Love From the Ashes

By HnstSkr4 / Chuck B.

Published on Jan 27, 2020


Love From the Ashes Chapter 7

Warning: This story does not contain any sex.  None of the characters are based on real people nor are they meant to resemble any living or dead people.

Let me know what you think of the story by emailing me at

I want to thank everyone who has emailed.  I also want to thank those who have read the story.  It means a lot hearing from you.  Please continue reading!  There is a lot more to come.  I own all rights to this story.

If you do not like this type of story or you do not agree with the issues in this story, then please feel free to read elsewhere

Copyright © 2017-2020

Love from The Ashes

Chapter 7

“He’s With Me”

Cameron gets news of a party at Dillion’s house to celebrate the anniversary of the pet clinic’s opening.  Courtney insisted no told him that he will make sure to invite his guy to the party.  He goes right away to the breakroom and calls Jamie.

“Hey, Cameron, what’s up?  It’s not your lunchtime yet.?  Is everything okay?”

Jamie says, envisioning his boyfriend bleeding from a bite or a scratch.

“I’m fine.  I just wanted to know if you would be interested in going to a party with me.  It’s going to be a work party at my bosses’ house.  Courtney issued the invite herself. So what do you think?

Jamie would follow Cameron anywhere, but only if Cameron wanted to go.  He doesn’t want to push him too far.

“Do you want to go?”

“Well yeah, I want to go.  I love hanging out with my work friends.”

Cameron’s voice seems to light up a bit, which is all his boyfriend needs to hear. 

“Course I’ll go, when is it?”

Cameron looks at the calendar in the break room.  He reads exactly what is on it.

“It’s next weekend at noon at Courtney and William’s house.”

“I’m more than happy to be your Jamie says, but then he hears someone calling for Cameron, and it sounds urgent.

“Babe go, sounds like your skills are needed.”

“I love you, Jamie.”

Cameron says it, and then the call is ended. Jamie goes back to doing the dishes.


It’s the day of the party, and Cameron is driving out to pick up Jamie.  When he gets there, he pulls into the driveway and gets out of the car. He knocks on the door, and Jamie opens the door and walks outside.  He greets Cameron by delivering a kiss and a hug, and they head into the car.

“So, I guess this will be our first big event as a couple huh?”

Jamie asks as they head out for the Dillion’s house.

“Yeah, I guess it is.  Are you nervous?”

Cameron wonders if Jamie is ever nervous. 

“A little but I’ll get over, there are two kinds of people in this world, those that like know me and those that decide for whatever reason that they don’t like me.”

Jamie tries his best to keep toxic people out of his life.  In general, he finds that most people like him.  Cameron found out that as soon he first saw him at the clinic.  The fireman had charisma to spare.


When they get to the Dillion’s house, Cameron finds a place to park.  They leave the park and get out of the car.  Cameron surprises himself by taking Jamie’s hand and escorting him up to the front door.  He presses the doorbell.  William answers the door.

“Hi Andrew, I’m so glad you made it.  Is this the one and only Jamie?”

Cameron’s confidence surprises Jamie, but he loves it.

“This is the one and only Jamie.”

William reaches out his hand to shake Jamie’s hand.  Cameron’s boyfriend accepted the handshake.

“Come on in, everyone is in the backyard.”

He welcomes the couple into the house.  They follow him through the house and into the backyard.  Courtney is the first of the co-workers in the backyard to see Cameron and Jamie entering the yard.  She leaves the group that she was talking too, and walks up to welcome them to the party.

“Cameron, I wasn’t sure that you would come.  I’m glad that you’re here.  I'm also delighted to see that Jamie is here. Welcome to our house Jamie.  If you guys need anything, you can talk to William or me.”

Courtney tells the couple. 

“Courtney, I think I should introduce Jamie to everyone.”

Courtney silently agrees by nodding her head.  She gets up on the deck and whistles loudly.  Everyone stops talking and looks up at Courtney.  She points to Jamie and Cameron.

“Come on, guys.”

She tells the couple to get moving.  When they make it up to the deck, the guys line up next to Courtney.  She looks over at Cameron, this allows him to introduce his man to Cam’s co-workers.

