Losing Matt but Gaining Cooper

By James Smith

Published on Aug 18, 2023


We just drove for what seemed like hours and it turned out i drove straight out of Georgia and was making my way to the Kentucky line. Cooper finally broke the ice and said "so where are we going?" I looked at him and said away from Ringgold. He just looked at me and said why ? I did not know this kid well nor did I understand what was going on, but when he said that I couldn't go anymore. I pulled the truck into a gas station we just happen to be passing and broke down right there. All I could say to him is that "Without popularity I have nothing, the only reason people liked me is because I was just like them. They do not understand people who are different. He just looked at me and said well your not alone. Which was true, Cooper was right, he risked everything, to stand by me in my time of need, but wait, Hey Coop did the kids at school know you were gay ? They do now, he said with a little grin on his face. He told me that if I would just turn around and go back to Ringgold it would all work out. Reluctantly I said yes, so I turned the truck around and drove back to Georgia.

When i was about 20 minutes shy of Ringgold I got a telephone call from my dad, he told me that i had one hour to come home and get my stuff. That he has already pulled out my savings and trust fund and put it in my name and the truck was signed over to me. But he said I love you son but I will not have a gay son. I can not deal with this nor can your mother. Without even giving my time to say anything he hung up the phone and i just drove home. When i got to my house there was a UHaul and my dad in the drive way. When I got out i told Cooper to stay in the truck and since my windows were tented my dad didnt even see Cooper, that probably would have made things worse. When i stepped out and closed the door my dad, just looked at me, he said all your furniture is in here and pointed at the UHaul and said you have 15 to go in the house and get anything else you want and to say goodbye to your mother. With that I went inside and went to my room and there on the floor was the picture of me and my dad on a camping trip, the frame was broken, so i took the picture out of the frame and looked around everything in my room was gone. But i knew that in my closet under the floor boards was my stash of money. I had been saving my Christmas money from my grandparents since i was 8 years old and had a good 5,000 dollars in there. Along with my money was my magazines and underwear i didnt want my mom or dad to see. So i went to my closet and retrieved the box i knew was there and with that i went down stairs and said goodbye to my mother and she handed my a check, which im sure my dad had no idea about. The check was for $100,000.00 dollars but it was post dated for July 1, of the next year. So with that in hand I walked out of my home forever.

When i got outside my dad told me that he would not have a gay son and to hitch this trailor and get the hell out of Ringgold. So without saying another word i hitched up the trailor and was on my way. When we were on the road again i looked at Cooper who was in shock. He said i cant believe your parents are like that. I said what were yours understanding, he said no but they wouldn't kick me out. I said do they know yet ? He said no, as we pulled down the street to his house he got the shock of his life his belongings were strewed all across the lawn. I just looked at him and said about what you said ? He just couldn't believe it, he got out and his dad told him that he had 2 minutes to get his shit and get before he called the police for trespassing. Cooper just stood there till i shook him out of it saying dude hurry you dont have much time. and in no time we were gone again.But what Cooper failed to mention is that his mother had passed 3 years earlier and left him a trust fund that he could access when he turned 18 which was next month. So in no means where we short on cash. But we had no idea where we were going, so we just drove, taking turns the whole way for 2 days we drove till we crossed the South Carolina line. Once there we justed started looking for a place to live. We ended up findin a condo about 250 miles from Myrtle Beach. So in that day we had lost friends family and homes but we found each other.

Cooper only had clothes so by the end of the day we were moved in set for whatever life would bring us. The condo was in forclosure so we purchased it for 19,000 dollars. It was a 3Bed, 2Bath, with all the amenities included. But once in we decided that since we were gay and friends that we would just share the king size bed that came from my house to save money. So for the rest of the day we just relaxed and got everything hooked up, the cable, internet, and telephone. We set up a joint cellphone account seeing as ours had been disconnected. We were just about ready for bed when i told Cooper i needed a shower, for him to go on to bed. With that Coop just crawled into bed and i got in the shower.

I Turn the water on and just let the water hit my back and i start to cry, i dont know why but i just needed to cry. Apparently i was loud and Coop heard me and came in to check on me. Well thats what it started out as When he opened the door and stepped in i didnt think nothing of it i just layed my head on his shoulder and continued to cry. He was there for me like no one ever has been before. After about ten minutes i stopped crying and Cooper just stood there. I looked at him and he looked at me and without any warning he kissed me. And oh my god i swear there were fireworks in the shower with me. As we were kissing we let our hands explore each others bodies and when i got to his cock he was rock hard. So kissing my way down his body i made my way to his 9 inch cock. It was beautiful with no hair at all. So without warning i took his cock all 9 inches and sucked him long and hard. And let me tell you Cooper likes it rough the whole time yelling yeah baby take that cock and fuck yeah show daddy what a good baby you are, drink all the milk. Well it didnt take long for Cooper to cum and boi did he. I must have swallowed a pint of cum. When he stopped cumming i stood up and said shall we take this to the bedroom so soaking wet since we did not have towels yet we made our way back to the bed room. Before I could say anything Cooper had my pinned down and was sucking my nipples, and as he did i could not help but get hard. I couldnt take it for long when i said fuck me Coop please fuck me. That was all he needed to hear, he lifted my legs up and fucked my virgin hole all night long. We fell asleep with his cock still in my ass, when i woke it was to him fucking me again.

Needless to say we became a couple and he loved me for me and only me and vice versa. We did what we wanted when we wanted and if we wanted to fuck on the kitchen counter by god we fucked on the kitchen counter and let me tell you that story later. Well we had been in South Carolina for 6 months and Coop had already recieved his trustfund, which was for six million dollars which he would collect of 4 years. When we were foolin around the house Coop in his boxers and me in my thong, which by the way we traded underwear one day and Coop will never admit it but he looked amazing. But as we were making out on the couch and Coops hand slided down into my thong and.....

More To Come If You Want Let Me Know What You Think(Hunkmagnet07@yahoo.com)

Next: Chapter 3

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