Lose Control

By HomelessCub ...

Published on Feb 23, 2012


The following story contains graphic descriptions of adult male-to-make sex. If this topic offends, upsets you or is illegal for you to read for whatever reason then please leave this page along with the site.

This story does not detail safe sex and while this is perfectly fine for fiction, life is always different. So protect yourself and your partner and be safe!

Comments about the story are, of course, welcome along with any constructive criticism you may have.

I hope you enjoy the following story.

Lose Control

Chapter Four: Like Father, Like Son (Final)

I somewhat expected him to scream out at me, lungs blazing and his face turning a crimson red like never before seen to anyone in my family...and yet there was nothing, just silence that stood between us and clouded the air we breathed. I mean I knew he was just as guilty in this matter, not to mention the thinks I had only begun to scratch the surface off regarding him and his brother. But this was different, I wasn't his brother, I was his youngest son supposed to be the quite one who now stood before him having just swallowed his cum, the very cum that once help give me life. As our eyes met once more to stare longing at the other before the sound of someone coughing alerted our attention back over to Priest Edwards' now smiling and seeming more like his old self that I encountered first upon arrival.

"I only give what is needed my child!" Priest Edwards' spoke, seeming more to my father in words he understood with a deeper meaning while his words also fell to my ears, claiming his thanks and silence for the encounter I would now have to confess to my father about. Leaving me to expect the both of them to have words with each other, private or not before Priest Edwards' simply turned and headed back inside the office. No need to lock his door or worry that my father would go on a rampage for us both being set up to fool around with the other in incest without being meant to know.

"What did he mean before?" I asked sounding out the first words spoken between us since this all began. "By the way you two were looking at one another his statement was meant for you and not me." I added to make my father take notice of me once more.

"I could say the same about you," He grumbled. "I saw that look he give you and you should have never been inside that confessional!" My father shouted, sounding about ready to go into a tirade that would end in me grounded and locked away in my room for the next fortnight. Before the look in my eyes silenced him, another hint of confusion coming over his eyes, as if seeing himself in me that made a loving smile appear over his face as he hugged me. Us both letting it linger in a moment neither of us seemed rushed to put an end too. "Come on, its time we headed home and now because of this we need to have a talk." he said, putting his arm around me to usher me out of the building. A silent promise made in his mind to pay back Priest Edwards' later in a very special manner he knew the man would both love and hate simultaneously all because of his sinful needs bases around and feared because of his church.

"What about mother, won't she find it strange us both returning home at the same time and having both come from here?" My conscience made me ask him, knowing that the conversation soon to play out would be about and wanting it to be as far as way from my mother as possible without raising suspicion.

"She is away for the week staying out with your brothers and his fiancée. They phoned last night and announced they were pregnant so your mother packed her bags and headed out to them this morning after you left for school." His reply coming as something of a shock and a sudden annoyance over my being kept in the dark.

"Why wasn't I told before now?" I snapped, pulling his arm away from me and stalling inside the church to stop him from leaving until this argument was sorted out between us both and quickly forgotten about by the time we returned home.

"We both tried, the other night during dinner your mother tried to tell you she was leaving before you made an excuse and ran off to your room and slammed the door. For some reason you seem to be spending a lot of time locked away in your room?" My father's reply, coming quick and sounding a little annoyed while bordering on another question being thrown back at me to turn my face a deep shade of red, much to his confusion. A sudden realization within me telling me that I must reveal to him the disc I had hidden in my room and in which showed me the true slut my father could be when it came to his work buddies and in deed his older brother. Somewhat in the hopes that it would either keep my fathers silence over everything or help me out in a manner, my mind was already creating to play out in reality today as if my father and I were pawns in a hyped-up over sexualized fantasy we both lusted after in our dreams.

