Love From the Ashes

By HnstSkr4 / Chuck B.

Published on Nov 17, 2018


Love From the Ashes Chapter 4

Warning: This story does not contain any sex. None of the characters are based on real people nor are they meant to resemble any living or dead people.

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Copyright © 2017-2018

Love From The Ashes

Chapter 4

Why Him?, Why Me?

It's the day after the date, and both Jamie and Cameron are struggling to stay focused. They still have, the other guy running through their minds. Cameron is beside himself but in a good way. He's at work with Jamie's smile and body running in and out through his mind. He's been trying to keep his mind from imagining Jamie in the buff. Jamie is having the exact same problem. Cameron's face and voice are making him smile while he is working. Jamie is also having focusing issues.


Jamie is doing his best to stay focused. He knows to do his job that he needs to get Cameron out of his mind. He's trying to keep busy by doing chores around the fire house. Staying active helps but it's not enough. A couple of the other guys have noticed that his mind is elsewhere. At home, Cameron would be a welcome diversion. He would have a chance to kick back and relax; maybe write a letter to Cameron. Letters aren't his thing, but this feeling isn't normal for him. A second date is in order, and that is a fact. His life and the life of the firefighters could be in danger if he doesn't stay focused. Right now, it's quiet, but he knows that could change at any moment.


Jamie knows that it can't be love yet so why is this guy running through his mind. No other guy has effected him this way in the past. Cameron has popped into his mind at least a dozen times already. He likes Cameron. Okay, so maybe it's a little bit more than "like," but it isn't love. It could just be a bad case of puppy love.


It's already been mentioned that Cameron is struggling with keeping Jamie in check inside of his mind. He feels like everyone else can see him struggling. Kelly is especially attentative when it comes to him. She won't tolerate any pain being thrown at her best-friend. The firefighter had better be nice to her buddy. Kelly walks up to Cameron and pats him on the back. Cameron smiles to himself at her touch. It feels good to have her support. He's done trying to keep Jamie at bay.


Everyone can tell he's distracted and everyone knows why. Kelly can't resist taking a jab.

"You need to get with loverboy."

Cameron's face goes red, and he looks at her with a smirk.

"Thanks, Kelly, that is an image that I didn't want in my head."

She smiles with a wink as she disappears behind a closed door. Cameron is left with the image that Kellly planted in his head. Even with his naked date coursing through his mind, he plunged forward with the day.


It's been a long day for both Jamie and Cameron, but finally, their shifts are over, and the guys can go home. Their minds might still be preoccupied with the thoughts of the other person running through their minds. At least at home, they can freely call the other person. After a few minutes of being at home, Jamie and Cameron text each other. Seeing the text come in from the other person helps to counter the feelings in their hearts. Jamie smiles when he learns that Cameron missed him.

"Okay to call you?"

Jamie wants to check before doing so, he doesn't interrupt anything that Cameron might be doing. Cameron's heart pounds with excitement at the very thought of speaking with Jamie.


Cameron responds to Jamie's question. Jamie wastes no time in calling. Cameron is equally fast at accepting the call.

"HI Jamie, what's going on? I couldn't get you out of my head all day long."

Jamie gets it because he felt the same way all day long.

"I felt the same way at work today, so what so we do about it?"

Jamie asks hoping that Cameron has an answer for him. Cameron considers the question asked by his crush. He wants to find out what will happen if he sticks by his guy's side.

"I want to see what will happen if I keep dating you."

It's exactly what Jamie wants to hear. Together, they want to find out what will happen if they give each other a chance.

"I would love to see what will happen too. I think we could be good together."

Jamie sees it. Someday with luck, they'll see it through. It just takes work. All it's going to take is some work, magic, and luck. Jamie and Cameron talk for a bit longer then, they hang up and make their dinners.


It's a better day, today. They haven't had each other on the mind. Work has been great today. There have not been very many distractions today. The guys are getting a lot done. Brayden walks over to where Jamie is working.

"How are you doing today?"

Brayden is ready for a break and a chance to relax for a bit is in order. Jamie is just about done with the chore he's working on and then, he'll be ready for a break also.

"Have you spoken with Cam since the date?"

The mere mention of Cameron's nickname is all it takes for his face to pop into Jamie's mind. At least, he's on a break, but he's also got half the day left to work.

"We spoke immediately after the date, and we spoke last night for awhile."

Brayden is dying to know what else is going on with his friend and the date.

"Good, I think he's into you."

Jamie doesn't need his friend or anyone else to tell him that Cameron is into him. He saw it on Cameron's face on the date and heard it in Cameron's voice on the phone.

"Yeah, he's into me."

Jamie chuckles, knowing how it might sound but it loves that it's the truth.

`I'm into him too.'

"So is there a second date?"

Brayden asks hoping that his friend is planning ahead.

"Yeah, yeah, there will be; I just don't know when exactly."

Brayden catches Jamie's smile, and he knows everything is okay.

"I'm happy for you Bro."

Brayden pats his friend on the back to give him his congratulations.

"Thanks, man."

