Losing Matt but Gaining Cooper

By James Smith

Published on Aug 15, 2023


This is My first story and there are more chapters to come if you like it just let me know please.

Losing Matt But Gaining Cooper

This story is purely a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons living or dead, or to events that may have occurred, is purely coincidental. Don't forget this is a story, not everything that is done here is legal so I claim no responsibility on the actions the reader might do as a result of reading this story. The author claims all copyrights to this story and no duplication or publication of this story is allowed, except by The Nifty Archive, without the express written consent of the author.

Lets start by describing myself. My name is Daniel I am 18 years old and I attend Ringgold High School as a senior. I would consider myself liked and popular. But what no one knows is that I am gay. I am average height and weight with a good athletic body and a six pack and long blonde hair that drives the girls crazy and blue eyes. And I have a completely hairless body, got that from my dad.(thanks dad). But the girls don't seem to mind many saying its sexy, so i don't know. I have known that I was gay since I was 13 and not even my parents know. I just figured if i told anyone that it would mess up everything. I can't tell my parents because they are not very understanding of homosexual people in the community. It sucks to because I would to just be myself around my own family. But since I can't I have to keep up this front that i am just as normal and straight as all of their friends and their friends kids. Well things started to change my junior and little did i know that it would soon take me down a road i would have never dreamed i would go on.

Well it was Friday November 7 and everyone was already on vacation and thanksgiving was over. I was sitting in 3rd Block and my best friend Matt is sitting in front of me and we are just goofing off and having a great time and all when the teacher walks and in and tells us we are going to have a free day and all. Well one thing lead to another and Matt and i were taping each others mouths shut. Once are mouths were taped shut two girls in the class started drawing lips on us. Then out of no where Matt turns around to fast and knocks me over,and since i had just a tee shirt on it slid up and exposed my belly button ring. And in Ringgold that is not normal or excepted, straight guys are not suppose to pierce any part of their body it is just not right. Well I quickly pull down my shirt and no one notices butt Matt who just looks at me funny. He doesn't say anything he just helped me up and the chaos was over. So for the rest of the class he did not talk to me or even look in my general direction and he didn't all day, and since Matt was in everyone of my classes it made for a very long day. But once the last bell rang for the day i asked him if he wanted to come over to my house and play some pool. Reluctantly he said yes so we hopped in my Ford F150 and headed to my house.

Once inside we went straight to the bonus room in my house which was located downstairs in my house. Once down there we started playing pool and we joked around and talked and played for about three hours. Through this I am wondering does he suspect, or know that I'm gay ? Is he ok with it, if he does know. Well I finally could not take it anymore and i finally just asked him. Matt I know you saw my belly button ring in English and then you did not talk to me all day. What are you thinking, can you tell me please ! Without taking his eye off the ball he just flat out asked me, "Are you gay ?". I just stood there taken aback for what felt like forever, when he finally said, well are you ? I said why would you ask me that ? He said because you have a belly button ring and guys just don't pierce their belly button. I just stood there not knowing what to say, till I finally just said "what would you think if i said i was ?" That was not what he wanted to hear apparently. He stormed out of my house before I could even stop him. Well I did not talk to Matt for three days nor any of my other friends I just turned my phone off and stayed in my room all weekend.

Well when Monday rolled around I finally turned on my phone and it had 45 missed calls and 264 missed text messages. Well I opened one after the other they all said things like "Matt is telling people your gay, are you ?". About all of the messages said the same thing, except one from a guy I have talked to every once in a while named Cooper. Cooper is your average kid, middle class, good grades, and a few friends. But I had never given him the time of day. He had brown hair and dark brown eyes and an athletic body, about 6'0 175 lbs. He texted me saying "if you need anything, call me anytime". I just brushed it off at first. But when I got to school Matt was waiting at the front door, and stops me and says No Faggots Allowed Here !! And no one even stopped him, everyone was behind him except the one guys who actually behind me, it was Cooper. He grabbed my hand and said forget them lets go, and without thinking i just left with this kid. We started to walk when i remembered i had a car so we both went and got in to the truck and drove off....

Comments Or Questions Or What More email me at hunkmagnet07@yahoo.com. Feedback is greatly appreciated.

Next: Chapter 2

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