Lose Control

By HomelessCub ...

Published on Feb 21, 2012


The following story contains graphic descriptions of adult male-to-make sex. If this topic offends, upsets you or is illegal for you to read for whatever reason then please leave this page along with the site.

This story does not detail safe sex and while this is perfectly fine for fiction, life is always different. So protect yourself and your partner and be safe!

Comments about the story are, of course, welcome along with any constructive criticism you may have.

I hope you enjoy the following story.

Lose Control

Chapter Three: Priest Edwards' Holy Water

The time had come for my meeting with Priest Edwards at his church, giving those in his list a half day at school for most to rejoice, most except me. To be honest a half day at school had become the last thing I wanted since it meant I would lose a day with Mr. Vargas, something neither of us wanted for various reasons. As I met him in private before leaving, unable to undergo our usual business around the other as instead he warned me one last time about the priest. Trying to keep my mind cool and collect about the situation soon to unfold in the priests office, locked away from the view of others, before letting me leave, waiting for me to open the door before giving me a cryptic promise. Telling me that if something should go wrong for me to phone me upon happening and he would stop Priest Edwards in a manner he neglected to explain to me. Instead falling silent to watch me leave his office with the door slamming shut, leaving him alone as he groaned out upon getting up from his desk to move towards the door and lock it for the time being. Freeing him from the rest of the school for the moment, all too busy with their work to need his assistances, allowing him to unlock his hidden drinks cabinet and pour himself out a nice cooling drink, to take his mind of his troubles before heading back over to his desk. Sipping on the glass, with a sigh escaping his lips for the first, far from the last, of the day as far as he made himself comfortable in his chair once more, usually a place of power and currently one in the aim of his pleasure. Undoing his belt and pulling down his zipper to take out his cock and leave it resting in his fly while he unlocked the bottom drawer on his desk and took out a desk to pop it into his computer. Ready to view another recorded video of my father to get his rocks off in the annoyance that it would not be me between his legs today. Being the one instead to fish out his cock from his day old underwear, only after soaking them in my drool and gaining his permission to, then, work it over in our daily routine until he would let me swallow his cum to drink his bitter juices of life. Mr. Vargas getting off on the pleasure that both a father and son having both taken his cum down their throats, willingly and more than once in their own pleasure for helping a man many hated getting off sexually. Giving birth to a fantasy, one-day soon reality, of getting us both together in a hotel room for the plans of a new video, ideas already being made as to who he would cast to help fill the scenes with able cocks to give us the sperm we desired. Knowing full well once the video was made he would never have to hold it over our heads in blackmail in order to get us to play along with him in whatever sexual manner his twisted mind came up with for us to perform in order to spill his cum in aim for our hungry mouths.

I sat outside Priest Edwards study, waiting for the last person, currently stuck in session with him, to leave and effectively leave me alone with the man since I seemed to be the last to arrive at his church. The rest seemingly happy to rush out of school over any excuse with the knowledge that being seen by Priest Edwards would get them the day off without being in trouble with their parents and all because of the priests word of mouth. As the student soon came out of the office, waiting for the door to shut before claiming how easy it was to lie to the man, any excuse necessary to quickly the pace in order to escape, and all with a grin. Leaving me next as he wished me luck, clutching onto a piece of paper he would hand to his parents to prove that he had done as instructed before leaving to whatever would take him throughout the day.

Everything began as expected, with me listening to what I assumed to be the standard lecture and questions being asked to me by Priest Edwards, at times sounding a little too by the book to not have something else on his mind. As my suspicions came to fruition about an hour into our meeting, I still stuck in the study where I am sure everyone else had long since forgotten about since they seemed to have only spent under ten minutes inside the place. Leaving me somewhat as a special case of his as his questions began to change, becoming more intrusive and some down right dirty in their sexual nature, that seemed to scare him off my answers. Never giving me enough time to answer the multiple questions as he would instead cough out, acting embarrassed over the questions he let slip, and then change the subject to something more pure only to return to his true nature once he felt safe. An inner battle of sorts seemingly playing out inside his body, with one side slowly winning against his better nature to give into a craving that had been itching his body and, in his mind, damning his soul in the hopes of cleansing to save him from damnation. As it finally won out, forcing him from his chair, wiping the sweat from his brow with a handkerchief he placed back in his pocket while he made his way to lock the door. Sealing us to our faith that had crossed paths once before and now seemed locked together in a plan that would play out in a manner to please one of us and quench the other in a moment later seen with guilt.

