London Fashions

By Jan (Jan May, Jan None, Jan 0)

Published on Jan 4, 2005



This story is a work of fiction and contains descriptions of explicit sexual acts between a women and a teenager. If this type of content offends you or you are under the age of 18 do not read it.

Author's Note:

This story is the property of the author. It can be downloaded for personal reading pleasure or sending to a friend, but if you wish to re-post them at your own site, please contact the author for permission.

Copyright 2005 Jan, All Rights Reserved.

Please mail to if you have suggestions for future stories.

London Fashions 2



Helen was interrupted by a knock on her door one day while at her office on Oxford Street When she looked up from her computer she saw that it was one of the models she had worked with several times on location. She motioned for her to enter while she saved the document she was working on for next month's magazine issue.

The girl entered and sat down in one of the two chairs facing Helen's desk. She was a very pretty, half Italian, girl named Sophia but she liked to be called Sophie. She had large brown cow like eyes and dark shadows around her eyes that gave her a look like she could be either an Indian or a Gipsy (Roma).

She come to work at the magazine as a thirteen year old and now had a couple of year's experience modeling. With her youthful innocent look and a trim supple body she was rather good at it. She was a well liked girl and came from a good family. When Helen asked what she could do for her, Sophie told her that she was having problems with math at school. She was coming up on her entrance exams for college and if she didn't pass she would not be able to get in. It would be very disappointing to her family if she didn't prepare for more from life than just modeling.

Helen knew her to be a pleasant girl to work with but she also recognized that she was not the cleverest of girls. Her gene pool had given her good looks of one of those cheerleaders that American movie like to portray and the intellect of a scatter- brained party girl. Helen respected her desire to put in the extra effort to pass her exams.

"Why do you think that I could be of help to you?" Helen asked

"I asked around and found out that you have a degree in business administration. I'm sure you took more math than I would need."

"You're right about me having taken plenty of math classes in college. If you really want my help you can stop by my home during the Christmas break in school and I will help you get a handle on what to expect."

Sophie was beaming, "I will be free next Monday can I come by then?"

Helen thought for a moment and said she would be home by 6:00PM as she jotted down her address on the back of one of her business cards.

Because of her busy business schedule Helen had almost forgotten her promise by the following Monday. When the phone rang and she heard Sophie's voice she remembered the date and assured her that she was looking forward to helping her.

Helen went directly home after work that night and changed clothes right away. She wanted to get out of her heels as soon as possible. She put on a comfortable sweater, slacks and a pair of old comfortable cross trainer tennis shoes without socks.

She had just poured herself a gin and tonic when the door bell rang. She checked the peep hole to see if it was Sophie before opening the door.

Sophie was dressed like many other teenagers her age. She had on tennis shoes, dark blue training pants with zippers on the bottom of the legs and a large quilted down filled jacket. When she took the jacket off she revealed a tight fitting jersey T-shirt emblazoned with the name of a popular Rock & Roll group which did little to hide her gorgeous breasts. To Helen's trained eye they looked disproportionately large for her youthful figure. She wore a bra that was made out of nylon material that did little to hide the shape of her nipples through the T-shirt.

Helen could not help but stare at the beauty of the two tits jetting out at her. She felt nervous and had to look away to concentrate as she wondered what Sophie was planning.

She led Sophie to the sofa in the TV room and sat down next to her as the girl spread out her school books on the cocktail table. She showed Helen the problems she was having trouble with. Helen took her through the logic of how to solve problems of this sort. As Sophie began to grasp part of the first problem's solution they moved on to the next. It took some time to make sure Sophie understood what she was doing. She was being very attentive and she did seem to finally grasp how to solve the problems on her own.

As the teen gathered up her books and put them back into her pack Helen noticed just how close they had been sitting. Sophie's leg was pressed against hers. Then unexpectedly Sophie placed her hand on Helen's knee and stopped talking for the first time. She looked directly into Helen's eyes and the quiet was shattered when she spoke.

"Do you know why I really asked you to help me with my homework?"

Helen looked at her in puzzlement.

"I wanted you to help me because I have wanted to be alone with you for months."

Sophie was running her hand slowly up Helen's thigh.

