Love Is Where You Find It

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Jan 15, 2009


Love Is Where You Find It Chapter Twenty

Pickler and Underwood had an attorney on retainer. Luis's father was more than glad to relinquish his parental rights, especially when we offered him $5000.00 not to object. The attorney had no problem gaining us guardianship of Luis.

I transferred him to my school, and he lived with us until he left for college. Even then, our home was always his home. He even called Larry and Chuck, `Grandpa.' I wanted him to be able to reach his father if he wanted to, but I didn't want Mr. Lopez to know exactly where he was living. I didn't trust the man. We bought Luis a cell phone when he first came to live with us, and he called his father to give him the number.

"I told you not to bother me," he yelled at Luis. "There's no way a faggot like you could be my son. Your mother cheated on me for sure, the cunt." Luis hung up shaking and sobbing, and never called his father again. He declared that if he was dead to his father, his father was dead to him.

We invited Cheryl and her family, Ben included, to spend the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays with us. They accepted both invitations. We gave Cheryl, Adam and baby Aaron our bedroom. Ben and Luis used the guest room. Our dads had a three bedroom home so Sam and Chris used the guest room. The third bedroom was set up as a small den but it had a sleep sofa in it and Brad and I stayed there. The arrangements were more than satisfactory and enabled the whole family to be close by.

Adam decided that it was more convenient to drive up to San Francisco than to fly with a baby. They started out early Wednesday morning and arrived before dinner. Larry and Chuck invited us all to dinner that night and we had a festive pre holiday dinner. Our dads made a huge fuss over baby Aaron, and naturally they were prepared with plenty of baby gifts.

Thanksgiving was to be at our house. Brad's parents, the Hansons, Russ and Clint were invited also. It was too big a crowd for us to handle and we had it catered. The caterer was one of Russ's clients. He made sure that everything was perfect. He jokingly told us that he was reducing the price by twenty percent because the four teenagers offered such tasty eye candy.

Cheryl, Brad's mother and Mrs. Hanson all had instant chemistry and they set about helping the caterers. Mostly they discussed the miracle of finding family members they thought were lost to them forever and the special joy of this Thanksgiving. Everyone played with baby Aaron. I prayed he wouldn't get sick. The teen agers tossed a football around in the back yard and as far as I was concerned they were four brothers united for the holiday.

Adam, bless him, told Luis that he was welcome to come and visit on any school holiday. The invitation was open and standing. Luis and Ben hugged Adam who had to cry for mercy, they were hugging him so hard. When Luis told Adam that he was interested in studying law, Adam invited him to LA for the summer to work in his office and do whatever odd jobs were needed. Luis nearly exploded with joy, and he and Ben could not stop hugging each other. What they were unaware of was that Adam would be paying Luis's meager salary from his own pocket. My parents had no clue that my sister had married such a fine human being, and even if they did, they wouldn't care. He wasn't a Mormon.

On Friday and Saturday a procession of friends and neighbors visited us, and my family fell in love with all of them. From the beginning, Cheryl and Adam were calling Larry and Chuck, Dad and Pop. Not unlike Brad and me when we first met Larry and Chuck, they needed the love of parents as much as we did. All of us who were at the Thanksgiving Day feast had more to be thankful for than on any other Thanksgiving Day I could remember.

Adam gathered up his family early Sunday morning after Thanksgiving, and started his long trek home. Nobody's eyes were dry including Dad and Pop. I'll bet that when they adopted me, they had no idea how large a family they were getting. I certainly didn't know. Be that as it may, they loved it!

Sam and Chris returned to school. Luis regained sole proprietorship of his bedroom and we regained ours. That Sunday night Brad and I made up for our forbearance of sex all holiday weekend, and Luis resumed having phone sex with Ben. Brad and I had never had phone sex. Every so often Brad had an overnight business trip. We vowed to try it next time.

