Love of a Redneck

By Andrew Davidson

Published on May 2, 2012


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Warning: This is a violent, graphic chapter! You have been warned. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

My concern was staying alive and coherent until Tanner was able to help. Suddenly a feeling of rationality came over me and I realized that as strong as Tanner was, there were two of these guys who were obviously grown men and he was just one teenager.

But then my mind flashed to how easily he had lifted me up and down, how strong his arms had felt, the sound of force as he smacked his own bicep. I let a mix between hope and dread spiral through me as the footsteps got louder and louder. Still on the ground, I couldn't see all around the area like the two men could, but whoever had been walking had suddenly stopped.

"Tyler!?" I heard Tanner's voice pierce the quiet with a distraught whisper. Blood was running down the sides of my head and my face was bruised quite badly. I could feel it as the adrenaline rush started wearing off. I managed to find where he was standing and though the short man was still standing above me, I made eye contact with Tanner and let my eyes do the talking. I wanted to tell him so much. Sorry for dragging him into this, for starters as the two men looked leeringly at Tanner.

The sight of Tanner there, quaking with anger in front of the two men was something to behold. Though the taller man was tall, Tanner still rose above the two men. He approached the two men slowly, and I watched from ground level as his calves flexed powerfully with every step.

"Y'all think this is a game?" Tanner said in a very quiet, dangerous voice.

"This kid's gay, don't ya know?" The short one said, although he didn't sound so sure of himself.

"Yeah I fuckin' know and he's my fuckin' boyfriend too! Wanna see how fast your masculinity can be taken away from you? I'll fuckin' show you!" I had never seen Tanner so angry in my life. His voice was not the usual playful or romantic one. His voice rocked with impending wrath and shook as the words spilled quickly out of his mouth.

I saw Tanner's fist fly like lightning and an unmistakable CRACK could be heard, surely by everyone in a 5 mile radius, as Tanner's punch collided into the taller man's jawbone. He dropped harder and faster than either of the men had thrown me, and I saw the shorter one quickly turn around and tried to break out in a run towards where I had entered the woods from.

I watched Tanner's long, muscular legs carry him so fast across the wood's leafy path that it was like he was gliding. A terrifying scream pierced the air as the short man was caught by Tanner. I managed to lift my aching body up just a few inches and saw Tanner and the short man down the path a ways. I blinked to ascertain I wasn't hallucinating.

Tanner was holding up the short man with a burly, enclosed hand around the man's neck. The man was making hauntingly dangerous sounding gargling noises as Tanner's flexed arm easily cut off the man's circulation. He tried in vain to remove Tanner's grip, to no avail. Tanner fiercely casted the man across the forest back to where me and the tall man were on the ground. Both of the men shifted uneasily.

"Ain't this fuckin' funny? Y'all don't y'all think this is fuckin' funny?!" Tanner bellowed, just as angry as before. I nearly looked away as Tanner gave both men a powerful kick each to the head.

"Not so fuckin' fun now, is it?" Tanner's voice commanded impenetrable respect, and the two men quaked with what little consciousness they had left.

"Sorry man, chill out!" the taller one cried out weakly.

"Naw, you know what? I know my fuckin' boyfriend. That's my baby and I'd bet y'all my fuckin' life that he asked y'all to stop. Judgin' by his face y'all beat him up pretty good. Ain't no way I'm lettin' y'all walk away from this in one piece. Think y'all got a chance then stand up and face me like the fuckin' men y'all claim to be. I'm just seventeen so put up your fists. Or does that only work when y'all are beatin' on a small guy? C'mon, I ain't scared of y'all!" Tanner continued to verbally humiliate the men as he stood above them. I could have kissed Tanner, but I knew that his mind was on one thing only just then: these men would pay for hurting his boyfriend.

My mind flashed back to last night where he had told me, `If anyone ever lays a hand on you, you're gonna see me get really scary.' I would definitely define this as scary. It would seem that Tanner's strength had increased even more than usual as he effortlessly threw these grown men around like ragdolls.