Helen blushed like a schoolgirl. Her body was a tense as a bow string. Being in the modeling industry for years she had been approached by eager ambitious youngsters before but this seemed different. She could not believe this was happening to her. Was her lesbian libido so obvious?

Sophie looked into her eyes and said, "Relax and lean back. I'm going make you so happy that you will never want it to end."

Helen's slacks prevented her hand from actually touching skin but the feel of those soft fingers was electric. She had to use both hands to unfasten the slacks and pull the zipper down. Then Helen lifted her butt off of the sofa to allow Sophie to pull the slacks down her legs. While Helen bicycled her legs to get the slacks down to her feet Sophie placed the palm of her hand on the warmth of her rayon knickers.

Sophie was persistent in her efforts to get her hand inside the older woman's panties. Helen lifted her butt one more time to allow the teenager to pull them down. Helen was hobbled with her slacks and knickers around her ankles. The shoes were preventing her from taking them off; still she didn't want to move because she didn't want Sophie to stop playing with her pussy. She spread her knees as far apart as she could in order to give the girl room to explore. She was panting terribly hard by that time and her pussy was incredibly wet.

It was so incredible, it had all happened so fast that Helen could not believe that this gorgeous teenager was just inches from her aching pussy. She pulled her torso towards the edge of the sofa as Sophie knelt in front of her on the floor. She told Helen to look into her eyes as she found her clit with her thumb and forefinger. She was very gentle as she held it and rolled it around in her fingers, constantly looking into Helen's eyes.

Helen couldn't stop moaning and crying out, it was so erotic, with this beautiful creature's fingers on her clit. Sophie sure knew what she was doing. Given that Helen had not had sex for a good five months, she reached her first orgasm almost immediately. Helen slumped over her and dripped juice down on the sofa and Sophie's hand.

Helen thought Sophie was a bit shocked at what she had done so quickly. She watched as the girl slowly put her forefinger inside Helen's vagina and gathered some remaining come juice.

Helen gazed at the girl as she slowly put her finger into her mouth and licked the juice from it. She looked so incredibly innocent and at the same time so wickedly seductive.

Sophie asked Helen if she wanted to come again. All that Helen could do was nod her head in the affirmative. Sophie demanded that she tell her what she wanted in expletives.

Helen felt a little strange but she was so horny that she eventually worked up the courage to respond in the manner Sophie wanted.

"Suck my clit and lick my cunt with your nasty tongue until I come again you delightful little tramp."

Speaking that way embarrassed her and excited her at the same time. Sophie beamed at her and told her, "You have to watch everything I do, otherwise I will stop."

Then Sophie kneeled down again and with her eyes clued on Helen's she sucked the clit into her mouth. Helen almost jumped off the sofa because her clit was so sensitive to the touch. Sophie held her down and went to work sucking on the nub and licking the valley. She only stopped long enough to stick her tongue deep into the vagina canal. Her eyes mocked Helen as she drove her lover to the brink of another climax.

Helen could not believe that this young goddess was actually eating her cunt. She was an unbelievable expert at what she was doing. Helen locked her fingers behind Sophie's head and tried to pull her head tightly against her pussy. But Sophie resisted because she didn't want to take her eyes off Helen's. The screaming climax that followed was a wonderful thing to feel and to watch.

Helen felt so attracted to Sophie that she could not help but compare her to the girl that had brought her out when she was at college and to the love she felt for her. She pulled her up and kissed her on the mouth and tasted her own juice on her face as she sucked on Sophie's tongue. Sophie pushed her away and Helen felt confused.

"Just watch!" Sophie ordered

She pulled her T-shirt over her head. The nylon bra did not hide the areolas or nipples. It just gave them a darker hue. She seductively removed the bra like a striptease dancer. Her tits popped out and Helen's heart pounded in her chest as she watched the girl cup her breasts in her hands and thrust them towards Helen's face. Helen watched as the gorgeous breasts inched closer towards her face.

Sophie said, "I want to feed my tits to you."

Helen tried to touch them but Sophie slapped her hands away rudely.

"Stick out your tongue."

When Helen complied with her demand Sophie guided one nipple into her mouth. Helen greedily sucked on the nipple as if she feared that the girl would withdraw the sweet flesh. Any attempt on Sophie's part to withdraw the nipple caused Helen to suck harder. It seemed like ages that they played this game. Helen loved the delicious torture.