Once home I stood there and watched as he put our things away in silence once more and then poured himself out a nice large drink, something I guessed would not be his last by the end of the night. As his stalled actions made me head up to my room alone to wait for him, giving me the time to change into my sweats and take the disc out of hiding. Placing it inside my computer and loading up the part with him and his brother before pausing the video and shut off the monitor until the moment I needed to call my trump card against him. For me to then lie down on my bed and simply count the minutes that passed, my hand moving down to my cock inside his jockstrap to tease, reliving the memory of his cock in my mouth and now becoming lost in my pleasure. Forgetting everything else around me as twenty minutes passed by with my father stuck on the phone for his last words to sound out through the house, a loving goodbye with the promise of seeing the person on the other end soon before he hung up the phone and sighed out knowing the time had come. As he padded his way up the stairs, his heavy footing sounding throughout the house in which all inside would usually hear and claim to him, and yet this time going unheard by my ears. My body now in a sexual heat and simply to busy focusing on its own needs while he came down to my room, finding the door ajar and taking that as a sign I was waiting for him inside and in thought over what had happened between us. As his hand pushed the door open further, never expecting what his eyes would come upon in the form of me lying on my bed, my sweats down around my ankles and my cock poking out the side of his old jockstrap. While my right hand pinched down roughly on my left nipple and my left tugged away on my cock, almost a mirror image of his own cock as his eyes traced over my body, taking notice of the smile that came with my licking my lips and gasping out every couple of seconds. Too lost in the pleasure and ready to reach my climax with the memory playing out reaching its own climax, the image of my fathers cock spurting cum down my throat for me to drink and ready to spill. Making me call out for my father, my mind dreaming he was now above me watching every moment and teasing me as my next groan was too warn him I was about to cum. Before my father coughed out, breaking the moment for me to panic as I shot up on the bed, wiping my forehead clean from the sweat glistening over my body as I fixed myself up and made sure my body was covered up once more before sitting up on the bed once more. Watching silently and still breathing heavily while he smiled over at me and shut the door behind himself.

"So you are the one that stole my old jockstrap! I thought your mother had finally thrown out the thing and lied too me about it." He said, sounding as if trying to break the ice as he came over and sat at the edge of my bed. "You can keep the old thing I have more and it looks better on you than your old man." He chuckled to me this time expecting I would once more remain silent to a reply.

"That's not true and you know it." I gasped, wrapping my arms around myself with my mind once more picturing him with only the jockstrap covering him, old memories of times I had hidden away from his site to watch him go about his morning routine. Me seeing the whole morning ritual as a loving trait of my old man, always on a schedule he kept like clockwork all by mind and always in the same jolly tone that came from his first cup of coffee in the morning as he would shower and get ready for the day. Sometimes slowly going about drying himself off and just enjoying the moments he could spend naked in his own home never knowing my peering eyes and wondering hand was watching his body to etch in my mind forever.

"Listen, about earlier," He began, preparing a long and winded speech on how what had happened was wrong, a mistake, just an easily made accident that should never happen again between us. To forever stay a secret known only by us and Priest Edwards' whom I assumed my father was now planning on forcing silent over matters my mind now understood and in turn knew just as much as he did.

"Oh shut up, already!" I snapped back, knowing what was coming next out of his mouth and no longer wanting to hear any of it. "We both enjoyed every minute of that blowjob, you know that and so do I. Why do you think you walked in on me masturbating and I called out your name when I almost came? You want this to happen again... and so do I." The truth began slipping from my mouth. No longer able to hold back against those feelings as every pent up emotion began to flood through my body and up to my mind, all filed in an order of which would come out first at the right moment to my father.

"Why would you say that?" He asked me, sounding a little scared to my answer and his voice hinting at something my mind could pick up on in that self-centered moment.

"Because I'm gay...and I love you more than a son should love his father, in part because you are my father! Why do you think I suck off Mr. Vargas' everyday after school while you and the rest of the school think I'm in detention doing only God knows what?" I shouted out, using my words to wound my father and make him give me a petrified look over the confessions that were slipping slowly from my mouth. As his expression and the need in his eyes to calm the situation and stop me from saying another word fueled the sudden need to tell daddy-dearest just how much his youngest son had turned into a slut. "Hell, you want the truth from me then here you go. That night you and mother had to go to my school and sit in the auditorium to listen to Mr. Vargas' go on about everything that had happened so far in the school year. Do you remember during his final words that Mr. Vargas' seemed suddenly stronger? Seeming more primal and with a new aggressive passion for his work. Well that was because of me and me alone, I was there that night not listening to his words but hiding away in the podium sucking his cock." The longer the words escaped my mouth the further this went on. Spilling out every little detail of the things had done over the time Mr. Vargas' first caught me hiding in the teachers bathrooms up until my encounter with Priest Edwards' that lead me to him and our encounter. Until sexually I came out of the closet to my father, not with a whimper or letdown like some would like but damn it all with a bang to last in his mind forever. As the whole time I stared in his eyes refusing to look elsewhere in my proclaiming off this and that to watch the confusion in his eyes and the lust growing from scenario's he knew him to have committed and hoped against hope that I would never try myself to become him through his mistakes.

"...You shouldn't be doing those things," He began, his voice a little raspy and dry from the details of my illustrious sex life so far. "I understand what you are and accept you like a father should. Please, settle down find someone you love and go from there. Don't make... these mistakes." My father offered, even hinting as such to set me up with people around my age he knew I would like through connections with his work-buddies.

