London Vacation

By Ryan Zackheim

Published on Apr 25, 2014


London Vacation - Part 6: The End

DISCLAIMER AND COPYRIGHT: Please do not take any part or whole of this story without the author's permission. No one under the age of 18 should read this story.

WARNING: Due to the depiction of graphic sex and adult situations which may be illegal where you reside and are reading this story, I urge you to check with your local laws. Please contact the author with comments. No flames, please.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Thanks for your patience and compliments, for those of you who wrote to me. I've since graduated and started college - it was insane! It took a long time, but this last bit was really etched in my memory, so I feel confident I've captured it as close to how it happened as I could get it. I don't think I'd have the time to keep writing about further adventures, though there've been a lot of them LOL! College is fun. Later, guys! [PS: Donate to Nifty!]

The phone in my room rang shrilly, startling me awake. I looked at the clock on the bedside table - it was 7am. Shit. I'd barely had 6 hours of sleep. I mumbled hello into the mouthpiece. It was my dad, calling to remind me that we were due to check out of the hotel this morning as we were heading out of London to visit with Lynn, a business associate of his who had become a friend over the years. Lynn lived in Bath, in a lovely house that was `well appointed' as they would say. She was a very nice lady - rather formal, but friendly, and the last time I saw her, I was only 10.

I yawned loudly into the handset of the phone.

"Why don't you get ready, pack up, and meet us in the restaurant for breakfast?" my dad said. "You can keep your mother company while I go collect the rental car and we can be on our way."

I agreed and told him I'd be down in an hour or so. I lazily looked around the room. It was still a mess, the sheets a riot on the bed with a damp spot here and there. My torso was still crusty with cum, and I chuckled at myself for a bit as I surveyed the scene. This trip to London was already a memorable one, that's for sure!

Reluctantly, I got out of bed. My dick was half-hard, as usual, and I masturbated leisurely as I began packing, giving my cock a tug now and then as I recalled all the men I had over the last few days as I folded and neatly put all my stuff away. Mid-way through my sorting, I received a text message from Mr Sex Video, the last guy who fucked me last night - he'd uploaded the clip he shot of us and sent me a link. I got instantly horny again, but forced myself to focus on the packing. Once everything was put away except for the clothes I was going to be wearing today, I powered up my laptop and navigated to the link he'd sent.

Watching myself get thoroughly fucked by a sexy DILF was even more erotically exciting than I imagined. The video quality was not bad, and I could see both his face and mine pretty clearly. It was as I remembered it - him lowering his boxer shorts and approaching me on all fours on the bed, feeding me his cock, and his voice uttering "That's it, suck it" sent a thrill down to my already leaking fuck stick which I had been playing with for almost an hour by now. Watching my mouth around his cock, his bushy black pubic bush pushing into my face, I felt both nervous and proud. It was stupid, I know - I was there! I had lived through it. But with it now `live' on the web, knownig that somewhere, someone might do exactly what I was doing now - jerking off to images of me being used for sex - really sent me into a frenzy, and I began to piston my fist around my dick feverishly. I moved the cursor on the video player along a little bit till he had mounted me, and saw him clamp his hand over my mouth as he took possession of my hole and really fucked into me. Watching our bodies on screen, his pale white ass cheeks flexing as he thrust in and out of me, and me, balancing his weight with my arms as I pushed myself back to meet every fuck stroke, I realized just how much I needed sex. Something clicked for me - my lust went beyond what was hormonal for 17 year old boys. The need to suck and fuck with a man was beyond primal; it was integral to me, and I began to fantasize about the many men in my future, whom I would allow into me, to use my body and give me pleasure as they did it, and I pictured threesomes, which I was extremely eager to experience, and then, as I imagined a gang bang, I came, shooting my cum unexpectedly onto the carpet of the hotel floor. I couldn't help it - it was intense and satisfying and a necessary relief, and it was only after my orgasm had subsided that I felt bad that I had stained the carpet and the poor chambermaid would have to clean it up. I mopped things up with a towel as best as I could, and glancing at the clock, quickly jumped into the shower.

When I met my parents in the dining room, my dad had already finished his breakfast and was sipping his coffee. When he saw me arrive, he smiled and quickly finished his cup, waiting for me to sit and order before he got up to go to the rental car service nearby. My mom and I chatted about our time in London. Apart from all the sex I had been indulging in, I did spend a significant amount of time out and about the city, and we had a nice conversation about our favorite parts of the city. Of course, my mom enjoyed the shopping most, but she took care to name quite a few of the sights we'd caught this trip round, though I teased her mercilessly.

Dad returned about 45 minutes later, and he did not look happy.

