Lottery Winner

By Chris Reed (Numlfl, Nudcjul)

Published on Jul 24, 2005



This story is the property of the author. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author.

This is one of my older stories. I hope that you will like it.

The Lottery Winner

By Chris

Jayne's life up to the age of 14 was nearly idea. She was an only child and while her parents never had much money, they gave her everything they could. The most important thing was all their love. Then one night she was at home alone when some cops came to her door. When they told her that parents had died in an auto accident her life fell apart then and there.

She had no relatives to go live with. Her grandparents had died years before and she had no aunts or uncles. Therefore, she ended up in foster care. The people she was sent to live with never provided the love and attention that she had gotten from her parents. Since she got no attention there she found it else where by getting into trouble. That got her sent to another home and then another and still no attention so she got into more trouble.

A couple of years and a number of foster homes later she ended up in the home of an elderly woman. This she was told was her last chance before being sent to a detention center. After the social worker left, the old woman lit into her big time. She told Jayne that she was an old woman and did not intend to put up with any shit from a sixteen-year-old girl. She told Jayne that she expected her to go to school every day then come straight home. When she got home, she was to do her homework, help with the housework and if there was time at the end of the evening, she could watch TV for an hour or so. Then she was to go straight to bed. The old woman went on for another ten minutes telling Jayne what she could and could not do. She ended the sermon by saying that if Jayne broke even one rule she was going to send her on her way.

Jayne laughed to herself as the old woman talked, knowing that old women like this one could not control her. When the old woman was through Jayne went up to her room and started planning what she would do when she ran away. And she was going to run away, it was not a matter of if but when. Then she would get away from all the crap that this world had heaped on her. She came down for supper and did help the woman clean up the kitchen before going back to her room saying she had schoolwork to do.

Later that evening she heard a quite knock on her door and then the woman entered the room with a snack on a tray. She sat down on the edge of the bed and started talking to Jayne. This time she spoke as a grandmother would to her granddaughter. She told Jayne that she knew that life had treated her rough these past couple of years. But there was nothing she could do to bring her parents back but getting into trouble was not the answer. She said she knew she could not replace Jayne's parents and would not try but she would try the help her if Jayne would allow her to do so. She talked on for another few minutes then got up and patted Jayne on the leg and left. Jayne did not believe a word she said and continued to plan her escape.

The next day Jayne did as she was told and that evening as she and the old woman watched TV the old woman talked to Jayne who did not offer much to the conversation. It took the woman a week to get Jayne to start talking to her. Jayne started slowly but by the end of the second week, she had told the old woman more about herself than she had anyone else since her parents died. The one thing the old woman had was patience, and she was able to wait for the tears to come and when they did, she knew what to do. Her own life had not been easy either as she had lost children when they were young. When Jayne cried the old woman did also and they both grieved. Soon Jayne forgot all about running away and her grades which use to be D's and F's were now A's and B's.

When Jayne left for college, they both cried. Jayne because she knew the woman had saved her life and the old woman because she knew Jayne would be her last foster child. She was getting too old to do this anymore. She had helped a few and lost a few to the streets, but Jayne she knew would be ok and that made it all right.

Jayne went to school on grants and loans. At the end of her first year, the old woman died in her sleep. She left Jayne with just enough money to finish school and even move out of the dorms into an apartment if she could find someone to share the expenses. Jayne started by looking on the bulletin boards around the school and she found a girl looking for a roommate. Jayne called the number and found out the girl's name was Misty. She met her at the apartment. She liked her right off and they talked for a few minutes getting to know each other. Misty was about 5' 6" and was a couple of pounds over weight but still nice looking. Her eyes were the thing that set Misty apart from anyone she had ever met. Jayne found out Misty was a junior and majoring in finance.

They decided to try it out and see if it would work out. They got lucky and they had no problems as they roomed together. Jayne gave Misty her space and she went her own way. Misty seemed stay at home most of the time never going out much and only on an occasion would she have a girl friend over. Jayne meanwhile studied all week and then party most of the weekend. The old woman had cured most of her wildness but not all of it.

During spring break of that year, Jayne went into a gas station to pay for some gas and saw the new lottery being advertised. This would be the states first lottery and while she could not afford to waste money she did buy one. She put the ticket in her purse and immediately forgot about it. She did not remember it again for another three weeks when she was trying to find some chap stick in her purse. She came across the ticket and she knew someone had won but not whom or how much. She had also heard that no one had come forward to claim the prize. She decided to look to see how many numbers if any she got right. She went to her computer and logged into the site for the lottery. As she compared the winning numbers to her ticket she began to breathe faster as number after number matched. When she got to the last one she screamed at the top of her lungs. Misty immediately came running out of her room to see what was wrong. Jayne tried to tell Misty what she was screaming about but was unable to talk, so she just finally handed the ticket to Misty. When she compared the numbers, she also screamed. It took them 20 minutes to calm down, find out how much Jayne had won, and how she could claim her money.

If Jayne took the money all at once, it would come to a little over 30 million. Misty told her to take the money so that is what Jayne did. She and Misty went to the main lottery office the next day and claimed her money. Both of their lives were not the same after that. The publicly over winning the lottery about drove them crazy. Since Jayne was the one to win the state's first lottery, the state went all out in using her to promote the lottery. Misty and Jayne had people coming to their door all day long and calling them at all hours of the night. When the semester ended a couple of weeks later, Jayne decided to move out to give Misty some rest. Misty tried to get Jayne to stay but Jayne felt like the best thing to do was to drop out for a while until every thing cooled off and she could decide what to do with her new riches.

For the next ten months, Jayne traveled all across the country, seeing things she always wanted to see. As she did that, she also tried to find someone to manage her money. She was never able to find anyone or any company she felt safe in trusting her new fortune. Also somewhere, in the back of her mind, she knew there was something missing but she could never figure out exactly what that was. It wasn't like she did not have a good time traveling; she enjoyed every minute of it.

At the beginning of April, she decided to come back to where she started. She got an expensive hotel room and decided it was time to make some decisions but she did not know where to start. Then one night she was sitting alone in her room and Misty's name popped into her head. It hit her that Misty was majoring in finance; if anyone could help her, it was Misty. She immediately got on the phone and called her. There was a strange voice that answered the phone and the girl said that Misty was out but she would leave her a message. A couple of days later Misty had still not called back so she tried her again.

This time Misty answered the phone but she sounded distant for some reason. Jayne went on talking and excitably told her all about what she had been doing only getting a few "That interesting" from Misty. Jayne soon realized that Misty did not really want to hear what she was saying so she came to her point. She needed Misty's help with what to do with her money to which Misty replied that she really wasn't qualify to do that, Jayne needed someone who did that for a living. Jayne told her that she tried that route but she could find no one she trusted. The only person that she had met so far that she felt that she could trust was arrested for fraud on the very day she was to meet with him. Jayne was finally reduced to begging Misty to help her and Misty agreed to come over on Friday night to "take a look." Jayne felt better when she hung up knowing she was getting someone she could trust to help her but she wondered why Misty sounded so cold.

Misty arrived on Friday night and to Jayne she seemed happy but not happy to see her. They talked for a few minutes then Misty wanted to get to work. Jayne showed her all of her accounts where she had placed her money. It took Misty about two hours to look it all over as Jayne had the money in about 20 different banks and three or four accounts at each bank.

"The first thing you need to do is decide what you want to do with your money, then you need to decide who is the best person to manage your money."

"That's just it I don't know what I want to do with the money and you're the one I want to manage my money. I know I can trust you. I can pay you what ever you want to do that. Please, I don't know where else to turn."

Then Jayne started to cry. She told Misty there were times she just wanted to give it all away and be poor again. Life was a lot easier then. Misty gave her a look like she was crazy. After a lot of crying and pleading, Misty finally gave in and agreed to help Jayne get started. But Jayne had to sit down and decide what she wanted to do with the money. Jayne told Misty she would pay her 100 dollars an hour for every hour she worked and on that point she would not give in so Misty agreed to be paid. Jayne tried to get Misty to stay a while but Misty said she had to go and she would be back next Friday night. Jayne walked her to the door thanking Misty repeatedly for agreeing to help. For the next week, Jayne stayed in and thought about she wanted to do. The first thing she decided she wanted to do was get her degree in social welfare. Then she wanted to set up some sort of organization that would help kids like her.

Misty arrived on Friday night and she set right to work. She made Jayne tell her what she had decided and then she got out a pencil, calculator, and her computer. She got to work and worked for the next five hours getting input from Jayne when she needed it. It was about midnight, when Misty started to pack up her stuff. Jayne told her she could stay the night and they could get started again in the morning. Misty was reluctant to do so but did agree to stay and sleep on the couch. Jayne went to bed wondering why Misty had changed so much over the last year. She used to be so friendly but now it was hard to get two words out of her that was not about the money. The next morning Misty ordered them some breakfast and she did get Misty to warm up a little bit. They worked until mid afternoon then Misty gave Jayne two pages of things to do the coming week. Misty told Jayne she would be back the following Friday afternoon when her last class ended.

