Love Is Where You Find It

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Jan 6, 2009


Love Is Where You Find It Chapter Seventeen

When Sam asked if he could have a key to our house so that he and Chris would have a place to make love after school, neither Brad nor I were particularly keen on the idea. We weren't even sure if we would be breaking any laws. After all the boys were under eighteen. Brad asked them to come around the following Saturday morning. I would be at work, but he would be home. We had already made a decision, but Brad wanted to talk to them face to face.

At first we thought that they were just too young for this kind of activity, but remembering back to when we were fifteen (not that long ago for me) we decided to say yes, with certain provisions.

"First off," Brad said facing the boys, "you can never bring anyone else in the house. It's for your use only. Second, you can only have sex when we are not here."

"That's easy enough," Chris said.

"How are you going to explain to your mothers where you are?"

"We've thought of that," Sam said. "We'll say we're playing basketball or baseball or whatever."

The boys were always neat and clean, and never left any evidence that they had made love in the house. But we knew they had been to the house because they always left a little thank you note. One was particularly moving. It read:

Thanks for the use of the guest room and thanks for teaching us how to make love at the back door. You are right. It is very intimate and we can truly express our affection for each other. We love you both, Sam and Chris.

When the boys were still in their sophomore year, I had the opportunity to do my second two weeks of student teaching. This time I taught advanced geometry. Geometry was my favorite subject. To prove all the theorems you had to use pure logic. The intellectual stimulation always excited me. Much to my regret neither of my brothers was in my class.

At the conclusion of the two weeks, the principal asked to see me. He shook my hand warmly, and asked me to be seated.

"According to all the reports I am getting, you have a real talent for teaching and imparting ideas on to your students, ideas way beyond the subject matter. When you get your degree young man, I would hope that you would apply here for a position teaching math. Good math teachers are the hardest to find."

"I'd love to teach here," I said. "It's all I dream of."

After that I worked my ass off. I began to study the minute I got home from work. On my days off, I studied all day, often into the wee hours of the morning. I got very little sleep on those nights.

The one thing I would not sacrifice, for Brad's sake (and mine), was an active sex life. Somehow he and I always made the time to express our love.

It was the summer after the boys had completed their sophomore year that I received word that I had completed enough courses to be advanced to senior status. If I completed my remaining courses by next May, I could get my degree with that year's graduating class at UCSF. I was so excited that I arranged with management to leave an hour earlier every day to work on my courses. I was already training my replacement and we were all comfortable with that arrangement. The problem was that I had neglected to tell Sam and Chris. You guessed it. I was about to add another chapter in my path to self destruction and this time I was sure that even Brad would not forgive me. He was about to prove that he wasn't too good to be true.

One afternoon, I got home shortly after 3:30. The boys' bikes were in front of the house and I knew they were inside. For a moment I thought of leaving, but then I thought, "What the hell. I won't disturb them."

I entered the house through the side door as quietly as I could. This took me directly into the kitchen. I desperately wanted to go upstairs and change into shorts and get to the computer so I tiptoed up the stairs as quietly as I could. With each step I took, the sound of love making grew louder.

The boys were sixteen now. They were both bigger and more muscular than Brad and I. Their voices were deep and resonant baritones. As I climbed higher, I heard Chris very distinctly. "Fuck me baby. Fuck me as deep as you can. I can't get enough of you inside of me."

Again I wanted to turn and run, but then I figured that they were so lost in passion, they wouldn't hear me. After all, I did come home to study. To get to our office, I had to pass the guest room. The door was open and why not? The boys did not expect anyone to be home. Of course, I could not resist peeking in.

Chris was lying on the side of the bed on his stomach. His legs were dangling off the bed. Sam was fucking him doggy style. Sam's ass was glistening with sweat. It was round and bubbly and his cheeks contracted with every thrust he took up Chris's ass. I got an erection immediately. Sam's ass was calling to me and I couldn't resist.

I approached the pair, who were still unaware of my presence. I knelt down behind Sam and started to caress and kiss his ass. For a second he stopped thrusting until he realized what was happening. He started to fuck again and moaned, "Yes Aaron, yes."