"The car rental company screwed things up with our reservation. Instead of a sedan, they gave us a compact, and there are no other cars available. I'm worried that we won't all fit, given the amount of luggage we've got," he said grimly.

Mom looked concerned. "I don't know if I can manage to re-pack things so we have fewer bags..." she began.

We decided to fetch our bags and see what we could do about the car situation. Dad and I went to the check out desk as there were various business-related charges he had to settle and query so we could not just avail ourselves to the online check-out. Meanwhile, mom went to the concierge to ask if they would be so kind as to fetch our bags from our rooms and load them into the car while we were waiting. Although it was only nearing 10am, there was quite a line at the reception desk. It took us about 20 minutes to be served, but it was a quick process, and by 10:15, we were standing curbside on St Martin's Lane. Thanks to my mom's prodigious shopping and my parents' propensity for oversized luggage, there were still four bags on the sidewalk. The concierge, a slightly older man who looked about 40, was trying his best to fit everything in, but it was evident that short of stuffing the bags into the back seat, there was no way everything was going to fit. The car was a small hatchback that had almost no boot storage - the car rental service had really screwed us over.

Mom was trying her best to persuade the concierge to work magic over the bags, but it was clearly impossible.

"I'm very sorry, madam, but it appears that the laws of physics have triumphed in this case," he said apologetically in what I now knew to be a Northern accent. I surreptitiously eyed his crotch, wondering how much meat he was packing, before I looked up to see that he was looking at Dad and I. He smiled at us - at me? - and enquired, "Can I ask where you are headed to? Perhaps we can send your bags along for you?"

Mom and Dad began a conversation with him as I stood by, part listening while looking at him closely. His name tag said his name was David, and he was quite an attractive man. He had a shaved head, and was about 6 feet tall. His uniform was well cut but not overly revealing - from what I could tell, he seemed trim and proportionate. He had piercing blue eyes on an otherwise unremarkable face - but those eyes were stirring desire in me as he darted them back and forth from my parents to me as he spoke to them. I wondered what he was wondering about me that caused him to keep glancing my way...

"...that sounds like a good idea," I heard Mom say. "Will you be okay?" she asked me.

I must have betrayed the fact that I had only barely been listening as Dad immediately explained. Rather than incur massive charges for sending the bags with a courier service - and risk losing them en route, or having them be delayed - David had suggested that he could fill all the bags into the back seat, which meant that there would be no room for me to ride along, but I could take a train up to Bath to meet them, which would be much cheaper. This sounded fine to me. I asked how long the train journey might take and worked out some logistics with David and my parents. Since the drive was likely to be longer than the train ride, I mentioned that I might wander round London for a little longer before heading up to Bath, arriving in the late afternoon, allowing my parents time to settle in with Lynn before they had to meet me at Bath station.

In a few minutes, my parents had driven away, and I was left standing with just my wallet, my phone and the clothes on my back in front of the hotel, while David gave me a polite smile and headed back inside. As I watched his retreating form, he turned back to look at me and gave me a wink before walking through the revolving doors. That wink went straight to my cock and I felt it twitch slightly. This was not a coincidence, I thought, and after a minute of contemplation, I walked back into the hotel lobby and headed over the concierge desk.

"Is David around?" I asked the young man at the stand, who looked to be about my age. He was calm and polite and said that David had just gone off shift, but the new managing concierge might be able to assist me, would he like me to give him a ring?

Slightly disappointed, I declined his offer and made my way out to the street again. I thought again about the little passage way my room overlooked, where I had seen staff emerging and taking cigarette breaks over the last few days, and wondered if I could perhaps catch him there. Slowly, nonchalantly since I didn't want to seem to eager, I slowly walked around the corner and waited, leaning against a wall opposite the staff entrance. 10am must be when the hotel shifts changed, I thought, because there was quite a lot of coming and going in the next 10 minutes.

Finally, David emerged, now dressed casually in a polo shirt and a pair of fitting jeans, his eyes obscured by a pair of Ray Bans. He was with two other guys whom I thought I recognized as other concierge desk staff, and immediately walked toward me, smiling.

"I thought you might be here," David said, his accent thicker than before, extending his hand to me. I shook it, surprised he knew I was waiting for him.

"This here are my mates Yann and Tom," he gestured to the two men with him who also shook my hand in turn. "This young man has been our guest for the last three nights," he said to them.

"It's nice to know the hotel takes such good care of its guests," i joked. I wondered where things were leading, although I could feel my heart rate rising as my fantasy of having sex with more than one partner at a time seemed to be on the horizon.

