Love of an Angel

By moc.loa@3110nneD

Published on Feb 10, 2000


As the pest, my brother and my new found lover all took seats and grabbed cups of coffee an onimous silence fell over the room. Each of us seemed to be lost in his own thoughts. deciding that the silence had allready stretched on for too long I spoke up suddenly. So what's going on that I have you two twerps pop up within minutes of eachother, planning something were you? I asked raising an eyebrow Spock-like.

Jeff and Nate exchanged sudden glances that confirmed my impression, I chuckeled mentally, let's see how they play this out I thought to myself.

What do you mean Denn, my brother asked with a semi innocent look upon his face, I just wanted to make sure you had a chance to rest before you had to deal with the two brats. he replied. Jeff just happened to pop over at the same time, total coincidence he finished off.

I know why your here Jeff. Never satisfied with the obvious are you? come on spill I figured that you two planned this out from the begining... so give over.

Who me, Jeff replied innocently playing it up for all it was worth.

Exchanging a wink with David we both burst out into gales of laughter. looking at eachother we kept laughing till we were red in the face and could barely catch our breaths. all the while Jeff and my brother were looking at us like we were loons.

Catching my breath I looked at David and caught his eye. and motioned gently for him to follow me. You will have to pardon me a second gentelman, I will be right back. I said excusing myself and putting the cup of coffee down.

Slipping out of the kitchen and sunroom, I heard David make his own excuses and follow me moments later. as he cleared the kitchen door, I grabbed him and spun him into a embrace. Looking into his eyes, I could tell his measure of merriment matched mine. speaking softly, I said that was too fun, wasn't it?

That it was, but what are we going to tell them Dennis, they know something is going on so what do we tell them? I think your brother recognized me as well.

Probably David, my love but he'd cut his tongoue out before he would betray a trust. But your right, what we tell them is up to you. Eventually you will have to come out, but it's up to you love. I replied looking him in the eyes and seeing the struggle in his mind and heart. Pulling down his face to mine I gave him a deep kiss, that told him that I loved him no matter what would lay ahead or could happen.Nothing would ever seperate us, that kiss told him.

Well shall we head back in before the natives come looking for us I asked, hesitantly not wanting this moment to end. Just take the lead and I will follow you for what we tell them.

Next Chapter.....

As we came back in David following behind me the conversation suddenly died. What's wrong boys, plotting behind my back again already I asked with a wink at them. You see David they are always so amusing in their attempts to keep setting me up with Mr. Right, or even Mr I Can Live With. But they have yet to achieve it, and I doubt they ever will.

As David took his seat I took a quick glance at his expression and could tell he was about to suprise me with something.

David suddenly cleared his throat and all eye's foccussed on him suddenly. I have a important statement to make to both of you, and I have a promise to ask of you as well. The promise is first, what I tell you goes no further than this room, unless I personally tell you it can. No talking about it on the phone or anything at all. Can you promise me that, he asked ending on a solemn note.

Of course, Jeff responded just a tad too quickly for my liking, and followed by my brother's speedy agreement.

Very well, then he said exhaling his breath slowly and looking down at his feet. I knew how tough this was going to be for him and mentally braced myself for what was to follow. I am gay, he said speaking softly but quickly to get it out all at once and be done with it. I have known that I was for a long time and have tried to not admit it to even myself let alone anyone I know. I have known Jeff since we were both fairly young and kept in touch with him forever, he told me all about Dennis and felt that the two of us should meet. Part of the reason is, was that I recently lost a very good friend of mine to ... he broke off suddenly as the pain of what had gone before overwhelmed him. taking a few deep breaths he paused a moment before continuing. I lost a person who was like a brother to me, he was gay and he was beaten to death because he was gay. It happened in school during gym class. He had been facing some teasing and taunting for a few weeks and someone had hit on him once too often and he just lost it. Within a few minutes he was dead, he was litterallly beaten to death and and even when he was dead they kept going. and pounding away at him.

Getting up I slid over to sit by David and pulled him close to me as he broke down once again. I knew what he was feeling and just held him tight as Jeff and Nate slipped out to talk in the living room as I held him.

Gently rocking back and forth with David in my arms I helf him and just let him cry it all out. Softly encouraging him to let it go and just cry it out I held him for what seemed like an eternity. slowly his tears and sobs slowed down. He just held me tight as I had held him for the whole time.

I know David, my love I know. It was a horrible thing to have happen, but you have to trust me he's in a better place now and he know's no pain anymore. Your still here among the living. you can make a difference if you want and if your up to it. For now you don't have to do anything I am here and I will keep you safe forever.

Next chapter.....

Meanwhile while David sobbed and let the pain and heartache out in the kitchen in the arms of his new found lover, in the living room another conversation was taking place. One about the two lovers in the kitchen and what the two had learned.

As Nate shook his head in disbelief at what he had just heard, he was saying to Jeff, I can't believe it. Is that who I think it is in the kitchen with my brother, come on Jeff you have to spill.

With a smart ass grin plastered on his face, Jeff replied. Well if you mean is that David Boreanaz, who play's Angel on both Buffy the Vampire Slayer and now on his own show of Angel, why yes it is.

Rolling his eyes, my brother just shook his head in disbelief. I just can't believe this is happening. He muttered, I can't freaking believe it.

Chuckling softly, Jeff replied, well now do you see why I asked you if you could sneak his pups out for the night last night. I told you I had a perfect date to set him up with. I suspected that David was gay for a while now and I knew he was very intrested in Dennis, as I had told him a lot about him, so it was a perfect oppurtunity. I knew that David had lost his friend, but not the details behind it. I know how much Dennis is alone and how much he cares for David, with out even knowing him. So I took a chance and threw them together.

Looking at Jeff, nate just shook his head in amazement. I can't believe you did this. If it hadn't worked out you know he would have killed you on the spot.

I know Jeff replied calmly, but I knew it would work out.

Next Chapter.....

I am so sorry, Dennis, I didn't mean to break down like that. David spoke softly his voice partially muffeled by my shirt. David don't I said, you are only human like me, you can't do everything and be perfect all the time. You had to let this go sometime or it would have eaten you alive I replied gently stroking his back to relax him.

To Be continued.....

What come's next, how do Jeff and Nate handle the truth of David's coming out, will David forgive Dennis for the attack of the puppies from earlier on? How will David survive the heart ache of loosing his friend and what problems the future holds.....

As alwasy, feel free to write me at You can IM me if your on AOL or have the AIM program from aol under Conundrum1977 or Saphireflame. Please do let me know what you think. I promise a personal response to every letter that you send. Flames will be read, laughed at, and if really funny passed around. Then they will be delteted. Feel free to ask me what every you want, not all questions will be answered though so be polite and if you want to know what's going to happen in the future with the story sorry you just have to read on. This story, photos of David and other works in progress and photo's are located at

Please feel free to visit the website if you want.

Next: Chapter 5

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