Like you did with mother?" I snapped back at his offer to raise his anger with a smirk that hinted at the stuff he wished I knew nothing about.

"And just what does that suppose to mean?" He growled at me, no longer the smirk on my face and waiting to see what I would say in my defense. As, instead, I rose from my bed, his eyes following my movement over to my computer to switch the screen back on. Never giving him the chance or warning over what he was about to see as I pushed the play button to resume the video and moved out of the way for him to see the screen.

"You're not innocent! In fact I am beginning to realize that every dirty thought, every lusting part of my body comes from you. The only difference is I won't hide or suppress this any longer." I said, moving back over to my bed to sit once more while he got up and moved over to the screen. His eyes watching in horror over the video that both named and shamed all who took part during that night and somehow came into my possession of him and his brother in incest with a drunken and rowdy crowd to cheer them on in their time old games together. Both he and his brother acting like pigs in filth, the filth being their sweat and cum and again with them both loving every minute their naked bodies touched one another in a lost love brought on by the distances that drew them apart.

"How did you get this video?" My father asked, once more breathing heavily and now sweating as if under interrogation as his shaking hand stopped the video and shut off the screen once more to look me dead in the eyes.

"Mr. Vargas' give the disc to me as a promise over the things we did together. In part, I think he expected me to stop seeing him once I got the thing and at first when he promised that seemed like an idea. However, the next day after getting the thing I couldn't wait to get to his office, my cock was hard thinking about him the whole day and when I saw him I wanted nothing more than to kiss him. Something I know he hates doing and though he wouldn't let me try that with him I showed him that I wanted to suck him off, something I want to do everyday until I leave that school and even then I don't want to stop from seeing him." I explained and in turn admitted, showing a softer side to my feelings for Mr. Vargas' that would both shock and disgust most within my school over their own misguided feelings towards the man.

"You really are like me," He commented, coming closer to me to sit on the bed inches away from my body. "Alright son you win. No more lies and no more secrets between us from this day forth. I will tell you everything you want to hear just as you did for me and from there we will keep everything said in this room between us, understood?" He asked, already knowing my answer simply by the shimmer in my eyes over the part of my father I longed to know in every detail to help him get to know me better in the same intimate ways.

"How long have you known?" My first question came know that I knew he would not object in any matter.

"Since I was a teenager, not much younger than you are now if I'm to be completely honest with you, son its one of the reasons I see myself so much in your right now. I always felt closer to your uncle that our parents would have liked and in turn he felt the same for me." He answered.

"How did it first happen?" My second question came, a little bolder than the previous that came from the thoughts in my mind that were beginning to arouse me to the actions my father had interrupted.

"I can't really remember that day was just like any other and I think it was because of the thunder storm outside that night that I got into his bed beside him. I think my brother made the first move, I mean I cuddled up to him but that was ordinary for us he was the one to move us in the bed and kiss me on the lips. From there all I can really remember is his hands removing our clothes bringing our naked bodies together for the first time as he taught me how to suck his cock. Giving me the first taste of cum as he brought me to my own orgasm and used my cum to lube up my ass, his fingers gently fucking me until he knew I was ready, showing I wasn't his first. As I asked him about it and he chuckled that I was the one he really wanted, cooing me so that I would give him anything he asked for which happened to be my virginity and something I happily give to him to keep us together forever. This is something we both have kept secret since that night and something we still do whenever we see each other, though neither of us are virgins any more. Not very many people ever knew your grandparents being those kept in the dark like your mother since the truth would only cause so much pain and misery. However, a number of years ago after work my buddies took me to the bar you saw in that video for a surprise. They knew it was my birthday and had something planned for me. Blinding my eyes at the door to drag me into the back room to film everything you now have in your possession, though I knew nothing about your uncle being there. That more than anything was the surprise to me and it was the best present he could have given me since it had been ages since we saw the other last." My father explained, lost in memories and lust before he became silent for just a moment. "I thought we had made everyone agree to their silence to protect all the families of the men in that film but it now seems I need to have another word with Anthony when you're not at school someday!" He continued, growling a little over an idea forming in his mind he knew I would object to for the feelings I admitted to earlier.

"So what about my brothers, do they know about any of this and have you ever tried anything with them?" I asked, somewhat unplanned, as a question I knew would anger my father for even thinking of such a thing.