"You might be interested to know that we don't just take good care of our guests," David said. "We also take good notice of their comings and goings, too." With this, Yann and Tom began to laugh, and David joined in. I laughed along with them, a quizzical expression on my face.

"There has been a lot of," David paused, "Shall we say interest, in your comings and goings, specifically." He gave me a meaningful look, and I could feel some color rising in my cheek.

"The hotel security cameras aren't our business," Yann began to speak. He had a French accent, and was about David's height, but much younger, looking about 25 or so. Now that I was looking at him, he was smoking hot, with model-worthy looks. He had a strong brow and jawline, and his dark brown hair was fashionably tousled, and he spotted a bit of facial hair that gave him a rugged appearance. He continued, "But we did see quite a lot of activity on your floor, especially in and out of your room."

They all laughed, then Tom, the third guy spoke up. "We were particularly interested in the fact that you were wandering along the hallway in the wee hours of early this morning," he grinned. He was the shortest of the trio, just about my height, with blonde hair and a clean-cut, handsome face that was made endearing by his rather crooked smile. He had an accent similar to David's but sounded slightly of music as well, and I wondered if he was Scottish.

"Well, I have a few hours to spare before I need to head to Bath..." I began. "Any ideas how a 17 year old guy can stay out of trouble in London before going to meet his parents?"

"The lads were just heading to my place for a bite before heading home," David said. "I live close by. You're welcome to tag along if you wish. We'll keep you out of trouble." His words sounded like a promise, so I agreed.

David led the way as we wended our way through Covent Garden. The three of them were perfect guides, pointing out little known sites dotted around the piazza, shouting hellos to the street performers like they were old friends, and chatting away with me, asking me about myself. The conversation was light and lively, friendly without being sexual in any way, and I began to wonder if they had the same idea I had about wanting to sleep with all three of them.

It took about 30 minutes of walking, eventually crossing over the Waterloo Bridge, past an area they all explained was called the South Bank, before we unexpectedly turned into a residential street and came to a stop at the front of a terraced house. David unlocked the door and let us in, locking it behind us. I followed Tom, who was at the head, up a flight of stairs. The house must have been divided into individual apartments on each floor. We climbed up two flights before stopping in front of a single door. David unlocked it and let us in.

"Make yourselves at home," David said. The place was plain and simple, sparsely furnished with a sofa and a huge television on top of a book case in the living area, and in the back, a kitchen with a window with a small dining table that served to divide that area away from the front of the room. To the back, there was a small hallway that led to rooms, I supposed.

Yann flopped down on couch and groaned, soon joined by Tom. I sat next to them, the three of us snugly fit on the sofa. Yann and Tom immediately started talking about their shift - all the different things that had happened the night before, while David busied himself in the kitchen. I felt slightly out of place, but listened with interest as they bantered back and forth, complaining about other concierge team members, and some of the guests who had been difficult. It was very illuminating and although I barely contributed to the conversation, my awkwardness receded.

Within minutes, David had eggs and toast on the table and we all sat down. I declined their offer for food, having eaten at the hotel with my parents, and watched them wolf down their meal ravenously.

"Doesn't the hotel feed you?" I asked.

"Our shift is from 2am to 10am - we have our meal break at 5am," David explained, "So round about now, it's dinner time for us and we're usually starving."

"You don't realize how hungry you get standing around, waiting to be called on!" Tom laughed, his mouth full of toast.

They ate quickly and cheerfully, continuing their banter. As managing concierge, David interjected with some interesting insights into why certain things were done, explaining to me that Tom was the least experienced of the trio. As juices were gulped down, I remarked, "You're all in a rush, it seems. I hope I'm not keeping you from something?"

David leaned forward, setting his elbows on the table, and looked at me with those piercing blue eyes.

"I have to rush," Yann said. "I need to get some sleep because I have a model casting at 3 o'clock this afternoon."

"You model?" I asked.

"Trying to," he said with a devastating smile. He was quiet and seemed shy, it now appeared to me. It was also apparent that he was giving off very strong straight boy vibes suddenly as he stood up and began to gather his things. We all left the table, and I shook Yann's hand goodbye. I felt a little sad that he was leaving as there was definitely no way I would get to have sex with him now.

In fact, I was feeling a bit disorientated as it was no longer clear to me that I was on a flirtatious outing. Maybe David was just really good at his job and meant to keep an eye on me for my parents. He locked the door behind Yann and turned back to the dining table to put the dishes away, while Tom walked back towards the sofa and settled down. I stood in the middle of the room, uncertain of myself, feeling very out of place.

"Perhaps I should go? You guys must be tired having just come off shift..." I began. "No need to babysit me if you need to rest. If you could tell me how to head toward the train station, I could maybe take my time and wander up there..."

