Love and Passion

By James Heady

Published on Jul 30, 2009



This story contains romantic as well as sexual situations between two teenaged boys. If this is not what you're looking for, or if you're not of the legal age to read this, then find something else to read.

The following is a short story between two teenaged boys. Hope you guys enjoy.

Love and Passion

I finished putting the last of the books and papers in to my backpack before shutting my locker for the day. I then began walking and then felt arms encircle me from behind.

"What the fuck!" I yelled, then a hand went over my mouth.

"Damn Alex, don't make so much noise," my best friend Jessie said.

By now he let go of me and I turned towards him and glared at him. He stood there smiling at me with that self-satisfied look on his face.

I should probably describe myself. I'm 15 years old, I have dark-brown hair, blue eyes, smooth skin and at that time, I was somewhat over-weight. I had a bad habit of eating too much of the bad stuff for reasons that will become clear here in a bit.

Jessie is 5-4, 120 LBs, golden-blond hair, muscular build and has light-green eyes. He's also 15.

He and I had been best friends since we were six when we met in the first grade. I always figured that we'd be best friends, but now I was doubting that if what I suspected about myself was true.

I had always known that I was gay and my parents are the bible loving types that aren't about to condone homosexuality, not even from their own son. They told me that if they ever found out that I was gay, they'd enroll me in Love In Action or some such Ex-Gay Therapy center. I had heard all about those places when I was 14 from our pastor at church and I was scared to death of being sent to one of those places.

Anyway, I had been in love with Jessie since I met him. Even when we first met, I always wished he'd take me in his arms and kiss me. Then when I hit puberty when I was 12, I thought about him doing more. I knew they'd be just fantasies because he was straight. He always talked about whatever girl he thought was hot at school or he'd talk about how he was going to start looking for a girl and about how I should get hooked up with one sometime.

I never knew for a fact that he'd hate me if he knew I was gay, but because of the climate in which we lived in our small town, I figured that it would be better to assume the worst possible out-come.

Anyway, I left my thoughts and turned to start walking down the hall. Jessie then stopped me by putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Are we getting together at the restaurant, or are we going to your house so you can shut down your pancreas even more than it already is?"

I turned and looked at him with a dirty look.

"My pancreas is fine," I said getting annoyed.

"My god Alex," Jessie continued. "You don't even try to eat right, you don't get any exercise, and you are always tired."

"I'm fine Jess," I said wanting the lecture to be over.

"Alex, I just care about you," Jessie said still keeping his hand on my shoulder. The look on his face was one of concern and of what I thought could only be love, and I wanted to cry. Would he still have that look of love if he knew about me and the things I wanted to do with him?

"Okay," I said. "I'll order something healthy when we eat here in a while okay?"

"Okay, but you need to put more effort in to changing," Jessie said.

The restaurant we ate at was a small café near my house. There were a few tables, but it was loud enough so that we wouldn't be heard if anyone was really serious about listening in. I sat down and Jessie sat across from me. He took the menu off the table and started reading it out loud. I began to get annoyed since he was reading from the salads and wraps section.

"Jessie!" I said irritated. "I can read in case you forgot."

"I remember," he said.

"I promised you that I'd order something healthy and I will," I said.

Once our food arrived, I started eating the chicken salad that I ordered. I wasn't really enjoying it and I saw that Jessie was watching me.

"What?" I asked. "I'm eating something healthy."

"Yeah, and I'm glad," he said. He then turned his head to the left. "Look Alex, there's a hot girl watching us."

"Fuck!" I screamed in my head. I definitely wasn't ready for this. I was stuck with a salad that I wasn't enjoying, there was a lot of noise, and Jessie was on the girl thing again.

"You should introduce yourself," Jessie said.

"No!" I said a bit too loudly. People turned their heads to watch us. I then shot them a dirty look, then they stopped watching. "Sorry, I'm just really stressed out right now. I'm just not sure why though."

"I know why," Jessie said.

"Why's that?" I asked.

"You're stressed because you need your junk food and I'm not letting you have it. There's also something else, but I'll tell you about it when we leave."

That last part of his statement bothered me more than anything. My mind quickly went to the possibility that he somehow figured out that I was gay and that I also liked him.

"Jessie, just tell me what you're talking about," I said.

"No, we'll talk when we get outside," he said.

Once outside, we started walking and I was getting more and more scared. We then came close to a bench that people used to wait on buses, and Jessie stopped me.

"Let's sit here," he said.

"Why?" I asked.

"I need to rest since I haven't really had a chance to wind down for the past several minutes and you need the rest as well."

We sat there in silence for a few minutes, then Jessie turned to me.

"Didn't like that girl that was watching you back in the restaurant earlier did you?" he asked me.

"No, it's not that," I began.

"What is it then?" Jessie asked moving closer.

"I'm just not ready for anything like that," I said.

"You say that all the time," Jessie said. "Will you be ready when you're sixteen, seventeen, or eighteen? Maybe not. Maybe you'll still be fantasizing about me and what you want us to do with one another."

I then lost control and fell forward. I then felt arms wrap around me and hold me tightly. I then panicked and thought that Jessie was going to hurt me.