Sophie held onto a couple of hands full of hair and moaned as she thrust a nipple into Helen's mouth then pulled back as if to withdraw it and be stopped by the sucking of the mouth.

Helen stopped looking at Sophie. Her full attention was directed to the engorged nipple. It was puffy and hard as young girl's nipples get when they are aroused.

Sophie was so carried away with her own stimulation that her eyes glazed over. Her only acknowledgment of her feelings was to pull her tit away from the greedy mouth and replace it with the other nipple.

"I want more. Suck it."

Then Sophie started pulling down her training pants. The zippers on the legs made it impossible to get them over her shoes so she let them fall to collect around her ankles. Then she reached for her knickers.

Helen was to busy with the nipple to get a good view of the knickers. She thought she saw a flash of something that looked like the nylon bra.

When Sophie wrestled her nipple away from the sucking mouth and stepped back while holding Helen at bay by her shoulders. Helen got a look at her nakedness. The knickers had been made of the same nylon as the bra. They looked much darker crumpled above the pants. The girl's body looked almost flawless. Her vulva was hairless and as smooth as a babies bum.

When Helen asked how it was that her vulva looked so smooth Sophie told her that she and her mother had agreed to pay for electrolysis to remove all hair follicles from her vulva and underarms. It had taken time but the result was a very smooth skin.

Helen reached out and felt the crack with her index finger. It was very slimy and wet to the touch. The girl's labia were still small enough to not protrude past the vulva. The little clit was hard but the skin was just as smooth and slippery as the lining of her canal. She was breathing hard as the adult woman played with her clit.

Sophie pushed her hand away as Helen looked at her with disappointment in her eyes. Sophie sat down on the sofa with little regard to the notion that she might leave a stain on the material. She bent over and removed her tennis shoes and unzipped the legs of her pants so that she could pull off the remains of her clothing.

When she sat up she announced, "I told my parents that I was going to sleep-over with one of my school friends. The girl is a special friend and will cover for me if anyone calls. I can spend the night if you want me too?"

Apparently she had planed her seduction down to the last detail. Helen was over come with a flood of emotions. She wanted to mother her at the same time she wanted to kiss her on the mouth and then lick every inch of the girl's flesh.

Helen assured her with, "I could think of nothing I want more than to spend the night with you Honey." She stood up, pulled her slacks and knickers up. She took Sophie by the hand as they almost ran, in their haste to get up to the bedroom. Sophie was as naked as the day of her birth and while her pants were undone and rumpled Helen was still almost fully dressed.

Sophie wanted to undress the woman by herself. She pulled the comfortable sweater over Helen's head. Helen had removed her bra for more comfort and her 36-C breasts were inviting to the girl's eyes. She still had more duties to perform and set about unfastening the slacks and pulling them down. She stooped to remove the cross trainer shoes and slacks before returning up the mature body to remove the rayon knickers.

Sophie could see the dark patch of pubic hair through the white material. She slipped her fingers into the waistband and rolled them down the wide set hips of the mature woman. She had to pull the material down the warm legs and hold them open as the woman stepped out of them. When Helen looked down she saw traces of clotted blood in the crotch.

Damned her period had arrived a day or two early. She told Sophie, "It seems Mother Nature has arrived a little early if you don't want to continue with this I understand."

Sophie wiped her crotch with the palm of her hand and licked her fingers with a wicked smile on her face. Then she pushed Helen back onto her double bed. It briefly went through her mind that the last person to share her bed had been her husband. The thought didn't last long.

Sophie was an insatiable lover. She no sooner made Helen climax by sucking on her tits while finger fucking her, than she went down on her. She sucked pussy as if the blood was mother's milk. They performed many different things on each other in many different positions. Helen found that her favorite was when they were facing in opposite directions on the bed. They kissed each other with their noises touching each other's chin and then worked their way towards each other's tits. Helen was on top as they worked their way towards each other's cunts, which they did for what seemed like ages.