My tongue found Sam's crack, and without my willing it, it began to enter his asshole. I thrust in as far as it would go. Sam began to writhe uncontrollably, and he started to invoke the name of the almighty. "Oh God, oh God," he moaned. He came, shooting up Chris's ass, and Chris came on the sheets, thanks to the urging of his prostate. The boys were spent, but I just kept licking Sam's crack.

"Geez," Chris said as Sam pulled out of him. "I soiled the sheet. I never did that before." He still was unaware of my presence in the room. He saw me when he sat up. I had finally stopped sucking Sam's ass and was coming to my senses.

I wanted to run but my feet wouldn't move. "I am so sorry," I cried. "I don't know what came over me. I saw Sam's beautiful ass and I had to kiss it. I couldn't stop myself. I am so sorry, so sorry." I buried my face in my hands.

Then something wonderful happened. Two naked bodies were wrapped around me. Chris held me from the front and Sam from the rear.

"You have nothing to be sorry for," Sam said. "I loved it."

Chris added, "Whatever you did. Sam never fucked me like that before. It was great. He made me cum without even touching me. Thank you Aaron, thank you."

"But it was wrong," I sobbed. "You're both under age. I could go to jail for this."

They both started to laugh. "Yeah, like I'm pressing charges," Chris said.

"Don't you know how much we love you and Brad?" Sam asked.

"Hey look at you," Sam yelled and pointed at my crotch. It was wet and stained with copious pre-cum. The boys laughed and started to pull down my pants. Heaven help me. I sucked in my stomach to make it easier for them. There I stood with my pants around my ankles, and my cock standing tall.

Before I knew what hit me, Chris had deftly pushed back my foreskin with his tongue. Most of my head was out of its sheathe anyway. Chris started sucking my cock very sensuously. My dads had taught him well.

Sam's tongue found my asshole and he started licking it and little by little he started inserting what he could. My asshole was well trained to receive a good size cock so Sam's tongue went in almost all the way. He gave me the same pleasure I had given him.

"I'm cumming," I started to yell. Sam quickly came around front and I spilled my seed alternately into the waiting mouths of both my brothers. Nothing went to waste.

With their mouths still wet with my cum, the boys kissed each other, and murmured, "I love you." The declaration of their love was the first thing that made me feel good.

We were very silent after that. We showered and changed the sheets and hardly a word was spoken between the three of us. When they said they had to leave, I suddenly panicked. The thought of being alone overwhelmed me.

"No, you can't go," I yelled. "You'll stay here and have dinner with Brad and me and the three of us together, will tell Brad what happened. I couldn't live through the night if I didn't tell him the truth, even if he wants to leave me."

"That'll never happen," Sam said.

I called both mothers and told them that the boys were having dinner at our house because I wanted to discuss what courses they should take in their two final high school years. They both gave their consent.

We must have looked like a sorry lot when Brad came home. My eyes were all red and swollen from crying. Although the boys saw nothing wrong in what had happened, my slobbering had sobered them up considerably.

"Who died?" Brad asked when he saw us.

"Brad, darling," I said, "I've, we've got something to tell you." I handed Brad a decorative cane we kept in the umbrella stand in the front hall.

"What's this for?" he asked. He really looked confused and upset now.

"It's for you to beat me with," I answered him.

"You'd better start talking or I'll beat you before I hear what happened."

Very slowly I told him the story up to the point where the two boys wrapped themselves naked around me. Then I looked at the two boys who alternated in describing how they had seduced me.

My eyes never left Brad's face. For a while I could see his cheeks turn red, but then when the boys started talking, he resumed his normal color. He had looked angry at times and calm at others. I just could not read what he was thinking, but I remained scared. When the boys concluded their story, the room grew very quiet.

After a long silence, Sam said, "Look guys, we love you both more than we can describe. You're our brothers, our friends and our mentors. With a love that strong, can it be wrong to express it physically?"

Instead of showing anger, Brad stood up, extended his arms, and said, "Group hug!"

We all jumped with joy and the four of us hugged tightly. Somehow Brad found my lips and kissed me. "I suppose you have nothing left for me tonight?" he asked.

"Aren't you angry at me?" I asked Brad.