“Hi everyone, I know some of you have heard me talking about the fireman or heard me mention Jamie. This is Jamie Best; my boyfriend.”

Cameron is smiling, and those who are genuinely his friends at work are smiling.  Out in the group of co-workers, two guys aren’t so happy.  Mark Smith is the veterinary assistant and Chad Wilkes, the other vet who is a partner with the Dillions; Courtney and William.  They don’t seem happy to be in the presence of Cameron or his boyfriend.  Their body language and facial expressions show off their unhappiness and Cameron notices it.


Jamie and Cameron head over to where the food is lined up.  Jamie and Cameron get their food and drinks and then find a place to eat.  Luckily Cameron helps to pick a place where Mark and Chard looking at them.  He doesn’t want to deal with their attitudes. 

“The food looks really nice, Babe.”

Jamie says to Cameron, and he looks at the brats, potato salad, fruit salad, and watermelon that is piled on his plate. 

“Tastes good too.”

Cameron says to his date.  Cam can’t help but wonder if Jamie picked up on his two co-workers' negativity.  Cam’s anxiety bubbles to the surface as he thinks about those two guys.

“Cam, are you okay man?”

Jamie knows that sometimes Cam’s anxiety can get to him. 

“Yeah, I am fine.”

Cameron doesn’t want to tell Jamie what is wrong because he doesn’t want to ruin the day.  They are talking and enjoying the food. At one point, Jamie notices that Cameron’s cup is empty.

“Do you want another drink?”

He asks to see if his boyfriend wants another drink.  Cameron does, and he nods his head.  The drink is easy any type of pop.  Jamie disappears for a minute or two and reappears in just a few minutes to give Cameron his drink.


While they are eating, Courtney and Kelly walk over to join the guys.  They are super curious to talk with Jamie.  It’s the first time they’ve had an interaction with the man outside of the clinic.  They are going to take advantage of having him here to talk with him.

“Hey Cameron, can, do you mind if we sit down here?”

He can tell by looking at the grin on Courtney’s face that the ladies want to talk with Jamie, so he excuses himself.

“So, can we talk?”

Courtney asks Jamie as he swallows the bite that was in his mouth.

“Sure, if you don’t mind me eating as we talk.”

Kelly laughs, and Courtney nods her head.

“First off, how is our little Princess?”

Courtney asks.  He grabs out his phone and shows off the happy little puppy just being herself.  Kelly and her boss smile as they watch the puppy playing.

“How is Cameron adjusting to having a full-time boyfriend?”

Kelly knows all too well that

“He is showing signs that he’s coming around to the idea. Every day, he is more confident around me, which I love.”

Again the ladies smile, they are worried about him dating and potentially being hurt, but so far, Jamie has treated Cameron as if he was royalty.  A trait they hope will continue as long as the guys are dating or into their marriage.

“Do us a favor and keep doing whatever it is that you’re doing because we see such a difference in him, and we don’t want to lose this happy, slightly more confident Andrew.”

Courtney tells Jamie, and hearing Courtney’s words makes him happy.  It mines that Jamie is making a difference in his boyfriend’s life something that, he is proud of the fact that he’s made a difference in his boyfriend’s life.

“Any plans for kids?”

Kelly throws a curveball at Jamie with that question. 

“I swear, I’ve been asked this question before, but yeah, I wouldn’t mind having some kids.  I can’t speak for Cam, but I certainly hope he wants little ones.”

Courtney and Kelly know what Cameron’s answer to the question would be, and that would be yes.  They just don’t want to take away from any conversation that the guys might have at some point.  The whole time that they were talking, Jamie kept his eyes on his boyfriend. Even though Cameron thinks that Jamie didn’t see Mark and Chad’s attitude during the introduction, but he did see it, and that fact made him worry about his boyfriend.

“Can I ask you two a question?”

Courtney and Kelly nod their heads.

“There were two guys here at the party, who didn’t seem all that happy about me being here.  Do you know who I am talking about?”

It doesn’t take them long to come up with an answer.

“That would be our lovely partner, Chad and his vet tech Mark.”

Courtney seems pretty confident of the guys’ identity.  Kelly doesn’t want to dwell on the trouble makers, so she changes the subject.

“What do you think of our cutie, Cameron?”

