Love of an Angel

By moc.loa@3110nneD

Published on Jun 3, 1999


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Please note the following story is entirely fictional. It's the work of this author entirely. This story does not reflect in any way upon the characters of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, or the actor David Boreanaz. This is I repeat entirely fictional and not based on reality. Much as you or I the author the reader may wish other wise.

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Love of Angel

David Boreanaz Love Story

Ring-Ring , Ring Ring, went the phone. "Hello" I answered sleepily. "Yo Dennis, did I wake you up?" a familiar and too cheerful voice on the other end asked.

"I could happily kill you at the moment, Jeff" I replied, more annoyed by the moment. "Come on and get up the nights a wasting. Let's go out and party. The night is yet young Dennis." "Besides which I have an unbelievable surprise for you tonight Man!"

"Yeah! What? I just want to catch up on my sleep. You know I just finished to doubles in a row!" I replied, more than a little annoyed with him. "Oh come on Dennis, If I tell you it won't be a surprise will it. I promise you, you will be blessing my name and singing my praises If you come out with me tonight."

He wheedled. "You'll absolutely die if you don't come with me when you find out what you missed."

"All right. I will come, but it had better be good or you will die very slowly and painfully" I promised him. "All right. I will be right over, give me about fifteen minutes" he said.

"All right, I should be ready by then. I will see you." Now just so you know my buddy Jeff is as cute as they come, but unfortunately straight as they come as well. Can't have everything. Mean while I threw my self in the shower, shaved and got dressed in a hurry. Moments later he arrived.

"Looking good"

"Why thank you, Jeff, sure you don't want to try the other side."

"No thank you" He replied. "We may have to wait for a little bit for your surprise to arrive at the club."

"Tell me who," I asked, "I can't stand the waiting."

"Wait and see" is all Jeff would say.

Two Hours Later (approx. 10:30 or so.)

All of a sudden everyone's eyes turned towards the doors of the club. I was sitting in a darkened corner of the club at a candle lit table chatting with Jeff as I sipped my drink. I was catching my breath from some dancing earlier on and preparing to call it a night. When he walked in. Seeing my jaw drop, Jeff smiled and stood up. Waving he called out "David over hear, buddy" I stared in shock as none other than the one and only David Boreanaz walked over and sat down at my table. I tried to kick Jeff under the table as David sat down. He just gave me one of his mysterious smiles. As David sat down Jeff proceeded to provide introductions. David replied a twinkle in his eye, "I have heard so much about you Dennis, I feel as if I already know you."

"I hope only good things" I replied shooting a look at Jeff. "Although with Jeff you are safe disregarding most of what you hear." At this point Jeff excused himself from our company to let us get to know each other better he said.

"Dare I ask what Jeff has told you about me or shall I die of embarrassment now rather than later" I asked? "Only good things, I promise you" David replied. "I have been trying to get him to introduce me to you forever it seems"

"Really," I quipped back "I can't imagine why. I never even knew that he knew you at all."

"He and I are old friends, you could say."

"Is something wrong David? You seem a little distracted at the moment." I asked a little concerned. He started to reply and then stopped and began again. "It's just that I lost someone very special to me very recently. I just can't seem to let him go."

"I know what you mean. When you lose someone very close to you, it takes a long time to lay the grief to rest. They will always occupy a very special place in your heart. It takes a lot of time to even begin to heal a little" I replied softly. "I do have to admit to being glad that Jeff finally introduced us. He said you would be just the thing I needed. I think he's right although he can't imagine how right he is." David said softly, the last part so softly that I almost didn't hear it.

"So how long have you and Jeff been planning this little get together, I asked David" in a soft voice. "Never you mind" he replied with a twinkle in his eye once again Glancing at my watch, I suddenly realized how late it was.

"I hate to say this," I started to say.

"Then don't"

"But I have got to get going" I finished sadly.

"Why?" David asked.

"I have had too little sleep of late and have to get home to check up on my puppy. I don't know if my brother stopped in and took her out or not. Believe me, it's not the company. I love that, truly I do."

"I also have to unfortunately be at work tomorrow all too soon." Suddenly he leaned across the table grabbing my face between his two strong hands and kissing me long and deep on the lips.

"That only leaves one last question," he said at last, "your place or mine."

Part Two

I realized suddenly, that I had better start breathing. It felt like a dream come true, but was it? "All I have to say is if I am dreaming, please god don't let me wake up." I said, as David slowly reached across the table to kiss me deeply and passionately. I realized it had to be a dream didn't it? As the kiss continued and deepened even further, I grew lightheaded.

I realized that it was all too real. As the kiss slowly wound down to it's close I made my decision. "My place" I told David. "It's not a dream Dennis, " David replied softly " It will never end unless you want it to."

As we drove back, we could barely keep our hands off of eachother. As I fumbled with the key to the door. I felt his hot breath on the back of my neck, and felt his hands roaming all over me. Turning around suddenly, I pulled his face closer to me and returned his kiss of earlier that evening with equal passion.

