Lottery Winner

By Dale Wright

Published on Sep 16, 2000


Hi everyone...

Wow...people are actually reading my stuff. Thanks for the positive responses. -- As always, Gabriella and Mike and Charlie are my main cheerleaders. I'm a bit nervous--so if people could please e-mail me at'd really appreciate it. I love e-mail!!!

DISCLAIMER: This is a fictional story that came right out of my own mind. I have no knowledge if any member of N Sync are gay or whatever. That being said, please enjoy the story and remember-- write me!!! (Especially write me if you're a member of the group! GRIN)

--The Lottery Winner Ch 9--

Nothing was said as we went down to get some breakfast. I finally had to break the silence, because it was starting to get stifling.

"Joey? Are you okay?"

He sighed, then turned to face me. "Not really...but I guess I'll have to be."

The look in his eyes was so sad and haunted, that I wanted to just wrap him in my arms and kiss him and hold him. But I knew that any second the door would be opening so I couldn't. The elevator finally hit the restaurant level and opened, we walked out and got seated with no fuss. He sat there, not talking to me, just staring out the window. He glanced at me briefly when the waiter returned with our juices (I'd also ordered a tea), but looked away again. Okay, that's it. Now I'm pissed.

I picked up the container holding the Equal, and after taking one out for my tea, slammed it down onto the table. He jerked like he'd been shot. Glaring at me, he opened his mouth and closed it. Then finally spoke. "What the fuck was that for?"

"You're shutting me out. Communication is essential for any good relationship to work. Do you want to deal with this on your own or do you want the support of someone who cares? Your choice."

The look on his face softened and he reached across the table, after looking to make sure no one was looking, he took my hand in his and squeezed it. "Dale, I'm sorry. I just slipped into deep thinking mode. Sometimes I just do it." He then flashed that ten-thousand watt smile at me, and my heart melted. That broke the dour mood that'd settled around us. We talked about what the next week would be like. All I really knew was we were flying out this afternoon for Denver. Joey couldn't remember the whole itinerary, but he gave me a good idea what the next few days would be like: Denver, then on to Phoenix, then over to San Diego. I figured that'd be the one I'd head home after since that was about a week from now. When I mentioned that to Joey, he got a sad look on his face.

"I know that you don't want to think about it Joey, but we'll have to deal with it eventually. I can't go on the rest of the tour with you that'd look too odd to the rest of the world. It just means that we'll have a period of about a month where our cell bills will be obscene. Besides", and I flashed a wicked grin at him, "who says that I can't just fly everywhere else. I may not be able to see the show but I could always meet you later on for some personal entertainment." I winked at him and wiggled an eyebrow. He had started smiling as I spoke and laughed at that last part. Damn, he's got a nice laugh!

We finished up breakfast, and decided to go pack up for the flight. As the elevator doors closed behind us, I was shocked when Joey pushed me up against the wall and kissed me. I pushed my tongue into his mouth and we passionately french-kissed for a minute or two. Suddenly the elevator began coming to a stop! I looked up, and realized it was our floor. There are some perks to staying on a floor that's set aside for less than 8 people. I broke the kiss as the doors swung open, and turned around to see Lance standing there. He did not look happy

"Dammit Joey!"

Before Joey could say anything I snapped at Lance. "Lance, would you please unclench! I knew that the only people around would be one of you guys. You want to be pissed at anyone, be pissed at me, not Joey." Turning to Joey, I told him I'd be down in the room. I heard Lance say my name, but I ignored him. I keyed in to the room and slammed the door shut. I grabbed the television remote and threw myself onto the bed. I clicked to MTV, and groaned when I saw what they were playing. "Behind the Scenes: The N'Sync tour". I turned the volume down slightly and let out a sigh of exasperation. Someone knocked at my door, and I automatically called out a "come in".

To my surprise, it was Joey. I sat up slightly. "Hey you...why'd you come through the main door? And you knocked???" I smiled crookedly at him. "Okay, who are you and what have you done with my man?"

He came and sat next to me on the bed. "Dale, what are we going to do? I don't want to even think of you going back to Baltimore while I go on the road." I pulled him down onto me and lightly kissed him. As his lips found their way to mine, the kisses increased in intensity. He continued as our lips separated, "I know that you said you could fly where we go, but you shouldn't have to! I want you on the bus with me. I want to go to sleep with you in my arms and wake up with you there. This is so unfair!" I felt his tears hitting my face, and I just held him tight.

"Honey, you know I'm going with you this week...and we'll figure something out. Now come on, we have to pack and get ready to go. Once we get to Denver, I need to go shopping."

Kissing his forehead, he looked up at me and smiled. I started scooting up, and stood into his arms after he'd stood up. We held each other, gently swaying back and forth like we were dancing. "Everything happens in this life for a reason Joe. Never forget that. Now, come on. We have to get busy if we don't want to get left behind." I swatted his ass and sent him off to his room, and got started packing up my stuff.

We did pretty well, it took us probably 30 minutes to get everything ready. He wheeled his suitcase into my room, and saw that I was all ready. He smiled and winked at me. I felt myself blushing. We left my room and headed out into the hall. I looked down and saw the other four guys. Justin and Chris smiled at me. JC was talking on his cell phone with someone, and Lance wouldn't even look at me.

"Well guys, we finished here early, want to go hang out in the airport lounge for a bit?" Joey took the lead, and we all piled into the elevator. The guys noticed that Lance and I weren't talking, I saw Justin glance at Joey...but Joey just shook his head. Now was not the time to deal with it.

Those guys began heading to the back of the building, where the limo was picking us up. But stopped and stared as I went to the front. They slowly began following to try and figure out what I was doing. I went up to the registration desk. "Hi, my name is Dale Wright and I'm checking out."