Jamie doesn’t give it any thought.  He launches right into what he thinks of Cameron.

“He is amazing, sweet, caring, compassionate, and cute.  I have had other boyfriends, but I’ve never had anyone like Cameron.  He sees me and has a heart of gold. He is handsome, and I can’t get enough of him.”

Courtney and Kelly are practically melting from the words that Jamie just spoke.  They continued speaking with Jamie for a while, as Jamie watches someone approaches Cameron.


Mark Smith is a veterinary technician working with Chad, and he is the guy approaching Cameron.  Mark’s reason for contacting the other vet tech is to cause trouble.  He pats Cameron on the back letting the other vet tech know that he’s there.

“So Cameron looks like you finally got yourself a real man?”

Cameron immediately takes offense, but he wants to see where else Mark might take this conversation.

“Yeah, I do have a real man for a boyfriend, and I love him.”

He doesn’t get it, why does Mark always seem to be causing trouble?  Cameron's comment hopefully struck a sore spot in Mark’s skin.  Mark’s next words really hit at the other vet tech.

“Is he a little too much man for you in the bedroom?”

Now Mark has hit a nerve, Cameron stares at the guy in disbelief.  The nerve of someone wanting to know about their sex life.   Cameron just doesn’t know if he can respond effectively to Mark’s dig.  Still, he needs to try.

“Mark, I am not sharing my relationship with you. Sorry!”

“Oh come on, Cam, I didn’t mean any offense.  I’m just trying to figure out what you see in him.”

Mark tells Cameron in an attempt to really figure out what the later sees in Jamie, only because he likes Cameron.  He wouldn’t treat Cameron as well as Jamie would, though, Cameron has already figured that out in the few days on the job. 

“What does it matter to you what I see in him?”

Mark smirks as Cameron finishes his last statement.  Mark doesn’t have good thoughts.  Courtney and William would never have hired this guy because they don’t think he treats the patrons very well. 

“We are done here.”

Cameron says as he heads back towards his boyfriend.

“Okay, but if you can’t handle him, you can always come back to me.”

Mark calls out to Cameron.

“Fat chance, dude.”

Cameron hears Mark and chooses to ignore him.  It’s better to relax with his guy, then to slap Mark.


Jamie has been watching Cameron and Mark.  Kelly, at some point, walked away from Jamie.   Courtney stuck around choosing to watch the interactions between the two guys, just in case she needed to take action. 

“Man, Cameron isn’t happy.”

Jamie says while looking at Cameron’s face for signs of trouble.  Courtney adds to Jamie’s statement.

“That guy, he’s talking too, is an ass.”

She says without even looking at the fireman.  Jamie just rolls his eyes at her statement.

“Why haven’t you fired him?”

Jamie doesn’t get it at all.

“Mark is a jerk.  Each doctor has his or her own staff, and Mark is not a part of my staff or my husband’s staff.”

Jamie would love to smack a dude for being rude.  This guy, Mark, best not cause any problems because Jamie might have to put him in his place.


Cameron joins Jamie and Courtney at the table.   He’s unhappy with the conversation that happened between Mark and him. 

“You okay, Cameron?”

Jamie says as he looks into Cameron’s eyes and then takes his hand.  Cameron looks at Mark, and instantly there are flames in Jamie’s eyes.

“Did that guy hit you?”

Now that, Jamie would hit a guy for hitting his boyfriend.  Cameron can’t let Jamie hit Mark.  He can feel Jamie’s tension building in his hand.

“No, he didn’t hit me.  He was just running his mouth like he always does.”

Jamie’s eyes are still burning, but the tension that was building in him seems to be dropping.  No one wants a fight at the party.  When Courtney heard that Mark was running his mouth, she instantly went into overly protective mom mode.  She can tell that Cameron doesn’t want to tell Jamie what was really said by Mark.  It would be close to impossible to separate the two boyfriends, but she needs to know what was said.  Maybe, she should ask William to suggest to Mark that he should leave the party.  What would Chad say about it?  No, for now, she’ll let Jamie and Cameron handle this problem.

“Okay, I’ll let it go, but I promise you that if he hits you or even thinks of hitting you, it will be me that finishes the fight.”