"I'm gettin' impatient y'all. Get on y'all's fuckin' feet! What's wrong? Y'all were doin' just fine two versus one just a while ago. What happened? Someone came along that was a challenge? Well y'all better get up right now `cause if I have to come down there it ain't gonna be pretty." He said cockily as he looked down on the two frightened men, who didn't look like they were gonna move for a while.

"Fine, y'all know what? Y'all think just cause someone's gay means you can beat on em? I'll give y'all both a reminder that that ain't true. Cause I'm gay and looks to me like I'm beatin' on y'all. Maybe this will serve as a reminder that that kid' y'all just harassed is mine to touch and no one else's. Might wanna tell y'all's friends that too `cause there won't be a second chance. For now.." his angry voice trailed off and he quickly descended down to the ground.

The men's eyes widened as they watched Tanner in increased terror.

"Who hurt you first?" Tanner spoke to me for the first time since he started his brutal battery of my two assailants. I pointed to the taller one, recalling all too well how he had thrown the first punch.. across my head, no less.

Knowing this, Tanner easily lifted the grown man off the ground and thrust his knee into the man's mouth without hesitation. I winced in the utmost horror as I saw half of the man's teeth fall to the forest floor, some in pieces. The cracking sound that accompanied the collision wasn't unlike that of a gunshot. Blooded starting trickling out of his mouth in rivulets. Tanner chunked the man across the area and told him, "Good luck finding the pieces. Somethin' tells me they ain't gonna be able to do much for your pride, though."

He then turned to the shorter man and gave him a wicked smile.

"No, no, please don't!" the shorter man whimpered like an innocent man on death row.

"See that guy?" Tanner said quietly to the shorter man as he easily lifted him in the air as he had the other one. The shorter man began to thrash to get loose, so Tanner wrapped his arms around the man and tightened his grip. The grip was so tight that I could see the blood circulation being cut off from the man's arms.

"That boy is my boyfriend. You hurt him.. and that hurts me. See, I'm a redneck too. And I take care of the things or people I care for.. and that boy means a lot to me. I'd never forgive myself if I didn't fuck you up like y'all did to him." Tanner said in a falsely sweet voice to the man.

"B-but please, we didn't mess with his teeth!" The shorter man pathetically attempted to plead with Tanner.

"Ohh, okay, that changes things." Tanner said as he let the man down and laid him on his back. Tanner walked around so he was standing in front of the man's head and said, "Wish you would have said somethin' earlier. Your friend would be in a different position right now." he lazily waved his hands to the taller man who was crawling around the floor with tears in his eyes, trying to pick up the broken shards of his teeth.

"Please.. I'll do anything." the shorter man begged.

"Close your eyes.." Tanner instructed. The man hastily obeyed, and before he could have even thought about what would happen next, I saw Tanner's muscular calf flex as he lifted his leg swiftly off the ground and slammed the heel of his tough foot into the man's mouth. A similar cracking sound reverberated throughout the depths of the woods, and like before, teeth went scattering.

"Oh no, I cut my foot." Tanner said in a falsely frantic voice. "Just kiddin'. I could walk on spikes with these things." and he showed me his heel where he had just demolished the man's oral cavity, and it bore no scars or tears.

"Come on, babe. I'm gettin' you out of here." Tanner said as he lifted me off the ground amidst the painful cries of the grown men stumbling around on the ground. He ignored them and began walking quickly out of the apparently dangerous area of the campgrounds.

"Tanner, I..." I started, my words weakly spilling out of my mouth.

"Babe, don't say anything. It's all over now. You're safe. I'm drivin' you back to Broken Bow. Do you need to go to the hospital?" he asked me.

"No, I just need rest." I said weakly.

"What if you're bleeding on the inside?" he asked worriedly.

"Please, Tanner.. no hospitals. I don't want my parents to find out." my words began to trail off again as I felt myself slipping out of consciousness.