"Stop!" I yelled. "Let me go!"

"Just calm down Alex," Jessie said softly. "I'm not going to hurt you."

I then started crying and I knew that it was over. My family would send me off to one of those therapy groups, and Jessie would cut me out of his life.

I couldn't stop crying, and Jessie continued to hold me.

Soon though, I started to get my crying under control then I was finished and just really tired.

"Do you hate me now?" I asked as I looked right in to Jessie's eyes.

"I don't hate you Alex," he replied. "I've loved you since we first met. I always wanted to kiss you from the first time we met, and then do other things with you when we learned about sex, but I always worried about your parents finding out and I was scared as to what they would do to you."

"What about the girls you constantly talk about?" I asked.

"I guess I just hoped that at some point you'd stop me at one point when I'd talk about girls and tell me how you feel, but taking in to consideration your family and how scared they have you, it was foolish of me to keep pretending to be straight when I'm not."

"So what happens now?" I asked. "I can't live like I have been. I mean, I can't continue to hide behind junk food and pretend to be some straight guy that I'm not. I want to live as a normal person who happens to be gay."

"My parents have agreed to take you in," Jessie said. "I came out to them a few months ago and I told them about how I knew you were gay and about how your parents feel about gays and what they would do to you if they knew."

"You guys would do that for me?" I said beginning to cry again.

"Absolutely," Jessie said. "You're my best friend and I don't want to lose you to a bunch of bible freaks."

"So where will we be going now?" I asked. "I mean, are we going back to my house, or yours?"

"We'll go back to my house," Jessie replied. "You need a break from your parents, and I need to do some homework."

"The teacher never gave us homework," I said.

"They might not have, but we have something to complete just the same," Jessie said as he took my hand. "Come on, lets go back to my house."

Once at his house, Jessie explained about how we just had the house to ourselves so we could concentrate on what we needed to do. I still wasn't sure what he had in mind, but I followed him. We got to his room and he let me go in first then he shut the door.

"Okay, just let me get comfortable, then we'll be ready," he said as he moved over to his bed. He sat down and took off his shoes and socks. "Alex, aren't you going to join me?"

"Uh, sure," I replied.

Once I took off my own shoes and socks, I just sat there wondering what would happen next. Jessie then put an arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer.

"Now this is more like it," he said then put his free hand on my thigh. He then began to rub up and down very slowly and gently all the while his arm was still around my shoulders.

"Um, Jessie?" I said. "What are you doing? What about that assignment you said we had to do?"

"This is part of it," he replied. "Just relax. I won't hurt you."

I began to relax and soon his hand was moving to the area of my inner thigh and I was beginning to get hard. He rubbed and brushed his fingertips against my inner thigh and I was beginning to breathe a little heavier.

"Feel good?" he asked me.

"Yeah," I said quietly.

"So do you trust me a little more now that you know that I'll still be by your side?" Jessie asked.

"Yeah," I said as he moved his hand closer to my balls.

"Okay, then just relax as I continue."

He began to move his fingers under my shorts and under my boxers I had on. My balls tingled as he gently brushed them, then his fingertips moved up and down the side of my cock which was leaking now.

"Jessie, that feels so good," I said beginning to want more.

"I'm glad you like it," he replied. "You want more?"

"Yeah!" I said a little louder than I planned.

"Okay," he said. "Now we'll see how you like this."

He then moved the material of my boxers away from my balls and cock and began to gently massage my balls with the palm of his hand. "I'm going to do things for you that no one has ever done, and I want to make you feel levels of pleasure you've never known existed before."

I then lost control as I fell back on the bed. Jessie quickly got on top of me and then just looked at me for a moment.

"You are so sexy and handsome," he said.

"So are you," I replied.

"I want to make love to you right now," Jessie said bringing his face closer to mine. "I want to kiss you, hold you, feel our bodies pressed against one another and taste you as I suck your cock."

My head was spinning and I felt like my brain was going a thousand miles an hour and I was already burning up bad for him, figuratively and literally. My body tingled all over with every touch of his hands and I felt like I would come right then and there. Suddenly, bright lights flashed in the corners of my eyes as I felt Jessie's lips on my own for the first time ever. I flung my arms around him and held him against me as I began to grind in to him.

He started moving against me as we kissed and I felt like I was in another world all together.

Soon, Jessie broke the kiss and he looked at me. He then began to help me off with my shirt and I did the same for him. As we felt each other's naked chests and stomachs for the first time, I knew I wanted him bad. He felt so silky and smooth and I wanted to lick and kiss him all over.

"Time to do more," Jessie said as he moved his hands to my button and zipper. He began to help me off with my shorts and boxers while I helped him off with his.

I then got up and stood there in front of him looking at him with all of his clothes off.

"I never knew you could look so good," I said stepping towards him.

"And you look amazing yourself," Jessie responded.

"Even though I'm fat?" I asked.

"I don't care what you look like," Jessie said. "I'm not always nagging you about your weight because of it making you look good or bad, but because of how it could cause you to get health problems that could take you away from me."