Jamie could easily hurt Mark.  Cameron doesn’t want to see Jamie involved in a fight. 

“Okay, love birds let me get set something straight, I don’t want bloodshed at my party, but if Mark does run his mouth again tell me please.  I’ll do the butt-kicking around here or I’ll let William do it.”

Courtney is serious about this, as she always is when she is dealing with issues that she thinks are important.  She just wants to protect her two newest friends.  Jamie’s hungry again, so he goes back up to get seconds.


Jamie is carefully selecting what his taste buds want next when Mark’s rude self walks up to him.  Mark again has one thing on the mind and it’s not fun.  He simply wants to ruin things with Cameron and this muscle head in front of him.

“So, I couldn’t help but notice that you and Cameron seem to be pretty cozy.”

Jamie tries to ignore him.  He just wants to walk away and eat without listening to the toad in front of him.  He carries on doing what he’s doing until Mark speaks again.

“You know, I swear that I’ve seen you around somewhere before.”

Mark puts the plate down on the table, and now he has the attention of everyone he was just talking too.

“Oh, really, and where do you think that you saw me?”

Mark smirks, thinking that he has Jamie hooked. 

“Oh, I think it was on some website.  You had all your bits and pieces on display for the world to see, but knowing that site that it was on, I imagine that was your intent, to begin with, huh?  I also wonder what Cameron and your bosses would think of all that you posing in the nude.”

All of a sudden, Jamie’s eyes seemed to glow with rage.  The fireman wanted to walk away or punch the guy.   He decided to do neither and instead took his anger and redirected it back at Mark.

“I know you’re full of crap, and for the record, I’ve never done anything like that in my life.  My life revolves around helping people and living my life.  Maybe you should try focusing your life into something positivity like I don’t know what really matters.”

Jamie tells Mark.  Mark wasn’t buying it, any of it.  He grabs Jamie and stares him down.  It’s Jamie, though who has the first punch or in this case, these opening words.

“You’re not intimidating me, now knock this crap off.”

Jamie takes Mark’s hands, and using a pressure point removes the hands off his shirt. Mark didn’t back down right away.

“So, what are we going to do about the pictures?”

Mark says as he stares at his phone.  Jamie removes the phone from the man’s hands. 

“I told you to leave me alone.  This phone is going to Courtney, and I’ll be talking with her husband.” 

He goes to leave the arrogant ass by himself, but he pauses when he’s just a foot away from him.  He turns back towards him and says:

“Oh almost forgot, any more attempts to blackmail me or exhort me, and I’m calling the cops.  Do you understand me?  You can have your stupid phone, but stay away from Cameron and me.”

Mark knows he’s not going to get anywhere with Jamie, so he walks off in another direction. 


Mark turns and heads for straight for his boss, Chad.  If he can’t get Jamie to leave Cameron, maybe he can play the good guy once something terrible happens to the later. 

“What’s under your skin?”

Chad asks his vet tech.  Mark points to Jamie.

“See that meathead standing next to Courtney, that is the guy that is dating her skinny little vet tech.  I can’t stand him.”

Chad doesn’t understand what so bad about Jamie.  On the other hand, he doesn’t really care for Cameron. 

“I just can’t believe that Cameron managed to land a guy like his boyfriend.  I mean he can’t afford to buy his services or can he?  It’s a shame, he’s playing hard to get.”

Chad smirks at the guy in front of him.  He can’t believe that this guy can be this dense. 

“I doubt very much that Cameron is playing hard to get, but I don’t much care for how he gets treated by Courtney and her husband.”

Chad doesn’t like Courtney’s or William’s work ethics, the way they treat their customers, or their bedside manner.  Sure, they work under the same rough, but most of his clients fail to stay long. Chad may just use all of this to his advantage IF there is an advantage.

“So, you don’t think Cameron is chasing after me?”

“I think you need to quit chasing after that vet tech and find yourself a man like that guy that you hate so much.”

Mark doesn’t hate Jamie, he’s envious of what Jamie has, and jealous as well.  


Before Mark and Chad’s little discussion, Jamie returned to his boyfriend and his new friends.  One thing is for sure, he doesn’t like Mark, and if Mark is any indication, then Chad must be a piece of work.

