Love From the Ashes

By HnstSkr4 / Chuck B.

Published on Dec 26, 2021


Love From the Ashes Chapter 12

Warning: This story does not contain any sex. None of the characters are based on real people nor are they meant to resemble any living or dead people.

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Copyright © 2017-2021

Love From The Ashes

Chapter 12

Move In With Me

Author's note; this chapter takes place 3 months after the last chapter.

Jamie has been considering a big step in his relationship with Cameron. One of them is always at each other's house, so it makes sense that Jamie wants to bring Cameron home not just for him but for his fur baby. He isn't sure how Cameron will respond to Jamie's question when he gets a chance to ask. The problem is how does he ask him to move in with him. He decides to be sweet and do something that he's rarely done. There is a possibility that he'll get rejected on this one, but hopefully, he won't.


Jamie has a plan, and if things go well, Cam can come home. First, he needs flowers. Hopefully, things will be okay. All he can do is hope and cross his fingers. He knows that his boyfriend is at work, so now that he has the flowers and a card, it's time to head off towards the pet hospital. When he arrives at the pet hospital, his heart speeds up just a little bit. Opening the car door, he steps out and heads towards the clinic's doors. He enters the clinic and walks towards the front desk. The lady at the desk smiles when she sees the familiar man walking up to her.

"Well there, Jamie. Are the flowers for me?"

Jamie laughs as Courtney comes into the front of the office. She walks to him and gives him a hug, and Jamie hugs her back.

"Is Cameron here?'

His boss frowns a little.

"No, he is out for lunch., Do you want me to call him back to the clinic?"

He wants to say yes. It feels wrong to take Cameron off lunch just so he can get a bunch of flowers.

"No, but can you make sure he gets the flowers and the card. I will talk to him after he gets off from work. Don't tell him, but I want to ask him to move in with me."

Courtney smiles, and the lady running the front desk smiles too. The news is huge.

"We'll keep our lips closed. I hope he agrees."

Courtney takes the flowers and sets them in the back in the staff break room. She comes back to the front, and they say goodbye.


When Cameron returns from lunch, he enters the break room and puts his stuff away. He sees the flowers and the card, but he doesn't realize that the flowers and the card are for him. Courtney follows behind him with a smile on her face.

"Cameron, check the card."

She tells him, and he's surprised by it. He walks over to the flowers and gets the card. He opens the card and begins to read the card. It just says:

"I love you, Cameron. I wanted to get you flowers because I have something to ask you when I see you tonight."

Cameron has no clue what the something is that Jamie has to ask him. He hasn't been hinting at anything, so Cam doubts it's a proposal. He still feels like it's something huge. He checks out the flowers, and he's super excited. Jamie got Cameron red tulips. Tulips are his favorite flowers, and Cameron loves them. Cameron heads straight to Jamie's house at the end of the day, which they agreed upon before Cam left the clinic.


Cameron knocks on the door, and Jamie opens it with his shirt off, and Cam is taken back by it.

"Hurry up; I don't want to put on the show for the neighbors."

Cameron comes into the house. Jamie disappears really quickly into the bedroom to grab a shirt.

"Babe, let's go bowling."

Jamie says, and Cameron agrees. They get into the car and head off towards the bowling alley. The games go good. They bowl two games. Jamie won one game, and Cameron won the next round. Jamie and Cameron love it, but Jamie still hasn't asked anything. Jamie has planned other things for the day.


Afterwards, they drive out to the park near the river, and they decide to walk along the river. There are families in the park, and it's still super quiet. Cameron hopes that Jamie spills it. He is getting a little anxious. The river walk is one of the most peaceful areas in their city. Jamie loves it. Cameron enjoys it, and it's one of their places to have a date. This time with Jamie definitely feels like a date. Jamie takes Cameron's hand. Cameron can feel a bit of anxiety coming from Jamie. Jamie's anxiety is starting to rub off on Cameron.


Jamie notices that Cameron is starting to wonder what is going on in his boyfriend's mind. Cameron wants to ask his boyfriend what is going on with him. There hasn't been any hint from Jamie about what he wants to ask Cam.

`I wish he would speak up and ask me already.'

Maybe, he has a spot that he wants to ask Cameron at and hasn't reached yet. In reality, Jamie is just trying to catch his nerves a bit. He shouldn't be nervous; after all, he is just asking his boyfriend to move in with him. He needs to get the words cemented in his head before asking Cameron. They walk another 300 ft when Cameron stops in his tracks.