When Misty got there on Friday, Jayne showed her everything she had done. She went over all the changes she had made as Misty had instructed her to do. That took her a couple of hours to do then Misty went to work. At about midnight, Misty quit and Jayne set her up on the couch. That night Jayne decided to find out why Misty was so cold to her. She was helping her and for that, she was very thankful but Misty could treat her a little more kindly. Maybe it was the money itself but Jayne did not feel like that was it. The next morning after breakfast, they went back to work. It was about one when Misty handed Jayne three pages of things to do. After Misty packed up her stuff and was about to get up Jayne stopped her.

"I want to talk to you about something if you have a minute or two."

"I really need to get back. You know I have finals coming up in a few weeks and I still don't have a job lined up after I graduate."

"Please sit a minute and talk to me. It really is important. Okay?"

Misty shrugged her shoulders and settled back down.

"I don't want to seem ungrateful for what you are doing for me, I am not. I will be forever in your debt for helping me out. I don't know what I would have ever done. Everywhere I looked, I could never find anyone I could trust, and I know I can trust you. You know that right?"

"Yea, but what is your point."

"I am getting there. I know we were not the best of friends or anything but, we did seem to get along. You were the best roommate a girl could ever hope to find. We were able to talk and stuff. But since I've come back it seems like there is a wall between us. I don't want you to get mad at me for bringing this up but I just want to know if I have done something wrong. If I did then I want to know, I can't do anything about it if I don't know what it was that I did."

"Believe me you really don't want to know. I don't think you can handle it even if I did tell you. So let's just leave things as they are. My work is about done and then we can both go our separate ways."

"No, I can't leave it like that. Even if I can't repair what is wrong at least let me know what is wrong. Please tell me."

"I warned you, but you asked for it so I am going to give it to you and I bet I will never hear from you again."

Misty thought for a second and then her eyes began to tear up. She wiped them and then let it all out. "Well first of all you left and never called me or even wrote until you needed something from me. How do you think that makes me feel?"

Before Jayne could answer, Misty continued.

"Let me tell you why that made me feel so bad. You may have thought of me as a casual friend that you could just cast away when you no longer needed them. But I thought of you as a good friend of mine. I mean when you did not have a date on the weekend was I not always there to keep you company. I canceled many plans to spend time with you. You may not have thought I did anything on weekends but I did. I realized that you did not ask me to do that but all the same, I did no that for you. When you were down did I not help you talk it all out? I knew you had a hard life and I tried to be there when you needed me. And how about that time you were sick with the flu, did I not bring do every thing I could to get you better? I held your head when you were throwing up in the toilet. I made sure that you were getting plenty of fluids. I got your notes from the classes you missed. I did this all without you asking and you replayed me by what? Nothing is what."

Misty gathered herself back together, sighed deeply, and then made her final pronouncement.

"This last thing will really blow your fucking mind. I am a lesbian and I fell in love with you the minute you came into my life."

With that, Misty burst into a fresh batch of tears and ran out of the door. Jayne just sat there. She wanted to get up and run after Misty but her body would not move. Misty was right the last statement Misty made really blew her mind. She decided to think about that last and go to the other things that Misty had said. As she thought them through Jayne wished she could say Misty was wrong on even one of them but they were all true. Misty had been a good friend to her and she had treated her like shit.

Jayne spent the rest of the evening evaluating her life. She had been shallow to everyone she met. She never let anyone get close to her. When she dated someone and they started getting close she would dump them. She knew she could blame it on losing her parents so early in life and all the foster homes she had to live in, but that was not it. She had made the decision to live her life like that and she could not blame anyone but herself. She shed more than a few tears that night and as she went to sleep, she promised herself that she do all she could to make it up to Misty and maybe somewhere become a little better person. The next morning Jayne woke up feeling better than she had in a long time. As her head cleared, she realized that she had awakened from a very good dream. She sat there a couple of minutes trying to remember her dream. Slowly it came clearer and she knew it was about someone she cared about. She let the dream come back to her, she saw herself in bed, and there was someone with her. As the face of that someone materialized, she realized it was not some old boyfriend or even some unknown man. It was Misty. About this time, Jayne realized that her panties were wet. It hit her all at once; she had an erotic dream about another woman.

Jayne got up and went to the bathroom to pee. She then turned on the shower to try to wake up and to clear her head. As she washed her body the vision of Misty in her bed would not go away. When her hand went down to her pussy, her body tingled, as she was still horny from the dream. As much as she did not want to masturbate her hand had a mind of its own. Her fingers slowly began to rub her pussy and her clit. Her index finger circled her clit rubbing it slowly at first then faster and faster. As she masturbated, she tried to think of anything except Misty but she kept popping into her head. Finally, she gave up and let the picture of Misty naked in her bed come into clear view. When she did this, it did not take her as long as usual to cum. When the orgasm hit her, it hit her hard and she was barely able to stand.

After the orgasm ended, she finished washing and got out of the shower. As she dried off, she thought that her life was confusing enough as it was, she did not need this. She knew she should call Misty but today was not the day to do that. She had to get all this sorted out in her mind first. But she also knew she could not prove Misty right by not calling her. Her first instinct was to run but she refused to give into that. She would stay and solve this problem one-way or the other. Therefore, she tried to keep busy that day, anything to keep her mind off the confusion in her mind. Monday morning when she woke up, she was feeling the same way as she had Sunday morning. Only this time the dream came back quicker to her mind and it was even more erotic. She could almost feel Misty holding her, kissing her, and then making love to her. Her panties were even wetter than before if that was possible. She slipped her hand under her panties feeling the wetness. Her clit was enlarged and aching for attention. This time she did not bother waiting to get into the shower. She began to massage her clit with her fingers and quickly brought herself off. After cumming, she felt bad about masturbating to the vision of Misty but she could not help herself. She had never been attracted to women before but she was now questioning that. She did not know what to do so she got up and went about what Misty had her to do.

She started on her tasks for the day, marking off the task only after she had completed it. She tried to block Misty from her mind but failed miserably so she gave up. Since she could not get her off her mind, she would put it up front and face it the problem. About mid-day, she stopped and got something to eat. After eating a bit she then started to think the problem through. She started first on the physical aspect, specifically on how Misty looked. She was a couple of inches shorter than she was. She was probably about ten pounds over weight but still pretty, especially in the face and eyes. Jayne concentrated on Misty's eyes and she realized that they sparkled when she smiled. She next went to the body. Misty had B cup breasts and a cute bubble butt. As she pictured Misty in her mind, she felt her pussy begin to gather moisture. She then pictured them standing side-by-side. She was taller and had B cup breast but they looked bigger than Misty's since she had always been slim. Her personality was more subdued than Misty's was. She then realized that as she pictured them together, it did not bother her as much as she thought it would.

Tuesday started the same way as Sunday and Monday had. The same dream but now it seemed normal. By the time Thursday came around, she knew she had put off talking to Misty long enough. Today she had to talk to her. She also knew that this had to be done in person and not on the phone. She tried to keep busy until it was time to go see Misty. It was hard and the time seemed to drag by. Finally, about three she got her keys and headed out the door. When she drove by Misty's apartment, she did not see Misty's car. "Great" Jayne though to herself, "More time to kill." She drove on by and rode around for an hour going over yet again what she wanted to say. She had changed her approach so many times that she really did not know what she was going to say. At four, she passed by Misty's apartment again and she saw her car out front. Jayne felt her heart go to her throat as she parked her car. She sat there a minute taking in deep breaths trying vainly to calm herself. Once she was as calm as she was going to get she got out of the car and walked towards Misty's apartment. Jayne knocked on the door and a minute later a girl opened the door, obviously Misty's new roommate. She was sort of a plain looking girl but seemed friendly until Jayne introduced herself.

"Hi I'm Jayne. I was wondering if Misty was home?"

The girl frowned at Jayne but opened the door to let Jayne in. "Have a seat, Misty is in her room studying. I'll get her."

Jayne sat down on the couch and looked around the room. It looked about the same as when she lived there and her heart began to ache to know that she might not be welcome here. Her thoughts were confirmed when she overheard Misty and her roommate arguing. She did not hear everything but she heard the last thing that the roommate said to Misty. "No I won't tell her that. You are going to have to talk to her sometime."

Jayne then heard the roommate come up the hallway. "Misty will be with you in a minute." The roommate stated as she got her keys and went out the door. Jayne was left wondering what Misty was doing. She sat there a good five minutes wondering what to do. She wanted to go back and get Misty but she decided to wait it out. A couple of more minutes passed and Jayne was about to get up and go to Misty. They had to talk this out today and she wasn't going to leave before they did. About this time, she heard a door open and someone slowly walking up the hall. When Misty turned the corner the first thing that Jayne saw was that Misty's eyes did not have that sparkle but were red from crying. That made Jayne's heart ache even more that it already did. She had really hurt this girl and she was not sure she could repair the damage.

"What do you need now?" Misty asked with a little venom in her voice.

"I want to talk to talk to you. You said many things to me the other day and you did not give me a chance to answer you. Not that I am sure I could then or even now for that matter but I would like a chance. Would you come over here and let me tell you some things and then you can decide what to do then? If you want me to leave and never talk to you again then I will but please listen to what I have to say first."

Misty thought over what Jayne was saying and she sounded sincere so she walked over to the couch where Jayne was sitting and sat opposite her. Jayne took a deep breath and started talking.

