Love Letter

By Mike O

Published on Dec 15, 2000


Disclaimer: This is fiction. Nothing more than the product of my warped, twisted mind. :-) The characters in this story are not gay, that I know of. I don't know N Sync, nor do I expect to ever know them. Though I would trade my grandma's famous pumpkin pie recipe for JC. :-P

Acknowledgements: Jeffy: For his friendship and always being there to listen to me bitch.

Dru: For above listed reasons. Thank you for being my friend. :-)

DLS: For being the kick-ass writer that you are and inspiring me. As per your request, I will no longer refer to you as God of Nifty, simply as Overlord. :-)

ScottyT: For also being a kick-ass writer, a sarcastic jerk, and overall just being adorable. :-)

The people of the chat room, I thank you for your friendship and advice.

Recommendations: Brian and Me, by DLS

Search and Rescue, by Matt Hunter

Mirrors, by ScottyT. (Hot damn! A JC story!)

Lance in Shining Armor, also by ScottyT

Beneath It All, again, by ScottyT

A Love Like This, by Stacia

Any Path, by Dara Lynn

No Painless Way, also by Dara Lynn

The Interludes series, again, by Dara Lynn

And many others, too numerous to count or name. Rest assured, there are plenty of great ones out there. :-)

"I am not a member of any organized political party. I am a Democrat." --Will Rogers

The Love Letter Part Two

"Flight 923 from JFK to Orlando International, now boarding at gate 14."

"JC, that's us," Chris whispered, as he jabbed him in the ribs. "Yo, JC?"

"Hmm?" JC snapped out of his daydream.

"Our plane is boarding, man."

"Oh, OK. Sorry, my mind was elsewhere," JC smiled.

"Aww," cooed Chris. "Were you thinking about a certain blond, curly-haired cutie?"

'What is he, a mind-reader?' JC asked himself. 'Or am I that obvious?'

"Yeah," he grinned sheepishly. "I just miss him, that's all, Chris."

"I know, C. Just a couple hours more, and you can be back with your baby again," he replied, as he pulled JC along with him to the gate.

Chris managed to get JC on the plane, before losing him to another daydream. He knew what was on JC's mind, because he knew that's what was on it 24-7. Not that he blamed JC at all for being in love, he and Justin had always been stuck like glue. If you'd have asked him, and he'd have responded honestly, he would've even said that what Justin and JC had was pretty much his ideal relationship, only with a girl, in his own case.

JC, in the meantime, was, without a doubt, happier than he had ever been in his life. But every so often, things would get to him, and he'd have a sort of mini-breakdown. Nothing that psychiatrists and mental health experts would look at as unhealthy, just a sort of venting. As close as brothers though they all were, only Justin could get through to JC. Only Justin could calm him, and all that was usually needed was for Justin to wrap his arms around JC and hold him. JC would say that maybe, on some deep, sub-conscious level, he and Justin shared one mind, and that each knew exactly what to do to make the other happy again. Justin had that with JC, and JC with Justin. They knew they would never find that with anyone else.

Justin's watch beeped 9 o'clock as he watched TV at the apartment he and JC shared in Orlando. Lance and Joey were due over any minute to watch some movies. The phone rang as Justin was getting up to fix some snacks, and take Joey's favorite flavor donuts out of the fridge. "Hello?"

"Hi Justin," JC's voice sounded somewhat despondent.

"Baby! Where are you? You still in New York?"

"Uh, yeah. Chris and I were going to catch a flight home tonight, but there was a problem with the engine, so the flight was cancelled. I looked all over and there were no more flights to Orlando. Not even charter planes."

"Oh no. So that means you'll be coming home in the morning then?"

"Hopefully. I miss you, love."

"I miss you too." Justin was interrupted by the doorbell. "Hold on babe, Joey and Scoop are here."

"OK. I'll be here."

Justin put down the phone and went to answer the door. Another knock, and Justin opened the door.


"Fooled ya, didn't I?" JC grinned ear to ear.

"Joshua Scott Chasez, you are so dead!" Justin laughed. "But I do believe you owe me a huge hug and lots of kisses first."

"Oh, did I say that?"

"I believe you did, sir."

"Ooh, sir. I like that."

"Don't get used to it, smart-ass. Now get over here and give me a kiss."

"Gladly," JC smiled as he pulled Justin into his arms. He ran his fingers gently through Justin's hair as his lips moved closer to Justin's. Their lips made contact and JC's parted to admit Justin's tongue. The two young lovers stood like that, kissing for a couple minutes, tongues dueling, until Justin pulled back and smiled at his love.

"I missed that, baby," JC sighed. "I missed you."

"I missed you too. I love you."

"I love you, Justin."

"You know what, Josh? Since we've been apart for three days, it would seem to me that we have a bit of making out to do. Shouldn't we get right on that?" Justin inquired with a grin.

"I thought you said Joey and Lance are coming over?"

"Oh, damn, I forgot. Take a raincheck, babe?"

"You know it," JC smiled.

Justin gave him another quick kiss and pulled him to the couch. "So how was New York, Josh?" he asked.

"Lonely. Miserable. Three days of torture without you, that's what it was."

"Aww, my poor baby," Justin cooed as JC sat down on his lap. "Well, you're back home now, and nothing to do for a while."

"You sure about that? No award shows, no guest spots? I thought we had a Christmas special to do," asked JC.

"That's not for another three weeks, sweetie. Right before Thanksgiving," Justin answered. "Lance'll know for sure. He knows everything."

"I'll ask when he gets here. When are they supposed to be over, babe?"

"Any minute now."

"So, no time for serious making out, huh?"

"I wouldn't imagine anything too serious."

"Don't you think we shouldn't be wasting too much time talking about it, and wasting more time actually doing it?"

