Locker Room Romance

By R. Jason Collett

Published on Mar 19, 2006


Warning: The following story has homosexual content. If you are offended or made uncomfortable by material concerning sexual relations between consenting adult men, then don't read. If it is in any way illegal for you to be reading this, then be very careful not to get caught. Otherwise please continue reading and send ANY comments to Also I have AOL Instant Messenger and can be reached by that method. My screenname is KVBOY1982 Enjoy!

Locker Room Romance


Chapter 26

The summer months had passed and it was time to return to school for the fall semester. Jason and Shawn enjoyed their summer off. They had traveled some but most importantly had made a visit to see Jason's father. He had returned to dialysis after the kidney failed completely. He had adjusted well to returning to the routine. Jason and Shawn had even visited him at the dialysis center one day during his treatment and were amazed at what they had seen.

There were nurses who were taking care of twelve patients, including Jason's father, laying in chairs while they received their treatment. At the unit that they were at, there were four bays with at least twelve stations with patients.

They stayed with his father for about two weeks before they headed back. They had enjoyed the visit and Jason got to know his father a little better. Mrs. Andrews was happy about that.

It was the day before school was to start when Mrs. Andrews called. Jason and Shawn were sitting on the couch, watching TV when the phone rang. He got up and walked to the end table to pick up the cordless.

"Hey Mom." He said after looking at the caller ID.

"Son, I have some bad news to tell you." She paused, waiting for Jason to say something. When he didn't she continued. "Your father passed away today from a massive heart attack during dialysis." She waited for Jason to say something but he couldn't speak.

He looked at Shawn before he slumped to the ground. Shawn got up immediately to make sure he was okay.

"Jason, are you okay? Speak to me." Jason took a minute before he spoke.

"Oh God. My God. He is gone." He stammered. He looked at the phone and realized that his mother was still on the line. Picking it up, he talked to his mother and found out the information. Shawn held Jason's head in his lap while he talked to his mother.

After thirty minutes, Jason hung the phone up and looked up at Shawn.

"My father is dead. I can't believe that my father is dead." He said, getting up and walking into the kitchen. Shawn followed, hoping to be able to give some comfort for his pain.

Jason opened the fridge and poured a glass of Coke. His actions almost seemed to be robotic. "He was doing so well a couple of weeks ago. What happened, what made things change?" Shawn knew that he was thinking out loud, and that he really didn't expect an answer from him.

"I am so sorry, I wished I knew." Shawn said, moving in closer to Jason to give him a hug. He returned the hug and fell into Shawn and started sobbing. Picking him up, he took him into the bedroom and laid him on the bed and climbed in with him. Jason wrapped his arms and legs around Shawn's and continued to sob until he was fast asleep.

After he feel asleep, Shawn got out of bed and made a few phone calls since it was early still. He called both of their jobs, the colleges, and a few friends to let them know what had happened.

When he was finished, he changed into his nightclothes and climbed back into bed with Jason. He gently kissed him on the forehead and gently said, "Goodnight sweetheart, things will get better and I will help you though this. We will get though this." With that he turned the light off and was soon asleep.

SHAWN WOKE TO an empty bed the next morning. Worried, he got out of bed and went looking for Jason. He found him sitting at the kitchen table staring at the wall drinking a cup of coffee.

"Hey, I thought you didn't like coffee?" Shawn said. Jason jumped as he walked in and startled him.

"I didn't, but I wanted something to wake me up. I didn't sleep well last night." Jason said.

"I know." Shawn said. There was an uncomfortable moment of silence, neither one not knowing what to say. Shawn was the first to break it. "I made some phone calls after you went to sleep. We both got a week off of work and I have yet to hear from the schools. Dave sends his regards and Jeremy says he will meet you at your mother's when you get into town."

"Thank you." Jason said.

"You are very welcome. So now, here comes the kicker, when are we leaving?"

"I don't know. I guess today. The funeral is in two days." Jason replied. He wasn't looking forward to this trip home.

"OK. I will go and make the arrangements, you stay here and relax, I don't want you to do anything you don't have to." Shawn said, walking into the bedroom before Jason could respond.

Shawn jumped in the shower and cleaned himself up. When he was done, he got the suitcases out and began packing his and Jason's clothes and necessities for the trip. Little did he know that Jason was standing at the doorway watching his every move. The way he was packing the clothes so neatly in the case and was taking care of things. Jason realized just how lucky he was to have someone like Shawn to take care of him.

Sneaking up behind him, he reached his arms around Shawn's waist and spoke.

"More every day I see why I love you so much. Thank you so much for taking care of me, and my problems as they arise." Shawn turned around and looked him in the eye.

"You are so welcome. Your problems are my problems. Besides, I love to take care of you." He said as he kissed him on the forehead. "Now, get your sweet butt into that shower and get dressed."

"Yes sir." Jason said as he headed toward the bathroom. Shawn resumed his packing as Jason turned and watched him for a moment. Shawn saw that he was watching.

"Now." He said with a smile. Jason smiled back and in a few minutes, Shawn heard the water running.

FIVE HOURS LATER they were on the road to Jason's mother's house. Shawn had made Jason lean the seat back in the car so he could get some rest before they arrived. Shawn focused on the road and in a few hours they pulled up in the driveway where Mrs. Andrews came outside to greet them.

They both hugged and walked in the house. Mrs. Andrews made them a drink and invited them to sit on the couch. They sat as she brought the drinks from the kitchen and handed them theirs. Before they could start a conversation, Jason's cell phone rang. He reached in his pocket and answered it.

