Love Is Where You Find It

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Jan 13, 2009


Love is Where You Find It Chapter Nineteen

We were alone in Cheryl's car with little Aaron. By the way, Aaron was named for Adam's father, not me. Cheryl told me that she pushed the name on Adam, who readily agreed. Adam, Ben and Brad were driving home in Adam's car. Because of the baby seat, two cars were necessary.

"Marion and I are secretly in touch with each other," Cheryl confided to me. I gave her your address and telephone number and left it to her if she wanted to call you. She also knows that you are with me until Tuesday morning and if she wants to, she can call you here. Obviously she doesn't subscribe to the way we two have been treated, but until she's emancipated, there's not much she can do about it. There is one thing she has rebelled against. Mom and Dad picked out a husband for her and she has vowed never to marry him."

"You know, Cheryl, I never realized what a prison we lived in until the warden released me. Life is so good now. I have no complaints."

"Yes, life is good for me now also. I want to hear all about your life tomorrow. It's really too late now and we should all turn in as soon as we get home," Cheryl sighed.

In the other car, Ben was quizzing Brad about his gay brother, Sam. Adam remained silent, but he was more than interested, and listened intently since this was a sexual avenue he could not explore or help his brother with. The two brothers were fascinated with Brad's story of how Aaron had inadvertently reunited him with his parents and brother, and what a great relationship they all had.

Brad described the predominantly gay church they attended, and the youth ministry which he was able to place Sam in. "That's where he met his present day partner, Chris, and gained all his self esteem," he told Ben.

"I wish I had something like that available to me," Ben lamented.

"I know there are gay synagogues in many cities. Look into it and if you don't find one, I know that there is an MCC in LA. I assure you the youth group would welcome you whether you attend services there or not."

Before Ben could answer, Adam announced," Here we are." He pulled the car up a long driveway and parked behind Cheryl. Then he pushed a gadget hanging from his sun visor and a creaky metal gate closed behind us. Our luggage was all in this car, and the three of us brought it into the house.

Brad and I hung our clothes in the guest room closet and placed our underwear and sox and things in the dresser drawers. We wore underwear for the occasion. We were about to shower in the guest bath when there was a knock at the door. As we grabbed our robes, I asked, "Who is it?"

"It's Ben. Can I come in for just a minute?"

"Just a sec," I answered. I waited until our robes were secured and opened the door.

"What's up, kiddo?" Brad asked.

"I was just wondering if Sam and Chris had an E Mail address and if it would be all right to write to them."

"They already know all about you, and I know that they would love to hear from you. It's a whole month before college starts for them. Maybe your brother would let you come back with us and visit for a bit. Sam and Chris spend more time at our house than at their own anyway," Brad said.

"That would be so neato," Ben said. "I'll talk to Adam in the morning. Thank you so much. I'll let you get some sleep now, or whatever." He winked at us as he left the room.

Brad and I were too inhibited to make love either in the shower or the bed, so we resigned ourselves to a sexless week. How wrong we were. Every night we managed to have oral sex. We stuffed our mouths with a pillow to muffle our screams, and maybe we got away with it.

Adam arranged to take a few days off from work, and we spent the weekend sightseeing, going to the beach and bonding as a family. Adam secured Ben a ticket on our flight back to San Francisco with a return to LA on Labor Day. That was the only day he could get a seat because of the holiday. It was a late evening flight so Ben could enjoy Labor Day with us and he would be with us for two whole weeks. I alerted Sam and Chris to please make some time for him.

The two young MEN were winding down their stay in the Youth Group. It would be the end for them when they started college, but they intended to take Ben to their final meetings and introduce him to a particular seventeen year old, they had in mind for him. I hadn't realized before, but they had a talent for matchmaking. Since Sam is Brad's brother, I figure that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

The evening before our departure, the phone rang during dinner. Cheryl answered the phone and turned pale. She spoke for a little while, and then called me. I walked over to her and she said, "Marion is on the phone and she wants to talk to you. Take it in the den." I went into the den and closed the door. I picked up the phone and in a shaking voice, I said, "Hello."

I heard Marion's sweet voice and I started to cry. She was sobbing too. "Aaron," she said, "I love you. I always will, and I promise that I'll visit you the first chance I get. I need to get out of Boise. You didn't realize it then, but you were the lucky one. I have to hang up now. Please forgive me." I heard the click of the phone.

It was an all too brief, but enlightening conversation. I had regained two sisters I had believed were dead to me. I fell to my knees and thanked God before I returned to the dining room.

