Love From the Ashes

By HnstSkr4 / Chuck B.

Published on Sep 28, 2022


Love From the Ashes Chapter 14

Warning: This story does not contain any sex. None of the characters are based on real people nor are they meant to resemble any living or dead people.

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I want to thank everyone who has emailed. I also want to thank those who have read the story. It means a lot hearing from you. Please continue reading! There is a lot more to come. I own all rights to this story.

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Copyright © 2017-2022

Love From The Ashes

Chapter 14 – Part 1

Too Many Calls

Jamie and Cameron have just finished breakfast, and Cameron I snow busy cleaning up breakfast dishes while Jamie sits and watches. Usually, Jamie would be at the fire station by now. However, with his injury, he was required to be at home and rest. While it was nice to have the extra time with Cameron, Jamie would rather be at the fire station doing what he does best. As he sits in the kitchen, he's listens to the scanner for the fire and EMT calls, while his boyfriend is busy cleaning; but it's not helping him.. Cameron walks up to his love. He notices that the firefighter looks anxious whenever the scanner goes off with fire or emt calls. Cam catches that Jamie is distracted.

"Jamie, are you in there?" Cam asks, seeing that Jamie is distracted. "Jamie?" Cam repeated.

Jamie has been engrossed in the conversation between the rescue teams and dispatch. "Oh, hey Cameron, you're done already?" he replied focusing on Cam's face.

Cameron wonders if maybe Jamie wouldn't be better off reporting to work and doing something that would help the crew out.

It's easy to tell that his guy isn't happy.

"Yeah, I'm done. I think you're a little distracted by the chatter. Maybe, we should turn it off for a while?"

Jamie ignores Cameron's question and decides to leave the scanner on.

"I'm sorry if I'm out of it. I want to be doing my job, not stuck with this stupid thing."

He says as he raises the broken arm into the air. Letting the arm come back down, you can see the frustration on his face.

"Babe, I get you're frustrated, but you will drive yourself crazy listening to that thing."

Cameron leans in and kisses his boyfriend. He also makes another suggestion to his boyfriend.

"Why don't we have a little romantic date right here at home?"

This time, Cam has Jamie's attention. He's curious about what is going on in Cameron's mind.


Cameron gets up and goes to one of the closets to grab something. He comes back with several bedsheets.

"What are those for Cam?"

Jamie has no clue what his boyfriend is thinking. Cameron smiles as he goes about turning the living into a bedsheet fort. Cam emerges from the fort with a wide grin on his face.

"What do you think?"

Cam asks his boyfriend. Jamie looks at the fort and smiles.

"Is this for me?"

Jamie's smile gets a little bigger.

"No, silly, it's for us."

Cam responds with a smile, and soon he's kissing the man of his dreams. Taking his boyfriend's hand, Cameron leads Jamie into the fort. Jamie looks around and thinks that it needs something to make it perfect.


Jamie gets out of the tent fort. He heads to his knick-knack drawer. He pulls out some tea lights and electric candles, all battery-operated. He grabs a rose that he bought for his sweetheart. Plucking the petals off, he puts them inside and bowl and takes them back to the fort. Scattering the petals around the fort, Jamie smiles and then exits the fort. He hands the candles and the tea lights to his boyfriend.

"Put them wherever you wish inside the fort. I thought they would look nice in here."

He thinks that they'll add some beautiful, romantic lighting to the fort. Cameron places the lights and the candles where he wants them and then walks into the living room to grab a few items.


Cam grabs the portable DVD/Blu-ray player and then holds out 4 movies for Jamie and him to watch. He then finds his babe and smiles.

"Pick 2 movies for us to watch."

Jamie looks over the movies and picks 2 romantic comedies to watch.

"I've seen it before, but I love it."

Jamie says as he hands it back to Cam.

"Babe, can you turn off the lights and join me in the fort?"

Cam asks, as he crawls in to set up the DVD. Jamie turns off the lights and entering the tent, gazed at Cameron. Having this guy in his life made Jamie the luckiest guy in the world. Sure, they have the struggles; but Jamie knew that his boyfriend's intentions were to make him happy being at home. Cameron hoped the bedsheet fort idea would take Jamie's mind off of work, and it did. He didn't mind the extra work to set it up, because seeing Jamie happy made the effort worthwhile. He takes out the DVD and placed it into the player.