After securing the house and turning off all the lights, Brad and I hurried to our bedroom. Luis's door was shut, but I listened to make sure he was in bed and maybe sleeping. I could distinctly hear him telling Ben on the phone how good his cock tasted. Phone sex sure takes a lot of imagination.

We went into our room and shut the door. Then it was off to the shower to prepare our bodies for the pleasures to come. I guess we were hornier than I thought. Before we left the shower and fell exhausted into our bed, each of us had come once in the other's mouth and once in the other's ass. When we were finished making love, we stood in the shower wrapped in each other's arms, our tongues caressing. Our now limp cocks rubbed together as the water cascaded down our bodies, cleansing us.

Neither of us wanted it to end, but finally Brad shut the taps and we got out of the shower. We helped each other dry off and went to bed. We covered ourselves with the cool sheets and fell asleep locked in a mutual embrace. As I was falling asleep, it occurred to me that I loved Brad more each day.

Happily, a few doors down the street, our dads were enjoying a similar experience. Tonight was the first time in days that they had their house all to themselves. They too started in the shower intending only to wash each other, but like us, they ended up sucking and fucking each other. It was sheer torture for them to shut off the water, dry off, and go to sleep.

In time, we, our dads, and Luis were done with love making for the moment, and we all fell into a profound and peaceful sleep.

Early the next morning, hours before dawn, while I was still in a twilight sleep, I heard a phone ringing somewhere off at a great distance. It took a few rings to realize that it was my phone. I willed myself awake and grabbed for the handset.

"Aaron, darling, I'm sorry to have awakened you," I heard Marion say. Before I could ask, she knew my thoughts. "Relax," she said, "Everything is fine. I'm here in San Francisco at the bus terminal. It's a long story, but the short version is I ran away from home. I would have gone to Cheryl in LA, but I only had enough money to get to San Francisco. Can you come and get me, please." Then she started to cry.

"I'll be right there," I said.

By now Brad was fully awake and the two of us threw on a pair of shorts, tee shirts, and sandals. We didn't even bother with underwear. As we started to leave the room, there was Luis standing in the doorway in his birthday suit. "Not bad," I thought.

"What's going on?" he asked. We told him what we knew and Brad told him to go back to sleep.

"No way," he said. "I'll have coffee and bagels ready when you get back."

Brad drove into the nearly deserted terminal. I didn't see anyone, but then no young girl would wait outside alone. I jumped out of the car and ran into the terminal. I spotted her sitting alone on a bench in the corner. She had become the beautiful woman that the child had promised to be. "Marion," I yelled.

She looked up and spotted me. She bounded over to me and threw her arms around me. After some hugging and kissing, she said, "You've become a very handsome man, Aaron Jackson."

"And you are one red hot, foxy lady yourself, Marion Jackson," I returned the compliment. "Where's your luggage?" I asked.

"What you see, is what you get," she sobbed. I ran out with only my purse."

"Wow," I said. "Brad is out front in the car. You can tell us all about it on the way home."

We found Brad out front and I helped Marion into the back seat. I introduced her to Brad, but Marion's Mormon upbringing won out. She hesitated and finally decided not to shake Brad's homosexual hand. Hopefully he understood and ignored the slight.

Marion began: "I came home for Thanksgiving. There was just the three of us for dinner, but after dinner we got a visitor. A middle age, fat, sloppy looking, and very bald man came in, and we were introduced. Dad introduced him as my intended. He said that I didn't have to go back to school. The wedding was all set and planned for the first weekend in January. I panicked, but I politely waited for the gentleman to leave. I don't even remember his name.

Once he was gone, I erupted. I screamed that I would kill myself before I'd marry that monster. Dad slapped my face. Mom called me an ingrate. I grabbed my purse and ran out of the house. A few blocks away, I used my cell phone to call for a cab to take me to the Greyhound Terminal, and here I am."

"You're finally out of jail," I said. "Don't worry little sister. I've got plenty of money and I'll see to it that you finish your education. You have a home here with us. Cheryl took in her orphaned brother-in-law. Now it's our turn. We want you to have a home with us. Don't we Brad?"