The time passed all too quickly, and it was time to leave. Adam told us that business brought him to San Francisco from time to time and he promised to call us when it happened, so that we could get together. Cheryl promised to call at least twice a week and made us promise to do the same. She also told me that Brad's suggestion of sending my folks a Christmas card would not work. She had been doing that every year without any response. Cheryl had finally conceded to herself that a relationship with her parents would never be. "If only Adam's parents were here," she would lament over and over. I decided to send a card anyway and sign it from Aaron and Bradley. That should zing them.

On the plane going home, Ben sat between us. At first we made small talk and then Ben confided in us. "I've whacked off with a friend a lot," he whispered, "but we never touched each other and I am still a virgin."

"I can tell you that that's a hell of a thing to be at your age," I said. "I was a virgin until I was eighteen," I added. Don't worry your time will come. I'll bet our brothers are searching the ranks for you as we speak." That got Ben laughing, and I looked at Brad in a very desirous way.

Back in San Francisco we were presented with a slight dilemma. Sam and Chris had taken over the guest room, and our third bedroom was furnished as an office. Where were we to house Ben? Once again our dads came to the rescue. They told Sam and Chris to use their guest room during Ben's stay. The two of them were moving into their dorm room the day after Labor Day anyhow. Then all of us would be empty nesters.

Our dads were at the airport to pick us up, as usual. What would we do without them? Sam and Chris were in the house when we arrived from the airport. They took one look at the handsome youth, and Sam exclaimed, "Ben baby, you are drop dead gorgeous. This is going to be so easy."

We couldn't really show Ben much of San Francisco because of work commitments. Fortunately Brad and I had bought Sam and Chris a used car for them to use to get back and forth from college so they had wheels, and they volunteered to show Ben the town. There would be a Youth Group meeting Friday night prior to services on Sunday and the three of them attended.

Luis Lopez was the young man our brothers wanted to fix Ben up with. He was seventeen, and one hundred percent Latino. His dark brown eyes were so seductive they could melt the coldest heart. His jet black hair was untamed and was all over his beautiful face. He had a Roman nose and a square chin. He stood only about 5'8" and was a good three inches shorter than Ben. His best attribute was that he always wore very tight jeans which accentuated his ample package.

Sam introduced the boys before the meeting. When they shook hands, their eyes fixed on each other. Sam smiled to himself. Luis and Ben sat together and when the meeting began, it was Luis who introduced Ben as a visitor from LA. During the meeting Sam and Chris noticed that Luis took Ben's hand and they smiled at each other.

When the meeting ended and the group was enjoying refreshments, Ben asked Sam and Chris if he thought Brad and I would mind if Luis slept over and spent the next day with them. They called us and we said it would be all right if it was OK with Luis's parents.

Sam drove Luis home so he could pack a bag. It was obvious that he was planning on more than a one night stand. While he was packing, Chris asked Mr. Lopez (Mrs. Lopez had died when Luis was a baby) if it would be all right if Luis spent some time at his brother's house where Ben was staying.

"You can keep that fucking faggot forever if you want. It would be OK with me if I never had to see his ugly puss again," Mr. Lopez spat out, and took another swig of his beer. When they got back in the car, Chris whispered to Sam, "I have a gut feeling that when Brad and Aaron see this boy and hear what happened, that he isn't going anywhere."

Before dropping the boys at our house, Sam stopped at a drug store and when he came out he threw a bag at Ben and said, "You guys better use these." He had given them a supply of condoms and a tube of lube. When Ben looked in the bag and showed it to Luis, they both began to blush and then they laughed.

It was quite late when Sam and Chris delivered the boys. Ben introduced Luis and asked permission for him to bunk with him that night. Did we have a choice? Ben took Luis up to the guest room and Sam filled us in.

"Can you put him up for awhile? His dad sure doesn't want him to come back home, and I think our match making was successful," Chris said. After the boys were settled in, they joined us downstairs. I made hot chocolate and cookies. My eyes were constantly on the two handsome young lads. Ben's face was even more beautiful in his joy. He was surrounded by people he didn't have to hide from. He was at peace. He was at home, and I think he was in love for the first time.

Luis was beaming too. His home life was hell, and now he was relaxed and happy. His eyes never left off looking at Ben. I knew the look of love when I saw it. Suddenly I adopted Luis just as Larry had adopted me so long ago.

Finally Sam and Chris went over to our dads' home and the boys scooted off to bed. They closed their door and I could tell they made sure it wouldn't swing open. Brad and I smiled at each other and I could see that Brad was already tenting his pants. We cleaned the dishes, shut the kitchen light, and ran to our bedroom. We knew that Ben was about to lose his virginity and we were hornier than usual.