"First thing I want to do is to apologize to you. You were right about everything you said to me and about me. You were a much better friend to me than I was to you. You gave and I took. I could sit here and tell you that it was because of my past but that would be an excuse that would not ring true to either of us. The thing is that maybe I am not as good of a person as I thought I was. I am or hopefully was a very shallow person. I would like you to give me a chance to be your friend. I can't change overnight but I can and will change. Will you give me a chance to be your friend?"

Misty really looked into Jayne's now tear stained eyes and saw that she really meant what she was saying. Misty wanted to tell Jayne to go fuck herself but in her heart, she knew she could not. If she could not have Jayne as a lover then maybe she could have her as a friend. Finally, Misty replied to what Jayne had said.

"I think I would like to have you as a friend."

All the tension that Jayne was feeling went out of her body, she heard herself sobbing, and she felt a fresh batch of tears fall from her eyes. Misty wanted to extract a last bit of punishment on Jayne for treating her like, she did, but she could not. She had tears of her own running down her cheeks so she did as any good friend would do. She slid over to Jayne and took her into her arms. They both cried for a few minutes. When Jayne could talk she whispered into Misty's ear. "I really am sorry."

"You are forgiven."

They cried a minute or two more then Jayne backed away. Misty got up and got a box of Kleenex. She handed Jayne one as she sat down. They both wiped they eyes and got their composure back. They sat in silence for a few minutes with neither knowing what to say. Jayne knew she had one more topic to cover and it was going to be harder than the first one and that was hard enough. Jayne took a couple of deep breaths, Misty knew there was more to come, and she knew what it was. This was to be the rejection that she did not want to hear. She wanted to stop Jayne from saying anything more and let her leave with some hope that something would develop between them but Jayne had already started talking.

"There is one more thing I want to talk about. Let me get it all out before you reply, okay?"

"Sure" Was Misty's only reply.

"This is hard for me because I don't know how I feel about it. When you left on Saturday, you said that you were a lesbian and was in at one time in love with me. Let me address the lesbian part first. I admit you threw me for a loop. It shocked me at first because I had no idea that you were a lesbian much less attracted to me. After I got to thinking about it, then it made sense. If I had wanted to, I could have figured out that you liked women but I was too absorbed with myself to pay attention to you. The second part of what you said to me was harder to handle, the part of you being in love with me."

Jayne saw Misty's face drop but she continued.

"I did not know what to say or do about that. I have never been attracted to a woman before nor could I understand it. Since I had no idea, of what to do I put it in the back into my mind. Well it did not stay there. I woke up Sunday morning and realized that I had awakened from a great dream. As I began to remember it, I realized that it was an erotic dream." Jayne felt her face redden but again she continued with what she had to say. "The more I remembered the better it got. It took me a couple of minutes to see clearly, who was in the bed with me in the dream. The person was you Misty. To say the least I was confused. I tried to forget the dream but when it repeated itself on every morning since then, I know I could not. So here, I am again asking for your help. I don't know where to go from here. I want to have you as my friend and make up for all I have done but I also want you to help me with what I am feeling."

Jayne put her hands to her face and began to start crying again. She did not want to have to ask Misty to help her yet again but Misty was the only one who could help her. It took her a minute to realize that someone was holding and rocking her in her arms. She knew that person was Misty so she let Misty draw her into her arms. It felt so comforting to be held and for the first time in a long time, she began to really relax. Misty held her a long time and when she felt Jayne was okay she released her. When Jayne looked at her she saw that Misty was smiling at her. It was a soft gentle comforting smile.

"I think I have an answer for both of us. Why don't we go slowly, spend some time with each other? Maybe we could go out to dinner or a movie or something. That way we can get to know each other again. If something starts to develop then we let it. If it doesn't, then we stay as friends. Either way we both win. How about that?"

"I think that is a good idea." Jayne replied with relief.

"Good. I think we both have had enough emotion for today and I really have to study. I have finals coming up soon. Go home and I will pick you up tomorrow at six and we can go out to dinner."

"Sounds great" Jayne replied and she got up. Misty surprised her by holding out her arms and hugged Jayne. For a second, Jayne hesitated but then she gave in and hugged Misty back. The hug went on longer than a normal hug would. Jayne felt Misty's body press against her own. It felt good and the memory of her erotic dreams that she had of Misty came back. She held Misty tighter and when Misty felt this, she knew everything would work out. Neither wanted to end the hug but Misty was the first to ease off and she slowly pulled back from Jayne. They looked into each other eyes for a moment or two then they both looked away. Jayne smiled and walked past her new old friend.

When she got outside, she had to stop for a second when she heard a loud excited "Yes" come from inside the apartment. Jayne had to smile on hearing this then she began to wonder what was going to happen next. She knew she left the door wide open for something more that friendship to happen between them. She only hoped that Misty would forgive her once again if she could not hold up her end. Time would only tell. That evening went better than she thought it would. She felt good about herself again. She also slept better than she had in a while. The next morning she woke from the same dream, she had the previous mornings. She slipped her hand under her panties to find her pussy wet and excited, this time when she masturbated to the image of Misty she did not feel guilty afterwards. She kept herself busy that day and when Misty knocked on the door a few minutes before six, she was ready, nervous but ready.

Jayne opened the door to see a version of Misty she had never seen before. She had put a dress on that while casual was still very flattering to her body. Her dress emphasized her breasts and the shape of her hips. Her hair was styled so that it seemed to frame her face. She also had makeup on and she could just catch a hint of perfume. Her eyes had that sparkle again and the shy smile that made you want to reach out and hug her. Jayne did not say a word for a few seconds then she got her voice back and she invited Misty in. As Jayne got her purse, she realized that she had never seen Misty dressed up before. She really was a very attractive girl. Misty took her to a nice restaurant in town and they ordered their food. On the way to the restaurant and while they waited for their food Jayne made sure to direct the conversation toward Misty. Every time Misty changed the subject to Jayne, Jayne would quickly direct it back toward Misty. She wanted to make sure she did not mess up and only focus on herself. Misty began to smile when she realized what Jayne was doing. Just before their food arrived, she reached over and put her hand on Jayne's arm, stopping Jayne in mid sentence.

"Relax. You don't have to try so hard. I want to hear about what you have done too. This evening isn't just about me. It's about us. That means we both get to talk about ourselves."

"Was I that obvious?"

"Yes but it was fun seeing you try to answer my question and change the subject all in the same sentence."

"When did you figure out what I was doing?"

"About the time we got into my car to come here."

"Well you could have told me a little sooner and not let me suffer like this. It was getting harder and harder to keep changing the subject all the time."

"It was too much fun seeing you twist and turn trying to direct the conversation solely on me."

"You know you have got a mean streak." Jayne said laughing.

"See you learned something about me that you did not know already."

This brought a laugh from both of them and completely eased the strain they both were under. The rest of the dinner went better as they began to learn more about each other. They both realized that they had changed in the past year but at the core, they were still the same people. The friendship that could and should have developed over the past two years was being forged in one short evening.

After dinner, Misty took Jayne to a club on the outskirts of town. Jayne knew she had been to most of the clubs around town but she had never heard of this one. As they entered the club, Jayne looked around and she did not notice anything different than any other club she had been in. There was a band playing and lots of people dancing. It was only after they had sat down at a table, did she realize that this was a different kind of club. Instead of men dancing with women, women were dancing with women and men dancing with men. Misty had taken her to a gay club. Misty let her take it all in before she said anything.

"This is not a come on or anything. I just wanted to show you a part of my world. We can leave if you want."

"No this is fine. It's just that I have never been to a gay bar before."

"It's just like any other bar. People dance, get drunk and sometimes they even find someone they like."

Misty left it there and started talking thus getting the conversation going between them again. They both ordered a glass of wine, talked, and watched the dance floor. After the second glass of wine, Misty got her courage up and asked Jayne to dance. She held her breath until Jayne responded. Luckily, the two glasses of wine had loosened Jayne up enough for her to say yes. Misty got up and held out her hand for Jayne, who took it. Misty led her out to the dance floor and they began to dance. Jayne felt a little awkward at first dancing with Misty. She had danced with girls before at parties or clubs but this time it was different; this was more than two girls dancing together. After the first song, she got more into music and her dancing greatly improved. She loved to dance and she found out Misty was not a bad dancer. As they danced, they began to copy the others moves causing them to burst out in laughter at times when the one doing the coping got it all wrong. They dance for about thirty minutes then a slow song came on and they retired back to their table to rest a few minutes and have another drink. Once the slow dances were over, they were back out on the dance floor. They danced for about another thirty minutes or so when the next set of slow dances came on. This time before Jayne could move Misty came up to her and put her hands on Jayne's hips. She started slowly swaying to the music. Jayne looked around at the other people on the dance floor and realized that no one was paying them any attention. Misty's hands felt like hot brands on her hips and she was unsure as to what she wanted to do. About the time Misty was going to give up, Jayne started moving her hips and she put her hands on Misty's shoulders. They danced this way through this song. As the next song came on, Misty moved in closer to Jayne and put her arms around Jayne's waist. Jayne felt Misty's breasts press against her own. Jayne could not deny the surge of excitement that went through her body. She put her arms around Misty's shoulders and drew her in close. As they danced this way, Jayne realized that holding Misty as they danced felt good. There was the excitement part but there was also the part of holding someone you cared about and it was then she realized that she really did care about Misty. As that song ended and the third song started, Jayne laid her head on Misty's shoulder and Misty did the same. They were now lost in their own world. When the band went back to dance music Misty or Jayne did not noticed. They just kept dancing slowing. It was not until someone bumped into them that they were awakened from their thoughts. They stepped back from each other and both were blushing.