"Sort of like how you wander around the hotel hallway in the middle of the night?" David asked from the kitchen, He smirked at me with a knowing look.

"Er," I hesitated, then decided to throw caution to the wind. "Well, I'm sure you know what was going on, so I won't bother pretending that I don't understand what you're implying."

"That's cool," Tom said behind me. I turned to look at him. He was lounging on the sofa, his head resting against the back, his legs spread wide open in front of him. "Guests like you keep things interesting for us."

"And what do you think I'm implying?" David asked, as I turned back to him. He was done putting the dishes in the sink, and the remains of breakfast back into the fridge and cupboards, and began walking over towards me.

I smiled at him. In his fitted jeans, I could tell that my assumption about Northern men was not about to be refuted - his package looked large and promising, and I swallowed in anticipation before I spoke. "I think you're implying that I might be wandering the streets of London, looking for sex," I stated simply.

"And would I be right in that assumption?" David asked, now standing in front of me, about two feet away, his arms folded across his chest. I hadn't noticed before how muscled he was, but the fact that he stretched the polo shirt taut across this shoulders, and his strong biceps and triceps bulged against his chest was very apparent to me as I stood there before him, feeling hornier by the minute.

"I did think it was possible that we might have a bit of fun," I said, before I felt an arm encircling my waist from behind. Tom had silently come up behind me, and I could feel his hard body pressed up against me, his groin especially pushing against my ass. He said, softly to my ear, "That's very cool. We like playing with our guests."

With that, David stood forward and sandwiched me between them. All at once, their mouths were on me. I hugged David to me, feeling his warm, hard muscles against me as his mouth descended on mine. I could taste his breakfast, but that soon fell away as his tongue invaded my mouth insistently, stabbing in as I sucked on it. I felt his hands roaming down the front of my body, his hands feeling their way down my pecs, stopping to tweak my nipples. Behind me, Tom's mouth was nipping at my neck, and his arms around my waist wandered south, boldly rubbing against my hard cock, squeezing and kneading my ass cheeks forcefully. We were a mass of heavy breathing mouths, hands and bodies, and I felt incredibly excited as it was going to be my first threesome - this trip to London, already full of memorable fucks, was going to be legendary to me.

Pulling my mouth away from David, I gently pushed him away. "I don't want to get my clothes all messed up as I have to wear them all day on the train." Without a word, they let me go, and I quickly stripped off my clothes, neatly laying them on the sofa. Once again, I found myself completely naked, my cock proudly erect and pointing straight up at me, in the company of strange men - actually, this was a first, as it would be the first time I had sex with two men at the same time. I told David this, as I watched him take off his shirt, exposing his impressively muscular and hairy upper body, his nipples erect and so inviting to me.

"I find that hard to believe," he chortled as he reached down and began undoing his jeans. "The way you had men coming in and out of your room, knocking on your door... I know you're a dirty American slut, don't deny it."

"I'm 17, I like sex, so sue me," I said as I watched him shuck off his jeans. He now stood in front of me wearing nothing but a pair of white CK briefs, his massive cock jutting out above the waistband, pushing it out away from his waist.

"We like sex, too," Tom said behind me, and I turned round to see that he had completely stripped off too. His body was almost identical to mine, toned and lean, but he also had an impressively hairy chest, and a massive crotch bush of dark, dirty blond curls that surrounded a healthy looking man meat that was about 7 inches long and thick. His balls hung loosely under, also furry with blond fuzz, and I licked my lips in anticipation. He laughed when he saw me do so, and muttered, "We got ourselves an eager one, here, Dave."

They both laughed and again sandwiched me, this time with Dave behind me and Tom in front. They swapped places and roles, and I enjoyed Tom's lips against mine - his lips were softer than David's but his tongue was as insistent and eager. Feeling his cock poking against me was also a delicious thrill, especially because behind me, I could feel David's hard throbbing member rubbing against the top of my buttocks. As he nipped my ears and kneaded my ass cheeks apart, I could feel him using one hand to lower his briefs down his thighs, freeing his cock so its whole length and girth was rubbing against my me. I felt the hot, hard rod and realized it was extremely thick. Northerners are indeed well hung!!

All the male heat against me was sending me into an overload of sensation and I grabbed at them using both my arms, one at the front, one at the back, pushing them closer against me as I felt our bodies rubbing together. The room, silent earlier, was now noisy with the sound of guttural moans and grunts as we swapped spit and allowed our hands to freely fondle, caress, pinch and roam over our bodies. I loved the feeling of hairy chests rubbing up against my chest and my back - Tom's hairier body was really turning me on as I felt the wetness of his precum moistening my hips, my lower torso, the wiry hairs of his pubic bush tickling against my own thatch. Behind me, David's stronger arms were more aggressive. He reached one hand to lightly hold my neck in a choke hold as he started to mutter filth into my ears while sticking his tongue into them as he rubbed his cock up and down against my ass crack, allowing me to feel the whole length of the hot muscle that I so badly wanted inside me.

