while, waiting on the power to come back on, but it didn't. They went to bed, thankful that neither one had to be up early since the alarm clock would not work without power.

Raising the window up some in the bedroom to get some fresh air, they drifted off to sleep.

JASON WOKE THE next morning to the daylight. He looked over the alarm clock and it was still black. The power had yet to be restored to the apartment. Slipping out of the bed to avoid waking Shawn, he picked up his watch and looked at the time. It was only 9:30 and decided that he would go and get breakfast since they couldn't cook.

Putting on the clothes he had on yesterday, he grabbed his keys from the dresser and walked to his car.

SHAWN WAS TOSSING and turning. He hadn't realized that Jason had already gotten out of bed and was gone. In his mind things were going a mile a minute.

"Suck it boy." A voice said. Shawn was on his knees with a man's member in his mouth and someone else fucking him from behind. The man in front of grunted a few times before exploded in his mouth. The guy from behind grunted a few times as well before Shawn could feel something sticky and warm filling his butt hole. Before Shawn could protest anymore another penis was slammed in his mouth and again he was forced to suck on it. This guy kept face fucking him until he came in his mouth. When they three men were done they threw Shawn out of the van and sped off, leaving him naked and crying on the corner.

Shawn woke up screaming. He looked over beside him to find an empty bed. He glanced at the alarm clock but there was no numbers on the display. Cursing, he got out of bed and walked down the hallway to the bathroom.

Relieving himself he walked down to the kitchen as Jason was pulling up in his car. When he walked in, Shawn was glad to see him by rushing up and taking him in a hug.

"Shawn, what is the matter?" Jason asked, confused at Shawn's need for attention.

"I had a terrible nightmare and just needed a hug, that's all." Shawn replied.

"I am sorry. I brought us some breakfast." Jason said.

"Thanks, you are too sweet." Shawn said as he took a bag from Jason's hands and put it on the table. They both sat down and started eating their breakfast. It was getting close to noon and the weather was getting warmer. Jason had raised all the windows and it wasn't helping very much.

"I guess we should shower together so we don't waste what little hot water we have." Jason said. Shawn nodded his agreement as he bit into his biscuit. They both had to be at work in a few hours.

After finishing their breakfast, they both into the shower and got dressed headed off in their own vehicles.

JASON'S DAY AT work was slow. He was leaning on the counter in the corner nibbling when the manager came up to him to talk.

"Have you ever thought about going into management?" She asked.

"Not really." Jason replied.

"Well, we are looking for someone to become a Shift Leader and we think you would make the best candidate."


"Yeah, and we can do all the training here and you would still stay as a hourly employee, but you would have most of the same responsibility as a regular manager." She said.

"Cool, I would have to think about it and see if it will interfere with my school schedule. And I would have to discuss it over with Shawn and see what he says." Jason replied.

"OK, just let me know what you decide soon." Smiling, she walked back into the office. Jason thought about the idea of become a manager and couldn't wait to tell Shawn about it.

SHAWN'S DAY WAS pure hell. They were severely short handed and too busy for three waiters to handle. Shawn was busing twelve tables compared to his five and he was working his ass off. All of his tables were full and he was doing his best to keep everything going.

Glancing at his watch he still had five hours before his shift ended and he was hoping that he would be getting a break soon. The manager had already made a few calls but no one was available to come in. He was in the kitchen helping the kitchen crew cook the food a littler faster so they waiters wouldn't get cursed out by customers.

With in two hours they finally slowed down long enough for the waiters to grab a quick bite to eat. Shawn took the time to count his tips, which were quite nice compared to his normal amount. Obviously he was doing better than he thought he was.

Shawn's break got cut short when some customers sat down in a table in his section. Sliding his food over some, he made his way to the customers.

"Hi, my name is Shawn and I will be you server, what can I get you guys to drink?" He asked. They place their orders and he went to make their drinks. He prayed that they would be the only customers for a few more minutes so he could finish his dinner.

They were ready to order when he returned their drinks and he placed their order with the people in the kitchen. He made his way back to his food and began eating some more. Every few minutes he went back to make sure that their drinks didn't go empty.

Shawn got his wish, they were his only customers until he finished eating. Suddenly, it was as if someone had opened the flood gates again and people started coming to eat. Soon most of Shawn's tables were full as long as the other waiters. Shawn couldn't wait until this day was over.

JASON TOOK HIS break and went to the dining room to sit down. They had been really busy and he hadn't had time to sit and think about anything, much less what the manager had asked him earlier.

Thinking of Shawn, he reached into his pocket and pulled out his cell phone. He punched in the speed dial number for Shawn's phone and pushed Talk. It rang a few times before his voicemail picked up. He left a short message and hung up.

He took a bite of the sandwich he had made and thought about the job offer. The pay increase would be nice but he was unsure of how it would interfere with his school schedule.

His thirty minutes was over before he realized it and he had to return to work just as a bus load of softball players pulled into the parking lot. Sighing, he returned to work and prepare for the rush they were about to get.

"WHAT A NIGHT." Shawn said as he and the other waiters sat and counted their tips. The others agreed. They had closed and were taking a few minutes to see how they had done. All of the waiters had made more that night then they ever had in one night. They knew that to be shorthanded they had done a wonderful job for the customers to have tipped them so well.

When Shawn was done counting, he got up from the table and went to finish closing his section so he could go home. He was purely exhausted. The other waiters followed Shawn's lead and cleaned their sections.

When they were done they went into the back and helped them some so they could leave sooner too. Within thirty minutes they were all leaving together. Shawn couldn't wait to get home and take a hot relaxing bath. Maybe he could talk Jason into taking one with him. Smiling at the thought, he started the engine to the Camaro and pulled out of the parking lot.

"I'M HOME!" Shawn said when he entered the door. Jason rushed to the door to greet him.

"Hey sweetie." Jason said. "How was your day?"

"Horrible. I had to wait on twelve tables today instead of five. I am exhausted." Shawn replied.

"Damn baby. Want me to massage your shoulders?" Jason offered. Shawn nodded his head as he was lead into the living room and commanded to lay on the couch. Jason climbed over him and started to massage Shawn's tense shoulders. Jason could feel the tension ease of his boyfriend's shoulders as he massaged.

Shawn suggested that they take a hot bath together and Jason agreed, getting up so Shawn could join him in the bathroom. Jason started the water and added the bubble bath as Shawn lit some candles and turned off the lights. The mood was set very nicely as Jason turned around and started removing Shawn's work clothes. He gently kissed his chest as he removed his shirt and threw it to the floor. Shawn took his lead and returned the favor to Jason.

They both got into the tub and begin to soap each other and relax in the hot water, Shawn leaning against the tub with Jason leaning against him. There they relaxed for a half our before getting out of the tub.

Next: Chapter 26

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