"I saw you that day, I know because you saw me looking into your eyes with cum on your face." Priest Edwards stated, turning from the door to stare me down as I, in turn, turned to look back at him. Stuck with the truth facing me pointblank and with no escape, par from jumping out of a closed window and injuring myself to further questioning and suddenly with bigger balls than I should have had in that situation. "Did you like doing something so sinful?" He asked me, this time sounding haunted by the answer he was hoping would escape my lips in a bid to help free him from a grasp that still had a hold over him spiritually.

"Yes I did, because I know it to be part of my nature." My answer surprising both him and myself in a form that could bring about more trouble than anything for me, not that I could have figured that out at that moment. As I focused on Priest Edwards, watching my answer turn his face red a little over a confession that had him fix himself through his robes before sitting down to avoid me seeing something he would regret more than I would.

"...What about it did you like? I mean what about your actions would make you so willing to admit to such a thing?" He asked, stumbling over his words and now seeming lost over something he could not control. A nature to find out something he lusted after himself yet lived in fear over the wrong person finding out to destroy his career and blacklist him from the only life his family raised him to know.

"The feeling of his beating cock in my mouth, knowing that I was the one giving him pleasure in front of those unknowing witnesses. The taste of his bitter cum, his very seed given to me by him instead of a woman like many men and women preach it to be. Giving me something forbidden from the man to feed my own selfish hunger in an act I would never apologize for." I explained, losing myself in the moment that burned my body in my own growing lusts over the time growing closer to when I would be alone with Mr. Vargas. My body beginning to scream out for what it would miss this day, much to its and my annoyance. As I looked over at him once more to find him lost himself, one hand missing and, by the judgment of his actions, seemed to be stroking his cock in a bid to remain secret, yet losing that battle a little too openly. Freeing Mr. Vargas and me from my confessions and giving me a light to his cryptic promise of being able to help if trouble should arise. He knew about the priest and at that moment, I was beginning to believe a lot more men that just Mr. Vargas knew about him in an almost intimate manner.

"You disgusting perverted old man!" I growled out, surprising him and playing to the needs I was beginning to realize he had pent up in his mind. As I got up from my chair, no need for worry about the door since he had himself locked us in and lead us to the moment, I planned on riding out, to move closer to him. Listening to the sounds of his protests, trying to sound strong as he demanded to know what I was doing and why I was coming so close to him. Forcing me to snap at the man and show him with my actions instead of words, as my hand reached down inside his robe, revealing he had already kicked his trousers off and threw them under the table. As my hand pushed his own away for me to grip his chubby little cock, a gasp escaping his mouth and putting an end to his protesting to leave his words than more than a man in heat babbling in a caving manner. Giving into his, own neglected needs once more, seeming too far-gone to think about the consequences he would later complain forced him away from the place, for me to have my wicked way with him as we both longed for, though he would still not admit to such a perverted thing at that moment in space and time.

"You really are nothing better than those you claim to be trying to save from an eternal hell over actions you yourself commit when no one else is looking." I said in the form of another growl, a new confidence coming over me and once more reminding me of my father in a sense that would shock me later upon reflection over how bold I could be in an unplanned moment. As I let go of him, shoving his chair out from his desk to get a better view of the man in his robe, making me lick my lips at the nervous site as my left hand traced over his body to gap open the robe. Revealing his stout and fur covered body, so dense you could barely make out his nipples or belly button and ticking more than one box when it came to my tastes as I found the priest playing to both of my own needs. A body portraying a glimpse of my father and a scared need to bring out the more dominating side of myself that stayed quite for others to use me as the submissive side of me hungered for repeatedly. As I got down on my knees to stare directly at his third eye, noting another person circumcised in my growing list of cocks, before I took him in my mouth. A little smaller than my fathers and mine, yet chubby enough to leave it the perfect size to deep throat and simply have you way with in order to milk it offs it sacrilegious juices. As my hand caressed his balls, tracing a finger down the line in the middle to teasing head for his rosebud before heading back up and gripping them, acting like a cock ring minus the cock to leave him crying out. Sounding in pain by my actions yet never begging me to stop, instead whispering to him about how much of a perverted man he really was and how only someone truly like him could understand. As all too soon I felt him reaching his end, his body heaving and his fur matting to his body over the sweat that dripping of the man in a copious amount, giving me a hope that his cum would match the amount as I pulled away and slapped his balls to order him to calm down. Leaving him babbling to himself, again whispers this time sounding almost like a prayer for forgiveness before I silenced him by once more, slapping on his gripped balls, forcing the pain to stop him from speaking unless ordered to by me first.

