Love From the Ashes

By HnstSkr4 / Chuck B.

Published on May 11, 2022


Love From the Ashes Chapter 13

Love From The Ashes

Chapter 13


Jamie is on a call for a structure fire. He's six feet from the entrance when he takes a step and trips. He manages to catch himself, but he also breaks his left arm in the process. It's his radius and ulna that have broken. He's in a lot of pain. He also knows that his boyfriend is going to freak out.   Cameron always worries about Jamie getting hurt on a call.   Now that it's happened, he doesn't know how Cam will handle this, but he's expecting the worse. He believes this because of how Cameron reacted when they talked about the possibility of Jamie getting hurt, and he doesn't expect him to react any differently this time. He was going to hand over his phone to another fire-fighter. Instead, he's held on to it. He hands his phone over to one of the EMTs and asks them to call his boyfriend. Jamie is in pain, so he does not want to really use that hand.


Jamie tells the EMTs what he wants to say, and then the EMT types it up on his phone. The message is as follows:

"I'm on my way to the hospital. I'm going to St. Eve's Hospital."

When Cameron sees the text come across his phone, his anxiety picks up slightly. He tries to remember what they've discussed about the possibility of Jamie getting hurt at a fire. Jamie has never been injured in the short time that Cameron has been with the firefighter. Cam knows that the broken arm isn't the worst thing that could have happened to his boyfriend. Sadly, he's at work when the text appears on his phone. He's trying his best to contain his anxiety, but it's not easy. Everyone in the office that can see him knows that his mind is someplace else at the moment. Courtney has her eyes on him, and she knows she needs to speak with him.


Courtney quickly pulls her employee into one of the exam rooms. She needs him at peak performance, and this isn't Cameron at his peak.

"Cameron, I can tell something is wrong, so what is going on, my friend? You have me a little worried."

She knows something is wrong, but she doesn't know what.

"Jamie's been hurt, but he has a broken arm. I know it's just a broken arm but I need to be there."

Courtney can't keep him at the pet hospital, not now that his boyfriend is at the hospital. She would want to be there for her husband if something happened to him.

"Do you know the hospital that he's at?"

Cameron smiles at her.

"Yes, he's going to St. Eve's."

She smiles as she places a hand on his shoulder.

"I want you to head to the hospital."

She can't count anything against him. After all, Cameron is practically family.

"Thank you, Courtney!"

The vet tech is grateful to have such a fantastic friend and boss.

"You're welcome, my friend. Now go ahead and leave. Go find out about Jamie, and call me when you find out what's going on with him.

Jamie says goodbye and then heads out to see his boyfriend. When he reaches the hospital, Cameron rushes inside and asks the lady at the desk about his boyfriend. Luckily, she knows Jamie, so she directs Cameron straight into the emergency room waiting room. Cameron doesn't know that Jamie has already told the staff that his husband is on his way to the hospital. Cameron sits in the emergency room waiting room. He pulls out his phone and texts his boyfriend.

"I'm here, Babe. I'm in the emergency room waiting room."

There is nothing from Jamie at all. An hour later, a hospital worker comes out of the emergency room.

"Is there a Cameron Lockhart in the waiting room?"

Cameron stands up and heads toward the worker.

"I'm Cameron Lockhart."

He can't wait to hear what she has to say to him. He knows that what she has to say will be all about his boyfriend.

"Hi! Your husband has a broken his left foreman. The doctors' are trying to reset it. They plan to set it, cast it, and then send him on his way. If it doesn't heal the way they want it to, they will have to do surgery."

Until the mention of surgery, all the other news put a smile on Cameron's face.

"Are you providing a way home for him?"

She asks Cameron.

"Yes, I am."

She smiles again at him.

"Thank you! I'm going to head back to the doctor and the patient. I will be back out if I have anything else to add."

Cameron nods his head at her.

"Sounds good!"

Cameron watches as she heads back to where she came from; if there are more updates, she can give them. About two and half hours later, the nurse walks out of the emergency room with the most handsome man following her.

"Jamie, it's good to see you."

Cameron says as he looks at his boyfriend. The left arm is in a cast to help heal the bones.

"It's good to see you too, Babe."

Jamie's use of the word "babe" draws some attention from others in the room, making Cameron feel uncomfortable. The hospital worker hands over some papers to Jamie.

"These papers are all you need to be dismissed. It contains prescriptions, care for the cast, and notes for setting up other appointments."

Jamie hands the papers over to Cameron, who smiles at the nurse.

"Is he good to go?"

Cameron asks the nurse before Jamie, and he can head out.

"Yes, he can go."

She says to the guys standing in front of her.