I felt tears come to my eyes. It was at that point that I realized that for all of my life, I had missed out on the caring of families such as Jessie's.

My family was emotionally distant and their answer to most problems facing kids and teens was just to read the bible.

Jessie took me in his arms and held me close.

"I lost my cousin to Diabetes," he said. "He was 40 years old and knew that he had had it since he was 20. He just never took care of it. He was truly like the brother I never had and his death still makes me feel bad."

"I remember," I said. "I was with you at the funeral. So that's why you've been so stuck on my food choices and issues with weight."

"Yeah," Jessie replied. "I could never take losing you. From now on, I want you to promise me that you'll talk to me or my family about something that's bothering you instead of medicating with food."

"Okay," I said. "I promise."


Jessie pulled his head back so he could look in to my eyes. He then leaned forward for another kiss.

We then lay down on his bed and he was on top of me kissing me passionately. He moved from my lips, to my neck, to my stomach and chest, then to my cock.

He began to kiss and lick it up and down, then he moved to my balls giving them the same treatment. I could feel his tongue and warm wet mouth as they caressed first one, then the other ball, then he moved down to my thighs and started kissing the inner areas of my thighs.

Jessie then moved back up to my cock and began to kiss and swirl his tongue all around the head of it. He then took it all in his mouth in one motion, then he began sucking up and down on it. I never knew it could feel this good and I never wanted this moment to end.

"Oh Jessie!" I shouted. "Oh that feels soooo good!!"

He began to slide his tongue up and down the underside of my cock making sure to pay close attention to my glands of my cock. He then began to brush his fingertips on my balls as he sucked my cock and he then began to get faster. That's when I got an idea.

I had heard of a 69 from a couple of guys at school when they were talking about doing it to one another when they thought no one was around.

"Jessie!" I said. "Move so that your cock is in front of me! I want to suck you too!"

He pulled his mouth off of my cock and looked up at me surprised.

"You've heard of a 69?" he asked.

"Yeah," I said.

He moved his body so that his cock was in front of my mouth and he went back to sucking me. I took the head of his cock in my mouth and it tasted so fucking amazing. It was smooth and had a bit of a salty taste to it, but I loved it all.

I then decided to suck on his balls and see if he'd do the same. I then started doing it and he let out a loud moan and started following my actions.

Soon, we were getting closer to the edge and he went back down on my cock and I did the same for him. We continued to suck each other, then I began to go over the edge.

I began to come in his mouth spurting thick hot streams of cum in to his mouth. He seemed to deal with it really good and I then could tell that he was ready to let go.

His cock started getting bigger and harder in my mouth and I then felt the first of several spurts of hot creamy cum flood my mouth. I was able to swallow them all. I then was down to a few last drops of cum that Jessie licked up, then he moved so that he was facing me again.

He took me in his arms and kissed me deeply. The warmth of his mouth on mine and the taste of myself on his breath made me feel aroused a little more, but not enough to do anything. We kissed and touched each other for a few long minutes, then I broke the kiss.

"So what happens now?" I asked.

"Well, you sure as hell won't be going back to your parents house tonight or ever again," he said. "My dad is going to see what he can do about letting you come to live with us."

"You really mean it?" I asked beginning to cry again. I was deeply touched and I never felt more loved than in that moment.

Jessie kissed me deeply again and held me tighter. He then moved his lips to my ear.

"Alex," he whispered. "I love you. I want you to be my boyfriend."

I began to cry harder. It was coming true. The words that I wanted to hear from Jessie all these years were coming true and I was more happy than ever.

"I love you too Jessie," I replied whispering softly in his ear. "I want you to be my boyfriend too."

Jessie was right about me not going back to my parents house ever again. It turns out that while I was at school that day, my dad was trying to get some of the people together who went to the church we used to go to. He wanted to mobilize them to take me to one of the Ex-gay Therapy centers. One of the people in the group was a police officer who just happened to be on duty that day. After he asked my dad to explain more about what the people were going to do, he knew that he could arrest them all for conspiracy to commit kidnapping and they were all arrested. My mom was also there and was arrested with the rest of them.

A few days later, all of the paper work was in order for me to live with Jessie and his family. Once it was signed, my new life began.

We're still together now and we're married. Jessie works as a doctor at the same hospital that his father did and I work as a nurse at the same hospital.

We get a chance to see each other periodically throughout the day and especially at night.

I've never known life to be this full and beautiful.

Author Note

Unfortunately, most of these stories don't turn out this way. Kids sometimes are sent to Love In Action or whatever other places will willingly abuse them and destroy them.

While some of the centers no longer use Electro Shock Treatments and other things like that, they still have ways of mentally and emotionally damaging gay teens and adults who are gay. I believe that these places are the same as the death camps and the medical experiments that were performed back in Nazi Germany. This can not be allowed to continue, but it will unless or until we get enough straight people to help all of the gays trying to fight these psychological death camps.

Christians who endorse these torture centers always point to that fucking bible of theirs. Maybe when we truly realize that this is a godless country, that the constitution of the United States has no God in it, and when we realize that organized religion does more harm than it helps, maybe then things will drastically change.

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