Love Is Where You Find It

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Jan 5, 2009


Love Is Where You Find It Chapter Sixteen

Tom buried his head in his hands and turned away from us, but Brad jumped up and embraced his father. He held him tightly, running his hands up and down Tom's back, soothing him.

Brad whispered in his father's ear. "You know Dad how wonderful it is when a man makes love to a woman, but how horrible and demeaning it is when a man rapes a woman. It was a terrible, disgusting thing your uncle did to you, but when a man loves another man, and they make love, the disgusting act becomes a beautiful thing. Can you see the point I am trying to make? When Aaron and I show each other how much we love the other, we are performing an act of love, but that act can be defiled when it becomes a rape."

Tom gave Brad a peck on the cheek. "I get it," he said, "but please spare me the details." That got us all laughing. We were all laughing hard when Sam called us into the kitchen.

Brad spoke to his new family every day. We, Larry and Chuck were invited to dinner on Saturday night. The atmosphere at the Wilkinsons was very relaxed. Every time I looked at Tom, he was looking at Brad and smiling a Mona Lisa like smile. At one point he said, "I thank God every day for bringing my son back from the dead. He even gave me a bonus. Brad's as fine a son as one could want and he gave me a son-in-law to boot. I've got three fantastic sons, but who figured they would all be gay." That got Tom laughing.

"Guess what?" Sam asked to break the silence which followed. "I met some great guys and girls at the Youth Group last night and Dad said it would be OK if they came for a visit sometime and we hung out together."

"That's great, Sam," I said. "I wish I had a support group like that when I was your age."

"I know it isn't Thanksgiving," Tom said, "but I also want to thank Chuck and Larry for taking such good care of my boys, not only as surrogate fathers but for looking after their financial interests also. I know that they are in good hands."

The biggest shock came as we were all leaving. Tom said to Dad and Pop, "You gay guys do this all the time so I hope you won't mind." He kissed them both on the lips, and everyone hugged each other warmly. He did no less to us, and of course there were some very wet smacks from Anna and Sam.

"I'll see you all in church tomorrow," Tom said as we walked to Larry's car. The minute we sat down in the car, Brad started crying again. Where were all these tears coming from? "I'm so happy," he repeated over and over.

In front of the church the next morning, our extended family was standing around talking. There were more introductions made to our neighbors and some of our friends. Sam spotted some of his friends from the youth group and scooted off. Seconds later he returned with two of the guys and one girl, and he proudly introduced them to his mother, his father and his two brothers. (I was included.) Then he ran off with them and sat with them during the service.

When the service ended, Tom was incredulous. " I didn't know what to expect, but it's a real church. Not for one minute did Clint forget that he was a visitor in God's house. Tell me, does he always make everyone cry during his sermon?"

"Oh no," I answered. "Usually he makes us laugh."

`Brunch is on us today," Pop said. He told the Wilkinsons where to meet us. Sam declined to go with us, and said that he was going to hang out with his new friends.

"I have never seen that boy so happy. Thank you all," Anna said."

"Amen," Tom echoed.

Shortly after we were seated in the restaurant, Clint and Russ joined us. Jamie and Jim came to church only on special occasions and today was not one of them. When Clint arrived, Tom stood up. He extended his hand and said, "That was a wonderful sermon Reverend Clint. I think you directed it right at me."

"Not so," Russ said. Everyone in the church always feels like he is talking directly to them."

"Enough, enough," Clint said. "I came to eat, and I'm off duty for the moment."

Every time Tom and Brad were in the same room, I would catch Tom staring at Brad and grinning. I do believe he could still not believe what had happened to him. Brad had come back from the dead and if that wasn't a biblical miracle what was?

Maybe it was because Clinton and Russ were more Brad's dad's age that the three men began to bond instantly. By the time brunch was over, they were confirmed friends and Tom and Anna were firmly committed to attend our church every Sunday. Brad could not be happier.

