Locker Room Romance

By R. Jason Collett

Published on Sep 30, 2007


Warning: The following story has homosexual content. If you are offended or made uncomfortable by material concerning sexual relations between consenting adult men, then don't read. If it is in any way illegal for you to be reading this, then be very careful not to get caught. Otherwise please continue reading and send ANY comments to Also I have AOL Instant Messenger and can be reached by that method. My screenname is KVBOY1982 Enjoy!

Locker Room Romance


Chapter 27

When the alarm clock buzzed the next morning, Jason woke with dread like he had never felt before. He glanced over at Shawn's sleeping form and realized that he had to get this day started, like it or not. After stretching, he made his way to the shower and did his normal routine.

When he was getting dressed, Shawn started to stir. He opened his eyes and looked at Jason.

"Good morning. Why didn't you wake me?" Shawn asked.

"You were sleeping so well I didn't want to disturb you."

"Thanks. I am going to get in the shower." Shawn said as he proceeded to the shower. When he returned Jason was dressed in his black suit. "My, my, my, don't we look nice?"

"Thanks." Jason said, smiling. Shawn continued to get ready and when they were done they both left for downstairs. Mrs. Andrews was sitting at the table drinking a cup of coffee when they arrived.

"Good morning." She said, offering Shawn a cup of coffee and Jason some soda. They took their drinks and sat at the table. Silence filled the air until she announced that Jeremy would meet them at the funeral home. Jason nodded in acknowledgement. Soon, it was time to leave and they all loaded into Mrs. Andrew's car and left for the funeral home.

The family arrived an hour early to prepare and spend a few last minutes with Jason's father. Ms. Andrews decided that she wanted to visit alone. Jason and Shawn respected her wish.

After a few minutes she walked out of the room dabbing at her eyes with some tissue. Jason started to enter the room with Shawn behind him but Jason turned and looked at him. Without saying a word, Shawn nodded his head back and remained in the hall while Jason went in alone. Standing at the casket, he reflected on some the memories with his father.

"Hey hon, there's not much time before the funeral starts. You ready?" Shawn asked from the door. Jason turned to look at him and Shawn could see the tears in his eyes. Instinctively he walked over to him to console him.

"Why did he have to leave like this just after I was getting to know him? Jason asked between sobs.

"I don't know but I know that God has a reason for taking him home. Come on, let's go get this started." Shawn said as he kissed Jason on the lips. Jason nodded in agreement and walked out of the room holding Shawn's hand. They made their way into the chapel where the funeral was being held, since they were pallbearers they took their seats with the rest of the group on the third row while the rest of the family sat together.

The worst part for Jason was when the preacher sat down and Conway Twitty's song "Daddy" started to play. The casket was being closed during the song and Jason lost everything he had after that. Shawn took him into his arms while Jason sobbed.

When the song was over, it was time to transfer the casket to the car. Jason, Shawn and the other pallbearers got up as instructed and lifted the casket and put it in the car. Then Jason and Shawn got into the family car with Mrs. Andrews and proceeded to the gravesite where Jason's father would be put to rest.

JASON KNEW THIS would be a hard day for him, but he had no idea how hard this was going to be. The preacher was saying a few words that Jason no longer was hearing. He was remembering the good times that he and his father had had when he visited him and Shawn. He had finally found what he had always wanted: a father and now he was gone, never to return.

When the preacher was finished talking, the pallbearers placed a corsage on top of the casket as a prayer was said. After the prayer was said, three doves were released in honor of Jason's father and then everyone broke off into separate conversations. Shawn could tell that Jason was lost in thought and not paying attention to what was going on around him. Shawn spoke for him when people came to talk to him. They understood what was happening and continued on their way.

After 30 minutes or so, Jason, Shawn, and Mrs. Andrews climbed back into the family were they were escorted back to the funeral home where they would get their car and go home.

MRS ANDREWS OPENED the door as Shawn and Jason walked inside. Jason immediately went to his room with Shawn right behind him.

"I am so glad this is over." Jason said as he took off his suit jacket.

"I know." Shawn said, copying Jason's action.

"I just wanna lay down and take a nap." Jason said. Shawn nodded as they changed into a t-shirt and shorts and lay down on the bed.

SHAWN WENT INTO the kitchen to fix him a snack while Jason continued to nap. Mrs. Andrews, who had also changed, walked in behind him.

"Hey Shawn. Where's Jason?"

"He is upstairs taking a nap. He is a little tired." He said.

"Me too." She said as she reached into the fridge for a drink. "How are you doing?"

"I am ok, just a little worried about him. He has never been this quite since I have known him." Shawn said.

"I know. I am sure after this calms down he will be ok. You're doing a great job of supporting him. I can tell that he is appreciating it a lot. " Mrs. Andrews said. Shawn nodded and thanked her as they continued to sip on their drinks and talk about work and school. Jason came downstairs shortly after. Shawn could tell that he had not slept well.

"Feeling better?" Shawn asked

"Not really." Jason said, making his way to the fridge and got a drink.

"You want something to eat?" Shawn asked. Jason nodded as he sat down at the table. Shawn got up and made Jason a sandwich. Jason ate slowly as they three talked about the day's events and the plan for tomorrow. Afterwards, they went into the living room to watch some tv.

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