Locker Room Romance

By R. Jason Collett

Published on Dec 9, 1999


Just a note of thanks for all the people who have e-mailed me saying how good my story is and it means a lot to me that you guys do that. I really appreciate it. JRC

Warning: The following story has homosexual content. If you are offended or made uncomfortable by material concerning sexual relations between consenting adult men, then don't read. If it is in any way illegal for you to be reading this, then don't. Otherwise please continue reading and send ANY comments to Also I have AOL Instant Messenger and can be reached by that method. KVBOY1982 Enjoy!! :)

Locker Room Romance


Chapter 2

Jason couldn't believe what was happening. He had just found what he thought was the perfect match and his match was cheating on him. He was very hurt.

He walked outside of the apartment building now knowing what he was going to do. He looked for a phone booth but didn't find one, so he started walking.

Shawn walked out into the street looking for Jason. He saw him walking down the sidewalk.

"Jason!" He yelled, but Jason didn't hear him or was ignoring him. He started walking after Jason. He had changed into some clothes before walking outside.

Jason heard Shawn call his name and decided to ignore him. He was not in the mood to hear whatever lies Shawn would say.

He spotted a pay phone around the corner and kept walking. Shawn had caught up now.

"Jason, listen to me. What just happened--"

"Forget it. I don't want to hear lies." Jason said.

"But is't the truth." Shawn pleaded as he tried to convince Jason to listen to him.

"I don't want to hear it." Jason said as he fished in his pocket for 35 cent.

"Who are you calling?" Shawn asked. He was defeated.

"A taxi." Jason said as he deposited the coins.

"No." Shawn said as he took the phone from Jason's hand and hung it up. "If you want to go home, I will take you. I brought you here and I will take you home." Shawn said as Jason looked at him and decided it was cheaper.

"Okay." Jason said.

"But first, let me explain." Shawn said. He expected Jason to object but he didn't say anything. "The guy you saw was Chris. He was an ex-boyfriend of mine. I called it off, but he refused to believe. I thought he understood finally when he moved out. I guess he didn't. I'm very sorry. Can you forgive me?" Jason had listened patiently.

"Forgive you? No." Jason said. Shawn's face fell. "You're not the one who needs forgiveness." Jason said.


"I am. I should have given you the chance to explain and I didn't. I am the one who is sorry. Can you forgive me?" Jason asked. Shawn was surprised at what Jason said, but he replied.

"Yes, I forgive you." Shawn said. Jason smiled as he hugged Shawn.

"Now, let's go back." Jason suggested as they turned and walked home.


"Who the hell are you thinking you can just barge in here, kissing me and then making yourself at home?" Shawn said.

"Honey, don't get angry." Jason tried to cool Shawn off.

"I don't know. I thought that maybe we could rekindle things. I still do. But maybe I was wrong in the way I approached. I am sorry." Chris said.

"Sorry? Sorry? The hell you are. Get out of here. And don't ever come back here. Ever. Now please leave or things might get really nasty." Shawn said. Chris looked at him in shock and he stood up and walked back towards the door. He glance at Shawn, then Jason, then back at Shawn as he shut the door.

"Damn, I never want to cross you." Jason joked as he sat on the couch.

"I'm normally not like that. Just seeing him he made me angry, then when you ran out the door because of him made me even angrier." Shawn said as he sat beside Jason. He put his hand on Jason's thigh. Jason smiled and looked at it and then back at Shawn.

"Can I ask you a question?" He asked.

"You just did." Shawn said smiling. Jason laughed.

"Okay, can I ask you two questions?"

"One down, one to go." Shawn said.

"Why did you run after me when I walked out?" Jason asked. Shawn was taken back with the question as he sat there in thought.

"I ran after you because I thought you deserved an explanation. But I wanted you back. I feel something for you and I don't know how to explain it. When you walked out that door, something walked out of me with you. I then realized how much you mean to me." Shawn answered. Jason sat there as a tear slide shown his cheek. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry." Shawn said as he wiped away the tear.

"I am happy you said that. It was what I was hoping to hear you say that." Jason said. He was very thrown back at what Shawn had said. It had touched him very much.

"So, since we have had a busy morining already, I am going to take a shower." Shawn said as he stood up off the couch and started walking towards the bathroom. He started taking off his shirt. Jason watched his back muscles flex.

Shawn entered the bathroom and turned on the shower and made sure it was just the right temperature before removing the rest of his clothes. He got in the shower and closed the curtain. The hot water felt good on his body.

He was surprised when the curtain opened, but he relaxed when he saw who it was. Jason stood there completely necked, asking with his eyes if he could come in. Shawn didn't reply but kept looking at Jason. He took the answer as a yes an joined in. Jason moaned as the hot water hit him.

Jason started kissing Shawn's back and started making a path down his buttocks area. Shawn started moaning. Then Jason stood up, grabbed the bar of soap and began to lather Shawn's back. But he did more than lather. He started to message every part of Shawn's back. Shawn was feeling so relaxed he didn't realize his legs were buckling in, but he caught himself in time.

The strong hands on his back went lower to the lumber region. Shawn was enjoying this. Jason started to work harder on the back muscles. He went lower, skipping a certain area and messaged the back of Shawn's legs. Shawn moaned a little. Jason stood up and kissed Shawn. They turned to face each other as they totally lost themselves in the kiss.

Their attention was finally brought back when the hot water started turning cold. It didn't gradually turn cold, but it was as if someone turned the control to Cold. They had used all the hot water.