"Have you seen this movie before?"

Jamie asks Cameron as they wait for it to start.

"No, I haven't seen it."

Jamie quickly turns on the candles and the tea lights. They cuddle up together as the movie begins to play. After enjoying the first two films, it's time to prepare lunch.


Jamie and Cam leave the fort and head into the kitchen, looking over the fridge for something to fill their stomachs. They decide on ham sandwiches, celery sticks, and apple slices with water to drink. It's going to be nice to just relax. Lunch is nothing special. It's all about spending time together. They return to the fort and eat.


The guys finish eating, then enjoy their cuddle session in their little piece of heaven. Cam is enjoying the cuddling. It feels good to be touching Jamie's body and to be in his babe's arms, even if his arm is in a cast. While they are cuddling, the scanner goes off. Cam can tell it's bothering his babe to be unable to respond to the fire call. Cam's doing his best to occupy Jamie's mind. Cam wants to know what his fireman intends to do next.

"Babe, what do you want to do?"

Jamie kisses his man.

`I hope that answers his question.'

Jamie thinks as his tongue licks Cam's lips. Cam understands Jamie's answer, so he gives in to his guy's needs.


A little later, the scanner goes off again. This time it is an EMT call. An elderly person is having chest pains. Jamie doesn't usually respond to medical calls, but he still wants to be available in case they need extra hands. Cameron can see the struggle on his guy's face. He's struggling because of his injury and the fact that he can't respond to the calls. Keeping Jamie distracted has been helpful, but he is still drawn to the scanner each a voice comes over the speaker. Cameron wants to do more for his guy.


Princess also wants to keep Jamie from going stir-crazy. They love their dog. Jamie loves her unconditionally, and she loves him unconditionally as well. Cam suggests that Jamie take Princess outside to play.

"Outside, Princess?"

Jamie says as he stands up by the backdoor. Princess gets excited and prances around his feet. Jamie opens the door and steps outside, telling the dog she can leave the house. For an hour, they play fetch, Jamie gives plenty of belly rubs, and they spend time chasing each other. For the entire hour, Jamie, Princess, and Cameron play. After spending an hour and fifteen minutes outside, the duo came inside and gave her food and water. After she eats, it's time to head out again for a different reason.


Jamie puts the leash on Princess, and together with Cameron, they head out the front door with doggie bags. The walk was Jamie's idea, and Cameron quickly agreed to it. Walking has become one of Cam's favorite things to do with his man and their dog. Cameron rarely ventures out by himself. He just doesn't feel safe doing it.

"Are you in a better mood?"

Cam asks Jamie.

"I am. I have you by my side, along with our fur baby. You two make me happy."

Cam feels warmth spreading through his chest, as though his heart just grew in size. Nothing makes him happier than seeing Jamie happy. They have been walking for fifteen minutes or so when Cam decides enough is enough, and they decide to head home. Jamie leans over and kisses Cameron quickly, making Cam a little nervous. Cam wasn't sure whether someone was watching him, but he certainly felt like someone was. It didn't matter though. He is with Jamie and Princes, and they are his everything. A sense of contentment washes over Cameron as they arrive home, and head inside to relax.


They clean up the living room, take down the fort, and begin putting everything away. Jamie puts the candles and the tea lights away, while Cameron starts the laundry, so they'll have clean sheets to make the bed tomorrow. Jamie then gathers up the dishes and utensils used to make lunch.

"Hey, Babe, do you want to do the dishes with me, or should I load up the dishwasher?"

Jamie and Cam, more often than not, wash the dishes together. They use the dishwasher only on the days when they've used a ton of a ton of dishes. They prefer the kitchen to be cleaned up after they have a meal.

"I'll do the dishes. Why don't you go and relax a bit?"

Cam says since it wouldn't be good for Jamie's cast to get wet. Jamie doesn't want to rest while Cameron is working in the kitchen, so he pulls up a chair and sits while his boyfriend finishes up.

"I thought you were going to take a nap or something?"

Cameron asks Jamie who is watching his babe while he cleans the dishes. Jamie ignores the question, so he doesn't say something that will hurt his loves' feelings. When the dishes are done, Jamie heads into the bedroom to take a nap, as Cameron suggested earlier. Cameron goes and sits in the living room.


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Next: Chapter 15

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