"Do you want this?" I asked, no demanded to know, somewhat echoing his earlier question only in a more authoritative manner.

"...Yes daddy!" He cried out, forcing a moment of silence over something I knew was dangerous territory. The authoritative figure in his life seeming to, still, belong to his father and seeping over to his sex life to be dominated by men in the dreams that they could have been his father over either a missed chance or a memory of something once shared.

"What do you want me to do to you? In addition, be honest! You lie and you'll be getting my belt across your balls this time." I shouted, seemingly playing the role of his father as I tried to make the words match what I assumed would come from his father catching him do something sinful inside his bedroom when he thought he was alone.

"...Fuck me, please!" He begged, sounding in a whisper that made the man blush from the slutty confession. "I'm nothing but a dirty sinner, daddy and need you to punish me." His confessions continued, detailing his desires in an almost crying manner as if being scalded by his father in person. A memory playing out over something in his past I could not see, leaving me simply playing along in imagination for his, deep imbedded, needs to be satisfied as I watched him slid down a little on his chair. Exposing to me his hairy, chubby ass, a perfect specimen that almost begged, like the rest of his body, to be, eaten in an almost animalistic sexual manner that was beginning to cloud both our minds and take control over our bodies. Fueling his sociological fantasies to new heights, in which I simply became a supporting character, a shadowy figure used to mask the image of his late father and play the role given to me.

"Do you like it when daddy treats you like this?" I asked, tracing a finger over his right cheek in a gentle manner.

"Yes daddy, more daddy!" He begged me, lost in the fantasy that made me chuckle out, sounding off different to his mind in a tone that no longer matched my own.

"Then be a good boy and help daddy out of his clothing." I ordered, a gentle yet commanding tone escaping my lips to fuel the flames in his eyes as he rose from the chair. Around my own height, yet almost trying to force himself to look up to me as if I towered over him, as he helped me, undoing my belt and pulling down my zipper to see me in my fathers jockstrap. Trying to rub my growing erection before I let out a small growl, scaring him off the temptation as he continued like ordered to do so. Helping me free of my bottoms to fold them neatly over his desk before he sat back down in his chair and slid down once more, his ass even more visible to my know as I looked him in the eyes to find him pinching his nipple with his mouth a gap.

"Daddies little slut, aren't we?" I asked, making him coo over the thought, as I stroked his cheek with my thumb, treating him sweetly as I imagined his father would in the given situation. Before I got down on his knees, my eyes tracing over his chubby body, noting the black and grew fur that matched the remaining hair on his head, a beautiful color to only make his body that much more desirable if his type of body be your own craving. "Well then since you have been such a good boy in helping daddy with what he has asked. I think I should reward you the only way your daddy can." I continued in his father's voice, at least to his ears, as I moved closer to his lower body, my hands parting his cheeks to reveal his sweaty rosebud. A glistening beauty that gave me a strong craving to eat, it looking so pink and innocent despite what I was still figuring out about the priest to state otherwise about his activities outside of God's view.

"You want daddy to kiss it better?" I asked, my own voice becoming raspy as I licked my lips in anticipation.

"Please daddy, just like back home every Sunday at your church." he whimpered, revealing a little more of his past to show he had continued on in his fathers career and may have also continued on in his perverted secrets. As his words were all the encouragement I needed, if that was even necessary as I shoved my face in his cheeks, licking his rosebud with my fat tongue incessantly until the think caved and parted for me to enter him. Leaving the man whimper and in turn me moaning over the taste of his sweet little rosebud, expertly cleaned to prove I was not meant to be the first today to have their way with his needy hole.

"Hmm, now just who where you waiting for?" I asked, hinting at both anger and curiosity to peak both the needy and scared sides to his role-playing.

