Locker Room Romance

By R. Jason Collett

Published on Jan 7, 2000


Just a note of thanks for all the people who have e-mailed me saying how good my story is and it means a lot to me that you guys do that. I really appreciate it.

Also, so many people have asked me if this story is true. No, it is not. I had the beginning of this story saved on my hard drive for a long time and found it and decided to go with it. This story is completely false. I hope you enjoy! :) -JRC

I can't believe that my story has gone so far and is so wanted to be read by so many people. :) I am amazed at the e-mails I still get even thought they have toned down a little, I still love receiving them.

Warning: The following story has homosexual content. If you are offended or made uncomfortable by material concerning sexual relations between consenting adult men, then don't read. If it is in any way illegal for you to be reading this, then be very careful not to get caught. Otherwise please continue reading and send ANY comments to Also I have AOL Instant Messenger and can be reached by that method. KVBOY1982 Enjoy!! :)

Locker Room Romance


Chapter 5

Morning couldn't come quick enough for the two lovebirds. Around 7am Shawn woke up to his alarm clock. He was very excited about seeing Jason and being able to talk to him. Shawn went into the bathroom, combed his hair and threw on some clothes. He picked up his cordless phone and called a taxi to pick him up. Shawn was told the taxi would be there in twenty minutes. Shawn watched the TV until he heard the horn blow for the taxi.

JASON WAS JUST WAKING UP WHEN SHAWN WAS GETTING READY. A NURSE WAS CHANGING HIS IV WHEN HE ASKED what time it was. Is voice was still a little scratchy but it was better. The nurse however still didn't want him talking.

"7:15." She said as she glanced at her watch.

"Thanks." Jason said. She finished her job and left the room. Jason knew Shawn would be there very soon.

AROUND 8:15, SHAWN WALKED INTO THE HOSPITAL. HE ASKED THE RECEPTIONIST IF JASON WAS AWAKE AND SHE said he was awake and awaiting his arrival. Shawn thanked her and walked toward Jason's room. With a slight knock he opened the door. Inside Jason was propped up in his bed eating breakfast.

"Hey." Shawn said as he walked in. He was holding his hand behind his back.

"What is behind you?" Jason asked. His voice was scratchy but at least it wasn't broken like the last time.

"Oh, nothing." Shawn said as he brought whatever it was around in front of him. It was a bouquet of flowers Shawn had gotten from the florist on the way there.

"They are pretty." Jason said as he took them for Shawn. He inhaled the scent from them. "I love the smell of flowers."

"I'm glad you like them. I didn't know what kind you liked." Shawn said as he slide the chair closer to the bed. Shawn started feeling very emotional and Jason saw it coming. There was a few minutes of silence as they studies each other's face.

"I love you." Jason said.

"I love you too. I wish I could do something to remove your pain." Shawn said. A few more moments of silence. "If only I had done something different you wouldn't be here."

"Don't blame yourself for something you had no control over at all. It wasn't your fault." Jason said.

"I know you're right, I just can't convince myself to believe that." Shawn said. Jason reached out and took Shawn's hand within his. Shawn smiled and gently squeezed. They stayed like this for a while until there was a knock on the door. Shawn and Jason both looked up and Jason jumped and tried to take his hand away when he saw who it was.

"I see someone is feeling better." Jason's mom said. Jason didn't know that she already knew about Shawn.

"Mom, this isn't--" He started to explain.

"Relax, I already know everything." She said as she pulled up the other chair and sat down. "Shawn and I had a talk the other day and I am aware of everything."

"And you're okay with it?" Jason asked.

"It took me awhile to adjust but it hasn't changed the way I think of you or how much I love you. You are the same little boy I raise for sixteen years. Nothing will ever change that." She said. Jason obviously was relieved as he sighed and took Shawn's hand back into his. "How long have you been gay?"

"Ever since I was twelve I knew that I was different and I had different views about my sexuality. I didn't realize what I was until I got on the Internet and then I realized what it was to be gay." Jason explained. He had never told anyone this story before and it deeply hurt him to tell it.

"That is how I realized who I was." Shawn said.

"Well, anyway, have the doctors said anything to you about getting out soon?" His mom asked.

"Not yet, but I have a feeling it will be soon." Jason answered.

"Okay, well, I am going to find a doctor and ask him. I'll be back. Anybody want anything while I'm gone?"

"I'll have a Coke." Shawn said. She nodded and left the room.

"When did she find out?" Jason asked.

"I don't know when but I know she read one of your journal entries that had been left in plain view." Shawn answered.

"Oh my God. I can't believe I left my journal out." Jason said.