Misty took Jayne by the hand and led her back to their table. Misty suggested that maybe it was time to leave and Jayne readily agreed. This had been an eventful night and Misty knew it was time to quit while she was ahead. They chatted on the way home staying away from what had happen on the dance floor. When they got to Jayne's door, Jayne asked Misty in but Misty said that she had to get on home. Jayne then asked when they would get together again and Misty replied with a smile that she would call her. They stood there for a moment then Jayne saw Misty start to lean in and she knew what was about to happen. When Misty's lips touched her lips, Jayne was surprised to find that she was kissing Misty back. Misty's lips felt so soft and nice. Jayne felt Misty's arms go around her waist and pull her in close. Jayne put her hands on Misty's shoulders and continued to kiss Misty back. When Misty ended the kiss, Jayne felt disappointed. She wanted it to go on and on. Misty looked at Jayne with her sparkling eyes, smiled, and then gave her another quick kiss. She then turned and walked to the elevator. Jayne watched her go and gave a quick wave to Misty as she disappeared into the elevator.

It took Jayne a moment to come back to her senses and get her key out. It was then she realized that she had just kissed another woman in public and to her surprised she did not feel bad about it or that it was wrong to do that. She went into the bathroom, washed the make-up from her face, and got ready for bed. She got into bed and settled in to go to sleep, which usually came quickly. This night that was not the case. Her mind kept playing the evening over and over. She pictured them dancing, and then holding each other close as they slowed dance, and finally the kiss. She got up a couple of time to get something to drink or go to the bathroom each time hoping that sleep would come when she got back into bed. That did not happen and about the time she was about to give up she drifted off the sleep.

It did not seem like she was asleep no time when the phone woke her up. It took her a minute to find the phone and she answered it.

"Hey it's Misty. Are you up yet?"

"I am now. What time is it?"

"About eight, it is suppose to be a beautiful day and I thought about going to the new theme park they opened in the mountains. You want to tag along?"

"Uh, sure when do you want to go?"

"I can be at your place in ten minutes. See you then."

Jayne started to say something about giving her more time when she realized that Misty had already hung up. "Shit" Jayne said to no one in particular. She looked at the clock again and realized that she had only slept for about two hours. She jumped into the shower and washed quickly then got dressed. There was no time for make-up so she just put on a dab of perfume and some lip-gloss. She was just coming out of the bathroom when she heard a knock on the door.

Jayne opened the door to fine a smiling Misty waiting for. That smile did wake her up some but the coffee they picked up on the way did a lot more to get the cobwebs out of head. They arrived before the crowd did so they got a decent parking place. Jayne did convince Misty to let her pay for today since she had paid for everything the night before. They decided to walk around to see what was there was to do then go from there. The first stop was at a funnel cake stand to get something to eat and another cup of coffee. They walked around as they ate their cakes and drank their coffee. As more and more people arrived, they found that they had to walk closer and closer, this caused their hands to brush from time to time as they walked. Then a little bit later Jayne felt Misty hand grasp hers. Jayne felt Misty's fingers intertwine with hers. Jayne wasn't sure she like the idea of walking around holding hands with another women but then she realized it felt nice. So she squeezed Misty's hand back. When she looked over at Misty, she found that she was smiling over at her. Jayne smiled back and then kept smiling. She could not help herself. Misty's bubbly enthusiasm was contagious.

After they had covered the whole park, Misty lead them to the roller coaster. Jayne refused at first but she let Misty talk her into going on the ride. Jayne spent the fifteen minutes waiting in line praying that the roller coaster would not break down while she was on it. The line finally started moving and they got the last seat. Jayne was hoping that they would have to wait until the next set of cars came by but no such luck. They got a seat in the back. Jayne let loose of Misty's hand and gripped the bar in front of her so hard her knuckles were white. Misty tried to convince her that it would be fun but Jayne was not going to be convinced of that ever. When the car jerked forward, Jayne let out a squeal. Misty tried not to laugh but could not help herself. That earned her a dirty look from Jayne. As the car got going, Misty put her arm around Jayne and pulled her in tight. That did make Jayne feel a little safer. The car went up a rise first and as it topped the rise and started downward, Jayne screamed. She let loose of the bar and grabbed Misty around the waist burying her face in Misty's chest. Jayne spent the rest of the ride that way. When the ride ended, Misty had to pry Jayne off her. Jayne's legs were a little wobbly and Misty had to support her until she got her legs back under her. When they got away from the ride, Misty asked her how she liked it. The only response she got was "Bathroom, got to find a bathroom. I almost peed on my self twice."

Misty knew better than to laugh this time so she just pointed out the bathroom to Jayne and then had to hurry to catch back up with her. Once they emerged from the bathroom Jayne felt much better knowing that was over and they could go do safer things or so she thought.

"Ready to go again?"

"Are you crazy, you about scared the shit out of me the first time."

"Come on, if you will ride it two more times then I will do whatever you want the rest of the day. I love roller coasters and I never get to ride them." Misty said and her eyes were pleading with Jayne to give in.

Jayne looked at Misty wanting to say no but finding herself saying yes.

"Okay, but no more rides after that."

"Deal!" Misty squealed and grabbed Jayne's hand and dragging her back to the roller coaster.

The second time on the ride was not as bad as the first but not by much. The line was much longer for the third time so Jayne had a little reprieve before facing the damn ride again. The third time Misty was able to get Jayne to just hold her hand and only close her eyes when they went downward and on the turns. When they got off the ride Jayne did feel better about not letting her fear get to her and they did something Misty liked. Since it was Jayne's turn now, she led Misty by the hand to the shops and led her through every one of them until it was time for lunch. They ate lunch and rested for a while before getting up and going at it again. The next stop was a music show that the park offered. It turned out to be a good show that they both enjoyed to their surprise. When the show was over they decided to walk around for a while just watching the people. They soon found themselves in front of the "Tunnel of Love."

"Well" Misty asked Jayne.

"No way, we would be the only..." Jayne got only that far when she saw the look in Misty's eyes. Jayne felt herself caving in; knowing she was no match for the look Misty was giving her.

"Ok, you win. Again."

Misty squeezed her hand and off they went to stand in line. Jayne did notice some funny looks but no one said anything to them. When it came to their turn, they were first in line and Misty led Jayne to the last car. Once everyone was seated and the car started moving Misty moved in close to Jayne squeezing her hand. Jayne felt a nervous energy go through her body. There was a soft light glowing through out the tunnel and about a quarter through the ride Jayne finally turned her head toward Misty. She found Misty looking at her and she felt something happening in her heart. Misty leaned in and Jayne met Misty's lips with her own. It was a soft kiss not lasting to0 long. When their lips parted, they stared into each other eyes for a moment then they kissed again. This time Jayne felt Misty's mouth open and felt her tongue enter her mouth. As the kiss became more passionate, everything around them seemed to disappear. There was only the two of them on the car. Their tongues played a game of their own, first in Jayne mouth then Misty's. Misty let go of Jayne's hand and put it on Jayne's side pulling her in close. Jayne put her hand on Misty's shoulder and turned her so that their upper bodies were pressed together. Their lips parted for a moment as they caught their breaths then quickly came back together. Jayne had never kissed any man as passionately as she was now kissing Misty. It was as if she could not get enough. She felt her nipples go hard and her pussy begin to get wet. Their lips were coming together and apart only to go back together again. It was as if neither of them could get enough. The ride was about forty minutes and they did not separate until the daylight began to hit them. As they came out of the tunnel Jayne saw that Misty's face was flush and she knew that her own was the same.

As they walked away neither said anything but Jayne did let go of Misty's hand and put her arm around Misty's waist no longer caring who saw them. They did not talk about had just happen between them. It was like there wasn't any reason to do so. The rest of the day, they rode some water rides and saw another show before leaving the park around eight. On the drive home, the fatigue began to set in. Misty was driving and Jayne did everything to keep them both awake. She talked for a while then switched and argued with Misty disagreeing with everything she said. Misty knew what she was doing so she went along and they argued until they arrived at Jayne's motel. Misty wanted to go on home but Jayne convinced Misty to come up and have a cup of coffee to keep her awake on her way home.