Cameron stops walking and looks his boyfriend in the eyes. He wants to find out what's going on with him. He's ready; Jamie is ready to spill it.

"Jamie, whatever you need to ask me, would you please just ask me already?"

Instantly, Jamie takes a deep breath, and then his mind starts running words through his head. He wants Cameron to accept his answer.

"Okay, since you are forcing it out of me, I was wondering if you would like to move in with me?"

Cameron is all too happy to say something to Jamie.

"Yes, yes, I will move in with you."

Cameron is smiling big time right now, so is Jamie. Jamie can't stop smiling. Some work needs to be done before Cameron can move into the house. Cameron needs to set the house up for sale. He'll need to decide what to keep and what to donate. After all of that, he can pack up and move.


Almost by a miracle, 2 weeks later, Cameron's house sells. Jamie is there by his side, helping Cam pack up his house. They got rid of a lot of stuff, asked the buyer what they would like left, and then donated the rest of the stuff. Together with a few friends, they loaded up a couple trucks twice and moved the belongings to Jamie's house. Overall, things went great. It took one week to empty out the house. The whole mess stressed out Cameron, but he was happy to have done it simultaneously. When it was all said and done, the two guys took a second to simply relax.


The guys end up on the couch, and since they are both tired, they end up napping entwined together on the sofa. They rest until Sophie texts Cameron but can't get hold of him. Instead of texting him again, she decides to call him. The phone ringing wakes up the duo. Ultimately, he missed the phone call, and then, of course, he had a few texts that he hadn't responded to.

"Cameron, how are you doing?"

Cameron usually responds in just a few minutes, so she tried texting him again after ten minutes or so. Ten minutes later, she called flat out called him. When he got up, he immediately checked the phone. He gets on the phone and calls his sister.

"Cameron, are you okay?"

He doesn't want her to worry at all.

"I'm fine. I have big news, Sophie. I sold the house and moved in with Jamie."

She is quiet at first.

"That is amazing! I'm guessing you haven't told Mom and Dad yet, because things are quiet here at the house. Mom's not ranting yet."

Cameron doesn't want to say anything to his parents. They'll just try to mess with Jamie and him. His world would take a fall if the family found out about moving in with Jamie. He just wants to be happy with his man.

"No, I haven't told Mom and Dad yet. I'm just going to send them an email. They don't seem to like the fact that I'm dating a firefighter."

She still has questions for her older brother.

"I know, they know about you being gay. I know, they know about you being with Jamie, but you need to tell them about the move."

She tells him the truth, which sticks out true and proud. Cameron knows that he needs to say something. He has to say to his parents, and he decides there is a safer way to tell his parents.

"I will tell them. I will tell them after I am done speaking with you."

She is scared for them, but she knows this is best. Her brother ends the call and then opens up the email on his phone.


With the email screen open, he touches the compose button. He adds his mom's email in the compose section, and in the subject, he writes:

"Sorry, NOT sorry!"

After that, he begins writing the email. He hopes nothing becomes of it, but if it does, maybe just maybe, things will be okay.

"Mom, Dad, I sold my house and moved in with my boyfriend. I just thought you should now."

Cameron sits back on the couch and sighs, but Jamie gives him a kiss as he sighs.

"Babe, if they act out over you moving in with me, then I will do what I always do; I will stand by your side."

Cameron and Jamie get up from the couch and have some lunch. After lunch, Cameron has someone else that he needs to contact Chelsea. He does very quickly too. It tells her that he has moved in with Jamie. He has one more call to make.


Cameron has to tell the woman who supports him and Jamie one hundred percent. No doubt she will share the news with her husband, which is fine by Cameron. He touches the icon to tell the phone to dial his boss' number. In no time, she answers the phone.

"Hey Cam, what's going on, dude?"

Cameron is ready to burst at the moment. He wants to shout it from the mountains. Cameron wants to yell it through the phone, but that would be rude.

"I...moved in with Jamie today."

There is a bit of silence, and then she speaks.

"You talked about it, but I thought it was just talk. I'm excited for you, Cam. I knew that man was going to steal you away."

Cameron laughs at the thought of Jamie stealing him away. It actually stirs his blood into flowing a bit.

"No, I was serious. Thank you, Courtney! I'm glad that he stole me away from that place. Maybe, I won't be so lonely now."

She doesn't think Jamie will let him out of his arms for a while. In fact, she believes that maybe she would talk to her husband and see about giving him a couple days off to be with his hunky firefighter. She doesn't want to say anything right now because her husband is at the clinic.

