Love Is Where You Find It

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Jan 3, 2009


Love Is Where You Find It Chapter Fifteen

All my family gathered together in the church social hall. Brad had his arms around Sam's shoulders and he was sobbing uncontrollably. Sam looked like he didn't know what hit him. Clint and Russ were trying to get Brad to stop crying so we could plan our next move. My dads and I were just standing immobilized. To say that we were in shock would be an understatement.

"Brad can't just walk in on them," Clint said. "They've got to be given some warning, but what and how?"

Poor little Sam! He didn't know what to say, but he knew he had to say something. He looked up at Brad and asked, "How do you know that you're my brother, and why did my folks say that you were dead?"

"I was just old enough to remember them and to recognize them in the picture. Mom was forced to give me up because she couldn't care for me. I know that it was devastating to her and it shamed her. She probably didn't want you to know about it. I wonder if she told Dad that I died when they got back together. I hope she told him the truth."

Brad reflected on the matter for awhile and concluded that his dad thought he was dead also. If his mother had told him that Brad was in foster care, surely they would have taken him out of the system when they reunited. It was just too horrible for Brad to believe that they would have left him in foster care if his father knew that he was alive.

"What if they don't want to see me?" Brad asked and looked at me.

"That's not an option," I assured him. Any parent would want to see their long lost son. I say, you take Sam home and declare yourself."

"On second thought," Clint said, "maybe that is the best way. If they intentionally abandoned you, they won't have time to make up stories, and you'll know the worst, Brad."

"Come with me, please," Brad begged me.

"Of course," I answered him. We loaded Sam's bike into the trunk of our car, and kissed the others goodbye, promising to call them all later. We started the journey of Brad's life, with Sam directing us to his front door.

When we got there, we took Sam's bike out of the trunk and he walked it up to the front door with Brad and me right behind him. Suddenly the front door flew open and Anna Wilkinson came darting out. She threw her arms around Sam.

"Oh my God! What happened? Did you have an accident? Did these gentlemen hit you with their car?" She was hysterical and slightly incoherent.

"Relax Mom," Sam said. "I'm fine. There was no accident. I just want you to meet someone." He grabbed Brad's hand and took a deep breath.

"This here's your son Brad, Ma, my brother who ain't dead."

Anna fixed her gaze on Brad. She froze in place unable to move. Finally she fainted dead away. She would have hurt herself badly had not Brad and I caught her.

Brad carried her into the house and laid her on the couch. Sam and I went into the bathroom and wet a wash cloth with cold water to place on her forehead.

"She's just as I remember her," Brad said. Then turning to Sam, he asked, "Do you know where your father is?"

"He said he had some yard work to do. He may be in the back yard. I'll get him." Sam ran out and I could hear him yelling, "Dad, come quick, Mom's fainted."

Tom came running into the house with Sam right behind him. I couldn't help notice that he was a handsome man. Brad looked like him, but Tom was bigger and much more muscular than Brad.

"Anna, Anna," he yelled as Brad's mother began to revive. "Are you OK? Tell me that you're OK."

"I'm fine she answered him. I've just had quite a shock." She looked at Brad and said, "Tom, this young man is our son, Bradley." She started to weep again.

"That's not possible," Tom said. "You told me he was dead."

"When you left me, I couldn't take care of him and I placed him in foster care. I was afraid you would kill me if I told you that, so I lied." Again she began to cry hysterically. Sam, Brad and I just stood by helplessly, not knowing exactly what to do.

Tom started to approach his wife in anger, but he stopped short. Instead he walked over to Brad and stood in front of him. He eyed him up and down and then looked in Brad's eyes. Suddenly he cried out, "Bradley, Bradley my son. Oh my God, it is you."

He threw his arms around his son and began slobbering kisses all over Brad's cheeks. Anna and Sam were crying like babies. At last Anna got herself together and stood up. She came up to Brad and started to extend her arms toward him, but suddenly stopped.

"Can you ever forgive me?" she asked.

"I've already forgiven you," Brad said. "This is the greatest day of my life." He went to his mother and buried her in his arms. That got me crying, but I remembered what Sam had said about his father's animosity to homosexuals so I got a hold of myself, and piped in.

"I'm Aaron Jackson," I said. "I'm one of Sam's teachers and a friend of Brad's, a very good friend." Tom shook my hand and said how nice it was to meet me. I loved saying, I'm one of Sam's teachers. I couldn't wait for it to be entirely true.

I made up a little white lie. "When I first saw Sam in school, I couldn't believe how much he looked like Brad. Then I found out they were both named Wilkinson. I knew Brad's history so I got them together. When Sam showed Brad the picture of you that he had in his wallet, he recognized you immediately. I'm so glad I was the catalyst for this reunion."

"Thank you," Tom said, and he joined Anna and Brad in a three way hug.