"Dear God, what happened to you Tyler!?" I heard Amy scream as we approached my car.

"He was attacked. Y'all should see the other guys, though." Tanner's biceps were still pulsating from the fight. I could feel them almost as if they were bouncing as he carried me. As jacked as he looked right then, he could have been mistaken for a cage fighter.

"Look, we'll talk more later. I gotta get him home and in bed." Tanner said. "Sorry to cut it short y'all. We'll explain later." Tanner said as he grabbed my keys from underneath my car where I had left them.

Tanner gently set me in the back of my Honda, and I felt a small, sharp pain in my abdomen, but it wasn't nearly as bad as it had been an hour earlier.

I was quiet the entire way home, and Tanner only had the radio on for the background noise. I don't think he was paying much attention to the quiet music. As we arrived at the ranch, he carried me into his bedroom and gently laid me down on his camo covered bed. I still hadn't passed out yet, and I felt a surge of emotion overcome me knowing I had been a few steps away from dying just an hour ago.

"I'm so sorry for putting you through this Tanner." I felt tears coming on and as I tried to fight them, my voice began to break.

"Look at me...," Tanner started as he kicked off his flip flops and got in the bed with me. I rolled over on my side with difficulty and faced him, my eyes threatening to tear up at any second.

"I guess I'll tell you if you don't already know, Tyler. I have a hard time controllin' my rage once someone pushes me past that point. Once I heard your scream, and I heard it all the way in the water, by the way, I entered that anger mode where there was no turnin' back. I felt like the fuckin' Terminator walkin' through those woods followin' your voice. And you know what? I tore those fuckin' men apart. I stripped them of any sense of manhood they had left. And I damn well let them know a seventeen year old was crushing them both at once. They didn't even bother fighting back. They knew they stood no chance against me. So why am I sayin' all this? That feeling of pure anger is not somethin' I can turn on or off at will. This ain't your fault at all Tyler, I'm just sayin' that it's because of you I was able to enter that state of do or die'. My feelin's for you and the utter shock of seein' you lyin' on the ground bleedin' made me want only one thing for those men: pain. I'm just so sorry I wasn't there sooner. And don't you dare say a word cause I can't take hearin' you say this is your fault. Ain't no one who deserves to be pushed around like they pushed you around." he finished that emotional spill by hugging me gently, not wanting to upset my wounds. I burst completely and utterly into tears.

"Thank you Tanner. You're a man. A real, true, man." those words, relevant or not, were the only ones I could seem to muster.

"Here.." he said. He pulled me into his chest and allowed my tears to fall freely. Truthfully I wasn't that great at holding back tears, but I knew it was vital for my safety back in the woods, so I did. I finally had the opportunity to let them loose, and so I did just that.

I felt at home as Tanner's arms encircled me. Comfort swept over me like a relieving sense of realization that I was gonna be okay. The same hands that had brought my captors to their knees, literally, were the ones wiping away my tears.

My body was aching and tired, and I drifted to sleep easily. Unsettling images recounting the fear and intimidation I had felt hours earlier haunted my dreams. Except in these recollections, the men were far more aggressive. I was on the ground as I had been, and the men moved in on me together, stomping on my neck all the while screaming `Faggot!'. I awoke with a jolt and verbally cried out, as if I were in pain.

Tanner jerked awake and bolted upright. My heart was racing and my feeling of despair quickly vanished as Tanner laid me back down and stroked my cheek gently with his hand. The lights were out now, and I could see by the dim moonlight coming in through the window that he had taken off his shirt and was sleeping in a pair of blue and grey camo sweatpants.

"You're safe." he whispered gently. "I'm here. Look, you're in my bed," he went on as my heavy breathing slowed down. "I think you should believe me now that cain't no one hurt you if I'm here."

I turned over and buried my head in his chest, letting his thick, muscular arms and legs wrap themselves around me.

"What time is it?" I asked. My face was buried so far into his chest that I was practically talking to his pecs.

"It's 9:00. You slept for quite a while." he said, sounding amused as he looked down at me.