"Marion," Brad said very softly, "Our home is your home for as long as you wish, but first you have to accept my relationship with your brother. We aren't monsters or sinners. We love each other. It's that simple. We don't have to make any excuses for being in love."

"I know that," Marion said, "but old habits and older beliefs are hard to break. I'm sorry." She reached forward and put her hand on Brad's shoulder. He reached up and put his hand on hers. The ice, as they say, was broken.

"Marion," I asked. Do you want to go back to BYU or would you like to transfer here?"

"Even though I've lost this semester, I'd rather transfer. I don't want THEM to know where I am. Cheryl has enough with a new baby and Adam's brother. I'm afraid you're stuck with me."

"You think so?" I asked. "Wait until you meet our family. I think you might be the one who's stuck. We'll try to enroll you in UCSF for the spring semester. You can live on campus. Brad's brother Sam just started his freshman year there and he lives on campus. We'll work on your transfer right away," I told her.

"As a footnote, little sister, Cheryl and her family are coming for Christmas. Our whole family, at least those of us who matter, will all be together for the holiday. Have you any clue how happy that makes me?"

"I promise, Aaron, I'll pay you back every cent. You shouldn't have to assume Dad's responsibilities."

"I know that I don't have to, but I sure want to. I assure you. It's not a financial burden for me. You have already paid me back by just being here with me."

"We have one minor problem," Brad reminded me.

"No," I said. "We'll put a sleep sofa in the den for Luis until Marion moves to the dorms. In the meantime he can use a sleeping bag I have in the hall closet."

"Who is Luis?" Marion asked. "How many people live with you?"

"Sometimes I think we run a motel, but right now it's just Luis. His father kicked him out just like I was kicked out and for the same reason. It was natural for us to take him in and assume guardianship over him. Besides he has a relationship with Adam's brother, Ben. It's a long story"

"It's getting too complicated for me. Give me time to absorb it all. In the meantime, I need to buy some basic clothes and toiletries, and I want to call Cheryl in the morning."

Aaron has to teach his classes tomorrow, but I'll rearrange my appointments and take you shopping tomorrow morning, if it's OK with you," Brad said.

"Thank you," Marion said with a sob in her voice. "I also want to look for a job."

Brad remembered the promise Adam had made to Luis, and the fact that he would pay Luis's salary. He decided to extend the same offer to Marion.

"Look," he said, "it's only for a few weeks until the spring semester begins. We can always use some extra clerical help in my office. Does that sound like something you'd like to do?"

"Well, yes," Marion answered, "but what kind of office is it?"

"It's a CPA office," Brad told her. "Very conservative, no vice going on."

It took Marion a moment to realize that Brad was kidding, and when she did, she started to laugh. It was the first laughter I heard from her.

When we came into the house, dawn was just breaking. We were greeted by the odor of fresh brewed coffee. The kitchen table was set for four. The bagels, butter, jam, sugar and milk were all set out. Luis had remembered to dress. He was wearing short shorts and a ripped tee shirt and obviously nothing else. Man, that boy was hot.

When Marion was introduced to Luis, she shook his hand without cringing. We were all hungry and dug into the food that Luis had graciously prepared. Suddenly Luis gasped, "Look at the time," he said looking over at me "We better get ready for school."

Within a couple of days, the sleep sofa was set up in the office and Luis's belongings were moved to the office closet. Marion was outfitted and temporarily occupied the guest room. She and Brad went up to UCSF and explained her situation. The school helped arrange for her high school and college records to be transferred and pending the transfer, she was accepted into her lower junior year. They also assigned her a room with a girl whose original room mate had dropped out of school. The room was in the same dorm as Sam and Chris. They went over to the dorm hoping to meet her. She was in the room and when the girls were introduced they liked each other immediately. Wendy asked Marion if she would like to join her and some friends Saturday evening and Marion accepted. Brad told Wendy he would drive Marion to the campus at the appointed hour, and Wendy said she would drive her home because Marion said she wanted to go to church with us on Sunday.