Eventually everyone composed themselves, and Anna insisted on making a pot of coffee. She dragged out some fresh baked cookies which smelled delicious. Tom and Anna insisted that Brad tell them everything about his life. When he told them that he was a CPA and hoped to make partner soon, I piped in and proudly said that he had the highest score in the state on the CPA exams, and that he was given an award by the State Education Department. They beamed with pride.

"Where do you live?" Tom asked.

"Just a few streets from here. Isn't that wonderful? Aaron and I own a home together."

I didn't imagine it. I saw Tom's eyes became slits.

"You two aren't faggots?" he asked.

Brad stiffened. He walked over to me and took my hand. "Yes, Dad," he said. We're gay, and we are life partners. We love each other very much." I thought Tom was going to strike Brad, but he restrained himself. Very quietly he said, "I have lost my first born son twice."

That did it. Sam could no longer contain himself. He lost all reason and all his self restraint.

"Stop it, stop it," he yelled. "If you keep on talking like some Stone Age bigot, you are going to lose both your sons. Now be quiet and hear the truth for a change. You have Mom and me living in such fear of your temper, you never hear the truth."

Tom had never heard his son talk like this and he was more than shocked. He sat down on the sofa and said to Sam, "OK, tell me the truth."

At first Sam was silent and I almost asked him if he wanted me to tell Tom what really brought us here today, but he finally regained his tongue. He started with the time he asked to speak with me after class, and how he came out to me. He concluded with today's events at the church, and how they had a youth ministry which could help him.

"The people in that church are not heathens, Dad. They love God and they have love in their hearts. I wish you could meet the minister. He's a good friend of Brad's." Having said all that, he went over to Brad who put his arm around Sam's shoulder.

"We can't help what we are Dad. God made us this way," Brad said.

"Maybe God is testing you," Sam chimed in.

Everything was silent for a moment and then Tom said, "I've done a million foolish things in my life, but I'm not going to be so foolish as to lose both my sons." He held out his arms and wrapped Brad in one and Sam in the other, alternately kissing each on the cheek. In the meantime, I went over to comfort Anna who was non-stop crying.

"What do I call you?" Tom asked me.

"Aaron will do just fine," I answered.

"Is Sam a good student?" he inquired.

"I don't know about his other subjects, but he's a whiz of a math student."

Then he asked Brad, "Is this youth ministry a good idea for Sam."

"For sure, Dad. I wish I could have been counseled when I came out."

"Me too," I added. "You have no idea how tough it is. I'll tell you my story one day."

After that the conversation drifted away from being gay and gayness to being a family. Tom and Anna began to relax, but sobbed tears of joy intermittently. Sam kept looking at Brad with admiration in his eyes, but all the while he was holding my hand.

Suddenly Sam jumped up and grabbed Brad's hand, letting go of mine. "I want to show you my room," he said and he dragged his big brother upstairs. While they were gone, Brad's parents asked about me. I held nothing back. I told them about my parents disowning me and the hurt that it had caused me. Anna put her arms around me, and Tom said, "That's a shame." He was really coming around. I concluded that his problem was that until today he really didn't know any gay people and judged them by what he had been taught. I told the Wilkinsons about our adopted dads, about Clint and Russ, Jamie and Jim, and the gay family we had created out of our need to have a family. I added that I was jealous of Brad now because he had two families.

I nearly passed out when Tom said, "We're your family now too." And as an after shock, he hugged me. When Brad and Sam came downstairs, that's how they found us.

"I have an idea," I said and excused myself while I went outside to make a call. When I returned, I told everyone that our other dads wanted to meet Brad's family and they were barbequing dinner for us all. "Please say yes," I pleaded.

The Wilkinsons agreed. We gave them the address, and asked them to be there by 5:30, but we would leave now to help get everything ready.

"Can I go with Brad and Aaron, I mean Mr. Jackson?" Sam begged. I guess he thought it was proper to call his teacher, Mr. Jackson.

"Sure," they both said. It took us another fifteen minutes to get out of there with all the hugging, kissing and crying going on. At home, we changed from our Sunday best to appropriate barbeque clothes. Sam had not been really dressed up so he was OK as he was. When we were ready we went over to our Dad and Pop to help get things ready.

"Who else did you invite?" I asked Dad. I knew he would have invited lots of people for the occasion.

"Just family," he said. "Clint and Russ, Jamie and Jim, and we also asked Frank Inman, the Youth Minister. We thought he could talk to the Wilkinsons."

"Great idea," I said.

As all five of us helped to prepare for the barbeque, it began to get dark and very chilly. "I think we should move everything inside," Pop said. "It's too cold tonight. I'll barbeque outside, and you guys can help by bringing everything inside when it's cooked."

It didn't take us long to move everything inside where it was warm and cozy. Pop and Dad had asked all the guests to come fifteen minutes before Brad's folks so everyone would be here when they arrived. It might be a little overwhelming for them, but our dads felt it would be appropriate for them to meet Brad's adopted family altogether.