"Mister Wright, you didn't have to come down. We would have done it all for you."

"I know ma'am. I just wanted to compliment your hotel on its incredible service and staff. I'll definitely stay here when I return to Orlando and will recommend you to my friends." I signed my credit card slip, gave the girl a large tip, and turned away. On my way back over to the guys, I noticed that JC had a funny look on his face, and so did Lance. Once I got back in the area of the group, JC asked why I'd bothered doing that.

"It's called human contact. People are so caught up in doing what's quick and easy that they forget to interact with each other. I told myself that I would never forget that once I won this money. Did you lose sight of that once you became Mister Chasez of N'Sync instead of just being Josh?"

He looked like he was going to bitch at me for a second, then a sheepish smile came over his face. "Once in awhile I do, yeah. But I count on my friends to snap you back to reality." He looked at the other guys, and they all smiled and nodded...except Lance. We lugged our luggage outside and gave it to the driver. We piled in to the car, and didn't say a whole lot as the car pulled away.

"Chris. Where's your dog anyway?"

"I usually leave him with a kennel if I can't take him on the road with me. He's actually already in Denver. I didn't want to fly him back here just for a few days. Okay Dale, what's his name?"

"It's Busta isn't it? Named for Busta Rhymes. One of the singers that you really admire. Right?"

He laughed at my reply. "Yep, one of our more unusual fans. But I'm damn glad I met you Dale." He reached over and took my hand in his. Suddenly JC's hand was on top of our hands followed by Justin's hand. I smiled at him as Joey put his hand on the pile, then placed his other hand over his heart. The guys all turned and looked at Lance, who hadn't put his hand in. Finally, rolling his eyes, he put his hand out.

"James, what's wrong with you? You haven't said anything since we left the hotel. Talk to us. We're your friends. You okay?"

"I'm fine guys, just need to be left alone for right now." So saying, he turned and looked out the window. The guys all looked at each other briefly, then decided to leave him alone. It was probably best.

We hung out at the airport for a few hours, then got onto our plane with no one figuring out who the guys were. Gotta love those stylish disguises! Floppy hats and sunglasses are just SO inconspicuous!!

Partway through the flight I felt someone's eyes on me. I turned and noticed that Joey was looking at me. He noticed he had my attention, so he winked at me and smiled. I blew him a kiss and went back to my book.

After landing, we were met by a big burly man who the guys seemed to know. He looked at me for a second, but smiled when Joey told him who I was (well, not all of it.) We retrieved our luggage and headed off following the walking mountain. We got to the hotel after about forty-five minutes of fighting traffic, and checked in.

"Excuse me? Has Chris Wright checked in yet? She has? Great! What room is she in please? 1456. Cool."

We got our room assignments and headed up. I noticed that Joey and I were sharing a room. As we all got on the escalator heading up I nudged Joey in the back. "So, I'm sharing a room with you, huh?" He smiled and leaned back slightly.

"Yep. Hope that's okay."

"Eh, I guess. I mean, you do look really hot when you just get out of the shower."

He blushed about five shades of red. We headed off of the final escalator to the bank of elevators. "So when do you guys have to get ready for the show? That's tomorrow right?"

As the doors closed, Chris answered. "Yep. We have a round of interviews tomorrow morning, then soundcheck at 2. The MG is at 5." Seeing the look on my face he explained that he was talking about the typical Meet and Greet events that they do.

We gathered at the elevator doors. "Okay guys, do we want to meet for dinner tonight or do we want to do our own thing?"

I cleared my throat. "Sorry guys, but I'm going to meet up with my mom and her girlfriend to see if they want to do dinner. Haven't seen them in a few months."

Lance then let out a bitter laugh. "Guess we know where Joey will be guys."

"Excuse me??? Lance, if you have a problem then we have to talk. I'm not even going to respond to your comment right now. I'll be in the room later if you want to pull your head out of your ass and talk to me like a real person. Now if you gentlemen will excuse me, I'm going to unpack and go see my momma." I turned and headed down to the room without a backwards glance.

Joey came into the room a few minutes later. He came up to me and gave me a passionate kiss. "God I've wanted to do that for hours now. You looked so sexy in the light of the airplane!" He winked at me, and I just giggled.

"What's wrong with Lance, Joey?"

"I don't know Dale. We'll talk to him later. So, do I get to meet your moms tonight?"

"Yep. I'm going to shower first. Do you want to join me?" He didn't need to be told twice. We were in the shower moments later, the warm water cascading off of our bodies. Our lovemaking was slow and languid. It always feels so good when he swallows my load. And I swear to you that it feels like he's shooting a gallon of cum each time I go down on him. We got out of the shower and headed into the other room to get dressed. I just threw on some Wranglers and a polo shirt. I went and brushed my teeth and gargled with mouthwash.

"Honey, how does this look?"

I went into the other room, and was impressed by what I saw. He looked stunning in khakis and a white and tan button-down shirt. I went to him and kissed him gently.

"You look incredible. You ready to met her?"

He squeezed my hand. We went out and headed down to the elevator. I stopped when I heard someone screaming in Lance's room. It sounded like Lance and Chris and maybe even Justin were yelling. I started heading to that door when Joey grabbed my shoulder. "Dale, now's not a good time. Let's go meet your moms." He led me over to the elevator.

I leaned against his front on the elevator ride down. He nuzzled my neck, and I felt his dick stirring in his pants.

"Down boy. Wouldn't want to meet my mom with a woodie now would you?" Grinning to him in the mirror, he just continued nuzzling my neck. We got off at mom's floor, and headed off in search of the room.

Coming to the door, I took a deep breath...and knocked. The door swung open.


Next: Chapter 10

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