And what of Sam's new life? One of his new friends attended the same high school as he did, and lived only two streets away. His parents knew of his sexual orientation and encouraged him to be part of the youth group at the "gay" church, but Chris could not convince them to come to services. Sam and Chris began to study together and hang out at each other's homes after school. When Chris told his parents that Sam's parents had attended the church, they said that they would give it consideration.

Sam and Chris were both technical virgins. They had observed other boys masturbating in the age old game of circle jerks, and although they were both gay, neither of them had ever touched another boy as yet. As their friendship grew they began to discuss the possibility of having sex. Sam was nearly fifteen and Chris was a month younger. Their hormones were more than raging, and neither realized how strong their friendship was. Finally one day, they masturbated together, and after doing that for a few times, they tried masturbating each other. Both agreed it was better than flying solo. They were sure that they knew what to do if they wanted to have a full blown sexual encounter, but they had a lot of questions, especially about anal sex.

"Who is the best person to talk to?" Chris asked Sam for his opinion.

"As I see it," Sam answered, "we could speak to my brothers, Reverend Clint, Mr. Inman, or Chuck and Larry, who are like my grandfathers."

"I opt for your grandfathers," Chris said.


"Because I think grand fathers give the best advice when it comes to life's experiences," Chris opined.

"Sounds like a plan to me," Sam said. "I'll call them tonight and ask if we can come over Saturday evening for a chat about the birds and bees." That got Chris laughing so hard he could barely breathe. He took Sam in his arms and kissed him. Sam melted into Chris's arms. This was as intimate as each had ever been with another guy. Chris suddenly was overwhelmed at what he had just done. He stopped kissing Sam and the two just continued to hold each other tightly. Sam wanted to say, I love you, but he was too frightened.

When the boys came over after dinner on Saturday, Larry gave them milk and chocolate chip cookies. When they seemed to be comfortable, he asked what was going on, and how he and Chuck could help. As he asked that question, he sat down next to Chuck and took his hand. He had an idea what was coming up.

Chris looked at Sam as if to say, it's your ball game.

Finally Sam began to speak. He faltered badly and he was stammering.

"Don't be afraid," Chuck said. "We'll listen and we won't judge. There will be no penances from the confessional."

Still Sam was unable to come out with it so Chris blurted out, "Sam and I have feelings for each other, and we would like to have sex, but we really don't know what's appropriate. We don't want to do anything to hurt the other and ruin the moment especially the first time."

"I thought that's what you came for," Larry said. "Let me think a moment," he said and then he began"

First of all you are both very young and you are virgins, but I think you should still use protection. I know you think that there will never be anyone else, but that's another urban myth. At your ages, let me assure you there will be lots of others, and there should be. If you never know anyone else, you'll never know the joy of making love to the one person in your life who was meant to be with you forever. For that reason, I would recommend that you use protection, if for no other reason than to make it a habit, until you do commit to each other."

Without any shame, Chuck went to the bedroom and came back with an average size dildo. "Unfortunately," he said, "we don't use condoms so I can't give you any, but I'm going to teach you how to perform oral sex."

Chris and Sam turned red and became very embarrassed, but as soon as Chuck began to talk and explain how to use their tongues, lips and not their teeth, it became kind of clinical and they relaxed until he asked if they were circumcised.

"I am," Sam said, "and I do know that Chris isn't." Then Chuck advised that it would be best if Chris peeled back his foreskin, but sometimes they would make love spontaneously and he told Sam how to push back Chris's foreskin with his tongue.

"Chris will love it when you do that to him," Chuck assured them.

Larry's trousers were tenting badly and he said, "You know, guys, that's a lot to absorb for now. Why don't you try having oral sex for a bit? We'll get together soon and we'll have a lesson on anal sex. Chuck and I believe that that's the most intimate gift of love two guys can perform together."

He practically rushed the boys out of the house and grabbed Chuck's hand and pulled him up to the bedroom.

The boys left the house with raging hardons. "I can't wait," Chris said. "I want to suck your cock and I want you to suck mine, but where can we go? Both our folks are home."

"Come with me," Sam ordered and he rushed down to the corner and knocked on his brothers' door.