"Take advantage of him being there! Enjoy it!"

He blushed a little bit, and Jamie saw his cheeks go red.

"What did she say to make you blush? I bet it was juicy."

Jamie whispers, and Cameron playfully pushes him away. Despite wanting quiet, he decides to tell Jamie what Courtney said.

"She told me to take advantage of you."

Again, his cheeks went red, and Jamie gave him a sly smile.

"Okay then!"

Jamie says as he gets up to check on Princess. Cameron returns his attention to the phone.

"Anyway, Courtney, I am going to let you go."

Courtney and Cameron say goodbye, and Cameron joins Jamie out in the backyard.


Cameron has had roommates at different times, but now he has a housemate that is also his boyfriend. It feels so alien to him. There is one primary reason that moving in with Jamie feels different. What is unique about moving in with Jamie, it's love. Something is running deep between the guys. Jamie is most definitely in love with Cameron. Jamie makes him feel special, and that is all that counts. Still, this will either be good for him, or he'll get to see Jamie's dark side if there is a dark side.


Twelve hours have passed since Cameron moved in with Jamie. Jamie has his shift at the station, leaving Cam and Princess at the house. Cam and Princess explored the neighborhood a little bit for a bit of their time together. They played in the backyard, and when both human and dog are a little tired, they both entered the house and rested up on the couch. The nap lasted a half hour. Now Princess is demanding a snack, and Cameron is happy to oblige the pup. Cameron moves into the living room, and Princess sits next to him, where Princess soaks up some love from Cameron.


As Cameron and Princess are relaxing on the couch, Cameron's phone rings, and he looks at the caller id and answers the phone.

"Hi Courtney, what's going on?"

This call is all business. She is calling to remind her employee that there is something that he needs to do.

"I am calling to remind you that you need to change your tax information, your bills, and anything else that needs to be changed."

Cameron knows that he needs to make some phones or fill out some forms since he moved.

"I'm on it. How are you today?"

Cameron has a chance to speak with another person. He's excited to talk with his boss. He's happy playing with Princess, but this is still a nice change.

"I'm good. Is Jamie home with you?"

His boss asks just out of curiosity.

"No, he's working his shift at the station."

She feels sorry for asking. Courtney didn't mean to rub in the loneliness that her friend might be feeling. Right now, though, their dog resting right next to him, and it's beautiful.

"Hey Cam, I am going to let you go. Enjoy your day!"

Maybe, he's not so crazy about being left in the silence of this new home. Finally, Cameron admits that he is home.

"Thanks for calling Courtney!"

With that, the phone goes quiet, and Cameron sets it down. Meanwhile, a conversation between two friends is about to take place.


Jamie and Brayden are sitting in the break room at the station. They are waiting for something that they hope never happens. Their conversation turns to the biggest news in Jamie's life.

"So, I have some news."

Brayden braces for whatever might come out of Jamie's mouth. He is never sure what will come out of his friend's mouth. Jamie gets ready to announce Cameron moving with him.

"So this week, I got a new housemate. Cameron sold his house and moved in with me."

Brayden is a little shocked. He knew that the guys would eventually move in together, but he figured it would happen a little later in the year.

"You know that I support you and Cameron one hundred percent, but I just think that maybe you should have waited for a couple months. But I am happy for you. I hope it works, man."

Brayden's opinion gets under Jamie's skin just a little bit. Their friendship has always been able to argue and then move past it. His mind is trying to deal with what his friend said to him. Brayden was okay with his friend and boyfriend being together. He isn't so sure about Jamie moving Cameron in with him.

"I know you support Cameron and me, but what troubles you so much about us moving in with me? I mean, come on, man. I love this guy, and you know that I love you. You are my best friend in the whole world."

Jamie spoke his mind. Brayden took everything his best friend said to heart and then moved past it. Brayden wanted his friend to know how he felt. He also wants to move past it.

"Look, man, I just don't want to lose you. I just feel like Cameron is a bit insecure about you, your job, and life just in general. I also know that you can't deny that I'm wrong."

He wants to relax a bit. Jamie just wants to walk away, but he can't. He can't just walk away. He needs Brayden to understand why he is upset.

"Brayden, I am not going to stop being your friend, but Cameron has come a long away since day one; we've handled some of his insecurities, and I'm sure from time to time that those will come back to haunt us from time to time, but we'll get past it because we always do."

Jamie looks at his friend and smiles.

"Look, you might feel that it's too early for me to do what I did, BUT I promise you that even if you think it's late, I'm fine with it."