Wordlessly, David began to manoeuvre Tom and I toward the back of the apartment, so we walked, a mass of hard, naked bodies down the darkened hallway. I briefly noticed a bathroom, and another closed door, before we entered David's bedroom, which again, was almost empty, except for a very large closet and bed. David pushed me slightly forward to one side, and sat me down on the bed. It was my first chance to look at his cock and I was not disappointed - it was huge. I don't know what size it was, but it stood erect and proud and I felt both elated and afraid of taking it up the ass because of its thickness. David must have seen my trepidation because he chuckled, "Don't worry boy. I won't hurt you. Much." And then both he and Tom laughed as they both approached me on either side, jutting their cocks at my face.

Eagerly, I grabbed on to each cock with my hands and brought them both to my mouth. Both Tom and David were uncut, but their foreskins were stretched back by their bulbous cockheads. David's cock was the larger of the two, for sure, while Tom's cock had a cute upward curve to it that I had never had in my ass before - at least not one that curved quite so much! Lasciviously, I opened my mouth wide, trying to stuff their cockheads in, but of course, I couldn't really achieve this. So I took turns sucking each one, going back and forth, suctioning and tasting them noisily as the room filled with sounds of my mouth hard at work, while Tom quietly encouraged me along, "Yeah babe, suck those cocks. Use your tongue, yeah, lick my cock head..." David was content just to grunt - a man of few words, evidently.

After about 5 minutes of my alternating head, David got slightly impatient and pushed Tom's cock away before taking a firm hold of my head and forcing his cock into my mouth. It pushed past my lips, and hit the back of my throat where I started choking, my eyes watering. I pushed against him, gagging, but he held still and kept pushing his cock in further. "Take it bitch. Don't chicken out on me now. I know you crave man cock, so here's mine. Swallow it down, come on."

Gasping for breath, I breathed through my nose urgently as my eyes continued to water. Behind me, I felt Tom's hand joining in with David's, pushing my head down on that gigantic piece of man meat till it stretched past my throat and I finally had David's pubic hair against my nose.

"Fuck yeah," David said while Tom let out a low whistle in appreciation. David held my head still while he slowly withdrew his cock slightly before pushing it back in. Slowly, he began a deep throat face fuck while I concentrated on breathing and not gagging. My own cock was soft, so lost in thought and concentration I was, but at the same time, I felt proud. Sure, it was unpleasant being forced into it, but it was a real accomplishment, I felt, to deep throat David's big dick and I felt myself begin to harden again when I realized that I had added another sexual skill into my repertoire.

"Fuck your mouth is so good on my cock," David said as he started picking up the pace once he saw how I was getting used to his invading pecker in my pie hole. I was so lost in the insistent rhythm of the thorough fucking my mouth was receiving that I almost did not realize that Tom was now sucking my cock expertly, teasing my cock head with his tongue just as I had done to his earlier. This was the stuff of my dreams - servicing a man while another serviced me! I savored the moment.

Gradually, David pulled my head off his cock and bent down to kiss me, hard and brutal. All his professional calm and politeness had slipped away, it seemed, and in its place was animal lust for my flesh. He invaded my mouth, claiming it with his tongue, tasting himself in me, while his fingers found my nipples and started tweaking them hard till I hissed in pain and ecstasy.

"I really want to fuck you," Tom said, as he stood up. David and I stopped kissing, and turned to look at him. Tom, too, had lost his laid-back demeanor and was now looking at me with blown pupils, his eyes fixated on my body, raking over my naked flesh till it came to rest on my hips. "Me first?" he asked David, who nodded. Wordlessly, Tom pushed me back on the bed, raising my legs off the floor.

"Don't I get a say over who fucks me first?" I asked.

"You've just been taking it every night from whoever is willing to give it to you, so no, you don't have a say," Tom replied, his tone steely as he continued to bore into me with his eyes, his face a mask of determined lust and hunger.

I was lying on the bed, my legs apart as Tom climbed in between them and pushed them further apart. He wet two fingers and started pushing them into my asshole, which - after all the fucking I'd endured over the last few days - was quiet pliant.

"Slut," Tom said as his fingers slipped in easily. I felt dirty and was about to protest when he roughly stuck two more fingers into me, causing me to gasp in pain.

"Fuck!" I yelled. "Take it easy dude!"