Jamie says as he gets up to go work after this short break. The world is now a little crazier, and it's all Brayden's fault.


Jamie is right back to where he was yesterday. He has images of Cameron in his head. At least, he's busy with the station chores, and that keeps him from being overly distracted. A little bit longer, and it will be lunch time. Jamie decides that he wants to write Cameron a letter during his lunch. Anything that he can do to help Cameron's day be a little brighter is good. It might help take his mind off of Cameron and into something constructive.


Jamie and Cameron are in different locations doing the same exact thing; writing. Jamie pulled a piece of paper out of his bag and borrowed a pen from the office.

"Hey, Cameron,

What's going on dude? I'm sitting here at lunch and thinking of you, so I thought that I would write to you. How is Princess doing? I've been busy doing chores around the station today. Has it been busy at the clinic? It's was great seeing you the other day on our date. It was even better to hear your voice on the phone the last couple nights. Lunch has been served, so I had better go and eat."

Now that the letter is written, he folds it up and puts it in his bag so he can deliver it himself. Cameron decides to get creative and makes a card for his guy. He gets a pen and writes out a note.

"Thanks for a great date. I know, I was nervous, but you made my night. I look forward to our second date.



He folds his letter with the intention of delivering it. The guys are dying to see each other at this point.


It's the middle of the work day for Cameron, and he sneaks away to the staff restroom. Locking the door, he pulls out his phone. He decides to snap a selfie and send it off to Jamie. He's in hopes that no one will find out because he's not supposed to be on his phone at work. It's doubtful that anyone would say anything but why risk it. Usually, he wouldn't risk it, but Jamie is making him consider things that, he wouldn't normally do. He isn't complaining either. As quickly as it's done, Cameron sends it via text to Jamie. Jamie's phone signals that a text has come through. He quickly checks it and smiles at the photo that Cameron has sent him.

`Man is he handsome.'

Jamie thinks to himself as he steps outside to snap a quick picture of himself. In a heartbeat, he sends the image off to Cameron. Cameron is caught off guard by the photo. The guys are cherishing the pictures.


Later on in the day, Jamie is at his sister's house to visit. After a small snack, Rachael and Jamie begin to talk.

"How did your date go the other night?"

Rachael asks wanting to know how her older brother's date went.

"It was actually really nice. We went for a walk, had ice cream, and then called it a night."

A smile breaks out on his face, and he thinks about the date and the kiss, that ended the night. Rachel sees her brother's lit up face and decides to run with it.

"Was there the usual after date sex?"

Like it or not, sex usually accompanies a date with Jamie.

"No, I honestly just wanted to spend time with him."

He answered her honestly.

"Wait, what have you done with my slutty brother?"

He takes offense to his sister's comment. He's not even trying to get into Cameron's pants.

"Sorry to disappoint you, but sex will wait until Cameron says that he wants it."

He doesn't sound like the same to her. It's not a bad thing.

"Maybe Cameron is a good influence in your life."

Smiling, he nods his head in agreement.

"He's so sweet and kind."

Jamie says as he smiles.

"Can I assume that there is going to be a second date?"

Again, his eyes light up and he smiles, they want a second date.

"You know, it's dangerous to assume things right?"

She nods her head and rolls her eyes.

"Yeah, there is going to be a second date and hopefully a third."

Jamie says as he looks at his sister.

"Well, I hope you don't get bored with him. He must be a great guy for you to sacrifice so much."

She is making light of her brother and his date with Cameron.

`She has no idea how amazing Cameron is; she has never looked into her eyes, never heard his voice, and never seen his smile. He is perfect.'

He thinks to himself as he envisions Cameron in his mind.

"You have no idea how nice is it to date a guy who isn't chasing me for my muscles or my penis. Cameron may like my body, but he likes me for me."

Now, she knows her brother is hooked on Cameron. She is right too because Jamie is hooked completely and utterly snared on this guy. Rachel and Jamie continue their visit for another half hour before Jamie decides to head home.


After his visit with Rachel, Jamie goes home and immediately gets on the phone. He starts typing up a text to send to Cameron.

"Thank you."

When it's typed, his finger hits send and in mere seconds it reaches Cameron. When his date sees the text, he's a little confused. Cameron types up his response.

"Why are you thanking you?"

Jamie smiles when Cameron's response shows up on his phone.

"For the picture but also because you are an amazing guy."

Cameron blushes a bit when he reads the last part of the text.

"You're welcome."

Cameron responds back to his date. Cameron doesn't want to be rude, but he needs to get into work for an emergency.

"Sorry have to cut this short, work calls again."

Cameron sends off his text hoping that Jamie won't be mad at him.


The smiley face sent with the "okay" helps Cameron relax.

"Talk to you later."

Cameron sees this text knowing that Jamie means what he says so he can't help but feel excited about the possible phone call. Jamie kicks back and relaxes after sending some good vibes off towards Cameron and his patient.


Jamie wants to impress Cameron, so he decides to send him flowers. He's never done anything like this before, and he's nervous it might be a big mistake. Still, he won't know unless he tries. The flowers must do the trick. He gets online and orders them and sends off to the pet hospital, where he knows Cameron is working. A half hour later, a flower delivery guy shows up at Cameron's work with flowers and a vase. Courtney happens to be the one to greet the delivery person.