“You work with that ass?”

Jamie says, pointing to Mark.  Kelly, Courtney and Cameron all shake their heads. 

“He actually works for Chad.  It’s like two doctors working side by side in the same hospital.”

Courtney tells Jamie.  Jamie doesn’t know how anyone could possibly see anything positive in Mark. 

“So Mark came up to me while I was loading my plate.  He then went on to tell me that he had seen me somewhere, and it was heavily implied that he had seen me naked.”

Cameron’s heart sank.  He thinks that somewhere on the internet, there are pictures of Jamie that he posted nudes.  Cameron wants to leave and forget about the fireman.  Somehow, Jamie knows what his boyfriends is thinking.

“He was going to tell you about the “pictures,” hoping that you would break up and then run to him.”

Cameron’s heartache didn’t last long after hearing Jamie’s last sentence.

“No, not even if Mark was the last gay man on the earth.  It’s not worth it.  If he is that toxic just as a co-worker, can you imagine him as a boyfriend.”

Cameron says as he looks at everyone gathered around him.  Kelly and Courtney make gagging sounds.  Clearly, he is someone that none of the people here want to be within a relationship.  Cameron’s words do little to take the anger away from the fireman.  Cameron can see the emotion on his boyfriend’s face, so he reaches out his hand which is accepted right away. 

“I was watching you while you were talking to Mark, and I honestly thought that you were going to hit him.”

Cameron says as to his babe.  Courtney is waiting to hear Jamie’s reply if there is one.  A tighter grip on his hand is all the reply that Cameron gets. 

“Well, I’m glad that you didn’t hit Mark because he would have hit back, and then William would have called the cops to have that little louse removed and no doubt, he too would have pressed charges against you.”

There is no doubt that Mark would have fought back against Jamie, the question is would he have actually used a fist or his words.  He is more apt to call the police, saying that Jamie attacked him.  It would only take one hit from Jamie to leave a bruise on the skin of the jerk.    Jamie would be arrested and Cameron would be left in need of a shoulder to cry on, plus it would put a question into Cameron’s mind would Jamie hit him if angry with him.   Now Jamie would never hit another human unless it was done in self-defense. 

“Trust me, he is isn’t worth the angry or your fists.  The best you can do is use your brains and walk away.  He’s good for working his way underneath your skin.

Mark has not made a good first impression on Jamie.  At least the anger is melting away.  If it had not been for his respect for Cameron bosses’ he might have decked that loud mouth imp.  Despite seeing the anger, that he caused the first time, Mark once more approaches the table of friends.


Something must have given him a push.  Mark is either not thinking clearly or something because what comes out of his mouth isn’t exactly smart.

“I want to speak with Cameron alone.”

“No way, I can only imagine what you’d say.”

Jamie responds to Mark’s request to speak with Cameron.  Course that didn’t sit well with Cameron because he doesn’t need anyone speaking for him, but on the other hand, he really doesn’t want to talk to him.

“Listen meathead, he can speak for himself. Right, Cameron?”

Jamie once again takes his boyfriend’s hand, hoping it will calm him down.

“I am not going anywhere with you right now.  I’m enjoying the company of my boyfriend and my friends.”

Clearly not feeling defeated, Mark laughs at Cameron’s comment.

“This is the best you can do.  What can he possibly give you?”

This time, it’s not Jamie who speaks up but Kelly.

“Pretty sure, a hell of a lot more than you could so back off.”

Having Kelly and Jamie speaking up for him is fantastic, but he can handle this guy.  Cam might be come across as someone who can’t handle confrontation but he can handle this worm.  He just needs a head of steam to do it. 

“Jamie, Kelly, I appreciate your words, but let me speak for myself on this one.”

Clearly, Cameron means what he says so his boyfriend and friend back off and agree to let Cam handle the ass.  Although Jamie would rather send Mark away himself.  If looks could kill Mark would be dead right now all from Jamie.

“Listen, Mark, I don’t need to say this, but there is no way on this Earth that I would ever consider dating you.  Not when you can’t even treat my boyfriend with respect.  You have to come up with blatant lies about him.  I’m not interested in you or your words.  Leave us alone.”

