Love Letter

By Mike O

Published on Jan 10, 2001


Disclaimer: This is fiction. Nothing more than the product of my warped, twisted mind. :-) The characters in this story are not gay, that I know of. I don't know N Sync, nor do I expect to ever know them. Though I would trade my grandma's famous pumpkin pie recipe for JC. :-P

Acknowledgements: Jeffy: For his friendship and always being there to listen to me bitch.

Dru: For above listed reasons. Thank you for being my friend. :-)

Schuyler: For being a wonderful person, a fabulous writer, and a great pal. :-)

DLS: For being the kick-ass writer that you are and inspiring me. As per your request, I will no longer refer to you as God of Nifty, simply as Overlord. :-)

ScottyT: For also being a kick-ass writer, a sarcastic jerk, and overall just being adorable. :-) The people of the chat room, I thank you for your friendship and advice.

Recommendations: King and Country, by Schuyler

Retreat, by Schuyler

Brian and Me, by DLS

Search and Rescue, by Matt Hunter

Mirrors, by ScottyT. (Hot damn! A JC story!)

Lance in Shining Armor, also by ScottyT

Beneath It All, again, by ScottyT

A Love Like This, by Stacia

Any Path, by Dara Lynn

No Painless Way, also by Dara Lynn

The Interludes series, again, by Dara Lynn

And many others, too numerous to count or name. Rest assured, there are plenty of great ones out there. :-)

"I am not a member of any organized political party. I am a Democrat." --Will Rogers

The Love Letter Part Three

From: To: Subject: Grr. Time: 20:54 EST 21 Dec 00

Have you ever gotten to the point where you detest something so much, you just feel like punching a hole through the nearest solid surface? I think I've gotten to that point, babe. What I have now is everything I've ever wanted, but sneaking away to write e-mails to you from the studio instead of being with you myself really grates on me. Not to mention, it makes me a lousy boyfriend. :( But, if it's any consolation, I love you, Justin, till the day I die, and beyond, I love you.

I've been thinking about you all day today. I miss you so much when you're not with me. You don't know how crushed I was when they told you you could go home at 3, but I had to stay and help lay down a few more tracks. I wanted to go home with you so badly, because I wanted to cook you a surprise dinner. I had everything set out, what I was going to cook, the ingredients, everything. And here it is, almost 9pm, and I'm still here. I will be outta here by 10, I promise you that. I'm JC, dammit! I can go home when I damn well feel like it. :-P

As for our impending anniversary, baby, I will never forget that magical Christmas Eve almost one year ago when we told each other how we felt, and sanctified our love with our first kiss. Every second of every day since then has been pure bliss for me, from the funny faces we make during magazine interviews, to the flood of ecstacy that crashes over us when we make love, it has been nothing but beautiful. I will make our first anniversary something that neither of us will never forget, not even when we're 95 years old and collecting Social Security, if our new President doesn't completely ruin it by then. :-P

I have to go now, because Scott has come to bring me back to the booth. The bastard. :-P

As long as the sun shines, and the stars remain in the sky, and beyond,

I love you.

Your loving boyfriend,


"Joey, you so suck at this game!"

"Shut up, Curly! I don't see you winning much of anything either!"

"Well, that's cause I'm kicking both your asses."

"Shut up, Lance!" Joey and Justin yelled in unison as Lance grinned.

"I can't help if you're not as smart as I am," Lance chuckled.

"Hey! Just because I don't know what the capital of Iowa is, doesn't make me...Umm...Not smart!" Joey answered.

"Nice comeback, Einstein," Justin laughed. "Man! It's 9:30 and Josh still isn't back."

"Don't worry, Just. He's probably e-mailed you nine times today," Lance reassured him.

"Ooh! I'll go check!" he cried happily as he bounded from the room.

Joey waited until Justin was out of earshot to whisper to Lance. "You think Curly has any idea what JC's planned for their anniversary?"

Lance smiled and nodded in Justin's direction. "He doesn't have a clue."

JC had finally gotten out of the studio and was on his way home when his cell phone rang. "Hello?"

"Hi, honey, it's Mom."

"Oh, hi Mom! What's up?"

"I just wanted to check in with my oldest son," Karen replied. "The big oh-one is coming up soon, huh?"