As I pushed the door open. I pulled him inside swiftly. "What afraid that the neighbors will see?" David asked me. " Not at all" I replied, " Afraid that they will get jealous."

Pushing the door shut with my foot, I said "This way" leading David into my apartment. Heading towards the stairs that led to the sleeping loft.

I heard the sudden gasp of surprise as he saw my bedroom area. Underfoot was soft and silken carpet, plush enough to deaden any sound. In the center of the Bedroom was a huge canopy bed, replete with old-fashioned bed curtains drawn at the corners. Done up with silken sheets and plump pillows the bed was enough to fire even the simplest of imaginations. To either side of the bed were 5-candle candelabras sitting on dark cherry night stands. Just waiting to be lit for a romantic, and passionate evening. The skylight and wall to wall windows being the perfect finishing touch with the magnificent city sky line view.

"Do you like?" I asked.

"It's fantastic" David replied, moving closer to stand beside me. Gently he wrapped me in a soft embrace.

"Very few people have seen the view from up here" I replied relaxing in his arms. "I, I have been a bit of a recluse, I must admit" I told David.

"I know," he replied softly in my ear. "Jeff has told me all about you." Spinning around to face him in the circle of his arms I said to David "Let's leave the past and the future behind tonight and just live for the Moment."

"Let's" he replied begin to nibble gently on my ear. We quickly helped eachother disrobe, our clothes falling swiftly in less than neat piles on the carpet. Till nothing was left but beautiful naked skin. As we fell into bed, eagerly kissing, feeling, touching and groping eachothers bodies, in a frenzied passion. As our lips locked once more we knew we were meant to be together forever.

As I slowly laid a trail of kisses down his throat towards his left nipple. As my fingers gently stroked, and teased his right nipple my teeth and tongue did the same to his left. The low moans of pleasure I heard from him encouraged me. Slowly I laid a trail of kisses across his chest to go for his right nipple and let my fingers play with his left. Taking a break from this I resumed kissing him on the lips.

Softly I whispered in David's ear "The best is yet to come." Then I proceeded to lay a trail of kisses from the base of his throat downwards slowly trailing down to his navel. Pausing to slowly play with his belly button. Before proceeding down to the main course.

As I slowly stroked his shaft, I tickled the head of his cock with my tongue. Slowly I gently nibbled and sucked away on his cock. Tasting the pre-cum, which was starting to flow more freely. Licking slowly I proceeded to go and lick up and down the shaft.

Increasing my place, I fondled his balls slowly and fingered is hot hole. Feeling him tense, I knew his climax was nearly at hand. Increasing my pace I tugged gently on his balls even more. Feeling him tense I could tell he was just about to explode. With one final swipe of my tongue over the head of his cock. This pushed him over the edge. Feeling him explode I drank deeply of his delicious juices. As he slumped back in bliss. I pulled away at last after having drained the last of his juices.

Leaning up I kissed David full upon the lips. "What about you" David asked?

"Well what are you offering" I asked David?

"How about this" he replied proceeding to dive down on my 9" cock. I could only moan in pleasure as his seemingly expert lips, nips and sucking drew me rapidly towards the point of climax. After a few minutes that felt like an eternity.

"David" I moaned in pleasure, "look out. I am about to explode."

He happily kept sucking away and milking my cock. Swallowing the large load of my cum as it exploded out of me in volley after volley. Crawling up there to lay beside me once more we began to kiss anew. With our immediate needs fulfilled we had a long night ahead of us. Leaving lots of time for slow unhurried pleasure and passion to warm our very souls.

Part Three

Waking the next morning, I recalled the events of the previous night. It seemed like such a perfect dream. As I woke up further, I looked around. Had it only been a vivid dream after all. For I was lying alone in the bed. The only clothes on the floor were mine.

Slipping out of bed, I pulled on a soft, silken robe. Tying the sash, I proceeded to pad down stairs to look around. In the kitchen I found a note. `Denn, I went and took Annabelle, over by me. I figured that you could use the break and needed the rest. Love, Nate" So my beautiful puppy was over with my brother. Cool, I had been a little worried about that. Now for concern number #2. Was it all just a dream, last night?

Suddenly I heard the shower start up. Bulls-Eye. Obviously my guest had woken up before me, and was getting a shower. Now did I still have the makings for a lovely breakfast available? Looking in the refrigerator, I was pleasantly surprised. My brother hadn't wiped out my food. I quickly pulled some croissants out to warm, and the makings for one of my famous omelets. The juice was already chilling in the fridge. Did I still have some bacon in there yet, Perfect?

Humming to myself, I started the frying up the bacon and set the coffee to brewing. As the bacon started to crisp up nicely, I started whipping up the eggs for the omelets. Setting the oven to warm I placed the croissants on a baking sheet.

Popping the croissants in the oven, I pulled the bacon out of the pan to drain a little bit. Lowering the flame on the stove, I started the eggs a cooking.