"Of course not," He shouted back at me before forcing himself to calm down and regain composer. "This was meant to be strictly between me and my brother... that was until you came along. You were always the quite one out of you and your brothers, and whenever you could you liked to stay with me never minding what I had to do and seemed to just enjoy being around me. I saw myself in you and that look in your eyes, that same look I used to give to your uncle whenever I was around him, scared the hell out of me. I knew what was coming and I did not know how to react. I mean I did not want to just sit here and let you make the same mistakes I did in burying your feelings until you lost control and gave into a side you never knew about before to feed a hunger never truly satisfied. And yet I couldn't stop you from making them in the end because now I truly see me sitting before my eyes repeating history and this whole time I've been talking you've been erect." My father finished, his words making me look down to find he was telling the truth. My cock had been hard all this time and I did not even know, such was I lost in his story as my face turned red once more and a small smile came over my face as he placed his hand on my erection, causing a moan to escape my lips.

"Let daddy take care of you this time." He whispered to me before his lips pressed against mine, parting my lips for his tongue to enter and tease my own. His hand gently pushing me down on the bed, now making out with me like I was his lover, my hands holding onto his face and my body giving itself up to him. As I felt his hand move up under my t-shirt, feeling over my plump body and rubbing my belly to make it feel loved for what it was before moving on up to pinch my left nipple; remembering from when he first entered my room, which of my nipples to be the sensitive one. As my groan, filled ways of thanks filled his skilled mouth, his tongue also working me over to make my body give into our needs that much more that left my body grinding against his own to suggest that it wanted our bare skin to touch one another. Making my father chuckle over my eagerness as his hand moved away from my body, traveling further down my body to rub my crotch, turning my light groans to cries of pleasure that gave him a moment of worry I might cum before anything had really taken place. Forcing his actions to change, the kiss ending much to my dismay before he smiled and placed a finger on my lips to hint at what was about to come and for me just to watch without the need for words. As he moved down my body, his hands tracing over my legs before he pulled my sweats down, my body lifting up in its own will to help him in his actions as he threw them on the ground and looked down at me with nothing more than his jockstrap covering my painfully erect cock.

"Damn, I need to get you more of these things," He growled with lust and pride filling his tone. "With a little weight training you could look like your old man in one of these things." He continued, his mind now molding me in the finals steps to become my father in more than one perverted manner.

"Then buy new jockstraps for yourself! The only ones I want to wear are your old ones when they've been worn by you." I suggested back to him, grinning at the idea that made my father give me a questioning look as he got up from the bed and took off his bottoms, revealing a red jockstrap covering his adulthood.

"You mean like this old thing?" He asked, almost seductively to make my cock bounce in the jockstrap before chuckling out. Taking the thing off his bottom and showing me his erect cock once more, the skin forced back and his head shinning and glaring at me for a repeat of earlier that day to happen, not that I would object to that idea. As he threw the jockstrap up at me, my hands catching it easily and holding onto the thing like a newly discovered treasure I would proudly keep in my collection from that day forth. "Keep it; I have a drawer full though I'm guessing you know that already!" My father chuckled as he came back to his point. Moving closer to my body once more to, with my body's aid once more, rip his old worn-out white jockstrap from me, revealing my erect cock that aching from just the thought of his touch. As his face moved down closer to inspect the thing that almost mirrored his own in perfect detail, even down to my fatness having forced my foreskin back for the head to glare up at him, a pearl of precum coming from the slit to slide down the base of my cock, demanding equal attention from the both of us.

"Looks and even smells like mine own," My father mused over the thought. "I wonder about the taste? If I taste you cock will I finally know what my own cock tastes like?" He pondered to himself as his eyes made contact with my own, making sure that he could see every emotion come over my face as his lips ran over my exposed head and my cock entered his mouth. Taking me down to the route, in his old age of skills long since taught, to take a deep inhale of my scent with a sigh of content, his right hand tracing under my balls, sending both a tickling yet gentle pleasure that sent a shiver down my body in which only he would ever be able to give me. Forcing a loud cry to escape my mouth and give the first hint of the neighbors being able to hear us over the cries I could not force down and felt an almost primal rage to voice them out to him. As his tongue bathed my cock, trying to taste every little bit I had to offer and then some to work me over and bring me back to the point when he had first come into the bedroom. Knowing I could not hold back for long by my heaving body and groans that would not stop as my hands ran over the back of his balding head to try to fuck his face, making sure my cock could not escape his mouth had he wanted it too. As, with a final and almost violent growl that shocked him at that moment and would shock me upon remembering, that sounded throughout the house in a manner my father knew the neighbors would hear for him to make an excuse about later, I came in my fathers hungry and waiting mouth. Forcing his face down roughly into my crotch to grind his nose against my fat as each boiling shot fired out of my slit, burning my head and sending spasms throughout my body that made my cries sound out from both the pain and pleasure of being able to give back my cum to my father. The added guilty pleasure of it all being that he had first given me the cum that helped give me life and bring me into the world and now I was doing the same in turn. Only giving him the cum that would one day possibly be his grandchildren, a stronger bond forming between us in both had given their essence to the other to forever have a special part of the other inside them.