Cameron lays it out there pretty clearly in front of the jerk, but it does no good at least not right away.


Mark still has to stand there, ready to give his reply to Cameron.

“Wow…I guess your muscle man gave you your words to speak.  Where is your script?

This time, Jamie puts his index finger to Cameron’s lips.  An action that doesn’t go unnoticed by the other man.  Mark's face is filled with a smirk that Jamie wants to put a stop to it.  Cameron stands up along with Jamie, and they drop each other’s hands. This action leaves Jamie free to throw a punch at Mark if need be. 

“Listen, whatever your name is, my boyfriend has told me that he’s not interested in dating you.  Now, I suggest that you walk away and crawl back into whatever shadow you came out of and stay there.  I don’t want to see your face around us for the rest of the night.”

You could see the words “I’m not going anywhere” on his face.  The look on his wife’s face attracted William, who has heard the whole interaction.  He steps up to talk with Mark.

“Mark, I am not talking to you as a host at this party.  Your actions today are not the actions of someone that I want in my practice. If you were hired by my wife or me, you would be fired.  Luckily for your Chad hired you, but if I see any more of you causing issues with my friends. I will not hesitate to write a formal complaint against you. NOW go away!”

Mark walked away, but he didn’t leave the party, which surprised everyone.  It’s not Mark’s usual behavior.  William pats Jamie on the back.  It’s good to know that his friends have his back in circumstances like this one.

“Look, I just don’t want to see Cam hurt.  Guys like this only hurt people.”

Mark says as he walks away from the small group of friends.


William looks at everyone gathered around the little table with a sad face.  He feels bad for not saying something sooner.  He thought Mark would have left the group alone once Jamie stood up, but he didn’t, and like his wife, he too was afraid of Jamie getting violent. 

“Jamie, Cameron, I am so sorry for Mark’s words and actions.  Hopefully, what we’ve all said will sink into that thick head of his.” 

Mark had just enough time to speak with his boss, which ruffled some feathers.  Chad walks up to Courtney.


Chad isn’t happy with the words used against his employee.  He feels it would have been sufficient to simply tell Mark to go away.

“Courtney, I have a bone to pick your guests.  If you are going to get so upset over what Mark said to your little employee and his ox of a boyfriend, then perhaps you should have let them deal with it.  Your husband invited us over to the house, knowing what Mark was like.  Did you not think for a second that he wouldn’t act out?  Shame on you.  I might also add that you invited the ox too without thinking of the consequences.  I really believe that Cameron should be sent packing.  Clearly, his presence at the clinic is only going to cause a distraction to my vet tech.  I don’t need him messing up on the job.  If you will not fire him, then I will be forced to write a formal complaint against him.

He didn’t even wait for Cameron and Jamie to walk away before he started running his mouth.  Clearly, he didn’t think of their impact on Cameron, who already had to listen to insults from Mark, but now he’s had to listen to Chad’s words.  Cameron has been strong enough today, but this is the straw that broke through his skin.  Course, Courtney won’t his words go without her response.  William stood right by her side knowing what was going to come out of his mouth.

“Chad, from the minute, that my Cameron and Jamie arrived at our home I’ve watched you and Mark.  Cameron and Jamie have both been mistreated by your employee.  This party might be at our home but it’s a work function.  I will not stand by and see my friends being treated like this, so I’m sorry if you feel slighted by us Mark away, but you should feel blessed that we didn’t send both your home. You honestly expect us to fire Cameron?  Cameron arrives early for each of his shifts.  He treats each client and their pets as if they are gold, even when they haven’t treated him like gold.  We will not be firing Cameron today or any day unless it is warranted.  I saw nothing today that warrants his dismissal at this time; however I might be tempted to discuss with my partner and husband about us pulling out of our little clinic here, taking our clients, and finding our own clinic.  We don’t have to stay in a toxic location.  Clearly, it is not the distraction that we have to worry about, it’s the poisoned daggers that we need to fear.”

Chad looks at William who simply says:

“We will be talking.”

William says as he puts his hands on his wife’s shoulders to show his solidarity. 

“You would walk away from the clinic over this?”

Chad says, pointing to Cameron and Jamie.

“No, we would walk away from you to save ourselves and our clients from the toxicity that seems to be in your hearts.”