"Maybe you we meant to do it. Look where it got you. Your mom is approving. I couldn't tell you how much I would have given to have a supporting mother like you have." Shawn said. "Just stop and think how lucky you are and realize that some people aren't as lucky as you are." Shawn said. Suddenly all the anger that he had been bottling up came to the front and he couldn't control it any longer. He stood from the chair but sat back down when he realized that he was overreacting. "Honey, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to blow up on you like that." He said as he took Jason's hand back into his and kissed it.

"It's okay. I know that everything is stressful for you and I am not making it easier." Jason said.

"I know and my past is something I don't like to deal with and what you said brought back some memories." Shawn said.

"Will you ever tell me what happened in your past?" Jason asked.

"When the time is right and I feel like you can handle it. It is something that isn't easy and very hard to accept. When I feel that you can handle it and I can discuss it I will talk to you about it." Shawn said.

"Thank you." Jason said as his mom walked back into the room.

"Here you go Shawn." She said as she handed him a can of Coke.

"Thanks." Shawn said as he popped open the can and took a sip. "Did you find a doctor?" He asked.

"Yes, and he said that Jason could be released in a couple of days. They are waiting for some of his injuries to heal. After that he will be released." She said.

"Thank God." Jason said. He was tired of being in the hospital room.

"I know this is hard on you too." Shawn said to Mrs. Andrews.

"And you too." She replied. They talked for a little while until it was time for them to leave. Mrs. Andrews said her good-byes and left Shawn and Jason alone.

After she left, Shawn bent over Jason's bed and planted a kiss on Jason's lips. Shawn broke the kiss and with a smile, walked out the door, winking at Jason as the door shut.

Part 2

NOW SHAWN WAS FOCUSED ON SOMETHING ELSE. TRANSPORTATION. HOW WAS HE SUPPOSED TO BE HERE and there without a car? He decided that he would start car shopping today.

He walked into the hospital lobby and walked over to the pay phone. He inserted the proper coins and dialed a number.

"May I speak to Stephen please?...Hey buddy, how are you?...I need a favor...Can you pick me up the Forsyth Hospital?...I'll explain that later...You can?...Okay, thanks...See you when you get here..." He said as he placed the receiver back on the hook. Stephen was a good friend for Shawn and had been there when Shawn had needed him. Shawn smiled as he remembered times when he had been needed. There were some funny ones and not so funny ones.

Shawn remembered one time when his car had broken down on the way to work and he had called Stephen to come and get him on his cell phone. Stephen had called back ten minutes later saying that his car wouldn't start either and they both had shared a taxi that day.

Shawn also remembered the time Shawn was involved in a bad relationship and Shawn's boyfriend turned real ugly and had threatened him and started beating Shawn. He had tied him to the bed post and left him there for two days. Stephen was the one who went to Shawn's apartment and found him asleep in the bed. He had severe ropes burns on his wrists and was weak from not eating. Stephen had phoned the police and had never left Shawn's side the entire time.

Shawn was still sitting in the lobby where he had sat after the call when Stephen appeared in front of him.

"Hello stranger." He said. "Long time no see."

"Hey." Shawn said as he stood up and gave him a hug. It was customary.

"What were you thinking about?" Stephen asked.

"You. Our friendship. The crap that we have been through. I appreciate everything you have ever done for me." Shawn said.

"You're welcome." Stephen answered as they started walking out of the hospital. "So, how, why are you here?" He asked. Shawn smiled. Stephen never waited for an explanation, so he decided to be mean.

"I'll tell you in the car." He said. Stephen moaned as he pressed a button and the parking lights to a Jeep Grand Cherokee flashed and unlocked the doors.

"Okay." Stephen said as he climbed into the driver's seat. Shawn started explaining the situation as the pulled out of the parking lot.

"And you see, that is one reason I needed you." Shawn said.

"Always using me aren't you?" Stephen joked. Both of them laughed and the Shawn turned serious.

"I hope you aren't really busy because I need to go to Enterprise Car Rental and find a rental car. Could you or would you take me to pick out a car?" Shawn asked. He used his puppy dog face to convince Stephen.

"How could I ever turn down that face?"

"So you will do it?" Shawn asked.

"Have I ever said no to you when you used that face?" Stephen answered.

"Well...there was that one time..." Shawn joked.

"Hey now! Do you want to go there or not?" Stephen said. They both started laughing as Stephen guided the Grand Cherokee onto the highway toward Enterprise to find a car for Shawn.

Hope everyone enjoyed it. Stay tuned for the next installment. Send any comments, good or bad to me at

Next: Chapter 7

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