Brad was nervous and fidgety. He kept looking out the window for the Wilkinsons to arrive. We all tried to calm him down, including Sam, but it wasn't working. Finally they arrived. When Anna was introduced to Chuck and Larry she presented them with a bundle of flowers. I almost had to laugh at Tom. Every time he shook a gay man's hand he looked surprised that his arm didn't burn off. Once he got past that, he relaxed a little but you could see that he was uncomfortable.

If anyone here knew how to relax a guy, it was Clint. He took Tom aside and said. "Your son is one of the finest individuals I have ever met. As his pastor and as his friend, I can tell you that he is one of the few people who live the words of the Lord. You can be very proud of him."

"I didn't think that f... gays even went to church much less had gay ministers. The bible says it's a sin."

"There are prejudices and sins throughout the Bible, like polygamy, slavery, use of non-kosher foods, and the like. You must remember that the Bible was written by men, and it reflected their prejudices and the social mores of their times. However when they wrote down the words of the savior, we knew one thing for sure. He preached nothing but love for every body, not just those people we consider to be `the right people.' "

"Sam said something like that to me once and I boxed his ears."

Clint then steered Tom over to Frank Inman. "Why don't you two talk, so you'll have an idea how Frank can help Sam and counsel him."

Frank took Tom aside as if to preserve confidentially. From time to time, I could see them seemingly lost in deep conversation. Then suddenly Tom began to sob, I mean sob, loudly, and Frank cradled him against his chest. Frank kept right on talking to Tom, whispering in his ear. Finally Tom pulled himself away from Frank's chest and I could hear him say, "I know that now, and I will tell my sons, but not tonight. Tonight is a celebration."

I had no idea what Frank had said to Tom, but Tom said he would tell his sons. I hoped that included me. After that Tom was a different person, not only the ease with which he interacted with the gay guests, but I swear, he was warmer and more loving toward Anna. He even went up to Jamie and said jokingly, "My son is the best thing that ever walked into your office. You better treat him good."

"Brad is my brother," Jamie said seriously. "I love him and treat him like I would want to be treated. Everyone who works in our firm is family, Russ too."

"I can see that," Tom said. "You are good people." A tear fell from his eye.

Later on, he asked Clint, "Do you have to be gay to attend your church?"

"Absolutely not! Many parents and relatives of our congregation attend regularly. We even have several straight people who told me that they were tired of the hatred and bigotry they often heard in their churches, and have chosen to join us."

"My family is complete now and in a way, we are a new family. If Sam and Brad are going to attend your service every Sunday, I want to be there with them and Anna."

"You know how welcome you are, and I bet I know three fine young men who will be overjoyed," Clint assured him.

Everyone ate like it was the first meal they had eaten in ages. Anna and Tom spent most of the evening talking to our dads. They laughed and joked and I could tell that the two families were blending. I was so happy for Brad, especially since I knew that my own family would never come around.

At the end of the evening, Dad and Pop would not allow anyone to help them clean up. As everyone said goodbye, there was much kissing on the lips. To my surprise, Tom didn't kiss anyone, but he hugged everybody warmly and told them that he would see them again soon. WOW!

"We live just a few houses down at the corner," I said to Brad's folks. "Please come and see our house before you go home."

"I'd love to," Anna said and we all walked over. They loved what they saw of our Daryl decorated house, but when we showed them our bedroom, Tom said, "I'll never be able to understand how you can do what you do, but I can still love you, and that surprises me."

"Thanks Dad," Brad said. "All we do is show each other how much we love one another in the best way we know how."

"Well, to each his own," Tom said. "As long as you love each other."

It had been such an amazing day, we were all reluctant to end it, so Anna said, "Why don't you guys go in the living room. Sam you come help me. I'll make us some coffee as a good night cap, and you can set up the table in the kitchen. Brad and Aaron you can talk to your father." Another WOW!

Brad, Tom and I went into the living room and Brad took the bull by the horns. "What did you promise Frank to tell us Dad?"

"I'm glad Sam's not here," he said. I wouldn't want him to hear this at his age." He stood up, and faced us both. Then for some reason he faced the ceiling. Without hesitation, but always facing the ceiling, he told us a story.

"Frank made me remember why I hated gays so much. I had blotted it out of my memory. When I was a youngster, my parents often left me with my teen age uncle, my father's brother, when they went out. Between the ages of eight and ten, my uncle raped me continuously. Finally I had the courage to tell my father. He called me a liar, and said that I was old enough to stay alone from now on. He and my mother continued to treat my uncle in the same old way and it was never spoken of again. My uncle is in jail right now for raping a slew of young boys. Until they died, my parents would never acknowledge that I had told them the truth. I never forgave them. Tonight Frank made me realize that my uncle was an anomaly, and that not all gays are pedophiles. After all," he went on, "I have two, no three, fine gay sons. Frank even asked me to forgive my uncle and my parents. I did just that, and a great burden was lifted from my heart. He does his job well, even if I'm not exactly a youth."

To be continued.....

Next: Chapter 16: Love Is Where You Find It 16

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