"Thank you!"

Jamie tells her.


She says to Jamie. Jamie is glad that Cameron is here with him. He's happy that they can go home.


Outside of the hospital, Cameron has gone quiet, so silent that Jamie knows that his guy is upset about something.

"Cam, what is going on?"

Jamie asks, but his boyfriend is quiet.

`Okay, so he's mad about something. Maybe, he's upset that I got hurt on the job.'

Jamie thinks to himself. Cameron still hasn't said anything to him. He isn't quite ready to speak with Jamie just yet.

"You seriously aren't going to speak with me?"

Jamie asks again. This time, the question manages to get a response.

"I know we've talked about you getting hurt at work and how it's just a part of your job, and I get it. I guess...I worry, that is all. It could have been worse, and I know that. It just has me worrying. You know how I get."

Cameron answers his boyfriend's question. Jamie does know how his boyfriend can get.

"Cameron, I know you're worried that my accident could have been worse, but it wasn't, and I just need to let my bones heal."

Jamie looks down at his arm in the cast. He doesn't like that he won't be working for a while. Still, it bugs him that Cameron is allowing his injury to cause him to worry. When they get home, Jamie lays down on the couch. Cameron saw that the pup was outside to use the bathroom. Jamie does make one quick phone call. He calls his brother, Richard, to pick up his car from the firehouse. His brother quickly agrees to pick up the vehicle. Richard calls his girlfriend and lets her know that he's going to pick her up so that she can drive his car.


It's the next day, and Jamie has been put on sick leave for his injury. He's already been to the hospital that the fire station uses for his injury. He'll be paid for any time that he's laid up with his broken arm. Cam's mind is running wild as he sits down beside his boyfriend.

"Are you still overthinking my broken arm?"

Cameron doesn't look happy. He doesn't like that Jamie can sit there and be okay with the injury.

"Look, Cameron, I tripped and fell, and that is all there is to it. Sure, I tripped in a burning building, but I was safe. I'm fine, Babe. Really, I am fine."

He still thinks that Jamie's job is much too dangerous.

"Jamie, I'll be honest. I know that we discussed the issues with you getting hurt at work. I just feel a little anxious over it. I admit that I felt horrid over your job, but I'm doing better with it. I still feel so anxious about it. I don't know what to think."

Jamie wants to wrap his arms around Cameron and comfort him, but that isn't possible with only one hand. Still, he can at least give him a kiss. He leans in and gives his boyfriend a kiss.

"I know you worry, but please don't. Accidents happen, Babe. I can't tell you anything that's going to calm your nerves. I can only tell you that I'll do everything I can to keep myself safe from harm, but I can't make promises, and I am not quitting my job. I don't know what else to say."

Jamie cuddles up next to his love.

"Don't say anything!"

Cameron tells his love. Cam cuddles up next to him as well. Jamie just doesn't know what to do or say that will quiet Cam's fears.


Jamie isn't sure what to tell Cameron that will ease his fear that hasn't already been said. They've already discussed this quite a bit, and now they are revisiting this again. Jamie takes his good hand and wraps it around his boyfriend.

"Cameron, I love you. I don't know what else to say other than to tell you that I will do everything I can to stay by your side."

Cameron smiles at Jamie and gives him a kiss.

"I know that you love me. You don't need to say anything to me. I'll be by your side too. I never want to leave your side."

Glancing down at his watch, he notices that he must head out to work.

"I'm sorry, Jamie, but I need to get going. Courtney will be expecting me."

Cameron gives his boyfriend a kiss, and then he gets up to get ready for work. Jamie gives him a kiss and watches as his boyfriend stands up so he can get ready for work. Fifteen minutes later, Cameron leaves for work.


While in one of the exam rooms, Courtney and Cameron are having a discussion about their lives. Suddenly the conversation shifts to talking about Jamie and even Cameron's anxiety.

"How is Jamie doing?"

Courtney asks her vet tech.

"He's doing okay. I just wish I was doing okay."

Cameron's response makes her wonder what's happening, and now she is worried about him.

"What do you mean by that?"

She asks about his comment. Cameron looks at the ground as if he has done something wrong.

"A few months back, Jamie and I had an argument about my fear of him getting hurt on the job or worse. He told me it was a part of his job. He was so casual about it. I get it, I do, but I still worry, and now that he's been hurt in a fire, some of that fear and anxiety has reared its head again. I get it, it's his job, but I can't escape the fear."

She looks into his eyes and takes his hand into hers.