JC grinned at the mention of his anniversary with Justin. "Yep. I've got everything planned out. You and Dad and Tyler and Heather are still coming, right?"

"Yes, hon, we'll be there. You know we wouldn't pass up sharing something like this with you and Justin."

"That's great! I want you guys there because I've decided I'm going to pop the question to Justin."

"Oh my goodness! You are? That's so wonderful!"

"Well, mom, don't get too excited," JC laughed. "He hasn't said 'yes' yet. He doesn't even know I'm asking him yet."

Karen laughed with her son. "Oh, Joshua, you know as well as I do that he will. You two are so perfect for each other."

"I'm really glad you think so, mom. And I have a good feeling he will say 'yes'. This ring is just burning a hole in my pocket, and I can't wait to ask him. Our anniversary is a perfect time to do it."

"It is, sweetie. Are Lynn and Paul going to be there?"

"Yeah, they'll be there, and so will Randall and Lisa and Jonny and Steven. They told me they wouldn't miss it for the world. But ya know mom, I am kinda nervous. After all, I am asking their son to marry me."

"Well, Joshua, they approve, you know that. And they've known you as long as Justin has, so they trust you. Why wouldn't they?"

"I guess you're right. I just can't wait to ask him. He's my everything, mom. I honestly can't imagine a life without him."

"I know, hon. And when you find your soulmate, you don't let go. Never let go of Justin, dear. Always remember that he is your first priority, above all else. Sure, there'll be some tough times, but remember the saying? 'Love conquers all'? It does. I can't remember how many hard times and rough roads your father and I've had to go through, but we always had each other, and we still do. Your father and I have been sweethearts for nearly 30 years and whenever I put out my hand, he was always there to take it."

"I've found that with Justin, mom, definitely. Sometimes with all this crap we go through, he's the only reason I still have my sanity. It's like he's my equillibrium, and so much more."

"Just remember that. You'll have your fights and all that, but I have just one more bit of advice to give you."

"What's that, mom?"

"Never go to bed angry. No matter how mad he makes you, or how mad you make him, it's always best to make up before you go to bed. If you don't, you won't fall asleep, you'll be more miserable in the morning, and then you'll realize you should've apologized the night before and saved yourself the trouble."

JC laughed. "I'll keep that in mind, mom. I just pulled into the driveway, so I'm gonna let you go, K mom?"

"OK, sweetie. You go get home to Justin. We'll see you in a couple days."

"OK, mom. Love you."

"Love you too, Joshua. Night!"

"Night, mom!"

JC walked in the door and saw Lance and Joey sitting at the kitchen table with the Trivial Pursuit game out. "Hey guys. Where's Justin?"

"He went to check his e-mail," Lance answered. "Bet he's gotten a little love nugget in his mailbox," he smiled.

JC blushed a deep red. "Yeah. I hope he got those naked pictures of Chris I sent him," Joey dead-panned, as JC rocketed out of the room to the computer.

Justin looked up to see an out-of-breath JC appear in the office doorway. "Baby! You're home!"


"Whuh? Ohh. Joey must've told you that," Justin smiled. "Actually, I was reading your e-mails you sent. They're very sweet," he smiled lovingly.

JC sat down next to Justin and caught his breath. "Babe, I can think of so many other good reasons why you should be all out of breath," Justin smiled playfully, "and they all involve me."

"Ooh. Somebody's in a good mood tonight. But should we do it in here with our friends in the next room?"

"Oh, please. We've done it on the bus in our bunks on the other side of the room!"

"Very true. You're awesome on the bus," JC grinned.

"I like to think of myself as awesome everywhere," Justin replied, his grin matching his lover's.

"Someone certainly has a high opinion of himself."

"I thought you did too?"

"I do. Very high."

Justin moved closer to JC's face, reaching out and running his hand through JC's hair. He kept moving closer until their lips were a fraction of an inch away from each other.

"Mr. Chasez?"

"Yes, Mr. Timberlake?" JC answered breathlessly.

"Why are Mr. Bass and Mr. Fatone standing in the doorway grinning like idiots?"

"Why are Mr. Bass and Mr. Fatone even here? We see enough of them all the time!"