From the moment I came down from that, stronger than usual, high I became stuck in fear and unsure of the future. I mean I did not know where to go from that moment, my cock was still hard and in his mouth as I watched my father nurse it for a moment until he realized it was not going soft before he let it slip from his lips. Before he looked up into my eyes, seeing my nervousness over what would come next as he kissed his fingers to pronounce to me my cock, cum tasted delicious, and would be something he would gladly taste once more given the chance. Easing us out of the moment and making us both laugh out as he moved up on the bed to kiss me once more, my tongue probing his mouth to steal what remaining cum it could from him to share with his tongue as they locked once more.

"Can I ask you something personal?" My father asked me, once our kiss had ended and he stroked my cheek in a loving, caring manner.

"I don't think anything personal can be kept between us any longer," I chuckled out as my first reply before adding "Of course." to give her permission.

"Have you been fucked by someone before? I mean you never mentioned anything about it before and I'm guessing you either haven't tried it yet or had a bad experience you don't want to share with your old man." His question to me, something that would have originally turned my face a shade of red and yet now being something that seemed so naturally for him to ask me.

"No, I have yet to be fucked by someone since the person I wanted to fuck me; I thought I could never have sexually. I mean Mr. Vargas just wanted his dick suck everyday, not that I minded and Priest Edwards' wanted fucked in turn over father issues that seemed to clash with his religious beliefs." I explained to him, not expecting his reply to be in the form of him chuckling out over something I had said.

"I'm not laughing at you," He assured me. "Its just that understatement regarding Edwards' trust me when I say both of those things clashed in his life and someday I will tell you some of the stories Edwards' has let slip." My father promised to me before becoming serious once more and turning the subject back to us. "That person you thought you could never have, it's me isn't it?" He asked me, a simple nod being my reply. "You sure you want your old man to be the one that takes your virginity?" The next question came, a deeply personal one that hinted at his own feelings over what he wanted and yet showed just how much he was containing himself to make sure he never put me into a position I did not like.

"Yes!" I exclaimed proudly to him. "Out of everyone in my life it seems only right to give this to you. You brought me into this world, help give me life and I want to give back to you the one thing that I can only lose once." with the last words spoken nothing else was needed to be said between us. I could not add further to it anyway even if I had wanted too as my father moved closer to me, his body covering mine once more with its protecting warmth to make me feel safe in his loving embrace. His lips touching mine once more for us to kiss, him giving me the passion he spoke off for his brother and in turn, the passion I felt for him. That same passion society would claim should be reserved between only a man and a woman, between my father and my mother alone. As I felt his hands trace over my body, sending shivers throughout as he noted the man I had become instead of the boy his mind would forever remember, as my hands in turn did the same. Tracing over his body in exploration, feeling every inch of his body to, forever, lock his image in his memory simply by my touch until my hand wrapped around his cock, a gasp escaping his mouth and filling my mouth with his warm sweet breath. As he looked into my eyes once more, almost sparkling by my hands dirty ideas as he felt my force the foreskin back over his head to make him groan out, loving the feeling of his cock feeling like my own in my hand as his precum became to slide down my fingers and coat them.

"You sure you want to do this, son? I won't be angry if you want to stop now and keep everything that has happened between us as a one off occurrence, something for me to remember in my old age and with nothing changing in our relationship." He warned trying to sound like a father should in caring about his child's needs before his own. Further melting my heart and making me love him more, if possible as the need to have him inside me felt stronger. My body craving him and everything about him to be his lovechild until time would bring us apart and I would wait for that day when we could meet again. As my reply, staying unspoken became my actions. My hand letting go of his cock to bring it up to my mouth and lick my fingers clean, remembering the taste fondly and now looking for me in a hungry slut manner that made my father smile at me, knowing the same feelings and having long since mastered them.

