Locker Room Romance

By R. Jason Collett

Published on Feb 19, 2000


Just a note of thanks for all the people who have e-mailed me saying how good my story is and it means a lot to me that you guys do that. I really appreciate it.

Also, so many people have asked me if this story is true. No, it is not. I had the beginning of this story saved on my hard drive for a long time and found it and decided to go with it. This story is completely false. I hope you enjoy! :) -JRC

I can't believe that my story has gone so far and is so wanted to be read by so many people. :) I am amazed at the e-mails I still get even thought they have toned down a little, I still love receiving them.

I just want to apologize for the time frame in which I am getting my installments posted. Things are hectic right now as I juggle, school, my job, and rehearsals for a play I am in. Whenever I have free time I am writing the story but my problem is finding time to type it. I am 1/4 of the way done with Chapter 8 already.

Warning: The following story has homosexual content. If you are offended or made uncomfortable by material concerning sexual relations between consenting adult men, then don't read. If it is in any way illegal for you to be reading this, then be very careful not to get caught. Otherwise please continue reading and send ANY comments to Also I have AOL Instant Messenger and can be reached by that method. KVBOY1982

Enjoy!! :)

Locker Room Romance


Chapter 7

This was the day. Jason was released from the hospital and his mom had come and got and took him home. Jason was happy to be home. He tried to call Shawn but he got no answer. Jason shrugged his shoulders as he enjoyed his new freedom.

He was in his room when the phone rang. Jason's mom answered it on the second ring so he didn't pay much attention to it until his door burst open.

"Jason, we got to go. Shawn's in the hospital." She said as Jason jumped up and left with her.

THEY ARRIVED AT THE HOSPITAL AND JASON DASHED IN TO FIND OUT WHAT ROOM NUMBER SHAWN WAS IN. She told him which one it was and he was off. So many thoughts of why Shawn would be in here was running through Jason's mind as he pushed the up button on the elevator. The ride was quick but it seemed like forever to Jason.

He walked to the door and knocked on it. He heard Shawn say come in and he walked in. Jason saw Shawn laying in the bed and a strange guy sitting in the chair. Jason walked straight over to Shawn and gave him a kiss.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"I'm fine." Shawn replied.

"If you are fine then why are you in here?" Jason said. Shawn looked up at him and tears came to his eyes. He took Jason's hand tried to explain.

"Two days ago at work, I received a prank phone call from someone. I thought it was a joke and I should have taken it serious." Shawn tried to continue, but the memories were still too strong.

"You don't have to tell me now." Jason said.

"No, I can do this." He said as he paused. "When I left work, a guy came from behind me, dragged me into a van and...raped me." Shawn said as he started crying again. Jason took him into his arms and gave him comfort as the guy that introduced himself as Stephen moved over to give comfort as well. It took Shawn a few moments before he was okay. "So, now I am here so they can run tests on me and the such."

"I am so sorry." Jason said.

"Don't be." Shawn said as there was a knock on the door. "Come in." Shawn said and Jason's mom walked in. In all the rush and concern Jason had he had forgotten about his mother.

"Is everyone okay?" She asked.

"Yeah." Jason said as he glanced and Shawn and silently asked if it was okay to tell her. Shawn nodded and Jason explained to her what had happened. She apologized and they talked for the next few minutes until visiting hours were over. Stephen and Jason's mom said good-bye and left Shawn and Jason together alone.

Jason took Shawn's hand in his. "I am so sorry this happened to you. I wish I could stay here and help you."

"Just be there for me when I need you to hold me." Shawn said.

"I will." Jason said as he kissed Shawn and slowly walked out of the room.


"Honey, are you ready yet?" Jason called from the front door.

"I'm coming." Shawn said.

"Haven't heard that in awhile." Jason joked as Shawn walked out of the bathroom. Ever since Shawn had been raped they had not had sex. Shawn had said he wasn't ready and Jason was being patient.

"What did you say?" Shawn asked.

"Nothing. Damn you look sexy." Jason said. Shawn was wearing a blue silk shirt with black dress pants.

"You look good too. Are you ready?" Shawn said.