"Hello? Hey Jeremy. Nothing much. I am at my mom's. Okay, see you then. Bye." He pushed the end button and set the phone aside.

"How are you doing?" She asked.

"I am okay I guess. I wouldn't be though if it weren't for Shawn here. He has taken care of everything, he packed our clothes, made all the important phone calls and drove us here. I don't know what I would have done without him." Jason said as he took Shawn's hand into his own.

"I am glad that he was there to help you." She said, taking a sip of her coffee.

"Just doing my duty." Shawn said.

"He is so modest about it." Jason said. Mrs. Andrews laughed as there was a knock at the door. She got up to answer it and Jeremy walked in a few moments later.

"Hey Mrs. A." Jeremy said.


"Hey, how are you doing?" He asked as he scooped Jason into a hug.

"I am fine. How are you?" Jason asked, breaking the hug.

"Pretty good. Hey Shawn." He said, hugging him as well.

"Hey." He replied. They all sat back down, but Mrs. Andrews asked Jeremy if he wanted anything and he said no. She sat and looked at Jason.

"Are you ready to talk about the arrangements?" She asked. Jason paused before he nodded his head. She began going over what would be happening in the next few days. The viewing was tomorrow night and then the funeral the next day. Jason took a hold of Shawn's hand and never let it go until she was done.

"Now, I know you and Shawn want to unpack and get settled, so go and get that done and then we will go out to eat. Jeremy, you are welcome to join us if you'd like."

"Thanks." He said as he, Jason and Shawn went to the car and unloaded everything and went to Jason's old room and began unpacking. The three discussed about their summer and caught up on some things until it was time to go and eat. Mrs. Andrews had selected one of Jason's favorites restaurants and they loaded into Mrs. Andrews' new Chevrolet Monte Carlo and were soon on their way.

DINNER WENT WELL and the trio were on their way back home. When they arrived, Jeremy hugged Shawn and Jason and left. Mrs. Andrews headed towards her bedroom as Jason and Shawn headed to Jason's old room. They proceeded to get ready for bed and when they laid down, all Jason could think about was they loss of his father. Shawn sensed that something was on his mind and tried to help him relax and think about something else but it was no use.

"I can't believe that the next time I see my father it is going to be in a casket. Everything was okay, besides the fact that he was probably going to end up back on dialysis but he was still so healthy. Why?" Jason said as he let go of the brave front he had been keeping. Shawn took him in his arms and comforted until he fell asleep. Shawn was soon after him.

THE NEXT EVENING came faster than expected for Jason. He was not prepared for the meeting of family and friends of the family here to pay their respects. Jason and Shawn were dressed in both black suits and standing where they were told to stand. Jason's dad looked so handsome in the casket, dressed in a blue suit and looked very peaceful.

At seven, the people started flooding in. Shawn stood right behind Jason to give him all the support he would need. He was surprised that when people go to Jason that he introduce Shawn to everyone as his partner. Even more to his surprise was that no one seemed shocked or thrown off at all. They shook Shawn's hand and went on their way.

Jason suddenly reached for Shawn's hand when a young brown-hair woman made her way through the line. Mrs. Andrews saw Jason tense and knew the reason. The woman was the one who caused Logan to leave fifteen years ago. Jason couldn't believe that she would have the nerve to show up here after all the heartache she caused the family.

Because of the way the line was set up, she approached Mrs. Andrews first. She shook her hand and gave her condolences. Mrs. Andrews nodded and let go of all the anger she had for the woman over the years.

Jason was different however. When she reached Jason, it seemed like everything around them slowly froze to a halt.

"Hi." She said.

"Hi." Jason replied,

"I am so sorry to hear about your loss. This must be Shawn." She said.

"Yes, this is Shawn, my partner."

"Your father told me a lot about him after they met. He was so happy that you had found the right man for you. I want to apologize for any pain I caused to you and your family." She said.

Jason wasn't sure she heard what he was hearing. He felt his anger rising as he said, "Pain, do you realize exactly what you have done? You took my father away when I needed him the most. Then, he comes around only when he needed me. I guess you allowed him to contact me when he was sick and needed my kidney. How dare you come over and try to talk to me after you prevented my relationship with my father."

The woman could only nod and continue on her way, she took one last look of the man she had loved for fifteen years and broke out in tears. After the confrontation, Jason's nerves had had enough. As soon as the people were through the line, he walked away. Shawn followed to see if there was anything he could do.

Jason stormed out the front door and walked towards the car.

"Jason, wait up!" Shawn called. Jason turned around and waited for Shawn to catch up. "You okay?"

"No, I am not okay. The woman who helped destroy my life just talked to me for the first time. I can't believe that she came here and did what she did." Jason said.

"Sweetie, she just gave her condolences, she didn't ask you to forgive her for what she did. Now, please calm down and let's go back inside." Shawn said. Jason looked in his eyes before speaking.

"What would I do without you?" He said, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek and followed him back inside.

JASON DECIDED TO take Shawn's advice and walked back into the building. He found her talking to some friends and waited until she was done speaking.

"I just wanted to say I was sorry for the way I behaved. I had no right to be so angry." Jason said.

"That's okay." She said. The two started talking for a little while. Meanwhile, Shawn moved over to the end of the hall and let them talk.

Within a few hours the group had returned home where there was plenty of food that had been given from friends and family. After awhile they decided to call it quits and turn in early. The next day was going to be a very trying day on Jason.

Next: Chapter 27

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