When they go to the room, Jayne put on a pot of coffee and she went to the bathroom. Misty sat there for a good five minutes before she started worrying about Jayne. She went to the bathroom and Jayne was not there. She then looked into the bedroom and found Jayne lying back on the bed with her feet still on the floor. It appeared she was going to change into a pair of slippers when she laid back and fell asleep. Misty thought a minute as to what to do. She knew she could not leave her like that so she went in. First, she found a tee shirt by the bed, which she assumed was what Jayne slept in. She pulled Jayne into a sitting position and pulled her tee shirt she was wearing off. Jayne woke up enough to help Misty but she was still more asleep than awake. Misty looked down at Jayne with just her bra on and she so wanted to pull it off and get a peek at what she knew would be some lovely breasts but she knew if she started down that road she would not stop there. She wanted the first time they made love for Jayne to be fully awake. Instead, she pulled the shoulder straps down and then put Jayne's tee shirt on. At that point, she unhooked Jayne's bra and pulled it out from under her shirt. Next were her shorts. Misty laid Jayne back down and unsnapped then unzipped the shorts. She took then by the sides and pulled them off. Jayne was wearing a white pair of cotton panties and Misty could see the dark pubic hair peeking from under the elastic. Misty was tempted once again but she stopped herself. She pulled the sheets back and with a little help from Jayne got her up in the bed and she covered her up. Misty went back to the door and turned off the light. From the light coming from the hall, Misty could just make out Jayne's body sleeping in the bed. Misty stood there a long while yearning to go to that bed and lay down with Jayne. This time she gave into her temptation.

Misty went to the closet and found a long tee shirt like the one Jayne was wearing and quickly got undressed. She slipped the shirt on then came over to the bed. She hesitated wondering if this was the right think to do. She finally said, "Fuck it" and she climbed into bed with Jayne. She snuggled up close and kissed Jayne on the forehead before falling to sleep. Jayne had been awake enough thought out all of this to know what was going on. As Misty was undressing her, she so wanted to wake up but her brain would not cooperate with her. When Misty was pulling her shorts off, she could feel Misty's warm breath on her thighs. This excited her greatly but again she could not get her brain to work right. The worst part was feeling Misty watching her from the door. If she weren't so damn tired she would tell her to stay. She drifted off then but did wake up enough to feel Misty crawling into bed with her and kissing her. Finally, she could rest and that is what she did.

Jayne did not wake up until about ten the next morning needing to pee. She felt someone in bed with her and when she opened her eyes, she found Misty sleeping peacefully next to her. Jayne then knew what she thought she had dreamed she had not. Jayne smile to herself then slipped out of the bed and went to the bathroom being careful not to wake up Misty. As she sat on the toilet peeing, she thought how everything was going too fast and she felt she was powerless to stop it. As she wiped herself, she felt the tingle in her pussy. She lips were slightly swollen and her clit was sensitive. She did not know what to do so she just got up and washed her face and freshened herself up a bit. She needed to take a shower but that would wake her up and was not sure she really did not want to do that. When she opened the door, she found Misty standing there with her legs pressed together. Misty smiled, kissed her quickly on the lips, and then ducked into the bathroom closing the door behind her.

Jayne went back to the bedroom and found the bed too inviting. She lay back down and closed her eyes. A few minutes later, she heard Misty come into the bedroom. She opened her eyes to find Misty standing by the bed biting her lower lip. Jayne smiled knowing what Misty was asking without asking. Jayne pulled the sheets back and invited Misty back into her bed. Misty snuggled up next to Jayne and they put their arms around each other holding tight. Jayne closed her eyes when she saw Misty lean in to kiss her. Jayne knew she had quickly grown to love the soft touch of Misty's lips on hers. This kiss was slow and soft. When it ended, Jayne turned Misty onto her back and laid her head on Misty's shoulder. Misty stroked her hair and Jayne found herself falling back to sleep more contented as she had ever been in her life.

Jayne woke up a couple of hours later with her head still on Misty's chest. She could hear the beat of Misty's heart and the gentle rise and fall of her chest. Jayne did not want to wake Misty so she just lay still, taking the time to sort out the emotions that were going through her. A few minutes later, she began to feel Misty stir. She lifted her head up to find Misty looking at her. Jayne moved around and propped herself up on her elbows. Misty reached up and stroked Jayne's face with her hand. Misty lifted her head and Jayne met her lips midway. They kissed with their lips just touching then they separated. They kissed again with this one lasting a little longer. Each kiss got a little longer and more passionate. Soon they were using their tongues and Misty cupped Jayne's head with her hand. Jayne gripped Misty's shoulders and held on tight. Misty moved her lips down and started kissing Jayne's neck. This brought a slight moan from Jayne. When her lips found their way back to Jayne's mouth they kissed long and hard. Jayne kissed Misty on her neck even moving to her ears and forehead. When Jayne got back to Misty's lips, they kissed again then parted lips and rested a second. Both of their hearts were beating wildly and their breathing was rapid and shallow.

Misty gently pushed Jayne over on her back and she to her side leaning over Jayne. Misty looked down at Jayne wanting her approval to go a little farther down the road they were on. Jayne knew what Misty was waiting for and she thought for a second trying to decide as to whether this was what she wanted. She looked at Misty looking down at her with as much love in her eyes as she had ever seen and she knew what her answer was. Jayne nodded to Misty and Misty then kissed her. As they kissed, Jayne felt Misty's hand slide down her shoulder and onto her breast. Jayne felt herself tense an instant but then she relaxed. Jayne felt Misty's hand began to caress her breast through her tee shirt. Jayne quickly began to love the feeling of Misty's caressing her breasts. It was gently touching her the right way. Misty's fingers would light rub over her nipples making them hard. Jayne showed her approval of what Misty was doing by wrapping her arms around Misty and she started to run her hands up and down Misty's back. Misty's hand left Jayne's breast for a moment and Jayne whimpered from the loss of contact. But she did not whimpered long as she felt Misty's hand slip up under her shirt and move back to her breasts. The direct contact of Misty's hand on her breasts was even better than before. Misty gently squeezed her breasts then moved to her nipple and played with it with her fingers. Jayne felt a moan come from deep within her body and come out her mouth. Misty caressed this breast this way as she continued to kiss Jayne's lips and neck. Jayne felt herself getting aroused and her pussy began to gather moisture. Misty gave one last kiss to Jayne then kissed her way down to the top of Jayne's shirt.

Misty then got up on her knees and smiled down at Jayne. Jayne was wondering what Misty was going to do but then she watched her reach down to the bottom of her shirt. Misty pulled it up exposing her breasts then Jayne moved her arms up and allowed Misty to pull her shirt off. Jayne watched Misty's eyes to see if Misty liked what she was seeing. She got her answer when Misty bend down and took a nipple into her mouth. Jayne could not believe how good Misty's mouth felt as it sucked and licked all around her nipple and breast. Jayne cupped Misty's head and held it to her breast not wanting her to ever stop what she was doing. Misty sucked and licked on this breast for a few minutes then moved on to the other one. While she used her mouth on this one, she used one hand to caress the one she left behind. Misty would take a break from Jayne's breasts every couple of minutes to move up and kiss Jayne.

Misty did this for a few minutes then as she was sucking on one of Jayne's nipples; Jayne felt Misty slip a hand down her belly. Jayne knew where it was headed and by now, she was ready for attention to be paid to that area. She opened her legs to give Misty access. Jayne felt Misty's hand slip over her panties and onto her pubic area. As Misty's hand went on down and cupped her pussy Jayne moaned out loud again. It was like electricity passing from Misty's hand to her pussy. Misty began to stroke her pussy through her panties and Jayne knew her panties were soaked by now. When Misty pressed her palm down on her clit Jayne felt a small orgasm wash through her. Even if it was small, it was still incredible. No one had ever gotten her off this way before.

When the orgasm ended Misty gave a last kiss to each nipple then she crawled down between Jayne legs. Jayne looked down at Misty and she tensed up a bit but Misty's reassuring smile made her relax. Misty reached up and began to pull Jayne's panties down. Jayne lifted her hips and let Misty pull her panties down and then off. Jayne saw the cum on her panties as Misty threw them out of the way. Jayne was glad that she kept her pubic hair trimmed and she hoped that Misty liked what she saw. Misty bent down and she kissed Jayne's clit. Jayne heard a loud moan and then she realized that it came from her. She did not think she was a moaner but she was finding out different. Misty placed a hand on each of her thighs and pushed Jayne open wider. Misty slid down and settled in between Jayne's legs. Jayne waited for Misty to do something then she felt the tip of Misty's tongue run up her slit to her clit. Jayne cried out Misty's name and she gripped the sheets in her hand. Jayne felt Misty's tongue lick all along her outer lips as she licked up all the juices she had produced. Misty knew what she was doing as she licked the outer lips then went to the slit. Misty's tongue probed every part of her pussy and Jayne was loving every second of it. Misty would lick her outer labia then go deep into her pussy. From there Misty would pull on her lips then go to her clit licking it rapidly with the tip of her tongue. Just about the time Jayne was close to cumming, Misty would back off and kiss each thigh. She would kiss her way back to Jayne's pussy and start again. Jayne thought she would go crazy. No one had ever done anything like this to her. Jayne was twisting her head and pushing her hips up driving her pussy into Misty's mouth. When Misty figured that Jayne had enough Misty went back to Jayne's clit and sucked it into her mouth. It only took her a moment to bring Jayne to an orgasm. Jayne cried out "Oh Fuckkkkk" as she came. The orgasm just kept coming and coming. She soaked Misty's mouth with cum as it ran down her pussy to her ass and then to the sheet. Misty held on the Jayne until the orgasm ended then she cleaned up all of Jayne's juices. When Jayne finally pushed her head away, Misty slid up in the bed and lay beside Jayne.