"This may not be what you want to hear right now, but there are risks involved with any job. Jamie knows the risks, and I'm sure he's discussed that with you, right?" Anyway, I understand your fear. You know better than I do that we see the K9s for the police department, and I promise you that the wives and husbands of the police officers worry every time their loved ones start their shifts. I think you have to have faith that he'll be okay and then just let it go."

Cameron doesn't say a thing to her. Cameron stays frozen for a second as he lets her words sink in, then smiles at her.

"Thanks, Courtney! I hope he's not mad at me."

Courtney hates to see her employees struggling in any way, in any form.

"You're welcome! You are on break. Go call him and talk to him!"

With that, Courtney walks out of the exam room.


Courtney left Cameron to call home and check on Jamie. Cameron left the exam room and entered the break room to get his phone. Cam sits down to reach his boyfriend. The phone rings and goes straight into voicemail. One or two things have happened either Jamie has turned off his phone, or he is talking to someone.   Either way, he's missed out on an opportunity to speak with Jamie. Nothing he can do now, so he goes back to work. He doesn't put his phone away this time. It's a good thing he didn't put it away because Jamie texts him back twenty minutes later.

"Sory Cameron, I was on the phone with my mom. Is everything okay?"

Cameron looks at Courtney and holds up his phone. She nods and smiles, and then he disappears again into the break room. He calls Jamie again. Jamie answers the phone.

"Hey Cameron, what's going on?"

Jamie answers the phone.

"Are you mad at me?"

Cameron asks his boyfriend.

"Why would I be upset with you?"

Jamie is a little worried about Cameron's question.

"Because of our discussion earlier over my fears about you getting hurt."

Jamie gets it; he really does.

"Babe, I would be a fool for telling you that you can't be afraid of that. I'm sorry if I made you feel bad. I just don't want you to worry about each and every call. It's okay to worry. Promise me that you won't let it eat at you. I don't want you sick. I love you, Babe, and no, I am not mad at you."

Jamie's words mean a lot to Cameron. They are a reminder of just how much Jamie cares about his guy.

"Jamie, I have to go. Thanks for understanding."

Cameron has a way of melting Jamie's heart even without trying. Sometimes, it's just the sound of his voice or the tone of this voice, and that is all it takes to melt Jamie's heart.

"Bye Cam, I love you!"

These two guys couldn't be more different, but their love for each other could move mountains.


We are going to take a step back in time and join Jamie as he carries on a conversation with his mom.

"Hi Jamie, how are you doing?"

Jamie is a little bored at the moment.

"I'm sitting at home with Princess feeling bored, and I thought I would call you; and I really need to speak with you about something that happened the other day."

Jamie included his mother in the text about his accident, so she already knows about his broken arm.

"Well, I'm glad you called."

His mother said.

"Mom, I think Cameron is suffering a bit from anxiety. He brought up his fear of me getting hurt on the job again. I don't want to reignite all of that because it's in our past. I want to move on, and I like to believe that he does as well.  He is doing better with it, but I don't want this to be a stumbling block in our relationship."

His mom understands how Cameron feels because she feels the same way. Every time she hears a fire truck, her heart stops for just a second. She knows the risk that her son takes on every call he goes to, and it's not just physical risks either. There have been some calls that have hurt his psyche.

"Jamie, he will worry every time you get sent to a fire. You want to know how; I know this because I do too. I don't let it worry me sick, but I fret a bit when I hear the sirens. It's perfectly normal to worry about the ones you love. I know he loves you, so let him worry about kiddo."

Jamie knows that Cam loves him. It didn't take him long to figure that out.

`Maybe, she is right. I just need to chill and take his anxiety as a sign that he cares for me. I just need to wrap my heart around him and give him a few extra snuggles after coming home from a fire.'

Jamie thinks to himself.

"So what your saying is, is that after a fire, I need to shower him snuggles and kisses?"

He asks a question to his mom. Jamie can hear the beeps of an incoming call, but he ignores it, so he can talk to his mom because this is important.

"That wouldn't be bad, but you need to tell him and show him that you love him every day, and don't forget to tell him that you love him. Find time to be romantic!"

His mom answers his question. His ears take in her words.

`Even though I know all of this, it hit differently today.'

He'll have to find a way to implement all of this in their lives and not because he has to, but because he loves his boyfriend with all his heart.

"Mom, I need to go because I think that Cameron just called me. I love you!"

She loves her son.

"Go, Jamie! I love you too!"

He ends the call. Suddenly, a text comes through from his boyfriend.

"Are you mad at me?"

A part of him sinks to a new depth. Nothing that Cameron has done could have made Jamie angry at him. This text hit his heart. Now, we return to the present day and time.


Cam finally is home after being gone for 8 hours. All Cam wants is to lay down next to his man and cuddle. Cam doesn't see his boyfriend when he first enters the house.


