Love Is Where You Find It

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Nov 29, 2008


Love Is Where You Find It Chapter Four

"Please love me back," Brad pleaded.

I couldn't answer him, so I held him tight and put his head on my chest. I could feel his tears wetting my skin. I was in a terrible turmoil. Brad loved me, but I didn't love him. I liked him a lot, but it just wasn't love. I loved Carl, even though I was well aware that he did not love me. I was certain that Carl viewed me as just another fuck buddy.

I thought that maybe when he got home and Jorge was out of the picture, he might come to realize that he loved me. Even as I prayed for that to happen, I knew it was wishful thinking. A good looking guy like Carl, with a cock that big, must have a zillion fuck buddies.

I ran my hand through Brad's hair and whispered in his ear, "I need time, Brad. This is all so new to me."

I held him closer and could feel his hard cock rubbing against my body. I realized that Brad had not been satisfied. Gently, I laid him down on the bed. My tongue found his nipples and I began to suck on them and then I worked my way down to his cock. I found his cock and his balls and used every lesson Carl and Jorge had instructed me in. I wanted to give Brad as much pleasure as he had given me. When I enveloped his cock in my mouth, I knew I had accomplished my goal from the way he writhed and moaned in absolute abandoned joy. Each time I felt his orgasm coming, I pulled off him and let him recover. I did this several times until finally he begged, "Let me cum Aaron. I can't stand it any more."

I lost count of the number of spasms he emptied in my mouth. I do know that I couldn't take all of his jism. A good deal was dribbling down my chin. I offered it to Brad who greedily drank it down.

The two of us lay still and exhausted on the bed. We rolled toward each other and wrapped our arms around one another. Then we fell asleep.

When I awoke, I had to pee badly. I carefully removed Brad's arms and went to the bathroom. On the way, I checked the time. It was 7 AM. The store opened at 6 AM and Brad was always there to open up. I peed quickly and went to rouse Brad.

"It's OK," he said. "I was hoping to spend the night with you so I asked Tommy to open up. I told him I didn't know what time I could get in, but it wouldn't be early."

"I really would like to go to work today," I said.

"No way, man! I won't let you. I don't want to see you at the store until your regular single shift on Monday. Anyway, I want you to save your strength for me."

I started to protest, but I knew it wouldn't be any use. Then again, I could use the time off. Three quarters of a million dollars was a lot to manage and I had to start managing. I needed the time off to make arrangements.

Brad eventually got up and said he had to go home and change before he went to work. He told me to pack my small bag and to be ready at 5 PM, when he would pick me up to go to his apartment.

I had no food in the house. I could have walked over to my Wendy's for a free breakfast, but I thought better of the idea, and I went to a nearby Denny's instead. On the way home, I stopped and did some food shopping.

After I put my groceries away, I called my bank and confirmed that my balance was in excess of $753,000. I walked over to the bank, which I knew had a financial investment division and asked to speak to an advisor. The receptionist looked at me and saw a teen ager. With her nose pointed straight up in the air, she asked me if I had an account with the bank and I answered affirmatively.

"May I have your account number," she asked me as if it was a great effort on her part. She looked at the computer screen and did a double take. She was no youngster and she should have known by now that you can't judge a book by its cover.

"Oh yes, Mr. Jackson," she said with a lilt in her voice. "I'll get someone right away." I expected her to buzz someone, but instead she ran into one of the offices, presumably to give the financial advisor a head's up.

A slightly chubby, but very handsome man, about forty-five years old, and about 5'8" came out of the office. He extended his hand to greet me and ushered me into his office.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, sir," he said. "I'm Larry Reilly."

SIR! Nobody had ever called me that before. I liked it.

"What can I do for you?" he asked.

"You can help me invest my money wisely," I said. "Don't bother with anything hairy," I instructed. "I want safe and sound investments, and if I'm not worth more a year from now than I am worth today, I'll take my money elsewhere." I have no idea where this assertiveness came from, but I didn't want him to think I was a pushover who he could take advantage of.

Before he could say anything, I added, "I want to keep about $1,000.00 in my checking account and I want to buy certificates of deposit up to the government insured maximum. I look to you to help me invest the rest, and remember, only solid investments, nothing risky."

"You're very young," he said. "With someone your age, who is as conservative as you are, I have my own little formula. I like to put about 40% into the stock market in solid dividend paying companies. I put about 25% into triple A bonds and about 15% in Preferred Stock. I like to put the balance into growth stocks. You know, emerging companies, maybe some foreign stuff. I promise you I won't invest in anything risky, just promising. How does that sound?"