"Nobody daddy, I swear!" He said, his voice trembling a little to go and display the guilt in his voice, the lie he willingly told to the one person he should know better than to willingly lie too. As his tainted words angered me, bringing out the more domineering side to me that would only really come out when around him, never going further in the pursuit off being the dominating one in a relationship or with the different men; I would meet in my years to come. By forcing a growl from my mouth, a booming tone that sounded off more like my father to scare him from lying to me once more as my hand, wet because of the fingers I licked, slapped each of his chubby cheeks until they were red and sensitive to my touch.

"Don't you dare lie to you daddy, boy? I can see through the lies that escape your mouth and you should know by now I am the one man that you can never fool." I growled at him, knowing my voice would go only heard by him since we were alone in the church for the time being as I looked down at him to find him trembling a little. Looking as if ready to cry, almost picturing himself having angered his father all those years ago in his mind that almost made me want to break character and play sweet with him, a more loving embrace kind of deed that my mind rejected quickly. Noting that this was what he wanted, any other emotion at this moment would ruin the scene and put an end to everything before it had really begun.

"I'm sorry, daddy...really! I never want to make you angry at me, it hurts me to see you disappointed in me and all I want is to please you." He cried out, his body begging to please me as I found his hand stroking his cock making a smile appear on my face. A new idea born of the moment as my hand moved to take his away from his cock, giving it a forceful tug to make him gasp out before my hands moved back to his ass, tracing over the red marks left by my previous slapping.

"Oh that's daddies little boy. How about I kiss the sore spot better, now?" I whispered, a far little tone that before to make him coo back his answer, again forcing a chuckle out of my lips as I moved back down to his ass. Kissing each cheek several times to make up for the pain I inflicted on him before I parted them once more and my hungry won over, my face diving in to continue eating his delicious ass. Completely forgetting about the question I had originally asked him and leaving it unanswered, as I guessed he had wanted all along. Instead focusing on his needs once more, continuing to push his body further with both my tongue and my fingers until I found myself easily sliding in three, him only wincing a little over my chubby fingers that soon left him crying out for more in the form of my cock. Him apparently finding my actions to be nothing more than a tease to his, sweating, glistening mass that he called his body and which left my own cock unable to go soft or rest when near his naked presence. Something of which many would consider disgusting and yet something that drew me to him like a moth to a flame, knowing I was doing something forbidden with a priest and still imagining him in his robes and now wishing to secretly suck his cock while he was speaking to his church on a Sunday morning. An idea we would live out years later before he retired and we would instead life out our fantasies with each other locked away in his basement, something he had spent a lot of money on to design the perfect hidden sex dungeon, a far cry from what people on the outside would expect from him.

I rose away from his body, trying to control my own animal lust that was bordering on forcing control over my body to, in turn, take control over his body by snapping a switch in my mind to make me force him up from the chair, almost shoving him over the desk. Words no longer need to explain was we both needed as I came around behind him, standing before the chair, him never moving away from me and instead simply breathing heavily against the desk in waiting, and rubbing my bare cock between his cheeks. Making sure, he could feel me so close to what he wanted and yet still so far away to make him cry out like a bitch in heat for the thing his body craved after. Before I would spit down on my cock, working it over to leave the thing slippery to my touch, and then use my hands to part his cheeks, again marveling at the sheer beauty of the things for just a moment before pressing the head of my cock against his rosebud. Forcing another whimper to escape his lips as, using the little skills I knew in this department, I pressed forward, and watching in wonder my head slowly popping inside his ass. The sound of us both sighing out in unison filling the room, something he had long since been use too and me experiencing something new for the first time, the feeling of a willing ass working my cock to leave my own body demanding more. As I tired to wait for his body to relax, considering my girth and willingly expect more of my cock before my inexperience took over, my head too deep in something my body was not use too. By making me sink further into his ass, the feeling of him contracting over my cock and groaning out from the invasion taking over my body, a new me taking charge if just for this encounter to shut off my mind completely to my animal instinct. Heightening my sense and alerting me to both of our needs to make sure neither of us went neglected in this heated moment of lust, passion and boiling underneath love based on both of our own fathers.