Misty stroked Jayne's face as she came recovered from her orgasm. When she got her wit's back Jayne turned over forcing Misty onto her back.

"I have never cum like that in my life. It seemed like you knew what buttons to push and you pushed them at the right time."

"Well thank you. I just wanted to make sure that you enjoyed your first time with a women."

"That I damn well did and you know it."

Jayne then kissed Misty tasting her own juices on Misty's lips. She then kissed her way down Misty's neck and on to her chest. As Jayne reached down to pull Misty's tee shirt off Misty stopped her and pulled Jayne back up so that they were facing each other again.

"You don't have to do this if you don't want to. It's okay."

"I want to but I know I can't please you as well as you did me."

"Don't worry if you do something I don't like I will let you know and if you do something I like you will know it."

Jayne had a nervous smile on her face when she kissed Misty. She knew she did not have a clue as to what she was doing but she knew she had to try. She now knew she liked having a woman make love to her or rather having Misty make love to her. Now she had to know if the reverse was true. One thing she was sure of was that she wanted to please Misty. There was a feeling that was more than sex driving this need to please Misty. After the kiss, she got up on her knees then she helped Misty into a sitting position. She pulled Misty's shirt off and threw it to the floor. Jayne looked down at Misty's now exposed breasts. Misty's breasts were firm with up pointing pink nipples. She was surprised that looking at another woman's breasts was exciting her. She had seen naked women before but this was different. Jayne found herself reaching out to cup both of Misty's breasts in her hands. They were soft to the touch but also still firm. As her fingers brushed over Misty's nipples, she could feel them harden. She caressed the nipples taking them between her index finger and thumb. She liked to have her nipples played with and hearing the moan coming from Misty, she knew that Misty liked it too. As she played with Misty's breasts and nipples Jayne found that, she had to put her mouth on those nipples. Jayne bent slowly forward and used her right hand to cup Misty's left breast. Jayne lightly kissed the nipple. She then sucked the nipples into her mouth.

"Mmmm, that's nice." She heard Misty say somewhere in her brain. This spurred Jayne on and she sucked more of the breast into her mouth. Jayne found herself getting into making love to another women. Nothing was rushed. No one was trying to get their dick into a pussy but someone wanting to please the other person.

Jayne sucked and nibbled on this nipple before moving over the other one. She kissed all around the breast before getting to the nipple. She kissed the nipple then took it into her mouth sucking hard. Misty moaned and pushed her breasts toward her mouth. Jayne caressed the breasts as she sucked and licked the nipples. Jayne felt Misty grip her arms and she knew she was doing something right. Jayne continued to play with Misty's breasts for a few more minutes then she felt Misty squirming and she knew Misty wanted more. This part scared her but she knew she wanted to this right and that meant she was about to lick another's woman's pussy.

Jayne gave a last kiss to each nipple then raised her head and kissed Misty. The kiss became very passionate as Jayne pushed Misty onto her back. Jayne followed Misty down and lay on top of her. They kissed for a minute or two then Jayne ended the kiss and began to kiss her way to Misty's breasts.

"You don't have to go any fur..." Misty started to say but Jayne put a finger over her lips stopping her. Misty kissed that finger then opened her mouth and began to suck on that finger. Jayne could not believe that would feel as sexy as it did. Jayne kissed each nipple and then kissed her way on down Misty's belly. Jayne felt nervous and excited about what she was about to do. Jayne kissed her way to the top of Misty's panties then on down. She went across Misty pubic mound and on further. When she got to the top of Misty's pussy, she tasted another woman's juices for the first time. Misty's secretions were a little salty but she found she liked the taste. She removed her finger from Misty's mouth and with her other hand she removed Misty's panties. After she got them off, she looked down at Misty's pussy. She had a full bush and her inner lips stuck out from her outer lips. She never thought that a women's pussy would look sexy to her but Misty's did. Using her hands, she pushed Misty's legs out wide opening up Misty's pussy to her view. She lay down between Misty's legs and lowered her head to Misty's pussy. As she did so, she took in Misty's sweet aroma and she was hooked. Misty's clit was peeking out from its hood and she kissed it first. This drew a loud moan from Misty. She did not know what to do next to her so she did what she liked to have done and also using some of what Misty had done to her. So she started to lick the outer lips. She licked up each side then along Misty's slit to her clit. Misty moaned again and continued to moan as Jayne licked her. Jayne licked only the outer lips for a minute then using her fingers she spread Misty's outer lips revealing the pinkness inside. Jayne licked deep into Misty's pussy and Misty moaned even louder. Jayne dipped her tongue as deep as she could; now knowing Misty liked this. Jayne licked up and down Misty's slit using short then long strokes of her tongue. After a minute or two of this, Jayne moved up to Misty's clit and sucked it into her mouth. Jayne used her tongue to caress the clit as she sucked on it and after a few seconds of this she heard and felt Misty cum. Jayne could tell that this was a small orgasm and she wanted Misty to cum hard. Jayne decided to try something. She put two fingers at the entrance of Misty's pussy and slowly pushed them in. Misty was soaking wet and her fingers slid easily in. Jayne began to fuck Misty with her fingers as she continued to suck and lick her clit. Misty was almost screaming as the first orgasm ended and a much harder one began. Jayne sucked and licked the clit until Misty gave one final scream and pushed her head away. Jayne felt Misty's vaginal muscles grip her fingers as Misty came. When Misty finally relaxed Jayne withdrew her fingers and found them coated with girl cum. Jayne looked at them a second and thought to herself "What the hell." She put them into her mouth and sucked them clean. She then looked at the juices dripping from Misty's pussy and she bent down and licked them up. Jayne heard Misty sigh as she licked the juices from her. Jayne was happy to continue to lick Misty's pussy but soon Misty reached down and pulled her up.

When Jayne got up to Misty's mouth, they kissed. It was a slow loving kiss of two new lovers. They kissed for a few minutes then Jayne lay down in Misty's arms. They rested there for a few minutes before Misty broke the silence.

"I guess I am kind of loud in bed."

"That is fine with me; at least I knew I was doing something right."

"Honey you did everything right. You were great."

"I don't know about that, maybe I will know a little more about what I am doing next time."

"Well don't worry about getting better but I did like hearing you say next time."

They hugged each other and lay in each other's arms a few more minutes before Jayne heard Misty's stomach growl. This caused both of them to giggle. Jayne moved off Misty, picked up the phone, and ordered them both something to eat from room service. They argued back and forth as to who was going to get up when room service came up with their food. Finally, they both ended up getting up when they heard a knock on the door. Jayne put on a robe and signed for the food.

They sat in the living room of the suite and devoured their food as neither realized how hungry they were. Jayne had kept her robe on but Misty was sitting there nude. Jayne did not want to stare but she found herself doing just that. She took in Misty's beautiful eyes to her round firm breast with the pink nipples. Her eyes went on down her smooth white body to the patch of dark hair between her legs. She went on down her legs to her feet. Just looking at her friend caused sexual stirrings inside her body. But the attraction was more than sexual. She was beginning to love her friend. Of all the men she had knew, she had never fallen in love with any of them but she found herself falling in love with Misty. A few weeks ago she would laughed at any one telling her that she would fall in love with another woman but now it was not funny it was real. After a few minutes of staring at Misty Jayne came back to reality and when she looked at Misty she could feel that Misty knew what she had been thinking about. She blushed slightly then to cover up her embarrassment she suggested a bath. Misty said she needed to get back to study but Jayne talked her into taking a bath with her. Jayne made Misty stay where she was and relax as she got the bath ready. About ten minutes later Jayne came back in and taking Misty's hand, she led her into the bathroom. The large tub was full and there were many bubbles on top. Jayne dropped the robe from her shoulders and stepped into the tub. Once she settled down in the tub, she reached out for Misty's hand. Misty stepped into the tub and guided by Jayne sat in the tub with her back to Jayne's chest. Jayne put her legs on each side of Misty's body and put her arms around Misty's chest. When Misty laid her head on her shoulder Jayne felt like all was right with the world. They sat there soaking in the warm water not saying a word. The bathtub was fitted with water jets that circulated the water and kept it warm. Before they knew it, they both drifted off the sleep.

Jayne woke up first about fort-five minutes later and saw that Misty was still asleep. Jayne hugged Misty tight to her body and thought she did not mean to wake Misty up she found herself caressing Misty's body. When her hands got to Misty's breasts, she heard Misty moan. Jayne cupped them both in her hands and began to caress them. She would squeeze them and then using her fingers, she would gently pinch and pull on Misty's nipples. Misty used her hands to caress Jayne's legs as she enjoyed what Jayne was doing to her breasts. After a few minutes, Misty turned around and moved Jayne to the center of the tub. She then sat in Jayne's lap so that they were face to face and her legs were wrapped around Jayne's body. Jayne felt Misty press her pussy up against her own pussy. As Misty kissed her, she felt Misty start to move her pussy up and down. The feeling was great. Jayne opened her legs and started to mimic Misty's motion. Jayne pushed her tongue into Misty's mouth as they kissed and frigged their pussies together. Jayne kissed and pulled Misty's body against her. They rubbed their pussies together for a few moments as they kissed. As the friction increased, they had to quit kissing and they both concentrated on the lower portions of their bodies. They held on to the sides of the tub and pressed their pussies together harder and the motions of Misty's hips quickened even more. Jayne felt her orgasm wash over her as Misty kept her motion going. Misty followed about a minute later with her own orgasm. As they enjoyed their orgasm, they held each other tight. They then kissed, which was a long and passionate kiss.