"These are for Cameron."

He hands them off to her, and then she takes them into the break room. After setting them down, she goes in search of her employee. Cameron is busy sanitizing an exam room when she finds him.

"I need to see you in the break room when you're done."

At first, he thought she might be getting ready to yell at him, but she has never yelled at him, so why would she start now. He spends another seven minutes cleaning before he gets up and walks to the break room. When he gets there, he sees Courtney sitting at the table in the room and next to her is the flowers standing up in their vase. Even though he can see them, he doesn't think anything of it. It's not uncommon for the owners of their patients to send in flowers as thank yous as a gift after a surgery that went well.

`Those flowers are beautiful.'

He admits to himself. He sees the card and reaches out for it, but pulls his hand back at the last minute.

"Go ahead read the card."

Courtney says as she looks at Cameron. A part of him is nervous to read the card, but he goes ahead and does what she said to do. He picks it up and starts reading it.

"Cameron thanks for being awesome. I hope you like the flowers. I wasn't sure that you would. I like you, Cam. Sincerely, your Fireman."

He didn't need a card to tell him that Jamie likes him.

"Well, what does the card say?"

She asks wanting to make sure that her employee is okay.

"It says that Jamie likes me."

For the first time, he looks at the roses and feels a warm glow in his chest. They are bright red and beautiful. Cameron is impressed. No one has ever given him flowers before, and he loves them. He's excited for whatever comes next.


When Cameron gets home, he immediately calls Sophie to tell her about the flowers. It's early enough that she should still be awake after all it's only 8:30 pm.

"Cameron, what's up?"

When she asks, it's because she really wants to know.

"I got flowers from the firefighter today. He also sent a card along with them, and he said that he likes me. I already knew that though."

Sophie's first reaction is too smile and then she is amazed that a guy would send flowers. Her brother is left wondering what she is thinking.

"Cameron that is great dude. He has me impressed."

Dude is not in her usual vocab so she must be excited.

"Thanks, Sis."

He says as he looks at the smiles.

"Usually, a guy only sends flowers on anniversaries or when they've done something wrong. Maybe, you're lucky Cameron."

For a second, all he can think about is that Jamie might have done something wrong, but he quickly drops that thought. Jamie can't do anything wrong in his eyes at the moment. The man is too perfect. Cameron is all about his guy right now.

"You need to thank him for the flowers.

He has every intention of doing so after this call.

"I will."

He says as he makes a mental note to take care of that after he ends this phone call.

"You had better."

Sophie tells her brother. He rolls his eyes at her comment.

"Goodbye Cameron."

"Goodbye, Sis."

The siblings end the call which leaves Cameron free to handle things on with his date.


Cameron does call as he promised, but the call goes straight into voice mail. Jamie must be on a fire call. If that is the case, then he could be in danger. Cameron isn't sure that he'll be able to handle Jamie's career due to his anxiety. His date maybe saving lives but the risk to his safety is too much for Cam.

`Maybe, I should just forget about him. IU'm not sure that I want to spend all the time that he's on a call worrying about him.'

After pondering over his thoughts, he realized that he likes him enough to worry about him and to stay with him.


It's the next day, and Jamie is finally at home. He's relaxing in the bathtub and wishing that Cameron was there with him. He gets out of the tub, dries off, and then gets dressed. Climbing into his bed, he grabs his tablet and starts reading a book. Something is missing, or in this case, someone is missing. Cameron needs to be here cuddled up next to him as they take turns reading from the book. Cameron is at work, so he can't come over to cuddle. He just relaxes until he moves on to something else.


Cameron is back at home, and he's brought home six of the other flowers so that he can see some flowers at home and at work. For a few seconds, he gazes at his flowers and smiles. Once more, Jamie's image comes bursting into Cameron's mind. He wonders what his crush is doing. Unknown to him, at this very moment, Jamie is thinking of him. It's romantic when you think about it, and they have it bad.


It's 9:00 pm and the guys both find themselves standing outside. The moon is hanging up in the sky, and it's beautiful. It is an inspiring sight for sure. They look up into the air and gaze up into it. Both Cameron and Jamie looked up into the sky. At about the same moment in time, the guys fix their eyes on the moon.

"Jamie, I miss you."

Cameron says as he looks into the sky.

"Cameron, I want to hold you, and talk to you."

They talk to the moon and make wishes on the moon. When the desires are said, they move back inside their homes.


The guys end up falling asleep thinking of each other. Around midnight, Cameron wakes up because of a dream he had of Jamie. It's weird to because he's mind hasn't been on marriage at all. Tonight though, he found himself standing right across from Jamie in their tuxedoes. They exchanged their rings and kissed. It's during the kiss that he woke up. There is no way that he wants Jamie to know about this dream, but he still wants to the fact that he had a vision of their wedding. After writing about the fantasy, it takes fifteen minutes for him to calm down enough to fall back to sleep.


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Next: Chapter 5

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