"You bet I am, but I love you, and since your prick hasn't matured enough to have any brains or a conscience, I have to forgive you. I have to forgive all of you because of your youth, but hear me good. This is never going to happen again. Do you understand? It's not right and I won't permit it. Besides I want Aaron all to myself. If you two boys aren't satisfied being monogamous with one another, then give up your commitment and play the field until you make up your minds. In the meantime, when you come over, close the bedroom door so Aaron won't be tempted again." Brad eyed his brother. "It's easy to see why he wanted your ass, so keep it to yourself and Chris from now on."

That being said, Brad lightened up. "I have news. All four of us at the office brought in a brand new account today, and each of the accounts is a substantial size. We are going to hire another staff person, so I am now one man away from partnership."

Everyone started to cheer.

"We are going out to dinner tonight on me. I called Dad and Pop and they'll be joining us. I know we have no secrets from them, but I would appreciate if we kept the events of the day private between us until I can think how to tell them or if I should tell them.

That night as we were preparing for bed, I asked Brad, "Do you really forgive me?"

"Of course I do," he said. "Why you're barely past your teen age years yourself. I know that at your age temptation always wins. Anyway, I appreciate your honesty in telling me about what happened, and I love you too much to stay mad at you." He kissed me in such a way that there was no doubt that he loved me no matter what. I melted into his arms and we began to make love. How much better it is when there is no sense of guilt lurking around to spoil things.

All my hard work paid off. After struggling with a raft of administrative paper work, I was set to get my degree at UCSF with that year's graduating class. Unfortunately, I was only given four tickets so I was restricted to having Brad, my dads, and Sam to cheer when they called my name.

But that didn't stop my dads. That evening they made a big party at their house. Brad's family and all our friends and neighbors were invited. Added to the list this time were Chris and his parents, Sarah and Peter Hanson. Anna and Tom couldn't wait to introduce the Hansons to Reverend Clint. Several times during the evening I noticed Clint and Peter deep in conversation. It was going well.

I submitted my résumé and application to Mr. Anderson, the principal at the local high school. The next day he called me personally to tell me that I was hired. He advised me to be available for orientation and meetings beginning about August 15, so I gave my notice at Wendy's effective July 31.

Brad surprised me by booking a gay cruise, the first week of August. I got cold feet at first, but decided it was time to get back on the horse. The cruise had the same itinerary as the one I had missed. When he booked the cruise, he asked to speak to a supervisor. He told her that I had missed a prior cruise due to a horrendous accident. She knew immediately what accident he was referring to. She asked him to hold the line while she checked the records. She was gone for quite awhile and apologized profusely for the delay. Then much to Brad's surprise she informed him that the cruise line was giving both of us a present and the cost of the cruise was on them.

Brad declined trip cancellation insurance for obvious reasons, and elected to take a cab from the airport to the pier instead of the free bus service. I can't imagine why. He booked the flights to and from Ft. Lauderdale and they were about the same times of departure as my original flights. It was too spooky, but I didn't care. I knew Brad would keep me safe and handle everything. What would I do without him?

We had a blast on the cruise. We made lots of friends including two single guys from San Francisco, whom I recognized from having seen at our church. During the course of the trip they hung out a lot with Brad and me, and I think we made a match. By the end of the trip they had slept together, and we couldn't have been happier. They seemed to be so well suited to each other and they were genuinely falling in love. How ironic! That's what I had hoped would happen to me when I booked the original cruise. We all vowed to get together at home, and we did.

As much as I was enjoying the trip, my mind was on getting home and starting my teaching career. That school year, I was assigned to teach my favorite subject, geometry, and my not so favorite subject, trigonometry. As with everything else in life, I was going to have to take the bitter with the better.

Somehow I got through orientation and more piles of paper work. Before I knew it, I found myself showering at a decent hour (after sunrise) in preparation of the first day of school. Brad chose to shower with me, and as a good luck present, he went down on me and teased me until I begged him to let me cum. As much as I love him, he can be an awful tease sometime.

My first class was trig. I walked in to the room shaking like a leaf, but so excited, I could hardly talk. I looked over the class before introducing myself and there sat two brash looking seniors. Sam and Chris were smiling at me like two Cheshire Cats.

To be continued......

Next: Chapter 18: Love Is Where You Find It 18

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