"I'm sorry." I was surprised at how quickly time had went by. I made as if to get up, but Tanner tensed his muscles and I found I couldn't move at all.

"Why ya wanna get up? You went through a hell of an ordeal today babe. Just lay down and let me take care of you."

"I'm starving Tanner. Last thing I ate was at the diner this morning. You have to be hungry too." I said.

"Well.. I am, but I didn't wanna leave you alone for one second." he said softly. Tanner was showing me the same kind of tenderness he had shown on the night of the bonfire.

"Tanner, you can't be with me every second of the day. Besides, who the hell is going to get me when I'm in your room with a vicious blue heeler outside?" I smiled weakly.

"Ain't no one scared of that dog. Alright, c'mon I'll help ya up." he got out of the bed and knelt over to pick me up, but I waved him off.

"I can walk. Don't worry. They didn't do too much damage." I slowly got to my feet and though my stomach ached a bit, they obviously hadn't hurt me as bad as it had felt, because I was able to walk across the room.

Tanner rushed forward and opened the door for me. We walked into the kitchen, which was thankfully empty. I didn't want to have explain to his parents what had happened. It was bad enough everyone was going to ask at school on Monday.

"What do ya want to eat? How `bout biscuits and gravy? I can cook them really good. Promise." he told me.

My eyes stealthily drifted from his face down to his meaty pecs, and a dirty thought flashed through my mind.. I could just feast on his muscle and be full?

"Not good? Well I could cook some bacon and ham. Or we could go to McDonald's? Didn't think McDonald's could outdo my cookin' but guess I ain't gonna hold it against ya at a time like this." he looked at me with a concerned expression.

"Baby, I'll cook whatever you fix me. I'm just starving." I said as I sat down at the kitchen table. "And no, McDonald's hasn't outdone you. Nothing can compete with your cooking."

"Good to hear, `cause my grandma probably wouldn't like to know some processed meat won over her biscuits and gravy. She taught me everythang I know." he grinned as he turned around to face the cabinets, giving me the view of his muscular back. I watched in awe as he began cooking at how his knuckles weren't bruised from the fight earlier today.

"Tanner, why aren't your knuckles sore from hitting those guys today?" I asked him abruptly.

"That wasn't my first fight, Tyler." he said without looking up from the gravy he was preparing. "You think the people in this small town suddenly accepted my different sexuality no questions asked? Naw. I had my own run ins with some guys from this town. Mainly guys I had never gotten along with anyway. I don't claim to be a professional boxer or anything like that but those men didn't stand a chance. They were just punks. They were poser country boys, `cause real country boys would have kept to themselves. They were just weak hate mongerers. Why? Did I scare you?"

"Maybe a little.. but honestly I was just relieved to see you were there. I was holding on to consciousness confident someone, anyone, would come to help, but a part of me thought, `This is it. I'm going to die.'"

"Hey," he started, turning around to look at me. "You just call my name. I'll come running." Tanner walked away from the stove and to where I was sitting. He put both of his hands on my cheeks and felt up my ears, then drew me in for a long kiss. For being a nitty gritty redneck, he sure had good oral hygiene.

I wanted to stop him and make him kiss me again when he broke away, but my stomach growled and I remembered why we were in the kitchen in the first place.

"Listen Tanner, I'm thankful that you came to help me. Really, you saved my life.. but aren't you worried about those men? You hurt them really bad, and what if they die out there?" I asked tentatively.

"First off, Tyler.. I'm your boyfriend and if you're wantin' a man who ain't gonna defend you, you're datin' the wrong guy. I'm a protective guy and I'm gonna tell you now that I will beat down ANYONE who dares to hurt you. It's just who I am. Those men were lucky I gave them the chance to explain themselves, but all they could say was you're a fag. Imagine what I saw when I got to where you were. My boyfriend, layin' on the ground, blood runnin' down his head and bruises on his body. I could see tears shinin' in your eyes even if they weren't fallin'. And if I hadn't been concerned about gettin' you back home to safety, I probably would have beat those men black and blue more than I did. Each time I hit them, I felt better and better. The only thing I could think when I broke that guy's jaw was, `This is for Tyler. They hurt Tyler.'"