I fucked his needy ass just as he needed; reading the signs of his body to pick up the pace and ram his ass in the moments allowed before he would switch and beg for a gentler and almost loving pace that he had always dreamed would come from his daddy. All the while working the other parts of his body, pinching his nipples until the point the cried out for clamps, giving me their location before I attached them to him and heard a loud groan I thought he would cum from alone. Getting close to the mark that would signal the point of no return and end our fun in a manner I knew would satisfy neither of us. Forcing me to go against my animal will, by pulling out of his supple ass and falling back into the chair, it slamming against the wall and my body now heaving along with the sweat that dripped from me, somewhat shocking me for only realizing the state of frenzy we had both worked ourselves into without our minds ever realizing. As I ordered for him to come closer, trying to portray power in my voice and falling to my tiring state as I watched him get up from the desk, rubbing his ass as he turned to face me. Making me grip his cheeks and force him closer as I took his cock back in my mouth, my fingers continuing to work his ass as I let him fuck my face, his words calling out for his daddy to take it and swallow the seed that could have one day been his grandchild. His eyes now shut to the world and his hands gripping the back of my head as I conceded, not with that much of battle mind you, by letting him cum, using my skills to get his cock off as I felt his cum hit the back of my throat first before painting my tongue. A sweet and salty taste tickling my taste buds to make me milk his chubby little fucker for all it was given as he cried out loudly non-stop from the moment his cum spilt until his cock slipped from my mouth and rested atop his balls once more.

"Now be a good daddy's boy and finish me off son. Your father's a little tired now." I gasped out, him looking down at me again, smiling at my request, and muttering his love for his father once more before he turned his back to me, coming closer to my body to lean back against me. His right hand lifting my cock and positioning it for his ass before he sat down on me, sinking onto my cock to wiggle it inside him, making sure to tease his own prostate before his arm wrapped around my neck and he fucked away on me, loving the pleasure he could now give to himself. Bouncing like crazy to make the room fill with the sound of his ass slapping against me and with said ass milking my cock until he heard me grunt out and my juices began to fill his ass. Making him clamp down on me to stop the seed from spilling as he waited until he knew the last dropped had been milked from my cock before he leaned over and brandished a butt-plug, now muttering to himself and sounding a little like before this all began. As he got up off my body and inserted the butt-plug to stop my seed from spilling out of his ass, and leave it in order to steal a sample of my own essences to rejuvenate his own body and sexual prowess.

"...You, you are like me?" He said to me, having remained silent while we both cleaned the place up and put our clothes back on with him seeming to have to fix himself more than myself because of my cum churning in his ass that made it almost comical to watch him trying to sit back down at his desk.

"In what sense, that we both like having sex in men?" I asked back, curious to his explanation and still unable to leave until he assured me of his silence not just for me but also for Mr. Vargas.

"No, I mean you understood the issues with my father and I believe in part played out what you wanted yourself. Your mind taking me as the visual for your own self and with your body acting like you wanted your father to treat you in bed, only bordering more on a love like he would take your mother in their own bed." Priest Edwards told me, expecting his words to turn my face red and yet finding an unashamed stare staring back in his face. The truth out in the opening and now my mind being willing to admit I loved my father in a manner only he could understand. "You need to be cleansed my son." he added, once more trying to sound professional and as if trying to save me from the one thing that stalked him most of his adult life.

"That's a little hypocritical coming from the perverted man of God! Who right now is sitting at his desk, my own cum breeding inside his ass?" My reply, starting in soft and sweet words as I moved over to him to end in a primal growl that created a brief moment of lust for us to kiss before I pushed back and moved away from the desk once more. "You would be wise not to give me orders, and be very wise to keep everything you know about me too yourself! That is unless you want everyone outside this church to find out about your own secrets?" I warned, his face turning a little pale as he coughed out and spluttered a little.

"You're lying!" He challenged.

"Am I really? Well let me put it like this you try to burn me to the community of this town and in turn, I will burn you! Saving face for a certain someone that won't be named and in face creating a positive to your negative by placing doubt upon your words in the belief that you were simply trying to destroy someone who knew about you and your dirty deeds." I challenged right back showing just how willing I was to take him with me if it ever came to such a moment in which we would both be the loser in a game of Russian Roulette with the gun fully loaded and the people of the town being the ones to pull the trigger. As he caved, silently nodding in defeat that agreed upon a silence I would not take based upon a simply agreement. Instead quickly using his equipment to write up a piece of paper that demanded his silence, detailing everything that was needed to keep it directly between me and him, with of course Mr. Vargas knowing as my insurance since I knew I could trust the man better than most would believe.