She lay there afterwards just telling Sophie how much she loved her. Sophie stopped what she was doing and just held Helen to her body. They agreed that it was time to take a shower together. They washed each other and Helen watched as her blood mixed with the water running down her body in a pink stream and down the drain. When they were finished drying off Helen stuffed a Tampon into her canal and they agreed that they were starved.

They went down to the kitchen and made themselves scrambled eggs for dinner. They had put on T-shirts in case grease was to splash. They sat at the table feeding each other. They cleaned up the dishes and retreated to the living room sofa and cuddled as they talked.

Helen told her about her first lesbian experience while she was at college. She told her about thinking it was over when she married her husband and how she had not been tempted to cheat until after the marriage ended. It had been a revelation to her to find that she still had sexual desires for women at work just a few short months ago.

Sophie told Helen that her only other lesbian experience had been earlier this summer. She had been on a family holiday in Thailand. As part of the pampering the hotel provided was the use of a personal masseuse. Sophie had made a reservation for one day and the Thai girl masseuse had placed her face down on the narrow table with the padded head rest designed like a donut so that she was looking down at the floor. The girl proceeded to rub her whole body with oily hands. When the girl rubbed between her legs and the crack of her ass it tickled Sophie and she giggled.

The girl told her in her broken English to roll over so she could do her front. When she had complied the girl started at her head and worked downwards. She massaged the breasts and rubbed her fingers over Sophie's ribs and tummy. When she reached the navel she stopped and moved to the foot of the table and started on the feet. She worked her way up the legs and kneaded the flesh until the muscles relaxed. As the fingers worked their way towards the bald pubis the girl wondered if Sophie was too young to have grown hair.

Sophie told her about how the hair had been removed and she took hold of the girl's hand and rubbed it on her vulva so that she could see that there was no hair. Then the girl slipped her oily fingers into her cunt.

Sophie was turned on and was breathing hard as the girl masturbated her until she had her first orgasm at the hand of another person. She found it so enjoyable that she went back following day for another massage.

The Thai girl added oral sex the second day and the orgasm was shattering. The next day Sophie put the girl on the table and sucked her pussy. The girl was grown but her breasts were no larger that an English preteen and her golden brown skinned body was almost hairless except for the straight black pubic hair. There was not enough hair to get in the way of her sucking pussy. That had been her only experience until now. She confessed that she had seen a lot of stuff at modeling locations but had never gotten involved.

Helen assured her that she was the most satisfying lover she had ever had. She had to ask her why she had wanted to seduce her in the first place.

"I have developed a thing for older women. The girls my age are so childish. You are the one woman on location for fashion shooting that does not look like an anorexic. I was drawn to your large breasts and wide hips. Based on her observations of women in the industry I figured that even if you rebuffed me you would not tell anyone. Besides when I touched your hand the other day I had a feeling that you had a thing for me.

Helen was not sure that was a compliment and tried to recall her feeling from the other day. She had found her to be a very attractive girl for sure but actually getting horny from her touch didn't seem right.

They talked about what they felt would turn them on the most. Helen confessed her oral fixation and how she enjoyed anal sex as much as cunilingus. Sophie confessed that she had a desire to make love in public.

Helen feared that if she were to make love to Sophie in public it would be dangerous she might be jailed. However she knew if Sophie demanded it she would do anything to please her. She thought about ways they could do it in public in a way that would be safe for them. They discussed doing it on the underground early in the morning when there would be only one or two women in the car. That way they could get off the train and disappear quickly.

Time caught up with them and they went back to bed. They both fell into a deep sleep and Helen didn't wake up till around 10:00 AM the next day. Sophie's arm was around her. The bed was warm and she felt like she could lay there forever. When she finally did disengage herself from the girl the movement woke her up. They got up and went down to brew a fresh pot of coffee.

Sophie said she had to run because she was expected to go to lunch with her parents. After she was dressed they stopped at the front door and kissed for a several minutes before she had to run. Helen made her promise that she would come around after the New Year.

Sophie laughed at her and said, "Nothing could keep me away. I want you to buy us some sex toys for us to use next time"

Helen felt like she would be too embarrassed to actually walk into a sex shop and buy such things. But then she remembered that she could probably order such thing on the internet. Will the New Year bring Sophie for another visit? Will Helen surrender to Sophie's desires and go down on her in full view of strangers?

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