They immediately shut the water off and, laughing, climbed out of the stall and dried off with the towel. Jason was dried off first and he put his clothes back on and left the bedroom, but not before giving Shawn a quick kiss on the lips.

Shawn stood in the bathroom looking at his reflection. His hair was wet giving him a rough look. He towel dried it quickly as he thought about Jason. He knew he was lucky to have found someone as nice and sweet and as cute as Jason.

When Jason showed up in the shower necked, he was completely speechless. He had never been that way before and knew it meant something special.

Shawn emerged from the shower with only a towel around his waiste. Jason was in the kitching cleaing as best he could. He didn't know where most things were, but he was learning fast.

"You didn't have to do this.' He said as he came up from behind and wrapped his arms around Jason's waist.

"Yeah, but I wanted to. I like cleaning." Jason said.

"You're so sweet." Shawn said.

"So I've been told." Jason replied as he broke away and kept cleaning. He wiped down the stove when he noticed the stove clock. "Honey, is this clock set to the right time?"

"To my knowledge it is." Shawn answered. "Why?"

"I was supposed to be at home at eleven-thirty. That gives me," he looks at the clock. "two minutes before I have to be there."

"Then let's go." Shawn said as he hurried to the bathroom to put his clothes on.

"No, I'll just call and tell hee I just woke up. She won't get angry." Jason said.

"Okay, if you're sure. The cordless is in the living room." Shawn said. He walked into the bathroom to get dressed. From there he could hear Jason dialing a number. He could also hear Jason talking to his mother.

"Hey Mom. I just woke up... Yeah...I'm having a blast. We watched some movies and then played video games all night...Really?..Are you sure? I can? Thank you Mom...Love ya too...Ok, talk to you later." He hung up the phone. Shawn had emerged from the bathroom wearing a nice outfit he had gotten from his closet.

"What was that about?" He asked.

"My mom told me I could spend the night again if that was okay with you. Is it?" Jason asked. For a moment there, Shawn saw the uncertainity in his eyes. Shawn was quick to make him feel better.

"Baby, you can stay here whenever you want. Don't ever think you are not welcome." Shawn said as he quickly took Jason in a hug.

"Thanks. That makes me feel better." Jason said. "So, now that I am here for the rest of the day, what are we going to do?" Jason suggested as he sat down on the couch. Shawn followed.

"Well, we could go see a movie and go out to eat. Or we could go skating at the roller rink. Whatever you would like to do." Shawn said.

"Well, I haven't been to a movie in awhile, and I haven't been skating in God knows how long. I'd like to go skating." Jason said.

"Okay then, skating and dinner it is." Shawn said.


They walked out this car. Shawn unlocked the passenger's door and opened. Jason thanked him as he got in. HE studied the small car. Shawn climbed in the driver's side and started the engine. The started with a purr and he drove off.

"We need to stop at the bank so I can get some money." Shawn said.

"Okay, where do you bank?" Jason asked.

"BB&T." Shawn answered.

"Good, I need to take out some money as well." Jason replied.

"No you don't. I will pay for it." Shawn said.

"Why should you be the one to pay for it?" Jason asked.

"Because I want to treat my boyfriend to a night on the town." Shawn answered. He knew Jason couldn't say anything about that. Jason shrugged his shoulder as they arrived at the bank. It was a drive-thru type and Shawn withdrew some money and they were on their way.

IN TWENTY MINUTES, THEY HAD PULLED INTO A PARKING SPACE AT THE RINK, BOUGHT THEIR TICKETS AND put on their skates. The stood and Jason was nervous. He was afraid that he was going to fall, but with some help from Shawn, he didn't fall.

Jason started skating and got back in the hang of it. Shawn caught up and they had a fun time.


They returned their skates and walked out to the car. Shawn opened the door for Jason. He got in as Shawn got in the driver's side.

"Did you have fun?" He asked as he started the engine.

"I had a blast." Jason said as Shawn pulled out of the parking lot. Traffic was very light since it was late. Shawn was driving around 50 MPH before he saw headlights in front of him.

At first, Shawn didn't know what it was. When the car swerved, Shawn knew exactly what was going on.

Jason saw what was happening as well. He started to panic. Jason and Shawn looked at each other for a few seconds.

Shawn watched the car. It was back on it's side of the road. Jason grabbed Shawn's thigh for a second and let go, afraid to distract him too much.

Shawn thought for a second that the car as going to pass him, but ten seconds before the car would have passed, the car swerved into Shawn's lane.

Shawn reacted quickly but futilely. He yanked the wheel to the right and slammed on the breaks. The little car fishtailed into a complete 180. It actually exceeded the 180 degrees before the car made impact on the Miata's right rear quarter panel.

Most of the force from the impact was directed on the passenger side of the car. The car's top had been down, the force causing it to fly up against the windshield and back down.

Shawn had been knocked unconscious from the impact, but he received few injuries and was okay for the moment.

He tried to get out of the car, but the impact had crushed his door as well. He climbed out of the car and surveyed the damage. The car was totaled. The right rear tire was beside the left wheel. The small trunk lid had opened from the force. He walked to the front where the pop-up headlights were giving a yellow glow. The left one flickered twice before it died, reducing the light source.

It was still enough to see what was laying in front of the car. It was Jason.

Stay tuned for the next installment. Send any comments, good or bad to me at

Thanks for reading and I hoped you enjoyed.--JRC

Next: Chapter 4

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