We turned in the bed, my father lying back and resting on the bed with a comfortable look on his face as he closed his eyes to let his other senses take over to better enjoy the moment. As he felt my lips and tongue move over his body, starting from his neck and trailing down to his nipples to both tease him and absorb his taste. Blowing on the nipples lightly to leave them erect before moving away, an order being barked up to my father to play with his nipples as his hands quickly obeyed. Letting me continue on down his body in my little quest, leaving a circle of droll around his bellybutton before I once more came face to face with his cock. Our earlier encounter now seeming as somewhat of a letdown since neither side knew who the person was, as I blew against the head and watched as a pearl of precum escaped the slit. My tongue quickly lapping it up to make him gasp out expecting more before I grinned up at him and moved away, now ignoring his pulsing cock like it did not matter to me at that moment. Annoying both his cock and him as I heard him grunt out to make it bounce almost angrily at me as I went on further down his body. Licking his legs to leave my mark before I took his big toe in my mouth to change his attitude towards me, his anger disappearing to the sound of him cooing out at my, almost, worshipping of his body. Trying to pleasure every inch of him to leave his body in heat to my touch as I once more moved to a different location on his body. This time traveling to his balls to rest my nose between them and his cock, taking a deep and relaxing breath of his scent to lull my body into a relaxed state. A sudden urge to fall asleep like this entering my mind before my body shook the idea off, I was far from finished and I knew I would be unable to sleep until we were both soaked in cum and satisfied for the time being. As I began to suck on his balls, soaking them in my drool and loving each nut individually to watch his cock bounce in front of me, occasionally hitting me close to my lips to let me steal some precum without having to touch it. Listening to him now groaning out plentiful by my actions, his whimpers giving me hints on where to go next and what to do, proving you can always please your partner by simply listening to them and reading the signs their body give off when it heat. As I moved down, my left hand gripping his balls to rub them roughly and play with them while my lips moved to his ass. Kissing each cheek to ass for permission before my free hand parted them to stare at his pink rosebud, a beautiful sight and something far from being innocent as the video once more played in my mind. Giving me new ideas of going to the same bar with my father sometime to watch him getting fucked before my eyes by his work-buddies and maybe even taking part in what would later become a reality.

I dove straight in, my lips kissing his rosebud for just a moment before my instincts kicked in and I began to eat his ass out like an old pro, or to me more exact...like my father would. Showing that side to me had won out, my mind had truly caved and I no longer cared, I did not want to fight it any longer and to be honest with you pleasing it was better than suppressing it. If this road left me in a retirement home in my nineties to become the slut of the building to both male staff members and other residents. Who would walk around the place with his bathrobe open, revealing my old chubby body, to show them when he was ready and willing for them to use his body like they all pleased then so be it!

"Where the hell did you learn to do all this?" My father gasped at me, now sweating like me and loving the attention I was paying to his body, reading his needs and now being able to guess what he would like before he could tell me.

"...From nowhere and no one, really, I'm just acting upon the dirty thoughts in my mind that I want done to me." I explained, in a rushed manner, my mind finding it hard to focus on the words spoken between us while m middle finger pushed against him, entering his ass and making his body change to my touch. Another pearl of precum sliding out of his slit and down the base as he arched up a little and I watched my father fight the urge to give in to the idea of being fucked by his youngest son, something I think on a level we both knew would never happen.

"Stop, please!" My father cried out, alerting me as I removed my finger from him in a panic before he grinned out and flipped up around on the bed pinning me down with his weight as he grinned at me. "This, my boy, is all about you. You leave things to your old man and don't worry...I will get off with you, not before!" My father promised me before he began to copy my previous actions, working my body over my body with his more experienced tongue to leave it tingling at his touch until it finally happened. I felt his finger sliding up inside me as, seeing the look come over my face; he moved his body around, still working my hole but now with his cock hovering over my face. His cock head rubbing against my lips and smearing them with his precum for my tongue to lick clean, giving me just a small taste of his juices to leave me hungering for me as I stared into the slit to find it asking for my mouth to open and welcome it inside to please us both for different reasons.

"It needs to be wet, son! Suck on it for a while and I promise you will calm down." My father instructed as he watched me take his head into my mouth to suck it alone for a moment while my hand stroked his base. "It's almost like giving you your old pacifier back to help you sleep, something I still has by the way." He told me before I felt his fingers resuming their assault on my ass, opening me up little by little, unaware of the dildo hidden in my room in which I forget to tell him about. Leaving the process a little slow but so much more worth it, feeling each finger open my up and my ass accepting them in his search for my prostate. Stealing my own leaking precum to help lube up his fingers while I sucked away on his cock. Soaking the thing up now to keep it wet and ready while continuing to go back to the head, finding simply sucking on it to be a lulling state of mine, one that could put me to sleep in bliss as long as I got to suck it through the night. Something I would later find out possible since I was something called a sleeping cocksucker, one of the few to suck you off in his sleep and drink your cum with only ever thinking it was a nice dream the night before.