Tom grabbed my cock and pumped it furiously to distract me from the pain. "Shut up and open up your man cunt, babe," he said, not unkindly. "I'm gonna give you an Irish fucking you won't forget."

So he was Irish! It was nice to know I was sampling a wide variety of the UK men while I was here!

David had retrieved some lube and threw a bunch of condoms on the bed next to me. Tom continued to thrust his fingers into me roughly while he reached out for a condom. For a moment, I was unmolested, a naked teenage boy lying on a stranger's bed, my legs spread open, my penis erect. Swiftly, Tom sheathed his dick and spread some lube on it before his clammy hands lifted my legs on his shoulders and he positioned himself against my hole.

"You're kinda big," I said, "Please not too fast..." but I might as well have been talking to a wall because Tom slammed his cock straight into me, pushing past my defenses and penetrating me instantly till he was in balls-deep. I screamed in pain, and David clamped his hand over my mouth to muffle it.

"Shh... babe, it's okay," Tom said, as his cock continued to assault my ass. The pain was searing, and I could feel every inch of his silky steel sliding against me. It felt like a hot injection in my guts, and I was trying to pull away, but he held on to my legs tight and bent over me, pinning me down with his weight, while the pressure of David's hand over my mouth further helped keep me in place as I had no choice but to allow Tom's cock to fuck itself into me.

Being a young dude, he had strength and stamina to spare, and I lay there grunting as he pushed his meat in and out of me in varying speeds and intensity. The pain was receding, and I began to have more sensations in my asshole, which was beginning to tingle from his ministrations. David let go of my mouth and waved his fat sausage at my face, and I stuck my tongue out to lick at it. This was enough encouragement for him to swivel round and mount my chest as he positioned his cock at my mouth and urged me to "Open wide" before he raised my head off the bed and began pushing his cock into my mouth.

As I sucked on David's cock and felt Tom's enthusiastic fucking, I allowed myself to feel lost in the lust and the sexual hedonism I was being initiated into - the world where having multiple sex partners at the same time was a reality that was hot, hard, and increasingly satisfying. I was moaning from the pleasure Tom was now giving me as he sped up and slowed down his fuck pace, his upturned cock feeling so unusual inside my love canal. David's thick fuck pole was again trying to forge new territory down my throat, and I valiantly focused on deep throating him while all around me was the sound of sex: my moans mixed in with David's grunts and Tom's continual "fuck"s as he did just that to me, the sound of his balls slapping against my butt proof of his efforts.

David withdrew his cock from my mouth and climbed off me to one side. I looked at Tom, who was now sweating, his chest hair matted against him as he continued to fuck me. He leaned down and kissed me hungrily, and I wrapped my arms around him, feeling his perspiration soaked back as the wet hairy chest pressed against mine. I was in heaven.

"My turn," David said, and Tom reluctantly slowed down and withdrew his cock, My hold shrank in relief from the temporary emptiness, but I braced myself as I saw David's condom encased monster approach me. He cracked an evil grin at me when he saw me looking at his dick, "Yeah, it's gonna hurt."

"Shit," i swore as David took up Tom's recently vacated spot. Instead of raising my legs onto his shoulders, he took each of my legs and spread them wide, pushing my knees down against the mattress, really opening my hole up to him. Unlike Tom, David took his time, though, and I could feel his cock head pressing against my bung hole before he slowly pushed it in. Given the girth of his dick, this still hurt like fuck, but once it was in, I tightened my hole around it as he slide the rest of his cock into me.

"Oh fuck yeah," David muttered, and I couldn't agree more with him. I watched him as he expertly began to fuck me, his muscles straining as he used his manhood to invade my innermost sanctum. Although I'm no virgin, I felt like he was plumbing new depths in me, and I heard myself moaning in heat.

"Slutty babe," Tom said as he watched me getting fucked. He still had his condom on and was swinging his dick around hands-free. He looked particularly gorgeous, sexy and ridiculous all at once, and I laughed as I watched him wag his wang around while his boss continued to lay claim on my ass. pistoning his hard cock in and out, now at jackhammer speed, as his grunts became louder and dirtier. The room was beginning to feel overheated, and I was getting lost in the haze of sex and fucking.

Suddenly, I noticed another guy standing behind David, and I began to pull away. David simply pushed himself down on top of me, pinning me in place as he continued to fuck into me. This knocked the wind out of me, but I couldn't protest as I was trapped beneath him while his cock continued its assault of my ass.

Panting, I asked, "Who's he?" as I watched the man. He was also tall, with jet black hair, and a strong Roman face. He was bare chested, exposing a waxed chest that was impressively muscled. He wore boxer shorts which were tenting and he was watching me get fucked with great interest.