"...Will you please do me one favor?" He called out, stopping me from leaving as I looked over at him once more without the heat of battle in my eyes. "Go to the confessional booth, take my place just this once," his favor being asked to me.

"I am no man of God, do the job you were called to do yourself!" I snapped, not liking the idea of having to listen to someone confess the so-called sins that had committed during their every day life until the point I wanted to rip my hair out from boredom.

"It's not for that purpose! I would never ask just someone of the street to do such a thing, I still have pride in my work damn it!" He snapped right back, almost screaming at me and showing his love for the job that had been his lover after his father. "I have certain people clocked to a schedule that come to the confessional booth to...suck off and take their delicious cum down my throat. It is just I am a little tired now myself and since I know you are like me that is why I am asking you. Now please just take my place before said person starts to wonder why I am not there before him and comes here to find us both locked in this office." he asked, sounding a little desperate to get me in that confessional booth. That if I were more cynical I would have sworn he was trying to get me to confess and cleanse my soul. As in turn, I ended up agreeing to his request and left his office to head down to the booth, arriving before this so-called stranger to take my place and wait. Finding my hiding spot to be a little uncomfortable and by chance taking this all too far in a religious sex manner I was unsure about. After all Priest Edwards had years to get used to this all and because of his father he incorporated his religion into his sex life and based everything on both his vows to God and his vows to his father.

The mysterious knock came, surprising me out of un-readiness, from the other side of the confessional leaving me to return the knock only in a slight alerted manner to give off the impression that I was Priest Edwards. Ready to do my duty upon those seeking forgiveness with the revealing of a gloryhole appearing in the wall between us to reveal before me an uncut cock around four inches and chubby, just like I liked them, that demanded to be sucked on.

"Forgive me father for I have sinned!" A voice called out, Priest Edwards using those old familiar words to his ears for his mind to take it all in, in a bid to cleanse the person on the other end the true way he knew how from his fathers teaching. As I got down on my knees to take the cock in my mouth, the hint of piss lingering around this mans foreskin as my lips pushed it back, revealing the head inside my mouth for the tongue to bath. Lapping up its sweat, and sweet tasting aroma to, soon, cover my tongue with his precum. Yet another man's seed entering my mouth and adding to the collection I was gather for me in still such a young age. The form of my old self now changing from a quite old man to a slut of old thing inside a retirement home playing daily with the other men who are willing. As I soon felt his reach the end, thrusting in my mouth to force me to take everything he offered in the form of his cum gushing down my throat and showing it to be a needy release that had been pent up for several days. My mouth making sure not to let a drop going to waste as I drank it up and continued to suck on the head to try and milk him a little more before I felt it slip from my mouth for the stranger to pull away and fix himself up. Seeming ready to leave without another worth spoken between us as I heard his footsteps wonder around the confessional, seeming to linger about before a heavy hand knocked on my door.

"Open up Edwards' one load is never enough for the likes of you and I know your ass needs a good fucking!" The stranger called out, a voice now sounding extremely familiar to my ears and sending my mind into a state of shock that left me unable to react. Unable to stop or interfere in this life-changing event for all parties involved by the sound of the stranger's hand resting on the door, his fingers drumming against it before sliding it open to reveal me now off my knees as I stepped out of the confessional. Setting in motion, the events within my life to change everything I once knew forever, helping me to lose control and become the man, I had longed to become like a certain other man in my life that was know standing before me. The man that had been in the other side of the booth and in which had given me his cum, being the love of my life, my father now standing before me and seeming stunned to silence over the truth. A confused and frightened look appearing in his eyes over what his mind just realized he had committed, the truth that his youngest son, the one most like him, had not only caught him trying to cheat with another man but instead his son being the other man that he had cheated with. As Priest Edwards' walked out of his office, wiping his forehead as he stalled at the door to look over at us, our eyes in turn peering over at him to find a smile creeping over his face. Revealing he knew all along ho would be his special visitor this day and in turn setting us both into a trap as a twisted form of thanking me for our encounter earlier by giving me the one thing my mind had always longed for in the form of my father's seed. Letting a kind of peace come over my body to leave it longing for more to continue the blissful state only he could give to me...and yet it still left us in a position were neither member knew how to act.

End of Chapter Three To Be Continued.

Copyright "HomelessCub" 2012

Please do not reproduce or distribute this story anywhere else without the original author's permission.

Next: Chapter 4

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