We made no attempt to stifle the sounds of our love making. We knew from experience that if the boys heard us their own activity would be so much more enhanced. I for one could tell when each of the boys came. They both screamed quite loudly. I heard Luis cum first, and as he did I came in Brad's mouth, screaming loudly also. We were all playing a little teasing game, but didn't realize it at the time.

When the boys entered their bedroom and closed the door, neither knew quite what to do. "I sleep nude," Ben said at last. Whether it was true or not, Luis echoed, "So do I."

They undressed slowly, carefully hanging their clothes in the closet, and piling their dirty underwear and socks on the floor in a corner. They stood and stared at each other. They were both erect and their eyes fixed on their erect cocks. They were both more than ample, easily seven inches each. Ben was circumcised of course, but Luis was uncut.

"I'm a virgin," Ben admitted. You'll have to show me what to do.

Luis burst out laughing. "This is my first time too. Come to me, handsome and we'll learn together." They pressed their bodies together and began to kiss, while their hands began to explore each other's bodies. At first they kissed with closed mouths but soon their lips parted and their tongues met. They pressed their cocks harder and harder together.

"Lie down with me," Ben said and they lay down together in bed. Ben could contain himself no longer. He bent over Luis and started to kiss his cock and fondle his balls. Little by little he took Luis's cock inside of him and started to suck and lick the shaft and the head. Luis was moaning in ecstasy and came in Ben's mouth with a loud scream. Ben's first impulse was to draw away, but he held firm. He let Luis's cum fill his mouth and then he began to swallow it. By the time he swallowed all of it, Luis was limp and the boys lay side by side holding hands.

"Give me a moment to catch my breath," Luis gasped and I'll do the same for you."

"Oh yes, please do,' Ben replied.

The next morning, Sam and Chris came over to hang with the boys just as Brad and I were headed for some super market shopping. "Chuck and Larry are gone already," Sam announced. We left the four youngsters to enjoy the day.

Sam and Chris loaded the boys into their functional jalopy and took them for a tour of San Francisco, which included Muir Woods, Fisherman's Wharf, and Alcatraz Island. They spent the entire day touring and ate both lunch and dinner out. Strange as it seems, Luis had never visited these places.

"Too bad you kids are under age," Chris said. "We could take you to some of the gay bars." Chris and Ben were acting like big shots. They had just turned eighteen themselves.

"I have a question," Luis said. He was more forward than Ben. "So far Ben and I have had only oral sex. Don't get me wrong, it's great, but we would like to try fucking. We aren't sure what to do so we don't get hurt. I thought maybe you could help us."

"Wow," Sam said, "It seems only a little while ago that I asked Brad and Aaron the same question and they weren't embarrassed about helping us out. What do you say Chris? Shall we pass the torch?"

During Ben's entire visit it was pretty easy for me and Brad to hear Ben and Luis making love. That night it was obvious that they were trying anal sex. Don't ask me how I knew, but the sounds from their room were different. I turned toward Brad. "I'll go nuts if you don't fuck me," I said to him.

The next day, as we were getting ready to go to church, Brad told Ben that if he was uncomfortable and preferred not to go, it would be alright if he stayed at home.

"No way," Ben said, "All my new friends will be there, and you said we were all going to brunch after the service."

Ben, Luis, Sam and Chris all sat with the youth group at the back of the church, but at the social hour, Ben and Luis monopolized Reverend Clint. I don't know what they were talking about, but when they were finished all three participated in a group hug.

As the days drew nearer to Ben's departure and to Sam and Chris going off to college, there was a definite change in the two young boys. Sadness overtook them, and I caught them crying when they thought nobody was watching.

Finally Luis took the bull by the horns and called his father to tell him he was coming home.

"Don't bother, faggot," his father told him. "I already rented out your room."

Luis wasn't sure if he should cry or be joyous. When I told him that he was welcome to live with us, he decided to cry, but he cried tears of joy. Ben swore he would apply to college in San Francisco and told Luis that until then he would visit on every school holiday.

"I can go to college anywhere," Ben told Luis. "My parents left a trust fund for my college education."

"You'll be educated," Luis said. "You'll be ashamed of me."

"I could never be ashamed of you," Ben assured him.

"Who said you won't be educated?" I asked Luis. "I assure you that I'll see to your education, son." When I said `son' Luis broke out crying and fell into my arms.

To be continued....

Next: Chapter 20: Love Is Where You Find It 20

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