"Please don't think I'm not grateful-"

"Tyler, that's not what I think. I know you're glad, but you don't need to be grateful or thankful. It's a given that I'd do somethin' like that for you. Ain't nothin' you gotta be thankful for. And look," he said as he turned around again. "If you gotta cry, then cry. I may be a redneck. Yeah, maybe I'm stronger than a grown man like you said. Or maybe I can pick you up with one arm. Maybe I like to drink a beer in my truck on these backroads after a day of hard work. Maybe I acted like a roidhead tonight in the woods. But don't ever forget: I ain't never gonna judge you, specially not for showin' your emotions. Why do you think I'm with you? I like the guy you are. And ya know what? That you even considered how those men' might be doin', even after all the shit they did to you, says a lot about you. I might have saved you today but baby you save me every day. Don't worry about it, okay? If I gotta throw my fists around to keep my baby safe then that's what I'm gonna do."

"Tanner, if there were any reason I'd cry right now it's because I'm happy to call a guy like you my boyfriend." I said simply as I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him. Given that he was standing, I was basically hugging his waistline/abdominal area, but I didn't care as long as I was touching him.

"Look, we'll get past this, okay? Here, before your food gets cold. Afterwards, we can go ride around somewhere on the four wheeler? Sound good?" he asked as he made me a plate.

"I've never been on a fourwheeler. Are you gonna get me killed?" I asked, half jokingly.

"There's the snarky boyfriend I know. And c'mon, I saved your ass today. You think I'm gonna kill you before I get a piece of it?"

My mouth dropped wide open as I stared at him.

"Damn look at your face! I'm kiddin' babe!" he grinned widely and twiddled my ears.

"Want a beer?" he asked me.

"Who the hell drinks beer with biscuits and gravy?" I asked incredulously.

"Rednecks." he said simply as he popped open a bottle of budlight and sat down to his plate.

"You think you're a redneck? Chug that bottle then." I challenged him.

"This thing? Haha babe you're killin' me if you think this is anything." he said as he lifted the bottle up and to his lips. He swallowed and swallowed without stopping until it was all gone. "What next? Wanna see me break it on my pecs?" he asked as he playfully flexed his chest.

"No but you could make yourself useful and get me some orange juice."

Tanner got up fast and forced my head in between his thighs. "Now that I know you're okay, I ain't takin' any more of your lip mister. Best reword that question with some of the Southern hospitality I've taught you or it's lights out." he gave a light squeeze and I felt the air drain from my lungs as my windpipe became compressed. He quickly let up but didn't let me go.

"Okay, okay," I gasped. "Would you please get me some orange juice?"

"That ain't all." he said defiantly.

"Please, sir?" I added.

"That's a good boy." he smirked as he released me.

"God, those things are like pythons." I said, rubbing my neck.

"Yeah, they say I can kick pretty hard too. Dunno what gave them that impression." he said as he set my glass of orange juice down on the table and resumed eating.

"Hell if I know." I said absentmindedly as I felt something stirring in my pants. Was I really getting a boner.. from being given orders by Tanner? What kind of freak was I?

Tanner had a few more beers as we finished our late dinner. We went back into his room where I put on my shoes and he put on a pair of boots and stuffed his sweatpants inside of them.

"What about socks?" I asked curiously.

"No socks makes my feet smell better." he replied casually.

"What!?" I laughed. I didn't think I'd hear something like that come out of his mouth. Who honestly thought about how what they wore would affect the smell of their feet..? Tanner was either loosened up from the beer or just crazy. Probably both.

We went into the barn where the four-wheeler was and he fired it up. It was big, and from what I understood he used it to pull around feed for when he was doing his chores. He detached the long wagon that trailed behind it and turned its the bright lights.