"Hey! Don't blame us! We just like seeing a happy couple in love. Right, Scoopy-poo?" Joey smiled.

"Call me that again and I'll hang you by your nuts, Fatone."

"Uh-oh. Somebody's time of the month," Justin whispered to JC, just before Lance's hand caught the back of Justin's head.

Justin stood in the shower, lathering up his hair when he felt a hand touch his shoulder. He turned and met JC's loving gaze. "Hi, Josh."

"Hi, baby. I missed you, and I thought I'd help conserve water by showering with you."

"You're so civic-minded, Joshy. You should run for President," Justin smiled.

JC grinned and moved closer to Justin. "Running for President," he said as he reached around Justin's back and pulled him into his arms, "is the last thing on my mind right now."

"Ohh. Why, Senator Chasez, I do believe you're trying to besmirch my purity."

JC chuckled slightly. "What purity?"

"You make an excellent point, Senator," Justin replied, and bit his lip seductively, knowing full well how much that turned JC on.

JC ran his index finger down Justin's cheek gently. "I love you, Justin."

"I love you too," he answered as he pulled JC in for a gentle, yet passionate kiss. "Show me you love me, Josh. Make love to me."

JC saw the look of pure love in Justin's eyes as he made his request, and he knew that he couldn't deny his angel. He picked up Justin and carried him in his arms to their bed. He bent down and kissed his love before he joined him for their night of passion.

Justin stretched and saw that daylight had come, but JC wasn't sleeping next to him. While pondering where he could be, JC opened the door and smiled at his boyfriend. "Morning, baby. I got a surprise for you," he said as he pulled in a cart. "Breakfast is served, sir," he announced in a very stuffy British accent.

"Mmm. Bacon, sausage, eggs, hash browns, pancakes. Where's the French toast?"

"That's Lance's thing, remember?"

"Oh yeah," Justin grinned. "You made this all yourself?"

"Yep. Hope you like it."

Justin took a bite of eggs and grunted his approval. "These eggs are awesome. Have you tried them?"

"No, I wanted you to eat first. I was just hoping it'd be good enough," JC smiled.

"It's all great, Josh. Thank you," Justin replied, pulling JC in for a soft kiss.

"You're welcome, Just," he replied as he sat down in bed next to Justin. "How'd you sleep?"

"Pretty well, when I wasn't watching you sleep," Justin answered.

"You were watching me sleep? How cute."

"You're very cute when you sleep. Your mouth hangs open just a little bit, and I swear, sometimes, you look like a six year-old," Justin started to giggle.

"A six year-old? This coming from the King of the Baby-Faces?" JC laughed.

"But I'm your baby face."

"Tis true. And what a beautiful face it is," he said, stroking Justin's cheek with the back of his hand. Justin smiled shyly and leaned in for another kiss.

"Mmm. I want to just stay here in bed all day with you," JC said.

"Yeah, that'd be nice, but we got things to do, babe."

"Do I have to do any of them without you?"

"No, I don't think so. Unless you need help going to the bathroom. I could hold it for you."

"You did that last night, smart-ass."

Justin laughed. "Oh yeah. I remember now. You were great last night, King of Studs."

"But I'm your stud."

"Yep. I seem to remember you screaming my name last night, so I guess I can claim possession."

"How imperialistic of you. What am I, your own personal sex colony?"

"Imperialistic! Where'd you learn such a big word like that, Joshy?"

"You'd be surprised how smart some boy band members are, Justy. Even smarter than you."

"I'll pretend that was a compliment."

"It was! Ever heard of a Jersey compliment?"

"You're a smug little bastard, ya know that?" Justin smiled.

"No, my parents were married when they had me."

"OK, then you're just smug."

"But you like it."

"You bet I do," Justin drawled seductively as he pulled JC down for a kiss.

Kinda awkward place to end it, but I'm out of ideas. :-P

Well, this concept is something I've been tinkering with for a while. Seeing the multitude of JC/Justin stories out there, I figured I'd try my hand at it. I certainly hope you all liked it. Feedback and constructive criticism is always welcomed at Flames are cheerfully ignored. Thanks for reading everybody!

Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself.

--Mark Twain

If you can't convince them, confuse them.

--Harry S. Truman

Next: Chapter 4

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