Actually it sounded good to me, and in my most mature and professional manner, I asked. "How soon can you come up with a portfolio for me? I'd like to move on this as soon as possible. My money isn't earning anything right now and might as well be under the mattress."

"May I call you Aaron?" he asked me. I nodded. "It's a pleasure to deal with such a mature young man. Please call me Larry. I promise you that I'll work my ass off for you and you won't be sorry. Let's get some of the money working right away. I'll transfer $100,000.00 into CD's immediately at our highest and most preferred rate. Tell me. Do you want your interest and dividends reinvested or deposited to your checking account?"

That was a tough question. I hadn't thought about that. "Why don't we put it in my checking account." I answered. "I want to use some of it for living expenses. When the balance gets too high, I'll see you about investing the excess." Then as an afterthought I added, "Or maybe I'd like to buy a car or something."

"That's a plan," Larry said. "Now can I take you to lunch? It's just about that time.

I liked Larry a lot. He made me feel that he was competent to take care of my money. "Sure," I said. "That would be nice."

At the restaurant, which was too fancy for what I was wearing, Larry asked me to tell him something about myself. He thought it might help in his decision making process. I was so comfortable with him, that I decided to tell him everything from my excommunication to the bus accident and its financial consequences. All the while I was narrating my tale, he just stared at me in amazement and said nothing. I decided to skip my sex life, which had gone from nothing to running on all cylinders in a very short space of time.

When I was finished Larry reached into his wallet. With great pride and I think a lump in his throat, he showed me a picture of himself with a very distinguished looking, also forty something gentlemen. He was a good looking man and appeared to be tall and lean as opposed to Larry's portliness. The two men had their arms on each other's shoulders and were smiling broadly at the camera.

"This is my partner, Chuck," he said. "We've been together for twenty-four years. We'll be making a twenty-fifth anniversary party in about six months and you're invited. Do you have a boy friend to bring with you?"

I was astounded to learn that Larry was gay. Don't ask me why, but I decided to seek Larry's non-financial advice on my love life. I related to him the part of my story I had held back on. I admitted that Carl did not love me, but I loved him, that Brad loved me, but I didn't love him. "What I can't understand," I told him, "is that Brad is a hundred times better lover than Carl."

"What do you mean?" he asked me.

"Well, Brad wants only to give me pleasure and Carl wants to use me for his own pleasure. Does that make sense?''

"It certainly does, Aaron. From the sound of it, I would suggest you see a lot of Brad. He loves you a lot and maybe if you don't love the man right away you will learn to love his attributes."

"Well, he's my boss," I answered, "so I will see a lot of him. It's when Carl comes home in a few weeks that has me worried."

"See how it plays out," Larry said. "I'm here for you whenever you need me." He picked up the check and put his credit card on it. The waiter came and picked up the card, and then walked off.

"How about you come and see me tomorrow at about 1 PM. I should have a complete plan of action for you by then." I nodded my head.

"By the way," he asked, "why are you continuing to work at Wendy's?"

"I really don't know," I answered sincerely. "I don't particularly want anyone to know that I've come into money. The only thing I might do is move into a real apartment."

"Good idea," Larry said. He started to shake my hand, but instead he pulled me to him and gave me a hug. "Your parents are fucking fools," he said. "They have no idea what a fine young man they threw out. If I had a son, I'd want him to be you."

I don't know why, but I had the feeling that Larry had just adopted me. The future would prove that he and his partner, Chuck Harrington, had indeed adopted me, not legally, but in spirit. In time they would come to fill the void my parents had left in my life, and I was the better off for it. I left Larry with the certain conviction that I had put myself in good hands.

Brad picked me up promptly at 5 PM. When we arrived at his apartment building, the address sounded familiar. I looked in my wallet. Carl had written down his local address and telephone number for me. As incredible as it sounds, he lived in this very building in apartment 2C. Brad was in 3C. I involuntarily muttered, "Oh no."

"What's wrong?" Brad asked.

"Nothing, nothing at all," I lied.

From the moment Brad picked me up, I tried to look at him in a new light. Larry told me to try to love his attributes. During the evening, I found out how easy that was. He was so careful not to harm my healing body in any way. He wouldn't let me do even the simplest tasks. I watched him as he prepared a gourmet dinner for us. "No Wendy's for us tonight," he informed me.

He baked two Cornish hens, which he served with oven roasted potatoes and green beans. As an appetizer we had shrimp cocktail and for dessert, strawberry shortcake with coffee. While the chickens were baking in the oven, he opened a bottle of red wine, and we made a toast, "To Us." That made me a little uncomfortable.