Without even thinking about it, William steps up and replies.


At this point, Jamie had gone to grab drinks for Cameron and him.  While Jamie is gone, it all came crashing down around Cameron.  He just couldn’t hold in all the emotions.  He excuses himself and runs inside for the bathroom.  Kelly knew what was going on so she followed him until he closed the bathroom door behind himself.  Not knowing exactly what is going on inside of his head, Kelly goes to get the one person who can smooth over any of Cameron’s pains.  By the time she is outside Jamie is back at this seat at the table. 

“Jamie, Cameron is upset and in the bathroom. You should go inside and talk with him.”

Jamie doesn’t waste any time, but then he remembers that he doesn’t know where the bathroom is located.

“Can you show me where the bathroom is at?”

Jamie is lead to the bathroom by Kelly. 

“Thanks, Kelly!”

Jamie knocks on the bathroom door, hoping that Jamie answers his knock.  Instead of answering verbally, he unlocks the door.  Jamie opens the door to find Cameron sitting on the toilet.  His face is stained red and his eyes are all puffy. 

“I…I’m sorry, Jamie.  I...I didn’t…want him to be an issue.  Didn’t…want him to be…here.”

Jamie bent down and kissed Jamie on the forehead.  He doesn’t want his guy to feel bad over the whole Mark issue. 

“It’s okay, Cameron.   I love you, and I’m not going anywhere.  We can stay here until you’re comfortable, and then we can go back outside.”

Cameron stood up and gave his boyfriend a hug.  Together, they walked back outside and rejoined their friends.  Jamie never let go of his hand.


Cameron wants to make one thing very clear.  He doesn’t want any doubt lying around about the guys, so he has William gather everyone around so that he could set everything right. 

“I know that I’ve already said this when we came to the party, but I want to make it very clear that this guy is mine.  I won’t cheat on him, I won’t walk away from him, and I love him.”

After hearing his boyfriend’s comments, Jamie smiled big time.  Jamie and Cameron kissed in front of the group. As expected, some cheered and two who were not happy.  It was clear that Mark and Chad were not pleased, but no one else seemed to care.  Cameron and Kelly are about to get some news from their bosses.


Before Jamie and Cameron leave for the evening, William, Courtney, and Chad have a discussion about something that Courtney discussed earlier.   William says good-bye to Chad and Mark and then rejoins his wife. 

“Cameron, Kelly, we will soon be blessed to have our very own business.  Nothing will change as far as your jobs go, we will not be letting anyone go.  We will keep our clients.  The name will change, and you’ll need to redo some tax papers, but William and I wanted to let you know right away about our decision.  Any questions?”

The news really hit Cameron hard.  He’s been putting up with Mark and Chad for a while now, and finally, there is justice.  Kelly and Cameron didn’t have questions yet, so they said goodbye.  Cameron and Jamie take each other hands and walk to the car.


On their way back to the house, Jamie feels a bit of guilt over the whole Mark and Chad thing.  Jamie just wants to enjoy what’s left of the day.

“Listen, I am really sorry about all of this mess.”

Jamie tells Cameron.  Cameron knows that it is not his fault. 

“I need you to just relax and just drop it.”

Jamie listens to his boyfriend and lets all of it go at least for now.  Jamie went to say something else, and Cameron simply put a finger to his lips.


Cameron pulls up to Jamie’s house.  The day isn’t quite over yet, and the guys aren’t ready to give it up just yet.  Jamie decides to act on his feelings and invites Cameron into the house for the night.  Cameron gladly accepts the offer.  It will be nice to put the stress of the day away in the past and to just focus on being a couple.


For you Facebook users, come join us in the Blake's Saga group and share your thoughts on what you would like to see happen in future chapters.  Discuss the latest chapters, and mention any other stories of Chuck's that you have read and would like to see him return to.  We're only a small group now and would like have to more members.

Make sure if you are joining the facegroup that you agree to the rules. If you do not admins will not accept you.  Sorry but we have had too many problems with spammers.

Remember to write me at and let me know what you thought about the chapter.

One of my readers has started a yahoo group.  She invites everyone who wishes to join to participate in the group.  Here is the link:

Next: Chapter 8

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