He says out loud, hoping that Jamie will hear him. Princess hears her other owner call out for her best friend. Her barks lead Cam to her original owner. Jamie is resting in the bed with Princess lying next to him. Jamie pats the empty space on the bed next to him upon seeing Cameron.

"Joining me?"

Jamie asks.

"I'm going to shower first."

Cameron tells his boyfriend. Jamie gets a wicked grin on his face.

"Can I join you?"

He says to Cam, who is gathering his change of clothes.

"How about you let me shower while you put Princess away, and then we can relax together in the bed?"

Cameron moves towards the door of the main bedroom towards the master bathroom.

"Sounds good to me!"

Jamie says as he gets up to put the pup away. After the dog is put away, Jamie climbs back into bed, where he waits for his boyfriend. About twenty minutes later, Cameron walks out of the bathroom dressed in his hottest black mesh briefs and joins Jamie on the bed.

"Feels so good to have you here."

The guys hug each other, snuggling up in bed, partially covered by their blanket.

"I missed you, Babe!"

Jamie tells his boyfriend as he places a kiss on his boyfriend's lips. They fall asleep for a little while, only waking up in time to make dinner.


Cooking dinner together is one of their favorite things in the evening. Tonight, they are making taking tacos. They divide up the tasks involved in making their meal. Jamie is browning the ground beef and adding the spice blend from their cupboard, and he is also in charge of chopping the onions. Cameron is in charge of shredding the lettuce, chopping the black olives, chopping the green bell peppers, and getting the tortillas warmed up. Jamie also opens up the grated cheese.   Jamie gets the table set, and the guys are eating pretty soon. After dinner, they immediately wash all the dishes used to prepare and eat dinner.


As Cameron looks at his boyfriend, he is overcome with a desire to spoil Jamie. Maybe, it's the fact that Jamie is in the cast. Course, it could be because Cameron loves his Babe; whatever it is causing him to want to spoil Jamie, it's a good thing. Cameron sets out to spoil his boyfriend. Plans were not made right away on exactly how to go about spoiling him. It doesn't matter how he does it or when he does it. What matters the most is that Jamie enjoys the spoiling. He'll do whatever he can to treat his babe right.


Jamie is still on leave, so he gets up to take Princess outside while Cameron showers. He's excited to see what happens once Princess has been outside and his Babe is done in the shower. Jamie allowed Princess to use the bathroom, and then they walked down the street to allow her to wear off some energy. Chances are Princess will spend a good portion of the night in her kennel, all depending on what they get up to tonight. Jamie and Princess spend a good fifteen minutes out and about before returning home to relax. After returning home, Jamie lets the dog play a little before putting her away for the night. Jamie and Cameron go to bed and don't get up until six.


In the morning, Cameron gets ready for work. As he is getting ready, someone else is also waking up and carefully preparing to spend the day at the house. Jamie is up and moving around. They exchange a kiss goodbye as Cameron leaves for work. An hour later, Jamie is up and about when there is a knock at the door.


Jamie asks whoever is on the other side of the door. Immediately, he gets his answer.

"Brayden, are you naked, or can I come inside?"

The front door is opened, and Jamie welcomes him into the house.

"Hey Brayden, how are you doing?"

Jamie says as he smiles at his friend.

"I'm doing good, but how are you?"

Jamie gets still for a second before responding to his friend's question.

"I'm good too, despite this stupid arm, but honestly, I miss being able to go to work."

"How is it doing?"

Brayden asks his friend as he looks at the casted arm.

"It's broken, that is for sure."

Now Brayden gets a little serious for a second or two. He wants to know how Cameron is doing.

"How has Cameron been?"

Jamie doesn't want to speak ill of his boyfriend, but he also wants to be honest with his friend.

"When he first found out about the fall and the broken arm, he was anxious and worried. Once he found out that I would be okay, he relaxed a little bit, but honestly, I think he still worries. But he's been super sweet to me since it happened, so I think he's spoiling me a bit."

Brayden has to admit that it sounds like things are okay, which is good because he would hate to see what would happen if the guys were back to arguing about Jamie's job and Cameron's fear. His girlfriend has grown to really like Cameron, and Brayden knows losing Cameron would break his buddy.

"You know, I'm glad to hear that he's better about the whole injury. Now would you like to grab brunch and grab an early lunch? It's on me, buddy."

Jamie doesn't have to think twice. It will be nice to get out of the house for a little bit. The guys head out for lunch, and then after visiting for a little bit, Brayden heads out to go to the station for a meeting.