"I think that's an admirable idea, Mr. Chasez," Justin grinned.

"I'm glad you agree, Mr. Timberlake," JC smiled as he leaned in to taste Justin's lips once more. Knock Knock

"Mmm...Aw, figs."

"You get the door, I'll get the food, Josh."

"OK, hon," replied JC as he opened the door to find Lance and Joey standing there. "Well, I hope you're happy!" JC snapped, mock-dramatically. "Can't my boyfriend and I get 10 minutes to ourselves to make out?"

Lance and Joey normally would've just laughed at a dramatic outburst from JC, instead they were practically rolling on the floor laughing so hard.

"Oh, get in here, you two clowns," JC laughed.

"You're funny, C. Really funny," Joey managed to sputter out.

"Yeah. You should be a comedian. Oh, wait, you were serious?" Lance asked sarcastically.

"Hey! That's enough picking on my man!" Justin said as he walked out of the kitchen. "I'm the only one who gets to do that around here!"

"Yeah!" JC defended himself. "One of your many specialties, babe," he smiled.

"Aww, thanks, Josh."

"Yeah, we know what specialties you got that he likes," Joey piped up before a pretzel hit him square in the forehead. "Note to self: Do not speak to or of JC and Mrs. JC in vaguely erotic language," he said, just before another pretzel hit him in the head.

The movie went by in a flash, or so it seemed to Justin and it was soon time for bed. Lance took the second bedroom, and Joey took the couch, leaving the two young lovers alone in their room. Justin stripped down to t-shirt and boxers, plopped down in bed and watched an old "I Love Lucy" rerun as JC stood in the adjacent bathroom in boxers and wife-beater and brushed his teeth. Justin heard the faucet stop running, and a few seconds later, a gentle hand fall down along his back. He turned around and met the pair of beautiful blue eyes he had missed for three days that seemed like three decades. "Hi," JC said softly.

"Hi, Josh. All minty fresh now?"

JC chuckled. "Yep. Minty fresh and ready for bed."

"Hmm. Let me see how minty you are," Justin smiled as he pulled JC in for a deep kiss.

"Mmm. I like that," JC whispered as Justin slowly pulled away. "It was hard only being able to kiss your picture. I don't know if you realize it, but you're much handsomer and much more kissable in person," he smiled.

"Is 'handsomer' even a real word?" Justin asked with a grin.

"You are, even if it isn't a real word. You're the most beautiful human being I have ever known."

Justin grinned widely and hugged JC. "I love you so much, Josh. I couldn't begin to tell you how much."

"You tell me every day. If not in words, then in actions, and silly looks and grins. I don't have to hear you say the words, baby, it's the feeling I get when you're around that lets me know you love me."

"Well, I just want to say it, so you can hear it. I love you, Joshua. That's never, ever going to change," he said, turning now to kiss JC's neck softly.

"Mmm. Justin, sweetie?"

"Yes, babe?"

"I was thinking..." JC began.

"Don't overwork yourself, love," Justin giggled.

"Shut up, you," JC laughed as he hit Justin's head with a pillow. "As I was saying, before you so rudely interrupted me," here Justin got a big grin on his face, "I was thinking, where will we be in ten years? In twenty years?"

"I'm positively sure of one thing," Justin answered.

"What's that?"

"That we'll be together. In this house, in this bed. We'll still love each other as much then as much as we do now, maybe even more, if that's possible. That much I'm sure of."

"You ever think about...well, ya know..." JC stuttered out.

"Marriage?" Justin asked.

"Yeah," JC replied with a sheepish smile, as though it was taboo to bring it up.

"Of course I do, baby. Maybe someday we can go up to Vermont and get a civil union, so we can have a piece of paper saying that we're legal. I'd love that. But then again, we got the guys to think of and our careers, so we'd have to put that on hold," Justin trailed off regretfully.

"It's OK, sweetie. This is just fine with me. As long as we both know that we love each other, I think we don't need a piece of paper quite yet. I like what we have now."

"I wish we didn't have to be so secretive. I wish I could shout my love for you from the rooftops, but I can't. And that hurts me, and I know it hurts you, Josh, and I don't want to hurt you," he started to sniffle.

JC pulled Justin closer to him and kissed the top of his head. "You're not hurting anybody, baby. The only reason I'm hurting is because you are. You hurt, I hurt. You could never ever intend to hurt anyone, I know that and you know that. You're the best thing that's happened in my life, Justin Randall Timberlake, and I love you. Please don't ever forget that. I love you."

"I love you, Josh," Justin said softly.

JC smiled. "I think we should get some sleep, baby."

"Only if you stay here and sleep with me," Justin replied with a smile.

"I went three days without you in my arms in bed at night, and I don't intend on going another night without you there!"

"That's what I like to hear."

Justin reached out and turned the light off and settled in close to JC. JC kissed the back of Justin's neck and he giggled.

"Good night."

"Good night, Josh."

"I love you, Justin."

"I love you too, Joshua."

JC smiled and spooned Justin closer to him. Justin was out first, as he usually was. JC breathed in the scent of his man once more, and fell asleep with a contented smile on his face.

Well, this concept is something I've been tinkering with for a while. Seeing the multitude of JC/Justin stories out there, I figured I'd try my hand at it. I certainly hope you all liked it. Feedback and constructive criticism is always welcomed at Flames are cheerfully ignored. Thanks for reading everybody!

"It is the passion that is in a kiss that gives to it its sweetness; it is the affection in a kiss that sanctifies it."

--Christian Nestell Bovee

From the Nifty NewsDesk: "USA Today has come out with a new survey --apparently, three out of every four people make up 75 percent of the population."

--David Letterman

Next: Chapter 3

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