With that, Jamie gets up and heads towards the bathroom in the station.


It's dinner-time, and Jamie is missing his boyfriend. He calls Cameron to make sure that things are okay.

"What's up, Jamie?"

Hearing his boyfriend's voice warms Jamie up a little; he's thankful for having Cam in his life. Cameron is sitting at the dinner table finishing his dinner.

"I am literally finishing up dinner. How are you?"

Cameron tells his man. Jamie is trying to decide if he wants to tell Cameron about his conversation with Brayden. Ultimately, he decides to leave it out of their discussion.

"I'm good, and work has been okay."

Jamie says. He just wants the rest of the evening to be good too. Though, there is one thing that he would love to have right now. Right now, he would love to be sitting next to Cameron, enjoying whatever dinner his boyfriend is having.

"I just called to tell you that I love you."

Hearing those words causes Cameron's chest to get warm. It's always does. There isn't a day go by that the guys don't tell each other how much they mean to each other. Not only that, but they show it too.

"I love you too, Jamie."

Now it's Jamie's turn to smile and feel warm inside. They said goodbye to each other, leaving Jamie to nap and leaving Cameron to finish his dinner.


Cameron finishes his dinner, brushes his teeth, and then retires to the bedroom. As Cameron sits on the bed, he notices an album on the shelf that doesn't quite fit in with the rest. He gets up and takes the photo album off the shelf. Sitting back down on the bed, he opens the photo album. He slowly flips through the book taking in many different photos of Jamie, his family, and friends. He smiles at some of the pictures and laughs at others. He's sure that looking at Jamie would give insights into the photos on each page. Almost forgets to put Princess into her kennel for the night, so he puts her away before he goes to sleep.


Cameron is sleeping in the bed. He wasn't sure how well he would sleep alone in a new house. After several hours of sleep, something wakes Cam up. He can hear Princess barking from her kennel. At first, he is worried that something or someone might be outside or in the house, and then her bark has an excited sound. He can barely hear Jamie talking to her.

"Hey, you are going to wake up, Cameron."

He must of let the dog out of her kennel because he could hear her playing with Jamie.

`I wonder if this is part of their routine when Jamie comes in the early morning hours.'

He is happy to have a chance to live with his babe. Cam sits up in the bed and listens to what is going on in the other room. He doesn't get up out of bed to greet his boyfriend. It's way more fun to listen to the interaction in the other room.


Jamie decides that he needs to shower before he takes himself to bed. He quietly enters the bedroom and sees his boyfriend awake; Jamie smiles at him.

"I'm going to take a quick shower."

Jamie tells his boyfriend. Jamie needed this shower because he knows that he is stinking a little. He hates to bring any of that firehouse funk to his bed with him. He really doesn't want to share that smell with his boyfriend. Though his boyfriend might want to smell a little bit of that funk. The problem is he's not going to share the rank odor with him. When the shower is done, Jamie puts on a t-shirt and a pair of briefs before joining a very tired Cameron, who is quietly waiting for him to come to bed. He comes into the bedroom and climbs into bed with Cameron.

"I missed you!"

Jamie kisses Cameron on the lips and then cuddles up with his boyfriend.

"How was your shift?"

Cameron asks Jamie even though he really wants to sleep. Jamie is tired and just wants to feel his babe's warmth.

"It wasn't too bad. We didn't have any fires, but we did have a heart attack and a fall victim."

It was the fall victim that made those involved sweat bullets. She was 89. She missed a step and then was having major pain and couldn't get up from the bottom of the steps. He wants to keep track of her healing process and maybe do something nice for her every once in a while.

"Are the people okay?"

He looks down at the blanket covering his legs.

"The heart attack victim was in bad shape when we arrived on the scene, I'm not sure what shape they were in after time at the hospital, and the fall victim, well I think I have a new grandma. She was in tremendous pain and couldn't walk. She may have broken her hip. Babe, I want to do a good thing for her. Are you okay with that?"

Cameron is okay with helping the fall victim out. What he wants right now is to fall asleep with his babe.


Jamie and Cameron cuddle up with each other. They give each other a kiss. It didn't take long for Cameron to fall asleep. Jamie's worries are building in his heart, and it's keeping sleep from him. At least he is home with his boyfriend, and that is all that matters right now. Rest eventually did come. Cameron and Princess both give him hope for a brighter tomorrow. You have no idea how happy this young man is right now, just to have his boyfriend right there beside him. It feels perfect!


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Next: Chapter 13

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