Courtney has been worried about Cameron's reaction to his boyfriend's injury. He's been okay on the job, but she wants to be sure. She decides to take a chance and call Jamie. She heads to her office and sits so she can speak with him. When Jamie sees Courtney's name on his phone's display, he worries that something might have happened to Cameron. It's funny how their minds race like this; he's never worried about someone like this before, and it strangely feels nice.

"Is Cameron okay?"

Courtney is a bit surprised by his question.

"Cameron is fine. I talked to him about you, and he said you were fine. When I asked him how he was doing, he was quiet and just returned to work. So I am going to ask you, how is he doing?"

Jamie doesn't think that his boyfriend is doing all that bad, unlike the first time they talked about the issue. He doesn't understand why everyone is so concerned about Cameron unless there is something that he hasn't shared with Jamie.

"He's doing fine."

He is fine, and that should have been all that needed to be said. Jamie explains a bit more about his comment.

"He seems to be doing much better than he was earlier in our relationship. I know he was anxious when he first heard about my injury, but he seems to be doing much better with it over the last 24 hours."

Jamie tells his boyfriend's boss. She is happy to hear those words.

"I guess I'll let you go. Thanks for your time!"

She ends the call, and Jamie goes back to relaxing.


A little later in the day, Jamie wakes up from a nap he took, and he gets up to look for his dog. He didn't look at the time and wasn't expecting his boyfriend to be home. When he enters the living room, Jamie finds Cameron playing with Princess.

"Looks like Princess found her papa."

Jamie says as he sits next to the dog and his boyfriend.   He gives his Babe a kiss and then pets the dog on her head.

"She did find me, and she has been giving kisses, and we've been playing."

Jamie lies on the floor, playing with the dog and speaking with Cameron. Cameron is doing so good with the injury. Spending time together helps them relax. Relaxing helps them wind down for the evening.


After spending a half-hour on the ground playing with Princess and just talking, Jamie and Cameron end up in bed. Sleep has not been easy for Jamie with the cast, but he's getting used to it. Cameron has had to adapt a little bit to it as well. All in all, it feels good to have each other in bed. Jamie has dreams of himself and Cameron with a family. While Cameron's dream is more risqué, they don't last long, nor do their effects. Apart from their dreams and some occasional readjustment to stay comfortable, they slept comfortably until the phone rang around 5 in the morning.


The phone rings pretty early in the morning, and Cam is getting the phone call. Sadly, it woke both of the guys up from their slumber. Cameron checks the display on his phone. It's Courtney. He answers it immediately.

"Hey Courtney, what's going on?"

Cameron is getting a surprise from her today.   He's going to like it too.

"I just wanted to call you and say that my husband and I talked, and we are giving you the day off. Enjoy being with Jamie and just soak in love."

Cameron isn't used to this, but he'll definitely take it.

"Thanks, Courtney, but are you sure?"

She is quiet for a second or two, warning Cameron not to push it.

"If you would like, you can work a double today?"

Jamie can hear the conversation, and he gives him a glance that just says, "Don't you even think about doing it, and Cameron gets the message.

"No, no, I'll stay home. Thank you!"

Cameron says to his boss.

"You're welcome! Now, I will let you go and get back to getting ready for work. I'll see you tomorrow."

Courtney is smiling as she finishes speaking with her employee.

"Bye, Cameron!"

Cameron is actually kind of happy.

"Bye, Courtney, take care!"

With that call ended, Cameron looked at his boyfriend and kissed him.

"I'm going back to bed."

Cam says to Jamie, who is also lying back down in bed.


It doesn't take them long to fall asleep, and they sleep well until Princess wakes up. She is barking for her daddy to get up, feed, and water her. Jamie gets up and heads toward the kennel to release her. Cameron gets up and heads for the kitchen.

"Cameron, can you get Princess outside to use the restroom?"

Princess is running around in the kitchen while Papa Cameron grabs her leash. With leash in hand, Cameron attaches the leash to the collar, and together they walk to the front door. Princess's tail wags like crazy as she waits for the front door to open.

"Ready, girl?"

Cameron asks the pup as he unlocks the door. He opens the door, and together they head out to the front yard. In Cameron's right hand, he has a bag and a small shovel to aid in cleaning up after the dog. After fifteen minutes outside, Cameron and the dog return to the house, but he drops the bag into the garbage before entering the house. When they get inside, Jamie has made scrambled eggs with bacon and cheese in them, and it's already plated out, waiting for Jamie and him.

"Go wash your hands, Babe, and then we can eat."

Cameron smiles at his boyfriend and heads to the bathroom to wash his hands. When he returns to the dining room, Jamie sits down to eat breakfast.

Next: Chapter 14

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