"I've been ready." Jason said. He was wearing black pants with a white button-down shirt and a black vest. With a quick kiss they walked out the door as Shawn locked it. "Whose car are we taking?" Jason asked. Since Shawn had been in the hospital, Jason's mom had decided to give him his 17th birthday present early. A 1985 Chevrolet Camaro that had been owned by his Mom since she bought it. When Shawn had gotten out of the hospital, he had decided to buy himself a Camaro as well. He bought a 1996 model.

"We took yours last time." Shawn said as he hit a button on his remote transmitter. The doors unlocked. Jason nodded as he slid in the passenger's seat and Shawn slid in the driver's seat.

Tonight was a night just for them two. They were going to a local gay night club. They had been there twice together but Shawn was a regular.

Twenty minutes later the two pulled up at the club. They could hear the music coming from inside. Jason loved to dance and he was ready to dance as they walked up to the door. Shawn pulled Jason back a little as he walked in front. He had to do this to get Jason in the door. Shawn had to use influence to get Jason in telling the guard he was the Designated Driver.

Shawn opened the door and opened the door and smiled at the guard. The guard knew what was going on so there was no need to explain.

When they walked in, they were blasted with cool air and loud music. Jason grabbed Shawn's hand and drug him to the dance floor. they found a little spot and started to dance.

After the song was over, Shawn wanted to go and get a Pepsi but a slow song started to play and Jason wanted to dance to it.

"Dance with me." Jason said. Shawn smiled and wrapped his arms around Jason as they swayed. Jason rested his head on Shawn's chest. When the song was over, they walked over to the bar and Shawn asked for a Pepsi.

Jason was having fun already but he noticed two strange men standing in a corner that looked out of place. He pointed this out to Shawn and his face dropped.

"What are they doing here again?" He asked. They were still at the bar when Shawn grabbed Jason's and took him to a small room with no light.

"Who are they?" Jason asked when they got in.

"I don't know. A few months ago they came in here and started a big fight and someone was even hospitalized from it." Shawn explained. Jason was very surprised and scared.

"So, what are we going to--" Jason was cut off as a loud crash came from outside.

"Nothing now. It's too late." Shawn said. The commotion got louder as the music stopped.

Jason and Shawn had moved to the corner of the room not knowing what to expect next. They had just moved when they saw a figure walk in the door and look around. The two lovers remained motionless as the guy looked in.

Apparently he didn't see anything and shut the door. They both sighed a sigh of relief as Shawn drew Jason in for an embrace. Jason had started to tremble after the door had been shut. Shawn whispered in his ear that everything would be okay. Jason held on tighter.

Suddenly everything stopped. The noises stopped and everything was quite. Too quite. Then there were muffled voices. They couldn't understand what was going on. Then the door opened and a flashlight beam was shown in the room.

In the faint light from outside, Shawn could see that it was a police officer looking. He turned the flashlight in their direction and he saw them.

"Are you guys all right?" He asked. Both Jason and Shawn nodded as the officer told them it was okay to walk out. They slowly walked out of the room and looked at the damaged room.

Every table has been turned over and there was broken glass everywhere. Jason still hung onto Shawn as they surveyed the damage.

"I want to go home." He whispered. Shawn nodded and walked towards and office, leaving Jason where he was standing. Shawn asked the officer if they could leave. Since they had been in the room the didn't see anything and couldn't help the officers. Shawn did tell them about the guys being there a few months ago. The officer thanked him and told him he could go.

Shawn looked at Jason and motioned for him to follow. Jason saw the signal and walked towards his lover. He nodded as the two lovers walked out of the club. Shawn pushed a button and both doors unlocked.

Shawn opened the passenger door for Jason and he got in. The Shawn walked to the driver's side, got in and left.


"What's bothering you?" He asked as he started to change clothes.

"Nothing." Jason said as he did the same.

"Don't lie to me." Shawn said. Jason looked at Shawn and confessed.

"Tonight just really scared me." Jason said.

"I'm sorry. I wish this hadn't have happened to you." Shawn said as he walked over to Jason and took him in his arms.

"God I feel so safe in your arms." Jason said. "I love you." This was the first time either one of them had said it and it was very meaningful.

"I love you too." Shawn said as he broke he embrace and pulled down the covers on his bed. In five minutes the two were sound asleep in each others arms.

Next: Chapter 9

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