After the kiss, Misty sat back a bit but was still in Jayne's lap. Jayne noticed that Misty's face go more serious.

"I need to talk to you a minute."

"Ok." Jayne replied with a little concern on her face.

"It's nothing bad but I need to know if you are ok with what is happening between us. I mean I meant to take it slow with you and let things happen if they were going to. But when I saw you standing there at your door after we went out Friday night, I just had to kiss you. You looked so beautiful to me and I had such a crush on you for so long that I did it without thinking. Then I went home worrying about what you were thinking about me and remembering that kiss. I could not go to sleep I just tossed and turned all night before I finally just gave up. I knew I should give you more time and not rush you but I was so scared that you would reject me that I had to talk to you. So I called and invited you to the park. I felt that was safe but then I got you in the Tunnel of Love and bam I was kissing you again. Then again last night I saw you in bed and I knew better than to crawl into bed with you but I did. Now here we are in the bath together. I just want to make sure you are okay with all of this. I know you are straight and I am a lesbian but I do love you."

Misty was crying by now and Jayne's heart poured out for her. She took Misty into her arms and held her tight. As she did this, she answered Misty's question.

"I have been looking for someone to love me and for me to love for a very long time. I think that I have finally found that person and that person is you. As far as being straight or a lesbian, I think that maybe I was a lesbian all along. No man came make me feel the way you do and all I can think of now is how you feel against me and how you taste. So stop worrying, you have me as long as you want me."

Misty leaned back and saw the tears in Jayne's eyes. She knew all was right and so did Jayne. They kissed and then hugged each other. They held each other for a long time neither wanting to let go but eventually they did. They decided it was time to get out of the tub so Misty got up and helped Jayne up. Jayne turned off the water jets and pushed the knob to let the water out. She then turned on the shower and she began to wash Misty's hair and then her body. She took her time as she bathed Misty learning all she could about Misty's body. She started with her back then moved to her butt grasping and caressing each ass cheek. Jayne moved her hand between Misty's ass cheeks to her anus, which she pressed her finger against washing it then on to Misty's pussy. Jayne soaped and caressed Misty's outer lips until she heard Misty moan then she stopped and moved on down to her legs and feet. Once that was done, she turned Misty around and washed the front of Misty's legs and thighs. When she got to Misty's pussy, she again caressed and played with Misty's outer lips. She rubbed longer and harder this time. She caressed the lips then went to the clit rubbing and pinching it between her index and forefinger. As she did this, she moved her other hand around and slipped it between Misty's ass cheeks to the rosebud. She pressed her finger against Misty asshole caressing it. Misty moaned loudly as Jayne did this and soon she was cumming. Once Misty finished her orgasm, Jayne continued washing her. She moved on up her belly to her breasts caressing them and pinching the nipples, as she knew Misty liked. Jayne went on up to Misty's face taking care to wash and caress her face. She then moved Misty under the shower and rinsed her off. She used her hands to help the water wash the soap off. She again hit all of Misty's sensitive areas, her breasts, pussy, and ass.

When she was done, Misty turned around and kissed Jayne hard. As she kissed her, she pinned Jayne against the wall pulling her arms above her head. Once the kiss ended, Misty began to kiss her way down to Jayne's breasts. When Misty moved her hands away from Jayne's wrists, Jayne started to lower them but Misty made her keep them up. Jayne did just that keeping her arms above her head as Misty began to kiss her breasts. Her body was already sexually charged from making love to Misty so when Misty's mouth found her nipple she moaned loudly. Misty by now had brought her hands down and was caressing her breasts. Cupping them in her hands and playing with whichever nipple that was not in her mouth. As Misty continued to kiss, suck, and bite her nipples, she moved her hands down to Jayne's ass. She grasped a cheek in each hand, pulled, and squeezed them. Jayne loved every minute of this. Her body felt so alive. Soon Misty began to kiss her way down Jayne's body and she ended up on her knees in front of her. Misty put a hand on each of her thighs and pushed them out wide. Jayne felt her pussy open up for Misty and she could not wait for Misty to begin. She did not have to wait long as she felt Misty's tongue begin to lick her pussy. She felt Misty lick all around the outer labia before going into her slit. Jayne felt Misty's tongue go deep into her pussy and slide up to her clit where she began to suck on it. Misty sucked a minute then Jayne felt a finger began to probe her entrance. Slowly the finger entered her and went in as far as it could. It then moved out and then back in. Soon Misty's finger was fucking her as she was still sucking on her clit. Jayne felt an orgasm approaching. When Misty picked up her pace with the finger and started using her tongue on her clit Jayne's orgasm hit. Jayne cried out and let the orgasm take over her body. When she came back to her senses, she found that Misty had taken her mouth off her clit but now two fingers were in her pussy pumping away. Jayne was beside herself from all the sensations that she was feeling. Jayne began to move her hips meeting Misty's fingers as they drove into her. Misty fucked her for a few minutes with her fingers then moved her mouth back to Jayne's clit and began to suck and lick it. It only took a minute or so of this treatment for the second orgasm to hit and it was even larger than the first one. Jayne heard herself scream from the pleasure.

When she came back around, she found that she was sitting in the tub with Misty holding her. Misty then kissed her softly and rocked her in her arms. They held each other for a few minutes then Misty moved her up under the spray of the shower. Misty got the soap and began to wash Jayne. She took her time and using her hands, she washed and caressed Jayne's body. She took it easy over Jayne's still sensitive spots. Once she was done, she help Jayne up and rinsed off her body. As they stepped out of the bathtub, Jayne thought to herself that this was one bath and shower that she would remember forever.

Unfortunately, it was now time for Misty to leave. She made Jayne promise not to call her this week as she had finals all week. Misty told her that if she called she knew she would come running. This was her last set of finals she would ever take and she wanted to do well. Jayne made the promise but did not like it. They held each other for a long time at the door before Misty gave her a kiss then she went out the door.

After Misty left, Jayne was left with her own thoughts. Her life had changed completely and for once, she liked the change. The hard part was what to do with her time until Friday when Misty took her last final. It did not take her long to come up with a plan. First was to register for school and that she did Monday morning. Second was to look for a house for Misty and her. After leaving the school, she went straight to a realtor. She told the realtor what she was looking for, something near the school and something nice but not to big. She also wanted a big lot that would provide them with some privacy. The woman was real nice spending all afternoon going over what she had. Jayne narrowed it down to four homes and the realtor set up to show the homes to Jayne first thing the next morning. Jayne was so excited about what was happening that she could hardly sleep that night. Jayne got up early and was at the realtor's office waiting for her when she got there. The first two homes she did not like and the third she fell in love with. It was a round house sitting on top of a hill. It had a porch that went all the way around the house and a two-car garage. There were plenty of trees surrounding the lot that gave them plenty of privacy. She went ahead and looked at the forth house, but she had already made up her mind. They came back to the office and Jayne made an offer with two conditions. First Misty had to approve and the people living here had to be out in two weeks. To sweeten the deal she did not try to get the price down and even added a little to help them to get out quicker. The realtor tried to get Jayne to offer less and then go up but the price was not that high to begin with and it was not as if she could not afford it. Besides, she wanted them out of the house, and Misty and her in before school started. About mid morning on Wednesday, the realtor called her and said that the owners had taken her offer. All was left was to present the idea to Misty and see how she felt about moving in with her. She went to the bank to make the arrangements. She did not get back until about four and as she passed the front desk, the clerk stopped her. He went in the back and came out with a vase full of red roses. When she opened the card, her heart almost burst with excitement. It simply stated, "Could not wait till Friday. Pick me up at five. Love Misty."

Jayne thanked the clerk and practically ran to the elevator. She took at quick shower, put on a little perfume, and was out of the door by 4:45. She got lucky and caught all the lights through town and she arrived at Misty's apartment at 5:02. Before Jayne could get her car door open, she saw Misty coming out the door. When Misty got in the door, she immediately turned to Jayne and kissed her. When Misty started to end the kiss Jayne put her hand behind Misty's head and held her in placing making what was meant to be a quick kiss turned into a long passionate kiss.

"Wow, that was nice." Misty said as the kiss ended.

"Well it has been a couple of days and I just wanted to make up for lost time."

"That was definitely a good start, but we don't have much time so let's get going. I still have tests to study for you know."

Jayne started the car and they were off. They went to a restaurant and had dinner as Misty told Jayne about her tests and how they were going. She said that tomorrow's tests should not be too hard so she figured that a quick dinner would be ok. Jayne took her hand and said that she was glad she did. As she was not sure, she could wait a couple of more days to see her. They talked through dinner and afterwards they went or a ride as neither wanted to end the evening quite yet. As Jayne drove she could not resist taking Misty by what she hoped would be their house. She was happy when Misty mentioned that it was a pretty house. Jayne wanted to say something about the house but she wanted to keep it a surprise so she kept quite. Jayne continued to drive and they eventually found themselves on a lonely stretch of road. Jayne looked over at Misty.