I almost jumped out of my skin, as I felt a pair of strong arms snuggle me from behind. And a pair of soft lips nuzzles at my ears. "Need any help?" David asked softly.

"No," I replied. Turning around to plant a kiss on his lips. " I have everything under control. Why don't you throw on the spare robe I have upstairs in the bedroom." " You are awfully distracting in just that towel." I said grinning.

"Are you sure?" David asked, "I am very hungry and for more than just breakfast." " I was however hoping to make breakfast for you" he said.

"Next time, " I promised. " Besides, you'll need your strength very shortly." I said with a grin.

As he slipped upstairs, I finished pulling everything together. Moments later, He appeared once more. "Good Lord, what a repast for two" David said, "How did you ever pull it off?"

"I have some small skill, I must admit" I replied to David, blushing a little at the compliment. "Bon Appetit"

We proceeded to sit back and enjoy a leisurely breakfast. Our looks spoke volumes in and of themselves. We each had thoughts of what the future held to keep us smiling.

Last night had only been a pale preview of what was yet to come. Yet I could not help but be aware of David's reputation as strictly heterosexual. "David," I asked hesitantly.

Yes, he replied.

Are you gay? I would expect so after all we shared last night. But the way you act and look I would never have guessed.

I. Dennis I am. But this is the first time that I ever acted on my feelings. I have always fought what I felt before. I kept trying to act and be straight. It just hurt so much to keep on trying to live a lie.

When my friend, ended up dying because he was gay, it was just too much. I just had to get away from everyone and everything for a while. I realized that I had to eventually face up to the truth of who and what I am.

With all that Jeff had told me about you, I thought that you would be just the person to talk to. Someone who was gay, and out and supportive of those who were struggling with who and what they are. He told me a lot about you. I have to admit that he made you sound very attractive. I don't think he planned on that though, he said the last with a wink and a grin.

David, I hope you aren't expecting me to be some all-knowing and all wise fount of wisdom. I am human and just like you I am far from perfect. I have my flaws and imperfections. Believe me, I have more than a few.

That brings up the next biggie, David. What do we tell Jeff?

What do you mean, He asked me puzzled.

Well, he saw the two of us leave together, he may or may not have seen us kissing, and he is nosy as all hell. Plus he knows the fact that I have for a long time had a crush on you.

Well, why say anything at all?

Well he is a mutual friend, he did introduce us, and it's only polite. Besides knowing him he's being eaten alive with curiosity. I expect that he will probably be calling any moment. I replied, Just as the phone began to ring.

Hello Jeff , I answered the phone as I picked it up from beside me.

Your already awake, I am impressed Jeff said with a laugh. I expected that I would end up waking you up out of a sound sleep. So how did last night go? Hint, hint, hint.

Why whatever do you mean Jeff. I said rolling my eyes so David could see. You mean am I still going to kill you for your little surprise?

David flashed me a grin at that.

Why would you do that, Dennis? Didn't you enjoy my little surprise? Seriously, did you two have a good night last night?

Grinning, I responded, Why whatever do you mean Jeff? Is there something I should know??

No, Not at all Dennis. Is David there by any chance?

Why, yes he is. We just finished a nice leisurely breakfast and were just talking about you. Hold on a sec, Jeff.

Covering the receiver, I said softly, just play along for now David. You can always tell him later. I said as I handed the phone to him.

David nodded, as he said Morning Jeff, how are you?

Good, and you David? How was your night last night? He asked in a curious tone.

Fine, why do you ask?

I was just curious as to whether you two hit it off. Hint, hint, hint. I did see you two slip out together so I thought you might have ended up back at Dennis place.

We had a very nice time. We talked for a while both at the club and here at his place. Then we went to bed. That's all Jeff.

Were you perhaps expecting something more to happen Jeff, David asked in an odd tone of voice, somewhere between amused and annoyed.

Not at all, David, just wondering how you two got along is all. Jeff stammered out.

After all you were the one who introduced the two of us. David said in a deceptively soft tone of voice.

I'll catch up with you two later, Jeff said hurriedly, as he hung up.

Whew, one less worry. David said with a sigh of relief. Jeff's off our trail for the moment.

What, was he being his usual subtle self and nosy as all hell to boot again? I asked. You could always go and tell him David. He's perfectly cool with the idea. I know he won't blow your cover.

I know, but I worry if the wrong person should hear, or if someone gets a photo or any one of a million things could go wrong. I know he wouldn't blow my cover. Just let me think about it for a little while Dennis.

No problem, I replied. Now how about helping me throw these dishes in the dishwasher and we can see what we can do about the rest of the day. Once that's running I plan on getting a shower.

Mind if I join you David asked, a big grin upon his face.

You don't have to offer twice, I replied. With an even bigger grin upon my own. Let's go, I said as naughty little thoughts began to percolate through my brain.

Next: Chapter 2

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