"Alright, get on behind me. Put your arms around me and hold on tight, but don't put your legs back too far or ya might get burnt. We're gonna go fast but as long as you're holdin' on to me ya ain't goin' nowhere."

"Alright." I said as I got on and sat myself behind him. I put my arms around him like he had told me and copped a feel of his strong abdominal area as he kicked it in drive and exited the barn. He lead us down beyond the pasture where the cows were into a large, open field where they grew wheat every other year. It was barren this year and once we reached it, Tanner turned off the lights.

"I know this place well enough that I don't need no light. Plus look, the moon's shinin' bright enough." he yelled over the engine of the 4wheeler. "Now hold on tight babe `cause this thang goes fast!"

He took off and though it was slightly bumpy, it was smooth enough that we could have been on a road if I hadn't known any better. I looked over his broad shoulder and saw the digital speedometer: 30 miles an hour. Holy shit!

"Oh my God!" I yelled ecstatically. The cool summer wind rushed past us as we sped through the field.

"That wasn't nothin'!" Tanner shouted as he began to accelerate even faster, till the speedometer read `45 miles per hour'. I nearly shat myself in shock. I didn't realize that this vehicle could go so fast with two of us on it. I held on even tighter to Tanner as he sped through the dimly lit field.

He eventually slowed down and came to a stop in the middle of the field. He unmounted the 4wheeler and looked at me, grinning.

"You're practically shakin'. Come here." he lifted me off the vehicle and hugged me.

"I don't see how you're not cold. That wind was chilly, and you don't even have a shirt on." I said.

"Well, my nipples are hard if that means anything." he grinned.

"Yeah, but your chest is warm. It's like your muscles are constantly producing heat. Well, except for today when you were shaking like a lost puppy in the lake's water.." I snickered.

"Hey, we don't talk about that." he smiled at me. "Besides, I got over it didn't I?" he momentarily hugged me a bit harder than what was comfortable. Payback's a bitch.

"We'll see how cold you get when you're stripped down to your underwear in the night time." I smirked at him and reached towards his camo pant's waistline.

"Woah there, slow down tiger." he put a rough hand where mine was and looked me deeply in the eyes.

"I can tell you want to kiss me. What's stopping you?" I asked quietly as I returned his look.

"If I start kissin' you now I don't know how easily I'll be able to stop." he said.

"Who said I'd want you to?" I replied daringly.

"You tell me." he said as he reached out an arm and easily turned me around so I was facing away from him. I felt him approach me from behind and put his chin on my shoulder. He turned my head around and met my lips with a powerful kiss that shook me up. He thrust his tongue in and out of my mouth and gently bit my lip. As we kissed more fiercely, he approached my backside more closely until I felt his crotch meet my ass.

I felt his manhood slithering to life through the fabric of his sweatpants until an obscene bulge was showing through. I looked behind me and involuntarily gasped as I observed the shape forming in his pants.

"Jesus..." I muttered.

"Ain't no part of me small." was all he said. Except he wasn't laughing or joking around. He was a hundred percent serious.

He gently stroked himself through his pants and said, "Go on, Tyler. Put your hand around it, if it'll fit."

What did he mean `if it will fit'? I reached out a nervous hand and felt his still growing manhood through his pants. I went to wrap a hand around its shaft, but it was too thick. I couldn't get my hand all around it and he just smiled. "Don't worry.. your hands ain't the biggest and my uh, well.. it's not that small either."

"You're something else.." I said as I let go of his manhood.

"Naw, that's you." he smiled at me as he put a meaty hand on the crotch of my jeans.

"Every part of you is perfect." he said to me with a fierce look of desire.

"Thanks.. but that can't be. Your body is much better and stronger than mine.." I said slowly.

"Shh.. maybe I'm stronger than you, but your body is so slender and beautiful. It's so fragile and delicate. I'm enamored with it." he said as he ran his hands over my slim abdomen and then to my hips.