"Okay but only for a few minutes." Misty replied to the unasked question.

Jayne found a pull off on the side of the road and pulled the car out of sight. The car ended up looking out over the city, which while it was a beautiful sight; neither of them was really looking at the view. Jayne turned off the engine leaving the radio on. They turned to each other and Misty leaned in to kiss Jayne. Jayne welcomed the kiss and returned it with all the passion that she had. They began kissing as their hands caressed each other's face arms and finally breasts. The car windows began to fog up as their passions began to explode. After about ten minutes of kissing, Misty pulled back to catch her breath.

"Too bad your back seat is so small we could go there and finish what we have started."

Jayne did not say anything but instead reached across Misty to the far side of her seat. She pressed a button and Misty's seat went back. She then pressed another button and the back of her seat went almost all the way down. Jayne watched Misty's eyes light up as she was put into a reclined position. Once Misty was in place Jayne crawled over the consol and lay on top of her. Jayne lowered her head and began to kiss Misty. Jayne felt Misty's hands wrap around her body and she began to rub her back and even going down to her ass. They kissed for a few minutes then Jayne moved down a bit and rose up so that she could get Misty's shirt off. Once it was off, Misty pulled Jayne's shirt off. Neither had worn a bra so they were both bare on top. Jayne put her mouth on one of Misty's nipples and began to suck. She bit and sucked on each nipple not spending as much time, as she wanted to on them. Jayne then kissed her way on down to the top of Misty's shorts. She was now sitting in the floorboard where there was not much room but she managed to squeeze in. She unsnapped Misty's shorts and pulled them with her panties off. Misty put her feet up against the window spreading them out as wide as she could. Using only the tip of her tongue Jayne teased Misty. She lightly traced her tongue up the slit and around the outer lips. Misty giggled at first but as Jayne kept it up, she began to move her hips trying to get Jayne use more of her tongue on her. Jayne smiled to herself knowing what she was doing to Misty. She kept it up for a good while longer until she heard Misty moan in frustration. Jayne quickly shifted into high gear. She pushed her tongue deep into Misty's pussy swirling it around. Misty moaned again and clamped her thighs against Jayne's head holding her in place. Jayne sucked in Misty's juices as she licked and sucked on her pussy. Jayne stayed away from Misty's clit for a long time instead licking and pulling on Misty's labia. Finally she went up to Misty's clit finding it enlarged with blood and very sensitive. She sucked it into her mouth and using her tongue, she used short quick strokes to bring Misty to orgasm. Misty bucked her hips and screamed as she came. After a minute or two Misty released her head and Jayne moved down and licked up Misty's cum. Jayne licked all the way down getting all of Misty's juices even going down to her asshole licking up the juices that her dripped there. Misty moaned as she felt Jayne lick her cute little rosebud. Jayne licked her way back up meaning to get Misty off again but Misty stopped her.

"No it is your turn and then you must take me home."

Jayne nodded her head as she unsnapped her own shorts and slipped them and her panties off. Jayne crawled up between Misty's legs and when she got up even with Misty they kissed. They kissed for a minute and then Misty reached down and cupped Jayne's ass cheeks in her hands she pulled Jayne upward until Jayne's breasts were over her head. Jayne held herself up with her hands on the back seat as she felt Misty take her right breast into her mouth. As Misty sucked and licked her breasts, she used one hand to caress her ass cupping and squeezing it. The other hand she slipped in front and began to stroke her pussy. She would slip a finger into her pussy then move it up to rub her clit. Back and forth Misty went from fucking Jayne's pussy with her finger then caressing her clit; all the while sucking on one nipple or the other. When Jayne felt Misty press a finger against her asshole she exploded with an orgasm. Misty continued to stroke her pussy through the orgasm then she pulled Jayne on up until her pussy was over her face. Jayne ended up with one knee on the consol and the other knee was against the door at the window edge. Her face was pressed against the back seat. Jayne moan when Misty's mouth clamped against her clit. Misty wasted no time as she licked and sucked on her clit. Misty would suck on the clit then go down and push her tongue into her pussy. Jayne thought once about the way they must look if someone saw them both naked and her ass sticking up in the air. But Misty's mouth made her forget that thought quickly. Jayne felt herself approach an orgasm when Misty clamped on her clit again. Misty sucked and licked her clit until she did climax. This one was even more powerful than the last one. Jayne moaned and cried out as the orgasm washed over her.

When it ended Jayne slid back down and they kissed for a couple of minutes then Misty pushed Jayne away saying it was time to get home. Jayne did not want to go but she knew it was time. They found their clothes and got dressed. Jayne started the engine and turned on the defogger to get the windows clear and as she did that a thought came to her.

"You know I am one orgasm ahead of you."

"Well we can't do anything about that now. We can make up for it on Friday."

"I don't think so." Jayne said as she smiled an evil grin. Jayne turned in the seat and unsnapped Misty's shorts again.

"I said we don't have time Jayne."

"Sure we do" Jayne said as she got Misty to rise up and Jayne pulled Misty's shorts and panties down to her ankles. Jayne then turned back to the steering wheel and put the car in drive. Misty was left wondering what Jayne was up to unto Jayne got back onto the road. Jayne reached over to Misty's upper thigh and slowly slid her hand to Misty's pussy. As she drove, Jayne began to stroke gently Misty's pussy. She ran her fingers up and down the slit and gently caressing Misty's clit. Once they were back on the main road where she could put more attention on what she was doing to Misty and less to the road Jayne's fingers got more aggressive. She slipped two fingers into Misty's pussy fucking her then moving them back out to stoke her clit. Misty was not sure which was turning her on more, Jayne's fingers or the fact that Jayne was frigging her as they drove back to her apartment. At the first red light, Jayne began to fuck Misty with her fingers even harder. Misty was now completely into what Jayne was doing to her. She pushed her hips out against Jayne's fingers and she was moaning and twisting her head. Jayne happened to look over and saw that there was an older couple looking at them and then she looked at Misty who was laid back in her seat with her eyes closed and moaning to beat the band. Jayne smiled at the couple, moved her fingers to Misty's clit, and quickly brought her off. Misty cried out as she came and the couple had a look of horror as they realized what was happening in the car next to them. The light turned green and Jayne took off leaving the couple sitting there.

When they got to Misty's apartment, Jayne helped Misty get herself back together. They then kissed and Misty got out of the car. As she was leaving, she called back to Jayne, "That was a good show we gave that couple wasn't it." Jayne's felt her face turn red as she realized that Misty knew that they had gotten caught. When she saw Misty laugh, Jayne had to laugh too. Jayne then realized that they both had a little mean streak in them.

Jayne drove away turning her thoughts to Friday afternoon when she would take Misty to their house. At least she was hoping it would be their house. She thought the next day and half would never end. She tried to keep busy but still it was like spending time in a movie that was being played in slow motion. Friday finally got there and she was waiting by Misty's car at school so that they could go straight to the house.

Misty saw her from a long way away and she ran to meet her. They hugged each other and then kissed as other students walked by. They got a few comments thrown their way but neither heard them.

"I have a surprise for you."

"What is it? You waiting for me here is enough of a surprise."

"Thank you. If you would be so kind as to come to my car I will take you to your surprise."

"Ok but you have to give me a hint. You know I am a very impatient person."

"If I gave you a hint I am afraid I would give it away so come on."

"What if I said I would not make love to you again if you did not at least give me a hint?"

"I would not believe you, so that bluff will not work."

"I guess you got me there. All you would have to do is strip and I would be on top of you."

That statement made Jayne blush so she took Misty by the hand and led her to her car. When they got to Jayne's car, Jayne pulled out a scarf from her pocket. Jayne made Misty turn around and she began to put the scarf around her eyes.

"Is it going to be something really kinky?"

"No, now get your mind out of the gutter."

"Well you know what you did to me the last time we were in your car. I know that couple remembers."

Jayne felt her face flush and she punched Misty on the arm.

"I made you blush didn't I" Misty teased Jayne who punched her again.

"Can you see anything?" Jayne asked as she finished tying the scarf.

"No, now let's get going. I am dying to know what you have up your sleeve."

Jayne helped Misty into the car and started the engine. Jayne was going to drive around a bit to get Misty really confused but by now she could not wait so she drove straight to the house. Once there she parked in out in front and got out leaving Misty in place. She then went around and helped Misty out. She put Misty in front of her and untied the scarf.

"What is it?" Misty asked.

"Our home if you want it to be."

Misty turned around to see if Jayne was serious and when she realized that she was, tears began to form in her eyes.

"Are you sure you want this? It is not easy to be a lesbian in this world. And having me as a partner, will probably drive you crazy. I am not an easy person to live with much less love."

Jayne, who was crying too, did not answer but instead pulled a set of papers she had hidden inside the back of her blouse and showed them to Misty. After wiping her eyes, Misty looked at them to find both of their names on the contract. Jayne had already signed the papers and there was a line empty with her name below it for her to sign. Misty broke out in a fresh set of tears and hugged Jayne as tight as she could. Jayne knew she had gotten her answer.

Please let me know what you think of my story. I welcome all comments good or bad.

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