The preparation done with for the moment I felt his fingers, one by one, slide out from my ass, leaving that emptying feeling I usually got when my dildo would slip out from me to leave me hungering for me. As he leaned up on the bed, watching me sucking his cock and seeing how un-wanting I had become to the thought of releasing it from my mouth.

"I promise this is worth it," My father spoke as he removed his cock from my mouth, breaking out connection to kiss me once again, as his touch probed my mouth to share his precum between us. Giving his arm time to move down to his bottoms and pull a condom from his pocket as he brandished the thing to me and tried to open it, prepared to roll it over himself and get things started. Before I grabbed the thing and threw back down on the ground, my stern look giving him my answer to that thought. As he realized just how much I wanted my father to fuck me raw, to feel every inch of him inside me without a barrier between us and to feel his cum shooting inside to bond us together forever. Changing his plans as he lifted my legs up, telling me to hold onto them for the moment to help him along while he gripped his cock at the base, his cock bulging and making it look that much thicker than before. As I felt him pressing it against my ass, my heart racing to this special moment and my forehead once more soaked in my sweat from a bit of a panic that rushed over me and forced me to hold my breath, my world unable to move forward from that moment until I felt it happen. His body was pushing forth for the head of his cock to force itself up inside my hole, burning my body and leaving the entrance to my ass feeling sharp from the pain of his girth, and yet... still giving me a different, a new and mixed feeling than I used too or had experienced before. An unregistered feeling running through my body to leave me burning against the usual heat wave that came from too much lust, something my hidden dildo could never give me in the place of the living thing, throbbing inside my body. The tears escaping my eyes to run down my face as I gave my father a mixed look both pleasure and pain running through my mind and body. I mean this was something I hungered for more than anything else I could think of, I wanted my father to be the one to take my virginity, the one that helped give me life and raised me lovingly. This was my way of being able to thank him like no other that once in a lifetime moment forever cemented to him, the first man I ever knew, the first man I ever loved and now the first man to make love to me.

Time slipped a little before I felt him push forward, still acting careful and trying to listen more to his worry of hurting me than his needs. Him trying to ease me through my first time with another person in this manner as soon all four, chubby, inches of his cock forced itself up inside me, stretching my hole as he whispered it would take longer for the pain to turn to pleasure. Still seeing the look on my face that nerved him a little, as he moved down to kiss me, his arm wrapped around my head and stroking my hair as my legs wrapped around his stomach, letting me suck on his tongue to force me to focus on something else. Besides the clashing feelings that ran through my mind, my body, inside my ass and of course in my cock's mind.

"You ready?" He asked me, me unable to mumble anything-coherent back other than a nod to show him I was indeed ready. "Don't worry then, you'll like this I know you will! Just listen to my advice and everything will change for the better." He promised me, moving my legs to hold them up in the arm once more as I felt his cock escaping my ass. Expecting that to make me feel better as the head stopped at the inside of the entrance and I felt surprisingly empty, teasing the craving of wanting more despite the pain. Something he was all too willing to fulfill as he pushed back up, with the same signs heading back to my head in pain as he began to fuck me. Telling me how to contract my ass around his cock and cooing how hot my ass felt around daddy's cock. His body sweating worse than before, it running down his body to leave it glistening from the light that shinned through the window and upon us, and now dripping down over my own body to mix our sweat together in a smell that almost drugged my mind, changing something within me. My body suddenly began to feel different and my mind was no longer screaming out at me to stop the intruder pushing inside me. The barrier had switched, the pleasure he promised to me came over me a like a wave rushing over my body, shutting my eyes to the world as my body arched and my tongue began to lick my lips. My father chuckling over the sight and the smile now on my face, mentioning something along the lines of me acting like a pig happy in its own filth.

"Huh?" My father suddenly sounded out, his head pushing up to beat against my prostate to force a long-winded groan from my mouth. "You know not many people get hard when being fucked. I guess you really are a slut like your old man, craving the attention of another man to make you feel good inside places where you cannot scratch that oh-so good itch! The only thing is from what you said about fucking Priest Edwards' and giving a less than joyous description about it, I'm thinking you're a bottom." He continued to muse, more to himself than me at that moment as he leaned down to sandwich my cock between our stomachs. Fucking away in my ass with his usual sweetness, but now with the force I hungered for, breeding my ass to make sure it would always remember the first fucking he gave it with the promise of more always lingering not too far beyond his seed spilling inside my ass. Soon leaving a mess over our stomach, matting his fur and the fur growing on my stomach as his fingers would scoop it up to feed me in between kisses to better share my precum between our greedy tongues.