Our eyes met and the tension in the air could have caused an earthquake. Tanner resumed kissing me and he began rubbing his dick through his camo pants. It got bigger and bigger until I feared it'd rip open his pants. I put my hand back at his waistline, but this time under different circumstances, and asked, "Can I..?"

"You have all the power, baby. It's in your hands." he smiled. I lowered his pants and was met by his masculine package, hanging distinctively low. His pubic hair wasn't shaven like most of the guys I'd ever seen naked. His bush was lightly trimmed, and his balls were full and round. He looked down at me and smiled as I took ahold of his bare, erect cock and put my lips to it.

I took in the sweaty, masculine scent of his private area as I got my first taste of his precum. I tried to take his cock all the way in my mouth but it was simply too long and thick. I did the best I could and he seemed pleased as he tilted his head back and groaning noises of ecstasy.

"Fuck yeah, baby." he said in his deep, redneck voice as he bucked back and forth. I saw his thighs flex with power with every back and forth motion he completed. My mouth, which hadn't been in this position in a while, was aching from being so wide open.

After a long while of me blowing his powerful tool, he began to breathe audibly. "I'm close baby." he warned me, but I just sucked harder. I wanted to feel one with Tanner. I wanted his man seed inside of me. I wanted to taste his masculinity on another level.

"Fuck." he said as he began bucking back and forth even harder, to the point that it was really making my jaws sore. He grabbed my head and forced it back and forth so each time his cock was hitting the back of my throat.

"Fuck here it comes." he said as he suddenly stopped. With the amount of semen that burst forth from his powerful cock, I was surprised that I did not drown right then and there. Long, thick ropes of cum shot continuously out of his cock for at least a good minute. It had filled up my mouth because I could not swallow fast enough, and overflowed onto my lips and face.

As he sighed with relief and pulled his still-hard cock out of my mouth, he lightly said, "Your turn." I looked at him in amazement. Few guys I had ever messed around' with had ensured that I got off too, even after they got off. I swallowed the rest of the cum which gave me a full' feeling. I wiped the rest off with my fingers and licked them clean.

"That is so fuckin' hot," Tanner said gruffly. "Tell me, Tyler, have you ever messed with a guy who had strong legs like mine?"

I looked at him curiously and said, "No, I don't think so. Why?"

He put a hand to my jeans and slowly unbuttoned them then removed them. He then let down my boxer briefs and looked me in the eyes. "This is why." he said as he got so close to me that our chests and cocks were touching. He put my cock between his thighs and very gently flexed. I felt the pressure from his muscular thighs on either side of my cock, but it left as quickly as it came. He kept doing this over and over until I felt like I was going to explode. He kept smiling at me gently as he gradually applied more and more pressure until I eventually gasped hollowly and looked down. He had brought me to an orgasm without me even having to touch myself, and when the cum erupted out of my cock, I shook with pleasure. He had grasped my hands and held them easily in place so I couldn't touch my cock, and all the while he just smiled at me.

"Please, no more." I said weakly after I finished cumming. My cock was always so sensitive after orgasming that I felt like I'd die if he touched me more. But he didn't stop. He continued to gently flex his thighs against my cock and I was half-laughing, half-crying with pleasure because the feeling was so immense.

He finally released me after torturing me some more and I fell to my knees.

Tanner fell to his back and brought me down so I was laying on his chest. "Wow." he said.

"`Wow' is right." I replied. Nothing more needed to be said about it. Our frames had just been rocked with such euphoria that neither of us had ever experienced.

"If there's one thing I'd love for you to promise me, it's that you'll never let me go." I told him.

He just laughed easily and said, "Tyler, if you knew what happiness you brought me, you wouldn't even have to ask that."

The moonlight danced across our bodies as we laid in that field, the first place I had ever felt Tanner's passionate touch like that. I felt so relieved that he hadn't gone running in the other direction after the fact, and that he continued to hold me there in his arms in the summer air. And finally, I found myself becoming more and more able to just let go and loosen up like I had been trying to all this time.

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