During the course of the preparation of the meal and during the time we ate it, Brad would come over and give me his wonderful kisses. His feathery tongue would glide over mine and I tingled all over. I couldn't help wonder what was wrong with me. He was treating me like visiting royalty and all I had in mind was Carl's return. I was a fool. I knew it, and I couldn't do a thing about it. In fact, I was so disturbed that I told Brad that I ached a lot tonight and was afraid to get too physical.

"That's fine," he said. "Don't worry about it." We fell asleep hugging each other and just fondling our cocks. Brad made me feel like I was in a womb, warm and safe, and still I could only think of Carl. I was convinced that I was one sick puppy.

In the morning I asked Brad to take me home and pick me up again after work. I had resolved that tonight I was going to make Brad the happiest lover on planet Earth. When I got home, I cleaned the apartment, and did a laundry. At lunch time, I went to Wendy's. Brad was very discreet and did not show me any affection, but the rest of my co-workers were glad to see me and some showed it physically by hugging me. Brad warned them not to hurt me. It killed me that he always had my welfare at heart and my only thoughts were of Carl.

I took a salad tray and Brad took a hamburger. We went into his office to eat lunch and he closed the door. As soon as the door was closed, I grabbed him and started to kiss him passionately. At the same time I lightly grabbed his package and when I heard him moan, I stopped.

"That's it for now," I said. "You get the rest tonight." He smiled so broadly at me that I registered another attribute. He had a beautiful smile.

After lunch I headed to the bank for my 1 PM appointment with Larry. When I went into his office, he closed the door and embraced me warmly.

"How are you feeling today, son?" he asked me. He said `son' the way an older man addresses a younger one. He meant nothing by it, but I jokingly answered, "Just fine, Dad."

We smiled at each other and guess what? After that he always called me son, and I always called him Dad. We had officially adopted each other.

"Before we start," Larry said, "I want you to know that after you said you might want to buy a car, and maybe get a nicer apartment, I put $50,000.00 in a money market account, so you would have ready access to cash. The interest rate is low, but you can draw on it readily without disturbing other investments."

Larry took a bunch of computer generated papers from his desk and laid them out for me. He started to explain what he planned for me, but I laid my hand on his and said, "Dad, I don't really understand any of this. I trust you totally to act in my best interests. Just tell me what to do."

What I had to do was sign a bunch of documents giving Larry my power of attorney to act as my financial agent in all matters related to my accounts with the bank. I signed the papers and we shook hands in a business like manner. Then Larry embraced me, but the embrace was somehow different than previously. It was like a father embracing a loving son. I didn't want to, but I started to cry and when I looked at Larry he was crying too.

"Look son," Larry said. "Tomorrow is Friday. Chuck and I would really like you to come for dinner. You can bring whoever you want, but I would hope that you bring Brad. By the way have you been studying his attributes?"

"Yes," I said. "He's kind, considerate, patient, loving, sweet, handsome, a great lover, a fantastic cook, and if that isn't enough, he has the most beautiful smile in the world."

"I can see that you don't like him," Larry said jokingly. He wrote his home address and telephone number on a piece of paper and said, "We'll expect you abut six. I hope you will bring Brad too"

When Brad came to pick me up, I was brimming with excitement. "I have something to tell you," I said. Without telling him about my money, I said, "I have become very friendly with one of the men who works at my bank. He's an older guy, and he and his partner have invited me to dinner tomorrow evening. He's kind of acting like I was the son he never had or something. They want me to bring a friend so I was wondering if you would like to go with me."

"Are you kidding?" Brad asked. "I'd love to go with you. It would be like we were a real couple going to dinner at the house of another real couple. I'd like that very much."

Brad was excited for us to be doing something as a `real couple.' I winced at the thought. I just didn't want to be a couple, not even with Carl, and I truly believed that I loved Carl.

"You're not making dinner tonight," I said. "I'm taking you out for being so nice to me."

"No, no," Brad said. "I can't let you spend money on me."

"Forget about it," I said. "No is not an option. I took him to an inexpensive Italian restaurant where the food was good and plentiful. I even bought a bottle of wine over Brad's objection. I couldn't help wondering if Carl would have objected.

That night in bed, I lived up to the promise I made. I told Brad that he was not to make love to me tonight. I was going to make love to him and give him the most pleasure that I was capable of giving.