"That's Claudio," Tom said, "David's housemate."

By now, David was fucking at full speed, and I was holding on to him for dear life as each thrust pushed into me with great force and heat. We were joined at our sex, and his hairy torso rubbed against my bare cock, mixing his sweat with my slimy precum, causing us to mesh into a seething mass of wanton male fucking.

"Fucking hell, boy, you're so fucking tight," David harshly whispered at me as he increased his pace even more, the sound of his cock sawing in and out of me filling all my senses. "I'm gonna cum, fuck!" he yelled, and all at once, he stilled and jerked once, twice, thrice into me with such force my bones rattled. Panting heavily, he kissed me on the mouth, and withdrew his cock. I felt myself weak from the intensity of his fucking and lay splayed apart, while I continued to watch Claudio warily. He was still just standing there, his boxer shorts now featuring a wet spot in front, silently looking at me with what seemed like judgmental eyes.

Without missing a beat, Tom climbed back onto the bed and raised my legs onto his shoulders and went right back into my hold with his cock. You'd think that after hosting David's massive fucker I wouldn't feel much, but Tom's upward curve ensured that my breath hitched as he resumed our copulation. He was obviously close, too, as his pace was rapid and strong. Our breaths came as one as we grunted in unison with each thrust. I was feeling so hot, so high on sex, that I could feel my own orgasm building up as Tom's cock kept hitting my prostate.

"Oh yeah, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me!" I yelled at him as I stared into his lust-filled eyes. "Yeah babe, gonna cum, gonna cum!" he said as he headed for his finish line. I could feel myself getting close, and I squeezed my eyes shut as an intense orgasm overcame me. I shot rope after rope of hot cum, feeling it splash all over my chest, my chin, as Tom continued to rock into me as he came. I couldn't believe we had simultaneous orgasms, but as our breathing died down, I felt him withdraw his cock and pull off his condom. He tipped the contents over my torso and began to mix his cum with mine. Greedily, he licked it up and all over me, and I began to settle down into the afterglow of my first threesome.

Tom hovered for a while then rolled off me, leaving me open, exposed. I felt the bed shift again, and looked up to see that Claudio had completely undressed and was waving a mighty big cock in my direction. I felt exhausted and all fucked out, and shook my head slightly, an apologetic smile on my face as I said, "I'm sorry dude. I'm all fucked out, and can't really go again."

Claudio didn't say anything but just reached for a condom packet and began to tear it open. I began to sit up, but Tom reached out to hold me down gently. I felt a bit nervous. "Look, I'm serious, I don't wanna be fucked any more. That was a lot of cock for me. It was my first threesome..." but it was like I was talking to no one as Claudio slipped the condom on and reached for the bottle of lube. I struggled against Tom but weakened by all that fucking I'd taken, I was quite ineffectual until I felt David on my other side, holding my other arm. I began to really struggle now. "Stop it! Guys, I need a break! I don't wanna get fucked again," I protested, slight panic arising in me as I realized what was about to happen as both Tom and David tightened their grips on my arms and held me down. Claudio was now in between my legs, and I began kicking them, but he grabbed one and pinned it down with his left leg, which hurt like shit. Meanwhile, David used his own legs to pin my arm down while his hands grabbed hold of my other leg and pulled my ass open for Claudio. My used hole was exposed, and I felt myself began to tear up as I could tell I was going to be fucked whether I wanted it or not.

"It's okay babe, don't worry," Tom said next to me. "We're men. We fuck. That's what we do. You'll enjoy it."

"No, please," I said, "Please..."

Claudio was silent throughout, just this big man with a big dick positioned at my fuck hole. He positioned his cock head and began to push into me.

"Fuck, no, stop!" I cried, "Please don't do this. I need a rest. I-I..." but it was no use as I could feel his cock sliding into me all at once and I groaned in pain and pleasure. Tom soothed me, saying, "That's it babe. That's it. Open up and let Claudio fuck you. You want it, babe. We know you do. We've watched the men you take into your hotel room. You're an eager fuck slut, so just let us fuck you good..."