Brad answered the door and was pleased as punch to see his brother and Chris standing there. "To what do we owe the pleasure?" he asked.

Sam blurted right out. "Chris and I don't want to be virgins any more. Can we use your guest room for a while?"

Brad was totally taken aback and bade the boys come in. I soon joined them and they filled me in.

"What should we do?" Brad asked me.

"We can't stop them so why not give them a safe, clean environment. Just call your folks and tell them that the boys are hanging out here for a couple of hours. Chris call your parents and let them know where you are."

Brad took Sam aside. "Do you need condoms and lube?"

"No," Sam replied. "Chuck and Larry taught us how to perform oral sex and told us to practice. Next time they'll give us a lesson in anal sex."

Brad was too shocked to utter a word, so I had to take charge.

"Brad and I like to shower before getting intimate. You can use the guest bathroom and the guest room. I'll get you some wash cloths and towels." Then as an after thought I added, "It's fun to start playing in the shower.'

"You mean we should shower together?" Chris asked in all innocence.

"Well, if you want to play together, that's the general idea," I answered him.

I went to get the towels and wash cloths, and by the time I returned to the living room, they were both standing and talking to Brad totally in the nude. They were both quite erect. Young kids have no shame, especially when they don't have my Mormon upbringing. It was obvious that they were both well hung for fifteen year olds. They grabbed the towels and ran to the bathroom. I was surprised that they didn't close the door, but decided that they were just being perfectly relaxed with Sam's brothers around.

By this time I was so aroused, I threw myself on top of Brad who was sitting on the sofa. I'm not sure how it happened, but in seconds we were naked and I was sucking Brad's cock. He was near his orgasm when suddenly, he pushed me away.

"What are you doing?" I asked. He turned his head toward the hallway and there were the two boys standing and watching us.

"We have a question," Sam said. "Do you spit it out or do you swallow it?"

Before I could answer them, Brad yelled out, "I'm cumming." Apparently he had gone beyond the point of no return when he pushed me away. I immediately bent down over him and he came in my mouth. What dribbled down my chin was sucked up by Brad as he kissed me passionately.

"I think that answers your question," I said to the boys. "I haven't loved the taste of everybody's cum, but Brad's tastes like honey to me. Maybe it's because I love him so much."

Chris grabbed Sam's hand and led him into the bedroom as Brad went down on me.

When all of us were through making love, we dressed and sat around talking. Suddenly we realized that in our lust, we hadn't called the parents. We remedied that immediately. Both sets of parents were happy to hear that the boys were in a safe place. Hah!

Sam sat himself down next to Brad and said, "Bro, I don't want to wait for Chuck and Larry to teach us how to have anal sex. Please, will you guys teach us?"

"What the hell," I said. "Why not."

We both explained to the boys the importance of preparing the anus properly, how to stretch it, and how to lube it well. Finally we taught them about the prostate. They had heard about the gland but were unaware of its importance in sex.

"It hurts at first, but after awhile you won't be able to wait for it to happen. It's the ultimate act of intimacy." Brad said.

"Chuck and Larry told us to use condoms, until we committed to each other totally," Sam said.

"That's a good idea," I said. I left the boys with Brad and came back with a brand new tube of lube and a box of one dozen condoms.

"Here," I said as I handed them to the boys, "Brad and I don't use them anymore.

Sam hugged me and then his brother. Chris followed suit.

We didn't want them walking home at this late hour so we drove them. We stopped first at Chris's house. The two boys kissed goodnight and had trouble letting go of each other.

When we got to the Wilkinsons we could see that they were still awake so we went inside. Of course Anna insisted on making a cup of coffee and some chocolate chip cookies for her `little boys.' All the while I kept wondering if Brad, Chuck, Larry and I had done the right thing by instructing the two boys in the joys of gay sex. They were gay after all. We weren't trying to convert them or anything like that.

Tom interrupted my musing.

"You guys are such a good role model for Sam," he said.

I could only hope that he was right. Somehow I wasn't sure that what had happened tonight was for the best.

To be continued.......

Next: Chapter 17: Love Is Where You Find It 17

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