I sucked his cock, teasing it until he was crying for relief. Then I put a lubricated condom on his cock and I sat on it. When I had him in me all the way, I just sat still. He tried to move up and down but I held him down. After a while I moved up and down on him always stopping in time to make sure he didn't cum. When I tortured him enough, I let him cum. He filled the condom, and much of his spunk flowed out the sides, just as mine had done. I began to wonder how it would feel to have his cum fill me up, and I decided to ask him if we could be tested so we could stop using a condom.

I must have been crazy to think of that. If I said anything like that, Brad would deduce, and rightly so, that I wanted us to be exclusive. No way was I ready for that. I yearned for Carl so badly.

Friday evening Brad drove us to Larry and Chuck. We stood at the front door with a bottle of wine as a house gift. For the life of me I could not understand why I was apprehensive about going in. It was Brad who rang the bell.

Almost immediately, the door was opened by Chuck. The picture didn't lie. He was about 6 feet tall, very lean, and very distinguished looking.

"You must be Aaron," he said looking straight at me. Then discreetly, he looked at Brad and asked, "And who might you be?" There was no doubt about it. He sighed a sigh of relief when Brad said, "I'm Bradley, sir."

Chuck held out his hand and said to Brad, "I'm Chuck." Larry appeared out of nowhere with an apron on. He grabbed me and kissed me on the lips. "Welcome, welcome son and you too, Brad."

At the sound of the word, son, Brad looked at me quizzically. I know he was thinking that it was awfully intimate for my banker to call me son. So fully aware of what I was doing, I said, "It's a pleasure to be here Dad."

Chuck asked what we would like to drink, and Brad and I answered in one voice, "Just coke, if you have it, Chuck." We started to laugh and Brad said, "Bread and butter." Shit, I thought, there's another thing we have in common, and of course, that disturbed me. Carl, I thought. Why aren't you here to unconfuse me?

Larry and Chuck had prepared a very simple meal. They barbequed steaks which they served with baked potatoes. The only drinks they put on the table were water and bottles of soda. The appetizer was a simple lettuce wedge with an assortment of dressings. For dessert we had apple pie ala mode with coffee.

After dinner we sat around and chatted. Conversation flowed comfortably. You would think that we were four old friends who had known each other forever. Larry was the epitome of discretion. He never mentioned anything about our financial arrangement.

At one point Brad asked our hosts how they had met. "I'm a hopeless romantic," he informed everyone, looking straight at me, "and I need to know these things."

For some reason I assumed that Larry would relate the story, but it turned out to be Chuck who began to speak.

"I had just landed a position at Berkeley teaching English Lit. All I had was a furnished studio apartment. I did not know a single person in Frisco and I was feeling sorry for myself. I'm not a drinker and I'm not much for bars. I thought about going to a gay bar, but was too shy to go alone. (I laughed inwardly at that last statement.) Anyway, one evening I went to the Library at the University just to pass some time.

"I think Larry is hot now, but you should have seen him twenty-five years ago. I sat down at a table with a book, I can't remember what it was, and there was Larry across the table from me. Gentlemen, for me it was love at first sight. I wanted desperately to meet this guy. I didn't care if he was straight or gay, and I just shed all my shyness and asked right out, `Hey man, what are you studying there?'

`I'm working on my senior thesis in finance,' he answered without even looking up. So I persisted.

`I'm going to be teaching English Lit here next semester. I just moved here from Illinois. I don't know a soul here and I think I might go crazy before school starts.'

Finally, Larry looked up and into my eyes. He smiled at me and I wanted to grab him and make love to him right there in the library. `I'm Larry Reilly,' he said extending his hand.

`Chuck Harrington,' I said, shaking his hand. How good, how right, his hand felt in mine. He smiled at me and I knew he felt the same way.

I'm about done here for now,' Larry said. Would you like to have a cup of coffee with me?'

"That was it," Chuck continued. "He came back to my furnished studio and we made love. We haven't been apart one night ever since."

In a way that was very atypical of me, I jumped up and embraced Chuck first, and then Larry. "Thanks for sharing," I said.

After that there was an uncomfortable silence for a few minutes until Chuck said to me, "Look son, if you are going to call Larry Dad, you have to call me Dad also."

"I'm flattered," I said, "but that's confusing. How about if I call you Pop, and you can call me Son." After that I had a dad and a pop and they both had a son.

Brad was silent through all of this. He was usually very upbeat and buoyant and his silence confused me. On the way back to his apartment he said, "You know how jealous I am. I want so much to be a part of your family."

"Please Brad," I literally pleaded. "I like you a lot, but please don't pressure me."

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 5: Love Is Where You Find It 5

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