Claudio's rape of my asshole was now in session and I had no choice but to lie there, held down by three men as he used his cock to violate me. I was in tears, but not actually crying, but my moans were those of someone who was being raped, and I had a flashback to that guy two - three? - days ago in my hotel room, who just kept going even though I didn't want him to continue. Compared to Claudio, Tom and David, that had been a lovemaking experience. This, this was carnal, base and pure sex. Sure, I had willingly wanted to be fucked by men, but I was tired, and Claudio wasn't even someone I had anticipated having, and this presumption that I was just there to be fucked by them, to be used like a slut was humbling. I knew it was true, what Tom had said: We were men. We fucked. That's what we did. And I love taking it up the ass - I love having a man own me, use me and fuck himself into me with all his brute force, but I was also feeling very violated and confused. Did I want this? As I felt Claudio continue to rape me, I gave in to the physical sensations of pleasure that were coursing through me, the feeling of being filled with hard cock. Claudio could sense my relaxing, and he began to tweak my nipples as he fucked into me. He built up a steady pace, and began to speak. His voice, low and deep, was sexy as hell, which made the fact that I was enduring being raped by him somewhat less horrible. "Oh yes, that's a sweet teenaged boy cunt you brought back Dave. Just what I needed this morning. So good. And a hot bod and a cute face too. So innocent looking, fuck."

David laughed, "This is no innocent kid, Claude. You should have seen the number of men going in and out of his room, the kid's insatiable."

I wanted to protest this characterization of me, but I was too worn out. Tom and David's grips had tightened as the rape continued, and although I was again hard, there was no release in store for me. Tom shifted himself on my right and pinned my arm down with his leg just as David had, and then straddled my chest, blocking Claudio from my view. His cock, again long and hard and thick, was presented in front of me, and he gently nudged my mouth apart with it. I wordlessly opened my mouth, accepting my fate - if I'd protested, they'd just use ways to force me, so I complied. Tom's cock was just as tasty as it had been previously, and he began to grunt in appreciation as I sucked on his cock while my asshole was being raped by a man I didn't know and hadn't even met till he was naked and about to claim my body. All these thoughts began to get jumbled up in my mind during those minutes when I was - really - being raped orally and anally. Being fucked against my will was not what I expected - sure, I hadn't really wanted it to begin with, but my now leaking cock was proof positive that I was now enjoying the experience. Tom's words again echoed in my mind. Men fuck. That's what men do. And I gave myself into my lust. I took each thrust of Claudio's powerful fuck in stride and found myself getting aroused further by the fact that three men were holding me down and gang raping me, essentially. My excitement at having a threesome had led to this, but I couldn't be sorry. Like losing my virginity, this was a necessary rite of passage for me - to be raped, to be forced, to experience the sensation of being taken against my will, and to come to like it, love it and give myself over to it so that all there was left was the sex. The smell of sex was in the air, and all our grunts and moans, the sounds of fucking and sucking, and the stench of male desire, want and taking were putrid all around us. As much as I was losing my innocence, they were too; the experience of taking a part of me would claim a price on them as well. But for the moment, there was just sex.

And it was fucking good.

It turned out that Claudio was a loud cummer, yelling, "Oh my god, oh my good, fuck!" over and over again as he pounded into me while his body shuddered. His grip on me loosened, and I felt my body sink into the bed while Tom continued to face fuck me with his sweet cock. I could taste the last batch of his tangy cum on his cock, and I enjoyed the sensation of milking the batter out of him again as we gazed intently at each other.

Not surprisingly, I felt my legs being spread again, and another cock was soon thrust into me. Though my view was obscured by Tom, I could tell from the thickness and length that it was David who had mounted me again. Talk about insatiable!

All told, I was well and truly fucked that day. By the time I was allowed to get up, shower and get dressed, it was almost 2:30pm - we had been fucking for almost four hours. In that time, I had my first threesome, had been honest to god raped, and learnt to embrace what it meant to be a real man with sexual needs that had to be met. By my tally, Tom fucked me, then David to orgasm, then Tom, then Claudio, then David again - this time withdrawing and shooting his cum for me to swallow while Tom saddled up and fucked me again to climax, and finally Claudio again, who managed to jerk me off till I came again while he was fucking me. My asshole was so abused that it was numb. The train ride to Bath didn't hurt at all because I couldn't really feel anything as I was sitting down. My arms were slightly bruised from the tight grip David had had on it holding me down while I was getting raped, but it would heal soon, I'm sure.

After, when they were all fucked out themselves and let me up, David was very kind and solicitous, offering me fresh towels, even pressing my shirt, which had gotten a bit creased while sitting on a pile on his sofa. We sat down and had a cup of tea, and everything felt normal, it was hard to imagine that just moments prior, we had been nothing but animal lust and fucking. I said goodbye, certain I'd never see them again, but confident that my body would remember the feel and taste of their cocks and cum well. My only regret is that we didn't think to film this entire episode - it was significant in that it marked a real shift for me sexually. If I was insatiable before, I was now voracious - hey, I'm a 17 year old guy! My adventures beyond London... let's just say I've been having a lot of sex. A lot:-)

Next: Chapter 7

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