Then we went over to Sam and Chris's room. The door was closed and Brad knocked.

"Who is it?" Sam asked.

"It's your brother meathead," Brad answered.

The door opened immediately and there stood Chris and Sam naked. When they saw a girl with Brad, they both quick grabbed their gym shorts and put them on. "Sorry," Chris murmured.

"Living with all theses guys is going to be a challenge," Marion thought. "I'd better get used to it."

All day Saturday, Luis and our brothers helped Brad and me, and our dads, decorate our houses for Christmas. They also helped their parents. Marion worked alongside them and this activity took her mind off things. She took a break Saturday evening to meet Wendy, and she reported that her Saturday night out with her new girlfriends was a `real blast.' "Wendy told everyone what a hunk you are, Brad, and they can't wait to meet you. Too bad they don't stand a chance," she said, laughing loudly.

On Sunday Marion met our family at church. She, Sam and Chris bonded, just talking about what awaited Marion at UCSF. I think they whetted her appetite to get back to a school she could consider normal.

She met our dads, who immediately added her to their list of adoptees. She met the Wilkinsons, the Hansons, Russ and Clint, our neighbors and Luis's entire youth group. It was Luis who introduced her as his sister. She was overwhelmed when I told her that I considered all of them to be family. "Every one of them loves me more than Mom and Dad ever loved me, or at least, they show me more love than Mom and Dad ever did."

On Monday morning, Brad took her to the office to begin her temporary position. Before getting started he introduced her to the staff. She already knew Russ, but Jamie and Jim were all over her with hugs and kisses.

"More family," Brad explained. After all the introductions were made, Brad asked, "Where's Craig?" He was referring to Craig Billings, the only straight male in the firm.

"He's at a client," Jim said, "but he should be back before lunch. Brad turned Marion over to the office manager, and she got her started on some menial office chores, which Marion was more than happy to be doing.

Before the morning was an hour old, one of the girls in the office asked Marion to have lunch with her and Marion accepted. At about 11:30 AM a young man came into the office. The receptionist said, "Good morning Craig." Marion looked up and her heart stopped. The young man looked like the man of her dreams, her fantasy lover. She had no way of knowing it at the time, never having met him, but Craig bore a strong resemblance to her brother-in-law Adam. They were similar in height and build and they could have been first cousins. They both had blue eyes, but Craig had blond hair. Adam's hair was the color of chestnut. It was all Marion could do not to stare at him.

At first Craig did not notice Marion, but the office manager said, "Let me introduce you to Marion Jackson. She'll be working with us for a few weeks. She's Brad's sister in law." When Craig shook Marion's hand, he thought he might faint. He couldn't breathe. He literally willed himself to draw a breath. Standing before him was the most beautiful girl he had ever laid eyes on.

"Please, God," he prayed silently, "don't let her be a lesbian. This is the girl I want to marry." He muttered something about welcome aboard and rushed into Brad's office. He closed the door behind him. He tried to speak but he was still hyperventilating.

"What?" Brad asked.

"Will you kill me if I ask Marion out on a date? I swear I'll be the perfect gentleman."

Brad started to laugh. "She's over eighteen," he said. Just pray she doesn't reject you."

"How did you feel when you first laid eyes on Aaron?" Craig asked.

Brad thought for a second and said, "You'd better ask her out quick before someone else does."

"I'm safe in this office until she goes out to lunch," Craig joked.

"I think she's having lunch with Sarah," Brad said.

"They don't know it yet, but Sarah and Marion are having lunch with me."

As Craig turned to leave the office, Brad noticed a bulge in Craig's crotch area. He had never noticed that before or maybe he hadn't looked.

To be continued........

Next: Chapter 21: Love Is Where You Find It 21

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