The moment, sadly, could not last forever despite how much we wanted it too. Our bodies seemingly on fire from the overload of our sexual heat brought on by the others touch, to leave our cocks begging us for release to help bond us together in this ceremony forever. His endless assault on my prostate, that sent shock signals to my cock and body, driving me to the end of our game and breaking my dam first. A loud and almost violent growl escaping my lips and feeling the room, so loud in fact, the neighbors did hear it for them to bang on the wall, pissed at my cries and in turn my bed backing off against the wall to leave them curious as to what was happening. As my cum shot between us, covering our chests in my semen, before leaving a small puddle in our bellybuttons and leaving it dripping down over my nipples for him to lick and bite clean. Forcing the last drop of cum from my cock, my ass milking his own now as he tried to hold back against the strong will winning in his mind, for my rush to end before he moved down, growling out as he kissed me one final time in heat as he came. Filling my ass with his seed and leaving it so we could never go back, forever kept with a secret between us that each others cum now ran through the others body for the first and surely not last time, bonding us together instead of bringing us apart out of shame or guilt for the actions we both committed.

The sound of the front door banging scared us both, me giving my father a panicked look as he shot up from the bed and threw his clothes on, in a rush yet not foolish enough to make himself look out of place. Before he headed down the stairs on his own, leaving me alone in my room to listen to the whispers I could hear down stairs, wondering what was happening and why it was taking so long for him to come back up to me. As my fingers slid down to my ass, entering me to feel my ass stretched out from his cock and beginning to feel his cum sliding down inside me. Forcing me up from the bed, an idea forming in my mind as I ran down to his room, searching through his things in places I knew my mother would not look until I found what I was looking for. A butt plug hiding in my fathers room, something I now knew he had used before to keep his brothers cum inside his ass for as long as he could, the same as I was doing at that moment as I forced it in my ass and smiled out for its doing its job. As I returned to my room and lay down on the bed, noting the sheets now needed changing because of our sweat, to wait for my father to return to me.

"Is everything alright?" I asked him, once he came back into my room; scratching his balding head and looking around as he went over to close the curtains, keeping the window open to help get rid of the smell. Before he removed his clothes and picked me up to throw them all in the dirty clothes hamper, once more acting just like my father.

"Of course, that was just the old man from next door wanting to know what all the noise was about. He tried to make some excuse about you throwing a part and being ready to call the cops to escort your ass to a jail cell for the night before I explained to him that I had just walked in on you masturbating. Moments before he came to the door to start his shit with me and was waiting to come back up here and have a talk to you about your loud habits." My father explained, somewhat embarrassing me but saving us from the truth.

"What did he say to you?" I asked him.

"Oh nothing really after that. It shut him up and turned his face red, he just mumbled something about keeping it under control and not keeping him up at night before hurrying off back to his own place. I doubt we should be hearing from him again over the subject, but to be safe about things I think we should move to my room for the next couple of days until your mother returns." My father told me, leaving me to agree as he ordered me off the bed, seeing the butt plug in my ass as I turned making him chuckle and in turn grumble about me taking more things from his room. As he stripped my room and soon had everything in the washing machine to clean the place up as he saw me yawning out, now wearing only his red jockstrap and exhausted from before, not that I minded.

"I never did ask, but are you alright with this?" He asked me.

"Of course I am, you never forced yourself upon me and I think I acted more like a slut than you did." I chuckled back, moving closer to him as he took me in his arms and kissed me on the lips, easing my body as he lifted me off my feet and took me to his bedroom. Setting me down on the bed and continuing our kiss as we made ourselves comfortable under the sheets.

"You really are becoming just like me, you know that? I can't wait to take you out with me this year to see your uncle." He told me, making my eyes widen to the idea and a smile come beaming over my face.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yes, I spoke to your uncle on the phone earlier and explained everything to him. If this was to turn out like so then we could both head out to the camping trip I head off to every year with him and enjoy ourselves on a two week long vacation of now stop fucking each other in the woods." His explanation, trying to turn me on again to the idea as he saw my cock getting hard in his jockstrap before I yawned out.

"I love you, dad." I said, beginning to drift off to sleep.

"I love you too, son." He replied, stroking my face as he moved in the bed to leave me resting on his chest as we fell asleep together giving me the first time I had fallen asleep in my fathers loving embrace.

End of Chapter Four The End?

Copyright "HomelessCub" 2012

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